we examine the effect of having a sibling with a disability on test scores of older .... in Florida is the state's crite
Working Paper Series
Sibling Spillovers Sandra Black Audre and Bernard Rapoport Centennial Chair in Economics and Public Affairs University of Texas at Austin Sanni Breining Postdoctoral Fellow in Economics Aarhus University David Figlio Orrington Lunt Professor of Education and Social Policy and of Economics IPR Director and Faculty Fellow Northwestern University Jonathan Guryan Associate Professor of Human Development and Social Policy and IPR Fellow Northwestern University Krzysztof Karbownik IPR Research Associate Northwestern University Helena Skyt Nielsen Professor of Economics Aarhus University Jeffrey Roth Research Professor of Pediatrics University of Florida Marianne Simonsen Professor of Economics Aarhus University
Version: February 2017
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ABSTRACT It is notoriously difficult to identify peer effects within the family, because of the common shocks and reflection problems. The researchers make use of a novel identification strategy and unique B# $