Seabed mapping with remote sensing

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MBES: Reson SeaBat 8125. Frequency: 455 kHz. “Ping rate: max 40/s. Range: 120 m. Depth accurancy: 6 mm. Width: 120° / 3,5 x depth. Št. snopov: 240‏.
Seabed mapping with remote sensing

Maja Berden Zrimec, Dean Mozetič, Sašo Poglajen

Harpha Sea: - Active in the field of surveying and geoinformatics for over 20 years - Development of bathymetric models - Underwater archaeology surveys - Terrestrial surveys - LIDAR - Aerial recording - GIS services (field surveys, GIS maintenance, spatial analysis, map making) - 3D modelling

LIDAR and spatial analysis

3D modelling

3D modelling

Models of buildings

3D modelling

Models of cities

LiDAR & sonar data combination Floodplain areas

Underwater surveys

-  - Specialised in coastal water surveys with research boats, automatic research vessels and drones -  - Top quality survey instruments (multibeam and sidescan echosounders, subbottom profilers, underwater cameras, etc.) -  - System for data elaboration and visualisation in 2D or 3D virtual environments

Side-scan sonar (SSS)

SSS: StarFish 450f Frequency: 450 kHz “Ping rate: max 40/s Range: 100 m on each side

Sub-bottom profiler (SBP)

SBP: Innomar SES-2000 Compact Primary frequency.: 100 kHz Secondary freq.: 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15 kHz “Ping rate: max 15 Hz Range: 400 m depth Sediment penetration: 40 m

Multi-beam echo-sounder (MBES) Luka Koper- prvi bazen

MBES: Reson SeaBat 8125 Frequency: 455 kHz “Ping rate: max 40/s Range: 120 m Depth accurancy: 6 mm Width: 120° / 3,5 x depth Št. snopov: 240‫‏‬ MBES: ODOM R2Sonic 2022 Frequency: 200 - 400 kHz “Ping rate: max 60/s Range: 500 m Depth accurancy: 1,25 cm Width: 10° - 160° Št. snopov: 256‫‏‬ MBES data cloud & pear’s pilots

Underwater surveys - charts

Digital model of Slovene coast

Bathymetry & topography including a 3D image of the coastal area

Seagrass meadows - Side-scan sonar (SSS)

Seagrass meadows – MBES

Seagrass meadows – MBES

Seagrass meadows – camera

Seagrass meadows – camera

Monitoring of seagrass meadows distribution

Seabed classification Seabed types: Mud Mud with grass Send Rock, stones Boulders and stones

Habitat mapping

Habitat charting

Monitoring changes in seagrass meadows

kanalizacijske cevi v Piranskem zalivu

sled sidra pred Koprskim zalivom

Detection of objects

Detection of objects

Digital bathymetric model of the pier 6 x 93 m) from the multibeam data: 0,1 m accurancy

Detection of divers - MBES

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