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Short Facebook posts (under 80 characters) get up to 66% ... Whether you already have a Facebook Business Page setup ...
April 2014

Social Media Digest The Best Times to Post If you’re on social media, it’s important to use your time wisely. So here’s a quick breakdown of the best times and days to post on some of the most popular social media platforms.

Twitter 12-2 PM Thursday

Facebook 12-3 PM Thursday

Instagram 4-5 PM Any Day

Pinterest 7-10 PM Saturday

LinkedIn 7-9 AM Wednesday

Google+ 8-10 AM Weekdays

DID YOU KNOW? Short Facebook posts (under 80 characters) get up to 66% more engagement than longer ones. Source: Digital Marketing Ramblings

* All times are Central Standard Time. Source: SumAll 2014. ** This document may contain suggestions and best practices that are voluntary to use at your discretion.

Social Media Digest Facebook Page Extreme Makeover Whether you already have a Facebook Business Page setup or you are just now creating one, it is important to apply the following strategies to help you optimize your Facebook page: 1) Professional profile photo. Use a professional photograph or use your logo. 2) Use a cover photo. There are cover photos available on CBWorks or visit our Facebook page, we have several cover images you could use. A nice cover image makes your page look finished and professional. 3) Your Facebook title matters. The title will help brand your business and will help with search. If your name is John Doe from AnyTown USA, then an appropriate name may be “John Doe AnyTown Real Estate.” 4) Be descriptive. In the “About” and “Description” section, make sure to include a) what you do, b) where you do it (the area/neighborhoods/cities), c) what sets you apart from other real estate professionals. 5) Add all contact info. Add a link to your website/branded page and include all of your public contact information.

DID YOU KNOW? Photo posts on Facebook get 39% more interaction. Source: HubSpot

After you are finished, don’t forget to ask your friends and contacts to Like your Facebook page!

March’s Social Media Stats Social Media Brings Visitors to CBGundaker.com CBGundaker.com visits that were referred by social media: 7,287 referrals 12,255 listing views

Total Social Media Likes/Followers:

Facebook.com/CBGundaker 1,370 likes

Twitter.com/CBGundaker 775 followers

March’s Most Popular Facebook Post 60% of all homes in 2014 will be bought and sold from May to August. Buy or sell today!

©2014 NRT Missouri LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Gundaker fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Gundaker are independent contractor sales associates and are not employees of Coldwell Banker Gundaker. As an independent contractor sales associate affiliated with Coldwell Banker Gundaker, you may choose to participate in or use a variety of resources, tools, technologies and educational opportunities available to you. Company educational materials, programs, or meetings that are not for compliance (compliance includes, but is not limited to, licensing requirements, fair housing, RESPA, data privacy, records management) are optional for independent contractor sales associates. Use of any suggestions or best practices in such materials or programs is discretionary. Your affiliation with the Company is intended to be that of an independent contractor sales associate, not as an employee of the Company.