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NSBE Volume 1, Issue 1

September 2010

National Society of Black Engineers @ LSU “To increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.”

President’s Welcome Hello, who excel academically, suc-

I am your 2010-2011 NSBE-

ceed professionally, and posi-

LSU President. On behalf of this tively impact the community!”

Upcoming Events:

year’s Chapter Executive Board Under this vision, we will pro-

Boys Hope Girls Hope Oct. Outreach 7th After Midterm Relief Social Event

My name is Glenn Stewart, and

Oct. 15th

General Body Meeting Oct. 27th Boys Hope Girls Hope Oct. Outreach 29th

(CEB), I would like to welcome

vide you with the opportunity

you to a new year of NSBE.

to grow as a students, a lead-

This year, our chapter vision is

er, and as an individual.

“NSBE-LSU Gets it Done

Through workshops, outreach

A.S.A.P.” A.S.A.P. stands for

activities, conferences and

Academic Excellence, Service

social events, the CEB has

to the Community, Accountabil-

worked to ensure that this

ity and Professionalism. This

school year not only increases

vision encompasses the NSBE

your interest in the organiza-

mission statement, which is “to

tion, but that it also creates

Gl ennwic h S tewart , J r. 2010 2010-- 2011 NSB E E-- LSU P resi dent

I encourage you to take an active role in the organization this year, and help NSBELSU fulfill it’s A.S.A.P. vision. I look forward to hearing from and working with you in the near future. Thanks!

increase the number of cultural- great memories and positive ly responsible black engineers As a part of NSBE’s mission statement to “positively impact the community” NSBE-LSU has been seen around cam-

lasting impressions.

NSBE-LSU in Action!

pus and around the Baton Rouge area.

LSU Student Organization Fair

specific to majors, minorities, and more.

Here are some events that NSBE-LSU

NSBE-LSU’s participation in the Fall

Jeffrey Robinson (Programs Chair) and

participated in this month.

2010 LSU Student Org. Fair granted

Alexis Woodley (Historian) were the


the organization the opportunity to

representatives for NSBE-LSU. They

On August 27th, NSBE-LSU participat-

recruit and register new members, as

spoke to students about the benefits of

ed in the Umoja celebration at the

well as encourage current members to

membership in NSBE which include

African American Cultural Center

remain active. Held on September 9th in

gaining business and educational skills

(AACC). Umoja, which means “Unity” in

Free Speech Alley, the Student Org.

and giving back to their community

Swahili, is an annual event intended to

Fair allowed students the opportunity to

through various yearly services and

welcome new and returning students to

explore registered student orgs at LSU.

activities. This proved to be an excellent

LSU. During the event’s student org

ENGR 1050

fair, the officers and members of NSBE-

In this Fall’s Engineering 1050 course,

LSU spoke to attendees about NSBE.

instructor Summer Dan invited several

The event proved to be a successful

different engineering orgs that were

recruiting effort for NSBE-LSU.

opportunity to spread awareness to the many things we will be involved in this semester and hopefully encourage new members to join in on the fun.

Boys Hope Girls Hope Outreach The sight of Borax, food coloring, and glue, along with the sounds of laughter and “Eeww” can only be because of a science experiment of making silly putty with Boys Hope Girls Hope. Earlier this month, few NSBE-LSU members conducted an experiment at the house. This has been NSBE-LSU’s second year working with the local home, that houses youth from trouble environments and it’s a visit that the kids as well as volunteers enjoy and look forward to.

Page 2

NSBE News!!!

Members’ Spotlight Name: Brandon Pitts Name: Jazmin Williams Major: Mechanical Engineering Classification: Freshman Years in NSBE-LSU: 1st year Your thoughts on the event: The general body meeting was great. I learned about great internship opportunities available through INROADS. I also met many new people and seen new faces that I haven’t previously seen on campus. If you could, what age would you return to: If I could return to any age, I would return to 15. Age 15 was a great year because things in life became much more clearer.

Major: Industrial Engineering Classification: Graduating Senior Years in NSBE-LSU: 3.5 years Your thoughts on the event: I truly enjoyed Boys Hope/Girls Hope because I feel that it is always better to give than to receive. In this case, we gave our time and advice to students who are honestly interested in someday going to college. It is also equally important to show younger students that you care for them by listening to their interests and concerns and being a good mentor. BHGH provided an excellent opportunity for all these attributes of community involvement to be fulfilled. If you could, what age would you return to: If I had to return to an age, I would go back to 13 because this was the age that my mind really began to think about and become interested in science. During that time, I was excited to participate in hands-on school experiments and demonstrations.


Upper: NSBE-LSU members at the Umoja event in August Left: NSBE-LSU with students at Boys Hope Girls Hope