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Dec 25, 1979 - $(\pi.u)BeX^{\alpha}(a).\pi\langle ... such that $\phi|B(\Omega)\times_{\alpha}G$ ...... $\lim\Vert Q_{m}\epsilon(x)Q_{m}-Q_{m}xQ_{m}\Vert=0$.



AKITAKA KISHIMOTO (Received Dec. 25, 1979)

ABSTRACT: We introduce a new invariant , a closed subsemigroup of the dual of , of a $c*$ -dynamical system where is a -algebra, and is a locally compact abelian group with an action on . We show that the crossed product $a\times.G$ is simple $\tilde{\Gamma}(\alpha)$


$(\mathfrak{a}, G, \alpha)$






if and only if is -simple (i.e. does not have any non-trivial a-invariant ideals) and equals the dual of $G$ . We discuss some cases where coincides with the Connes spectrum . Finally we give examples of simple crossed products of Cuntz algebras by locally compact abelian groups. $\mathfrak{a}$






\S 1. Introduction In a paper [7] by D. Olesen and G. K. Pedersen the Connes spectrum [6] of a -dynamical system , with a locally compact abelian group $G$ , plays an important role in characterizing primeness of the crossed product . We introduoe a new invariant , which is a closed subsemigroup of , and show that is relevant in characterizing simplicity of . After being introduced, our results and methods are quite similar to the prime case above-mentioned. By using a characterization of in terms of ideals of the crossed product and the dual action on it, we show that coincides with in some cases, in particular, when is discrete and a is -simple. Unfortunately seems to be hard to compute, at least, directly from its definition. Hence our examples of simple crossed products could be given independently of the above-mentioned general theory. We show that the crossed product of a Cuntz algebra $O_{n}[3]$ by a so-called quasi-free automorphism group [4] corresponding to a unitary representation , on the n-dimensional Hilbert space, of a locally compact abelian group , is simple if and only if the closed subsemigroup generated by Sp and $-p$ equals the dual of , for any $p\in Spu$ if $ n\neq e_{1}$




$[\pi(\mathfrak{a})e(\Omega_{1})\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{\pi}]=\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{\pi}$

sinoe the projection onto the left hand side is in

$\pi(\mathfrak{a})^{\prime}\cap u(G)^{\prime}$



$e[\pi(\mathfrak{a})e(\Omega_{1})\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{\pi}]=[\pi(B)e(\Omega_{1})\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{\pi}]$

$[\pi(B^{\alpha}(\Omega))e(\Omega_{1})\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{\pi}]=(0)$

for any compact neighbourhood


of , we can easily conclude that Sp ue$ $p+q$ . $q$



Remark 2.3. The intersection over the covariant representations can be restricted to the irreducible covariant representations $(\pi, u)$ , i.e. the ones with , in the above proposition. $\pi(a)^{\prime}\cap$

$u(G)^{\prime}=C\cdot 1$

, it follows easily that Remark 2.4. If is not simple (c.f. [9]). We may consider the invariant in von Neumann algebra case corresponding $F$ to , but it turns out to be the Connes spectrum. Hence $F$ can be considered as another version of the Connes spectrum (originally defined for von Neumann $ F(\alpha)\neq\Gamma$





\S 3. Simple crossed products -dynamical system with a locally compact abelian group Let be a $G$ . Let $K\equiv C(L^{2}(G))$ be the algebra of all compact operators on $L^{2}(G)$ and the regular representation of on $L^{2}(G)$ . Let and an action of $C^{*}$

$(\mathfrak{a}, G, \alpha)$



$\tilde{\alpha}=\alpha\otimes Ad\lambda$

$\tilde{\mathfrak{a}}=\mathfrak{a}\otimes K$

on .



Lemma 3.1.



. Then there are a covariant representation $(\pi, u)$ Proof. Suppose and such that Sp $ue\ni O$ and Sp (the where is the identity of $ue\ni O$ assumption Sp is always achieved by multiplying by some character of ). We construct a covariant representation of by simply tensoring $K,$ , Ad ), e.g. the identity representation of ( $p\not\in F(\alpha)$

$B\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}^{\alpha}(\mathfrak{a})$

$ue\Rightarrow p$







$(\tilde{\mathfrak{a}}, G,\tilde{\alpha})$





$t\in G$

Let be a compact neighbourhood of such that $p-\Omega\subset(Spue)^{c}$ and let be the spectral projection of corresponding to . Set $D=e_{1}Ke_{1}$ . Then is the identity of and and . We have that Sp since $0$



$\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}^{Ad\lambda}(K)$

$ D\in$



$B\otimes D\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}^{\delta}(\tilde{\mathfrak{a}})$

$\overline{\tilde{\pi}(B\otimes D})^{w}$

$e\otimes e_{1}$

$\tilde{u}\cdot(e\otimes e_{1})Sp$

Sp $\tilde{u}\cdot(e\otimes e_{1})\subset Spue+Sp\lambda e_{1}=Spue+\Omega$ . , we can conclude that Sinoe Sp . Suppose . Then there are a covariant representation $(\pi, u)$ of and such that Sp $ue\ni O$ and Sp where is the identity of . $B\supset C^{*}(G)BC^{*}(G)$ , where First we assert that can be chosen to satisfy that $C^{*}(G)$ is identified with in . Set $\tilde{\Gamma}(\tilde{\alpha})Sp$

$\tilde{u}\cdot(e\otimes e_{1})\ni 0$

$p\not\in F(\tilde{\alpha})$

$(\tilde{\mathfrak{a}}, G,\tilde{\alpha})$

$ue\Rightarrow p$

$B\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}^{\partial}(\tilde{a})$




$1\otimes C^{*}(G)$


where $B$



$x\in\tilde{\mathfrak{a}}:\pi(x)u(f)=0;\forall f\in L^{1}(G)$

$u(f)=\int f(t)u(t)dt$




supp $ f\cap Spue=\phi$ },

. Then is an -invariant closed left ideal of containing , we have that . Set . Then $L$



$LC^{*}(G)\subset L$

$\overline{\pi}(C^{*}(G))\subset u(G)^{\prime}$

$B_{1}=L\cap L^{*}$

satisfies the above assertion. Now we assume that $B\supset C^{*}(G)BC^{*}(G)$ . Hence . Let be a compact neighbourhood of such that $p+\Omega-\Omega\subset(Spue)^{c}$ . Let $e(q)$ be the spectral , in particular projection of $\lambdarresponding$ to . Since the supremum of e$(q),$ is l, $thereisq_{0}\in\Gamma satisfyingSpue\overline{\pi}(e(q_{0}))\ni 0$ . Let and now we restrict the representation to with the representation space . $B_{1}\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}^{\partial}(\tilde{\mathfrak{a}})$






$ q-\Omega$


$e(q)\in M(\tilde{\mathfrak{a}})$


$D=e(q_{0})Ke(q_{0})\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}^{Ad\lambda}(K)$

$\mathfrak{a}\otimes D\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}^{\partial}(\tilde{\mathfrak{a}})$

$ e(q_{0})\tilde{\mathfrak{a}}e(q_{0})\simeq$

$\mathcal{K}\equiv\overline{\pi}(e(q_{0}))\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{\pi}$




We define the following unitary representation \^u on

\^u(t)=u Then \^u commutes with



$(t)\overline{\pi}(\lambda(-t))\langle t, q_{0}\rangle$

, Ad

$\hat{\text{{\it \^{u}}}}e\cap\Omega\neq\phi$



$t\in G$


$\hat{\text{{\it \^{u}}}}(t)(\overline{\pi}(a))=\overline{\pi}\circ\alpha_{t}(a)$




$a\in \mathfrak{a}$

, and


Sp $\theta e\subset Spue-Sp\lambda e(q_{0})+q_{0}\subset Spue+\Omega\subset(p+\Omega)^{c}$ .

Set $L=$


$x\in \mathfrak{a}\otimes D:$

\mbox{\boldmath $\pi$}(x)\^u(f)=0,

$\forall f\in L^{1}$



$ f\subset p+\Omega$


Then is an containing $e(q_{0})Be(q_{0})$ . .-invariant closed left ideal of Further $LD\subset L$ . Hence is of the form is an -invariant closed where left ideal of . Set , and let . Then Sp be the identity of , i.e. and Sp . Thus . for Now we consider the dual system and characterize $G(a)$ , similarly to Lemma 3.2 in [7]; $L$

$\alpha\otimes id$

$\mathfrak{a}\otimes D$


$L_{1}\otimes D$

$B_{1}=L_{1}\cap L_{1}^{*}$






$\text{{\it \^{u}}} e_{1}\cap\Omega\neq\phi$


$ a_{e_{1}}\subset$

$p\not\in F(\alpha)$

$ q\in Sp\theta e_{1}\cap\Omega$

$p\not\in Sp\text{{\it \^{u}}} e_{1}-q$

$(\mathfrak{a}\times_{\alpha}G, \Gamma, \theta)$

Lemma 3.2. $G(\theta)=$

Proof. Let



$t\in G:\alpha_{t}(I)\subset I$

for any ideal


of }. $\mathfrak{a}$

Let be an ideal of and let $t\in G$ . Suppose that be a net of compact neighbourhoods of such that $I$

$\alpha_{t}(I)\zeta I$




We assert that elements and $e_{n}$





is dense in . For let $x\in I$ be positive and find positive in the -subalgebra generated by such that $I$








$\Vert x-x_{n}\Vert\leq 1/n$


Then by Lemma 3.2 in [7] there is . Thus such that for . Hence the closure of contains . Suppose that is also dense in for any . Since , a contradiction. Thus there is such that this would imply that $\alpha_{s}(x_{n})\in I$



$ x_{n}\in$




$\cup I_{\Omega-\Omega}$










Let contained in




. Then since the ideal


we have that $J\not\subset_{s\in}v_{\Omega}\alpha_{s-\ell}(J)$


generated by








Let linear span of

and let

$B=\overline{J\cdot \mathfrak{a}\times_{\alpha}G\cdot J}\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}^{\hat{\alpha}}(\mathfrak{a}\times_{\alpha}G)$




$y\in J$







$f\in L^{1}\cap L^{2}$


is the closed


$ f\subset t-\Omega$

Hence the $hereditary*$ -algebra generated by elements of the form is dense in $B(t-\Omega)$ . is -integrable, i.e. there is a positive $I(a)$ in (in fact in ) such that


$a\equiv y^{*}\lambda(f)^{*}x^{*}x\lambda(f)y$



$\mathfrak{a}\subset M(\mathfrak{a}\times_{\alpha}G)$


for every




$ I(a)=\int|f(s)|^{2}y^{*}\alpha_{-s}(x^{*}x)yds\in J\cdot V\alpha_{s-t}(J)\equiv J_{1}s\in\Omega$

Since $B(t-\Omega)$ is -invariant, it follows that $I(a)\in B(t-\Omega)^{**}$ . Hence the hereditary -algebra generated by elements of the form $I(a)$ is contained in $B(t-\Omega)$ and of course is dense in $B(t-\Omega)$ . Hence $\theta$


$B(t-\Omega)\subset J_{1}\cdot \mathfrak{a}x_{\alpha}G\cdot J_{1}$


$B(t-\Omega)\neq B$ , i.e. Since . $G(a)$ Suppose that dg . Then there are a covariant representation $(\pi, u)$ of and such that Sp $ue\ni O$ and Sp $ue\geq t$ where is the identity of . Let be a compact neighbourhood of $O\in G$ such that . Then for any $x\in B$ and , $t\not\in G(\theta)$

$J_{1}\subset\neq J,$


$(\mathfrak{a}\times_{\alpha}G, \Gamma, \theta)$

$B\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}^{\theta}(\mathfrak{a}\times_{\alpha}G)$




$ t+\Omega-\Omega$


$ s\in\Omega$



Let be the left ideal of with lation, the left ideal generated by $L$


$f\in L^{1}(\Gamma)$


$B=L\cap L^{*}$

$suppf\subset t+\Omega$


. Then from the

above calcu-


$\cup L\lambda(f),$

satisfies that for

$x\in L_{1}$

$f\in L^{1}(G)$



$ f\subset\Omega$




Set and Sp . positive The cone of

$B_{1}=L_{1}\cap L_{1}^{*}\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}^{\theta}(\mathfrak{a}\times_{\alpha}G)$

$f\in L^{1}(\Gamma)$

and let


with supp

$ f\subset t+\Omega$

be the identity of





Then Sp

$ue_{1}\ni 0$

$ue_{1}\ni t$


$x\in B,$

ated by elements



has a total set of -integrable elements of the form with supp . Let be the ideal of gener$\theta$

$f\in L^{1}\cap L^{2}$

with all such

$ f\subset\Omega$





$B_{1}\subset\overline{J\cdot \mathfrak{a}\times_{\alpha}G\cdot J}$


. Sinoe

$\overline{J\cdot \mathfrak{a}\times_{l}G\cdot J}$





is generated by elements of the form $x_{1}I(a_{1})yI(a_{2})x_{2}$ with since $I(a_{1})yI(a_{2})\in B_{1}$ , we have that G. Set . Then satisfies $(*)$ sinoe mutes with . Henoe there is a compact neighbourhood of such that $x_{i}\in \mathfrak{a},$

$y\in \mathfrak{a}\times_{\alpha}G$



$\overline{J\cdot \mathfrak{a}\times_{\alpha}}$

$B_{2}=\overline{J\cdot \mathfrak{a}\times_{\alpha}G\cdot J}\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}^{\&}(\mathfrak{a}\times_{\alpha}G)$

$x\in B_{2}$



$\neq B_{2}$







is the closed linear span of

$B_{1}^{\text{{\it \^{a}}}}(\Omega_{1})$



$y\in J,$ $f\in L^{1}\cap L^{2}$

similarly to the first part of the proof, ated by elements of the form






is the hereditary



-subalgebra gener-


$q.e.d$ . Henoe , which implies that . G. Here we give a comment. Our referenoe on -integrability[2.4, 7] contains an error in the definition of . The correct form should be the one given in the above proof (otherwise Lemma 2.6 in [7] would fail), i.e. $a\in M(B)_{+}$ is -integrable if there is a (neoessarily unique) $I(a)\in M(B)$ such that $\alpha_{-t}(J)J$

$B_{2}(\Omega_{1})\supset\alpha_{-t}(J)J\cdot \mathfrak{a}\times_{a}$






, where for every is conand $\beta=a$ in this case. Here tinuous. To prove that the -integrable elements are hereditary, we adopt an argument similar to the one in [2.4, 7] by using, e.g., Lemma 2.1 in [1], although this fact is not quite necessary in the above proof, because we have considered only elements of (or ) as integrable elethe form if $a_{p}(y)=y,$ ments, which is justified by Proposition 2.8 in [7]. $\phi\in B^{*}$


$B=\mathfrak{a}\times_{\alpha}\backslash G$




Lemma 3.3 [10]. The isomorphic to .


$ p\in\Gamma$

-dynamical system

$(\mathfrak{a}\times_{\alpha}G\times a^{\Gamma}’ G,\hat{\theta})$

is covariantly

$(\tilde{\mathfrak{a}}, G,\tilde{\alpha})$

Lemma 3.4. $F(\alpha)=$


$p\in\Gamma:\theta_{p}(I)\subset I$

for any ideal





Proof. $ItfollowsfromLemmas3.2and3.3$ . By the above lemma and Lemma 3.1 in [7] we have Theorem3.5.



$(\mathfrak{a}, G, \alpha)$

be as above.

Thefollowing conditions are equiva-



is simple; is -simple and . As a corollary to Lemma 3.4 we give

(i) (ii)



$ F(\alpha)=\Gamma$


Proposition 3.6. Let be as above. Suppose that there is another $C^{*}- dynamic\dot{a}l$ system $(B, G, \beta)$ which is exteriorly equivalent to $(a, G, \alpha)$ . Then $(\mathfrak{a}, G, \alpha)$




$(\mathfrak{a}\times_{\alpha}G, \Gamma, a)$

is covariantly isomorphic to

$(B\times\beta G, \Gamma,\hat{\beta})$


It seems more difficult to compute than in most of cases. times coincides with . We shall show some of these cases. The following lemma can be found, e.g. in [11, Lemma 22]: $F(\alpha)$





But some-


Lemma 3.7. Suppose that primitive ideal I of , where




-simple and that


is compact

for any


$G_{I}=\{t\in G:\alpha_{t}(I)=I\}$


Then the primitive ideal space of with the transposed action of is isomorphic to $G/G_{0}$ with the action of by translations, where $G_{0}=G_{I}$ for any primitive ideal . $G$




Proof. Let be a primitive ideal, and let hoods of $0\in G/G_{I}$ such that . Sinoe same image in $G/G_{I}$ , we can define $I$

be a net of compact neighbourif and in have the










There is a finite set




such that

$\bigcup_{S\in S}(\dot{s}+\Omega_{\iota})=G/G_{I}$



is -simple, we have $\alpha$

$\bigcap_{\dot{s}\in S}I(\dot{s}+\Omega_{\iota})=(0)$




be a primitive ideal.



$\bigcap_{\dot{s}\in S_{\iota}}I(\dot{s}+\Omega_{\iota})\subset J$

, there is


$\dot{s}_{\iota}\in S_{\iota}$


that $I(\dot{s}_{\iota}+\Omega_{\iota})\subset J$

Sinoe $\dot{s}+\Omega_{\iota}\ni\dot{s}_{j}$


is compact, we may suppose that for sufficiently large . Henoe $G/G_{I}$

$ j\geq\ell$


converges, say to . Then which implies


$I(\dot{s}+\Omega.+\Omega.)\subset J$







We have that , sinoe , as shown from is dense in the first part of the proof of Lemma 3.2 and the fact that the quotient map is open. Similarly we get that $\alpha_{t}(J)\subset Iforsomet\in G$ , i.e. $\alpha_{s}(I)\subset J$

$\cup I(\dot{s}+\Omega+\Omega_{\iota})$


$G\rightarrow G/G_{I}$

$\alpha_{s+t}(J)\subset\alpha_{s}(I)\subset J$


Sinoe $G/G_{J}$ is compact, we can conclude that $\alpha_{s+c}(J)=J$ . Thus . Hence the set of primitive ideals is , i.e. there is a correspondenoe between the primitive ideal space and $G/G_{I}$ , by choosing one primitive ideal of , which obviously preserves the actions of . For any subset of $G/G_{I}$ , we have $\alpha_{s}(I)=J$

$one- 0\acute{n}e$

$\{\alpha_{t}(I):t\in G/G_{I}\}$




$\bigcap_{\dot{s}\in S}\alpha_{s}(I)=\bigcap_{\dot{s}\in S}\alpha_{s}(I)$



By the same argument as above, $\bigcap_{l\in S}\alpha_{s}(I)\subset\alpha_{t}(I)$

implies that



Henoe the closure operations coincide through the correspond-



Proposition 3.8.

Let $ abeliangroupand\mathfrak{a}is\alpha$ -simple.

$(\mathfrak{a}, G, \alpha)$

be a Then


-dynamical system where




is a discrete


Proof. We apply Lemma 3.7 to the dual system , where now is compact, and use the formula for in Lemma 3.4 and the one for in Corollary 5.4 in [7].


$(\mathfrak{a}\times_{\alpha}c, \tau, a)$



Proposition 3.9. Let be a separable -dynamical system (i.e. both and are separable). Suppose that is discrete for any primitive ideal I of a where $(a, G, \alpha)$





$G_{I}=\{t\in G:\alpha_{t}(I)=I\}$

If is of of


-simple, then the primitive ideal space of with the transposed action is isomorphic to (with action of ) for some closed subgroup $H$ of $G$ such that is compact, in particular $F(\alpha)=\Gamma(\alpha)(=H)$ . $a$








Proof. (c.f. [8, Theorem 3.1]) By [5, Corollary 3.2], for any primitive ideal is compact. Apply Lemma 3.7. For the last statement, see the proof of Proposition 3.8. For applications of the above proposition we refer the reader to [8]. $I,$




\S 4. Crossed products of


Let be an n-dimensional Hilbert spaoe $(2\leq n\leq\infty)$ , and let be the $O(f)$ . For each Fock Hilbert spaoe over is a bounded operator defined by $F(\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{n})$

$\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{n}$

$f\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{n},$

$\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{n}$

$O(f)g_{1}\otimes\cdots\otimes g_{n}=f\otimes g_{I}\otimes\cdots\otimes g_{n}$


$O(f)$ is an isometry. . If where is the vacuum vector in We de-algebra generated by $O(f),$ . the note by If is finite, the Cuntz algebra $O_{n}[3]$ is isomorphic to the quotient of by the compact operator algebra on and if $n=\infty,$ . is isomorphic to induces an automorphism of through that of Each unitary on defined by $\Omega$

$\Vert f\Vert=1,$

$F(\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{n})$


$O(\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{n})$

$f\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{n}$


$O(\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{n})$


$F(\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{n})$


$O(\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{n})$


$\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{n}$

$O(f)\rightarrow 0(uf)$


$f\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{n}$

$O(\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{n})$


We call quasi-free those automorphisms of obtained in this way. See, for the detail, Evanoe [4]. From now on we assume that is finite. Let be a locally compact abelian group with its dual , as before, and let be a continuous unitary representation of $G$ on . By thinking of elements of the form $O_{n}$





$\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{n}$

$O(f_{1})\cdots O(f_{n})O(g_{1})^{*}\cdots O(g_{m})^{*}$

it is clear that Sp is the closed subgroup of $\alpha$

Lemma 4.1. Proof. $withp_{i}\in\Gamma$




$(O_{n}, G, \alpha)$


be as above.


generated by Sp



be an orthonormal system in


Set for each






such that

$u_{t}\phi_{i}=\langle t, p_{i}\rangle\phi_{i}$


$ k=1,2,\ldots$



where the summation is taken over all the words of 1, , with length $l(\mu)=k$ , (c.f. [3]). All are isometries and satisfy that , and $x]\Vert=0$ for any is the algebra of fixed points under the gauge where ; automorphism group , i.e. the quasi-free automorphism group induced by { $\mu$


$S_{\{\ell_{1},\ldots.i_{k}\}}=S_{i_{1}}\cdots S_{i_{k}}$

$x\in F^{n}\subset O_{n}$




$\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{n}$







$z\cdot 1$





be an infinite aperiodic sequenoe of letters 1, , (c.f. Lemma 1.8 in [3]) $andletv_{m}$ be the restriction ofv to the firstm letters. Set












and -invariant projections and satisfy $\alpha$

$\lim\Vert Q_{m}\epsilon(x)Q_{m}-Q_{m}xQ_{m}\Vert=0$ $\lim$


$ Q_{m}xQ_{m}\Vert=\Vert\epsilon(x)\Vert$

where is the projection of Then for any positive , $\epsilon(x)=\int\gamma_{t}(x)dt$





Proposition 1.7 in [3]).

( $c.f$

$x\in O_{n}$

$\lim_{m}\lim_{k}\Vert Q_{m}xQ_{m}S_{i}^{1k)}x\Vert=\lim$ $\lim\Vert S_{i}^{(k)}Q_{m}\epsilon(x)Q_{m}x\Vert$


$=\lim_{m}\Vert Q_{m}\epsilon(x)Q_{m}x\Vert\geq\Vert\epsilon(x)\Vert^{2}$

Let zero positive

and with

$B\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}^{\alpha}(O_{n})$

$x\in B$


a compact neighbourhood of



$aremandksuchthatxQ_{m}S_{i}^{(k)}x\neq 0$



Then there is a nonIt follows from the above calculation that there This implies that $0$

Sp $\alpha|B\cap(p_{i}+\Omega+\Omega)\neq\phi$

Sinoe and are arbitrary, we can conclude that . Thus sinoe is a closed subgroup [6]. We denote by the extension of the gauge action to an action on . This is possible because commutes with . In the following we denote by $H$ the intersection of the closed subsemigroups of generated by Sp and $-p$ , with $B$



$\Gamma(\alpha)\ni p_{i}$








$p\in Spu$


Lemma4.2. Let

$(O_{n}, G, \alpha)$


be as above.

We construct certain $ k=1,2,\ldots$ , set



$ThenH\supset F(\alpha)$

-invariant states of








$\phi_{i}(x)=\phi_{\ell}(P_{i}^{\langle k)}xP_{\ell}^{(k)})$

Then it is shown that



$x\in O_{n}$




is a decreasing sequenoe of -invariant projections. -invariant state satisfying

Then $\gamma$



$ k=1,2,\ldots$



be a


is -invariant (and in fact unique) and that the continuous $\alpha$



functions on ated by characters

for and

$G\ni t\rightarrow\phi(x\alpha_{t}(y))$




$y\in O_{n}$


are contained in the closed algebra gener-

, e.g.

$\phi_{i}(x\alpha_{t}(S_{\mu}S_{v}^{*}))=\langle t, p_{j_{1}}+\cdots+p_{j_{m}}-p_{k_{1}}-\cdots-p_{k_{n}}\rangle\phi_{i}(xS_{\mu}S_{v}^{*})$

, where . This implies is non-zero only if that in the GNS representation associated with , the canonical representation $U$ of defined by $\mu=\{j_{1},\ldots, j_{m}\}$

$v\equiv\{k_{1},\ldots, k_{n}\}=\{i,\ldots, i\}$




has spectrum in the closed subsemigroup . Proposition 2.2 we have that



$x\in O_{n}$

generated by





. By

$\tilde{\Gamma}(\alpha)\subset H_{l}$

Lemma 4.3. Let , it follows that

$(O_{n}, G, \alpha)$




$a_{p}(I)\subset I$


$p\in H$


be a representation of or be of the form , we have





$x\in O_{n}^{\gamma}\times_{\alpha}G\equiv(O_{n}\times_{\alpha}G)^{\overline{\gamma}}$


Then for any -invariant ideal I

be as above.

whose kemel is -invariant. Let with . Then $\overline{\gamma}$

$\sum a_{\iota}\otimes f_{i}$

$a_{i}\in O_{n}^{\gamma},$

$f_{i}\in C^{*}(G)$

$\lim\Vert S_{\ell}^{(k)*}xS_{i}^{(k)}-\theta_{p\ell}(x)\Vert=0$



The left hand side equals $\lim_{k}\Vert\rho(x)\rho(S_{i}^{1k)}S_{i}^{1k)*})\Vert$

sinoe tions and


asymptotically commutes with , we have



Further sinoe


are projec-


$|1\rho(x)\Vert\geq\Vert\rho\circ a_{p\iota}(x)\Vert$



For a fixed

$x\in O_{n}^{\gamma}\times_{\alpha}G$

we can find an infinite sequence


of 1, $\{$





that $(**)$

$\Vert\rho(x)\Vert=\Vert\rho\circ a_{p\iota_{1}+\cdots+p\ell_{k}}(x)\Vert$

for all $\{i_{k}\}$



There is an For such an we have $ k=1,2,\ldots$

$i\in\{1,2,\ldots, n\}$

which infinitely often appears in


$\Vert\rho(x)\Vert=\Vert\rho\circ a_{np\ell}(x)\Vert$


$ n=1,2,\ldots$

, sinoe for any subset


of 1, $\{$





is less than or equal to



$\Vert\rho\circ\theta_{(\sum_{j\in J^{p\ell_{j}}})}(x)\Vert\leq\Vert\rho(x)\Vert$

Let ated by

$p\in H$




. By the assumption there is a sequenoe in the subsemigroup generwhich converges to , i.e. there is a sequenoe

$\{p_{1},\ldots, p_{n}, -p_{i}\}$



which converges to zero in



$n_{k}^{(l)}\geq 0,$

$m^{(\ell)}\geq 0$


$\Vert x-a_{q_{i}}(x)\Vert\geq\Vert\rho\circ\theta_{m^{(i)}p\ell}(x)-\rho\circ\alpha_{(\Sigma n_{k}^{(l)}p\kappa^{-p)}}(x)\Vert$


which implies that

$\Vert\rho\circ a_{-p}(x)\Vert\geq\Vert\rho(x)\Vert$

. Henoe

$\theta_{p}(I)\cap O_{n}^{\gamma}\times_{\alpha}G\subseteq I\cap O_{n}^{\gamma}\times_{\alpha}G$

where that


is the kernel of

$a_{p}(I)\subset I$





is generated by

$I\cap O_{n}^{\gamma}\times_{a}G$


we can conclude



Theorem 4.4. Let be as above. The crossed product simple if and only if the closed subsemigroup of generated by Sp and itselffor any $p\in Spu$ . $(O_{n}, G, \alpha)$





$H\supset 5(\alpha)byLemma4.2,$







is $\Gamma$

Gisnot simple by Theo-

rem 3.5.


Suppose $ H=\Gamma$ . Then Lemma 4.3 implies that any -invariant ideal is invariant. Sinoe is simple [3], there are not any non-trivial -invariant ideals of . Thus is -simple. Sinoe is prime by Lemma 4.1 and [7, Theorem 5.8], it follows from [7, Lemma 6.4] (or Lemma 3.7) that is simple. $\overline{\gamma}$








Proposition 4.5. Let be as above and suppose that contains the gauge automorphism group . Then is the intersection of the closed subsemigroups of generated by Sp and $-p$ , with $p\in Spu$ . $(O_{n}, G, \alpha)$





Sinoe is inner under the above assumption, any ideal of -invariant. The rest of the proof follows from Lemmas 4.2, 4.3 and 3.4. Proof.




\S 5. Crossed products of






In this section we consider the case $ n=\infty$ . As in Section 4, let be a weakly continuous unitary representation of a locally compact group $G$ on a separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaoe and let be the corresponding quasi-free $u$

$\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}$




action on by Sp . Let

$O_{\infty}=O(\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT})$


It is immediate that Sp


is the closed subgroup generated




be the Fock spaoe and the Fock representation of be the canonical representation of on the Fock spaoe, i.e.

$F=F(\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT})=\sum_{0}^{\infty\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}\otimes n}$







$U_{F}(t)|\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}\otimes n=u_{t}\otimes\cdots\otimes u_{t}(n- tuples)\equiv u_{t}^{\otimes n}$


is the closed subsemigroup $H$ generated by Sp . The It is clear that Sp of in an obvious way. If gives a representation pair is not simple (c.f. [9]). is not faithful, in particular $U_{F}$


$(\pi_{F}, U_{F})$


$\pi_{F}\times U_{F}$



$\pi_{F}\times U_{F}$

be as above. The crossed product Theorem 5.1. Let simple if and only if the closed subsemigroup $H$ generated by Sp is $(0_{\infty}, G, \alpha)$






, then is not simple. Henoe we Proof. We have shown that if $ H=\Gamma$ . now assume that is faithful. Sinoe is irreducible, First we want to show that is prime. this in particular implies that onto For each $ n=1,2,\ldots$ , there is a natural unitary map $W$ from , such that where with and if . Note that $ H\neq\Gamma$


$\pi_{F}\times U_{F}$

$\pi_{F}\times U_{F}$


$F\otimes\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}^{\otimes n}$

$ W_{n}(\psi\otimes\phi)=\sum$

$\sum_{n}^{\infty}\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}^{\otimes k}cF$



$\psi_{k}\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}\otimes k$

$\psi_{k}\otimes\phi\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}^{\otimes k+n}$

$W_{n}\cdot U_{F}(t)\otimes u_{t}^{\otimes n}=U_{F}(t)W_{n}$


In the following, however, we omit $W$ . be a decreasing sequenoe of compact neighbourhoods of in such. that Let Sp and with such that . There are tends to zero weakly. and due to the assumption, there are positive . Then, sinoe Sp Let cp-p, with such that Sp . integers $m$ and where are monomials (i.e. of the type Let $0$




$ p_{\iota}\in$

$\phi_{\iota}\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}$



$Sp_{u}\phi_{\iota}\subset p_{\iota}+\Omega_{\iota}$


$ U_{F}=\Gamma$

$ p\in\Gamma$



$\psi_{\iota}\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}\otimes m$

$x=\sum a_{k}\otimes f_{k}\in O_{\infty}\times_{\alpha}G$

and Note that for any

$O(f_{\ell})O^{*}(g_{1})\cdots O^{*}(g_{j}))$

$f_{k}\in L^{1}(G)$

$\psi\in F$



$ O(f_{1})\cdots$




$\lim\Vert\int f_{k}(t)U_{F}(t)(\psi\otimes\phi_{\iota}\otimes\psi_{\iota})dt-\int f_{k}(t)\langle t, p\rangle(U_{F}(t)\psi)\otimes\phi_{\iota}\otimes\psi_{\iota}dt\Vert=0$



Henoe we have that $\lim\Vert(\pi_{F}\times U_{F})(x)(\psi\otimes\phi_{\iota}\otimes\psi_{\iota})-((\pi_{F}xU_{F})\circ(\theta_{p}(x)\psi))\otimes\phi_{\iota}\otimes\psi_{\iota}\Vert=0$


$\psi\in F$

is arbitrary, we have that

$\Vert\pi_{F}\times U_{F}(x)\Vert\geqq\Vert(\pi_{F}\times U_{F})\circ\theta_{p}(x)\Vert$


, which in


turn implies, since




is arbitrary,


$\Vert(\pi_{F}\times U_{F})\circ a_{p}(x)\Vert=\Vert(\pi_{F}\times U_{F})(x)\Vert$


$ p\in\Gamma$


is simple [3], we can conclude that Sinoe is faithful. Now let be any irreducible representation of . By a similar reason as given in the proof of Theorem 4.4 it suffioes to show that ker $O_{\infty}$

$\pi_{F}\times U_{F}$

$\pi\times U$


$(\pi\times U)\cap$



Let be a $mplete$ orthonormal system of M. Then mutually orthogonal projections. Let $(f_{i})$





. which is independent from choice of $P\neq 1$ . Let be a projection in such that $0\neq e\leqq 1-P$ . Then by the irreducibility, we have that . But , i.e. $1-P=e$ . Hence $1-P$ is one-dimensional. Now it is easily shown that is equivalent to and that $U=pU_{F}$ with some . Hence the faithfulness of follows from the above. Suppose that $P=1$ . Let $p\in Spu+\cdots+Spu$ ( terms). There is a sequence of unit vectors with such that Sp given before. Now we define a family of isometries:


is a projection in First suppose that





$(1-P)[\pi(O_{\infty})e\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{n}]$

$[\pi(O_{\infty})e\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{\pi}]=\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{\pi}$

$=e\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}_{\pi}$


$ p\in\Gamma$


$\pi\times U\simeq\pi_{F}\times u_{F}\circ a_{p}$


$\psi_{1\iota}\otimes\cdots\otimes\psi_{k\iota}\in\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}\otimes k$



$V_{\iota}^{t0)}=\pi(O(\psi_{1\iota})\cdots O(\psi_{k\iota}))$


Note that Let




does not depend on . where are monomials, say, . For we have that $(f_{i})$

$x=\sum a_{k}\otimes f_{k}\in O_{\infty}^{\gamma}\times_{\alpha}G$


$a_{k}=O(g_{1})\cdots O(g_{m_{k}})$


$m\geqq m_{k}$

$O^{*}(h_{1})\cdots O^{*}(h_{m_{k}})$


$\lim\Vert U_{t}V_{\iota}^{(m)}-\langle t, p\rangle V_{l}^{(m)}U_{t}\Vert=0$

Thus, for



$\lim\Vert(\pi\times U)(x)V^{(m)}-V_{l}^{(m})(\pi\times U)\circ\theta_{p}(x)\Vert=0$

) Sinoe are isometries, we have that is dense in , we have $V_{\iota}^{1m}$



$\Vert(\pi\times U)(x)\Vert\geq\Vert(\pi\times U)\circ\theta_{p}(x)\Vert$


$\Vert(\pi\times U)(x)\Vert=\Vert(\pi\times U)\circ\theta_{p}(x)\Vert$


$\forall p\in\Gamma$



Sinoe such





is simple, we know that

$(\pi\times U)|O_{\infty}^{\gamma}\times_{\alpha}G$

is faithful.

added by those of the essential Remark 5.2. If the set of elements of Sp contains the gauge automorphism itself and if spectrum of is equal to Sp equals Sp . For example group , then it follows from the above proof that $U_{F}$









of In passing we give a remark on a quasi-free automorphism tends to zero weakly as such that induoed by a unitary on following proposition implies, in particular, that the Fock state is the only . state of




$\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}$


which is . The

$ n\rightarrow\infty$






be as above.

$Thenforanyx\in O_{\infty}$



converges in norm to a multiple

of the


Suppose $x=O(f_{1})\cdots O(f_{n})O^{*}(g_{1})\cdots O(g_{m})^{*}$ with $=\cdots=\Vert g_{m}\Vert=1$ . Then if $n\geq 1$ ,


$n+m\geq 1$ ,


$\Vert f_{1}\Vert$

$\Vert M_{N}(x)\Vert^{2}=\Vert M_{N}(x)^{*}M_{N}(x)\Vert$

$\leq(2N+1)^{-}:_{m=-N}\sum^{N}|\langle u^{n}f_{1}u^{m}f_{1}\rangle|$

. which implies that $\lim\Vert M_{N}(x)\Vert^{2}=0$ . Similarly we have the same in case , which is dense in The linear span of 1 and elements of the fom completes the proof. is with With alittle more care we can conclude that the system weakly asymptotically abelian. $m\geqq 1$

$O(f_{1})\cdots O^{*}(g_{m})$

$(0_{\infty}, Z, \alpha)$



Note and Acknowledgements

The problems treated in this note were brought up by H. Takai to a series of seminars, held in Tokyo, attended by A. Ikunishi and Y. Nakagami besides us. The basic ideas of Section 5 were obtained during the seminars, and those of Sections 2 and 3 are a result of many discussions with H. Takai during the summer in 1979. I would like to thank the other members of the seminars and especially Dr. H. Takai for stimulating discussions. I am grateful to Professor D. W. Robinson for warm hospitality at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, where this was completed. I am also grateful to Dr. D. Olesen for a couple of comments.





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Department of Mathematics Yokohama City University

Yokohama, Japan