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univariate autoregressive models of order p x(ti) := p. ∑ k=1 akx(ti−k) + ν1(ti),. (1) ... A value of p = 15 allows us to consider an inter-hemispheric dynamics of.
Supporting Information S4 Text Definition of Granger Causality Coefficients. The two signals x(ti ), i.e. ipsi-lateral LFP) and y(ti ), i.e.contra-lateral LFP, (sampled at ti = 0, ∆t, ..., (N − 1)∆t, where N = 3.6 × 105 ) are modelled by a univariate autoregressive models of order p

x(ti ) := y(ti ) :=

p ∑ k=1 p ∑

ak x(ti−k ) + ν1 (ti ),


bk y(ti−k ) + w1 (ti ),



or by a bivariate autoregressive model

x(ti ) := y(ti ) :=

p ∑ k=1 p ∑ k=1

ck x(ti−k ) + ek y(ti−k ) +

p ∑ k=1 p ∑

dk y(ti−k ) + ν2 (ti ),


fk x(ti−k ) + w2 (ti ),



where ak , bk , ck , dk , ek , fk are the coefficients of the autoregressive models and ν1 , w1 , ν2 , w2 the prediction errors or residual. The coefficients of the models and the sum of the square residuals were estimated by solving Yule-Walker equations [1]. In the following, we are interested to statistically test whether the time series y(ti ) helps the predicting of the x(ti ) signal or not, i.e. whether the following null hypothesis H0



H0 : d1 = d2 = ... = dp = 0.


can be rejected or not. Then, It can be shown that the variable

Gy→x =

] (N − 2p) [ Rx,0 −1 p Rx,1


is a measure of the prediction ability of x(ti ) with the aid of y(ti ) [1], where ∑N −1 ∑N −1 Rx,0 (ti ) = i=0 ν12 (ti ) and Rx,1 (ti ) = i=0 ν22 (ti ). Moreover, it can be shown that Gy→x follows an F (γ1 , γ2 ) distribution with degree of freedoms γ1 = p and γ2 = N − p and this can be used to test whether H0 can be rejected with an assigned probability level α (we chose α = 0.05). Similarly, the values of

Gx→y =

] (N − 2p) [ Ry,0 −1 p Ry,1


can be used to assess whether x(ti ) helps the prediction of y(ti ), where ∑N −1 ∑N −1 Ry,0 (ti ) = i=0 w12 (ti ) and Ry,1 (ti ) = i=0 w22 (ti ) . To avoid problems in the estimation of the autoregressive models parameters, arising from nonstationarity, a windowing of data was adopted. For each window (Np = 512 data points) we estimated the order p of the autoregressive model using the Aikake and BIC criterion combined with the requirement of stability for the autoregressive model [2]. For our LFPs the p turned out to be 15. A value of p = 15 allows us to consider an inter-hemispheric dynamics of ∆t ∗ p = 75 ms (where ∆t = 5 ms is the sampling rate) which may be a reasonable value for studying the inter-hemispheric cross-talk, because, in our signals, the time scale of the inter-hemispheric dynamics ranges over an interval of about 0 − 100 ms. We assessed this interval (0 − 100 ms) by observing that both cross-correlation and mutual information measures showed negligible values after 100 ms indicating that the hemispheres are uncorrelated (data not shown). Since we are dealing with real signal, the values of granger causality Gy→x (or Gy→x ) could be biased by several factor. For this reason, the information of the coupling direction was established by statistical inference [3]. Thus, we quantified the



strength of the influence from y → x and from x → y by defining the probability, over windows, that the null hypothesis H0 can be rejected, i.e Gpy→x


Nyx Nw (8)



Nxy Nw

where Nyx (Nxy ) is the number of windows such that the statistic Gx→y (Gy→x ) was significant Gx→y > Fα (Gy→x > Fα ) and Nw the total number of windows. Moreover, we constructed the frequency distributions of hemispheric dominance, fHD , counting the number of time windows in which ipsi → contra dominance (Gx→y > Fα and Gy→x < Fα ), contra → ipsi dominance (Gy→x > Fα and Gx→y < Fα ) or balance (Gy→x > Fα and Gx→y > Fα , otherwise, Gy→x < Fα and Gx→y < Fα ) occurred, and then normalized by the total number of windows.

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