differential equations, solution of equation by direct integration, Lagrange's
Linear ... (ii) Higher Engineering Mathematics by BS Grewal, Khanna Publication.
Scheme of Examination Candidates admitted in session July 2011-2012 and onwards Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.III-Semester S. No.
Sub. Code
Subject Name & Title
Maximum Marks Allotted
End Sem
2 3
Practical Slot End Lab Sem. Work/ Assignm ent -
EI- 1132 Signals & Systems
EI -1133 Fundamentals of Instrumentation EI-1134 Electronic Devices And Circuits
Engineering Maths- II
Theory Slot Mid Quiz, Sem. Assign MST ment
Network Analysis
Java And Net Programming Electronics And Instruments
Credit allotted subject wise L T P
Total Credit s
Total Marks
MST: Mid semester tests taken at least twice per semester L: Lecture T: Tutorial P: Practical
PROGRAMME: Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering- III Semester Course: EI – 1131 Engineering Maths- II Category of Course
Course Title Engineering Maths- II
Course Code EI - 1131
Credits-4 L T 3 1
P 0
Theory Paper (ES) Max. Marks-70 Min.Marks- 22 Duration-3hrs.
Unit I Fourier Series: Introduction of Fourier series , Fourier series for Discontinuous functions, Fourier series for even and odd function, Half range series Fourier Transform: Definition and properties of Fourier transform, Sine and Cosine transform. Unit II Laplace Transform: Introduction of Laplace Transform, Laplace Transform of elementary functions, properties of Laplace Transform, Change of scale property, second shifting property, Laplace transform of the derivative, Inverse Laplace transform & its properties, Convolution theorem, Applications of L.T. to solve the ordinary differential equations Unit III Second Order linear differential equation with variable coefficients : Methods one integral is known, removal of first derivative, changing of independent variable and variation of parameter, Solution by Series Method Unit IV Linear and Non Linear partial differential equation of first order: Formulation of partial differential equations, solution of equation by direct integration, Lagrange’s Linear equation, charpit’s method. Linear partial differential equation of second and higher order: Linear homogeneous and Non homogeneous partial diff. equation of nth order with constant coefficients. Separation of variable method for the solution of wave and heat equations Unit V Vector Calculus: Differentiation of vectors, scalar and vector point function, geometrical meaning of Gradient, unit normal vector and directional derivative, physical interpretation of divergence and Curl. Line integral, surface integral and volume integral, Green’s, Stoke’s and Gauss divergence theorem References (i) Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley India (ii) Higher Engineering Mathematics by BS Grewal, Khanna Publication (iii) Advance Engineering Mathematics by D.G.Guffy (iv) Mathematics for Engineers by S.Arumungam, SCITECH Publuication (v) Engineering Mathematics by S S Sastri. P.H.I.
PROGRAMME: Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering- III Semester Course: EI – 1132 Signals and Systems
Category of Course
Course Title Signals and Systems
Course Code EI - 1132
Credits-4 L T 3 1
P 0
Theory Paper (ES) Max. Marks-70 Min.Marks- 22 Duration-3hrs.
UNIT I: An introduction to signals and systems: Signals and systems as seen in everyday life, and in various branches of engineering and science electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, thermal, biomedical signals and systems as examples. Extracting the common essence and requirements of signal and system analysis from these examples. Formalizing signals: energy and power signals, signal properties: periodicity, absolute integrability, determinism and stochastic character. Some special signals of importance: the unit step, the unit impulse, the sinusoid, the complex exponential, some special time-limited signals; continuous and discrete time signals, continuous and discrete amplitude signals. Transformation in independent variable of signals: time scaling, time shifting. Formalizing systems: system properties: linearity: additivity and homogeneity, shiftinvariance, causality, stability, realizability, examples. System representation through differential equations and difference equations. UNIT II: Continuous time and discrete time Linear shift-invariant (LSI) systems in detail: the impulse response and step response, convolution, input-output behavior with aperiodic convergent inputs, cascade interconnections. Characterization of causality and stability of linear shift-invariant systems. Eigen functions of continuous time and discrete time LTI systems. Transmission of signals through a LTI system. UNIT III: The idea of signal space and orthogonal bases of signals. Periodic and semi-periodic inputs to an LSI system, the notion of a frequency response and its relation to the impulse response, Fourier series representation, the Fourier Transform and its properties, convolution/multiplication and their effect in the frequency domain, magnitude and phase response, Fourier domain duality. UNIT IV: Representation of continuous time signals by its sample - Sampling theorem – Reconstruction of a Signal from its samples, aliasing – discrete time processing of continuous time signals, sampling of band pass signals .The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) and its properties. The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and its properties. Parseval's Theorem. UNIT V: The z-Transform for discrete time signals and systems: Basic principles of z-transform z-transform definition, region of convergence, system functions, poles and zeros of systems and sequences, properties of ROC – Properties of z-transform – Poles and Zeros – inverse ztransform using Contour integration - Residue Theorem, Power Series expansion and Partial fraction expansion, Relationship between z-transform and Fourier transform.
Some Suggested Textbooks/ Reference books: 1. A.V. Oppenheim, A.S. Willsky and I.T. Young, "Signals and Systems", Prentice Hall, 1983. 2. R.F. Ziemer, W.H. Tranter and D.R. Fannin, "Signals and Systems Continuous and Discrete", 4th edition, Prentice Hall, 1998. 3. A. Papoulis, "Circuits and Systems: A Modern Approach", HRW, 1980. 4. B.P. Lathi, "Signal Processing and Linear Systems", Oxford University Press, c1998. 5. Douglas K. Lindner, "Introduction to Signals and Systems", Mc-Graw Hill International Edition: c1999. 6. Simon Haykin, Barry van Veen, "Signals and Systems", John Wiley and Sons (Asia) Private Limited, c1998. 7. Robert A. Gabel, Richard A. Roberts, "Signals and Linear Systems", John Wiley and Sons (SEA) Private Limited, c1995. 8. M. J. Roberts, "Signals and Systems - Analysis using Transform methods and MATLAB", Tata Mc Graw Hill Edition, 2003. 9. I. J. Nagrath, S. N. Sharan, R. Ranjan, S. Kumar, "Signals and Systems", Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2001. 10. Ashok Ambardar, "Analog and Digital Signal Processing", Second Edition, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Company (An international Thomson. 11. Probability and Statistics, Spiegel, Schiller and Srinivasn, Second Edition, Scaum’s Outline TMH
PROGRAMME: Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering- III Semester Course: EI – 1133, Fundamentals of Instrumentation
Category of Course
Course Title
Course Code
Fundamentals of Instrumentation EI - 1133
Credits - 6 L T P 3 1 2
Theory Papers (ES) Max.Marks-70 Min.Marks-22 Duration-3hrs.
Unit I Basic concept of Instrumentation: functional elements of an instrument, electrical equivalents of mechanical and other systems, classification of systems according to their mode of operation , input-output configurations Performance characteristics: static characteristics, loading effects, dynamic characteristics, frequency response analysis, and response of a general form of instrument. Signal conditioning: signal modulations, deflection bridges, a.c carrier systems. Errors in measurement: definitions, signals and noise in measurement systems, uncertainity analysis. Unit II Measurement of Resistance: Introduction, resistance and resistors, resistor types, colour coding of resistor, Measurement of resistance: voltmeter-ammeter method, ohmmeter, DC Bridges: Whetstone bridge-design, arrangement of ratio arms, bridge sensitivity, errors in bridge circuits, null type and deflection type, current and voltage sensitivity bridges, Null, Sensitivity and Calibration adjustments of Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin bridge and current balance bridge, Various application of DC bridges, miliohmeter, megaohmmeter Unit III Measurement of Inductance: Introduction, inductance and inductors, inductor structure, transformers and their types, impedance, Measurement of inductance using ac voltmeter, Maxwell’s bridge, , Various applications of Maxwell Bridges, complex impedance measurement: vector impedance meter, Q measurement Measurement of Capacitance: Introduction, capacitance and capacitors, dielectrics, stray capacitance, capacitive reactance, capacitor types, colour coding of capacitors, Capacitance Bridges:, Hay’s bridge, Schering bridge, storage and dissipation factors measurement. Unit IV Sensing elements –I: Resistive elements (potentiometer, strain gage, resistance thermometers), Capacitive elements (variable separation, area, dielectric), Inductive elements (variable inductance, potentiometer, variable reluctance, LVDT). Unit V Sensing elements –II : Magnetic type (eddy current, magnetostrictive, magnetoresistive), Hall devices, Squid. Piezo electric element, Piezo resistive element. Thermal transducers: RTD, thermistors, radiation detectors (bolometers, pyroelectric type).
Some Suggested Textbooks/ Reference books: 1.
Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation by A. K. Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai and Sons. 2. Measurement System by Doebelin 3. Electronic Instrumentation , Kalsi, TMH 4. Electronic Instruments and Measurement by Jones and Chins
PROGRAMME: Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering- III Semester Course: EI – 1134, Electronic Devices and Circuits Category of Course
Electronic Devices and Circuits
Course Code
Credits - 6 L
Theory Paper (ES) Max.Marks-70 Min.Marks-22 Duration-3hrs
Unit I. Semiconductor Diodes • Semiconductor materials- intrinsic and extrinsic types • Ideal Diode • Terminal characteristics of diodes: p-n junction under open circuit condition p-n junction under forward bias and reverse bias conditions p-n junction in breakdown region • Diode small signal model • Zener diode and applications Tunnel & Schottky diodes and applications • Rectifier Circuits • Clipping and Clamping circuits Unit II Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) • Physical structure and operation modes • Active region operation of transistor • D.C. analysis of transistor circuits • Transistor as an amplifier • Biasing the BJT: fixed bias, emitter feedback bias, collector feedback bias and voltage divider bias • Basic BJT amplifier configuration: common emitter, common base and common collector amplifiers • Transistor as a switch: cut-off and saturation modes • High frequency model of BJT amplifier
Unit III Field Effect Transistor (FET) • Junction Field-Effect Transistor (JFET) - Construction, Operation and Biasing • Depletion-type MOSFET • Enhancement-type MOSFET: structure and physical operation, current-voltage characteristics • D.C. operation of MOSFET circuits • MOSFET as an amplifier • Biasing in MOSFET amplifiers • Basic MOSFET amplifier configuration: common source, common gate and common drain types • High frequency model of MOSFET amplifier
Unit IV Multistage Amplifiers Multistage or Cascade amplifier: classification of multi-stage amplifier, coupling and frequency response of cascaded systems, effect of cascading on voltage gain, current gain, phase, input and output impedances and bandwidth of cascaded or multistage amplifiers. Types of coupling, cascade and cascode circuits, Miller theorem, Darlington pair, bootstrap circuit Unit V Tuned Amplifiers Tuned amplifier: single tuned, double tuned and stagger tuned amplifiers characteristics and their frequency response. Power amplifier: • Class A large signal amplifiers, second-harmonic distortion • Transformer coupled audio power amplifier • Class B amplifier • Class AB operation push pull and Class C power amplifiers. Comparison of their efficiencies, types of distortion.
Some Suggested Textbooks/ Reference books: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Integrated Electronics. - Millman Halkias Electronic Devices & circuits – Boyelstad & Neshelsky – PHI Electronic Devices & Circuits – David A.Bell – PHI Principles of Electronic Devices - Malvino
PROGRAMME: Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering- III Semester Course: EI - 1135 Network Analysis CATEGORY OF COURSE
COURSE TITLE Network Analysis
T 1
P 2
THEORY PAPERS Max.Marks-70 Min.Marks-22 Duration-3hrs.
COURSE CONTENTS Unit I Introduction to LLBP circuit elements R,L,C and their characteristics in terms of Linearity & time dependent nature, KCL and KVL analysis dual networks analysis of magnetically coupled circuits Dot convention, coupling co-efficient, Tuned circuits. Series & parallel resonance voltage & current sources, controlled sources. Unit II Network topology, concept of Network graph, Tree, Tree branch & link, Incidence matrix, cut set and tie set matrices. Network Theorems – Thevenin’s & Norton’s theorem, superposition, reciprocity, compensation, maximum power transfer and Millman’s theorem, problems with controlled sources. Unit III Transient analysis Transients in RL, RC & RLC Circuits initial conditions, time constants. Network driven by constant driving sources & their solutions. Steady state analysis - Concept of phasor & vector, impedance & admittance. Node & mesh analysis of RL,RC and RLC networks with sinusoidal and other driving sources. Unit IV Frequency domain analysis – Laplace transform solution of Integro differential equations. Transform of Waveform – synthesized with step ramp, Gate and sinusoidal functions. Initial & final value theorem. Network Theorems in transform domain. Concept of signal spectra, Fourier series co-efficient of a periodic waveform. Waveform symmetries. Trigonometric and Exponential form of Fourier series, steady state response to periodic signals. Unit V Network function & Two port networks – concept of complex frequency, port. Network functions of one port & two ports, poles and zeros network of different kinds. Two port parameters – Z,Y, chain parameters relationship between parameters. Interconnection of two ports. Terminated two port network. References: • M.E. Van Valkenburg, Network Analysis, (PHI) • F.F.Kuo, Network Analysis • Circuits & Systems, Sudhakar, TMH.
PROGRAMME: Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering- III Semester Course: EI – 1136, Language Programming CATEGORY OF COURSE
COURSE TITLE Java & .net Programming
T -
P 4
Unit –I Java history, Java features, C Versus Java, C++ Versus Java, Java development kit (Jdk), Java programming environment. Java as an object oriented language, simple Java programs, Java tokens, Java statements, constants, variables, data types, operators & expressions, decision making & branching, decision making and looping. Unit-II Defining a class, packages, CLASSPATH setting for packages, access specifiers, constructors, copy constructor, finalize ( ) methods, final classes, arrays, strings. Applets: Life cycle of an applet, applet in webpage, HTML tags for applet. Overview of AWT: containers and components. Unit III Java event handling, listeners – key listener, mouse listener, mouse motion listener, Adapter classes. Overview of simple thread, multithreaded programming, exception handling: try, catch, finally, throw, throws statement Unit IV .Net framework, features of .Net framework, architecture and component of .Net, elements of .Net. Unit V Basic features of C# : Fundamentals, Classes and Objects, Inheritance and Polymorphism, Operator overloading , Structures. Advanced features of C#: Interfaces, arrays, indexers and collections, string and regular expressions, Handling exceptions, Delegates and Events.
REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4.
Java - The Complete Reference : Herbert Schildt, Mcgraw Hill, Inc Programming with Java :Balagurusamy, TMH Programming in C# : Balagurusamy, TMH C# for Programmers :by Harvey Deitel, Paul Deitel, Pearson Education
PROGRAMME: Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering- III Semester Course: EI – 1137, Electronic Workshop Category of Course
Course Title Electronic And Instrument Workshop
1. Identification,
Course Code
L -
EI 1137
Credits - 2
T -
Theory Paper (ES)
P 2
(a) Resistances-Various types, Colour coding (b) Capacitors-Various types, Coding, (c) Inductors (d) Diodes (e) Transistors (f) SCRs (g) ICs (h) Photo diode (i) Photo transistor (j) LED (k) LDR (l) Potentiometers. 2.
Study of symbols for various Electrical & Electronic Components, Devices, Circuit functions etc.
3. Bread board assembling – diode clipping & clamping circuits 4. (a) Study of soldering components, solders, tools, heat sink. (b) Soldering & de-soldering practice. (c) Soldering practice - Common emitter amplifier 5. (a) To Design & fabricate a PCB for a Regulated power supply. (b) Assemble the Regulated power supply using PCB and test it. 6. Study of electronic test and measuring equipments: Multimeter, Oscilloscope, Function Generator, and Desktop Regulated Power Supply. 7. Familiarization with Electrical/Instrument wiring techniques. 8. Systematic Studies of the basic units of complete instruments . 9. Studies of the methods of transducer mounting and connection to measuring blocks. 10. Acquaintance with Instrument panels, indicators, recorders, annunciation systems.