Service Level Agreement - University of Calgary

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almost all academic departments, administrative and support units. ... Facilities customers are billed monthly for all s



(CUSTOMER) DEFINITION OF SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT This Service Level Agreement is an agreement made between Facilities (Service Provider) and (Customer) for facility services for a period of one (1) year to commence April 1st annually. Facilities and (Customer) commit to the roles and responsibilities as outlined and agree on the scope and service level expectations specified. PAYING FOR SERVICES

SUPPORTED AND UNSUPPORTED SPACE Supported space is recognized space for which the University receives general operations grant funding and

that Facilities is funded for by central administration to maintain. This includes the areas that are occupied by almost all academic departments, administrative and support units. Designation as supported space is based on the functional or programmatic use of the property, not its physical characteristics.

Unsupported space refers to space for which the University does not receive general operations grant funding

and that Facilities is not funded to maintain. This generally includes self-supporting or revenue generating units such as parking, food and ancillary services, and institutes or other third parties affiliated with the University. Equipment used by departments, programs or units involved in research activities is also unsupported. Costs for maintaining unsupported space or equipment must be paid for by the unit, institute, department, program, service or third party that uses it. Within the same University building, there may be some space that is supported where operations and maintenance costs are paid for by the University; and in other areas, space that is unsupported where operations and maintenance costs are paid for by a grant or the self-supporting unit occupying the space. In all cases, Facilities Development (FD) services will be charged back.


Units in both supported and unsupported space may purchase additional services as needed. Facilities has yearround staffs that provide a host of services. In addition, Facilities will source and manage the performance of qualified outside contractors who may be required to meet your needs.


Facilities customers are billed monthly for all services that are considered “cost recoverable” whether for supported or unsupported space and for any additional services requested.

SLA Version 4.0

Facilities Service Level Agreement The Facilities SLA can be found on the Facilities website at:

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OUR RATES Labour Rates

Trades and Tech 1 Trades and Tech 2 Trades and Tech 3 General Services Caretaking Motor Pool

2017-18 $79.00 per hour $90.00 per hour $115.00 per hour $54.00 per hour $34.00 per hour $100.00 per hour

2016-17 $77.00 per hour $89.00 per hour $124.00 per hour $54.00 per hour $33.00 per hour $94.00 per hour

2015-16 $86.00 per hour $120.00 per hour $52.00 per hour $32.00 per hour $91.00 per hour

Please note: • • • •

These rates recover the full cost of providing services but do not include any profit for Facilities Management. Overhead is included in these rates (e.g. salary, benefits, premiums, vehicles, consumable materials, and administrative support staff). Grounds mobile support equipment is not included in these rates and will be charged out separately. All rates are charged to the nearest 30 minute increment.

Occupancy Rates Where University space is used for ancillary services or other revenue generating activities, a standard occupancy charge will apply to recover the costs associated with operating the space.

Average $95.78

Occupancy Rates 2017-18 GSM ASM High Average High $112.09 $159.63 $179.05

Occupancy Rates 2016-17 GSM ASM Average High Average High $91.30 $103.79 $152.16 $172.95

GSM: Gross Square Meters - a unit of measure representing the cumulative total of an organization's building(s) inclusive of all floors to the outside faces of exterior walls. ASM: Assignable Square Meters - a term used to describe areas that may be occupied and is acceptable for a designated purpose or function. It does not include walls, stairways, corridors, restrooms, parking facilities or mechanical space(s). See Fleet Service Level Agreement for Motor Pool Rates.

SLA Version 4.0

Facilities Service Level Agreement The Facilities SLA can be found on the Facilities website at:

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ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES SLA Manager: The Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for Facilities at the organizational level will be: Name: Position: Phone: Email:

James Rendell Director, Operations & Maintenance 210-9706 [email protected]

As the Service Level Agreement Manager, this person will serve as the liaison between Facilities and (Customer). In this capacity, the SLA Manager is to be fully knowledgeable about (Customer) plans with respect to missionrelated activities in order to monitor the Service Level Agreement for potential changes to the facilities scope of services and/or service level expectations. The SLA Manager, along with the Zone Facility Manager, will participate in any meetings reviewing mission changes and their impact on facilities services. The Zone Facility Manager will act as assistant SLA Manager in order to provide continuous contact with (Customer). For a list of the Facilities contacts at the zone/building level, see the Facilities website at Facilities: It is the responsibility of Facilities to provide facilities services as agreed to within the SLA. It is the responsibility of Facilities to notify (Customer) through the Zone Facility Manager of any changes to the service delivery structure or agreed upon delivery timeframes within a reasonable period before a change has been implemented. It will be the responsibility of the Zone Facility Manager to notify (customer) 5 days in advance of any nonemergency facilities work within any given building that will have an impact on: • •

Project Activity (i.e. renovation, entrance closures, etc.); specify - classes, offices, research, etc. Interruption of base building systems (i.e. heating, cooling, exhaust, fire protection, lighting, etc.); specify - classes, offices, research, etc.

Customer Coordinator: The Single Point of Contact for (Customer) at the faculty/unit level is identified on Appendix A – Section 1 (NOTE: all SLA Appendices can be found on our website at This (Customer) Coordinator will serve as the liaison between Facilities and act as the customer representative for all facility related issues. It is the responsibility of the customer to report all service problems and issues in a timely manner and through the proper channels and methods as outlined in this agreement. (Customer) contacts at the departmental level are identified on Appendix A – Section 2.

SLA Version 4.0

Facilities Service Level Agreement The Facilities SLA can be found on the Facilities website at:

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Facilities will provide all levels of services to its customers as per our Service Level Agreement (SLA) and the related Service Level Standards (SLS). Our Service Level Standards also help to identify the frequency of some of our most common services. These Standards will be reviewed annually as part of the budget process and changes will be communicated to our customers. For more information about our services and what you should expect, please see our website at


Facilities has established basic service levels and response times which are provided to all customers. Facilities also provides supplemental and optional services to those customers that require accelerated response times or service levels which are above the established standards. There is a fee structure associated with supplemental and optional services. All services will be delivered as per the applicable Code or Regulation and best practice standards set by Facilities that are widely accepted in the applicable industry. Facilities and (Customer) have agreed upon the following basic, supplemental and optional service levels:

BASIC SERVICES: (defined as “common” services that all Faculties/Business Units use on a regular basis)

(Customer) and Facilities have agreed upon the following as the basic services that will be provided to (Customer) as part of the defined stewardship of the University of Calgary. {See also Appendix B- 1} •

Caretaking primary service delivery:  Morning (6:00 AM - 2 :00 PM)  Afternoon (2:00 PM - 10:00 PM)  Night (10:00 PM - 6:00 AM) Note: Additional limited crews available for specific facility needs upon request. (Customer) can indicate a preferred service delivery schedule.

Building operating hours based on primary building function:  Standard building open/closed times • Classroom (7:00 AM – 10:00 PM M-F, 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM Sat (if requested)) • Central Support Services/Office (7:00 AM – 6:00 PM M-F) • Laboratory (7:00 AM – 6:00 PM M-F) • Assembly and Exhibition (06:00 AM – 9:00 PM M-F) • Athletic Facility (06:00 AM – 10:30 PM) • Residential (24/7) • Food Facility (as posted) • Libraries (as posted)  Non-standard hours {See Appendix A – Section 3 for a listing of the related non-standard hours}.

SLA Version 4.0

Facilities Service Level Agreement The Facilities SLA can be found on the Facilities website at:

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UNIVERSITY SERVICE(S) – FACILITIES Building services, including Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) response, are provided during the following normal business hours: Monday – Friday 07:30 – 16:00 Please note: reduced staffing levels begin at 16:00; only emergency response services are available after this time. Services outside of these hours for non-academic programming, including HVAC, may be arranged for by calling the Customer Care Centre at 403-220-7555. Please allow for a minimum of 24 hours notice to ensure your request may be met. Faculties or departments that receive revenue for space rentals must understand that a portion of those dollars must be allocated for University occupancy costs. At a minimum, costs will be charged back for caretaking services. Exceptions - University of Calgary Holidays (Closed) May Victoria Day July Canada Day August Civic Holiday September Labour Day October* Thanksgiving Day November* Remembrance Day December Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Christmas Floaters January New Years Day February* Family Day March*/April Good Friday *Note: Libraries and Residences remain open during these holidays. •

Standard building Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) control times to match building operating hours.

Statutory Holidays – all buildings, except MacEwan Student Centre and Residences, will be closed and HVAC controls will be set to the building non-operating temperature range standard.

Temperature range standard for occupied space:  The heating season generally is from mid-October to mid-May; with the cooling season generally from mid-May to mid-October.  During building operating hours: a general recommendation is that the temperature be held constant in the range of 21-23°C. In summertime when outdoor temperatures are higher it is advisable to keep airconditioned offices slightly warmer to minimize the temperature discrepancy between indoors and outdoors.  During building non-operating hours: temperature range is broadened to conserve energy use: 16oC minimum (winter), 27oC maximum (summer).  Research space: The temperature set range for research laboratories will be in accordance with the needs of the research being conducted in that space. Requests for exceptions to the human occupied space temperature standards can be submitted by Work Request to Facilities. The request should

SLA Version 4.0

Facilities Service Level Agreement The Facilities SLA can be found on the Facilities website at:

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UNIVERSITY SERVICE(S) – FACILITIES include the temperature set range required by the equipment and/or research, as well as the rationale for the request. Should HVAC improvements be required to meet this request it will be the responsiblitiy of the (customer) to provide the necessary funds. * The CSA Standard CAN/CSA Z412-00 - "Office Ergonomics" gives acceptable ranges of temperature and relative humidity for offices in Canada. These values are the same as recommended by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 55 - 2004 "Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy". The recommended temperature ranges have been found to meet the needs of at least 80% of individuals. Some people may feel uncomfortable even if these values are met. Additional measures may be required. *The Alberta Residential Tenancies Act (ARTC) sets the minimum standard for heating a residence at 22°C. Note: It is the responsibility of (Customer) to ensure building occupants do not adjust thermostats/ventilation equipment or prop open doors or windows. •

Re-lamping All buildings are re-lamped based on demand and inspection. We do our best to identify re-lamping requirements on formal walkthroughs with dedicated staff; however, we will rely on service requests from our clients in private offices and spaces.

SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES: (defined as services which are “common” but may not be required by all

Faculty/Business Units) Facilities will provide the Supplementary Services requested by (Customer) on a fee for services basis above the basic service level {See Appendix B-2}. •

Exterior Window Cleaning The windows in all buildings will be cleaned upon request only, and on a cost recovery basis {See Appendix B-2}.

Communication / Notice Boards Posters, notices, and signs may only be affixed to notice or bulletin boards provided for that purpose. All posters, notices, and signs should be removed from notice boards at least once a year following winter semester and prior to August 15th. Notice boards in public corridors will be maintained by Facilities. Department notice boards will be clearly identified as such and will be managed and maintained by the department. Notice boards in MacEwan Hall or assigned to the Graduate Student Association (GSA) or Students’ Union will be managed and maintained by the GSA or Students’ Union. Notice boards in the residence halls will be managed and maintained by Residence Services. If the (customer) wishes Facilities to carry out this work, the (customer) should simply submit an ARCHIBUS Work Request providing the applicable account number.

OPTIONAL SERVICES: (defined as “unique” services)

Additional Optional Services may be selected by (Customer) at a fee for service throughout the service level period on an as needed basis {See Appendix B-3}. Note: Departmental Equipment monitoring and repair is an optional service. See {Appendix A – Section 4} for a list of the individuals whom the (Customer) has designated with authority to purchase these services on behalf of (Customer). SLA Version 4.0

Facilities Service Level Agreement The Facilities SLA can be found on the Facilities website at:

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PROJECT SERVICES: (defined as consulting services and resources; requirement is on a project-by-project basis)

Capital Construction Projects are defined as New Construction (including alteration or renovation) or Capital Maintenance (e.g. repair or replacement), and further categorized into Basic, Moderate, or Complex by a series of filtering criteria to determine risk, complexity and cost of a project. Although most projects benefit from industry standard project management services, some variations in service levels may be experienced due to project uniqueness. Projects will be delivered within the agreed upon time, budget, quality and scope parameters as defined in the Project Planning Workbook. This package holds the specific project approvals between the (Customer) and the Project Management Office and is prepared at the time of project approval. Facilities will provide project services selected by (Customer) on a fee for services basis {See Appendix B-4}.


Service requests during all hours (24/7) can be directed to Facilities in four ways: 1. Submit a service request online through the ARCHIBUS tool 2. Email [email protected] 3. Call Facilities customer care at 403-220-7555 (08:00 to 16:30 M–F) 4. For after-hour emergencies contact Campus Security at 403-220-5333 Facilities will contact customers via email by the close of business each day with the scheduled completion date of the service request.











1 Day 1 Day 2 Days 1 Day 1 Day

30 Days 30 Days 30 Days 30 Days 30 Days

1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day

15 Days always critical 15 Days 15 Days 15 Days

1 Day

always critical

1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day Same Day

1 Day

always critical

Hot/Cold Call Response Ventilation/Fan/HVAC Lighting Ballast Electrical Plumbing Smoke or Fire Alarm System Freezer/Walk in Cooler/ Mechanical Cooled units

3 Days 3 Days 2 Days 3 Days 3 Days Same Day Same Day

1 Day

30 Days

Same Day

1 Day

30 Days

Door/Lock Hardware

5 Days

1 Day

30 Days

Same Day

1 Day

15 Days


5 Days


5 Days


5 Days

1 Day

(Server rooms)

Miscellaneous 5 Days table continued on next page…

SLA Version 4.0

1 Day

See Service Project 30 Days

Facilities Service Level Agreement The Facilities SLA can be found on the Facilities website at:

See Service Project 30 Days

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3 Days

1 Day


3 Days

1 Day

Hang Pictures/Shelves Investigate

5 Days 3 Days

Service Projects

5 Days

Basic/Moderate/Complex Capital Construction Projects (PMO)

N/A 1 Day 1 Day (To contact)

5 Days



NON-CRITICAL See Service Level Standards See Service Level Standards 30 Days 5 Days





3 Days

1 Day

3 Days

1 Day

5 Days 3 Days

N/A 1 Day 1 Day (To contact)

2 Days (To contact)

5 Days

2 Days (To contact )

5 Days


NON-CRITICAL See Service Level Standards See Service Level Standards 30 Days 5 Days 2 Days (To contact) 2 Days (To contact )

Please note: Emergencies are responded to within 4 hours, dependent on the number of emergencies at any given time. For single events, response can be expected within 30 minutes. *Critical - any event that is, or expected to lead to, an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual, faculty/unit, or physical asset, or which contravenes legislation (e.g. Alberta Residential Tenancies Act, Alberta Public Health Act, and Alberta Minimum Housing and Health Standards Act.)


The Real Estate, Leasing & Land Holdings Department is directly involved in policy administration, needs assessment and market analysis, development and review of all standard and non-standard lease documents, lease negotiations, lease administration including property by property accounting, reporting of real estate information and the use of a management information system for all real estate operations. Department services are provided at a fee set annually during the budget process.


At any time should (Customer) have need for an exception to the agreed upon service levels under this Service Level Agreement, the following exception provision will apply:  Notification in writing via e-mail to SLA Manager for a change to agreed upon service levels.  Facilities reserves the right to require a 30 day period to implement significant service level adjustments.

KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (Customer) and Facilities have agreed upon the following as key performance indicators for Facilities service performance:  Completion of basic, supplemental and optional services within scheduled frequency.  All service calls/requests will generate an email indicating the scheduled completion date (if desired).

SLA Version 4.0

Facilities Service Level Agreement The Facilities SLA can be found on the Facilities website at:

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UNIVERSITY SERVICE(S) – FACILITIES  Supplemental and optional service pricing to match quoted rates (an annual adjustment will be made to correct any actual billing variations from quoted rates).  Project services delivered within agreed upon scope, schedule and budget.






The Zone Facility Manager(s) and the designated (Customer) Coordinator will meet to review service delivery, problems, concerns and any Service Level Agreement issues. The first meeting will be held three months after the beginning of the fiscal year.


The SLA Manager and/or Zone Facility Manager will walk through the facilities covered under this Service Level Agreement with the appropriate (Customer) Coordinator at least once per year to observe the general condition and cleanliness of the space(s) in addition to learning about plans for changes/modifications or special concerns about the space(s).


If any problem is not being resolved to the satisfaction of either the SLA Manager or the (Customer) Coordinator, the escalation procedure is as follows: Facilities Escalation Contacts: 1. Director (O&M)

Customer Escalation Contacts: 1. Department Head/Director

2. AVP (Facilities Management)



3. VP (Facilities)




Once per year, Facilities may conduct a Customer Satisfaction Survey. Facilities will tabulate the results of the survey and may provide them to the (Customer). Facilities will also do periodic spot or point-of-service surveys.


On an annual basis, Facilities will provide trends data and analysis of Facilities services provided to (Customer). This information may include: number of service requests, breakdown of requests by category and building, preventive maintenance and project work completed, inspection scores, performance metrics, and service costs including standard, supplemental and optional services.

SLA Version 4.0

Facilities Service Level Agreement The Facilities SLA can be found on the Facilities website at:

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ATTACHMENTS NOTE: All SLA Appendices can be found on the Facilities website at

APPENDIX A: See Appendix A for a listing of all Customer-specific data relating to this Service Level Agreement: • • • •

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

Single Point of Contact for (Customer) at the faculty/unit level (Customer) contacts at the departmental level Non-Standard Building Operating Hours Individuals whom the (Customer) has designated with authority to purchase Optional services on behalf of (Customer)


Basic Services are defined as “common” services that all Faculties/Business Units use on a regular basis and for which it is mandatory for Faculties/Business Units to deliver using Facilities. These are primarily transactional services. See:


SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES Supplemental Services are defined as “common” services which may not be required by all Faculties/Business Units. As with Basic Services, it is mandatory for Faculties/Business Units to deliver these services using Facilities.


OPTIONAL SERVICES Optional Services are defined as “unique” services and are primarily advisory. Faculties/Business Units can leverage Facilities for these services or retain them in-house.


Project Services are defined as consulting services and resources. The requirement for these services is on a project-by-project basis. See: SLA Version 4.0

Facilities Service Level Agreement The Facilities SLA can be found on the Facilities website at:

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