Shutterfly - Preschool Photo Policy .pdf - Google Drive

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Dear Preschool Parents, Shutterfly gives parents an opportunity to view childrens photos of preschool events. Yearbook staff may also use Shutterfly photos to include annual yearbook. We believe that Shutterfly can be a great tool to use. The PVS Shutterfly photo uploading policy states that the ​Room Parent​ is the only person that may upload photos. This is because some children may not have their photo uploaded to the sites and the room parent must review the photos before uploading. If you would like to submit any additional school events please remember to upload photos on a CD or USB device to the class/grade room parent for uploading onto Shutterfly. Although the site allows all members to upload photos, the PVS Shutterfly photo policy states that only the room parent for the class is permitted to upload photos. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you for helping us ……. I have reviewed the Shutterfly Photo Policy and agree to adhere to this policy. X___________________________________ Signature

X_________________ Date

By signing below I ​consent to​ ​having my child’s photos uploaded to the Shutterfly Class Site. I understand the photos that are placed on the Shutterfly Class Site may be used for school promotion and/or advertising as well as in the Gala slideshow and the Preschool School Yearbook. X___________________________________ Signature

X__________________ Date

Student name: ____________________________

Teacher: ____________________________

Email address(es): ________________________

Contact phone number: _________________