Cytomegalovirus infection associated with ulcerative colitis in immunocompetent individuals Carmit Rachima, Eran Maoz, Sara Apter, Michael Thaler, Ehud Grossman, Talma Rosenthal
The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, 52621 Israel Internal Medicine D C Rachima E Maoz M Thaler E Grossman T Rosenthal Department of Imaging S Apter Correspondence to Ehud Grossman, MD Accepted 10 March 1998
vealed an enlarged liver 2 cm below the costal Summary Gastrointestinal infection with cytomega- margin, with a rebound tenderness over the lovirus (CMV) is usually found in immu- right upper quadrant. nocompromised patients and rarely Laboratory investigations revealed leucocyaffects imnmunocompetent subjects. We tosis of 33.1 x 109/l with 59% polymorphonudescribe two immunocompetent patients cleocytes, and 33% lymphocytes with atypical who had primary CMV infection, and in forms. Haemoglobin was 1 1.6 g/dl with normal both the disease was associated with platelet count. Other laboratory studies were ulcerative colitis. Both patients recovered normal except for an elevated alkaline phosfrom the CMV infection spontaneously. phatase (262 IU/1, normal