Scholastic Book Fair - Horizon Elementary School

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We have added prizes for the best dressed family and parent prizes. The dance will be ... We would like to thank all who showed up for our first PTO meeting.
Horizon PTO newsletter

Issue 2 October 2013

Dates to Remember Dear Horizon Families, We want to thank everyone who went on the hayride. I understand those who attended had a wonderful time. We apologize to anyone unable to join us due to it filling up so quickly. We had no idea so many families would want to attend the event. This month is our annual Fall dance. It will be held November 1 st, the day after Halloween. We encourage all to dress in costume, parents too!! We have added prizes for the best dressed family and parent prizes. The dance will be held from 6-8 PM. We would like to ask parents to donate cookies to the dance. They may be dropped at school anytime from Thursday Oct. 31st until the dance starts. The PTO will supply trail mix and plenty of drinks. This event is free and siblings are welcome to attend. Watch for a detailed flyer to come home later in October.

Fall class parties

Oct 24th

Fall Dance

Nov 1st 6-8pm

Yankee Candle Paper Sales

Oct 2Oct 14

Scholastic Book Fair

Nov 1822nd

Math Pentathlon game overview

Oct 9

We would like to thank all who showed up for our first PTO meeting. Notes from this meeting can be found on the Facebook page and will be on Horizon’s website. The next meeting will be held Nov. 14th at 6:30 in the LGI. We have kicked off the Yankee candle sale for our fall fundraiser It is very import to raise money to fund our schools activities. If it is successful we will not have a need to have another one this school year. We also have a direct donation option for anyone who would rather not participate in the sale but still would like to help. The PTO thanks you for whatever way you choose to help our school. Art smart and math pentathlon both kick off this month as well. These are two programs the PTO offers to everyone and the kids have loved for years! Happy Fall, Your Horizon PTO board

Scholastic Book Fair Our Scholastic Book Fair will be taking place November 18-22nd We would love for our fantastic Horizon volunteers to donate some time to this event. Please contact Stevi Weaver at [email protected] or Pam Thompson at [email protected] if you are interested in helping out!

Reminder A scrip order form will be coming out soon for an order in the middle of the month

Math Pentathlon We all want what is best for our children. This explains why Math Pentathlon is a great opportunity for them. Math pentathlon gives the students at Horizon numerous benefits. One of which is the ability to become active problemsolvers. Playing strategic games encourages out of the box thinking. Students who play math pentathlon games have been proven to earn higher test scores. In one study 100% of students passed and 77% of students scored above 90%. This is what we want for Horizon students! Here are some more benefits of playing the games: 

Students of varying abilities and learning styles enjoy math and spend more time doing it

Develops active problem solving by resolving problems that are continually changing.

Integrates three types of mathematical reasoning; spatial, computational, and logical.

Develops cognitive thinking thru the use of models

Aligns with national standards

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The games are broken down into three tiers. Each tier consists of five games. The name pentathlon comes from the five (penta) games. Tier I games are played by kindergarten and 1st grade. Tier II games are played by 2nd and 3rd grades. Tier III are played by 4th and 5th grades. This year the games will be played in the classroom for kindergarten and first grade. 2nd and 3rd grades will be playing them as they fit into the teachers lesson plans without volunteers. Grades 2 and 3 have a heavy testing schedule, making it difficult to fit in game play time. 4th grade will be playing the games in the classroom and 5th grade will play games after school two times a month on Tuesdays.

This year the PTO is offering more game play time for the math pentathlon games. This will take place from the 1st Thursday of each month from 2:20-3:30 for all Horizon students. If there is a big interest from parents and students then more sessions can be added. At this time we are registering for the first three months; Nov 7 Dec 5 and Jan 9. If your child attends kids club, then they will go to the cafeteria after game play. All other children will need to be picked up in the office with a signature by an approved adult. We cannot do this without the help of our volunteers. The PTO does ask that an adult volunteer at least one time during the year, if your child participates in the extra after school time. This is a great opportunity for grandparents. A training session will be held on October 9 10:00-11:30. We will give a brief overview of the games. DVDs are available in the school library and can be checked out for up to 3 days. The games are available in the PTO room for a adult to borrow overnight or for a weekend.

Math Pentathlon After School Sign Up If your child is interested in this extra after school game time please fill out the following information and return it to school. Or contact me with the information at [email protected] 574-675-0483 Lisa Lawson

Child’s name_______________________________________________________ Teacher and grade_____________________________________________________ Name of person who will volunteer________________________________________________ Will attend training: yes or no

Phone___________________ email_____________________________________ Circle dates you can help Nov 7

Dec 5

Jan 9

Yankee Candle Sales Last year our sale was a huge success raising over $10,000. Our paper sale officially begins on October 2nd and will run through October 14th. Please return all paperwork to the classroom by Monday October 14th. New this fall, Yankee has their online ordering up and running and people can continue placing orders throughout the month of December. Each school family will be able to send out our school customer number via email, Facebook, Twitter, etc so that family and friends can order directly from Yankee and get their orders shipped straight to them. Horizon will receive 40% from each of those sales as well! Students will only get credit

PRIZES!!!! 

All students who participate will win a prize

All classes who sell an average of two items per kid win an extra recess.

The class who sells the most will get a special treat delivered to their classroom.

 toward the contest from online orders placed between Oct 2nd and 14th. Our goal is for each student to sell a minimum of two items. Prizes will be awarded to our top sellers!! We would love to beat our record  from last year and be able to do even more great things for our school.

$200 -$299 in sales - kids get a $10 gift card from a list of choices

To sign up for online fundraising simply follow these steps 


Enter Horizon’s group number 990048341

Set up an optional seller ID for your child (only necessary for contest purposes)

$300-$499 in sales- kids get a $25 gift card from a list of choices $500 and up in sales get a $50 gift card from a list of choices

ART SMART Art Smart grade leaders have been put into place and are working on parent helper schedules for the year. We will have only 5 art smarts this school year as we are updating artists, projects and the use of technology in presentations.

Art Smart October Dates Kindergarten Tuesday Oct. 15 th from 1 -2 1st Grade Thursday Oct. 17th from 1-2

Grade leaders are:

2nd Grade Wednesday Oct. 16th from 121

Kindergarten Jill Jaronik

3rd Grade Friday Oct. 18th from 11-12

1st Grade Pam Rerick

4th Grade Wednesday Oct. 16th from 1-2

2nd Grade Dru Neice 3rd Grade Shari Keller 4th Grade Tanya Schieber 5th Grade Rhonda Gibson

5th Grade Friday Oct. 18th from 1-2