Feb 6, 2006 - PowerPC series flight processors (running VxWorks), RAD6000 ... 20,000. Apple Macintosh PowerPC 600 Series ... PowerMAC G4 Laptop (G4.
SHINE: Not Yet Another Inference Engine SHINE is a reusable knowledge base software tool yielding real-time performance for the monitoring, diagnosis, prognosis and analysis of complex systems through forward and backward inference – Designed to be delivered to modest hardware with no run-time support required Outperforms all commercial products by at least two orders of magnitude – Provides a 100X to 1000X improvement in inference speed – Up to 10,000X reduction in execution environment – Executes over 230,000,000 rules per second on a standard 3.8 GHz Windows XP desktop PC and more than 33,000,000 rules per second on flight hardware – Provides super computer performance on conventional hardware Inference speed is achieved from a sophisticated mathematical transformation based on graph-theoretic data flow analysis – This reduces the complexity of the conflict-resolution match cycle by the transforming of the knowledge base into a data flow diagram – The data flow diagram is automatically translated to various target programming languages for efficient representation and execution Only available truly real-time inference engine – The inference cycle never needs to pause for system-level activities such as garbage collection – Real-time performance of the knowledge base can be exactly determined in advance Runs on and generates native code for the following hardware platforms: – PowerPC series flight processors (running VxWorks), RAD6000 – MACs (PPC or 68K versions) – PCs (Windows and DOS) – SUN (UNIX & LINUX) – Custom hardware
Evolution of SHINE!
Present! Hardware! Diagnosis!
New Technology!
X-33 AFE! DSN Antenna Array!
Silicon! Compiler!
1995! Simulation! &! Modeling!
1990! Productivity! Enhancement!
Knowledge! Distilling!
1985! Medical! Diagnosis!
Welch-Allyan! Johnson & Johnson!
1980! Spacecraft! Diagnosis! 02/06/06!
Voyager! Galileo! Magellan!
Virtual! Machine! 1!
Spacecraft Health Inference Engine (SHINE) A reusable knowledge base software tool for real-time monitoring, diagnosis, prognosis, analysis and reactive recovery of any instrumented system Why is it important • • • •
Demonstrated small learning curve Real-time performance running on flight h/w Executes over 270,000,000 rules per second on conventional hardware Provides super computer performance on conventional h/w
Areas of applicability • Real-time flight systems • Diagnostics, prognostics
• Reactive/Fault recovery • Automation
Deliveries • NASA (Deep Space Network, Voyager, Galileo, Magellan, etc.) • Military (Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), F-18) • Aerospace (Lockheed, Northrop, Boeing)
Licenses • Patent pending • ViaChange (Financial analysis) • Vialogy, Inc. (Medical DNA)
• Welch-Allyan (Medical) • Johnson and Johnson (Robotics) • Arroyo Sciences (Commercialization)
== D
• High-speed inference system • Easy to learn • 270,000,000 rules per second • Real-time performance
Timing Benchmark Summary Processor
Development Mode (Rules Per Second)
Native C/C++ Target (Rules Per Second)
Apple Macintosh 68000 Series QUADRA 950 (68040 @ 20,000 40 MHz) Apple Macintosh PowerPC 600 Series PowerMAC 7100/66 (PPC 50,000 601 @ 66 MHz) PowerMAC 8500/150 (PPC 200,000 604e @ 150 MHz) PowerMAC 9600/350 (PPC 500,000 19,000,000 604e @ 350 MHz) PowerMAC G4 (G4 870,000 33,000,000 Processor @ 400 MHz) PowerMAC G4 Laptop (G4 1,020,408 20,000,002 Processor @ 1 GHz, 167 MHz bus) PowerMAC G5 (Dual G5 3,058,104 270,270,271 Processor @ 2 GHz, dual 1 GHz bus) Flight Hardware VxWorks (PPC 604e @ 300 N/A 16,670,000 MHz) Flight Hardware F-18 Flight Hardware (PPC N/A 4,500,000 (est) 600 series, 150 MHz) Microsoft Windows PC PC (Windows 2K) (Dual 16,393,442 700 MHz) PC (Windows XP) (Intel P 220,000,000 4 x86 @ 3.8 GHz)
Executes over 220,000,000 rules per second on a standard 3.8 GHz Windows XP desktop and more than 33,000,000 rules per second on flight hardware 10/28/99!
1!MLJ !
SHINE Deliveries Spacecraft Health Automatic Reasoning Pilot (SHARP) Diagnosis of telecommunication anomalies during the Neptune Voyager (VGR) Encounter. Prevented the possible loss of the entire mission by detecting a failing transponder long before it was possible by a human just 12 hours prior to the encounter. Recognition and medal from laboratory director. Extreme UltraViolet Explorer (EUVE) Mission Labor reduction system to go from 3 to 1 shift reductions through the use of artificial intelligence. Recognition from Dan Goldin as an excellent of using AI for improving mission safety while reducing operational costs. Galileo (GLL) Mission Mission for diagnosing problems in the Power and Pyro Subsystem (PPS). Magellan (MGN) Mission Diagnosis of telecommunication anomalies in the TELECOM subsystem. Engineering Analysis Subsystem Environment (EASE) Operations environment to operate a large number of spacecraft simultaneously through shared resources and automation. X-33 Avionics Flight Experiment (AFE) Being flown on the X-33 as part of JPL’s Avionics Flight Experiment (AFE) as a Vehicle Health Manager (VHM). Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Performed real-time diagnostics and prognostics for the battery and solar array subsystems.
Fault Induced Document Officer (FIDO) for EUVE Mission An automated system that assists in expert knowledge acquisition for safely managing complex systems under staffing reductions and "lights out" operations. Stochastic Problem Obviation Tracker (SPOT) for EUVE Mission Captures and reports relevant statistical information to the user based on operations within the FIDO environment. Cancer Classification System Purchased by Welch-Allyan for detecting and classifying colon cancer. Robotic Endoscopic Surgery Control System Purchased by Johnson and Johnson for the control of a robotic system that performs endoscopic surgery. DSN Operations On-going project for diagnosis anomalies in the Deep Space Net (DSN). Cassini Operations A recent start-up for diagnostic and long-term degradation analysis of Casini's AACS subsystem. REVCON / TRAC Both are current efforts to apply BEAM and SHINE to UAV technologies. Lockheed Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Proprietary efforts using BEAM and SHINE for fault diagnosis. Anomaly detection on F-18 SHINE was delivered as part of BEAM anomaly detection system to perform real-time mode identification on two F-18 aircraft engines. It was proven on two static engine tests and more than ten flights (2005).
Development and Delivery Environments
• Rules • Procedures • Interfaces
Novel data flow representation of rules Real-time very high performance Virtually no run-time support Integrated host and target environments Flight processor targets
H o st
and pment Develo gging Debu nment Enviro
Multi-target Compiler
Incremental Compiler
Host Data Flow Mapping
Run-time Environment
Real-time Data Streams
Knowledge Base
• • •
Rapid prototyping and development Development and delivery environments High-speed and compact size Ease of use Generates stand-alone black box inference applications with interfaces
SHINE Target Native Targ Hardw et are
Generated Stand-Alone Black Box Inference Applications With All Necessary Interfaces
• • • •
Monitoring Diagnosis Prognosis Analysis