RRU Copyright Permission Letter - Royal Roads University Library

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(learner's name) to use (Insert full citation and description of the original work) as part of his/her thesis/dissertation for the partial requirements of.
COPYRIGHT PERMISSION LETTER This letter confirms the authorization of ____________________________________ (learner's name) to use (Insert full citation and description of the original work)

as part of his/her thesis/dissertation for the partial requirements of a______________________________(name of degree) at Royal Roads University. I understand that this thesis will be available to other learners and scholars and approve the use and copy of the documents. The requested permission extends to any future revisions and editions of the thesis/dissertation, including non-exclusive world rights in all languages, and to the prospective publication of the thesis/dissertation by ProQuest. Permission is also granted with full understanding that ProQuest and Library and Archives Canada have been given non-exclusive permission to sell, copy, and distribute copies of the thesis/dissertation, and that Royal Roads University has been given permission to copy and distribute the thesis/dissertation either in print or electronic format. Theses/dissertations published at Royal Roads University are made digitally available on the World Wide Web for public access via the university’s Digital Archive (DSpace@RRU), and are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada license. Your signing of this letter will also confirm that you own [or your company owns] the copyright to the above-described material. Name of copyright holder Title






_ Date ______________

