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Schedul eofEvent s Sat ur day,June24,2017 TI ME 10: 00AM • 10: 30AM 10: 00AM -12: 00PM 1: 00PM 2: 00PM -4: 00PM 2: 00PM • 2: 30PM 4: 30PM ALLDAY ALLDAY ALLDAY ALLDAY
SandBucket sf ort hef i r st750Ki ds*
Ent r ances • St age Fami l yCabana Sr age Ki ds’Zone Ent r ances • St age St age Ki ds’Zone Ki ds’Zone Scul pt ur eAr ea NearSt age
Cour t esyofThePhi ppsTeam
PanGener at i onsSt eelDr um Band SandAr t * Bel ovedI nvador s MauiandMoanaMeetandGr G eet Beachbal l sf ort hef i r st250Ki ds* Cour t esyofDotMi l l erf orAr vadaCi t yCounci l
ThePaulGl overGr oup Luau FREEFacePai nt i ng Di gf orBur i edTr easur e Phot oBoot hMadeOutofSand Magi cwi t hLewi s
Ent r ances • St age St age Fami l yCabana • Ent r ances • Ki ds’Zone St age Ki ds’Zone Ki ds’Zone Scul pt ur eAr ea NearSt age
Cour t esyofThePhi ppsTeam
KonTi ki Luau Sandi nt heCi t y5t hBi r t hdayCel ebr at i on Cour t esyofTr acy’ sPl ace
Beachbal l sf ort hef i r st250Ki ds* Cour t esyofDotMi l l erf orAr vadaCi t yCounci l
Ar i elt heLi t t l eMer mai dMeetandGr eet DukeSt r eetKi ngs FREEFacePai nt i ng Di gf orBur i edTr easur e Phot oBoot hMadeOutofSand Magi cwi t hLewi s
#get sandyar vada|#col or adol i ve
*Whi l eSuppl i esLast•Al lact i vi t i esl i st edar eFREE!