Schedule Spring 2016.pdf - Google Drive

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Attention: BBA Students ID 55 – ID 58 *Schedule for Registration*

2nd Semester Academic Year 2015/16 (Spring 2016) 18 NOV 2015


All students register through the Internet at Note: All BBA students must do the online evaluation in order to obtain the registration code

27 NOV 2015 (11.55 pm) 21 – 27 December 2015 1. Check the result of registration as requested via internet at

21 December 2015 – 3 January 2016

under the menu “Personal Information” and “CR 74 & CR8” 2. Tuition Fee Payment 14,500 Baht for ID 53–ID55 and 17,000 Baht for ID 56–ID 58 students pay through Siam Commercial Bank Students must pay tuition fees within the deadline or their registration result will be cancelled. (For more information about payment of tuition fees visit and click on “Paying Tuition Fees.” or or Tel: 02-218-0022 *Special Tuition Fee Due: Fill in and print out a payment form at Important Note: 1. The payment form for Spring 2016 will be available by December 14, 2015. So, If you start doing it before December 14, it is not a correct form. 2. Once you already complete step 1, please bring this form and pay at the SCB Bank any branch starting from December 21, 2015 to January 3, 2016 only. Otherwise, late payment fee is required according to the regulations (*see here below)

ID 53 - ID 55: (Thai Students 60,000 Baht , Non–Thai Students 104,500 Baht) ID 56 – ID 58: (Thai Students 70,000 Baht , Non–Thai Students 114,500 Baht)

4 - 15 January 2016

Classes begin/Late registration/ADD Period 1st Sign your name on CR 52 to check if your registration is successful (in class with lecturers)

S:\BBA\Data\Nah\Register\Spring 2016\Schedule Spring 2016.doc

* Please be notified of the penalty on late payment of the Special Tuition Fee as follows:  Payment made during the first week after the commencement of the Fall/Spring semesters and Summer will be fined THB 1,000  Payment made after the first week of after the commencement of the Fall/Spring semesters and Summer will be fined THB 2,000 In order to avoid a fine on late payment, students must make the payment before the semester starts according to the stipulated schedules of each semester.

S:\BBA\Data\Nah\Register\Spring 2016\Schedule Spring 2016.doc