Robust Decentralized Turbine/Governor Distribution ... - IEEE Xplore

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Author Affiliation: Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA. Abstract: A new scheme ... Author Affiliation: IIT Bombay, Bombay Mumbai, India. Abstract: This paperĀ ...
lation damping. In general, all CSC configurations improve voltage, small signal, and transient stability margins of the system. The performance of the individual devices resulting from CSC configurations and their capabilities in the studied cases is presented. It is shown that the CSC in conjunction with three fixed capacitor banks at three other substations can increase the system power transfer limit by up to 31 OMW. Keywords: FACTS, CSC, STATCOM, SSSC, UPFC, IPFC, voltage security, eigenvalue analysis, transient stability. Preprint Order Number: PE-OIOPRS (04-2002) Discussion Deadline-: September 2002

Transi'Lent Security iDspatch for the Concurrent OptiIzation of lural Postulated Contingencies Bruno, S.; De Tuglie, E.; La Scala, M. Author Affiliation: Politecnico Di Bari, Bari, Italy Abstract: The implementation of a transient security dispatch (TSD) algorithm for real-time applications is presented. The algorithm, based on the generalized reduced gradienit (GRG) method, processes collectively a set of contingencies in order to ensure transient stability for all postulated cases. The massive computation has been decomposed on a cluster of workstations, exploiting the decoupled nature of the GRG method and the benefits of distributed computing. The feasibility of the implementation is shown through tests on a realistic-sized test network.

Keywords: Transient security dispatch, dynamic security assessment, preventive control, distributed computing. Preprint Order Number: PE-184PRS (04-2002) Discussion Deadline: September 2002

Robust Decentralized Turbine/Governor Control Using Linear Matrix Inequalities Siljak, D.D.; Stipanovic, D.M.; Zecevic, A.I. Author Affiliation: Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA Abstract: A new scheme is presented for the robust decentralized stabilization of multimachine power systems based on linear matrix inequalities (LMI). The proposed method is computationally efficient and can easily incorporate additional design requirements. The efficiency of this control strategy is illustrated on the IEEE 39 bus system for a variety of large disturbances. Experimental results indicate that transient stability can be significantly improved with this approach. Keywords: Robust control, linear matrix inequalities, power systems, nonlinear systems, Lyapunov stability. Preprint Order Number: PE-263PRS (04-2002) Discussion Deadline: September 2002

Application of Structure Preserving Energy Margin Sensitivity to Determime the Effectiveness of Shunt and Serles FACTS Devices Shubhanga, K.N.; Kulkarni, A.M. Author Affiliation: IIT Bombay, Bombay Mumbai, India Abstract: This paper presents a structure preserving energy margin

sensitivity based analysis to determine the effectiveness of FACTS devices to improve transient stability of a power system. A structure preserving energy model, which retains the topology of the network, is used to derive simple analytical expressions for improvement in energy margin due to series or shunt compensation. The expressions are in terms of current magnitude through a line for series compensation and voltage magnitude at a bus for shunt compensation. Therefore, these expressions are easy to interpret in the context of applying compensation at strategic locations. The proposed method is applied to a four machine, 10 bus system and a 10 machine, 39 bus New England system, and its validity is demonstrated through time domain simulations both for classical and detailed model with AVR for generators. Keywords: Power system transient stability, structure preserving energy function, energy margin, FACTS devices.

IEEE Power Engineering Review, July 2002

Preprint Order Number: PE-421PRS (04-2002) Discussion Deadline: September 2002

Power System


Market Plurality and Manipulation: Performance Comparison of Independent System Operators Nakashima, T.; Nimura, T. Author Affiliation: University of British Columbia, Vancouver,

British Columbia, Canada Abstract: In this paper, the authors present three different models that represent the coordinating functions of existing independent system operators (ISOs) and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. Max-ISO is a centralized operator based on the pool model, and mm-ISO is a decentralized operator based on the bilateral model. Mix-ISO is positioned in-between, having multiple power exchanges or bilateral contracts. The performance of the different ISOs is compared by the total social welfare and the vulnerability to market manipulation. A numerical example is presented to compare the performance of different ISOs. The max-ISO is considered to be the most efficient model theoretically, but it does not necessarily provide the best market in terms of vulnerability to market manipulation. Keywords: Deregulation, ISO, congestion, social welfare, power exchange market, and market manipulation. Preprint Order Number: PE-318PRS (04-2002) Discussion Deadline: September 2002

Transition to an Electricity Market: A Model for Developing Countries Leeprechanon, N.; David, A.K.; Moorthy, S.S.; Liu, F. Author Affiliation: Thammasat University; Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Royal Melboume Insutitute of Technology; Southeast University Abstract: Market-oriented restructuring of the electricity supply industry (ESI) in the West has led to a realization of the need for reform and competition in developing countries as well. However, there are fundamental differences between the two cases regarding the maturity of the ESI structure, economic priorities, and the role of the state in development. This paper, therefore, synthesizes a model of reform that is sensitive to these realities. Consequently, the outlook is different from the prevailing tendency to simply transpose experience from elsewhere. The core issue that we identify is the approach to the transmission system. Thailand, since it is of medium size and reform oriented, is used as the main reference point, but short sections on Sri Lanka and China are included to widen the relevance of the discussion. Keywords: Power market, transmission entity, transition, developing countries, Asia, privatization Preprint Order Number: PE- 157PRS (04-2002) Discussion Deadline: September 2002

Standard Levels of Energy Losses in Primary Distribution Circuits for SCADA Application Khodr, H.M.; Molea, J.; Garcia, I.; Hidalgo, C.; Paiva, P; Yusta, J.M.; Urdaneta, AJ. Author Affiliation: Universidad Simon Bolivar; AES Venezuela-Electricidad de Carcas; General Electric; Universidad Central de Venezuela; Universidad de Zaragoza Abstract: The reduction of energy losses in distribution systems is an important issue during planning and operation with important technical and economical implications. The standard or normal level of energy losses in primary distribution circuits represents an important indicator for the planning and operation of electrical distribution circuits. It de57