del Medio ambiente. ORE HYBAM. Controles geodinámicos, hidrológicos y biogeoquÃmicos de la erosión/alteración y de las transferencias de materia en las ...
Observatorio de Investigación del Medio ambiente ORE HYBAM Controles geodinámicos, hidrológicos y biogeoquímicos de la erosión/alteración y de las transferencias de materia en las cuenca de los ríos Amazonas, Orinoco y Congo. Impacto de las variaciones hidroclimáticas y de las actividades antrópicas
Jean Loup GUYOT, Francis SONDAG y muchos mas…
UMR GET Toulouse, Brasília, Manaus, Lima UMR LEGOS Toulouse UMR HSM Montpellier, Fort de France UMR ESPACE DEV Montpellier, Brasília US IMAGO La Paz, Cayenne IRD Cayenne DEAL Cayenne ANA Brasília CPRM Rio de Janeiro, Manaus UnB Brasília UFAM Manaus UEA Manaus UFF Niterói UFRJ Rio de Janeiro UFRGS Porto Alegre
SENAMHI La Paz UMSA La Paz SENAMHI Lima UNALM Lima INAMHI Quito UNC Palmira IDEAM Bogota, Leticia UCV Caracas UNEG Puerto Ordaz UMNg Brazzaville SCEVN Brazzaville CICOS Kinshasa
17 ORE HYBAM stations : Amazon basin, Congo and Orinoco
Same measuring and sampling procedures
The Amazon basin: the largest of the world 7 countries Andes Foreland basins Fitzcarrald arch Brazilian shield Guyanese shield Amazon floodplain
38 HYBAM Reference stations
Water level 2003‐2010 : > 111 000 daily data Missing and invalid data (data logger and observer problems) Î HYDRACCESS (Vauchel) ANA, CPRM, SENAMHI, SENAMHI, INAMHI, IDEAM
Water level from space 57 ENVISAT virtual gauging stations 44 JASON 2 virtual gauging stations Î VALS (Cochonneau) Dos Santos J., 2010, Remote Sensing of Environment, 114(10) Getirana et al., 2010, Hydrological Processes, 24(2) Cochonneau et al., … Dos Santos et al., … Puerta et al., …
Gauging = Discharge measurement Gauging very large and depth rivers …
Gauging = Discharge measurement Gauging very large rivers with high water velocity during flood periods ‐> solution = ADCP gauging on the whole HYBAM network GET‐IRD, ANA,CPRM, SENAMHI, SENAMHI, INAMHI, IDEAM, UNC, UCV, SCEVN
2003 ‐ 2010
237 field trips
734 gaugings 3716 ADCP transects
Sediment sampling HYBAM strategy
‐> 10 day surface sampling in the middle of the river ‐> 2 to 4 times per year complete section sampling
Sediment sampling HYBAM strategy
‐> 2 to 4 times per year complete section sampling Î HYDROMESAD (Vauchel)
2003 ‐ 2010
9575 TSS surface samples
6555 TSS Section samples
Sampling from space ! Sampling strategy for suspended sediment in large Amazonian rivers ‐> use of MODIS data to estimate Surface Suspended Sediment Î GETMODIS (Cochonneau)
Martinez et al. , 2009, Catena, 79(3) Espinoza R. et al., …
Sampling for geochemistry * monthly sampling * Surface sampling in the middle of the river * Filtration in situ by observers •With pre‐established protocol Î (Sondag)
Geochemical analysis •UnB Brasilia laboratory : • Ca, Mg ( ICP‐AES) • F, Cl, NO3, PO4, SO4 (ionic chromatography) • Na, K (AAS) • pH, conductivity(titrimetry) • HCO3 * GET Toulouse laboratory: • COD (HTCO) • 32 trace elements(ICP‐MS). Intercalibration Î (Sondag & Lagane)
2003 ‐ 2010
1309 samples for geochemistry > 63 000 analytical determinations Moquet et al. , 2011, Chemical Geology, 287(1‐2) Sessions 8 and 9
www.ore‐ Î (Cochonneau)
2003 ‐ 2010
Origine des visites du site de l’ORE HYBAM en 2010 (www.ore‐ 2731 séries de données téléchargées
2003 ‐ 2010
• 69 research projects • 198 students (51 PhD, 101 Masters) •158 journal publications • 55 book chapters • >600 communications and posters • 284 technical reports
Thank You Merci Gracias Obrigado