Sermon Notes - Grace Lutheran Church

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Oct 23, 2016 - Thank you for your support. *12 - cans of Green Beans ... *3 - bottles of Apple Cider ... Help Robyn King
Sermon Notes: October 23, 2016 Sermon Text ............................................................. Isaiah 48:9, 11 “For My Name’s Sake” Jeffrey Anderson ____________________________________________________








Pentecost Season October 23, 2016 1212 9th Ave N Edmonds WA 98020-2606


425.640.3692 _____________________________________________________


_____________________________________________________ Visit our website for podcasts of services and videos of special events.



Worship Service Twenty Third Sunday of Pentecost October 23, 2016

Grace Week | A Ministry and Prayer Calendar October 24th through October 30th Tuesday: 25th

Welcome and Announcement ................................. Victor Kraakmo Call to Worship ................................................................... Psalm 5 Hymn: 189 ............................................. O Savior, Precious Savior Invocation Gospel Lesson ............................................................ Luke 18:9-14 Hymn: 489 ........................................ I Need Thee, Precious Jesus Ep istle Lesson ............................................ 2 Timothy 4:5-8, 16-18 Hymn: 215 ................................ Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me Offering Offertory ................................................................... Sheri Erickson Congregational Prayer Hymn: 259, vs 1-2, ............................ O Bread of Life from Heaven Sermon Text ............................................................. Isaiah 48:9, 11 “For My Name’s Sake” Jeffrey Anderson Hymn: 181 .............................. O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing

4:00 PM

Prayer Shawl Meeting at Judy’s

Wednesday: 26th 5:00 PM 7:00 PM

Bible Study Choir Rehearsal

Friday: 28th 1:00 PM

Church Cleaning. All who are willing and able, are welcome to come.

Saturday: 29th 7:00 AM

Men’s Prayer Breakfast Pancake Haus, Edmonds

Sunday: 30th 9:15 AM 10:30 AM

Sunday School Worship Service Jeffrey Anderson, speaking

Next Sunday’s Scriptures: 30th Psalm 46, Isaiah 1:10-18, Luke 19: 1-10, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12

Other Opportunities Grace Community Project Between now and November 20th, we will collect the following items to provide three families from Edmonds Elementary a Thanksgiving meal. Thank you for your support.

Benediction Doxology Postlude

12 - cans of Green Beans 3 - containers of French Onion Rings 6 - cans of Mushroom Soup 12 - cans of Corn 6 - packages of Stove Top Stuffing 3 - cans of Cranberries 3 - cans of Pumpkin Filling 3 - bottles of Apple Cider 3 - foil turkey roasting pans

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Thank you for joining us at Grace Lutheran today, May the Lord bless you throughout this coming week.

Three - $50 Fred Meyer Gift Cards for purchasing of Turkey, rolls, and other fresh produce ingredients. (Make checks to: Grace Lutheran Church and earmarked for “Grace Community Project”.) Women of Grace: Our next Women of Grace is Monday November 7th at 10:00 AM. We are revisiting the chapter on Ruth on page 138 since it is a follow up to Naomi which we just did in October.

Please join us for a time of refreshments and fellowship downstairs following the service.

Our Grace Mission is to glorify God as instruments of His love through which our world will come to know Jesus as Savior and follow Him as Lord.



"In the same way let Your light shine before others, that they may see Your good deeds and glorify Your Father in heaven."

"In the same way let Your light shine before others, that they may see Your good deeds and glorify Your Father in heaven."

Thank You for the many blessings that our local community has. We pray for those who are in the offices that govern this community and that they make wise decisions which are in the best interests of this community.

Thank You for the many blessings that our local community has. We pray for those who are in the offices that govern this community and that they make wise decisions which are in the best interests of this community.

Help Robyn King as she deals with pain and discomfort. Be present in her life.

Help Robyn King as she deals with pain and discomfort. Be present in her life.

Provide Matthew Hinkle (Michelle Bishop's brother) with the right medical coverage to receive the heart valve replacement surgery that he needs.

Provide Matthew Hinkle (Michelle Bishop's brother) with the right medical coverage to receive the heart valve replacement surgery that he needs.

Pray for Sharon, wife of Pastor Dave Passey. She has been diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer. This is in addition to other medical issues she is already dealing with.

Pray for Sharon, wife of Pastor Dave Passey. She has been diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer. This is in addition to other medical issues she is already dealing with.

Pray for Gwen Gracey, who has recently been diagnosed with early breast cancer. Pray for strength as she goes through the treatment.

Pray for Gwen Gracey, who has recently been diagnosed with early breast cancer. Pray for strength as she goes through the treatment.

Be present in the lives of Sherri Sanderson, Tom Olsen, Lon Davidson, Gerri Lake, and Lisa who are all in various stages of cancer, treatments, and recovery. Give them daily peace and strength.

Be present in the lives of Sherri Sanderson, Tom Olsen, Lon Davidson, Gerri Lake, and Lisa who are all in various stages of cancer, treatments, and recovery. Give them daily peace and strength.

Be with John and Nadine Holmer and may they feel your presence.

Be with John and Nadine Holmer and may they feel your presence.

Give Valentina peace as she studies at University of Washington and for her mom whose life is being taken over by cancer. It is difficult for them to be apart during this time. Give them both peace.

Give Valentina peace as she studies at University of Washington and for her mom whose life is being taken over by cancer. It is difficult for them to be apart during this time. Give them both peace.

We continue to pray for Brian and his mom who is dying. Help him to be able to focus on his studies as he also cares for his mom.

We continue to pray for Brian and his mom who is dying. Help him to be able to focus on his studies as he also cares for his mom.

Lord, lift up all those who work behind the scenes here at Grace. Thank you for the obedience and generosity they have displayed. May You receive praise as a result!

Lord, lift up all those who work behind the scenes here at Grace. Thank you for the obedience and generosity they have displayed. May You receive praise as a result!

For Prayer and Praise Concerns and Requests: Email to: [email protected] Call the church office: 425.640.3692 and leave a message.

For Prayer and Praise Concerns and Requests: Email to: [email protected] Call the church office: 425.640.3692 and leave a message.