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computing, and relevant technologies to achieve green objectives for a ... The invited article “Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Modern ...
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Jinsong Wu


John Thompson

nformation and communication technologies (ICT) widely contribute to the global economy and society through the tremendous pace of innovations and new applications, rapidly changing the way that people live in almost every aspect. However, ICT can also have a profound impact on the global environment, which could be either positive or negative. This IEEE Series on Green Communications and Computing Networks is now established to discuss the concepts, principles, mechanisms, design, algorithms, analyses, and research challenges relevant to ICT and their environmental impacts, which could be referred to as “green ICT.” Here the term green is not only used to include energy or energy efficiency issues, but is also considered in the broader context of environmental impact and enablement of sustainability through communication and computing networks. A common misunderstanding is that green is simply equivalent to energy or energy efficiency issues. Actually, the field will explore more and more green topics relevant to issues other than energy or energy efficiency. Thus, this Series will not only address green communications, green computing, and relevant systems, but also investigate using communications, computing, and relevant technologies to achieve green objectives for a sustainable world. This, the inaugural issue of this Series, includes four articles that mostly discuss energy-relevant green issues, although as indicated above, this Series also solicits and encourages contributions on non-energy-related green topics. The invited article “Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Modern Communication Systems,” written by I. Krikidis et al., provides an overview of simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) systems with a particular focus on the hardware realization of rectenna circuits and practical techniques. This article also discusses the benefits from a potential integration of SWIPT technologies for resource allocation and cooperative cognitive radio networks. The article “Green Transmission Technologies for Balancing the Energy Efficiency and Spectrum Efficiency Trade-off,” written by Y. Wu et al., provides four selected


Honggang Zhang

Daniel C. Kilper

green transmission technology (GTT) solutions, focusing on how they utilize the degrees of freedom in different resource domains, as well as how they balance the fundamental trade-off between energy efficiency and spectrum efficiency. Furthermore, this article also introduces the GTT toolbox as a systematic tool and unified simulation platform for the proposed GTT solutions. The third article, “A Survey of Energy-Efficient Caching in Information-Centric Networking” by C. Fang et al., offers a brief survey of energy-efficient caching techniques in information-centric networking (ICN) from cache placement, content placement, and request-to-cache routing perspectives. This article also discusses some relevant challenges and future research directions about caching policies for green ICNs. Finally, the article “Approaches to Energy Intensity of the Internet,” written by D. Schien and C. Preist, considers the approaches of top-down and bottom-up modeling to estimate the network energy intensity in theInternet, and reviews the varying assumptions in existing bottom-up models and combines them in a meta-mode, which might provide more robust estimates of the approximate energy efficiency for networks.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to acknowledge the great support and help from Sean Moore, the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Communications Magazine, Charis Scoggins, Administrative Aide to the Editor-in-Chief, Jennifer Porcello, Production Specialist, and the other IEEE Communications Society publication staff. We also highlight the great support for this Green Series from the members of the Technical Committee on Green Communications and Computing (TCGCC) of the IEEE Communications Society.

BIOGRAPHIES JINGSON WU [SM] ( is the founder and Founding Chair of the Technical Committee on Green Communications and Computing (TCGCC), IEEE Communications Society (established as Technical Subcommittee on Green Communications and Computing, TSCGCC, in 2011, elevated to TCGCC in 2013). He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE Systems Journal, and IEEE Access, and a Series Editor of

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SERIES EDITORIAL IEEE Series on Green Communications and Computing Networks for IEEE Communications Magazine. He has been a Guest Editor of the IEEE Systems Journal Special Issue on Green Communications, Computing, and Systems, IEEE Access Special Section on Big Data for Green Communications and Computing, and Elsevier Computer Networks Journal Special Issue on Green Communications. He was lead General Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications 2013, and Technical Program Committee Co-Chair of the IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications in both 2012 and 2013. He was the leading Editor and co-author of the comprehensive book Green Communications: Theoretical Fundamentals, Algorithms, and Applications (CRC Press, 2012). He received his Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada. JOHN THOMPSON [SM] ( currently holds a personal chair in Signal Processing and Communications at the School of Engineering in the University of Edinburgh. His research interests currently include signal processing, energy-efficient communications systems, and multihop wireless communications. He was deputy academic coordinator for the recent Mobile Virtual Centre of Excellence Green Radio project, which involved collaboration between five U.K. universities and a dozen international companies. He currently leads the European Marie Curie Training Network ADVANTAGE, which trains 13 Ph.D. students in the area of smart grid technology. During 2012–2014 he is serving as a Member-at-Large for the Board of Governors of the IEEE Communications Society. He is also a distinguished lecturer for ComSoc in 2014–2015. He was Technical Program Co-Chair for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-Spring in Dresden in 2013. H ONGGANG Z HANG [SM] ( is an International Chair Professor, CominLabs Excellence Center, Université Européenne de Bretagne (UEB) & Supélec, France, a full professor of the Department of Information Science and Electronic Engineering as well as co-director of the York-Zhejiang Lab for Cognitive Radio and Green Communications at Zhejiang University, China. He is an honorary visiting professor at the University of York, United Kingdom. He received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Kagoshima University, Japan, in March 1999. He was the

principal contributor for proposing DS-UWB in the IEEE 802.15 WPAN Standardization Task Group. He served as the Chair of the Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks (TCCN) of the IEEE Communications Society during 2011–2012. He was Co-Chair of the IEEE GLOBECOM 2008 Symposium and IEEE ICC 2013 Symposium. He was the founding TPC Co-Chair of CrownCom 2006 and a Steering Committee member of CrownCom 2006–2009. In the area of green communications and networks, he was the lead Guest Editor of the IEEE Communications Magazine Feature Topics on Green Communications. He was/is General Co-Chair of IEEE GreenCom 2010 and TPC Co-Chair of IEEE Online GreenComm 2014. He is a Series Editor of IEEE Communications Magazine (Green Communications and Computing Networks Series). He is a co-editor/co-author of two books, Cognitive Communications — Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI), Regulatory Policy & Economics, Implementation (Wiley) and Green Communications: Theoretical Fundamentals, Algorithms and Applications (CRC Press). DANIEL C. KILPER [SM] ( is a research professor at the College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, and the administrative director of the Center for Integrated Access Networks (, an NSF engineering research center. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. in physics from the University of Michigan in 1996 and 1992, respectively, and B.S. degrees in physics and electrical engineering from Virginia Tech in 1994. From 2000 to 2013, he was a member of technical staff at Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent. He served as the founding Technical Committee Chair of the GreenTouch Consortium, a global consortium of over 50 organizations, and was the Bell Labs Liaison Executive for the Center for Energy Efficient Telecommunications at the University of Melbourne, Australia. While at Bell Labs, he received the President’s Gold Medal Award in 2004 and was a member of the President’s Advisory Council on Research. He is an adjunct professor at Columbia University. Currently he is serving as the General Co-Chair of IEEE Online Green Communications Conference 2014 and as TPC Co-Chair for Photonics in Switching 2014. He has conducted research on optical performance monitoring, and on transmission, architectures, and control systems for transparent and energy-efficient optical networks. He holds eight patents, and has authored four book chapters and more than 100 peer-reviewed publications.


COMMUNICATIONS EDUCATION AND TRAINING INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION AND UNIVERSITY ACCREDITATION PROGRAMS BACKGROUND Successful design, implementation, maintenance, optimization and improvement of modern communications networks require the efforts of a highly educated, well-trained and dedicated workforce. In recent years, various initiatives have been undertaken which seek to improve our capacity to educate and train both current and future communications workers. These range from new learning technologies and new university accreditation programs to advanced co-operative education programs, training alliances and industry certification programs. The IEEE Communications Society's Education & Training Board is sponsoring this feature series in order to promote sharing of recent efforts to advance the state of the art in communications education and training. Topics of interest for this edition include recent developments in industry certification and university accreditation programs and their implications. Our ultimate goal is to recognize innovation in this area and to hasten the adoption of promising new methods and techniques by our community. Original research contributions may also be considered if the authors can present the results in a tutorial fashion that is accessible to non-experts. The submitted materials should not be currently under review by any other journal, magazine or conference. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Prospective authors should follow the IEEE Communications Magazine manuscript format described in the Authors Guidelines ( A typical feature topic consists of 4-6 accepted papers. All articles to be considered for publication must be submitted through the IEEE Manuscript Central (, according to the following timetable. Select "May 2015/Communications Education" as the category for your submission. SCHEDULE FOR SUBMISSIONS Manuscript Submission Due: January 1, 2015 Notification of Acceptance: February 1, 2015 Final Manuscript Due: March 1, 2015 Publication Date: May 2015 GUEST EDITORS David G. Michelson Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering The University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada

IEEE Communications Magazine • November 2014

Tarek El-Bawab Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Jackson State University Jackson Jackson, MS, USA

Wen Tong Wireless CTO Huawei Technologies Ottawa, Canada