Situation Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes

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University of Florida,. University of South. Florida, Florida State. University, Emory. University, Florida. A&M Uni
SCCAHS Logic Model





Agriculture is the most hazardous occupational sector nationally. Fishers face similarly high rates of injuries and death related to their work. Persons working in the AgFF sectors in the southern and coastal states of Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, and North Carolina face unique occupational safety and health challenges. The occupational risks for AgFF workers in the region are numerous. Farmworkers can be exposed to pesticides sprayed on crops and are at risk from injuries caused by tractors and other farm machinery, while fishers suffer frequent injuries laboring under hazardous conditions. In Florida and other southern states, the impact of heat stress on workers is also a significant factor affecting the health of AgFF workers

Funds, effort, and support from NIOSH

Provide leadership for successful implementation of the Center vision across all research projects and core.

A NIOSH Center focused on the unique environments and occupational communities of the region (i.e. regional farmworker communities, heatrelated illness, pesticide surveillance/ biomonitoring, and regional fishing communities).

Time and expertise of faculty, students, and staff at the University of Florida, University of South Florida, Florida State University, Emory University, Florida A&M University, and the University of the Virgin Islands Available infrastructure and support from upper administration at the aforementioned institutions. Established functional connections with AgFF operations, agencies and organizations across the region through the Land Grant System in Florida

Engage key stakeholders in relevant research, outreach, communication, and training activities. Implement an interdisciplinary network of synergistic projects within all four categories detailed in the FOA (basic/etiologic, intervention, translation, and surveillance) addressing strategic goals outlined in the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA). Monitor and evaluate project’s implementation Seminars, meetings website, list-serves, social media communications

An advisory board and an engaged network of stakeholders across the region. Educational materials, trainings, trainees and databases. Products and findings from the four Research Focus/Themes (i.e. Coastal seafood worker safety and health, heat stress, pesticide/herbicide exposure and culturally appropriate training)

Reports and publications

ASSUMPTIONS: The four Research Focus/Themes addressed by the Center target significant hazards for the health, safety, and productivity of farmworkers and fishers in the region.

Outcomes Short Term The Center will achieve a greater understanding of the main physical, chemical and biological hazards affecting the health and safety of AgFF workers in the region, as well as on preventive practices to mitigate the effects of those hazards. The Center will enhance its ability to translate and disseminate relevant scientific information to educate key stakeholders on the risks and preventive practices. AgFF stakeholders in the region will enhance their knowledge and awareness of the work of the Center, the risks of physical, chemical, and biological hazards to the health, safety, and productivity of workers, and the preventive practices that could be implemented to mitigate its effects.

Medium Term The Center will disseminate timely and relevant information on the risks and impacts of physical, chemical and biological hazards affecting the health and safety of AgFF workers in the region. The Center will educate and train AgFF stakeholders in the region on the preventive practices to mitigate the effects of different hazards on their health, safety and productivity.

Long Term Relevant and timely research and outreach initiatives are in place to mitigate the morbidity and mortality of physical, chemical and biological threats or hazards for AgFF workers in the region. Reduction in the incidence of injuries and disease associated with physical, chemical, and biological hazards affecting AgFF operations in the region.

NORA Goals Strategic Goal 1: Surveillance Strategic Goal 2: Vulnerable Workers Strategic Goal 3: Outreach, Communications, and Partnerships Strategic Goal 5: Agriculture Health Strategic Goal 8: Fishing Safety Strategic Goal 9: Fishing Health

The Center will lay the groundwork for future research on its four Research Focus/Themes. AgFF operations will utilize the information, practices, and materials generated by the Center to adopt preventive practices aimed at reducing the incidence of injuries and accidents of AgFF workers and at mitigating the impact of the different hazards on their productivity.

EXTERNAL FACTORS: The effects of climate change and variability, natural and humanmade disasters, other current and future programs and policy structures may positively or negatively affect the outcomes of this project.