Senarai Penyumbang - Jabatan Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Melayu

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Sastera (2003), Di Sekitar Puisi Melayu Moden (2007), Ikhtisar Teori dan ... work in this area include “Isu-isu Alam Sekitar dalam Sastera: Analisis Novel Ram-.
Jurnal e-Utama, Vol. 2 (2009)

J urnal Elektronik J abatan Bahasa & K ebudayaan Melayu

Senarai Penyumbang List of Contributors Abdul Halim Ali is senior lecturer at the Department of Malay Language and Literature, Faculty of Languages, Sultan Idris University of Education, Perak, where he teaches literary theory and literary criticism, Malay poetry and the teaching of Malay literature. He is the author of several books on literary criticism: Bingkisan Sastera (2003), Di Sekitar Puisi Melayu Moden (2007), Ikhtisar Teori dan Kritikan Sastera: Barat dan Malaysia (2006) and Mendekati Puisi Melayu Tradisional (2006). His other work includes two anthologies of poems: Permintaan Alam (2000) and Citra Kehidupan (2005). Email: [email protected] Haslindah Mispan currently serves as head of the Malay Language Unit, Curriculum Planning and Development Division, Ministry of Education, Singapore, where she plays a key role in the planning and development of Malay language curriculum in schools. Her interests include reading literacy and biliteracy approach to the learning of Malay language in primary school. Email: [email protected] Koh Guat Hua is a lecturer at the English Language and Literature Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, where she trains trainee-teachers in the teaching of reading and writing in the secondary classroom. Her research interests focus on issues related to students’ learning, in particular, strategies that will help them improve their reading and writing abilities. Email: [email protected] Made Sujaya is a Master of Arts candidate at Udayana University, Bali. He has been teaching Indonesian literature classes at Udayana as an adjunct instructor since 2007 and has written for various local tabloids, magazines and newspapers in Bali. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Udayana University in Indonesian Studies with a concentration in Indonesian literature. Email: [email protected] Maharam Mamat is a lecturer at the Centre for General Studies, National University of Malaysia. Her research interests include ecocriticial studies, literature and the environment, and the environmental imagination in Malaysian literature. Her recent work in this area include “Isu-isu Alam Sekitar dalam Sastera: Analisis Novel Ramlee Awang Murshid,” “Interaksi Masyarakat Pribumi dan Alam Sekitar: Satu Kajian Etika dalam Novel Jong Chian Lai,” and “Transgenesis: Pelanggaran Etika Bioteknologi Dalam Karya Sastera.” She is also the author of several novels, anthologies of short stories and poems. Email: [email protected] Marshall Clark is a lecturer in Indonesian and Southeast Asian studies at the School of International and Political Studies, Deakin University, Melbourne. He has published Wayang Mbeling: Sastra Indonesia Menjelang Akhir Orde Baru (Jakarta: Lembaga Studi Pers dan Pembangunan) (2008) and has just completed a major monograph,

Maskulinitas: Culture, Gender and Politics in Indonesia (Melbourne: Monash Asia Institute Press) which will be published in 2010. Email: [email protected] Mukhlis Abu Bakar is an assistant professor at the Asian Languages and Cultures Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His research interests include language and literacy education, critical literacy, linguistics and madrasah education. His publications include Struktur dan Makna dalam Bahasa (2010), Islamic religious education and Muslim Religiosity in Singapore (in The Routledge International Companion to Multicultural Education, 2009), and “One size can’t fit all”: A story of Malay children learning literacy (in Language, Capital, Culture, 2007). Email: [email protected] Norhaida Aman is a lecturer with the English Language and Literature Academic Group at the National Institute of Education, Singapore. She completed her PhD in Applied Linguistics at the University of Delaware/USA in 1999. Her research interests include language acquisition and use, bi/multilingualism and early childhood literacy. Email: [email protected] Vladimir Braginsky is a professor of Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, and was a visiting professor at the Malay Division, Asian Languages and Cultures Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University from July to September 2008. He has published numerous articles and books on Malay/Indonesian literature and culture, comparative literature, Malay philology and Islamic literature in Southeast Asia. His latest books include Satukan Hangat dan Dingin… Kehidupan Hamzah Fansuri: Pemikir dan Penyair Sufi Melayu (2003), The Heritage of Traditional Malay Literature; A Historical Survey of Genres, Writings and Literary Views (2004) and ...And Sails the Boat Downstream: Malay Sufi Poems of the Boat (2007). Email: [email protected]