Rochester NY Democrat Chronicle 1923 - Old Fulton NY Post Cards

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T8 anal poor to ardlaary at *X«*MI. i f t w»a of atorage ..... asstr? at pa.80*jr«.«0- retail prlcoa il.OB ... colls at tiCOdtlflO, mrnba at. t&M#i«J«, colls ...
M f c — — — « * » l l t » H f *^"

».»•'•»»iHM. v*r»»ua | faacy



b a s e Perkiae A C* York. Auc »—A q»ie< saauket < ur-«m», red per l b . . . ftapplf liffhter. B a t P*aa*nd at t s . t u ^ 4 W ordiaarv at tXmaB* SO a*d WIT i'>'k »»* U: aai* :haa coaKl ! « i ; •>-»-ttoB«. aVai 'B*' real u t aad tber* waa enStctoat r o a U f t r * iHvi'fO •Rig the readily ab>. rb*d. Tha o«thMh fori *>• r u l t o a . mot'IJ at( •tXfflOr. t « « i u v » rouLtat— la the sttuatloa to induce s e m e operator* i n « X 8 7 : ^«B4i | aome ef the W »t«rn railroad* la looked' . a r U t n a - i « •-'5a|3*> a a i poor aa , . t* taka oa good* for future » M . » I upon u poor, wHk feara that rrsorrt dtrl- | ! I.'w a* 10c: W - a i . r u N * w Y o r k , a l l a»-r . >»l ^.'•li*rt. l*r I'OUM idendh are in dAager »t baiag r«d«ced CHREBB. Oawai ^aatesiavl wusiauol | ti..:,.. bm at 4 0 a l » f . f a * at tttMV a . * , » ' ° ' U « \ . fLSSS^ jMaur obaer\«ra aacrtbo th* lower net | VewM4 . aUoataa Fiaaasws J Ufwael Tk« market moved 08 !q better shape. ' i m l ' r i r y at M e ; 6 r a « * « e a n n t j beat a t . » • » • * 9*t p * » M •Oaauai Pr^eekro • i i K t a ta theoe ra«e» it m t^ brary ^ a l e t e ' 1 Cewauarjp Caehvecy j t—hary Ail laaari *f perster» seemed to have raahary , £ iaan.-» eAargaa, and thai th a la lb* beet ^,, AXD • « " • » gataed **me ronndence and the baying ^ ^ - ^ r - U . b « . - , and - a r k e t i . l l | *• J aaauraavea of i:uue«aii» large rrraata for wa* fret*. t«adtag to a little ormcr toae- i ati'l w e a k ; r*r buakt 1 baafcat, TatStvn Kxca (trrab), par doaen t ' A u g u s t . eWpteuber « 1 Otlot , r Row trarirtl**. Uadtaon •••uaty. alt a**-1 KgK» (frrah>. l»«I tfcac rat* 40 Mam. lOMiw. Ciokill ; 2f Mb., PoAambmrnaiam 3 Hn. U i « T e r tb:a aiajr be. pr».-n' coadttlou* 'lo EGGS i lioua, tx-«t at »t 7M(j'.->iO. fancy U r g a at B u t t e r - i.'awaity. b / taw crockthe ; sot warrant their pur h s e Aa already BBA>i«—AAae-sad «a*tatiBM at* Illfk » r a d « of f n * h n t h c r e U coa-J f? Hj ardlaary at f i ^ 1 . » and poor st 30Mim. 10 Mas. fOMisv. Haw 4Hf«v ttaa* la Ttfbt aup|.ljr and whl!» ttw a h o r t - ! " ' * : P T L ^ * * *"* brtt aiaatlj « t l j " ; ni ilag fritas) 9*" ta grawars far ttti' ezplainttl. the short i-owri«.g rally d a n u g , tha -.-. weak waa M C expected ta hast tar e a r , 50 Mam. Strss^BtaaVM 15MBR, 50Mav a«* ta ktMn*- reHrred t» aome »xteat by , t*»rj |i.T8 anal poor to ardlaary at *X«*MI rrop. Pat lUom< a Hrs. length of lUna, and whan the drat " ( i f t w»a of atorage rgg*. drmnnd froui IW 23. > Urd marrow, hao't p u p ) . {review of the lajaber nsarkat, Lamber. faaajted—High acartac • a> —Nu. 1 c a W s a a d hatlsrs. .45H«l4« racogniaed ssauket aaihjsrUy te the) l a d a s t'kaafred—Eitraa H —N,.. 2 cowa and h t f t r a 44l,«it3 tr#. atatea: 1'BMlted—Extrat .X»U«l44 tl« —Bulls a aid atsga. par lb. "Orad sal g a l a in tha T..lunae of baying r»aa|ted—rlfata .»V-*i41 do —UoraehMa*. ea*h la the kottwaoda ha a taoded to steady the r t 4U,«ti 4 m a t e Dafrp—ribaat market this weak a a d price 'hang** ara SKIXft—Shacp. aaah • • • • i i ^ ' **»f Dairy—Oood to prime small and relatively few. B a y i n g la ehieily d a —Na1 ca;t (8 t o 15 Iba.) . C i f E K S B - Markat ruled t r t a ; receipt* from the cities, toe country trade of the aTally 400 Lo»d« of * Mixed Varigt/ do —Na. * calf Omwa Vt*ehM T«rr«t, freak, white, faacy . . . . 2 * nature being noted- ta Hew York. u^ Xad* Thair App«arase« in Markot Twin*, frcab, white, ave. r u n . . . . » Yellow piae, though raported dull at Wata, aklait, apeciala if soabo w a t e r s , la moving In hotter volume TMt*rd*r---Whx And 'Or««m B«&Bt A a t a a k l » « , altalc* U and qhantity eaten are aomewhat mora Show a Wid* Baaft in Q««t«4 aaeneraua. Donglas » r sales votaaset KOOaWMarkat Um: raocifjta UJNS which has batn about oa a par with prockaea. Vftluts. „ _ daMion. shows soma further tacroeee, aoma MUta a B 4 aMrby htaaery, white. X i t t l t mmipplttf; Cbhmpdtitloft M a a i - mljls this week having sdvaaced their •rata to axtraa 94 4143 Matt, aaaDorjr, locally aalectcd. **-*•%** n * n H w « « s t • ^ , < * • o a «»»*A»d yard Kami, god buying #-_e^t_r.eei« Mid autnmcr actlrlty preTslled in all defOOtOd—Cattl* l U l t t Oamtmttdd Ta reported not BO eaay aa tha Weat Coaa" estraa 44 tj*« partmeata of trade in produce at the Public an Xaw Jeraey. hennery, white. • t o a d y — M o t » g W « n a T h a « a 3 a ^ j \ j i ^ a | » ^ » - a n a u a l tnvantariao s h o w «r ataeka Markat y e e t e f d a j . tb« aauara being comw locally aalected. axtraa ....4.'» # 4 « ^_ ^_ materially lower than a year ago. Nortk fortably filled with 490 loads of t a m e r s ' t a G*amf« •Moan. l*taie beaoery. browa, a « a r b y . . U t>J> farvOioa pine. wkl< b has b e e * lagging ia and aardtaefV wagoaa. loadad w i t h aa aalaa ftor several weeks, has n u d e distinct YrnU gratMre4, attraa to a}U abaadaut s u p p l y o f ieaaoMbl* truita and gsina daring the last ten d a y s snd prices £ l « > gath«r«4. aktra teats . . » f3} vegetable. Small fruits a«TalJi held tha East rhiaTalo. Aug. 4.—CAtTLB—Re- are taadina ta recover from the low levers ' m i Etthctafl, t i i t t i 2»"4tjii center of the a u g « ta paint of interest, Freah garhcrtd, aecoada and _ with berry t o w the fMtare. Demand waa ceipts T25 hand. Market wag s l a w aad roaowed. Rod cypres* and California redKa«f tSH«M brisk from tha ou!' »t*ady: sales shipping steers at SlO.ftOdft wood n u i a t a t a g o o a dam aad and a steady n e r . a nd gnrden^r," f^nad \ T t » & n 5 S 1 1 ^ K ^ , ^ V g a S U t ^ R l \ prieu level. The white pines continue in farmers In eltectlnd M I O . sj^p rt«. ^ b o w l a ^ b a t g ^ i ^ , , ^ ^ » . c ^ S 5 S ^ 5 d S S c h ^ a alow demaad and prices are somewhat BEANS AND PEAS. Irregular. New York. Aug. 4—Market remained few laiportant changes ^ froth — ^ those prevail a n d f e i d e r s at ad.«)«t.3*. The greater activity In hardwoods Just earlier la the week, quiet and ralae* oa a boat tha M M teval CALVES— He-elpts bow bead. Maraat now Is In ths spec tee r b l e l y u nsa by the mong the fruits, the few early apples alow wttb toae eaay thraogbout. and f l lowar. automotive Industry, whtrh leads among oa aaleTwered Ispoaed of at doejTto per Itaaaa—I'ea. ebole*, p. 1«0 Iba.M 1 I I 0 0 9 — R e c e i p t s 7,000 head. Market rated The woods that basket. Moaae-grown peaehes made their slow aad generally 1U to 2he lower; aalaa the industrial buyers. Baa as—Medium appear m o s t a c t i v o are maple, poplar, elm, appearance la market tor the Stst time heavy at fs.OTMK Meoua-rSninll white. Cai mixed at I S . » i B ash aad hickory. Oak and gam. among this aeaaon, and found a ready outlet at Yorkers T4eaua-*-Lady Mraahlagtna * • . « . tight do. at M . W S J l i l I ho southern woods, aaoVAlrch and betaat ga.sp, n a a average price o f TScajfl.OO per basket. pigs tars •keaoa-t-Red kidneys, cbale* . . at |S.0ii. roughs at l&ate$4«a and wood la the northern, are disponed to slow at M.0X r e n | Currants were firmly held at ISCflas P » ' | s u a e Yf Vaaaa—White kldaeys, choice sales, though there ta a good market tor ponad for red and loaJWc for black. With m*k LAMB?—Receipts •» ~ isa—Wbita, do. coai. to fair. the most sale* of t h * l a t t e r at ldtflSc. R e d ' hood. ' " * *Market active a *d s t e a d y ; u m h a at tap grades entering boa and crating monoia«—Yelhyw stjng a c t u m Hardwood • r a r i n g * have shown raspberrWs moved- auttrard at tdSOepaXM t »-OOatflO.», weth fno g a l a In aalea volume aad pet SB-pint crate or 15f|Me p#f_pi»t. at $ « S « a V s n \ aad tha appreciable ia»—Callfansla l r a i t t georing- makers aro b a r i n g lumbal S W f Sbsffer berries advanced ta ia.d6djts.30 p e r , m i x e d saeaa at |S.dBd|4.0g. P*a»— Scotck. fair to chotea . . vary suodorataly. . . . T as crate or loa)j~« per quart. | l»as~~^5reeB . . . . . * . . • • . . . . . , . . . } « ! l a lb* line of vegetable*, w a t and groan | raaa—Mla.ek ey». f a l t t a aWtta. 5 KBW YORK. _ . Aug 4 — C A J T M I - a d o a l p t a I'eas—Yellow, apllt 8 M)t| 5 79 ' beans showed a wide range in prices, after > v f « a i — G r a e a . split 8 3 9 # • W opening with sales at fikfefl.OO per 14- U - ^ V L i t fc'« te..tlaw nsg. a u i r t basket, the demand t>lFost and the • » » - • « = _ « • tradlgg. Markat M CALYRS-stecetpta M 9 hood. bulk of Snal transactions were ttda* at •toady; The New York Department of Farms aad saled V i r g veala D O M M T I C D B I R O fRTJIT. UM; 90aS?V. Radishes declined to MeJMc per na daoHBd for W etantU Markets In co-operation With the Catted e m oalvea. "New Tork. A n t . 4.—Market qalet and basket under freer offerings. Orson popHtates Bureau of Markets reaorts (be folBOGS—Reoelpt. 1.T90 head. Jtfarket vaiMB iOBlnally aachangvd. Only an p«ra w l d d o w n to ftSMfdfOS t o r 14 quart lowing oa New York state t r o w a hKtaco S r m ; medium w e i g h t s at SS.liiaa.SB, pig* oeraaioaal spot sale reported, mostly at basket or 73«l90c per pock. heavy hog* at S^O»dJft.40 aad rOUeTk* In yootoraay's m a r k e t s : «u/>t*4 ratee Prime apple* for early fall FLOCR ANL> FEED—Wholesale quota- andgd-OOWdJS. New York city—Receipts New York state otilpment held at about jut 941* l-4c 1-4* f. o. h. tions: KLOl'K— Patent spring quoted s t nt RBKEP liberal, with moot stock arriving in A N D L d X R S - Roeaiata sVttB lettuce Apples—Evap„ Stat*,, tmne* Sane* . . . . 1 1 * 4 * 1 1 % gT.lo*»TJn> per barrel and white winter poor eoudlttea. Demaad limited far erdl. bead. Market irregular: sates aheap at 1 do —State, choicei s s t r ? at pa.80*jr«.«0- retail prlcoa il.OB colls a t tiCOdtlflO, mrnba a t nary stock, good for extra fancy, clean. V ' ^ S ^ ahigher. nuaj woU-bsaded stock and market d u l l WestR Y B FLOUR—Quoted at »4 floe* . d o —State, prime t H w s% era New York state lettuce S5c ta «9c per per barrel. BYH FMKD—Quoted at t & M # i « J « , c o l l s sta^OOOjMSh Uaapberriea, par poai n a . . . . . . . . . * S S J a g . . . . UK e t e t e ; Oswego county 10c to Toe and mootg«10«S3 per ton. O RAH AM VLOIRCHICAGO. . ty 4)0c to 9cV. Quoted at e*tvoJtVS0 per barrel. C O R N - , , ki PhUao>lphla—Froah roeoipts twoaty-oa* BOPS. M E A ^ - Q u o t e d i t »^Oje43 p«r tea. F R E D > Chlcafo. Aug. 4 , - L * « k of ahlnolng comand twaaty-two o a track, > o aasra N York Aog. 4 — DDeaaat A ef w » xora. e m a n d eootiaaea - f i n e tulddlinas sacked quoted at CM.o« • petitloa In the b o g aaarket t o r t moot of cars reported h i g h with price* sMghtly iaetVasod. Crop for s M t a g a n d J M . a g for winter. l l R A N — ( t h e life o a t of t h e trada. ^ T h e t e were Pita burgh Receipts Now Tork state letQuoted a t fsttJarfor a a t t a t a a d SS«.aa torlll.Of* h o g e racoMod. O a l r Ssf eattlo srptospsats reaaata uaettaaged !• rived and the aaarket waa aemtaally taoa one car snd 4v* oa track. D e a u e d >f. Y*. State, iMg, prlava to Cfcole*. .SKsfSS i ^ t l V " * ^ ^ „ L and and market dull. Best quality New ORAJw—Following ting t h e r a i u w wboleoala! steady. Not e n o u g h m a t e n a l arrived in aJaw T j . 1% t t a t o , » a . medtum to ari*M.r» any chnaga ia York aiatoTIettuee SSe to f a t . atoaUy Sic b y bd;yara to i r e t hands: j the sheeep marhot t o oau P a c i l c , tto. prime to eaolce tt to 46c per cram, and poor atoek fflc. t» l*oa AdawrM htiaoa Tha rak waa posted at 00ft. •factde, t t 3 4 » o d i B » - t o prime Baltimore—Freah receipts New Tork I * AovemaUe Tte* MaxaJae.. i & ^ ^ ^ & m f S PVTUVcl i "'cTrTL^Prt-e " ^ " i * * ^ ! * state lettuce six cars and twelve oa track. i a Autaeamtt* Traiiapse*atloa l«Jsw' Boat quality 73c to *0c per crate and ordiTo know ribmt the aaiaa of Gaa and EJactricity m the 10 awtghto* Flaoo Deary Pfd. I.JYB AND DBJCS88D POULTRY. nary .V5c : J ¥k. wttb O - u ' a ^ o l r ^ ^ ^ h ^ ^ e A ^ dtjr of RcMmagddar are growing larger each y*x, wmd TVaamlngton—Supplies liberal ^aad deN e w Tork, Aug. . *.—Live p o a l U y . a—Live poultry, no £ " ^ " - t ^ " - ^ a i a h . 1 PoM PfdU tatereet ia it) e f sirs and share in its rarainfs, The feTSSTMS g d T be>r*l Cornlag. l l d O ; ! : S t o o depending upon sbte. aad quality. •a uofc m*«. c*m HM. W o o o u r . f l W; Cabell. fLSB: Lima, »1S8: • SKEDS—RetaO a* follow*: While rough celery in S-S crates sold from * Massess Betsttasy a s h * return e n the investment would help in rnnefifhg the gjkoa Indian. f l . « 8 : Princeton. Sl.oT: l l l i n o u . S».fU>elJ.7i Clover (mammoth) per buabeLftt • 0 0 maecb 4)*M . . : . j ^ . . . . . ' . . gL07; OUahwma Kanso*. $ 1 1 0 4 k : » ; Caddo. I east of gee end electyicity boUav. The ceJerv acreage In Xew Tork State Clover (nsodjum) per b a t l a l . . 13 L a , light, Oacajgl.80, Caddo, La., heavy, ; •ocnrdlog to the proaeat lndkratioa are for Timothy . . . . . . . . • » • • • • • . . . . . . . 4 jit •OS N e w S e M Cms a> Ott Sooaerset medium. gLOB; Somerset i Beaton, Aug. 4.—Receipts for too past KM; a 10 per cent, decrease In Chester, sec- A l f a l f a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % * . * . . . . . . n£dence ia shhoejl this stock and then meke Considstabis now hay is now coming Into made in tha *tock of hay o a the market. • , . « » . » K I . -.— , . _ « , » . ^ . u n a comparatively tight with considerable Wsmanwaomi itjr from all nearoy caantrp points. i Largo baleo ara aot p l e a t , aad will toll • * • % J S J ^ k f , ? t ? af m ^0 K w• * * £u * wear • t o . k unoold at a late hour. Hales per at a small premium aver price* quoted. «nd the aeraea of the** COmphltnt* ia hswom *matatisw* sa g«araat*e* rum aajg Caias. tavoottgato. e O ? S 0 : d • o ^ > >>oea>d barrets, beat! beads \. 7 734) Kt litre .pot a*d rjture* q-veaed at l e v hiddpa an laarttcututo cry far beta. ***** taa.chfldroa of Ch^a." ITrtT. »ar frtt Ctrmtlmr. tfosen 1 OOefl a* * H r * ** JM422LJllA »*» »• ,»»dtuary j C u umber., |>er t h i n e t e m b l e g going o a i a taut w o m a n ' * —. M i r . f t riued Meggy; N* 1 ; M U N amd aaaaB at aiauO^Mk • carrrota. t - r Ooooa bunobea . . . tv«J SS e a»i.t. H o e heart i* aack. a h a la ia a g o a y . Or\H>* p e i o e r o . p. 14-qt. basket. 1 S&O 1 R) Nortnora st *.% aotRXT.aa and Mo i Northe r n at ».-. txiojsa-aa aad * * . a aoorbora a ' b a t io ah* :ryiauj t a any? I N r h a a a : lire-n pepp*re, r.g I. per peek. 7S*f go vaoaTABLaR. KAOR. *24.oo«y .'T tm REAV*-R — e l p t . Tight, rijht, rtemaud 3s*) SO I a; TINPITT* *\HD CALLS -Tt-^elpt« rtemaud m**- j U-ttoco, per do*, heads "Tt fc u t i i a a : I do a o t lov* m y buaMarket m»eg e a s y : auxw end naaUN OOBte ood n . r h e t .ie>- per hamper, atl «0- • I ^ t ' c e . Boston hestd. per erato . £9 * 9 I by »•• Saxao: future* aaotod at o*N4S. Baa N e t by Mumbers .V. T Staek h a u d ! I s a acad to lew* o a d I can't. RMte section. ' • „ , . „ i »,r»erle«, ' o n i o n s t g r w .. pee* do


war ewauavaN




Sire's?:::: 3*81 a^eaith*"WaafPaimj K ' S S ^ T i t - ' i Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


XX-73, Thia Otfke
