18 downloads 944 Views 196KB Size Report
C57. 1 hr. 2. Total English : starter ... In English : starter student's audio. CD ... New perspectives : intermediate. English 2. Richard C. Yorkey kaset PE1128. N493.


Total English : intermediate

Antonia Clare, JJ Wilson


Total English : starter

Jonathan Bygrave


In English : starter student's audio CD Natural English : upper-intermediate

Peter Viney, Karen Viney

Communication skills: who's afraid of grammar? Grammar

The Center for Humanities

NO. PANGGILAN cd-audio PE1065.C57 cd-audio PE1065.G94 cd-audio PE1112.V56 cd-audio PE1131.G34 dvd PE1112.C66

The Center for Humanities

dvd PE1112.G73

1 hr. 17 min.

Public speaking in a second language Write it right : it all starts with paragraphs The language of business Building skills for the TOEFL Listening to TOEFL New perspectives : intermediate English 2 Practice tests for the TOEFL Heinle & Heinle's complete guide to TOEFL test: practice tests Master the TOEFL CBT Understanding TOEFL The voyages of Sinbad the sailor Hard to learn that English as a second language blues: songs for learning English as a second language English course

Susan Steinbach

dvd PE1128.A2P83

38 min.

Communications Park Video Richard C. Yorkey

dvd PE1439.W75

55 min.

kaset PE1074.8.L36 kaset PE1128.B84 kaset PE1128.L57 kaset PE1128.N493

30 min. x 2 30 min. x 4 30 min. x 3 30 min. x 5

Bruce Rogers

kaset PE1128.P72 kaset PE1128.R63

60 min. x 2 -

Patricia Noble Sullivan New Editions Donald R.H. Byrd

kaset PE1128.S94 kaset PE1128.U52 kaset PE1128.V698 kit PE1065.B85

30 min.

Anglophone Language Centre Linguaphone Distributor Gilbert Hart Ken Wilson

kit PE1065.E5

15 min. x 10

kit PE1065.E547 kaset PE1065.H3 kit PE1065.M5

60 min. x 20 27 min.

London : BBC English London : BBC English Radio Pendidikan

kit PE1065.O5 kit PE1065.P4 kit PE1065.R4

60 min. x 9 45 min. x 8 60 min. x 3

Willard D. Sheeler. Brian Abbs and Nola York

kit PE1065.S5 1977 kit PE1065.S58



4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.


English course English this way Mister Monday and other songs for the teaching of English On we go People you meet Resource kit : English for Upper secondary schools Welcome to English Sky-high


Ruth Cairns


DURASI MASA 1 hr. 2 hrs. 37 min. 1 hr. 8 min.

1 hr.

50 min.

28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.

47. 48. 49. 50.

51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

Follow me ESL Express: easy songs for learning English Audio-visual English Times lingua Visitron : the language of meetings and negotiations Programmed English : a selfinstructional course The angry sea and other stories The monkey's paw The quiet man and other stories Tale from Tangier The whistler and other stories. Winds of virtue and other stories Seven plays from American literature Bid for power The Sadrina project Starting business English Children's English Helping students of limited English skills in the regular classroom Sunday afternoons : songs for students of English as a foreign language TOEFL : test of English as a foreign language Reading and conservations New English 900 How to prepare for the test of English as a foreign language (TOEFL) On speaking terms Intensive course in English Look ahead A short course in spoken English TEOFL Twentieth century : Pint's passengers for rural comprehension Elementary course in English : English language services Drills and exercises in English pronunciation Pronunciation drills for learners of English A practice book on English stress and intonation for students of

Barry Tomalin Laurie Wellman and Donald R.H. Byrd. Patricia Heffernan-Cabrera Paul Fisher

kit PE1065.T6 kit PE1065.W4

60 min.

kit PE1066.H4 kit PE1067.T55 kit PE1072.V57


Margaret Maggs

kit PE1112.5.M3 1978 kit PE1112.D3 kit PE1112.D314 kit PE1112.D315 kit PE1112.D316 kit PE1112.D317 kit PE1112.D318 kit PE1112.M38

60 min. x 16

kit PE1115.B5 kit PE1115.S3 kit PE1115.S72 kit PE1128.A2C4 kit PE1128.A2H4

60 min. x 4 20 min. x 12 2 hrs. 43 min. -

Roy Kingsbury and Patrick O'shea

kit PE1128.A2S9


Harriet N. Moreno

kit PE1128.A2T47


English Lnguage Services English Lnguage Services Roger B. Goodman and William Ince

kit PE1128.E5 kit PE1128.E5242 kit PE1128.G62


Jimmy G. Harris Terry O'Neill Ronald Mackin

60 min. x 12 3 hrs.

John Pint

kit PE1128.H34 kit PE1128.I57 kit PE1128.L66 kit PE1128.M3 kit PE1128.M6 kit PE1128.P53


kit PE1128.S54


English Language Services Edith Croweed Trager

kit PE1137.E5


kit PE1137.T7


Kenneth Croft

kit PE1139.5.C76


Jean N. Dale Jean N. Dale Jean N. Dale Jean N. Dale Jean N. Dale Jean N. Dale. English Language Services Jack Dennis Studio East -



61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77.

English as a second language Patterns for practical communications Reading, writing, speaking, and listening across the curriculum Two days in summer Family affair Face the music by Anita Bronson Follow me to San Francisco The lost secret : a compelling story for English learner The scientist speak : the English of science and technology Video in the English class An English speaking world Television English Mother tongue A muse of fire You know what I mean The car sat crisis The bell crest story Language teaching and learning


Maximizing learning for English Language learners


How to use prewriting strategies

80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85.

The guild Scots tongue The loaded weapon Black on white The muvver tongue Pioneers! O pioneers! Words @ work: essential skills for today’s communicators Tertiary English study skills programme: oral presentations and tutorial skills: module five Oxford advanced genie Focus on grammar : intermediate level Focus on grammar : advanced level


87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92.

Advanced Learner’s dictionary ELLIS academic 3.3 ELLIS academic: instructor guide and student workbook duplication

Doris Clinard Weddington

kit PE1375.W4

60 min. x 20


kit PE1404.R421

2 hrs. 24 min.

Nigel Miller Paul Fisher Leslie Jenkinson BBC English Robert O'Neill

video PE1065.T96 video PE1065 .F35 video PE1065.F32 video PE1065.F6 video PE1065.O53

52 min. 13 min. 50 min. 1 hr. 2 hrs 20 min.

BBC/British Council,

video PE1065.S3

45 min.

Jim Elderton Robert MacNeil British Council Robert MacNeil Robert MacNeil Video Arts Roger Cheveley BBC/British Council Shelagh Rixon and John Boden Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Robert MacNeil Robert MacNeil Robert MacNeil Robert MacNeil Robert MacNeil South-Western Education

video PE1067.V32 video PE1072.E54 video PE1074.T44 video PE1077.M68 video PE1081.M87 video PE1115.Y68 video PE1127.A4C27 video PE1128.A2B5 video PE1128.L35

30 min. 55 min. 30 min. 55 min. 55 min. 20 min. 1hr. 49 min. 3 hrs. 2 min. 1 hr. 16 min.

video PE1128.M39

35 min.

video PE1404.H68

20 min.

video PE2102.G84 video PE2402.L62 video PE2751.B52 video PE2751.M89 video PE2809.P45 cd-rom PE1479.B87 W67 cd-rom PE1128.T47

55 min. 55 min. 55 min. 55 min. 55 min. -

cd-rom PE1625.O94 cd-rom PE1128.A3F83 cd-rom PE1128.A3M38 cd-rom PE1628.O93 cd-rom PE1128.E455 cd-rom PE1128.E45


Toucan House

Oxford University Press

Marjorie Fuchs, Margaret Bonner Oxford University Press Pearson Education Inc. Pearson Education Inc.





rights ELLIS business series

Instruction System, Inc.


cd-rom PE1115.E45 j.1-5
