For realisation of these recommendations, SCERT (WB) published a
supplementary book in 2007-08 containing activity sheets suitable for classes VI,
VII and ...
STATE COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING (W.B.) 25/3, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata 700 019
Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Contents_English (1) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 5th proof 23/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Contents_English (2) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 5th proof 23/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
Learner’s Name .....................................................................................................
Mother’s Name ......................................................................................................
Father’s Name .......................................................................................................
Name of the School ..............................................................................................
Name of Village / Town .........................................................................................
District ....................................................................................................................
STATE COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING (W.B.) 25/3, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata 700 019
Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Contents_English (3) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 5th proof 23/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
: Publisher : DIRECTOR STATE COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING (W.B.) 25/3, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata 700 019
Published by the State Council of Educational Research and Training (W.B.) under the recommendation and financial support by Paschim Banga Sarva Shiksha Mission. This book will be delivered free of cost to the learners of Class VII in the schools affiliated to the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education. This workbook is not for sale.
: Published : December, 2010
: Print & Cover Design : HOOGHLY PRINTING COMPANY LIMITED 41, Chowringhee Road, Kolkata 700 071
Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Contents_English (4) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 5th proof 23/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
: Preface : The National Curriculum Framework (2005) has brought forth certain significant views regarding teaching learning in schools. It has been mentioned that curriculum development should aim at — “(i) connecting knowledge to life outside the school; (ii) ensuring that learning shifts away from rote methods; (iii) enriching the curriculum so that it goes beyond textbooks; (iv) making examinations more flexible and integrating them with classroom life; and (v) nurturing an overriding identity informed by caring concerns within the democratic polity of the country”. The State Council of Educational Research and Training (W.B.) took up a project since the 2005-06 academic session with the aim of organising science education through hands-on activities as a method of imparting science education to all. Under this project, workshops / consultations with school teachers, scientists and resource persons were organised in the districts of the state. The main recommendations of these workshops / consultations were — a) All the units in Science and Geography for classes VI, VII and VIII (according to the curriculum of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education) which have scope for students’ activities, have to be identified. b) Attempt has to be made so that students can perform the identified activities in groups with easily available materials at least on one day every week in every subject (during the period as proposed for remedial teaching and peer learning). c) The description of the activity sheets has to be written in simple language, so that the students can perform the activities on their own. d) The organisation of the activity sheet has to be such that after performing an activity, the students are able to write on their own the observations, explanations, inferences, questions related to the activity and any alternative method for carrying out that activity. For realisation of these recommendations, SCERT (WB) published a supplementary book in 2007-08 containing activity sheets suitable for classes VI, VII and VIII titled ‘Science Through Activities’ (‘Kajer Majhe Bigyan’). Consultations / workshops on this book were organised at the state and district levels with school teachers, scientists, interested eminent persons and resource persons for revision of the book. Subsequently in response to the request from Paschim Banga Sarva Shiksha Mission, three separate books were developed containing some activities in General Science, Physical Science, Life Science, Geography and Environmental Studies, which the students can do on their own using easily available materials. After completing an activity, students would discuss among themselves, ask questions, contemplate, observe, make decisions and express themselves by writing on the activity sheets of the workbook, thus it is envisaged that students will be thoroughly engaged in the lessons. Although the work would be done in groups, they would write individually on the sheets. We are happy to publish three separate workbooks of ‘Science Through Activities’ (‘Kajer Majhe Bigyan’) (for classes VI, VII and VIII) under the project approved by Paschim Banga Sarva Shiksha Mission. According to the notification of WBBSE, the period allotted in the weekly time table for remedial feedback lesson and peer learning for classes VI, VII and VIII in every school affiliated to the Board, may be appropriate for carrying out the activities of ‘Science Through Activities’ (‘Kajer Majhe Bigyan’).
Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Contents_English (5) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 5th proof 23/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
Many persons have helped SCERT in developing of ‘Science Through Activities’ (‘Kajer Majhe Bigyan’) after examining the worksheets in General Science, Physical Science, Life Science, Geography and Environmental Studies for classes VI, VII and VIII collected from the different workshops / consultations at the district level. I express my gratitude to all of them on behalf of the organisation. Paschim Banga Sarva Shiksha Mission has provided necessary fund for publication of three separate workbooks of ‘Science Through Activities’ (‘Kajer Majhe Bigyan’) for classes VI, VII and VIII. On behalf of SCERT (WB) Sri Hirak Kumar Barik, Research Fellow; Smt. Sridebi Dasgupta, Research Fellow and Smt. Anasuya Raychaudhuri, Junior Research Fellow (SSA) at SCERT (WB) have provided assistance in the editing of the worksheets of the workbooks ‘Science Through Activities’ (‘Kajer Majhe Bigyan’) for classes VI, VII and VIII. Shri Ashis Das, Smt. Dolan Niyogi, Smt. Sujata Jaiswal, Shri Sanjay Kr. Singh and Smt. Srabani Gupta have contributed in the development of the English version of ‘Science Through Activities’ (‘Kajer Majhe Bigyan’) as translators. There is certainly scope for refinement of the workbook and also for developing new examples of worksheets. When these activities are carried out at the school level, it is expected that we would obtain opinions and some new examples from students & teachers. In future, it would be possible to publish the next edition of this workbook after incorporating those ideas. We would heartily welcome the opinions of students, teachers and interested persons about this workbook. Our efforts would bear fruits if this workbook is helpful in the teaching-learning of the subjects General Science, Physical Science, Life Science, Geography and Environmental Studies of classes VI, VII and VIII.
Rathindranath De DIRECTOR
State Council of Educational Research & Training (W.B.)
Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Contents_English (6) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 5th proof 23/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
Index Activity Sheet No.
Proof of existence of few components of air
Separation of constituents of a mixture with the help of a simple experiment
Separation of constituents of a mixture with the help of a simple experiment
Difference between physical and chemical changes of matter
Expansion of air due to heat
Air expands due to rise in temperature
Air exerts pressure
Air exerts pressure
Air exerts pressure
Air exerts pressure
Air exerts pressure on liquids
Water always attains same level
Air exerts upward pressure
Air exerts pressure
Water always attains same level
Buoyancy of a liquid
Buoyancy of liquids of different densities is different
Principle related to buoyancy
Light travels in a straight line
Uses of a simple periscope
Increase in speed of air causes decrease in its pressure
Magnetisation of a piece of iron is an example of physical change
Water always finds its own level
Air exerts upward pressure
Air exerts upward pressure
Air exerts equal pressure in all directions
Air exerts equal pressure in all directions
Buoyancy of liquids of different densities is different
Air exerts pressure
Flight of Aeroplane
Separation of components of liquid by method of decantation
Acceleration due to gravity of all bodies is same at a particular place
Change in shadow according to size of source of light and object
Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Contents_English (7) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 5th proof 23/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
Activity Sheet No.
Air exerts pressure
Condition of floatation — why does a body float or sink in water
Differentiation of densities of different liquids
To identify different parts of complete and incomplete flowers and to differentiate them
Different parts of regular and irregular flowers and their differentiation
Basic idea about different parts of fruit
Different parts of seed — basic idea of dicot seeds
External features of Toad
Basic idea about the components of Toad’s blood
Basic idea about Neem plant and its medicinal uses
Identification of Algae
Identification of Fungi
Identification of Moss
Identification of Fern
Identification of flowering plant
Comparison between monocot and dicot plants
Characteristics and identification of invertebrate animals
Characteristics and identification of the class Pisces
Factors required for germination of seeds
External features and importance of different economically important plants
To recognize different parts of flower
Concept of aphelion and perihelion positions of the earth
Concept of the axis, latitude and equatorial plane
Concept of the lines of latitude and longitude
Origin of flood plain and natural levee
Annual journey of the sun
Varying lengths of day & night
Idea of different types of soil
Pollution by different types of vehicles
Comprehensive idea about a specific locality
Environment of water-bodies
Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation of the learner’s activity
Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Contents_English (8) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 5th proof 23/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 1 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Air is a simple mixture, not a chemical compound
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To learn about the proof of the existence of some components of air 1) Carbon di-oxide, 2) Water vapour
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Beaker / Bowl — 1
Clear lime water
Glass tumbler
Some pieces of ice
Description of work
What happened
1. Some amount of clear lime water is taken in a beaker or bowl and kept in open place for 24 hours. 2. Some pieces of ice are kept in a clean glass tumbler.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(1) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (1) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
Give reason
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 2 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Distillation
Learning outcome : To be able to separate constituents of a mixture with the help of a simple experiment
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Small glass tumbler — 1 Tripod stand
Small bowl — 2
Candle / Spirit Lamp
Description of work
Large spoon — 1
What happened
1. A small glass tumbler is taken. About 100 c.c. water is poured in it and 1-2 spoonful of common salt is mixed with water and stirred well. 2. Now, the salt solution is taken in a large spoon and put on the flame of burning candle or spirit lamp. 3. Now, a bowl full of cold water is put on this spoon in such a way that the water vapour condensing to water on the side of the bowl may be collected in another small bowl. In this way some water is collected. 4. The residual substance in the spoon and the water collected in the small bowl may be tasted. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinions
(2) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (2) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
Common salt
Give reason
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 3 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Filtration
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To be able to separate constituents of a mixture with the help of a simple experiment
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Newspaper Glass tumbler — 2
Plastic funnel — 1
Water mixed with sand and clay
Description of work
What happened
1. A newspaper cut in round shape (2”-3” diameter) and a plastic funnel (3” diameter) taken. Water mixed with sand and clay is poured in one of the tumblers and the other tumbler is kept empty. 2. Now, the circular newspaper is folded twice, soaked in water and kept in the funnel. Next, the funnel along with the paper is kept on the empty tumbler. 3. Water mixed with sand and clay is poured slowly on the funnel.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(3) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (3) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
Give reason
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 4 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Matter
Sub unit
: Physical and chemical change of matter
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To be able to differentiate between physical and chemical changes
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Small candle — 1
Pot — 1
Common balance
Description of work
What happened
1. A small candle (about 4” in length) is weighed on the common balance. 2. The candle is kept upright in a pot. 3. The candle is lighted. A little water is added to the pot so that most part of candle remains above water level. After burning of the part of candle above water level, the pieces of wax floating on water are collected and weighed after drying. 4. Is there any difference in the weight of the whole candle and that of the pieces of wax obtained after burning of the candle? Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(4) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (4) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 5 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Air pressure
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To form the concept of expansion of air due to heat
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Large pot — 1
Coloured water
Candle — few
Glass bottle or tumbler with wide mouth (same size) — 2
Description of work
What happened
1. A candle (4”) is kept in a large pot, some amount of coloured water is poured in the pot. 2. Candle is lighted and then a bottle or glass with wide mouth is kept on the candle in such a way that lower part of the glass or bottle is completely immersed in coloured water. 3. It is noted whether there is any change in height or level of coloured water in the glass or bottle. 4. Now, the experiment is carried out by lighting 2, 3, 4 or more candles and the height of water column is noted in each case. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(5) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (5) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 6 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Expansion of air
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To learn that air expands due to rise in temperature
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Small bottle — 1
Cap — 1
Coloured water
Narrow tube of plastic or glass
Description of work
What happened
1. Some amount of coloured water is taken in a small bottle. The bottle is properly fitted with the cap. 2. A hole is made in the cap, and a narrow tube of plastic or glass is inserted through the hole in such a way that the tube is immersed in coloured water. 3. Now, the bottle is gripped by hand tightly for two minutes. 4. Next, the bottle is immersed in water. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(6) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (6) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 7 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Air pressure
Learning outcome : To form the concept that air exerts pressure
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Plastic sucker — 2
Description of work
What happened
1. A cheap plastic sucker commonly available in the market is taken. 2. Now, the sucker is kept on a smooth table or floor and tightly held. (Like figure No. I & II). 3. Now, it is tried to pull up the sucker. 4. Both the suckers are pressed facing each other. Now, try to move them apart.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(7) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (7) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 8 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Pressure of air
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To form the concept that air exerts pressure
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Paper container of cold drink or similar paper container
Straw — 1
Description of work
What happened
1. Paper container of cold drink or similar paper container is taken. Now, the container is gripped by the hand tightly. 2. Now, the container is inflated to its normal size. A straw is inserted in the container and air inside the container is sucked by mouth with the help of the straw.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(8) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (8) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 9 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Pressure of air
Learning outcome : To form the concept that air exerts pressure
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Plastic bottle with cap — 1
Description of work
What happened
1. Three or four holes are made on the cap and one hole ‘A’ is made on the bottom of a plastic bottle. 2. The hole ‘A’ is sealed and water is filled in the bottle. The bottle is inverted and hole ‘A’ is opened. 3. The hole ‘A’ is closed again after some time.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(9) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (9) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 10 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Pressure of air
Learning outcome : To form the concept that air exerts pressure
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Glass tumbler — 1
Plastic tube — 1 (1 metre in length)
Bucket — 1
Description of work
What happened
Experiment – 1 : A glass tumbler full of water is taken, its mouth is closed with hand and is immersed in an inverted position in water in a bucket. Now hand is pulled away from the mouth of the glass (Figure – 1). Experiment – 2 : A transparent plastic tube is taken and one of its ends is closed. The tube is filled with some amount of water and the open mouth of tube is closed with thumb of the left hand and inserted in water of bucket (Figure – 2). The thumb is now removed. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(10) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (10) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 11 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Water
Sub unit
: Pressure of liquid
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To form the concept that air exerts pressure on liquids
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Transparent plastic tube — 1 (1 metre in length)
Funnel — 1
Description of work
Card board — 1
What happened
1. One can prepare a simple manometer to measure the pressure of a liquid according to the figure given below. A transparent plastic tube is tied with thread on the board as per figure given. 2. With the help of a funnel, water is poured in the tube. Some part of the tube would remain empty as shown in the figure. 3. Now, the open end of the tube is inserted in the water contained in a bucket. 4. The tube is kept in the water and is brought downward and upward slowly. 5. The tube is pushed downward in the bucket and it is rotated all around keeping it at the same depth. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(11) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (11) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 12 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Water
Sub unit
: Water attains same level
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To form the concept that water always attains same level
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Long transparent plastic tube — 1 Water
Funnel — 1
Description of work
What happened
1. A transparent, long, soft plastic tube is taken and attached on cardboard as per the given figure. 2. Now, the tube is filled with water with the help of funnel through any open end of the tube.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(12) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (12) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 13 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Air pressure
Learning outcome : To form the concept that air exerts upward pressure
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Glass tumbler — 1
Old postcard or plastic sheet or hard card
Description of work
What happened
1. Any amount of water is taken in a glass tumbler. 2. An old post card / hard card / dry plate of plastic is placed on the mouth of the tumbler and held tightly with the palm of any hand. The tumbler is now inverted. 3. Now, the hand is pulled out slowly from below the card.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(13) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (13) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 14 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Air pressure
Learning outcome : To form the concept that air exerts pressure
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Plastic bottle — 1
Cold water
Hot water
Description of work
What happened
1. A narrow plastic bottle with cap is taken. 2. Some hot water is poured in the bottle, the bottle is shaken well and water in the bottle is thrown away. The bottle is fitted with the cap. 3. Now, cold water is poured on the bottle. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(14) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (14) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 15 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Water
Sub unit
: Water attains the same level
Learning outcome : To form the concept that water always attains same level
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Transparent plastic bottles of different shapes — 2 Scale Pencil Transparent plastic tube Material for sealing Water
Description of work
What happened
1. Two differently shaped bottles are arranged. Now, holes of equal measurement are made towards the bottom of each bottle and the bottles are connected with a clear plastic tube. 2. The junctions of bottle and plastic tube are sealed properly so that no water can leak through them. 3. Now, water is poured through open mouth of any bottle; observe the level of water in both the bottles at the moment. 4. After pouring water in the bottle, measure the height of water level in both the bottles with help of a scale. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(15) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (15) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 16 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Water
Sub unit
: Buoyancy of liquid
Learning outcome : To form the concept about buoyancy of liquid
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Plastic container / Rubber ball / Plastic ball / Plastic bottle
A bucket full of water
Description of work
What happened
1. A plastic container with its mouth closed or a rubber ball or a plastic ball is kept immersed in a bucket full of water. 2. Now, set the container / ball free in the water. 3. In a similar way, take two more plastic containers or bottles of same size. Now, one of it is half filled with water and other one is completely filled with water and their mouths are closed. Bottles are now kept immersed in bucket full of water. The bottles are then set free. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(16) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (16) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 17 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Water
Sub unit
: Buoyancy and density
Learning outcome : To form the concept that liquids of different densities have different buoyancy
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement : Dough of flour (Maida) Glass tumbler (same size) — 2 Marker pen Straw — 2 kerosene
Description of work
What happened
1. Two straws of same measurement are taken. Marking is made at an interval of 5 mm with the help of a scale. One end of both the straws is blocked by the same mass of dough of flour. The mass of dough is so taken that straw remains in an erect position. 2. One of the straws is immersed in ordinary water and the other in saline water. 3. The same experiment can be done with milk and kerosene separately.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(17) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (17) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
Saline water / milk /
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 18 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Water
Sub unit
: Archimedes’ principle
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To prove principle related to buoyancy
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Piece of stone — 1 Large and small pots
Spring balance
Description of work
What happened
1. A stone weighing about 200-300 gm is taken and is weighed with the help of a spring balance. 2. A small pot full of water is kept in a large empty pot as shown in figure. Now, the small pot is filled up with water to the brim with the help of a dropper. 3. The stone tied with spring balance is now immersed in the water of the small pot and weight of the stone is taken. The weight of the water displaced in large pot is also taken. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(18) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (18) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 19 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Light
Sub unit
: Property of light
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To prove that light travels in a straight line
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Tracing paper
Match sticks
Description of work
What happened
1. A tube of diameter 5 cm is prepared from cardboard or other opaque substance. The tube’s length should be at least 30 cm. 2. One end of tube is closed with the disc of cardboard. The other end is covered with tracing paper. 3. A small hole is made on the disc of cardboard and a lighted candle is held in front of that hole. 4. Moving the candle upward and downward, observe what can be seen on the tracing paper. 5. Make a large hole in another disc, and see what happens. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(19) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (19) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 20 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Light
Sub unit
: Simple periscope
Learning outcome : To be able to use simple periscope
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Small mirror — 2
Description of work
What happened
1. A cylinder is prepared by cutting the cardboard and joining the two ends as shown in figure. 2. At the top and bottom of the cylinder two mirrors are attached with the help of cellotape or suitable adhesive such that each mirror makes an angle of 45° with the axis of periscope as shown in figure. 3. Put your eye at any one of the mirrors.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(20) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (20) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 21 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Increase in speed causes decrease in air pressure
Learning outcome : To form the concept that increase in speed of air causes decrease in air pressure
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Table tennis ball — 2
Two strong threads of same size
Stand — 2
Description of work
What happened
1. Both the table tennis balls are tied separately with two threads. 2. The open ends of the threads are tied to both the stands separately. 3. Both the balls are kept face to face and the stands were brought closer. The distance between them is kept 2 inches. 4. Now, air is blown in between the balls. 5. Air is again blown when both the balls come back their normal positions. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(21) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (21) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 22 Class : VII Subject
: Physical Science
: Matter
Sub unit
: Physical and chemical change of matter
Learning outcome : To learn that magnetisation of a piece of iron is an example of physical change
Date ......................... Name of the school .......................................................... Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
A bar magnet Iron nails
Description of work
What happened
1. Hold one end of a bar magnet with your hand and put an iron nail at the other end. 2. Now hold other iron nails near the first nail. 3. Now the nail which is attached to magnet is held with the hand and the magnet is removed. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(22) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (22) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 23 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Water
Sub unit
: Artesian well
Learning outcome : To learn that water always finds its own level
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Large container — 1
A heavy container with a small hole
Description of work
What happened
1. A heavy container having a small hole is taken. Now the hole is sealed with wax. 2. Water is poured in the large container. Now the heavy container is placed over the stones kept in the large container, as shown in figure. 3. Now, with the help of a pin a hole is made in the wax sealing of the heavy container. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(23) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (23) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
Stone piece — 3 or 4
Needle — 1
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 24 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Air pressure
Learning outcome : To prove that air exerts upward pressure
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement : Test-tube — 2 (one test-tube is comparatively wider than the other so that the narrow tube can easily enter within the wider one) Jug — 1 Water
Description of work
What happened
1. The wider test-tube is filled up with water. 2. Hold the water filled wider test-tube with one hand. Now keeping the open end of narrow test-tube upward the closed end is inserted within the wider test-tube (fig-1). 3. When the water starts to overflow from the wider test-tube, both the test-tubes are inverted. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(24) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (24) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 25 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air, matter and mixture
Sub unit
: Air pressure
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To prove that air exerts upward pressure
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Glass tumbler Water
Ink or blue for colouring water
Transparent straw
Description of work
What happened
1. Water is taken in a glass tumbler. Few drops of ink are added to it for colouring the water. 2. A transparent straw is immersed in the coloured water. Now, height of water in the straw and outside the straw is noted. The straw is taken out of the coloured water. It is observed whether there is water in the straw. 3. The straw is again immersed in coloured water. When it is observed that height of level of water inside and outside the straw is same, put your thumb on the open end of the straw and take it out from the water. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(25) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (25) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 26 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Air exerts directions
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To learn that air exerts equal pressure in all directions
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
5 or 10 c.c. disposable plastic injection syringe (without needle)
Description of work
What happened
1. The syringe is held by both hands in the horizontal position. Now, one end of the syringe is closed by putting the thumb of one hand on it and piston is pulled outside with another hand and is set free. 2. The above experiment is repeated by interchanging the position i.e., bringing right portion of the syringe to left side. In a similar way piston is set free after pulling it to some extent. 3. Now, the syringe is kept vertical and previous activities are repeated. 4. The same process is carried out by keeping the syringe upside down. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(26) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (26) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 27 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Air exerts equal pressure in all directions
Learning outcome : To prove that air exerts equal pressure in all directions
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Glass tumbler (identical) — one pair
One candle — small
Description of work
One blotting paper
What happened
1. A small candle is lighted and kept in a glass tumbler. Now, a hole is made in the middle of a moist blotting paper and the paper is put on the mouth of the glass. 2. Next, the other glass tumbler of same size is inverted over the first glass tumbler. 3. Now, the upper glass tumbler is held and is pulled upward slowly.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(27) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (27) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
One match box
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 28 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Water
Sub unit
: Conditions for floatation and buoyancy
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To form the concept that buoyancy of liquids of different densities is different
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Egg — 1
One Spoon
Glass tumbler — 2
Description of work
What happened
1. Some water is taken in a glass tumbler and an egg is put in it. 2. Now some amount of water is taken in the second glass tumbler. Some amount of salt is mixed in it with stirring. The egg is now put in the solution and its position is noted. 3. Now, more salt is dissolved in the second glass tumbler and the position of the egg is observed.
Precaution : The egg should not be rotten. It should not float in ordinary water.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(28) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (28) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 29 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Air pressure
Learning outcome : To learn that air exerts pressure
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Two thick books of same size
One page of any exercise book
Description of work
What happened
1. Place length wise two books of same size parallel to each other at a distance of 2”. 2. A page is kept on the two books like a bridge. 3. Now, air is blown strongly under the page. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(29) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (29) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 30 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Flight of aeroplane
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To form concept about flying of aeroplane
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Long piece of paper Wooden scale
Post card
Sello tape Pencil
Description of work
What happened
1. Take a long piece of paper in hand. See the position of paper. (Figure-1) 2. Hold the piece of paper with hand and blow on it horizontally. (Figure-2) 3. A post card is cut and attached to a wooden scale with the help of cellotape as shown in figure and the scale is kept on a pencil. Keep the pencil at the middle of the scale. 4. Now, blow air forcefully over the scale in a horizontal manner. 5. Find out whether these experiments are related with flight of aeroplane. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(30) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (30) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 31 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Solution
Sub unit
: Constituents of solution
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To be able to separate constituents of solutions (Process of decantation)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Beaker — 2 Water and chalk-dust
Glass rod
Description of work
What happened
1. In a beaker, water and chalk dust are stirred properly with a glass rod. 2. Now, the beaker is kept without stirring for some time. 3. Next, the glass rod is kept in a slanted position with the wall of the other beaker and the upper portion of liquid of the first beaker is poured over the glass rod into the second beaker.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(31) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (31) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 32 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Gravity and gravitation
Sub unit
: Falling bodies
Learning outcome : To learn that acceleration due to gravity of all bodies is same at a particular place
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Coin — 1 A piece of paper A pair of scissors
Description of work
What happened
1. A coin is taken. Now a paper is taken and from it a portion of it is cut with scissors whose surface area is same as coin. 2. The coin and the piece of paper are allowed to fall downward from the same height and at the same moment. 3. Next, the paper is placed on the surface of the coin properly and the coin along with the paper is allowed to fall.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(32) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (32) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 33 Class : VII Subject
: Physical Science
: Light
Sub unit
: Shadow and nature of shadow
Learning outcome : To form concept regarding change in shadow according to the size of the source of light and object
Date ......................... Name of the school .......................................................... Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
One torch (with pointed light) One small ball / marble A big sized exercise book or book A plain exercise book
Description of work
What happened
1. After darkening the room, a big sized book is kept vertically in front of the wall. Now the light of the torch is focussed on the book and the shadow of the book is observed on the wall. 2. Now the book is brought nearer to the light of the torch and the shadow is observed. 3. The book is taken away from the light of the torch and the shadow is observed on the wall. 4. A marble or small ball is held in front of the torch and the shadow is observed on the wall. Now a plain exercise book is placed at the back of marble or small ball and the shadow is observed. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(33) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (33) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 34 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Air
Sub unit
: Atmospheric pressure
Learning outcome : To prove that air exerts pressure
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Clean plastic bottle — 1
Balloon Rubber band Needle
Description of work
What happened
1. In the bottom of a clean plastic bottle, a hole is made with the help of a needle. 2. A balloon is attached to the open mouth of the bottle with a rubber band. 3. The balloon is inserted in the bottle. 4. Keeping the hole open, air is blown through the mouth of the bottle and the shape of the balloon is observed. (Figure-1) 5. Keeping the hole open the shape of the balloon is observed after taking away your mouth. (Figure-2) 6. The balloon is blown again. The hole is closed tightly after removing your mouth. (Figure-3) Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(34) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (34) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
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— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 35 Class : VII
Date .........................
: Physical Science
: Water
Sub unit
: Floatation floatation
Name of the school .......................................................... Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To understand the reason why does a body float or sink in water
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement : Water Transparent plastic bucket Three identical small bottles with similar corks and filled with different amounts of sand (Marked 1, 2 and 3)
Description of work
What happened
1. Water is taken in the bucket. 2. The empty bottle with cork is left in the water to float (Bottle No. 1). 3. The bottle with cork and small amount of sand is left in the water (Bottle No. 2). 4. The bottle with cork and more amount of sand is placed in the water (Bottle No. 3).
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(35) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (35) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
Give reason
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 36 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Physical Science
: Water
Sub unit
: Density of liquid
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To have an idea about densities of different liquids
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Blue kerosene
Glass bottle — 2
Mustard oil
Description of work
What happened
1. The two liquids (water and blue kerosene) are poured in one bottle in an equal proportion. 2. The mouth of the bottle is properly closed and inverted. 3. Another bottle is filled with water and mustard oil in an equal proportion. 4. Now the mouth of this bottle is properly closed and inverted.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(36) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (36) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
Give reason
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 37 Class : VII Subject : Life Science Unit : Reproductive structures of plants Sub unit : Parts of a complete flower and their types Learning outcome : To identify different parts of flower; to differentiate between complete and incomplete flowers
Date ......................... Name of the school .......................................................... Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
China rose and gourd flowers
Gum / fevicol
White art paper
Description of work
What did you observe
1. a) Different whorls of a china rose flower were identified separately. b) Now try to follow the sequence of arrangement of the different whorls from outward to inward. c) Dissect the flower. Count and note the number of the different whorls. d) Also observe whether the parts are free or united among themselves or with any other whorl. 2. Now the same activities were repeated with the gourd flower. 3. a) All the whorls of both the flowers are dried and pasted on the white art paper and labelled for preservation. b) All the whorls of both the flowers were compared.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(37) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (37) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 38 Class : VII
Date .........................
: Life Science
: Reproductive structures of plants
Sub unit
: Types of flowers
Learning outcome : To develop a basic idea about the different parts of regular and irregular flowers along with their differences
Name of the school .......................................................... Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Flowers of China rose / Datura, Aparajita / Pea / Bak White art paper Gum / Fevicol / Cellotape
Preparation : Choose any one of China rose or Datura, any one of Aparajita or Pea or Bak flower.
Description of work
What did you observe
1. Flowers of China rose and Aparajita were dissected to separate all the whorls. They were displayed on white art papers. 2. All the parts of both the flowers were observed. 3. Differences between the same whorls of the two different flowers were noticed. 4. All the other flowers were also dissected, pasted and observed similarly. 5. Different parts of China rose and Aparajita were drawn, labelled and compared. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(38) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (38) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 39 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Life Science
: Reproductive plants
Sub unit
: Structure of fruit and seed of a dicot plant
Learning outcome : To learn to identify different parts of a fruit
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
A green mango or any other easily available fruit
Knife Pen / pencil Note book
Description of work
What did you observe
1. The fruit was taken and was observed for its external structure. 2. The mango was cut into two longitudinal halves using the knife carefully. 3. Different parts of the fruit were observed and of them, the edible part was identified. 4. Everything observed was drawn and labelled.
Precaution : Use the knife very carefully.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(39) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (39) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 40 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Life Science
: Reproductive structure of plants
Sub unit
: Seed
Learning outcome : To develop basic idea about the different parts of seed and the parts of a dicot seed
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Few dry pea seed
Few pea seeds soaked in water overnight
A hand lens
Description of work
White art paper
What did you observe
1. External structures of the seeds were observed. 2. Hilum of the seed was identified. 3. A little pressure was applied on the seeds. 4. The seed coat was peeled off and little more pressure was applied. 5. Inner parts of the seed were observed and identified. 6. The different inner parts of the seed were fixed on the art paper with the help of cellotape. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(40) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (40) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 41 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Life Science
: Organs & systems of animals
Sub unit
: External features of Toad
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To develop basic idea about the external features of Toad
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Preserved specimen of toad
Pen / pencil
Note book
Description of work
What did you observe
1. The specimen is observed closely. 2. Observe the eyes and the area around them carefully. 3. Observe the skin — its colour and its texture. 4. Count the number of legs. 5. Observe the different parts of the legs. 6. Count the numbers and characteristics of the digits of the anterior and the posterior legs separately. Compare them. 7. Draw and label the different parts of a toad. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(41) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (41) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 42 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Life Science
: Organs & systems of animals
Sub unit
: Circulatory system
Learning outcome : To develop basic idea about the components of blood of Toad
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Prepared slide of blood smear of Toad and man / any other mammal Note book
Compound microscope
Pen / pencil
Preparation : The teacher will place the necessary slides under the microscope and help students to observe them.
Description of work
What did you observe
1. Observe the slide of toad’s blood under the microscope. Identify the components. Draw and label. 2. Now observe the slide of human/mammalian blood similarly. Identify its components. Draw and label. 3. Compare the components of blood of Toad and man/mammal. Try to find out the differences. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(42) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (42) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 43 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Life Science
: Outline idea and importance of plants and animals
Sub unit
: Medicinal plants
Learning outcome : To develop a basic idea about Neem plant and its medicinal properties
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
A tiny branch of Neem with leaves
Clean Water
Art paper
Description of work
What did you observe
1. The students may be divided into small groups and asked to observe the specimen. 2. The specimen is washed with water thoroughly. 3. Now the students use their eyes, noses, tongues for studying the specimen (the teacher may be consulted whenever necessary). 4. Try to find out the uses of the specimen with the help of your own experience. 5. Paste the different parts of the specimen on the art paper and label them. 6. Repeat the same work with Tulsi and Kalmegh. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(43) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (43) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 44 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Life Science
: Concept of characteristic features of plant and animal groups
Sub unit
: Identification of Algae
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To learn to identify Algae General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement : Alage collected from any watery / marshy / moist area nearby available microscope A hand lens
A prepared slide of Algae
A compound / easily
Preparation : Algae to be collected by the learners themselves.
Description of work
What did you observe
1. Observe the specimen with naked eye first and then with the help of a hand lens. 2. Try to find out the similarities between the algae and common green plants known to you. 3. Now observe the algae under the microscope with the help of the teacher. 4. Draw your observations and label. 5. Try to find out the similarities and dissimilarities between the external features seen with naked eye and the microscopic view of the specimen. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(44) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (44) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 45 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Life Science
: Concept of characteristic features of plant and animal groups
Sub unit
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
: Identification of Fungi
Learning outcome : To learn to identify Fungus as a non-flowering plant
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Moist wood
Stale lemon / orange
Stale bread loaf
Hand lens
Preparation : Learners collect old moist wood, five to six days old stale lemon / orange / bread etc.
Description of work
What did you observe
1. Observe all the materials / specimen with naked eye (in groups). 2. Now observe the upper portion of each specimen with the help of hand lens. 3. Try to find out the differences between Fungi and the common green plants known to you.
Precaution : Students must wash their hands properly after handling the stale specimen.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(45) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (45) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 46 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Life Science
: Concept of characteristic features of plant and animal groups
Sub unit
: Identification of Moss as a nonflowering plant
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To learn to identify Moss General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Art paper (two pieces)
Water in a container
A soft brush
Description of work
What did you observe
1. Scrape out some velvety surface along a shady moist wall. Put a part of it on a white art paper. 2. Wash the other part of the specimen under running water or water kept in a container with the help of a soft brush very carefully for removing soil particles at the lower parts of the specimen. Keep this set of specimen on another paper. 3. Both the sets of specimen were observed with naked eye. 4. Observe both the set of specimen with the help of hand lens. 5. Try to find out the similarities between the external features of the specimen and the common green plants known to you. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(46) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (46) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 47 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Life Science
: Concept of characteristic features of plant and animal groups
Sub unit
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
: Fern — Non flowering plant
Learning outcome : To identify Fern General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
A whole plant of Fern
Hand lens
Pen / pencil
Note book A soft brush
Cellotape Water
Art paper
Preparation : Fern to be collected by the learners themselves from nearby locations.
Description of work
What did you observe
1. Observe the whole body of the Fern carefully. Use the hand lens for better observation. 2. Attach the plant on the art paper with the help of cellotape. 3. Draw and label the different parts of Fern. 4. Try to find out similarities between the Fern and other common green plants known to you. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(47) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (47) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 48 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Life Science
: Concept of characteristic features of plant and animal groups
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Sub unit
: Identifying flowering plants
Learning outcome
: To recognize flowering plants and to develop the ability to compare different flowering plants
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Some flowering plants with flowers Water
A soft brush
Description of work
What did you observe
1. Take some flowering plants with flowers. Wash out the soil particles adhering to the root parts using the brush and water. 2. Find out similarities among them. 3. Try to find out the different parts like root, stem, leaf, flower etc. 4. Try to classify the plants on the basis of the differences. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(48) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (48) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 49 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Life Science
: Concept of characteristic features of plant and animal groups
Sub unit
: Characteristic features monocot and dicot plants
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To learn to identify monocot and dicot plants on the basis of their differences
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Seeds and Whole plants of paddy / wheat / maize Seeds and Whole plants of pea / gram Cellotape Hand lens
Description of work
What did you observe
1. Place a paddy and a pea plant and their seeds side by side for comparative study. 2. Observe the root parts of both the plants. 3. Similarly, observe the stems and leaves of both the plants. 4. Observe the seeds of both the plants. 5. Draw and label the observed parts of both the plants. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(49) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (49) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 50 Class : VII Subject : Life Science Unit : Concept of characteristic features of plant and animal groups Sub unit : Invertebrates Learning outcome : To identify inverbrate animals on the basis of their characteristic features
Date ......................... Name of the school .......................................................... Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Art paper Scissors
Sketch pen
Description of work
What is the response
1. Cut out five pieces of art paper. 2. Write on the 1st piece — a) My body is composed of a single cell. b) I move with the help of some projections coming out of my body. c) A microscope is necessary to observe me — Who am I? What is my phylum? 3. Write on the 2nd piece — a) My body is multicellular but tissue system is absent. b) My body is provided with numerous pores. c) I have tubular system and a calcarious endoskeleton inside my body — Who am I? What is my phylum? 4. Write on the 3rd piece — a) My body is covered with chitinous exoskeleton. b) I live in the store house, toilet etc. c) My body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen; my legs are jointed — Who am I? What is my phylum? 5. Write on the 4th piece — a) My body is soft, unsegmented and covered with a thin membrane. b) I have a muscular foot for locomotion. c) My body is covered with calcarious and spirally coiled shell — Who am I? What is my phylum? 6. Write on the 5th piece — a) My body is star shaped with radial symmetry. b) I am the only one with calcarious spine over the skin and water circulatory system inside. c) My locomotory organs are tube feet. I live in the sea — Who am I? What is my phylum? 7. Five out of ten learners will stand in front with the five paper stickers mentioned above on their backs. The other five learners will call out appropriate identification. In this way rest of the invertebrates can also be used to get an idea about them. Suggest alternative method of doing this work. If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down. Teacher’s opinion
(50) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (50) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 51 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Life Science
: Concept of characteristic features of plant and animal groups
Sub unit Learning outcome
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
: Identification of the class Pisces (Fishes)
: 1. To identify the specimen under the class Pisces, on the basis of its characteristic features
2. To learn to compare carlitagenous fish and bony fish General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Rohu fish / other easily available bony fishes
Specimen of Shark
Preparation : Collect Rohu / other bony fish. Specimen of Shark will by provided by the school.
Description of work
What did you observe
1. Place both the fishes side by side on the table. 2. Observe both the fishes carefully. 3. Try to find out the differences in the tails or fins of the two fishes. 4. Find out the differences in the scales of the two fishes. 5. Try to find out the difference in the positions of oral apertures.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
N.B. : Similarly, ideas can be formed about other classes of the vertebrates.
(51) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (51) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 52 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Life Science
: Reproductive plants
Sub unit
: Experiment to demonstrate the conditions of germination in Pea or Gram
Learning outcome
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
: To develop a basic idea about the necessity of water, temperature and oxygen for germination
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Three caps (of bottles) of equal size
Boiled and cooled water Dry seeds of Pea / Gram Ordinary water
Description of work
What did you observe
1. Three caps (of bottles) of equal size are taken. 2. Water is boiled to expel the dissolved oxygen and cooled. 3. Put one dry seed in one of the caps without water. 4. In the second cap another dry seed is kept totally dipped in boiled and cooled water. 5. In the third cap the third seed is kept and boiled and cooled water is poured carefully so that the seed remains half submerged in water. 6. The whole set up is kept under room temperature for some days. 7. Repeat the experiment with ordinary water. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(52) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (52) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 53 Class : VII
Date .........................
: Life Science
: Outline idea and importance of some plants and animals
Sub unit
: Use and importance of paddy
Learning outcome
: To develop a basic idea about the external structure and importance of some economically important plants
Name of the school .......................................................... Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Art paper
Small polythene packets Sample of some economically important plants Cellotape / Stapler
Description of work
What did you observe
1. Collect paddy, rice, plaited rice (chiwra), puffed rice (muri), rice flour, husk, rice bran oil, straw, rice bran etc. in small polythene packets yourself. Stick / staple the packets on the art paper. 2. Write the uses and importances of the collected samples below the particular packets. 3. Similary you can work with wheat, maize, pea, lentil, jute, cotton, coconut, mustard etc. to know about their products and uses. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(53) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (53) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 54 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Life Science
: Reproductive plants
Sub unit
: Different parts of flower and their types
Learning outcome : To learn to identify different parts of flower
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Specimen of different flowers
Gum / Cellotape
Description of work
What did you observe
1. Take any flower, easily available to you. Dissect the different whorls and identify them. 2. Try to understand the arrangement pattern of different whorls of the flower. 3. If different type of flower is found on the same plant, collect it. Identify its different whorls and their arrangement. 4. Find out and record the differences among the different flowers you worked with. 5. Draw and label the different whorls of different flowers collected from nearby places. 6. Place the different whorls within the folds of old newspapers. Once they become dry, paste them with gum in an exercise book and label the different parts. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(54) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (54) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 55 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Geography
: Physical geography
Sub unit
: Revolution of the earth and changes of seasons
: To have an idea of the earth’s aphelion and perihelion positions
Learning outcome
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Chalk / lime
Chart paper
Measuring tape
Description of work
What did you observe
1. The students are taken to the field adjacent to the school or to a concrete open ground. 2. An earth’s orbit with 6 metre diameter is drawn with lime or chalk. 3. A school bag is kept at the centre of the orbit. 4. One representative for the sun and one for the earth is chosen. 5. The sun is kept at the focus of the orbit (50 cm away from the centre). 6. The student representing the earth is asked to revolve slowly in an anticlockwise direction along the orbit and is asked to observe his / her distance from the sun. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(55) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (55) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 56 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Geography
: Physical Geography
Sub unit
: Latitude, equator and degree of latitude
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To know about the parallels of latitude, degree of latitude and equatorial plane
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
One apple / guava / potato
One knife
One toothpick / broom stick
Description of work
What did you observe
1. An apple is kept on a plate. 2. Any student will feel the shape of the apple by touching. 3. Now the apple is cut down horizontally in two equal halves with a knife. 4. After this, a toothpick is pierced in any half of the apple.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(56) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (56) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 57 Class : VII
Date .........................
: Geography
: Position of a place on the surface of the earth as viewed on the globe
Sub unit
: Latitudes and longitudes
Learning outcome : To have an idea about meridians of longitude and parallels of latitude
Name of the school .......................................................... Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Some papers
Few pins
Some red and blue rubber bands
Description of work
What did you observe
1. At first a ball is made by crushing and squeezing the papers. Then a white sheet of paper is coloured blue (with pen) and is fixed to the paper ball with pins. The ball is made to stand with the help of a stick pierced through the ball. 2. Some red rubber bands are fixed horizontally to show the lines of latitude. Then blue rubber bands are fixed round the ball from north to south with pins. 3. Thus the red rubber bands show the latitudinal parallels and the blue rubber bands show the meridians of longitude. Ask questions on this matter, answer them and write the questions in the copy.
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(57) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (57) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 58 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Geography
: Different stages in the development of a river valley
: Flood plain & natural levee
Sub unit
Learning outcome : To form an idea about the origin of flood plain and natural levee
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
A rectangular tray Water mixed with clay (clayey water) Clay
Preparation : Two walls are made with clay or plasticene along the middle of the tray to form a river trough.
Description of work
What did you observe
1. The trough in the middle is filled with clayey water. 2. When more of such water is poured, observe what happens. 3. The student will write the names of parts labelled as (1) & (2).
Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(58) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (58) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 59 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Geography
: Physical geography
Sub unit
: Revolution of the earth and change of seasons
Learning outcome : To form an idea about the annual journey of the sun
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Chalk Paper
Description of work
What did you observe
1. The location on the wall where rays of the first morning sun fall through a window in the east, is marked with chalk, or a paper is cut to the size of the lighted area and stuck on the wall. The date of observation is recorded. 2. The lighted spot is to be observed at monthly intervals and the dates are to be recorded. 3. Exactly after one year the location of the same lighted spot is to be observed. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(59) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (59) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 60 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Geography
: Physical geography
Sub unit
: Revolution of the earth and change of seasons
Learning outcome : To have an idea about varying lengths of day and night
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Globe Table lamp
Description of work
What happened
1. A table lamp is lighted at the centre of a table. 2. The doors and windows of the room are closed so that light can not enter the room. 3. A globe is placed at different spots on the table. 4. The changes on the globe in conditions of light and darkness are observed. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(60) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (60) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
Give reason
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 61 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Environmental Studies
: Environment resources
Sub unit
: Soil
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
Learning outcome : To form an idea about different types of soil
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement : Collected samples of soil from two different sources Two tumblers of same size packets — 2
Spoons — 2
Preparation : Collected samples of soil are to be dried in the sun for two days. After that the dried samples of soil are crushed and powdered. The two plastic packets will be filled with the powders of the samples.
Description of work
What did you observe
1. Take equal quantity of water in two tumblers. 2. Take one spoon of each type of sample of soil collected from two sources and pour it into the water of the two different tumblers and keep stirring with a spoon. 3. Stop stirring and write what you observe in case of both the tumblers. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(61) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (61) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 62 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Environmental Studies
: Man and his environment
Sub unit
: Air and sound pollution
Learning outcome : To form an idea about pollutioncreating vehicles
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Exercise book
Description of work
What did you observe
1. Write down the names of the different types of vehicles which run through the main road near your school / house at specific time intervals. 2. Among these vehicles, write down the names of those vehicles which are more smoke-emitting and sound-producing. 3. In the same way collect some more information at the specific time interval. 4. Next day at the same time repeat the previous activity and prepare a chart. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(62) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (62) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 63 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Environmental Studies
: Our Environment
Sub unit
: Survey of the locality
Learning outcome : To form a comprehensive idea about a specific locality
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Exercise Book
Description of work
What did you observe
1. You can collect many information about the locality where you live such as— a) Population of the locality, number of adult male and female, children (boys and girls). b) Educational qualification of the members of the locality. c) Occupation. d) Staple diet. e) Average monthly income per family etc. Collect these and prepare a chart. 2. In the same way you may collect the same information about other locality and compare them. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(63) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (63) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No. 64 Class : VII
Date ......................... Name of the school ..........................................................
: Environmental Studies
: Our environment
Sub unit
: Observation of water-bodies
Learning outcome : To form an idea about environment of water-bodies
Name of the team members (not more than 10)
General Instructions : Carry out the work yourself as instructed. Fill in the blank space of the work sheet in your own words. Submit your work to the teacher. You can do the work in a group of ten.
Requirement :
Exercise book
Description of work
What did you observe
1. Go to any nearby pond / ditch / water-body. 2. Make a chart of those plants which grow at the banks of the water-body. 3. Write down the names of those living animals of the pond which you have seen with naked eyes. 4. Write down the names of the types of rocks and soils which you have seen in the pond or near the pond. 5. Make a chart of the garbage and polluted matter in the pond or near the pond. Suggest alternative method of doing this work.
If you have any questions on this topic, write it / them down.
Teacher’s opinion
(64) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (64) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Date .........................
Activity Sheet No. 65
: Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation of the Learner’s activity : Name of the school ..........................................................
Name of the team members (not more than 10) Learner’s Name .......................................................................................................................... ........................................... .........................................
Class ................................
........................................... ......................................... Section ................................ Roll No. ................................ ...........................................
......................................... In the notification published by the West Bengal Board........................................... of Secondary Education, it is clearly stated that if possible marks can be given in project work instead of oral examination (Notice No. SSA/226/08, dated 29-12-2008). So it is proposed that for the subjects of Physical Science, Life Science and Geography, the evaluation page of this Workbook may be introduced instead of 30 total marks of oral examination. Each work is required to be done in a group. Though done in a group, the observation and reasoning are to be done individually or the learner will write down the work in his/her own words after discussing with the other members of the team. The learner will write the alternative test procedure and questions regarding the work individuals. The teachers may use form point grading — A, B, C, D in the evaluation of each work on the basis of following efficiency. (a)
Competency to work will other team members.
Ability of being science work oriented, spirited, regular in every work or at different stages of the work.
Ability to give leadership to the team.
Ability to observe and examine.
Ability to analyse facts and results.
Ability to solve problems.
Ability to deliver well thought opinion.
Ability to construct correct and clear sentences.
Ability to write alternative method of doing a work.
Ability to ask proper question about the work.
A = Very good, B = Good, C = Fair, D = Not satisfactory. The teachers may award grades on this four point scale and evaluate the learner on the bases of average grading in practical work.
(65) (A) Hooghly Science through Activities # Class-VII_English # Class-VII-Book_English (65) 1st proof 09/03/2010 2nd proof 26/08/2010 Print from AMD 64 3rd proof 28/09/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) 4th proof 7/12/2010 (Print from D:/AMD) Fresh proof = 0 correction on 30/12/2010
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No.
Grade obtained in competency Signature of teacher (a)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Signature of guardian
— Science Through Activities —
Activity Sheet No.
Grade obtained in competency Signature of teacher (a)
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
Signature of guardian