Senior Newsletter - Latta Public Schools

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5/6 Senior Memory Books ... 2, 4, & 6. 5/23 Seniors check out and pick up diploma 9-11. For graduation: Gentle- .... ~God's Little Instruction Book on Character ...
r e t t e l s w e N r o i Sen Latta Panthers

May 2011 Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail. . ~~Ralph Waldo Emer-

Upcoming Events ACT June 11 Register by May 6 You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go. ~~Dr. Seuss

5/6 Senior Memory Books

Latta Cafeteria 6:00

5/7 Prom at ECU Ballroom 6-11. Pics 6-7:30. Promenade following pics

5/17 All Sports Banquet in Latta Cafeteria 6:30

5/7 After-Prom Party at Latta HS 12-4 5/9 Academic Achievement Banquet at southwest Church of Christ 6:30 5/10 FFA Banquet in Latta Cafeteria 7:00 5/15 Baccalaureate Service & Senior Video in Latta auditorium 6:00 5/16 High School Awards Assembly & Senior Video LHS Auditorium 9:00 am

5/18 Senior Trip to Six Flags 8 am-11 pm 5/19 Semester Tests hours 1, 3, 5, & 7 Seniors must reschedule 5th & 7th . 5/19 Graduation Practice at Kerr Center 12:30-3. Wear cap and gown.

For graduation: Gentlemen wear a dress shirt with tie, long pants and closed toe shoes. Ladies wear a dress and dark dress shoes (sandals are fine, but no flip-flops). Corsages or adornments of any kind are NOT to be worn on the caps or gowns.

5/19 GRADUATION!! Be at Kerr Center by 6:30. 5/20 Semester Tests hours 2, 4, & 6. 5/23 Seniors check out and pick up diploma 9-11.

5/16 Graduation Practice at Kerr Center 1:30-3 5/16 DECA Banquet in SENIOR LUNCHEON May 12: Brian Bigelow, Chelsea Ellenberg, Tyler Pogue, Deryk Ronk, and Scottie Krebbs

CONGRATS……………. Teagan Tully—Lion’s Club Scholarship, McAlester Scottish Rite Scholarship & OROS Allie Barton—Presidential Leadership @ECU, OSIG, Rotary Scholarship Heston Bush—OKC Rotary Scholarship Lenzi Cupps—Car from FCCLA & McAlester Scottish

Rite Scholarship Staci Rogers-Hayes— McAlester Scottish Rite Scholarship, Ronald McDonald Scholarship, & OU Alumni Scholarship Tori Watson—Waner English Scholarship ECU Madison Snowden—Golf Scholarship Seminole State Brian Bigelow—OU Alumni Roberto Vargas—OU Alumni Lorenzo Charqueno—OU Alumni

Excellence of Honors—TopRanked Seniors: Allie, Lorenzo, Staci, Reed, Shane, Teagan, and Kristal Top Leaders: Allie, Teagan, Madison, Kristal, Reed, and Dylan Seniors, please let Mrs. M. know your scholarships, so you can be recognized at the awards ceremony on May 16th.

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Senior Newsletter

Last Will and Testament of the Senior Class 2011 The Latta Class of 2011 does hereby bequeath the following: Allie Barton—I leave my peace of mind with Jacie Sellers, my organizational skills to Claire Chandler, my level-headedness to Casady Burns, and my amazing sense of smell to Macie Snowden. Brian Bigelow—I give James Russell to Landry Hudson! I give suicidal tendencies, stress, and my left eyebrow to Emily Butcher, to Mrs. Keith my amazingly high level of patience, and my Sooner Pride to Chaz!

# 68, to Tanner Dees my snuff, and to Preston Brown all my jerseys. Dakota Etier—I leave my Barbie cheeks to Brandon, my seat at vo-tech to Madelyn, and my mad cooking skills to Kassie. Dakota Gray—I love my truck! And leave it to Boady Snider and Logan Scott. Natalie Hale—I leave my height to Shale Page, my curly hair to Mrs. Johnson, and my calmness to Brittney Monroe.

Heston Bush—I leave to all at Latta the view of my backside as I happily walk out for the last time.

Dava Hanks—I leave my beautiful voice and will to dominate to my ducklings.

Chad Bigham—I bequeath my leadershipness to Mrs. Oakley.

Garrick Harrison—I leave my massive roast show in front of the school, and bald tires to Boady Snider, Cody Cannon, and Logan Scott.

Lorenzo Charqueno—I give my literature skills to Kruz Anderson, my biology skills to William “Billy” Bonner, my good looks to Cody Williams, and my Sooner Pride to Chaz Cook. I give nothing to the freshmen because they are freshmen. I give my patience to Patience Young. Lauren Chilcoat—leaves her determination to her sister Sydni. Maegan Lamb Cowans—To Makenzi Lamb, I leave you all of my absent days! Enjoy! Ashlee Culberson—I leave my good luck to Mr. Weddle for retirement. Brittany Culberson—I’ll leave my meaness to Mrs. Isaacs. Lenzi Cupps—I leave my cosmetology station to Mika. Chlsea Ellenberg—I leave my height to Mrs. Isaacs, my knowledge of awesome music to Jett, my spandex and fashion sense to Harley, and my white, pale skin to Jose. Logan Elliott—I PDA skills to Cody

leave my and Paige.

Colton Engel—I leave to Jude my calves, to Mr. Mac “don’t give a crap attitude”, to Taylor Dunnigan Locker

Staci Rogers Hayes—I leave my organization skills to the underclassmen. You will definitely need it your senior year! Ryan kiss to

Hightower—I leave a Mrs. Isaacs.

HaleyHowry—I leave my German/ Jew jokes to Jett the Jew Who! Reed Johnson—I leave the so called “Reed” Johnson Field House to Brady. Scottie Krebbs—I leave an awesome high school experience to Kirby Evans. Ja’Leigh Lawson—I leave my mad barrel racing skills to Brittney Barr, Taylor Marion, and Krisha Young. Kendall McClellan—I leave all the great memories at the pit to lil Zach Coplen, my dents in my good before I rolled it to Mikayla Jenson, my Hoyt sticker that was on my back glass to Boady Snider, and the last glimpse of my amazing self for being in the presence of Latta for the last time. Tyler Pogue—I would like to leave all my berries to my cousin Taylor Dunnigan. Shoot them wisely cousin.

Deryk Ronk—I leave my face, so everyone can always see me. and that’d make them happy. My athleticism to Christian “Gureedo Ceno” Ellis, my step-son. My physique to the sophomores, they need it. Mary Ruiz—leaves her hat to Kristi Hayes. James Russell—I give my hunger, sleep-derivation, and stress back to Mrs. Isaacs, my broken guitar strings to Chaz Cook, my amazing handsomeness to Micah Hart, my smelly left big toe to Emily Butcher, and I would will something to the freshmen, but nobody likes them. Shane Sellers—I leave the motivation to be a leader to every underclassman who strives to do better. Amber Smee—To Emily Estes I leave the golf team. I know you will carry them far. To Carlee Henderson I leave you my love. I hope you don’t go too crazy while on the academic bowl team. To Kirby Evans I leave you my legacy! Girl you are my favorite underclassman. I also leave you my hugs and senioritis. Brette Smith—I leave my voice and loudness to Paige Dixon and my backbone to Casey LeFever. Madison Snowden—I leave Macie’s Miss Me jeans back to her :) and my drive to Emily Estes.

Latta Panthers

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Senior Class Will continued… Dylan Tinkler—I bequeath my exuberantly deep voice to Wyatt Ryan. I also leave my last name to Christian Ellis (Tinkler). Teagan Tully—I leave behind my random phrases to Jett, my happiness & good attitude to Emily Estes, my biscuit chopping skills to the whold basketball team, my math skills to Emily Butcher, and to Amy—I win the game! (but try to pass it on)

Listen, Juniors….

Kristal Williams—To Brittney Barr I leave my height, to Tierney my FFA Passion, to Jacie Sellers my loudness, and to Brady Johnson my Cowboy Pride.

Stay out of “the man’s office.”—Chad Bigham Don’t throw rocks at ducks. Apply to colleges early. Do your taxes early and your FAFSA. Put cheese-its on pizza. Go to prom.—Lorenzo Charqueno

Paige Vandegrift—I leave my loudness to Jude!

Make sure you do your work. Always go to school. Don’t date anybody from this school. Don’t quit even though you want to. —Ashlee Culberson

Roberto Vargas—I leave both my parking spaces. I leave my underwear to Cody Williams and my AIDS to Landry Hudson. Tori Watson—To Katelyn Oltmans I leave my FCCLA involvement, to Carlee Henderson my captain’s seat in Academic Bowl, and to Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Isaacs my love for English and literature Kortney West—I leave my skill of laughing silently to Macie Snowden...use it please :)

Don’t let senioritis get to you.— Natalie Hale

The Senior Class Of 2011

When men speak ill of you, so live that nobody will believe them. ~God’s Little Instruction Book on Character

Words of Wisdom…. “Our not to fix the blame for the past, but to fix the course for the future.” ~John F. Kennedy—Debbie Marion :) “Life is full of ups and downs. However, when you fall down, dust yourself off and start climbing back up toward the top of the hill! And, don’t sit around waiting for someone to carry you up that hill either! You can do it!—Susie Edens “Today’s hard work will lead to tomorrow’s dreams coming true!”—Coach Husband

Fill out scholarships in your spare time. Use your time wisely, especially scrapbook time. Ask about bank board! Don’t stress—enjoy your senior year.—Allie Barton

“Proverbs 3:7-8 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.”—Sandra Weddle “Spend time each week thinking about the kind of person you want to be. Examine your heart for weaknesses and strengths and aim to improve always. Remember, if you aim at nothing, you will hit every time.”— Nancy Davis “ACCEPT NO CREDIT CARD matter how tempting it may be.”—Davida Smith “A wise man knows when to keep his mouth shut.” Mr. Terry Painter

Do not expect your senior year to be a blow off year. Work more on scholarships. Do not drink and drive. Enjoy and do all the bonus stuff you can because it will com in handy in the long run.—Garrick Harrison When they say don’t procrastinate...seriously, don’t!—Amber Smee It’s never too early to take the ACT. Take showers.—Roberto Vargas The remaining advice to juniors will be published in the junior newsletter.

“Don’t worry about making mistakes. We all have and lived through it.”— Chris Sellers “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you feel about it.”—Brenda Smith “Be quick to forgive.”—Micah Turner “If at first you don’t succeed, redefine success and try again.” Mr. Phil Shivers “A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.”—Gandhi

SENIORS 2011 Th di e e m o kn nt in st im o pe win the por op g h fo ta le ow rm nt s ~T . to ula ing he le ge of od t a su ing or c l o e ng ces reRo wi s is os th ev el t do

, ed n cce ou. now u ’t s old y Unk n o t or u d er yo oth Auth t s m ~ fir our at If ike y it l

Su c bo cess un ce is h wh ow en hig hy ~ G you o eo hit b u rg o e S tto . P m. at to n

“My Wish” ~~Ra scal Flatts I hope the days come easy and mo ments pass slow, And each road lea ds you where yo u want to go, And if you’re fa ced with a choic e, and you have to choose, I hope you choo se the one that means the most to you. And if one door opens to another door closed, I hope you keep on walkin’ till yo u find the window If it’s cold outsid , e, show the world the warmth of yo ur smile. I hope you neve r look back, but ya never forget All the ones who love you, in the place you left, I hope you alway s forgive, and yo u never regret, And you help some body every chan ce you get, Oh, you find Go d’s grace, in ever y mistake, And you always give more than yo u take. My wish, for yo u, is that this lif e becomes all th at you want it to Your dreams stay , big, and your wo rries stay small, You never need to carry more th an you can hold, And while you’re out there getting where you’re gett I hope you know ing to, somebody loves you, and wants th e same things to o. Yeah, this is my wish.

Scholarships *Off to College scholarship Sweepstakes—online—Due May 15 *Oklahoma goodwill Abilities—Due June 1

It is not too late to take the ACT—the national, or you can take the residual at the college where you plan on attending.

*$1500 SuperCollege—online—Due June 15


*A GPA Isn’t Everything— Due May 31

The CLEP is a test that grants college credit. There are 33 different tests in a variety of subjects. It costs a bit under $100; it will save you a vast amount of time and money. Check with the college you plan on attending for more info.

*Cappex “I Don’t Want To Pay For College” Scholarship— Due June 30 Don’t forget to see what freshmen scholarships are offered at the college of your choice. Go online and look. There are some not due until this summer. Native American scholarships are not due until later in the summer. Call your tribe’s higher education office or go online to see what is still offered.

Not very many days left of your senior year….. Make the best of them! Keep working! Hang in there! Quit stressing! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CLEP Testing

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COMPASS Testing If your sub-scores on your ACT need to be higher, so you do not have to take zero-level classes, check with your college about COMPASS tests.

“After a big storm—look for a rainbow.” ~Marci Struzinski