a, e, i, k m. 2. Apply Fourier transform method to solve differential equations and
partial differential equations. a, e, k .... Smarajit Ghosh, Network Theory: Analysis
and Synthesis, PHI, 2005. 3. ...... Chakrabarti A., M.L. Soni, P.V. Gupta and U.S..
MALNAD COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, HASSAN (An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to VTU, Belgaum)
VISION of the Department To Develop Pool of Knowledge, Skills and Facilities, and Impart High Quality Education.
MISSION of the Department • To adopt modern instructional methods. • To accomplish a sustained up gradation of infrastructure. • To ensure total understanding & commitment to the set objectives. • To formulate interactive programmes with Industries and Universities of repute. • To utilize the in house expertise for activities to fulfill the social obligations.
DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEOs) The program educational objectives of the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering are to produce graduates by: • • • • •
Developing a strong base in the domain of electrical, electronics and information sciences to excel in professional career. Promoting the interest for higher studies and continued life long learning. Imbibing confidence to take up diverse career paths including entrepreneurship. Encouraging team works with effective communication. Inculcating leadership, professional-ethical qualities and fulfill social obligations.
PROGRAM OUTCOMES (POs) a) Foundation: Ability to apply basic science and engineering science. b) Experimentation and Data handling: Conduct Experiments, analyze and
interpret data. Design: Designing a component/system within realistic constraints. Team Work: Function on multidisciplinary teams. Problem Solving: Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems. Professional Ethics: Understand professional and ethical responsibility. g) Communication: Communicate effectively orally and in written form. h) Impact: Broaden education to understand engineering solution in a global, economic and societal context. i) Continued Learning: A recognition of the need for lifelong learning abilities. j) Contemporary Issues: Familiarity with Contemporary issues and modern trends. k) Advanced Tools: Use effectively modern tools to solve engineering problems. l) Specialization: Specialization in the domain of Electrical & Electronics Engineering. m) Higher Education: Ability to go for higher education through competitive examinations. c) d) e) f)
CIE SCHEME (Theory) Assessment CIE 1 (based on PART A of syllabus) CIE 2 (based on PART B of syllabus) CIE 3 (based on PART C of syllabus) Total
Weightage in Marks 25 25 25 50
Scheme & Syllabus for III and IV semesters B.E. – Electrical & Electronics Engineering 2015 - 2016 III Semester Subject Code
Subject Name
Engineering Mathematics - III
4 0 0
Analog Electronic Circuits
3 1 0
Electric Circuits
3 1 0
Electrical Measurements & Instruments 2 1 0
Transformers & Induction Machines
3 1 0
Digital Electronic Circuits
3 0 0
Circuits & Measurements Laboratory
0 0 3 1.5
Circuit Simulation Laboratory
0 0 3 1.5
Communication Skills - I
0 0 3 Total Credits
1 26
IV Semester Subject Code
Subject Name
Engineering Mathematics - IV
4 0 0
Network Analysis
3 1 0
Signals & Systems
3 1 0
DC & Synchronous Machines
3 1 0
3 1 0
Electric Power Generation
3 0 0
Electronics laboratory
0 0 3 1.5
Transformers & Induction Machines lab 0 0 3 1.5 Total Credits
Detailed Syllabus for III & IV Semesters B.E. - Electrical and Electronics (E&E) Engineering: 2015-16 III SEMESTER
(Common to all Branches)
(4–0–0) 4
Prerequisites: This subject requires the student to know Engineering Mathematics I & II. COURSE OUTCOMES {with mapping shown against the Program Outcomes –POs} At the end of the course the student will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Expand periodic functions as a Fourier series. Apply Fourier transform method to solve differential equations and partial differential equations. Apply Z transform method to solve difference equations. Employ Numerical techniques as a tool solve problems in the engineering field. Solve a system of linear equations using both direct methods and iterative procedures.
a, e, i, k m a, e, k a, k a, d, e, i, k a, d, e, i, k
PART A Unit 1 Unit 2
Unit 3 Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Fourier series: Periodic functions, representation of a periodic function as a Fourier series using Euler’s Formulae. Fourier series of an even & an odd function. Half-range Fourier series and practical harmonic analysis-illustrative examples. Graphs of Fourier series. Fourier Transforms and Inverse Fourier transforms: – properties of Fourier transform, Evaluation of Complex Fourier, Fourier sine & Fourier cosine transforms. Inverse complex Fourier, Inverse sine & Cosine transforms. Applications of transforms to boundary value problems. PART B Z-Transforms: Definition, standard forms, Linearity property, damping rule, shifting rule – Problems. Inverse Z transforms. Solution of Difference equations using Z Transforms. Numerical Techniques: Solution of algebraic & Transcendental equations by (i) Bisection method, (ii) Newton Raphson method.,(iii) Regula falsi method Solution of non – linear system of equations by using Newton Raphson method. PART C Numerical Interpolation / Extrapolation: Finite differences - Forward, backward & Central differences. Interpolation by Newton’s Interpolation formula (both forward & backward), Stirling & Bessel’s interpolation formula for central interpolation. Lagrange’s & Newton’s divided differences formula for un-equal intervals. Some application oriented engineering problems. Numerical Integration: General quadrature formula with proof and deduction of trapezoidal rule, Simpsons 1/3rd rule, weddles rule and illustrative examples. Gaussian quadrature 3 point formula PART D Matrix algebra, Consistency of non homogeneous system of equations using the rank concept,( using elementary row operation), Solution of the system of linear equations by Gauss elimination method, Gauss – Seidel iterative method. Solution of system of homogeneous equations, Finding Eigen values and Eigen vectors of matrices. Physical significance of Eigen values and Eigen vectors in Engineering. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. Computation of solution by using the following single step methods: Taylor series method, Picard’s method of successive approximation, Runge-Kutta method of fourth order., Solution of first order simultaneous differential equations by R.K. method of fourth order . Predictor and corrector methods (Adams Bashforth method).
(7 hours)
(7 hours)
(6 hours)
(6 hours)
(7 hours)
(6 hours)
(6 hours)
(7 hours)
Text Book:
Dr. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publications, 40th edition (2007) Reference Books: 1. Erwin Kreyezig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 8th edition (2007) 2. S. C. Chapra and R. Canale, Numerical Analysis for Engineers, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 5th edition (2005) 3. Numerical methods for Scientific and Engineering computation by M.K. Jain, SRK Iyengar, R.K. Jain, 5th edition, New age International Publishers.
EE302 – ANALOG ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS (3-1-0) 4 COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course: 1) 2) 3) 4)
The students will gain knowledge about functioning of various solid-state devices like Bipolar Junction Transistors, Field-effect Transistors and MOSFETs. The students will be able to analyze dc biasing circuits and small-signal ac circuits with emphasis on single-stage amplifiers. The students will be able to design amplifier and oscillator circuits employing BJT and FET devices. The students will be able to design and produce small signal amplifier circuits for various practical applications to meet a given specification.
a, b, i e,h c, d , i j, k, m
COURSE CONTENTS: PART - A UNIT - 1 Transistor Characteristics & Biasing: Transistor operation, Transistor as an amplifier: CB, CE and CC configuration. Operating point, Biasing of the transistor, Fixed bias circuit, Emitter stabilized bias circuit and Voltage divider bias circuit. 07 Hrs. UNIT - 2 Biasing Stabilization & Compensation: Bias stabilization of the fixed bias circuit, emitter stabilized bias circuit and voltage divider bias circuit; Relative comparisons, Bias compensation techniques. 05 Hrs. PART - B UNIT - 3 Transistor at Low Frequencies: Graphical analysis of CE Configuration, Two port devices and the hybrid model, Transistor complete hybrid model and approximate hybrid model for CE, CC (Emitter follower circuit) and CB configuration. Analysis of fixed bias, emitter bias with bypass capacitor and voltage divider bias amplifier circuits using complete hybrid model and simplified model, Miller’s theorem and its dual, Frequency response of two stage RC coupled amplifier. 08 Hrs. UNIT - 4 Power Amplifier: Classifications of the power amplifiers, Series fed Class A amplifiers, transformer coupled Class A power amplifier, Class B amplifier operation, Class B amplifier circuits, Amplifier distortion, Class AB operation, Class C and Class D Amplifiers. 06 Hrs. PART - C UNIT - 5 Multistage Amplifiers: Two port system approach, cascade connection, cascade connection, Darlington connection. 03 Hrs. Feedback Amplifiers: Feedback concept, feedback connection type, practical feedback circuits. 04 Hrs. UNIT - 6 Oscillators: Oscillator operation, Phase shift oscillator (BJT version only), Wienbridge oscillator (BJT version only), Tuned oscillator circuits (BJT version only), crystal oscillator (BJT version only). 06 Hrs. PART - D UNIT - 7
Field Effect Transistors: Construction and characteristics of JFETs, Transfer characteristics, Specification sheets (JFETs). FET biasing: Introduction, Fixed bias, Self bias and Voltage divider bias configurations. 06 Hrs. UNIT - 8 FET small signal analysis: Introduction, FET small signal model, Small signal analysis of fixed bias, Self bias and voltage divider bias configurations. MOSFETs: Types of MOSFET, Construction, Operation and Characteristics of Enhancement type MOSFET. 07 Hrs. Text Books: 1 Robert L. Boylestead and Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 6th Edition, Pearson Education/PHI. 2 Jacob Millman and Christos C. Halkias, Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems, TMH, Reprint 2008. Reference Books: 1 David A Bell, Electronic Devices and Circuits, 3rd Edition, PHI, 2002. 2 Sudhaker Samuel, U. B. Mahadevaswamy & V.Nattaraju, Electronic Circuits, Sanguine Technical Publishers.
EE303: ELECTRIC CIRCUITS (3-1-0) 4 COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course: 1) 2) 3)
Students will be able understand the basic principles and different theorems of Electrical engineering. Students can use AC steady state analysis to find currents and voltages within circuits driven by sinusoidal sources and determine the frequency response of a circuit. Students will be able to systematically obtain the equations that characterize the performance of an electric circuit as well as solving both single phase and three - phase circuits in sinusoidal steady state. Students will have knowledge of the application of principles of linear electrical circuits across engineering disciplines and within sub-disciplines of electrical engineering.
a, b, e b, e a, c, e
a, b, e, h, j, l, m
COURSE CONTENTS: PART - A UNIT – 1 Basic Circuit Concepts: Dependent and independent sources, Source transformation, Maxwell’s equations, Loop and node analysis with linearly dependent and independent sources for DC and AC networks. 06 Hrs. UNIT – 2 Network Topology: Graph of a network, concept of a tree and co-tree, incidence matrix, tie-set and cut-set matrices, Formulation of equilibrium equations in matrix form, solution of resistive networks. 07 Hrs. PART - B UNIT – 3 Network reduction, Y-∆ Transformation, Principle of duality, dual circuits; Superposition, Reciprocity for DC and AC circuits with controlled sources. 07 Hrs. UNIT – 4 Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems, Maximum power transfer and Millman’s theorems for DC and AC circuits. 06 Hrs. PART - C UNIT – 5 Three-phase circuits: Numbering and interconnection of three phases, voltage, currents and power in star and delta connections. Analysis of balanced & unbalanced star and delta connected loads, Neutral shift. 07Hrs.
UNIT – 6 Coupled Circuits: Self inductance, mutual inductance, coefficient of coupling, dot convention, inductive coupling in series and parallel, T and π equivalent networks, tuned coupled circuits. 06 Hrs. PART - D UNIT – 7 Resonant Circuits: Series resonance, Quality factor, Frequency response, Half power frequencies, Bandwidth, Selectivity, Frequency at which VC and VL is maximum. Parallel resonance, R – L – C, RL – C and RL – R C circuits. 07 Hrs. UNIT – 8 Locus Diagram: Current locus in RL, RC and RLC series and parallel circuits.
06 Hrs.
Text Book: Hayt, Kemmerly and Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, TMH, 6th Edition. Reference Books: 1. Charles K. Alexander and Mathew NO Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, TMH, III Edition. 2. Smarajit Ghosh, Network Theory: Analysis and Synthesis, PHI, 2005 3. Roy Choudhury, Networks and Systems, New age Publication.
EE304 - ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS & INSTRUMENTS (2-1-0) 3 COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
The students get the fundamental knowledge about the electrical and electronic measurements and equipments The students will be able to solve – real life problems connected with DC/AC Measurements involving various electrical parameters The students are trained well right from basic skills to handle and operate many of the basic electrical and electronic instruments (meters) The students will gain a thorough knowledge about the various units and standards of measurements prevalent in practice in concerned industries and organizations. Students will get the complete information about the various application domains of measuring instruments.
a, d, b, i h, i, j b, c, e d, e, j, k d, m
COURSE CONTENTS: PART - A UNIT – 1 Units and Dimensions: Fundamental and Derived Units – A review, SI Units, Dimensions and Dimensional Equations, Illustrative problems. 04 Hrs. UNIT – 2 DC Bridges for Measurement of Resistance: Wheatstone’s Bridge- Sensitivity Analysis & Limitations, Kelvin’s Double Bridge, Earth Resistance Measurement using Megger, Illustrative Examples. 06 Hrs. PART - B UNIT – 3 AC Bridges for Measurement of Inductance & Capacitance: Anderson’s Bridge, Schering Bridge, Sources and Detectors, Shielding of Bridges, Wagner Earthing Device, Illustrative Examples. 04 Hrs.
UNIT – 4 Extension of Instrument Ranges: (a) Shunts and Multipliers, Illustrative Examples (b) Instrument Transformers- Construction and Theory, Equations for Ratio and Phase Angle Errors of C.T. and P.T (derivations excluded), Turns Compensation, Illustrative Examples (excluding problems on Turns Compensation). 06 Hrs.
PART - C UNIT – 5 Measurement of Power and Energy: (a) Dynamometer Wattmeter, LPF Wattmeter, Measurement of Real and Reactive Power in Three-Phase Circuits (b) Induction type Energy Meter - Construction, Working Principle, Theory, Errors, Concept of Creep, Illustrative Examples, Brief Discussion on Electronic Energy Meters. 06 Hrs. UNIT – 6 (a) Measurement of Power Related Parameters: Construction and Operation of Electro-Dynamometer Single-phase Power factor Meter, Weston Frequency Meter and Phase Sequence Indicator, (b) Electronic Instruments: Introduction, Electronic Multi-meters, Digital Voltmeters, Q Meters, Examples on Q Meters. 05 Hrs. PART - D UNIT – 7 Oscilloscopes: Front-panel details of a typical Dual Trace Oscilloscope, Method of Measuring Amplitude, Phase, Frequency, Period, use of Lissajous Patterns, Working of a Digital Storage Oscilloscope. 06 Hrs. UNIT – 8 Display Devices and Signal Generators: X-Y Recorders, LCD and LED Displays, Signal Generators and Function Generators. 03 Hrs. Text Books: 1. A. K. Sawhney, Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, Dhanpatrai and Sons, New Delhi. 2. Cooper D. and A.D. Heifrick, Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measuring Techniques , PHI. Reference Books: 1. Golding and Widdies, Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments, Pitman. 2. David A. Bell, Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement, 2nd Edition, PHI, 2006.
EE305 - TRANSFORMERS & INDUCTION MACHINES (3-1-0) 4 COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
The students will be able to understand the construction and working of transformers and Induction motors. Students will get complete information about the concept of equivalent circuit and mathematical modeling The students will gain knowledge of concepts of fundamental torque equations and rotating and oscillating fields. The students gain knowledge about various types of tests conducted to evaluate the performance of transformers and Induction motors. The students will be able to solve various real life problems with respect to transformers and Induction motors.
a,c,i,k,l a,b,e,k,l a,b,c,e a,b,e,f,i a,c,d,h,i,j,k,m
COURSE CONTENTS: PART - A UNIT – 1 Basic concepts of transformers: Construction and Practical considerations of 1phase & 3 phase core and shell type transformers, Methods of cooling, Classification of transformers, Description of Power & distribution, Measuring Transformers, Welding Transformers, Variable frequency Transformers, Rectifier Transformers & Traction Transformers, Autotransformer: Construction, Advantages/disadvantages. 05 Hrs. UNIT – 2 Single phase transformers, analysis & performance: Principle of transformer action for voltage transformation, Ideal & practical transformers, EMF equation, Transformation ratio, Concept of impedance
transformation, Transformer operation under no load and load condition, Vector diagrams, Exact & approximate equivalent circuit, losses, power & all day efficiency, voltage regulation. 07 Hrs. PART - B UNIT – 3 Testing: OC-SC tests, Predetermination of efficiency & regulation, Polarity test, Sumpner’s test, Parallel operation – need, conditions to be satisfied & load sharing. 06 Hrs. UNIT – 4 Three phase transformers, operational aspects: All types of 3 phase transformer connection including open delta, Choice of connection, Bank of 1 phase transformer for 3 phase operation, Phase conversion, - Scott connection for 3phase-2phase, 3phase-1phase conversion, labeling of 3 phase transformer terminals, vector groups phase shifting between primary and secondary & applications. 07 Hrs. PART - C UNIT – 5 (a)Induction motors: Basic concepts, Construction, Concept of rotating magnetic field, Operating principle, Classification– 3-phase, Squirrel cage, Slip ring, Double cage, Deep bar induction motors, and 1-phase induction motors. 04 Hrs. (b)Single phase induction motors: Double revolving field theory and principle of operation, Types of 1phase IM, Classification: Split-phase, Capacitor-start, Shaded-Pole motors. 04 Hrs. UNIT – 6 Analysis & Performance of 3 phase Induction Motors- Part-A: Phasor diagram of Induction motor under no load & load, equivalent circuit, visualization as a generalized transformer, losses & efficiency, performance evaluation (HP, Torque, efficiency, current & power factor). 06 Hrs. PART - D UNIT – 7 Analysis & Performance of 3 phase Induction Motors- Part-B: Torque-slip characteristics of motoring, Generating & Braking, Induction generator, No load & blocked rotor tests, Circle diagram & performance evaluation, Cogging & Crawling, 07 Hrs. UNIT – 8 Starting & Control: Need for starter, DOL, Υ-∆, Autotransformer starting, Rotor resistance starting, Electronic starter, Speed control: voltage, frequency & rotor resistance variations. 06 Hrs. Text Books: 1. A. Langsdorf, Theory of Alternating Current Machines, TMH. 2. Nagarath and Kothari, Electrical Machines, TMH. Reference Books: 1. V. K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta, Electrical Machines, 2nd edition, S. Chand & Co. 2. Ashfaq Husain, Electrical Machines, Dhanapathrai & Co.
EE306 - DIGITAL ELECTRONICS CIRCUITS (3-0-0) 3 COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
The students get the fundamental knowledge of digital system logic and digital circuits. The students will be able to solve problems connected with switching logic functioning. The students will be able to derive the basic skills design the digital systems involving digital circuits like adders, encoders, decoders, multiplexers, registers, flip-flops and counters. The students will gain a thorough knowledge of techniques to obtain most minimal logical expressions. The students get the complete information of various terminologies involved in digital logic design.
a, d, b, i h, i, j b, c, e d, e, j, k d, m
COURSE CONTENTS: PART - A UNIT – 1 Boolean Algebra: Boolean Constants. Boolean Variable. Boolean algebra and Laws of Boolean Algebra. Boolean formulae and functions. Boolean algebra theorems. Basic Boolean Identities. Boolean formulas and functions. Disjunctive and conjunctive normal forms. Minterm canonical form and m-notation. Maxterm canonical form and M-notation. Manipulations of Boolean formula by equation complementation, expansion about a variable and equation simplification. Obtaining an equivalent minterm canonical form for the given logical expression. Obtaining an equivalent maxterm canonical form for the given logical expression. Complements of canonical forms. 05 Hrs. UNIT – 2 Combinational Networks: Gates and combinational networks. NAND-function, NOR-function. Universal gates. Realization of a logical function using only NAND gates. Realization of a logical function using only NOR gates. Exclusive-OR function and Exclusive-NOR function. Analysis of combinational circuits. Synthesis of combinational circuits. A logic design example. Incomplete Boolean functions and Don’t care conditions in logic design. 05 Hrs. PART - B UNIT – 3 Simplification of Boolean Expressions: Formulation of problem & criteria of minimality. Simplification problem. Prime implicants and irredundant disjunctive expressions. Implies, Subsumes. Implicants and prime implicants. Irredundant disjunctive normal forms. Prime implicates and irredundant conjunctive expressions. Karnaugh Maps: one-variable, two-variable maps, three-variable, and four-variable maps. Karnaugh maps and canonical forms. Product and sum term representations on Karnaugh maps. Using Karnaugh maps to obtain minimal expressions for complete Boolean functions. Prime implicants and Karnaugh maps. Essential prime implicants. Minimal sums. Minimal products. Minimal expressions of incomplete Boolean functions. Minimal sums and minimal products. 05 Hrs. UNIT – 4 Alternate methods of simplifying Boolean Expressions: Quine McCluskey Method algorithm for obtaining prime implicants and prime implicates. Prime implicant tables for obtaining irredundant expressions. Patrick’s method of determining irredundant expressions from prime implicant table. Prime implicate tables for obtaining irredundant expressions. Prime-implicant table reductions: essential prime implicants, column and row reductions. A prime implicant selection procedure, Decimal notation for obtaining prime implicants, Mapentered variables. 05 Hrs. PART - C UNIT – 5 Logic Design with MSI Components : Binary adders and subtractors. Look ahead adder. Decimal adders. Comparators. Decoders. Logic design using decoders. Decoders with an enable input. Encoders. Multiplexers. Logic design with multiplexers. 05 Hrs. UNIT – 6 Programmable Logic Devices: Programmable Logic Devices (PLD). PLD notation; programmable read-only memories (PROMS). Programmable Logic Arrays (PLAS). Programmable Array Logic (PAL) devices. 05 Hrs. PART - D UNIT – 7 Flip-flops: S-R latch and Gated S-R latch. Gated D latch. Pulse triggered master-slave S-R flip-flop. The master-slave J-K flip-flop. Edge-triggered flip-flop; Positive edge-triggered D flip-flop; Negative edgetriggered D flip-flops. 05 Hrs. UNIT – 8 Simple Flip-flop Applications: Characteristic equations of flip-flops. Registers. Binary ripple counters. Synchronous binary counters. Counters based on shift registers. Design of synchronous counters using clocked J-K flip-flops. Design of synchronous counter using clocked D, T or S-R flip-flops. 05 Hrs. Text Book: Donald D. Givone, Digital Principles and Design, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 2002.
Reference Book: R. D. Sudhakar Samuel, Logic Design – A Simplified Approach, Sanguine Technical Publishers, 2005.
EE307 – CIRCUITS & MEASUREMENTS LABORATORY (0-0-3) 1.5 COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course: 1) Knowledge of theorem is worked out which helps in utilizing the same in regular operations 2) The student attains the skill to determine the error and reliability of electrical equipments. 3) The student will be able to identify the value of different electrical parameters.
a,l c,e,i a,e,l
COURSE CONTENTS: 1. Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws: KCL & KVL. 2. Verification of Thevenin’s Theorem. 3. Verification of Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. 4. Verification of Superposition Theorem. 5. Measurements of power in three phase circuits using two wattmeter’s. 6. Adjustment and calibration of single phase energy meter. 7. Calibration of three phase energy meter. 8. Measurement of low resistance using Kelvin’s Double Bridge. 9. Measurement of inductance and determination of Q-factor. 10. Determination of ratio & Phase angle error of a Current Transformer. 11. Measurement of capacitance & determination of dissipation factor.
EE308 – CIRCUIT SIMULATION LABORATORY (0-0-3) 1.5 COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Students will get an opportunity to get hands on experience with OrCAD-PSPICE and MATLAB/Simulink Students will be able to analyze different types of electrical and electronic circuits. Students will gain confidence in analysis and designing of electronic circuits. Students will have an ability to apply and integrate computer technology in circuit analysis and design. Students will demonstrate basic communication skills by working in groups on laboratory experiments and the thoughtful discussion and interpretation of data.
k b, c, e, k , l b, e, i b, c, k b, g
COURSE CONTENTS: PART 1 PSPICE Applications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Resonance characteristics of series circuits. Resonance characteristics of parallel circuits. Verification of KCL & KVL for multi-loop electrical circuits, with independent and controlled DC & AC sources. Verification of Thevenin’s and Nortan’s theorems. Verification of Maximum Power Transfer theorem. Simulation of half, full wave rectifier circuits. Simulation of single stage RC coupled amplifier-frequency response. PART 2 MATLAB/Simulink Applications
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Itroduction to MATLAB and Simulink Verification of KCL & KVL for multi-loop electrical circuits, with independent and controlled DC & AC sources using script file. Verification of Thevenin’s and Nortan’s theorems using script file. Verification of Maximum Power Transfer theorem using script file. Simulation of simple electrical circuits using simulink. Verification of Maximum Power Transfer theorem using simulink.
HS003 - COMMUNICATION SKILLS – I (0-0-1-1) (Common to EE/EC/IT/CS/IS during the Odd semester term) (Common to Civil/ME/IP/Auto during the Even semester term) Semester: III COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course the student will be able to: 1) 2) 3) 4)
Duration: 40 Hours (@3 hours/week)
Understand the rules of spelling, pronunciation and accent and demonstrate the speaking skills. Draw conclusions, relate contents and make presentations using multimedia. Express ideas in essay structure that are clearly linked through cohesive paragraphs and appropriate transitions. Apply writing and presentation skills to assignments of other courses.
a, d h g,h h,i
COURSE CONTENTS: PART - A UNIT-1 & 2 Me - My Dreams – SMART Goals, Explanation of Goals, Action Planning, Talking about self, Writing about self in 500 words, SWOT Analysis - SWOT through situations, Time management strategies and application in a given situation, Essay Writing, Spotting difference in formal and informal writing & Rewriting informal in formal form, Grammar - error corrections, Grammar exercises (application and analysis). 09 Hrs. PART - B UNIT-3 & 4 Rules of spelling/ pronunciation & Accent, Homophones, Homonyms - Academic Vocabulary/ Speaking Skills, Time Management - Time management strategies and application in a given situation. Comprehensions - Reading comprehension for drawing inferences, skimming and scanning techniques. 09 Hrs. PART - C UNIT-5 & 6 Understanding academic essay structure - Formal & Informal writing - Interpretation of graphs and Report writing, Negotiations/ Conflict Management - Application of negotiation and conflict management skills in a given situation, Power of Body Language - understanding body language, Interpreting body language, Individual activities through solving problems given in worksheets. 09 Hrs. PART - D UNIT- 7 & 8 Taking and Giving directions – General & Academics, Giving and taking information - Writing process of model making (any) writing directions to reach a destination by looking at picture, Presentation Skills – Making academic presentations - Making power point presentations/ using multi-media. These sessions will be student centered practical sessions imparted through language games, group activities, group discussions based on video clippings. 09 Hrs. Evaluation: CIE–1 &2 (20 marks each); Assignment–1 (10 marks) and SEE (50 Marks)
MA401 - ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS IV (EE/EC/IT/IS) (4-0-0) 4 Prerequisites: This subject requires the student to know Engineering Mathematics I & II. COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course the student will be able to: 1) Understand basic properties of analytic functions. 2) Analyze statistical data using a deterministic approach. 3) Understand fundamentals of probability theory.
a, e, i, k m a, e, k a, k
4) Differentiate between discrete & continuous random variables. 5) Understand basic concepts of theoretical distributions of both discrete and continuous random variables. Thus, a student will be able to judge which distribution is suitable for a given problem. 6) Apply hypothesis testing concept to analyze the problems in theory of sampling 7) Understand theory of stochastic processes and queues in networking problems.
a, e, k a, e, k
a, d, e, i, k a, d, k
Unit 2
PART A Functions of a complex variable: Definition of limit, continuity and differentiability of a function of a complex variable. Analytic functions. Cauchy-Riemann equations in Cartesian and polar forms. Harmonic functions. Construction of an analytic function using Milne-Thomson method (Cartesian & Polar forms). Illustrative examples from Eng. field Conformal Mapping: Definition of Conformal Transformation and discussion of standard transformations.
w = z2 , w = ez , w = z +
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
(6 hours)
k2 , w = sin z. Bilinear transformations, Cross ratio property z
with proof, illustrative examples. PART B Complex Integration: – Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s Integral formula, Evaluation of integrals using Cauchy’s integral formula, Zeros of an analytic function, Singularities and Residues, Calculation of residues, Evaluation of real definite integrals. Statistics: Review of Mathematical Statistics - measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion. Curve fitting by least square method – Straight lines, parabola, and exponential curves. Correlation – Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Regression analysis. Illustrative examples. PART C Probability: Basic counting principles, sample space, random experiment, definition of probability and probability axioms. Addition and multiplication law of probability, conditional probability, and Bayes’ theorem. Illustrative examples. Discrete Random Variables: Definitions and properties of PDF & CDF. Theoretical Distributions - Binominal, Poisson Distributions. Expectation and variance. Illustrative examples. PART D Continuous Random Variables: Definition and properties, PDF and CDF. Theoretical distribution of a continuous random variable – Exponential, Normal/Gaussian . Expectation and variance of theoretical distribution functions Joint Probability Distribution & Stochastic Processes: Concept of joint probability, Joint distributions of discrete random variables, Independent random variables problems. Joint expectation, co-variance and regression coefficients. Stochastic Processes – Classification, Markov Chains: Introduction, probability vectors, stochastic matrices, fixed points and regular stochastic matrices.
(6 hours)
(7 hours)
(7 hours)
(7 hours)
.(6 hours)
(7 hours ) Text Book: 1. Dr. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publications, 40th edition (2007) Reference Books: 1. Erwin Kreyezig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 8th edition (2007) 3. 2. S. C. Chapra and R. Canale, Numerical Analysis for Engineers, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 5th edition (2005) 3. Numerical methods for Scientific and Engineering computation by M.K. Jain, SRK Iyengar, R.K. Jain, 5th edition, New age International Publishers.
EE402: NETWORK ANALYSIS – (3-1-0) 4 COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course: 1) 2)
Students can analyze complex dc and ac linear circuits analytically Students can analyze linear circuits using important concepts from linear systems theory including transfer function, impulse response and stability
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3) 4)
Students can relate pole and zero locations to characteristics of time-domain functions The students gain skills on analysis of electrical networks using complex frequency approach of Fourier and Laplace transform.
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COURSE CONTENTS: PART - A UNIT – 1 Fourier Series: Trigonometric Fourier series of periodic wave forms, Dirichlet condition, Determination of Fourier series, wave symmetry, effective value and power, Application to network analysis. Exponential Fourier series of periodic waveforms. 06 Hrs. UNIT – 2 Initial and Final Conditions in Networks: Integral-differential equations for networks, Behavior of R, L, and C at the instant of switching and at final conditions when the excitation is D.C. Meaning of initial and final conditions in networks. Importance and need for determination of initial conditions. 06 Hrs. PART - B UNIT – 3 Network Analysis using Classical method: Solution to network differential equations using Classical method. Homogenous solution, natural/free solution, particular/forced solution using method of undetermined coefficients, total solution . 07 Hrs. UNIT – 4 Laplace Transforms of waveforms: Review of Definition of Laplace transform, inverse Laplace transforms, and properties of LT. Laplace transform of standard signals. Table of useful Laplace transforms. Waveform synthesis of periodic and aperiodic signals. Gate function. Laplace transform of the waveforms using waveform synthesis and gate function (emphasis on waveforms). 07 Hrs. PART - C UNIT – 5 Network Analysis using Laplace Transforms: Solution of networks using Laplace transforms. Transfer functions of passive network elements. Concept of transformed impedance and transformed network. Analysis of circuits by using transformed network. Applications of Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems. 07 Hrs. UNIT – 6 Initial and final value theorems and their applications to networks. Convolution theorem/integral and its applications. Duhammel’s Superposition Integral and its applications to networks. 06 Hrs. PART - D UNIT – 7 Two Port Network Parameters: Network configurations, Z-parameters, Y-parameters, ABCD-parameters, h-parameters, relationship among these parameter sets. Calculation of these parameters for resistive networks. 07 Hrs. UNIT – 8 Network Functions: Driving point Impedance and Admittance, Transfer Impedance and Admittance, Voltage and current ratio, Concept of poles and zeros, Time-domain behavior from pole-zero plots. 06 Hrs. Text Book: Van Valkenburg, Network Analysis, PHI / Pearson Education, 2006. Reference Books: 1. Franklin F.Kuo, Network Analysis & Synthesis, Wiley International. 2. Charles K. Alexander and Mathew NO Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, TMH, III Edition. 3. Samarjit Ghosh, Network Theory-Analysis and Sythesis, PHI, 2005. 4. Roy Choudary, Networks and system, New age Publication.
At the end of the course: 1) 2) 3)
4) 5)
The students will be able to classify systems as continuous or discrete-time, linear or nonlinear, time-invariant or time-varying, and causal or non-causal. The students learn the role of convolution in the analysis of linear time invariant systems, and use convolution to determine the response of linear systems to arbitrary inputs. The students will be able to determine Fourier transforms and Fourier series for continuoustime and discrete-time signals, and understand how to interpret and plot Fourier transform magnitude and phase functions. The students gain ability to use the sampling theorem to analyze sampling in the frequency domain, aliasing and zero-order hold (ZOH) reconstruction. The students understand the need to define Z transforms - to treat a class of signals broader than that handled by Fourier transforms.
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COURSE CONTENTS: PART - A UNIT – 1 Introduction: Definition of a signal and a system; Classification of signals; Basic operations on signals. Elementary signals. Systems viewed as interconnections of operations on signals; Properties of systems. 07 Hrs. UNIT – 2 Time-domain Representations for LTI Systems: Impulse response; Representation of signals using impulses; Convolution – impulse response representation for LTI systems. 07 Hrs. PART - B UNIT – 3 Properties of Impulse Response Representation for LTI Systems - Memoryless Systems, Causality, Stability, Invertibility & Deconvolution, Parallel & Cascade Systems, Step Response. 04 Hrs. UNIT – 4 Representation of LTI System: Solution of Differential & Difference equation, Block diagram representations- Direct form-I & Direct form-II. 06 Hrs. PART - C UNIT – 5 Fourier Representation of Signals: Complex sinusoids and LTI systems. Introduction to Fourier representation of signals; Introduction to CTFS, CTFT, DTFS, and DTFT. Properties of CTFT and DTFT. Problems on CTFT & DTFT. 09 Hrs. UNIT – 6 Application of Fourier Representation of Signals Frequency response of LTI systems; Fourier transforms representations of periodic signals; Sampling of signals and signal reconstruction 07 Hrs. PART - D UNIT –7 & 8 Z-Transforms Introduction; Definition of the z-transform and its inverse; Properties of ROC; Properties of z transforms; Inversion of z-transforms. Z-Transforms analysis of LTI Systems; Unilateral z-transform and its application to solve difference equations. 12 Hrs. Text Book: Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen, Signals and Systems, John Wiley & Sons. Reference Books: 1. Michel J Roberts, Signals and Systems : Analysis of signals through Linear Systems, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003. 2. H. P. Hsu and R. Ranjan, Signals and Systems, Scham’s Outline Series, TMH, 2006. 3. D. Ganesh Rao and Satish Tunga, Signals and Systems: A Simplified Approach, Sanguine Technical Publishers.
1) 2) 3) 4)
The students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of theory of electromechanical energy conversion. Students will be able to understand the principles of operation of electrical DC & Synchronous generators and Motors. The students will gain knowledge about construction and design issues associated with electrical machines. The students obtain knowledge of testing of DC and Synchronous machines
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COURSE CONTENTS: PART - A UNIT – 1 DC Machines DC Generators: Introduction to basic operation, types of excitation, Types of generators, No load and load characteristics, Armature reaction, Commutation, use of inter-poles & compensating winding. 05 Hrs. UNIT – 2 DC Motors: Load characteristics of shunt, series & compound motors & their applications, Speed control of shunt motors. Permanent magnet DC Motors and brushless DC Motors. 08 Hrs. PART - B UNIT – 3 Testing of DC Machines: Losses & efficiency of DC machines, Direct & Indirect methods of testing of shunt & series machines – Swinburne’s test, Hopkinson’s test, Field’s test, Retardation Test. 08 Hrs. UNIT – 4 Synchronous Machines: Basic principles of operation, construction of salient & non-salient pole synchronous machines, Generated EMF considering the effect of distribution and short chording of winding, causes of harmonics and its elimination. 05 Hrs. PART - C UNIT – 5 Voltage Regulation by EMF, MMF & ZPF methods, comparative studies, Illustrative examples 08 Hrs. [
UNIT – 6 Salient pole synchronous machines, Two-reaction theory, Power angle diagram, Reluctance power, Slip test. 05 Hrs. PART - D UNIT –7& 8 Synchronization of Alternator with infinite bus bar, Parallel operation of alternators. Synchronous Motors: Operating principle - Starting methods, Operating characteristics - Operation at constant load with variable excitation and vice versa for generating mode & motoring mode, V & ٨ curves of synchronous machine, Power flow equations with out and with the armature resistance, Hunting in synchronous machines, Damper windings. 13 Hrs. Text Books: 1. V. K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta, Electrical Machines, 2nd edition, S. Chand & Co. 2. P. S. Bhimbra, Electric Machinery, Khanna Publishers. Reference Books: 1. I. J. Nagrath & D. P. Kothari, Electric machines, 2nd edition, TMH. 2. Alexander S. Langsdorf, Theory of Alternating Current Machines, TMH. 3.
EE405 - MICROCONTROLLERS – (3-1-0) 4 COURSE OUTCOMES: After completing this course, students will be able to: 1) 2) 3)
Get familiarization with different types of Microcontroller. Describe the fundamental features and operation of contemporary microcontroller. Write instructions in various addressing modes for typical tasks.
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4) 5) 6)
Understand the serial communication in 8051. Design a basic microcontroller system. Interface 8051 with LCD, Keyboard, Parallel/serial ADC, DAC, and stepper motors.
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PART - A UNIT -1 Introduction: Evolution of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Simple block diagram of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, function of each block, comparison of Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and Microcomputers, Von- Neumann and Harvard architecture, Applications of microprocessor and microcontrollers. 06Hrs UNIT -2 Microcontroller 8051: ARCHITECTURE OF 8051- Pin details of 8051 – ALU –ROM – RAM – Memory Organization of 8051 - Special function registers – Program Counter – PSW register –Stack - I/O Ports – Timer – Interrupt – Serial Port – Oscillator and Clock - Clock Cycle – State - Machine Cycle – Instruction cycle – Reset – Power on Reset. 07 Hrs
PART – B UNIT -3 INSTRUCTION SET OF 8051: Instruction set of 8051 – Classification of 8051 Instructions - Data transfer instructions – Arithmetic Instructions – Logical instructions –Branching instructions – Bit Manipulation Instructions. ASSEMBLER AND ADDRESSING MODES: Assembling and running an 8051 program –Structure of Assembly Language –Assembler directives - Different addressing modes of 8051. 07 Hrs. UNIT -4 Logical and Arithmetic Operations: Byte level logical Operations, rotate and Swap Operations, Arithmetic Operations: Flags, Incrementing and Decrementing, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Decimal Arithmetic. Jump and Call Instructions: The JUMP and CALL Program range, Jumps, calls and Subroutines. Bit level operations: I/O Bit addresses for I/O and RAM – I/O programming – I/O bit manipulation programming. 08 Hrs.
PART - C UNIT -5 TIMER Programming 8051: Timers – Timer 0 and Timer 1 registers – Different modes of Timer – Mode 0 Programming – Mode 1 Programming - Mode 2 Programming - Mode 3 Programming - Counter programming – Different modes of Counter – Mode 0 Programming – Mode 1 Programming - Mode 2 Programming - Mode 3 Programming. 06 Hrs. UNIT -6 8051 Serial Communication: Basics of Serial Communication, 8051 connections to RS-232, 8051 Serial communication Programming, Programming the second serial port, Serial port programming. Interrupts in 8051, Interrupt programming. 06 Hrs.
PART – D UNIT -7 Interfacing Techniques: 8255 PPI: Pin details of 8255 – Block Diagram – Modes of 8255. Interfacing external memory to 8051– 8051 interfacing with the 8255 –Programming – Relays and Sensor interfacing – ADC interfacing, 06 Hrs. UNIT -8 DAC interfacing - Keyboard interfacing – Seven segment LED Display Interfacing - Stepper Motor interfacing – DC motor interfacing using PWM.
06 Hrs.
Text Books: 1. Kenneth Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller, 3rd Edition, Thomson Learning, 2007. 2. M A Mazidi, J G Mazidi and R D Mckinlay, The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Using Assembly and C, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall India , 2007. Reference book: Myke Predko, Programming & Customizing 8051 the Microcontroller, Tata MGH.
EE406 - ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATION (3-0-0) 3 COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
The students will gain the knowledge of about various methods of electric power generation. The students will be able to design the electric power generation models for hydro thermal etc. The students will be able to understand the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of power generation. The students will be able to solve engineering problem and capable of writing the competitive exams like GATE, IES etc. The students will be able to communicate effectively orally and verbally.
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COURSE CONTENTS: PART - A UNIT – 1 Sources of Electrical Generation: Wind, Solar, fuel, tidal, geo-thermal, Hydro electric, Thermal, Diesel, Gas, Nuclear co-generation, Combined heat and power distributed generation. 06 Hrs. UNIT – 2 Hydro Power Generation: Selection of site, Classification of hydro electric plants, General arrangement and operation, Hydro electric plant, Power station structure & control. 04 Hrs. PART - B UNIT – 3 Thermal: Introduction, main portions, working, plant layout.
04 Hrs.
UNIT – 4 Nuclear Power Station: Introduction, adverse effects of fossil fuels, pros and cons of nuclear power generation, selection of site, cost, components, component of reactors, description of fuel sources, safety of nuclear power reactor. 06 Hrs. PART - C UNIT – 5 Diesel Electric Station: Diesel electric plants & component, choice and characteristics, plant layout and maintenance. 04 Hrs. UNIT – 6 Grounding Systems: Introduction, resistance grounding systems, neutral grounding, ungrounded system, resonant grounding, solid grounding, reactance grounding, resistance grounding, earthing transformer, neutral grounding transformer. 06 Hrs. PART - D UNIT –7 & 8 Economics Aspects: Introduction, terms used in system operation: diversity factor, load factor, plant capacity factor, plant use factor, plant utilization factor, loss factor, load duration curve, power factor improvement and tariffs, energy load curve, interconnection of power station 10 Hrs. Text Book:
Chakrabarti A., M.L. Soni, P.V. Gupta and U.S..Bhatnagar, Power System Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Co. (Pvt.) Ltd., 2003. Reference Books: 1. S. M. Singh, Electric Power Generation Transmission and Distribution, Prentice Hall of India. 2. M. V. Deshpande, Elements of Power Station Design, A.H. Wheeler & Co.
EE407 - ELECTRONICS LABORATORY (0-0-3) 1.5 COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course: 1)
3) 4) 5)
The students will be able to apply the concepts learned in the courses Electronic Circuits and Digital Electronic Circuits to design electronic (diodes, transistors) circuits and to realize digital circuits. The students will gain familiarity with the instruments such as CRO (Cathode Ray Oscilloscope to view and measure AC waveforms), Function generator, single and dual power supply, multimeter, etc. The students will be able to design amplifiers and oscillators for given design specifications. The students will be able to implement and verify logic gates, sequential and combinational logic circuits. The student’s ability to communicate effectively will be improved through weekly written reports and lab observation books.
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COURSE CONTENTS: 1. Design & testing of diode clipping (Single/Double ended) circuits for peak clipping & detection. 2. Clamping circuits: positive clamping /negative clamping. 3. Design and Testing of Half wave, Full wave and Bridge Rectifier circuits with and without Capacitor filter. Determination of ripple factor, regulation and efficiency. 4. Static Transistor Collector characteristics CE, CB modes and determination of h-parameters. 5. Rigging up of a single stage RC coupled amplifier and determination of frequency response, input and output characteristics. 6. Design of a RC phase shift oscillator and determination of frequency of oscillation. 7. Simplification, realization of Boolean expressions using logic gates/Universal gates. 8. Realization of half/Full adder and Half/Full Subtractors using logic gates. 9. Realization of parallel adder/Subtractors using 7483 chip- BCD to Excess-3 code conversion & vice versa. 10. Realization of Binary to Gray code conversion and vice versa. 11. Design and testing Ring counter/Johnson counter; Design of Sequence generator. 12. Truth table verification of flip-flops: (i) J K Master slave (ii) T type and (iii) D type.
EE408 -TRANSFORMERS & INDUCTION MACHINES LABORATORY (0-0-3) 1.5 COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The students will gain knowledge about principles of operation and construction of range of transformers and Induction machines. The students will gain knowledge about analyse and select appropriate transformer and induction motor. Students should be able to apply basic mathematical, scientific and engineering concepts to technical problem solving. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental control practices associated with AC machines (starting, reversing, braking, plugging etc.). Primarily via team-based laboratory activities, students will demonstrate the ability to
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interact effectively on a social and interpersonal level with fellow students and will demonstrate the ability to divide up and share task responsibilities to complete assignments.
COURSE CONTENTS: 1. SC & OC test 1-phase transformer & predetermination of efficiency & regulation for different loads & PFs; verification by direct loading for UPF. 2. Sumpner’s test. 3. Parallel operation of two dissimilar 1-phase transformers. 4. Polarity test & connection of three 1-phase transformers in star-delta and determination of efficiency & regulations for balanced direct loading (UPF). 5. Scott connection-for balanced and unbalanced two phase UPF loads. 6. Load test on 3-phase Induction motor – performance evaluation (Torque-speed, BHP-efficiency, BHP-PF, slip-BHP). 7. No load and Blocked rotor test on three-phase slip ring IM : Circle Diagram of 3 phase Induction Motorperformance evaluation. 8. Determination of eqvt. circuit parameters of 1-phase induction motor-performance evaluation. 9. Speed control of 3-phase Induction motor-Stator voltage control & rotor resistance control (performance circuits for at least two different voltages/two rotor resistance valves). 10. Load test on Induction generator and performance calculations. 11. Load test on 1-phase Induction motor.