SIOS17 - StartupItalia! - Open Summit 2017

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Dec 14, 2017 - Earth is a single, big blue sphere that humanity has learned to call ... Special Award Cyber Security pre
Main Stage // Palazzo del Ghiaccio When you look at the Earth from space, you see no borders: there are no nations, no boundaries. Earth is a single, big blue sphere that humanity has learned to call "home": this is what we want to tell at Open Summit 2017. That challenge startups are facing is not to reach just one more city, one more continent: it is a global market and a global challenge, each nation is an opportunity to seize. We will talk about this at StartupItalia! Open Summit 2017: how to go beyond our country's borders, how to use our imagination, how to make our dreams come true. Come and talk with us: we need all of you working every day to build a startup, believing and investing in new companies, working to give everyone a chance to make it. We need your ideas and your enthusiasm to think big. To go beyond borders.

8.45 Welcome to StartupItalia! David Casalini​ - CEO & Founder StartupItalia! Marco Montemagno​ - Entrepreneur Welcome by the Mayor of Milan ​Giuseppe Sala * Roberto Maroni​ - President Lombardy Region Massimiliano Dragoni ​- Senior Policy Officer European Commision Alessandro Enginoli​, President SME at Assolombarda Confindustria Alex Zanardi​ - Racer and Athlete, introduced by Mara Sangiorgio, SKY Sport editor

9.45 We aim to design a digital Italy where innovation and startups can thrive How government can develop the Italian startup infrastructure Diego Piacentini ​ - Government Commissioner for the Digital Agenda

10.00 Science and Founder Patrizia Caraveo​ - Italian ​astrophysics of National Institute of Astrophysics Gabriella Greison​ - Physicist and Author

10.30 Artificial Intelligence and its Implications for the future The end of humanity as we know is coming: how startups are getting ready for it Chairman: ​Marco Montemagno​ - Entrepreneur Keynote Speech: ​Marco Argenti​ - Vice President, Technology - Amazon Web Services Davide Casaleggio​ - CEO at Casaleggio Associati Giorgio Metta​ - Vice Scientific Director at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia IIT Federico Pistono​ - Head of Blockchain at Hyperloop Global Marco Menichelli​ - Founder Xsense Max Ciociola​ - Founder AI labs Ettore Patriarca ​ - Huawei Italia

11.15 Keynote Speech: “Beyond Borders” Fireside chat between ​Marco Montemagno​ and ​Paolo Barberis​ DADA & Nana Bianca Founder Luca Colombo​ - Country Manager Facebook Italy Jöerg Rheinboldt​ - CEO of Axel Springer Plug and Play Andrea Santagata​ - Head of Digital at Mondadori Gianni Franco Papa​ - General Manager UniCredit Keynote Speech: ​Mike Butcher​ - Editor at Large at TechCrunch Silvia Candiani​ - CEO at Microsoft Italia interviewed by Fulvio Giuliani, RTL 102.5

14.00 #Bootstrap 10 early stage startups presenting their idea for the first time Inspirational speech by ​Sergio Borra​ - CEO Dale Carnegie Italy Introduction by ​Marco Bicocchi Pichi​ - President Italia Startup

15.20 Unstoppable Women How women entrepreneurs are having a tremendous impact on the startup ecosystem worldwide Chairman: ​Giampaolo Collett​i, Editor at Il Sole 24 Ore Inspirational speech by ​Maurizia Cacciatori​ - Former Volleyball Player and Sport commentator at SKY Sport

Paola Bonomo​ - European Angel Investor of the Year 2017 Fausta Pavesio​ - Italia Startup Executive Board Member Anna Chiara Gaudenzi​ - Editor in Chief StartupItalia! Layla Pavone​ - CEO Digital Magics per Industry Innovation Diva Tommei​ - Founder Solenica Betta Maggio​ - Founder U-earth Laura Tosto​ - Member of Valore D Development Council Sara Gandolfi​ - Hematology, Research fellow at Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Harvard Medical School, AIRC Researcher

16.20 #Beanstalk 10 founders from international growing startups presenting their scale up Monica Fabris​, Sociologist and President, Episteme Institute of Research Lorenzo Franchini​ - Entrepreneur Alessandro Sordi​ - DADA and Nana Bianca Founder Paolo Anselmo​ - President IBAN

17.00 Keynote Speech: “Beyond Borders” Patrick Cohen​ - CEO AXA Italy Massimo Russo​ - Managing Director at GEDI Paola Concia​ - Councilor for International Relationship City of Florence Walter Ruffinoni​ - CEO NTT DATA Italy Cristiano Seganfreddo​ - Direttore Premio Marzotto

18.00 Award Ceremony Chairman: ​Marco Montemagno Top 10 Special Award Cyber Security presented by ​Walter Ruffinoni​, CEO NTT DATA Special Award Digital Health presented by​ ​Alexander Zehnder *​, CEO Sanofi Italia Special Award Bracco Start to be circular presented by ​Diana Bracco​, Chairman Bracco Special Award Digital Transformation presented by , Oracle Italia Special Award Education presented by ​Miriam Cresta​, JA Italy Chairwoman Special Award Entertainment ​Marco Argenti * ​, VP Technology Amazon Web Services Special Award Fashion, Design and IoT presented by Luca Dini *,c Special Award The Food Makers presented by ​Francesco Fabbri​, Head of Innovation Amadori Special Award European Valley presented by ​Mauro Pretolani​, Fondo Italiano d’Investimento

Special Award Tourism and Culture, presented by ​Gabriele Gori​, Direttore Fondazione CR Firenze Special Award Smart Money presented by ​Roberto Ferrari​, Chief Innovation Officer at Mediobanca Special Award Life Science presented by ​Claudia Pingue,​ Polihub Politecnico di Milano Special Award Media presented by ​Francesco Marinelli *​, Red Bull Italia Special Award Open Innovation presented by ​Ilaria Potito​, Head of TIM Wcap ​Enrico Mercadante *​, CISCO Italia Special Award AXA Innovation 2 Protect presented by ​Isabella Falautano​, Direttore Comunicazione Corporate Responsibility and Public Affairs AXA Italia Special Award Sport presented by ​Fabio Santini *​, Microsoft Italia Special Award VC presented by ​Betta Maggio,​ Founder U-Earth Winning Ceremony

20.00 Celebration 9158

Aquarium // Palazzo del Ghiacco 10.30 Digital Mentoring A mentor is someone who can guide you, help you, take you under their wing and nurture your career and business ambitions. For those involved in a startup or small business, a mentor can help you through the process of idea validation, market feedbacks and support in Tech and Business Development. Our mentors are individuals with a minimum of 10 years professional experience in the Digital or ICT industry, with demonstrated leadership and / or training experience and passion for giving back and supporting more junior members of the Digital community. You can find senior professionals of our team and our solution and tech partners. Accenture Strategy will help you validate your business idea and focus on the right business path to choose

11.30 Innovation Talk What are the most innovative digital strategies?

We will find out with the growITup Innovative Talks, an incredible opportunity to find in the same place more than 20 Open Innovation projects and 50 speakers from the leading Italian companies. Discover the future of “Made in Italy” in the areas you are passionate about: - Food and Agriculture - Fashion and Design - Tourism and Entertainment - Health and Welfare - Manufacturing 4.0 - Energy and Environment - Financial Services You will find opportunities for learning, sharing, debating and networking. Payment Systems: What’s next? Roberto Catanzaro​, Executive Director Business development, Digital & Innovation @Nexi Carlo Garuccio​, Head of Strategy at Sisal The past decade has seen a veritable revolution in retail payment systems, with the development of online and mobile payments, and new peer-to-peer systems, but this is only the beginning. With this panel we will discover case histories and future challenges in the digital payment world. Lean Manufacturing, Smart Safety and Predictive Maintenance Luca Manuelli​ Chief Digital Officer at Ansaldo Energia Manuel Silva​, Open Innovation Project Manager at Electrolux Factories are changing, are increasingly digital and interconnected. The fourth industrial revolution began, and Italy is the second largest manufacturing country in Europe. We will discuss how Open Innovation and Digital transformation can lead to many opportunities for Italian competitiveness​. Future Things: How IoT will enter in our lives Francesco Paolo Camarda​, IoT Consumer Marketing Manager @ Vodafone Mobile is today an extremely relevant phenomenon both at the social and economic level. We are increasingly "digitized" and hungry for connectivity anytime and anywhere. Connectivity is entering in every part of our life, at home, at office, on travel. Which are the risks and the opportunities to innovate in the IoT world? More Social good in tech, More tech in Social good Marco Gerevini,​ Managing Director at Fondazione Housing Sociale Davide Minelli,​ Director at Techsoup Italia

With increased power comes increased responsibility. Now it is the time technology companies must stand up and take responsibility for the societal changes that they are creating.

14.30 Digital Mentoring A​ mentor is someone who can guide you, help you, take you under their wing and nurture your career and business ambitions. For those involved in a startup or small business, a mentor can help you through the process of idea validation, market feedbacks and support in Tech and Business Development. Our mentors are individuals with a minimum of 10 years professional experience in the Digital or ICT industry, with demonstrated leadership and / or training experience and passion for giving back and supporting more junior members of the Digital community. You can find senior professionals of our team and our solution and tech partners. Accenture Strategy will help you validate your business idea and focus on the right business path to choose

15.30 Innovation Talk What are the most innovative digital strategies? We will find out with the growITup Innovative Talks, an incredible opportunity to find in the same place more than 20 Open Innovation projects and 50 speakers from the leading Italian companies. Discover the future of “Made in Italy” in the areas you are passionate about: - Food and Agriculture - Fashion and Design - Tourism and Entertainment - Health and Welfare - Manufacturing 4.0 - Energy and Environment - Financial Services You will find opportunities for learning, sharing, debating and networking. Rethinking Health&Welfare Enrico Noseda​, growITup partner; Timothy O'Connell​, Accelerator Director, Entrepreneur & Business Leader at H-Farm, Francesco Tozzi​, Ceo&Founder at Chorafarma Giangiacomo Rocco di Torrepadula​, Ceo& Co-Founder at Amicomed

How Med-tech startups are helping the insurance industry to rethink Health & Welfare, this panel will discuss with growITup, H-Farm e two startups, benefits and difficulties of working with a big Are Extreme sports more accepting of technology? Nicolò Chiaramonte​, Digital Project Manager at Dainese Marco Frealdo​, Digital Marketing Manager at Campagnolo When it comes to sports embracing technology, extreme ones have strived to lead the way. GoPros and aerodynamic wetsuits are only the tip of the iceberg. This panel brings together those pushing the boundaries to the extreme to explore what can give them the extra edge, which is their innovative mood? Innovation in Video Channels Martina Palmese​, Marketing Specialist at QVC Cristina Sangiorgi​, TV and New Media Producer at SKY Whoever deals with promo and advertising videos, must manage a new startup every day. Stories, teams and target are different every time, and they involve passions, experience and people’s emotions. An all-female panel will bring a unique passion for innovation at the growITup Innovative Talks. Precision Farming: The future of Food & Agricolture Antonio Marzia​, VP of Connected Services at CNHIndustrial Cristina Hanabergh​, Sustainable Development and Internal Communications Manager at Birra Peroni From the use of satellites, to the sensors and drones to track weather and fields information; from apps to manage irrigation and fertilization to the geolocation systems that drive machines and tractors, we will discover how Precision Farming is improving the quality and the sustainability of the entire Food Value Chain. Hacking the future of big corporations MassimilIano Ambra​, Head of Business Development at TIM Hacking refers to any situation where it is necessary to make use of creativity and imagination in solving a problem. In this panel we will focus on how a big company thanks to the Open Innovation can find multiple and creative ways to stay always young and dynamics.

Terrace // Palazzo del Ghiaccio 10.30 Unstoppable Women Unstoppable Women is a workshop with 150 entrepreneurs, managers, innovators willing to build a chair's summary on female entrepreneurship and how to better promote STEM in education Facilitators: Eric-Axel Zimmer​, Founder Thrive

14:30 Smart Companies The workplace in the digital era? An ecosystem that binds people, organization, technology and services. But beware: it happens only when digital generates changes in daily work dynamics, mindset and leadership. Armed with every digital device, life on the company is getting more and more liquid and reticulated. This is how the company tries to excel: with the help of startups, it draws the workplace of the future. Chairman: ​Antonio Perdichizzi​, Vice President Italia Startup Alessandro Braga​, Head of Innovation & Technology Hub The European House-Ambrosetti Davide Dattoli​, CEO Talent Garden Fabio Tentori​, Head of Enel Innovation Hubs Gaetano Di Tondo​, Responsabile Business Communication Tim Marco Gay​, CEO of Digital Magics Domenico Passannanti​, Associate Partner at EY Maria Chiara di Guardo*​, Università di Cagliari

15:30 The Food Makers The new frontier of innovation passes for food, a made in Italy excellence. But how do you build a startup that can withstand innovative technology and power? Which actions and monitoring systems would you implement to be transparent, effective, and winning? From new food production techniques to nutrition passing through the future of food security: the right to have a healthy sustainable food and accessible to all Chairwoman: ​Barbara Sgarzi​, Journalist Andrea Monti​, General Manager Altromercato Matteo Gori​, Managing Director CucinaBarilla

Anders Nilsson​, Executive Partner growITup Fabio Beninati​, Product Innovation Manager Amadori Sara Roversi​, co-founder Future Food Institute Marco Gualtieri​, Founder Seeds&Chips

16:30 Digital Craftmanship “ARTIGENI” Smart, innovative and tech-savvy: here is the new generation of artisans and entrepreneurs who adopt technologies with greater awareness. So the "Artigeni" embrace the network, reviving the districts of the past by connecting them with others who could be geographically distant. Digital distrupts paradigms, accelerates transformation, offers new scenarios, allows global startup to scale exponentially. Chairman: ​Giampaolo Collett​i, ​digital storyteller and journalist, author “Sei Un Genio!”, Hoepli Cristina Tajani*​, Assessore a Politiche del lavoro, Attività produttive, Commercio e Risorse Umane Comune di Milano Stefano Micelli​, Professor at Università Ca’ Foscari, author “Fare è Innovare”, Il Mulino Alessandro Gallo​, Helping Partner & Public Sector organizations embracing the Digital Transformation at LinkedIn Giulia Houston​, Institutional Relations Manager Progetto Quid Marco Vicentini​, President Giovani Imprenditori CNA Simone Maggi​, cofounder & CEO ​Lanieri Giulia Baccarin​, Founder & CEO MIPU Marco Vicentini​, President Giovani Imprenditori CNA

Carroponte // Frigoriferi Milanesi 10:00 AXA Forum Innovation is the new protection? The need of protection is growing in a connected and volatile world. Innovation is the right way to protect & empower a changing society? Chairwoman: ​Barbara Gasperini​, Author, RAI and Editor, Corriere Innovazione

10.00 Welcome Patrick Cohen​, CEO AXA Italy

11.00 Life & Risk inspirational speech Alex Zanardi​, Professional racing driver, Paracyclist and TV Presenter

11.30 Preview presentation of the AXA-Episteme survey “Volatility, connectivity, innovation: new frontiers for protection” Monica Fabris​, Sociologist and President, Episteme institute of research

11.30 Talk “Innovation: the new protection?” Maria Bianca Farina​, Chairman ANIA, Fondazione ANIA and Poste Italiane Group Silvia Candiani​, CEO Microsoft Italy Stephane Guinet​, Founder and Managing Partner Kamet Alexander Zehnder​, CEO SANOFI Italy

12.30 Fireside chat “Rethink insurance, now” Paola Bonomo​, Business Angel Award 2017, Advisor & Investor, ​Guillame Borie​, Chief Innovation Officer AXA Group and ​Gianmario Verona​, Rector Università Bocconi, together with disruptive startup and students of the AXA Bocconi Challenge

14:30 The Impact of Social Innovation The transformations of the connections between people, a new way of living and understanding the welfare, but also the devices that are changing the world of assistance and care of fragile people. A new vision able to have a direct impact on what, until yesterday, seemed a world in which change had little room for maneuver. And then, the facilitation and capacity building programs dedicated to social entrepreneurship, the role of social venture capital and the impact that new players want to produce in a sector capable of bringing efficiency and effectiveness into the lives of all of us. Chairman: ​Fabio Fraticelli​, Tech Soup Academy Director Marco Gerevini​, Board member of Fondazione Social Venture Giordano dell'Amore António Miguel​, Gulbenkian Foundation Luís Jerónimo​, Gulbenkian Foundation Cristina Rossi Lamastra​, Professor at Politecnico di Milano Lorenzo di Ciaccio​, Founder of Pedius

15:30 Save this Planet Unlocking the circular economy potential. Solutions to the world's biggest problems are within our reach Chairman: ​Marco Nannini​ - Founder Impact Hub Luca Meini​, Head of Sustainibility Enel Beatrice Lamonica​, Sustainibility Lead Accenture Strategy Stefano Pogutz​, Professor at Bocconi University Nicolò Calandri​, Founder 3B Enrico Maggiore,​ Lattanzio Advisor Public Sector Fabio Benasso*​, Country Manager Accenture

16:30 Industry 4.0 Robotics, precision technology, but also an industry that combines Internet of Things and Big Data: the recipe for tomorrow's world of work is made up of innovation enriched with vertical skills and local excellence. Customization in smaller quantity and higher efficiency, more quality control and better traceability throughout the whole production process: this is the key to understand the industry 4.0.

Chairwoman: ​Martina Pennisi​, journalist at Corriere della Sera Enrico Mercadante​, Innovation and Digital Transformation Leader, Cisco Italy Luisella Giani​, Emea digital director Oracle Fabio Nalucci​, CEO & Founder Gellify Vincenzo Russi​, Co-Founder & CEO e-novia Andrea Di Benedetto​, President Polo Navacchio spa Aleardo Furlani​, CEO and founder of INNOVA for Valle d’Aosta Region

Cube (Frigoriferi Milanesi) // European Valley Startups are not only the force driving innovation in Europe but also a 800.000 companies strong ecosystem worth 420 billion euros, represented by 4.5 million workers and featuring success stories such as Spotify, Delivery Hero, VKontack, Waze, Yoox and Zalando

11.30 Restart Europe As success stories such as Spotify, Deliveroo, Waze, Yoox and Zalando become more frequent, the dialogue between decision makers and founders is key to accelerate our continent’s digital economy and train the workforce and entrepreneurs of the future​. Chairman: ​Guido Romeo​, Editor at Sole24Ore Rosbeh Zakikhani​, Business development Director - Founder Institute Paola Concia​, Deputy Mayor for International Relations and Cooperation, Marketing and Investments of the City of Florence, Conventions and Fairs, Tourism Sergio Enrico Rossi​, Dirigente Area Programmazione strategica e Servizi per il territorio Camera di Commercio Metropolitana di Milano, MonzaBrianza e Lodi Fabio Luinetti​, ​Cloud Sales Leader - Mentor Digital for Italy ​Oracle Carlo Mango​, Direttore Area Ricerca Scientifica e Trasferimento Tecnologico Fondazione Cariplo Leandro Agrò​, Digital Director Design Group Cosimo Resta​, Country Manager Italy Spotahome Lorenzo Franchini​, Founder ScaleIT Ugo Parodi Giusino​, Mosaicoon CEO and founder

14.30 SportUp  L'Italia non va in Russia ? C'e' tutto un mondo intorno, che gira ogni giorno. Ai Giochi Olimpici di febbraio sbarca la realta'virtuale, e intanto Technogym mette la palestra al polso

di chi ha un Apple Watch.I videogame hanno le prime squadra anche in Italia, il segnale che ci dobbiamo preparare ad altri campionati e ad altri. Insomma oggi startup si puo'dire anche ...SportUp. E in ogni caso, il made in Italy ai Mondiali ci va vestendo la squadra piu'simpatica: l'Islanda del geyser sound Chairman: ​Luca Corsolini​, Responsabile Sport Symbola  Francesco Anesi​, Hackathon FIGC Rosa Sembronio​, Marketing Errà Mattia Guarracino​, eSport player pro at Sampdoria Livia Cevolini*​, Energica Motor Stefano Corona​, eSports Consultant  

15.30 The land of opportunities You don’t need to cross an ocean to become a unicorn. From EU to state programmes and private investors, Europe offers a variety of opportunities both for founders and for large companies willing to innovate themselves. Chairman: ​Guido Romeo​, Editor at Sole24Ore Joerg Rheinboldt​, CEO Axel Springer Plug & Play Mike Butcher​, Editor at Large, Techcrunch Fabiano Lazzarini​, Country Manager Qwant Italia Marcello Mari​, Head of PR SingularityNET Massimiliano Magrini​, Managing Partner di United Ventures Massimiliano Dragoni​, Senior Policy Officer European Commission Raffaele Mauro​, Managing Director Endeavor Italy Carlo Mango​, Direttore Area Ricerca Scientifica e Trasferimento Tecnologico Fondazione Cariplo Mauro Pretolani​, Senior Partner Fondo Italiano d’Investimento

Binary // Frigoriferi Milanesi 10.00 Future of health We want to identify all those personalized patient care services: prevention and diagnostics projects that adopt advanced digital technologies and big data processing models to improve people's quality of life. Health is one of the most innovative areas in the world, as witnessed by the big number of startups and research centers. How can we find a balance between health research, technological innovation and patients’ data privacy? Chairwoman:​ ​Celia Guimaraes​, journalist at Rainews24 Chiara Sgarbossa​, Head of the Digital Innovation in Healthcare Observatory of Politecnico di Milano Alexander Zehnder​, CEO Sanofi Italia Roberto Ascione​, CEO Healtware International Mary Franzese​, CEO Neuron Guard Riccardo Porro​, Chief Operations Officer Cariplo Factory Sara Gandolfi​, Dana Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical School, Fellowship for abroad AIRC Alberto Scarpa​, CEO D-EYE Mattia De Rosa​, Cloud & Enterprise Director Microsoft Italy

11.30 Smart Money The bank of the future will probably be an invisible bank, mobile and fully customized. To date, in the world there are +750 startups in the FSI space, representing a strong, high potential sector with $14 Billion invested per year. Chairwoman:​ ​Celia Guimaraes​, journalist at Rainews24 Ivana Pais​, Associate Professor in Economic Sociology at Università Cattolica - co-founder Sharitaly Roberto Ferrari​, Chief Digital and Innovation Officer Mediobanca Group Matteo Concas​, General Manager N26 Alessandro Onano​, CMO Moneyfarm Matteo Rizzi​, Founder Fintech Stage Dario Giudici​, Co-Founder of SiamoSoci - Danilo Mazzara​, Accenture Strategy

14:00 Cyber Security Cyberthreat, cyberwarfare and cybercrime: how digital transformation is affecting our privacy, as well as our countries and organizations’ security Chairwoman: ​Celia Guimaraes​, Editor at Rainews24 Matteo Flora​, Founder Hermes Center for Transparency and Digital Humans Rights Alvise Biffi​, Vice-President Small Medium Enterprise Confindustria Giorgio Scarpelli​, CTO e Chief Innovation Officer NTT Data

15:00 Be Exponential A future of ten and praise. Which in the university years can reach thirty and praise. And that today rhymes necessarily with digital and social technologies and with an open approach, an enlarged vision. Also because 65% of today's students will do tomorrow jobs that do not exist yet, according to Microsoft's Tomorrow Jobs report. Exciting, interactive, engaging: here is the new teaching are increasingly declined towards multimedia to complete the training in and out of classrooms. Here then, even the great multinationals and SMEs of excellence begin to think of innovation in training. Grafting digital projects and bringing on board startups. Also to permanently cover the offer to all age brackets, in a logic of continuous training. At StartupItalia! Open Summit the recipes for training also entrepreneurial in these years connected. Chairman:​ ​Simone Cosimi​, freelance journalist at Wired, Vanity Fair and StartupItalia! Francesco del Sole​, Director of Education Division, Public Sector at Microsoft Donatella Solda*​, Director at Cabinet of MIUR Alessandro Rimassa​, Founder TAG Innovation School Miriam Cresta​, CEO Junior Achievement Italy Paolo De Nadai​, CEO Scuola Zoo Francesco Sacco​, SDA Bocconi professor – Vice-President Impara Digitale Corrado Ferretti​, President of PerMicro Chiara Burberi​, Founder Redooc Salvo Mizzi​, General Partner Principia

16.00 Smart & Sustainable Mobility Mobility is undergoing an era of extraordinary transformation: from innovative technologies to a new concept that combines speed to sustainability. You’ll discover and learn from those are rethinking mobility in the world. Chairman:​ ​Simone Cosimi​, freelance journalist at Wired, Vanity Fair and StartupItalia! Andrea Incondi​, CEO Flixbus Italy Carlo Tursi​, CEO Uber Italy Gabriele Gresta​, Co-Founder Hyperloop Andrea Saviane​, CEO Bla Bla Car Italy Francesco Inguscio​, CEO Nuvolab

Gallery (Frigoriferi Milanesi) training and expo

10.00 “#AMA do startups really need lawyers?” Host: ​Sibilla Ricciardi,​ Founder In2law

11.00 “Grow your business with Inbound marketing” 87 Host: ​Adib Mouchanan​, Partner Manager Hubspot

12.00 “La fiducia è il vero vantaggio competitivo” Host: ​Sergio Borra​, CEO Dale Carnegie

14.00 “Telegram for startups” Host: ​Rachele Zinzocchi​,

15.00 "Termsheet battle" Host: ​Joerg Rheinboldt​ - CEO Axel Springer Plug & Play

16.00 “Italia Startup Marketplace” Host: ​Eddy Fioretti​, CEO Cloud Desire (*) the program, time and speakers may be subject to change