Scheduling Deteriorating Jobs on a Single Processor

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and derive optimal scheduling policies that minimize the expected makespan, and, for some models, policies that minimize ... deteriorate as they await service, causing their pro? cessing .... optimal stock depletion with stochastic field lives or.
Scheduling Deteriorating Jobs on a Single Processor Author(s): Sid Browne and Uri Yechiali Source: Operations Research, Vol. 38, No. 3 (May - Jun., 1990), pp. 495-498 Published by: INFORMS Stable URL: Accessed: 28/06/2009 05:19 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1995 to build trusted digital archives for scholarship. We work with the scholarly community to preserve their work and the materials they rely upon, and to build a common research platform that promotes the discovery and use of these resources. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected].

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SID BROWNE Columbia University, New York, New York URI YECHIALI Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel (Received October 1987; revisions received August 1988, February 1989; accepted March 1989) A^jobs are to be processed sequentially on a single machine. While waiting for processing, jobs deteriorate, causing the random processing requirement of each job to grow at a job-specific rate. Under such conditions, the actual processing times ofthe jobs are no longer exchangeable random variables and the expected makespan is no longer invariant under any scheduling strategy that disallows idleness. In this paper, we analyze the effects of different deterioration schemes and derive optimal scheduling policies that minimize the expected makespan, and, for some models, policies that minimize the variance of the makespan. We also allow for random setup and detaching times. Applications to optimal inventory issuing policies are discussed and extensions are considered.

stochastic single processor scheduling deal with N jobs waiting to be processed with job / having positive random pro? sequentially, cessing requirement X,. It is usually assumed that X, is independent of Xjj 7* /, /, j = 1, ..., N, so that the

of the class II, where policy w ? n is a permutation the index set / = {1, 2, ..., N] such that ir(i) = j means that job j (ofl) is the /th one to be processed. As all models of deterioration to be discussed in the sequel yield objective functions of similar form, we

time ofthe TVJobs) is expected makespan (completion invariant under any scheduling policy that disallows idleness. Thus, research has centered on minimizing flow times (e.g., Conway, Maxwell and (weighted) Miller 1967) or maximizing rewards (e.g., Ross 1983). In this paper, we introduce cases where jobs can deteriorate as they await service, causing their pro? cessing times to grow (at job-specific rates) during their wait. For these types of models, the makespan is no longer invariant and is a function ofthe scheduling

state here for reference a well known result (see Rau 1971 who stated it with summation reversed, where it is intimately related to a class of optimal search prob? lems; see also Kelly 1982).

Typical models

Lemma 1. The sum N


? AMi) E[ %r(r) /=1 r=i+l


is minimized when calculated over the (maximized) permutation ordered by increasing (decreasing) values ofvilVii1].

policy, as are the actual processing times. We consider the class of nonpreemptive processing strategies and find policies to minimize for expected makespans different deterioration schemes and, in some cases, to

(The proof is direct upon an interchange argument.) Consider N jobs, all available for processing at time 0, with initial processing requirements Xt (that is, the (random) time to complete job / if it is processed first). If job /'s processing is delayed until /, we assume the initial requirement deteriorates in such a manner that its processing requirement grows linearly with the delay to

minimize the variance ofthe makespan. These models are discussed in greater detail in Browne (1988, Chap. 5) where they were developed to deal with the control of some queueing and communication systems (see also, Browne and Yechiali 1989).


Yi(t) = Xi + att

As stated above, we are interested only in nonpreemp? tive strategies; we also do not allow the processor to idle if jobs are available so that we need consider only

where at is job /'s (specific) processing growth rate. We assume further that a job stops decaying as soon

policies,maintenance/replacement: schedulingdeteriorating jobs. Probability,renewalprocesses:modeling Subjectclassifications:Inventory/production, probabilisticdeterioration.Production/scheduling: schedulingdeteriorating jobs. OperationsResearch Vol. 38, No. 3, May-June1990


0030-364X/90/3803-0495$01.25 ? 1990OperationsResearchSocietyof America






as it is put on the processor. For notational convenience consider policy 7r0= (1, 2,..., N). Let Y, denote the actual processing time of job i in 7r0, and let Sk ? time ofthe kth job in 7r0 ? \ Yi denote the completion with So = 0. Then Yj m Yj(Sj-i) = Xj + ajS^u ? = N, or equivalently, j = 1, ..., Sj? (1 + aj)Sj-l



1, ...,





the solution


(1 +ar)

(where an empty product is defined to be 1). of the As SN is the makespan of ir0, identification 1 in that the Lemma shows terms expected proper when the jobs are scheduled makespan is minimized by increasing values of E(Xi)/ai9 the ratio of expected initial processing requirement to growth rate. in (2) exhibits clearly how the The decomposition makespan is simply the sum of delays to all future jobs caused by the initial requirements. Furthermore, as in some applications it is of interest to minimize the variance ofthe makespan rather than its expectation, utilization of (2) suggests Var(^(x))

N = ? Var(X,(0) /=i

N U (1 + a,u)f y=/+i


1 implies with Lemma upon identification is minimized that the variance of the makespan scheduled the are when increasing by jobs which

Var(X/)/[(l+?/)2-l]. Consider the case where job / deteriorates rather as external shocks arrive via a job-specific homogenous Poisson stream of intensity \,. Every shock arriving while job / is waiting for processing inflicts random damage, causing job / 's processing time to grow by a random jump having mean dt. The (increased) pro? cessing times remain constant between shocks. Let Yj be the actual processing time of job j (in w0), Sj = = E(Sj) and let Nj(t) denote the Poisson 2^! Yi, Zj count of shocks to job j in (0, t] with parameter Xy. Then if DJk is the jump in job y's processing time caused by the kth shock with mean E(Djk) = dj, clearly

This policy is also optimal to a first order approxi? when in fact the job's processing requirement grows by a shot noise type process (see Browne). In general, it is clearly the linearity ofthe (expected) mation

rate of growth (during delay) that enables the reduc? tion ofthe expected makespan to form, such as Equa? tions 2 and 5, hence allowing the optimality of a of Lemma 1. simple index policy upon application of a type that as is as the deterioration Therefore, long causes the jobs' processing times to grow in a (jobspecific) Levy process (that is, a process with stationary in proba? increments that is continuous independent an index see Prabhu policy ofthe bility, e.g., 1980), INITIAL REQUIREMENT]/ {[EXPECTED GROWTH RATE]} will minimize the [EXPECTED time or makespan. For expected (total) completion the actual processing consider case where the example, in is / of 7r0 requirement job form

Yi = Xi


+ Bi(Si-x)+

X k=\



where Bt(t) denotes a Brownian motion with positive drift /*/. Then (neglecting the possibility of negative processing times), expectating (6) yields the expected growth rate a, + /*, + \,di, and the index is obvious. In fact, consideration of the following simple suffices to show that these indices corre? inequality 1981) even spond to the Gittin's index (Whittle is not a multiarmed the problem though directly bandit. Proposition

1. If