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Multiple Voices in Academic and Professional Discourse: Current Issues in Specialised Language Research, Teaching and New Technologies
Ediled by
Sergio Maruenda-Bataller and Begoña Clavel-Arroitia
List of IIIustrations ................................... __•..................... .....- ............... xiii Multiple Voices in Academic and Professional Discourse: Current Issues in Specialised language Research. Teaching and New Technologies. Edited by Sergio Maruendn~Bi1laller and Begoña Clavel-Arroitia
List ofTables ............................... _... ..................................... ._.............. xviü Acknowledgements ........................................................ ........................... XX
This book first published 2011
Cambridge Scholars Publishing 12 Bock Chapman Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2XX. UK
Foreword .................................................................................................. xxi
Parl 1. Discourse Analysis in Proressional and Academic Genres CHAPTER ONE .....••.•••••••••••..•••......•......•......•••••••••••••••••••.....••.....••.....••......•••• 2
British Ubrnry Cntaloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record foe this book is 8vailable fmm the British Ubrary Copyright «> 2011 by Sergio Maruenda-Bataller and Begoña Clavel-Arroitia and contribulors
AIl rights foc this book reserved. No pan oC this book may be reproduced. stored in ti retrieval system. or tmnsmitted. in ooy fonn oc by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recomíng Of olherwise, wilhout tite prior pennission or lhe copyright owner. ISBN (10): 1-4438·2971-4, ISBN (13): 978·1-4438·2971 ·7
Concordancing Tools in Cross Curricular Learning: Critical Discourse Analysis and Lexicology Rosana Dolón and Miguel Fuster (lUIMA - Universitat de Valencia) CHAPTER Two .....•.••••••••••.•.•••.....••......•.......•.•..••••••••••••••••••••.....•.......•......•• 13
Approaching ltems of New Son Immigration in !he Free Press from a Visual and a Linguistic Perspective Maria Martínez Lirola (/UIMA - Universitat d'Alacant) CHAPTER THREE .•.......••••••••••••••.••......••......•......•.......••.••••••••••••••.....••.....••.. 22
Promoting ELT Material: A Genre-analysis Approach to English Dictionary Blurbs Maria-L1uisa Gea-Valor (Universitat Jal/me l) CHAPTER FouR •......•.......•.....•••••••••••••..•••......••......•......••......•••••••••••••••••••••• 32
Collaborative Teaching Strategies: The Intemet in Content and Language lntegrated Learning María Luisa Carrió Pastor (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) CHAPTER FIVE ....••••••••••••....••.....••......••......•.••.••••••••••••••••.••......•.....••.......•... 46
PhD Thesis Acknowledgements in Spanish and English: A Contrastive Study María Carbonell·Olivares (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia)
TabJe of ContenlS
Part 3. New Technologies in Teaching and Research within Ibe Field ofFLT CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT .......................................................................... 418
Funcionalidad de una platafonna virtual institucional para el aprendizaje del FLElFLS en contexto universitario Brisa Gómez Ángel (Universidad Poli/écnica de Valencia) CHAPlCR THIRTY-NINE .........•••.............•.••.•••••••.•••.......••••...........•••••........ 428
TIC Y aprendizaje integrado de contenidos técnicos y lengua inglesa en la euit de telecomunicación UPM lrina Argüelles, Juana Sendra, Margarita Míllán, Juan Blanco, Rafael Herradón (EU/7T - UPM) and Rupert Herington (University of Leeds Language Cenlre)
Multiple Voices in Academic and Professional Discourse
CHAPlCR FORTY-SIX •••..••••••••••••••••...••...•••..•••••.• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••...•........ 511
Étude comparative (école/université) de I'utílísation des tic dans I'enseignement du fran~ais Hortensia López Lorca (Universidad de Murcia) CHAPTER FORTY-SEVEN ••••••••••••••••••..•...•...•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••........... 52 I
La autocorrección de errors de redacciones: la web como fuente de infonnación Laura Inmaculada Cardona Sanchis (Universidad Poli/écnica de Valencia ) CHAPlCR FORTY-EIGHT ••••........................•••••••••••••.•................................ 536
Online Glossary of English Applied Linguistics Lidia Taillefer de Haya and Rosa Munoz Luna (Universidad de Málaga) CHAPTER FORTY-NINE •••••••••••••• ••••••.•.•.••......••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••.• 541
CHAPlCR FORTY ••••••••••••••••••.......••••.........••.•...........••••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 442
Bridging the Gap between Language and Literature: Digital Storytellíng as a New Way of Creating Delective Short Stories María Alcantud Díaz (Universi/al de Valencia) CHAPlCR FORTY-ONE ...••..............•....•...••••..•.••..•...•.............••...............••• 452
ICf Support for Retention and Consolidation of Knowledge in tbe Classroom Maria Matesanz, Elena de Miguel and Covadonga López (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Fostering Autonomy in Pedagogically Sound e-Iearning Environment for Learners of English for Specific Purposes Ana Gimeno, Antonio Martínez, Ana Sevilla and Jose Macario de Siqueira (Universidad Poli/écnica de Valencia) CHAPTER FlfTY •.•.................•••....................•................•..•••••••••••.............. 561
El uso de redes sociales en la enseñanza/aprendizaje de lengua alemana y su cultura Ingrid Cáceres Würsig (Universidad de Alcala') CHAPTER FlfTY-ONE ........•.•.••••• ••....•..•.•......•...........•.....•.•.•.••.••••••••••••••••• 573
Teaching English Dialectology witb ICf M' Goretti Zaragoza Ninet (Universita/ de Valencia)
The Use of Digital Portfolios in an Official Masters for Teaching Spanish and English as a FLlL2: Innuential Factors for Best Practice Teresa Morell & Marián Alesón (Universital d'Macanl)
CHAPTER FORTY-THREE ..•••.............•••.....••...•••••••••••••••••••••...•••••••••••........ 478
CHAPTER FlfTY-Two ••....................••••••••..••••........................................... 584
Speechy Projec/: Answering the Demands of tbe Modero User Nicolás Pino James (Universilal de Valencia) CHAPlCR FORTY-FoUR •••••••••.....•............•..............•..........••••••.•......••••••••• 490
Nuevas tecnologías en la enseñanza virtual de la traducción e interpretación especializadas: herramientas de comunicación y comunidades de práctica Bianca Vitalaru and Raquel Lázaro (Universidad de Alcalá)
Exploring "Spontaneous" New Literacies through "Cybertasks" Carolina Girón-Garcfa (Universitar Jaume 1)
CHAPlCR FlfTY-THREE .•••••..........................•.......•.••.•••••••••••.••................. 599
CHAPlCR FORTY-Two ...••••..........••.• ••...•••••••..•••••.....•••••...........•••............. 464
CHAPTER FORTY-FIVE ••••............•••..............•••••••••••••............•• ••............... 497
L2 Revision using Computer-mediated Peer Review Ana Belén Cabrejas Peñuelas (Universi/alde Valencia)
Interactive Tasks in an e-Iearning Environment: Metbodological and Motivational Issues Gina Oxbrow and Carolina Rodríguez (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
Chapler Forty-Four
Sanz, Mercedes. 2003. Las Tecnolog(as de la Infonnación y tk la Comunicación y la autonomía de aprendizaje de Lenguas. Aná/isU crítico y estudio de casos en el aprendizaje del FLE. Castellón: PubI. Universilal Jaume 1. Shepherd, Micheal, Carolyn Wauers and Alistair Kennedy. 2001. "Cybergenre: aulomatie idenlifieation of home pages on !he web." Joumal ofWeb Engil,eering 3(3/4): 236-251. Silvestre López, Anlonio José, Ignasi Navarro Ferrando, María Laisa Villanueva Alfonso, and Carolina Girón Garda. 2008. "CybergetlleS and aulonomous language leaming. Pragmalie stralegies nnd cognitivo models in lbe produelion and processing of digital geores". paper presenled al me Inlernational Technology, Education and Developmml Conferellce. Valencia: 03-03-2008. IATED. Swales, John. 1990. Genre Allalysis. Eng/ish in Academic and Restorch Settings. Cambridge Universily Press. Villanueva, Maria Luisa and Mercedes Sanz. 2008. "A Critica! Approacb lo Muhilileraey: Automates IntelligenlS." CORELL: Compuur Resources for Language Leaming 2: 64-82. Villanueva, Maria Luisa and Mercedes Sanz. 2002. Projel SMAIL: "Les enjeux de I'hypertexle pour I'auloforrnalion." Le Frallfa/s dnns le Monde. Apprenrissage des langues et technologies: usogtS ti! emergence, enero 2002, Paris, Cié Inlernalional, 66-76.
1. Introduction Research on lhe use of weblogs for seeond language wriling (Bloch lOO1, Ware 2008) has concluded mal blogs are a promising environmenl _ :peer review aetivilies in me L2 c1assroom. Blogs help develop me lIlIdcDls' rhelorieal stralegies (Bloch 2007); promole exehange of ideas ;Campbell 2003); help learners spend more lime reading, wriling and perating ideas (Bloeh 2007); enhanee a sense of audienee (Tsui and Ng lOOO); raise sludenlS' awareness of lheir own strenglhs and weaknesses (Tsui and Ng 2000); help develop a sense of ownership (Tsui and Ng 2000, Campbell 2003); and favor inleraetion belween studenlS (Tsui -.1 Ng 2000), which is benefieial for peer review aelivilies. However, bis also evidence (Ware and O'Dowd 2008) mal sludenlS lend lo focus fonu and, therefore, effeelive feedback stralegies are needed lo OlOIaIcraet sueh tendeney. 'Peor review in L2 writing elasses has reeeived inereasing inlerest from lrIdICI$ and researchers, who offer eontradielory resullS about me ..rulness of peer reviews in writing c1asses. Peer revision has been tllinted lO assist eonlinued developmenl of eommuniealive compelenee,
. .Dote lo more learner participation, creale a communicative context, '" leamers lhink of their readers' needs (Hy1and 2003), lead lo more bntt aUlonomy (Villamil and De Guerrero 1998) and encourage erilieal ~ing (Berg 1999). However, just as importanl is Ihe conclusion that F",.ision does nol have positive effeels on sludenlS' revisions. Indeed, invesligations hove concluded lhat sludenlS often feel reluctant lo tIIIicize Ibeir peers (Corson and Nelson 1996), incorporale low percentages
Chapler Forty-Five
Campbell, Aaron P. 2003. "Weblogs for use wilh ESL classes." ~ Intemet TESL Joumal9 (2), hllp:// Hyland, Fyona. 2003. "Focusing on fonn: studenl engagement with teacher feedback." System 31: 217-230. Liou, Hsien-Chin and Zhong-Yang Peng. 2009. '''[raining efli:cts otI compuler-mediated peer review." System 37: 514-525. Liu, Jun and Randall Sadler. 2003. ''The effecl and affect of peer review in electronie versus tradilional modes on L2 wriling." Joumal of Englislt for Academíc PlIrposes 2: 193-227. Miao, Yang, Richard Badger and Yu Zhen. 2006. "A comparative studyof peer and leacher feedback in a Chinese EFL writing e1ass." JOUI1UÚ D/ Second Lallguage Writíng 15: 179-200. Min, Hui-Tzu. 2005. '''[raining students to become successful peer reviewers." System 33: 293-308. - . 2006. ''The effects of trained peer review on EFL students' revision types and writing quality." Joumal of Secolld Language Writing 15 (2): 118-141. Nelson, Gayle and Joan Carson. 1998. "ESL Students' Perceplions of Effectiveness in Peer Response Groups."Joumal of Second Language Writíng 7(2): 113-131. Paulus, Trena. 1999. '''[he effecl of peer and teacher feedback on student writing." Joumal of Secolld Language Writíng 8(3): 265-289. Purdue Universily Online Writing Lab. 2008. English DepartrnenL Purdue University, hllp://owl.english.purdue.edul Rollinson, Pau!. 2005. "Using peer feedback in \he ESL writing class." ELT Joumal 59(1): 23-30. Tsui, Amy B.M. and Maria Ng. 2000. "Do secondary L2 wrilers benefn from peer comments?" Joumal of Second Language Writing 9(2): 147170. Villamil, OIga and Maria De Guerrero. 1998. "Assessing \he itnpaCt of peer revision on L2 writing." Applied Unguistícs 19 (4): 491-514. Ware, Paige and Roben O'Dowd. 2008. "Peer feedback and 'languasc fonn in telecollaboration." Language Leamíng and Technology 12(1): 43-63. Zhang, Shuqiang. 1999. ''Thoughts on sorne recent evidence conccming \he affective advantage of peer feedback." Journal of &cond Language Writillg 8(3): 321-326.