We have measured the photoconductivity ap between 4K and 300K for a variety of amorphous semiconductors including. Si with and without hydrogen, Ge, Se, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 114 (1989) 274-276 North-Holland
Section 9: Opticalproperties and recombination UNIVERSAL BEHAVIOR OF THE NORMALIZED PHOTOCONDUCTIVITY AT L O W TEMPERATURES IN AMORPHOUS SEMICONDUCTORS Robert E. JOHANSON*, H. FRI'IZSCHE* and A. VOMVASt * The James Franck Institute, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA 1" Physics Department of the University of Patras, Patras 26110, Greece We have measured the photoconductivity ap between 4K and 300K for a variety of amorphous semiconductors including Si with and without hydrogen, Ge, Se, and several chalcogenide alloys. Below a certain temperature .(rpof each sample becomes asymptotically constant and cr,~G r with 0.93