Scope and Sequence for NorthStar Listening & Speaking Intermediate. 1. Critical
Thinking Skills. Listening Tasks. Speaking Tasks. Pronunciation. Vocabulary ...
Scope and Sequence for NorthStar Listening & Speaking Intermediate Unit 1
Critical Thinking Skills Critique magazine and television ads Identify salient features of an ad Propose advertising campaigns according to market information Infer word meaning from context Support answers with information from the lecture Identify intended market of ads Compare and contrast advertising strategies
Listening Tasks Identify chronology
Speaking Tasks Make predictions
Listen for details
Propose advertising strategy
Relate listenings to personal values Synthesize information from both listenings
Pronunciation Highlighting words
Vocabulary Context clues
Grammar Imperatives
Synonyms Definitions
Comment on ads using new vocabulary
Read ads aloud Identify emphasis in with proper stress speech and intonation Listen to and evaluate student product promotions
Promote a product with attentiongrabbing language
Identify message and strategy of student ads
Offer advice using imperatives Create, rehearse, and perform a TV ad
Correlate examples with abstract principles
Record a twominute summary of research Unit 2
Critical Thinking Skills Challenge stereotypes
Listening Tasks Identify main ideas
Infer word meaning from context
Listen for details
Support opinions with examples from the text Infer information not explicit in the text Correlate an individual example with broad trends
Interpret speaker’s emotions Synthesize information from two listenings Distinguish between vowels sounds
Rank outdoor activities Analyze survey results
Listen for specific information in student responses
Speaking Tasks Discuss interests in sports
Pronunciation Front vowels /iy/, /I/, /ey/, /ε/
Vocabulary Context clues
Grammar Modals of preference
Construct and perform a dialogue using new vocabulary
Elaborate extemporaneously on an idea Ask and answer questions about personal preferences Make travel suggestions
Classify sounds Listen to student presentations and take notes
Express and defend opinions Conduct a survey Present research on a sport
Unit 3
Critical Thinking Skills Critique a solicitation from a con artist
Listening Tasks Identify chronology in a report
Speaking Tasks Describe types of fraud
Pronunciation Reductions
Vocabulary Context clues
Grammar Equatives and comparatives
Scope and Sequence for NorthStar Listening & Speaking Intermediate Theorize about the success of fraud
Listen for details
Infer word meaning from context
Interpret speaker’s tone and emotions
Support opinions with reason
Support answers with information from the text
Share experiences
Make predictions
Evaluate one’s susceptibility to fraud Choose appropriate punishments for criminal acts Hypothesize outcomes
Identify a con artist’s strategies Listen for rhythm in speech
Recount experiences using new vocabulary Express and defend opinions Facilitate a group discussion Agree or disagree with statements
Listen for reductions in speech
Make comparative statements
View and critique a movie
Present research findings on fraud
Listen to and comment on student research findings
Unit 4
Critical Thinking Skills Interpret a photograph Express opinions about different types of storytelling Infer word meaning from context Analyze storytelling techniques Analyze and describe characters in a story
Listening Tasks Listen for the main ideas Identify chronology in the story Interpret a speaker’s emotions Synthesize information from two listenings Take a dictation
Support opinions with reasons Match actions to their consequences Interpret meaning from text
Identify stress patterns in speech Listen for specific information in student responses Take notes on interviewee responses
Speaking Tasks Make predictions Enhance storytelling with adjectives, adverbs, and details
Pronunciation Rhythm of prepositional phrases
Vocabulary Context clues
Grammar Infinitives of purpose
Word definitions Synonyms
Practice composing descriptive sentences
Dictionary work
Make statements of purpose Collaborate to create, rehearse, and perform a story Record a summary of a story Conduct an interview
Listen to and evaluate student responses Critical Thinking Skills
Listening Tasks
Speaking Tasks
Scope and Sequence for NorthStar Listening & Speaking Intermediate Unit 5
Interpret a cartoon
Listen for main ideas
Recognize personal bias and stereotypes about accents
Listen for details
Classify information
Listen closely to interpret a speaker’s emotions
Infer word meaning from context
Relate listening to personal values
Interpret word usage Hypothesize scenarios Infer information not explicit in the listenings Hypothesize another’s point of view Analyze problems and propose solutions
Unit 6
Critical Thinking Skills Recognize personal assumptions about tourism
Infer word meaning from context Support opinions with reasons Hypothesize outcomes Compare and contrast vacation experiences
Word definitions Context clues
Express and defend opinions
Integrate information from two listenings
Present a plan to improve English skills
Listen for specific information in student responses
Present research on slang Conduct an interview and report findings
Listening Tasks Listen for main ideas
Interpret speaker’s tone and emotions Identify contrasting viewpoints in the listening Synthesize information from two listenings Categorize end sounds
Listen to student presentations and pose questions
Speaking Tasks Make predictions
Pronunciation Past tense endings
Express and defend opinions
Vocabulary Context clues
Use new vocabulary in an open conversation
Vocabulary classification
Tell a story using transition words Interview a classmate Summarize an interview Outline, rehearse, and present a three-minute speech Present a poster session about a local tourist attraction
Listening Tasks Identify main ideas
Speaking Tasks Make predictions
Compare personal preferences in humor
Listen for details
Give examples to illustrate new vocabulary
Phrasal verbs
Compose and tell original jokes
Context clues
Interpret speaker’s tone of voice Compare
Grammar Simple past tense
Word definitions
Critical Thinking Skills Interpret jokes
Infer word meaning from context
Modals of ability and possibility
Lead a group discussion
Compare past and present abilities with modals
Take a dictation
Unit 7
Pose and respond to questions
Take notes on a lecture
Listen for details Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of tourism
Make predictions
Pronunciation Reduction of h in pronouns
Vocabulary Word definitions
Grammar Wh- questions
Scope and Sequence for NorthStar Listening & Speaking Intermediate Classify types of jokes
observations in listening to one’s personal observations
Discuss preferences in entertainment
Listen to jokes and predict punch lines
Ask for repetition or clarification
Decipher words spoken with reduced pronunciation
Ask and answer questions in an information gap activity
Take notes on student information
Practice telling and reacting to jokes
Critical Thinking Skills Compare and contrast two types of dress
Listening Tasks Identify main topics
Speaking Tasks Make predictions
Compare cultural norms of dress
Listen for details
Distinguish between ironic and non-ironic statements Draw conclusions Evaluate and rank quality of jokes
Unit 8
Pronunciation Thought groups
Vocabulary Context clues
Grammar Used to
Express opinions
Interpret word usage
Interpret speaker’s attitude
Definitions Give impromptu definitions of new vocabulary
Synonyms Analogies
Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of traditional dress Hypothesize point of view Compare and contrast points of view Analyze relationships between words Interpret the significance of how a person dresses
Relate listening to personal values Identify a speaker’s point of view Synthesize information from two listenings Identify thought groups in speech Listen to student presentations and answer questions
Group words for appropriate intonation and meaning Manipulate intonation to change meaning of a sentence Describe changes in fashion using the phrase used to Outline, rehearse, and present an introduction to an oral report Give an impromptu presentation using an outline to quickly organize ideas and notes Give an oral report on research
Unit 9
Critical Thinking Skills Recognize personal assumptions about spanking
Listening Tasks Determine a speaker’s point of view
Speaking Tasks Share background information
Identify supporting ideas
Vocabulary Word definitions
Tongue twisters Make predictions
Infer word meaning from context
Pronunciation Final consonants
Make impromptu opinion statements
Context clues Vocabulary
Grammar Present perfect tense
Scope and Sequence for NorthStar Listening & Speaking Intermediate Identify arguments for and against spanking
Take notes using a graphic organizer
using new vocabulary
Evaluate persuasiveness of arguments
Listen for details Interpret a speaker’s intensity of opinion
Support an opinion with facts, statistics, examples, and anecdotes
Relate listening to personal values
Ask and answer questions
Synthesize information from two listenings
Conduct a debate
Analyze strategies speakers use to support their opinions Compare and contrast past and current childrearing practices Develop arguments in favor of or against an issue
Identify end sounds Listen for specific information in student responses
Unit 10
Express and defend opinions Use an outline to organize an argument Summarize observations on child discipline
Critical Thinking Skills Interpret quotations
Listening Tasks Identify main ideas
Speaking Tasks Make predictions
Judge the value of a prenuptial agreement
Listen for details
Express and defend opinions
Infer word meaning from context
Determine a speaker’s point of view
Hypothesize another’s point of view
Identify supporting reasons
Support opinion with information from the text
Listen for emphasis in speech
Use word stress to change the meaning of a sentence
Develop arguments for and against an issue
Listen for student interruption strategies
Practice interrupting politely
Listen closely to interpret meaning
Present a topic and lead a group discussion
Evaluate the quality of arguments
Perform a roleplay using new vocabulary
Conduct an oral history interview Research a topic and make a class presentation