Entered as second-class matter,. December 7, 1909. at the postoffice, at
Rochester, N. Y., under the Act of. March 8, 1879. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8,
Coldwater, prop in Gates, $1, Kirchgessner and wife; dated Dec 16, 1931. r v $8. Rochester Sav Bk to Marion R Rochester Sav Bk to Giuseppe KttablUk»d 1908 Mangiavillano, 22 Fifth st, lotMcChesney, e t al; dated Sept 23, A B a l l y K e r a l a * Wowapapw 68, Willmont subd, n s Willmont 1923. FiibUihA b * st, $1, r v $3. Tomack Subsidiary, Inc, to DAILY RECORD COMPANY Rochester Tr & Safe Dep Co to Madeline M Goeltz; dated May 24, M Worth W i t n •*,, BoohuMr, V. T. Wm A Pottinger and wife, 73 1927. Vhoav, fMoao M M Brookfleld rd, lot 2, J & S Le Monroe Co Sav Bk to Byron W * OFFICERS Roy subd, n s Blossom rd, $1, rv Palmer and wife; dated J a n 23, I N ESTATE MANAGEMENT Ooatlaaod from pace 1 EXEMPTION ALLOWED HEAD Ooattaaad from page 1 John D. L y n n President $3. 1925. Harvey F . R e m i n g t o n Treasurer OF A FAMILY Ed*ar W . S t r a t t o n S e c r e t a r y Rowley, Burt C, to James ManGrace C Lindsay to Martin tribunal a court of record. A mo- have been introduced in the LegA head of a family is denned gene, e t al, 102 Campbell st, lot Howland and wife; dated July 29, tion, made by Grover C. Brad- islature as follows: by income-tax regulations as "an OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER street Jr. that the association ap3, s s Harborview ter, $1, r v 50c. 1921. Assemblyman Anthony J. Can- individual Published e a c h b u s i n e s s morning, who actually supports and delivered b y mall a n d c a r r i e r , Schafer, Orpha K, et ano, by ref, Grace C Lindsay to Laura B propriate $300 for this purpose, ney and Senator Jeremiah F. and maintains in one household CONOMY in estate management this newspaper specializes In t h e was tabled. to Monroe Co Sav Bk, lot 162,McGuire; dated July 30, 1913. Twome, amending the Workmen's one or more persons who are news of city, c o u n t y a n d F e d e r a l City Court Judge Arthur L. Compensation Law, providing that public offices, c o u r t s , b o a r d s a n d Plan of Building Lots a t Eastcomes from knowing how, and havGrace C Lindsay to Laura B commissions, and real estate, bulldWilder announced that he hasthe premium rate for the State closely connected with him by side, Rosewood ter, $1000, r v $1. McGuire; dated June 10, 1915. inf, credit, financial, commercial, blood relationship, relationship by ing adequate equipment. The long exautomobile, i n s u r a n c e a n d other news Schwartz, Arthur J, to Norman C Grace C Lindsay to Wm D Mc- been working out a "streamlined" Workmen's Compensation F u n d marriage, or by adoption, and of general i n t e r e s t In R o c h e s t e r and adaptation of the Civil Practice shall be established by rating Klafehn and wife, Hamlin, prop Guire and wife; dated July 29, Western N e w York. I t h a s been perience and complete facilities of this designated official n e w s p a p e r f o r t h e in Hamlin, $1. Act to City Court procedure, but authority created in the Insur- whose right to exercise family 1918. control and provide for these d e courts of M o n r o e C o u n t y a n d Is t h e official m e d i u m t o r t h e publicatotn of Van Zile, Fayette W, et al, by ref, Yale Parce to Charles Kenney, urged that the association refrain ance Department, a n d that em- pendent individuals is based upon Bank make for economical liquidation all notices required u n d e r t h e Fed* from hasty action in preparing ployments may be divided into to Monroe Co Sav Bk, lot 58, et ano; dated Feb 11, 1931. some moral or legal obligation." eral B a n k r u p t c y A c t . or conservation of estates. map for Fairchild & Rockfellow Emily E Baker, by exr, tolegislation to effect a change un- classifications and groups with r e The exemption allowed a head Edgar W . S t r a t t o n Editor and til further study is made. Apgard for differences in industry tr, n s Locust st, $500, r v 50c. Mason Cole and wife; dated Mar General Manager pointment of Judge Wilder as anand hazards. (Senate Int. No. 888. of a family is $2,500. The phrase K. Willis S t r a t t o n . . A s s o c i a t e E d i t o r 1, 1917. "in one household" may be intera n d B u s i n e s s Manager Elbert H Carver, as trustee, to additional member of the Legisla- Assembly Int. No. 1140.) preted as meaning the taxpayer's tive Committee was announced Mortgages Assemblyman R. Foster Piper, personal residence, an apartment, Frank H Melville, et ano; dated VsMoaal Editorial Association by Charles Van Voorhis. Bar amending the Insurance Law r e Feb 21, 1933. Recorded yesterday 9 rooms in a boarding house, hotel, president. lating t o liquidation, rehabilita- etc. Rochester Sav Bk to Rosenia Recorded a year ago . . . . . 6 Junior Bar Program tion, reorganization or conservaOfshlager, by exr, et al; dated T e r m s of s u b s c r i p t i o n , T e n D o l l a r s Under certain circumstances it A 10-point program of interest tion of insurers doing business in July 26, 1929. per y e a r in a d v a n c e o r in s e m i - a n n u a l Coulson, Cutler J and wife, to is not necessary that the taxpayer Installments i n advance. to the younger members of themore than one state and making C O M P A N Y OF R O C H E S T E R First Federal Sav & L Assn, Under n o c i r c u m s t a n c e s will a n y and his dependents live under one Rochester Bar was suggested by uniform the laws with reference Judgment, d e c r e e o r o t h e r m a t t e r of prop in Penfield, $10,500. roof during the entire taxable record b e w i t h h e l d from publication Cushing, Thomas Martin and wife, Assignment of Mortgages the Advisory Committee to thethereto. (Assembly Int. No. 1130.year in order that the taxpayer by this n e w s p a p e r . A Marine Midland Bank Junior Bar in a report read by Same as Senate Int. No. 757.) Entered a s second-class m a t t e r , Helen M Defendorf, by exr, to to Eastman Sav & L Assn, lot may be allowed the exemption. If December 7, 1909. a t t h e postoffice, o 13, Graybar addn, e s Benning- Harriet Defendorf; assigns 2 mort- Paul Folger, a member of that at Rochester, N. Y., u n d e r t h e A c t of the common home is maintained committee. A discussion of the March 8, 1879. gages, bearing different dates and ton dr, $3850. and the parent is away on busiprogram was requested for a later Entress. Joseph, to First Federal amounts, made by various parties. ness or a child is away a t school meeting. Eugene Raines is chairTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1940 Sav & L Assn, prop in Gates, Charles H Baker, by exr, to or on a visit, the exemption is a l Mason Cole and wife; dated Mar man of the Advisory Committee. $12,500. lowable. Reporting as chairman of a Continued from p a r e 1 Hall, Ruth S, to First Federal Sav 1, 1917. Moreover, if a parent is obliged committee studying the neighbor& L Assn, lot 50, resubd part to maintain his dependent chilhood law office plan, as carried j Feinberg with him on the brief), Huntington Hills tr, $10,000. Prompt, accurate and confidential assistance. Reasonable rates. dren with relatives or in a boardout in Philadelphia under sponsor\ for the respondent, James, John W and wife, to Fairship of the Lawyers Guild of that | Hagarty, J.—The testator, Frank ing house, while he lives elsewhere, port Sav & L Assn, prop in city, John J. Reilly advised that! Gorham, Sr., died on the 17th of the exemption still applies. If, Henrietta, $2200. Mnaneial Counsel no action be taken by the Roch- j March, 1918, leaving him surviv- however, without necessity, the Klafehn, Norman C and wife, to 1214 L I N C O L N A L L I A NCE B A N K BLDG. S T O N E 187 dependent makes his home elseing three sons, Frank Gorham, Jr., Western District ester Bar at present. It was deCertificate To Do Business Arthur C Schwartz, prop in where, the benefactor is not the Walter Durbrow Gorham and cided that this committee be con30365—Vol—Matter of George Hamlin, $1650. Under an Assumed Name Mangiavillano, Giuseppe, to Roch- W Lundquist, musician, R D Notinued for further investigation ! George Arthur J3orham, and twohead of a family. X.SOAX.8, TXRST ZNSXKTZOV Muh:- Brothers Dairy Co, 82 ester Sav Bk, lot 88, Willmont 1. Jamestown. Liabilities $1380.34,! of the plan. .grandchildren Frank M. Gorham | The same rule is applicable to e s t e r in said C o u n t y of Monroe a n d Conkev ave—Rynex L Cass, 139 subd, n s Willmont st, $1700. assets $40, secured claims $255.1 Approved for membership in the I » £ * HiargM»t Gornani utena.. the term l i v i n g together" i s the S t a t e of N e w York, deceased, a n d r e Renout d r . Petition dated Feb 6, filed Feb 6. i Bar Association, by vote of the children °* the son George Arthur I case of a husband and wife. If l a t i n g to both r e a l a n d personal Pottinger, Wm A and wife, to p r o p e r t y , h a s lately m a d e application Lester W Berglund, atty for banki members, were Assistant District w r o a m . u i t n e s e survivors of occasionally and temporarily the Howard C Dana & Co, 410-416 Rochester Tr & Safe 'Dep Co, lot Dr. Elmer A. K. Culler of the t o t h e S u r r o g a t e ' s C o u r t of t h e CounGranite bldg — Howard C Dana, | Attorney Alan M. Hill, Anthony! tlK * € testator the grandson, Frank h u s b a n d i s a w a y o n business or Monroe, t o h a v e said i n s t r u 2. J & S Le Roy subd, n s Blos- rupt, Jamestown. Department of Psychology, Uni- tmye nof t x 0 r n a m c l i e d o n t n e 9 t d a M. t proved and r e c o r d e d a s a Will 111 East ave; Frank S Dana, 50 30366 —Vol —Matter of Harry! G. D'Amanda and W. Earl Smith.! **• . J_ , E 7 ! the wife on a visit, the common som rd, $2500. personal a n d r e a l e s t a t e , y o u , a n d of July, 1933, andI the son, Frank j being maintained, the $2,500 versity of Rochester, will speak of Cathav/ay pk; Raymond H Dana, Trombetta, Rosemary, et ano, toButcheri, laborer, 646 Second st, I each of you a r e c i t e d t o s h o w c a u s e ' r-^-i,.,™ T~ ™ «,« o-7+v, ^* A,. h o m e at a joint meeting of the Rochbefore t h e S u r r o g a t e of t h e C o u n t y 33 Westchester ave. _ ., _ ' ..... *..._„., „„ i Cxorham, Jr., on the 27th of Au- exemption still applies. T h e u n - ester Section, Institute of Radio of Monroe, Mary Frank, by exr, part lot ... a t h i s office in t h e City Croydon Rochester Clothes, 82 Rochester, in s a i d C o u n t y of Mon19. Lee tr, N Clinton ave, S3000. Niagara Falls. Liabilities $1301.39, ing & Heating Service, plumbers. j g u s t ; 1 9 3 7 i i e a v i n g n o children avoidable absence of husband or Engineers, and the Rochester En- of roe, New York, on t h e St Paul st—Julius J Andersen. assets $300. Petition dated Feb 1, J D Deloreto, 74 Santee st. Re- him surviving. T h e appellant wife at a sanatorium does not pre- gineering Society tonight in The 12TH DAY O F M A R C H , 1940, clude the exemption. But if the 3227 St Paul blvd. O'CLOCK i n t h e forenoon of for bankrupt, Niagara Falls atty j Plumbing filed Feb 6. Carl J Amato, new closet &bend, etc. Kalabry ^e granddaughter, MarHeating Service, j gn ae r e t i sGorham Olena, and shehusband continuously makes his Sagamore. His subject will be at ht a t10day, Bill of Sale w h y t h e s a i d Will a n d Case's. 1151 Culver rd — Case 30367—Vol—Matter of Francis plumbers. claims as t h e sole presumptive T e s t a m e n t should n o t b e a d m i t t e d t o "Hearing." Michele Martone t o Anthony D Adams, maintenance worker home at one place and the wife a t Foggetti, 104 Grand ave. p r o b a t e a s a will of r e a l a n d perL S Lee, 633 Averill ave. Sewer j owner of a one-half interest in Dr. Culler will use motion pic- sonal property a n d L e t t e r s T e s t a Decker Barber Shop, 306 Plym- | Martone, a,ll and any right, title and superintendent, 11 Chadduck repair. Charles Becker, plumber, j the next eventual estate of theanother, they are not living t o e n t a r y issued t o C l a r a Belle W i l gether within the meaning of the tures and slides to illustrate pro- m outh ave S—Albert G Decker. 11 and interest he may have in the st, Buffalo. Liabilities $894.02, as- Folmer Graflex Co, 154 Clarissa j deceased son, Frank, J r . liamson. A n d if a n y of t h e aforecedures used on animals and the said p e r s o n s a r e u n d e r t h e a g e of "Valley View Creameries", $1. Bel ford dr. sets $100. Petition dated Feb 2, st. 1 sink, 1 drinking fountain. I The testator, by 'his will, divid- Internal Revenue Code. twenty-one y e a r s , o r i n s a n e o r otherapplication of these procedures to w Schrader & Browny, Webster— i s e incompetent, t h e y will pleasefiled F e b 6. Hull, Hammond & James J De Witte, plumber. j ed his estate into four equal parts, such sensory problems as hearing. t a k e notice t h a t t h e y a r e required to Walter Schrader. Webster; Bruno Discharge Chattel Mort- Goldstein, attys for bankrupt, one of which he gave t o each of A great deal of research work has a p p e a r by t h e i r g e n e r a l g u a r d i a n , if L l O l t IOYIOBI WisnfMwski, Webster have one, a n d if t h e y have none, his three sons and the fourth h e Buffalo. gage been done on this subject at the they thnt they a p p e a r a n d a p p l y for t h e Grieger Brothers, 4^ Canmoar N O T I C E TO S T O C K H O L D E R S divided into tnree parts, one part 30368 — Vol — Matter of Grant Lincoln-Alliance Bank & Trust University of Rochester, and D r . ^ P P o m t m e . ^ a f •jgjgjfgg. id—Herman Grieger, 43 Cinnabar representing each son. These Obevy, laborer, 67 Ridge rd, N o t i c e is hereby given of t h e a n -Culler, formerly of the University f a i l u r e to d o so, a s p e c i a l g u a r d i a n rd; Paul Grieger, 104 Owaissa dr. Co to Walter A Watkins, dated Lackawanna. Liabilities $419. P e ~J | parts, being each one-twelfth of n u a l m e e t i n g of t h e s t o c k h o l d e r s of be appointed b y t h e S u r r o g a t e t h e Iiincoln P a r k Land C o m p a n y , of Illinois, is noted throughout will o r e p r e s e n t a n d a c t f o r t h e m in t h e Bon-Ton Dress Shop, 72 Main Apr 8, 1939. mu u mmti^.' 1 n~ •. i the estate, h e gave to his executor Inc., t o b e heid at_295 Aldine S t r e e t , the country for his work in this tnrneeedings tition dated Feb 5, filed Feb 6. f o r t h e p r o b a t e of said chols 2 N e w xork, on Monday, st —Matty Shifter, Brooklyn; Al , , 2 ? °Highland » - a l i M J N ,ave, 'and * \Mary l a w y -A I ' ! t o be held during the lives of his FReobc rhueas tr eyr , 12, Abraham Zeller, atty for bank- 1760 Will. 1940, a t 3:30 o'clock in field. Shifter. Astoria. L I. In t e s t i m o n y whereof, we rupt, Lackawanna. o o n for t h e p u r p o s e of Chattel Mortgages Van Allen, 23, 284 Westminster sons respectively, in trust "for the et hl eec t ianfgt e r ndirectors h a v e c a u s e d t h e seal of t h e for t h e ensuing 30369—Vol — Matter of Irving benefit of a n y child or children y e a r a n d f o r t h e t r a n s a c t i o n of s u c h Surrogate's Court of t h e Filed February 7 rd.™ , „ -« ^ &saA»s, r m s r IHS: TXOBT . County of M o n r o e t o be h e r e . , —•-+- 3 i I *%l*f J^ay **" of each o* said sons Ottier b u s i n e s s a s m a y p r o p e r l y come Bernard Rosenthal, inspector, R F _!_!_ to affixed. ± To Credit Acceptance Corp— Carl H Raaney, Jr, 26, u n d * - j «|urviving his death." No disposi b e f o r e s u c h meeting. w i t h t h e C r o s m a n T e r r a c e line of t h e {L. S.) Discontinuing Business Hunter D No 1, Eden. Liabilities $2202.61, cutter, W i t n e s s , H o n . J o s e p h M. ARTHUR S. BRAYER, 27 Cornell st, and Harriett tion was made of the income of Bros auto $115. lot) m u s t n o t b e erected n e a r e r t h a n Feely, Surrogate of said Secretary. assets $75, secured claims $110. eight (8) feet from t h e C r o s m a n County, a t t h e C i t y of RochA Drexel. 19, 212 Curlew st. Under Assumed Nattie To Goodrich Silvertown Stores the trust funds during the lives of T e r r a c e line of the. lot. ester, t h i s fifth d a y of F e b Petition dated Feb 1, filed Feb 7. Edward H Schroeder, 22, Kodak I those measuring the estates. As Being a p o r t i o n of t h e s a m e p r e m r u a r y in t h e y e a r of o u r Lord, Croydon Rochester Clothes — —Howard Cole 2158 E Main st 34 Bankrupt in person. one t h o u s a n d nine hundred ises conveyed b y Daniel B. S u t e r Chrys imp $26.75; Herb Humphrey worker, 82 Turpin st, and Evelyn j to each of such shares the will X.BOAX.S. TXRST rNSXBTXOH Thomas P DiPasquale. and forty. and Nellie J . Suter, h i s wife, a n d E Stehler, 20, 196 Driving Park further provided that "in t h e F r e d e r i c S. C o v e n t r y a n d M a r i e t t a S. RAY C. SCHA10FKR, O'Brien's Cash Market—Joseph 37 Buick cp $67.90; Carro JackNorthern District SUMMONS B Y P U B L I C A T I O N Coventry, h i s wife, t o N a t h a n N a t a Deputy Clerk S u r r o g a t e ' s Court. son 293 Clarissa st 37 Buick ave. I event of any one or more of said A bra'-13 m Cohen. pow, one of t h e m o r t g a g o r s , b y w a r P e r s o n a l a p p e a r a n c e i s n o t neces28443—Vol—Matter of Clifford $79.32; Mrs Jennie Mascaro 32 o j sons (dying) not leaving children S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K — S U P R E M E r a n t y deed d a t e d May 22d, 1915, a n d s a r y unless y o u d e s i r e t o file ob9 Sanhein, mail carrier for U S recorded in Monroe C o u n t y Clerk's jections. [ survivin him to b e COURT—COUNTY O F M O N R O E . Ford vict $61.85; Ruth J McDonald u ii as cr h n aarrm g e* C c oonnttrraa cc tt C < .ooni idmi .- a d < J e d ^S a n d b -e c o m e p rforthwith Government, 270 Eighth st, Troy. D V i l l a g e of E a s t R o c h e s t e r , P l a i n - Office on M a y 29th, 1915, in Book No. S t e w a r t & Spencer, A t t o r n e y s for oporti0n_ 39 Ford tdr $18.80. 1 Petitioner, 312 K U w a n g e r & P.arry Fireman's Exemption tiff, v s . L a u r a Coffenberg. B e u l a h 956 of Deeds, a t page 301. Liabilities $1408.77, assets $200 T o g e t h e r w i t h t h e a p p u r t e n a n c e s ' Bldg., R o c h e s t e r , N e w York, M_a r_j o_r _ i e _ „Coffenberg and others. t i o n a l S a l e s • ately a part of the share or shares, , To Provident Loan Society— and all t h e e s t a t e and rights Lienn F Flagg. Defendants t h e m o r t g a g o r s in ;ind to said Charles Hughes e t ano 693 Culver ($200 claimed exempt). The National Cash Register Co I as the case may be, held in trust, To , t h e y ' v e " named Defendant-: m - off AVCTZOXr premises. A n d also t o g e t h e r with I'd furniture $200; John Deritis t o Fred Schlenker, dated Jan 19.1 f o ^ h e * * « ? * J 5 * 5 ~ J ™ £ L I s t 4.. T .t h e complaint all fixtures, c h a t t e l s , e l e v a t o r s a n d NOTICE on, By virtue of d e f a u l t on a, condiThe learned surrogate, in this a n d t o s e r v e a. copy ofiny ot hu ir s a nactii 1938. s w e r , a r t i c l e s a t t a c h e d t o , n o w o r h e r e - tional s a l e s c o n t r a c t held b y t h e All papers filed up to and in-377 J a y st 33 Ford cp $60. after, o r used in connection w i t h accounting proceeding involving or if t h e complaint is n o t s e r v e d said p r e m i s e s , o r t o a n y pipes fir C. I. T. C o r p o r a t i o n , a s s i g n e e , a n d cluding February 5, 1940. are To Nathan J Goldberg—Jack w i t h t h i s s u m m o n s t o s e r v e a notice executed b y Wi'lMam A. C o n n o r s , vena Wconstruction of h e will, held t h e r e i n f o r t h e p u r p o s e of dee, Schuster 33 Ford sed $40. J Cl i l l ? *•*• U V . M V / 1 1 V -L t V»«V* • -*-**» i l V A U of a p p e a r a n c e , on t h e plaintiff's a t - fixtures the u n d e r s i g n e d w i l l eell on t h e now ready for delivery. heating, l i g h t i n g , or a s p a r t of t h e t o r n e y w i t h i n t w e n t y d a y s a f t e r t h e To Cool Chevrolet Corp—Ivan 13th DAY O F F E B R U A R Y , 1940, Miscellaneous Conditional jviolated that the the provisions of these trusts plumbing therein, or for a n y other s e r v i c e of t h i s s u m m o n s e x c l u s i v e of AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M., statutes against per t h e d a y of service. I n c a s e of y o u r p u r p o s e a p p e r t a i n i n g t o t h e u s e o r Pickett 67 Austin st Ford cp $15. Electrical Permits Sales of s a i d premises, a t 32 N. Union S t r e e t , Rochester, f a i l u r e to a p p e a r o r a n s w e r , j u d g - i m p r o v e m e n t petuities because of the crossTo Dorothy Q Davin—Martin J New York, one F e d e r a l Tractor, Contractor, D o n W Pringle; Deeds Filed February 6 a g a i n s t y o u b yw h e t h e r s u c h c h a t t e l s h a v e o r would , remainders, and determined that dmeefna tu l twillf o rb et htaken Davin 154 Earl st 36 Ford tdr owner, Don Pringle, 1795 South become p a r t of said p r e m i s e s a n d ? J ^ « J f t L " * H L 5 ^ i I I YiJw e relief d e m a n d e d In George Ponser Co of N Y, Inc— the attempted testamentary pro- t h e complaint. Recorded yesterday 23 fixtures b y s u c h a t t a c h m e n t t h e r e t o , ^ L f f i umm ^ L S K E ? NS L ^ ^ m S ? $300. ave; 5 lights, lower rear apart- Michael Melnyk 30 Lowell st vision was wholly void and that ' Peb' T r i a l t o be held in t h e C o u n t y of or not, a l l of which a r e deHarert t o . J*^JS£f * Recorded a year ago 33 To Heinrich Motors, Inc—Jos- ment only. Monroe. be covered b y t h i s m o r t g a g e I r u a r y 8, T. i»*u. T. CORPORATION, phonograph throne $293.62. as to this one-fourth of the residDated. F e b r u a r y 7, 1940. B a t e d t h i s 12th d a y of December, eph Hanczak 56 Klein st 37 Chev By: K. F . MUNCH, Contractor, P h i l i p LoPresti; Rudolph Bros, Inc—Arthur G uary estate the testator died i n - 1939, Boice, Alice Mae, to Village of $11.60. ISAAC BRICKNKR, B r a n c h Office M a n a g e r . C A R L T O N F . BOWN, owner, Frank Paparone, 131 WilRefere«. Stevenson 55 S Washington st testate and directed distribution Churchville, prop Is ChurchPlaintiff's Attorney, To Associates Discount Corp— kins st; 4 lights. Farren. H e r r l c k k T h a c h e r , Plain- NOTICE i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t License Office a n d P o s t Office A d d r e a s , rings $99.50; Robert E Wagner of the estate accordingly. ville. $1, rv $3,50. tiff's A t t o r n e y s . 100 S t a t e St., Al- No. EB-6399 h a s been issued t o t h e Genesee Motor Vehicle Co St Paul 7 5 Genesee Valley T r u s t Bldtr., Contractor, N e w t o n Payne; 190 Martin st clock etc $170.49; bany, N . Y. undersigned t o sell b e e r a t r e t a i l in Cipollr-, Stephen, to Sam Carlisi, st auto $660, autos $485. I am in agreement with the ' l o c h e s t e r , N. Y. r e s t a u r a n t u n d e r t h e Alcoholic owner, H e r m a n Falker, 569 George A McAllister 188 Sherman conclusion reached by the surro- To: B e u l a h Marjorie Coffenberg: s u m a n i i A L CITATION FOR aBeverage 19 New York it, lot 4S, Babbitt Control L a w a t 2457 Ridge T h e foregoing s u m m o n s i s s e r v e d To Personal Finance Co—Hy- Thurston rd; 1 2 HP motor, install st diamond etc $350. VBOOF OF WII.I. Road West, Greece, Monroe County, tr, n s Atkinson st, $1. gate that the provision in the will upon y o u b y publication p u r s u a n t t o man Aresty 156 Norton st 36 Chev Majestic Furniture Co—Walter contemplating the vesting of t h eo r d e r «f Honorable W i l l i a m F . Love, THB3 P E O P L E O F T H E S T A T E OF N. Y., for j>n-premises consumption. Frank, Mary, by exr, to Rosemary sed $150; Donald Adams 187 Earl 60 amp meter cab. c e of t h e Supreme C o u r t , d a t e d N E W YORK—By t h e Grace of God j Fness r a n k aW. J tO o yWc rNa f t ,H _ A.Tr u dqing_busiContractor, Warder V e r w e y Baylaird 41 Arch st furniture three remainders in the child or Jt hues t i 5 s T LL TAVERN, Trombetta, 114 Hayward ave, st 37 Ford cp $75; Stewart Roth t h d a y of F e b r u a r y . 1940 a n d F r e e a n d I n d e p e n d e n t To M y r t l e L i n d s a y Keller, d i s t r i b u 2457 Ridge Road W e s t . Greece, N. Y. filed w i t h complaint in t h e office of Elec; owner, Sanford Abbey, L $182.06; Mrs Joseph Pauls 611 children of the survivor of the t h e Clerk of t h e County of M o n r o e tee of Alfred M. Williamson, d e oart lot 19, Lee tr, N Clinton et ano 24 Eckhardt st 34 Stude 224 DeVain st; 13 lights. Bay st rugs etc $95.24; Nelson Ry- three sons illegally suspends a b - a t R o c h e s t e r , New York. ceased, Send G r e e t i n g : NOTICE is h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t License ^ $4000, rv $4. frdr etc $215; Glen M Porter 121 W h e r e a s , C l a r a Belle W i l l i a m s o n No. OB-16973 h a s been issued t o D a t e d , F e b r u a r y 6, 1940, Green. Andrew B, indiv, etc, and N Fitzhugh st 37 Ford tdr $50; Contractor, G F Gregory; own- croft 25 Cady st furniture $176.57; solute ownership (Pers. Prop. of R o c h e s t e r , C o u n t y of Monroe and the undersigned t o sell beer a t r e CAULTON F . BOWN, S t a t e of N e w York, t h e E x e c u t r i x tail in a grocery s t o r e u n d e r t h e Alwife, to Exchange Mutual I n - Edward W Knauer 91 Colgate st er, Miss Oriel Adams, 602 P a r -Thomas J Doell 474% Pearl st A t t o r n e y for Plaintiff, Continued on par* 3 named in a certain i n s t r u m e n t l a coholic B e v e r a g e C o n t r o l L a w a t Office a n d P o s t Office A d d r e s s , sells ave; range—increase service furniture $155.81; Dominic Cesdemnity Ins Co, lot 41, Elmdorf 37 Dodge cch $300. 725 Genesee Valley T r u s t Bldg. writing, b e a r i n g d a t e December 21, 820 Dewey Ave., R o c h e s t e r , Monroe capacity for range. 1904, p u r p o r t i n g t o be t h e last Will County, N . Y., f o r off-premises consarone 1652 N Goodman st fur-, J e n n i e M a s c a r o e t a n o 4 6 4 Bricker tr, n s Elmdorf ave, $t. Rochester, N e w York. To Genesee Valley Trust Co— and T e s t a m e n t of said Alfred M sumption. S A M U E L FRIEDLAND. niture $109.77; Edward Luke I I J t i r e s e t c $ 6 l 8 5 ; R u t h j M c _ Henry. Lena G, to Lincoln O Williamson, iate of t h e City oif Itoch- j S20 Dewey Ave., R o c h e s t e r , N. Y. Tony Zambito 30 Ford trk $96. Greig st furniture $209.95; Salva NOTICE OF S A M Henry and wife, Perint^n. prop Oil Burner Permits Donald 305 S Goodman st heater To Crown Service Station—Edtore Mezifero 8 Wangman st fur- etc $18.80. in Perinton. $1. .STATE O F N E W T O R K — S U P R E M K Louis Lipsitz, 26 Northview ter. COURT—COUNTY O F MONROE. niture $84; Furman McCarthy Higgins, Harold E, et al, by ref,ward J Updaw 33 Chev sed $35.85. Precision, C Hill Appliance Co — Mrs City a n d County SavingH Bank, to Monroe Co Sav Bk. lot 64, To Lincoln-Alliance Bk & Tr Charles Shaw, 23 Lowell st. 1153 Garson ave furniture $102; Grace E Gillette 78 Primrose st Plaintiff, a g a i n s t Lillian P o t t e r ; Co—Leo W Pilon 58 Turpin st 35 a n d o t h e r s , Defendants. Francis Webster 418 Broadway cleaner $63.60. Lakedale tr, s 3 Leander st, Hart. I n p u r s u a n c e of a j u d g m e n t of Ford cp: Walter W Slayton 398 furniture $97.50; Anthony Pigliano $1000, rv $1. General Store Fixtures Co— f o r e c l o s u r e and sale in t h e a b o v e enAndrew Trott et ano, 121 MoulHumboldt st 39 Chev cp; Fred 131 Stutson st furniture $169; Roy Louis Dengler 149 Netherton r d t i t l e d action, duly entered in t h e Malcolm, Marie, et a I, by ref, to son st. Timken Model F . Office of t h e Clerk of t h e C o u n t y of Monroe Co Sav Bk, lot 7. subd Auibach 242 Oxford st 38 Ford N . Y., on t h e 7 t h d a y of A S Haydens, 31 Lenox st. Tim- Walker 17 Beayer st furniture counter etc $70; Roger Dolliver 75 Monroe, tdr. $160.77: Patsy Oliveri 403 North Spring st cooler etc $55; John F e b r u a r y , 1940, 1, t h e u n d e r s i g n e d oart Wads worth tr, 3 a Terrace ken Model C. r e f e r e e in d by said j u d g m e n t f o r To Home & Auto Loan Co, Inc st furniture $204.50; Herbert Gal- Testio 178 Jay st scale etc $20;t h a t p u r p o saen duly pk, $500, r v 50c. appointed, will sell Sidney Jones. 81 Redwood rd. lagher 8 Owens st furniture Giuseppe Gilio 170 Orange ft a t public auction t o t h e h i g h e s t bidMarussich, Riccard"*, indiv, etc, —Edward W Slacter 42 Win-Timken Model C. d e r a t t h e front e n t r a n c e t o t h e HELD OVER 3RD WEEK $75.60; Roy Lundgren 415 Colum-?t al, to Antonio Chiavaro and bourne rd 36 Ford tdr $25; Peter County Court H o u s e on W e s t Clarence Schutt, 255 Avis st. bia ave furniture $321.46; Martin sheer $25; W A Seidel 699 S Clin- Monroe Fanning 37 Netherton r d 32 Chev Main S t r e e t in t h e City of Hochester, wife, 54 Barker st, lot 50, Maple ton ave shutter etc $288.57: J C o u n t y of Monroe, N. Y., on thesed $300; William B Udart 1671 Timken Model F. Pryzbyla 43 Curtis st furniture Com ins 860 Monroe ave scale $90; Terrace tr. $1 1st DAY O F MARCH, 1940, Emanuel Paulis et ano. 352 10 O'CLOCK IN T H E F O R E N O O N $102.26; Vincent Neubert 522 Clif- I Reichel 371 Central ave dishes Bt McChesney, Marion R, to Roches- N Goodman st 31 Hudson cch $60: of t h a t dav, t h e p r e m i s e s in a n d by Weekday matinees are not reserved. Come anyford ave range $133.75; Raymond etc $59.40; Bernard Bartelofsky I said judgment directed to be sold ter Sav Bk, loi 94, Emerson. Joseoh A Smith et ano 470 Rugbv 1 Genesee st. Timken Model F. ave 37 Chev sed $300; William J Ellsworth R Hall. 7 Velox st. time from 10 a. m. up to 2:46 p. m. and see » Shield 67 Adams st furniture I „ 3 Cro wrier & Crittenden mod. , ,. , . , „ , , arid t h e r e i n described u s f o l l o w s : Timken Model F . complete performance. Doors open 9 a. m. OnI,\ Robb 42 Herald ft 34 GMC trk 36 $358.20; Laurence Schaeffel 36 558 Joseph ave sliced $loH.4l. e s Fulton ave, $1, rv $5, | ^ll that tract or parcel of land Louis Lipsitz. 222 Joseph ave. Chryi airflow $300; Richard S night shows and Sunday matinee are reserved' Benton st furniture $73.44; Julius Oberle, Marjorie 8, to George S Braun's — Gertrude LaBrake situate te IjN City of g?e&««fr, Precision. Baumann 1783 South ave 35 Terra _ . „» c J e n *K W'ourttv of Monroe and S t a t e of New Kohler 27 Ludwig st furniture Babcock and wife, 3 Inwood dr. P l y m o u t h a v e S r a d i o $5.5.45, j y o r k , known nnd described a s foiGersenstein & Wildman, 28 $265.40; Joseph Orioli 175 Fifth 1214 BUY R E S E R V E D S E A T S N O V lot 3, sec B, Ferndale Manor t r , sed $52; Arthur J Bailey 239 J H G o l d b e r g & Co—-Chris l o w s : being Lot number e i g h t (S) a s rOR AI.X. I K S G S T K D PEK70BKAWCEB W TO Farminyton rd 37 Buick sed $100; Rhine it. Wayne. „ . » » . , , , , „ » . laid down on a m a p otf D a n i e l B. st furniture $502.64. w s Inwood dr, $1, rv $3. ABTD rWCtUDIIfO T H B I . , F B B . ISTM Lawrence W Wright e t ano 77 P i s a n o 84 V i n a l a v e s t o v e $ 1 2 9 , | s u t e r a n d Frederic S, C o v e n t r y ' s Filed February 7 Ofshlager, Roaenia, by exr, to r Brooks ave 35 Plym cch etc $280; Plumbing Permits W I Young Machirery Co— Milford Calhoun 97 University ave jHuhHivision of j o w *m *™« *6 and N16HTS 18 P. M.) RESERVED SEATS . . . $1.10 incL tax Rochester Sav Bk, lot 19, I 8 Frank A Miller et ano 297 Colum$54.50; Manuel Ferera 82 \ twelve
to one hundred and Cutero Bros 11 Furnac- st counter rwasher Sanford st, $1. rv $3, Lloyd Groth, 1818 S t Paul st. 1 Imniitn o( furniture $499 7(1 , twentv-slx (126) inclusive, of Crow bia ave 34 Dodge sed $75; Herman Ofslager, Ella R. to Rochester Sav t Paskal 781 Smith st 37 Lafay water closet, I bath, 1 basin, 2 $177.10. SUNDAY MAT. 12 P. M.j REStRveo SEATS $1.10 incl. tax Lincoln st rurnitme j i ^ . < » . in Monroe m n n 'termce, on file ^V>AA^^*VWV Fruehauf Trailer Co — William Bk, lot 19, i 9 Sanford st, $1. cch $190; Ovid I Woods et ano sinks, Frederick C Van GraafeiBarr & Crcelman Engineers and!County nierk'n Office in Line36 of WFF. K 0AY MATS. Continuous NOT RESERVED 75C incL tax I A Connors 65 Sheraton dr trailer ofalager, George and wife, to Ella 50 Benton it household goods land. plumber. Contractors Corp--F J Zorn W " f t y w A r *i«h» » « I M « 1 jtlSll. R Ofslager, 93 Sanford st, lot 19. $300; .Tame? Jesiunkowski 473 Frank Benson. 171 Benton st St Paul st heater etc $216. ,on the north eide r,f Monroe Av*»u> > at: II tec it her* in IU entirety, euctiy *» presented M Atlenee l a n d is t h i r t y seven f S " ) feet wide * s Sanford st, $1 water closet, 1 bath. 1 basin 1 [ United Dairy Machinery Cor Hudson ave 37 Chev sed $30. Broadway Premier—, ft wff! net b# ihuxu ( b o t h front ;md rear nnd o n e hundred sink, J Harold McGahan, plumber. I Ben Humphreys 3887 -Dewey ave Pmtler, Minnie H, et al, by ref, t o on 1P< To George D Johnson — Max B o n k Clearings & Balances'..ps.i 55, 56, Rapids tr. Genesee st, Rosenthal peeling machine $100. basin. C h a r l e s P Marshall,J Senoca Stores — Milton C Nudo Clear House Exchanges $1,471,874.56!! i , , nThis, t deed tr To Churchill Motors—William plumber. 2H8052 0R ' 3*" » t n " following coveiinnt!n i«oRiil9nr« Sale ' 198 S Union ft ran«e etc $258.23; X»«. n «H $500. r v 50c. Foreclorare Evans 29 Phelps ave 33 Ford tdr House zmmivo nA re.itrlctkma; Any building erectJen's Beauty Shop. 237 Sherman! Michael Dorofy 13 Hope pi refrig- Clearing Pizzoli, Orazlo, to Chester Galiffo $64.50, February 8.Balances 10:W •O——A M—Agnes ! ed o r t o b e erected on said premlw«H and wife, E Rochester, part lot jit. 1 basin, H P l^nhard & Son, erator $108.38, T Hastings, et al—Lot No 25.sshall for a period of twenty-five 8, sec L, Trturher tr. Prospect j plumbers. Kominz Tire Co, Inc —- Walter Melville st—Harris, Beach, Fol- y e a r s from the 22d day of May. 191F.. be u)wd for dwelling purpose* only, Diseharge of Mortgagei* st. | 1 . Maria Seraflnn, 813 J a y ft, 1 W Short 21 Bardin at cleaners $43. ger, Bacon & Keating for plff no storage shall be erected on said lot n u m b e r eight m«,1 *n»«lop« m a t t —_ -o——— b* nrnnuffirttired o r sold on A * m*ll ordara f o r r w r ? « Reeves, Rush, prop in RuFh, SI. Joseph R Webster and wtfe; dated sinks. Smith & Clark, plumbers. Howard Cole 2158 E Main st bat- The Daily Record is on sale at the a- hn ayl l of t h e wforesaid premises, • i l h motiay orflw or elioek. o r a period of flftv y e a r s from a n d Aug 4, 1914 rv 50c. Mr