Sizing Problems

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two-stage LS models with special demand distribu- tions, we can design more efficient algorithms. Specif- ically, section 3 provides an exact optimization.
Vol. 25, No. 12, December 2016, pp. 2116–2131 ISSN 1059-1478|EISSN 1937-5956|16|2512|2116

DOI 10.1111/poms.12602 © 2016 Production and Operations Management Society

Distributionally Robust Optimization of Two-Stage Lot-Sizing Problems Yuli Zhang Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China, [email protected]

Zuo-Jun Max Shen Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research, and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA, [email protected]

Shiji Song Department of Automation, TNList, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China, [email protected]

his paper studies two-stage lot-sizing problems with uncertain demand, where lost sales, backlogging and no backlogging are all considered. To handle the ambiguity in the probability distribution of demand, distributionally robust models are established only based on mean-covariance information about the distribution. Based on shortest path reformulations of lot-sizing problems, we prove that robust solutions can be obtained by solving mixed 0-1 conic quadratic programs (CQPs) with mean-risk objective functions. An exact parametric optimization method is proposed by further reformulating the mixed 0-1 CQPs as single-parameter quadratic shortest path problems. Rather than enumerating all potential values of the parameter, which may be the super-polynomial in the number of decision variables, we propose a branch-and-bound-based interval search method to find the optimal parameter value. Polynomial time algorithms for parametric subproblems with both uncorrelated and partially correlated demand distributions are proposed. Computational results show that the proposed models greatly reduce the system cost variation at the cost of a relative smaller increase in expected system cost, and the proposed parametric optimization method is much more efficient than the CPLEX solver.


Key words: distributionally robust optimization; two-stage lot-sizing; parametric search; demand correlation; mean-covariance History: Received: December 2014; Accepted: July 2016 by Panos Kouvelis, after 2 revisions.

1. Introduction Dynamic lot-sizing (DLS) is one of the most important problems in production planning, and has been extensively studied since the pioneering work of Wagner and Whitin (1958) and Manne (1958). Classical DLS determines production periods, when production will take place, and production quantities in these periods to satisfy known deterministic demand over T periods. In many applications, these two types of decisions are made at different time points. For example, the production on/off decisions are made in the planning stage before the demand is fully revealed, while the final production quantities are determined by customer orders. For example, consider a flexible production line facing uncertain demand. If the setup time for each product is long, then the setup decision and rough production quantities must be determined only based on estimated demand, and the final production quantities can be adjusted based on more accurate

demand information. Compared with the classical lot-sizing model, the proposed two-stage model also provides more flexility to adjust production quantities and robustness against the demand fluctuation. Twostage LS problems have been studied by Zhang (2011), Lia and Moralesa (2013) and Guan and Miller (2008) using minimax regret robust optimization (RO) and stochastic programming (SP) models. RO models assume that demand in each period can take any value in a given interval, which neglect other distribution information about demand, while SP models require an exact demand distribution, which is usually hard to obtain, and thus may lead to fragile solutions when the predefined distribution is inadequate. To enhance the robustness of solutions against the ambiguity in the probability distribution of demand, this paper studies distributionally robust models (DRMs) of two-stage lot-sizing (LS) problems. DRM describes the demand uncertainty by a distributional set, which is a set of probability distributions with specific properties. The selection of the distributional


Zhang, Shen, and Song: Robust Optimization of Two-Stage LS Problems Production and Operations Management 25(12), pp. 2116–2131, © 2016 Production and Operations Management Society

set is a key factor for the effectiveness and tractability of DRM. Various information has been used to construct the distributional set, such as exact first and second moments (Bertsimas et al. 2010, Mak et al. 2014, Popescu 2007, Scarf et al. 1958), inexact first and second moments (Delage and Ye 2010), directional deviations (Chen et al. 2007), probability measures (Ben-Tal et al. 2013, Klabjan et al. 2013) and conic representable confidence sets (Wiesemann et al. 2014). For our problems, we will show that the expectation of the second-stage cost function only depends on the first moment of the random demand. Thus, to describe the demand uncertainty, it is sufficient to consider a distributional set based on first moment information. Specifically, we restrict the first moment of demand to an ellipsoid of size e centered at an estimated mean, and its shape is controlled by an estimated covariance matrix. A tradeoff between robustness and the expected performance of the optimal solution can be made by adjusting the value of e. The proposed DRMs are min-max-min problems where the uncertainty lies in the right-hand side of inner constraints. Such problems are very hard to solve. For example, Bertsimas et al. (2010) show that min-max-min problems with exact first and second moments and the uncertainty in the right-hand side of inner constraints are NP-hard in general. Note that binary constraints make our problems even harder. However, by reformulating the inner minimization problems as shortest path problems, we show that robust solutions can be obtained by solving mixed 0-1 conic quadratic programs (CQPs). The objective function of the mixed 0-1 CQPs have interesting mean-risk structures, where the risk is measured by the standard deviation of the random system cost. Shortest path formulations are critical for deriving the equivalent mixed 0-1 CQPs and designing efficient solution methods. Shortest path formulations of LS problems with either backlogging (LS-B) or no backlogging (LS-NB) have been proposed by Evans (1985) and Pochet and Wolsey (1988), respectively. However, the shortest path formulation of the LS problem with lost sales (LS-LS) has not been reported although an OðT2 Þ time algorithm is proposed by (Aksen et al. 2003). LS-LS is first studied by Sandbothe and Thompson (1990). Since then, studies concentrate on designing efficient algorithms for LS-LS with more operational constraints, such as bounded production and inventory capacity (Sandbothe and Thompson 1993), lower bounded inventory (Loparic et al. 2001), bounded inventory and special cost structures (Chu and Chu 2008, Liu and Tu 2008, Liu et al. 2007), both loss sale and backlogging (Absi et al. 2011), and bounded inventory and general cost structures (Hwang et al. 2013). This study proposes a


shortest path formulation over a directed acyclic graph with T + 1 vertices for LS-LS with T periods. In general, mixed 0-1 CQPs can be solved by standard optimization software such as CPLEX using the branch-and-bound method, and valid inequalities have been developed to improve computational results (Atamt€ urk et al. 2012). However, our experiments show that as the problem size increases, CPLEX becomes quite inefficient. To address this issue, we propose an exact parametric optimization method (POM) by reformulating the mixed 0-1 CQPs into single-parameter parametric optimization problems (POPs). To solve POPs, effective parameter search methods and algorithms for parametric subproblems are developed. A direct method to find the optimal parameter value is the enumeration method, which is effective when the number of potential parameter values is small in problem size. There are many successful applications of this method, such as the productiontransportation problem (Tuy et al. 1993a,b, 1996), the stochastic inventory-transportation network design problem (Shu et al. 2005), the stochastic supply-chain design problem (Shen 2007) and the strategic location problem (Shen 2007). A closely related research is conducted by Nikolova et al. (2006), where an uncorrelated stochastic shortest path problem with a quasi-convex objective function is solved by the enumeration method. However, as we see later, there may be super-polynomial number of potential parameter values needed to be considered in our problems. Thus, the enumeration method may be inefficient. Besides the enumeration method, there are other parameter search methods based on problem properties. For example, Popescu (2007) shows that certain robust mean-covariance problems can be reformulated as single parameter maximization problems with continuous and unimodal objective functions, which can be solved efficiently. To avoid the enumeration, we exploit properties of our POPs and propose an effective branch-andbound-based interval search method. A lower bound of the objective function when the parameter belongs to a given interval can be obtained using the concavity of objective functions. A branch strategy is proposed to avoid probing of unnecessary parameter values. To speed up the parameter search, the initial interval is determined based on an estimation of optimal original solutions. The proposed interval search method has a clear geometric interpretation and can also be used to solve POPs with similar concave objective functions. Computational experiments show that the proposed method converges fast and only needs to solve very few number of parameter subproblems (no more than 10 in all the test instances).


Zhang, Shen, and Song: Robust Optimization of Two-Stage LS Problems Production and Operations Management 25(12), pp. 2116–2131, © 2016 Production and Operations Management Society

We further propose polynomial time algorithms for certain parametric subproblems. Note that the parametric subproblem with a general covariance matrix Σ is a quadratic shortest path problem, which is strongly NP-hard (Rostami et al. 2015). Thus we focus on parametric problems with uncorrelated and partially correlated demand distributions (UDD and PCDD). UDD models assume demand over different periods is uncorrelated, that is, Σ is diagonal. For such models, we propose OðT 2 Þ time algorithms for parametric subproblems of LS-LS, LS-B, and LS-NB. PCDD models allow demand correlations over adjacent periods, where Σ is tri-diagonal or five-diagonal. Although an algorithm proposed by Rostami et al. (2015) can solve our subproblems with a tri-diagonal Σ in OðT3 Þ time, by exploiting the special cost structure of our problems, we design OðT 2 Þ time algorithms for subproblems of both LS-LS with a tridiagonal Σ and LS-NB with a five-diagonal Σ. Both algorithms use the idea of constructing extended graphs. Rostami et al. (2015)’s algorithm introduces an auxiliary vertex for each pair of adjacent arcs in the original graph, while our algorithms only introduce an auxiliary vertex for each vertex. The main contributions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. We propose DRMs for two-stage LS problems with lost sales, backlogging and no backlogging. A shortest path formulation of the LS problem with lost sales is proposed. We show how to reformulate these problems as the mixed 0-1 CQPs with mean-risk objective functions and path constraints. 2. An effective parametric optimization method is proposed. A branch-and-bound-based interval search method is designed to solve our POPs. This method has a clear geometric interpretation and can be used to solve similar concave network minimization problems. Computational experiments show that it converges after testing very few parameter values. 3. We propose OðT2 Þ time algorithms for parametric subproblems of both LS-LS with a tridiagonal Σ and LS-NB with a five-diagonal Σ by constructing extended graphs. The rest of the study is organized as follows. In section 2, we present DRMs for two-stage LS problems with lost sales, backlogging and no backlogging, and derive equivalent mixed 0-1 CQPs. In section 3, we reformulate the mixed 0-1 CQPs into single parameter POPs. An effective branch-andbound-based interval search method and polynomial time algorithms for certain parametric subproblems are proposed. Section 4 reports

computational results. In section 5, we conclude with directions for future research.

2. Models and Reformulations 2.1. DRM for Two-Stage LS Problems Consider uncapacitated two-stage LS problems with random demand and zero lead-time. In the first stage, one needs to decide production periods when the production will take place before the realization of random demand. In the second stage, production quantities in each production period are determined based on known demand. For each period t 2 {1, 2, . . ., T}, we define the following notations: Dt dt ct pt ht pt

nonnegative random demand in period t and D ¼ ðD1 ; . . .; DT ÞT , a realization of Dt and d ¼ ðd1 ; . . .; dT ÞT , setup cost, unit production cost, P unit holding cost. Let hk ;t ¼ ti¼k hi , if t ≥ k; otherwise, hk ;t ¼ 0, penalty cost for unit lost sale or backlogging.

Let F be the joint probability distribution function of D. We assume that F is unknown but belongs to a predefined distributional set D. A distributional set is a collection of probability distributions with specific properties. The distributional set D will be specified in section 2.3. We consider the following DRM of two-stage LS problems: ! T X (DRM) min ct yt þ sup EF ½fðy; DÞ ; ð1Þ y2f0;1gT



where yt is the production on/off decision in period t and f(y, d) is the second-stage cost for given y and D = d. According to different treatments of the unsatisfied demand, three types of second-stage cost functions will be considered. When the unsatisfied demand leads to immediate loss sales, the second-stage cost function is given as follows: T X fLS ðy; dÞ ¼ min ðpt xt þ ht st þ pt Lt Þ x;s;L


s.t. st ¼ st1 þ xt  ðdt  Lt Þ; 1  t  T; ð2Þ xt  Myt ; 1  t  T; L t  dt ; xt ; st ; Lt  0; s0 ¼ 0;

1  t  T; 1  t  T;

where xt , st and Lt denote the production quantity, end-of-period inventory level and the amount of unmet demand in period t, respectively, and M is a sufficiently large positive number. If the demand is known before production on/off decisions are made, our DRM for two stage LS-LS reduces to the model studied by Aksen et al. (2003).

Zhang, Shen, and Song: Robust Optimization of Two-Stage LS Problems


Production and Operations Management 25(12), pp. 2116–2131, © 2016 Production and Operations Management Society

When backlogging is allowed, based on the formulation of LS problems with backlogging (LS-B) given by Pochet and Wolsey (1988), the second-stage cost function is given as follows: fB ðy; dÞ ¼ min x;s;r

T X ðpt xt þ ht st þ pt rt Þ t¼1

s.t. st  rt ¼ st1  rt1 þ xt  dt ; 1  t  T; xt  Myt ;

1  t  T;

xt ; st ; rt  0; s0 ¼ r0 ¼ sT ¼ rT ¼ 0; 1  t  T; ð3Þ where st and rt denote the stock and shortage in period t, respectively. Note that the LS with no backlogging (LS-NB) can be treated as a special case for both LS-LS and LS-B. The second-stage cost function fNB of LS-NB is equal to fLS with Lt ¼ 0 ð1  t  TÞ, or fB with rt ¼ 0 ð1  t  TÞ. 2.2. Reformulations of Second-Stage Cost Functions In this subsection, we give shortest path reformulations for second-stage cost functions of LS-LS, LS-B and LS-NB. We first give a facility location formulation for fLS . From Lemmas 1, 2 and 3 of Aksen et al. (2003), we know that when y is fixed, the demand in each period is either lost or fully satisfied by a single production made in a specific period. Let the binary variable wk;t 2 f0; 1g indicate whether dt is satisfied by a production made in period k, and let w0;t 2 f0; 1g indicate whether dt is lost where 1 ≤ k ≤ t ≤ T. Since the unsatisfied demand leads to immediate P loss sales and t backlogging is not allowed, we have k¼0 wk;t ¼ 1 for 1 ≤ t ≤ T. Therefore, we have the following result. For any y 2 f0; 1gT and d 2 RTþ , we have ( ) T t X X fLS ðy; dÞ ¼ min dt pt w0;t þ ðpk þ hk;t1 Þwk;t




t¼1 t X


fpk þ hk;t1 þ ð1  yk ÞMgg. If wk;t ¼ 1, then for any l 2 {1, . . ., t}, we have pk þ hk;t1  pl þ hl;t1 . Thus for any s = max{l, k}, . . ., t, we have pk þ hk;s1;  pl þ hl;s1 . Therefore, we have either wk;s ¼ 1 if pk þ hk;s1  ps , or w0;s ¼ 1 if pk þ hk;s1 [ ps . h By exploiting the special cost structure of LS-LS, the following theorem shows that problem (4) can be further reformulated as a shortest path problem in a directed acyclic graph G = (V, A), where V = {1, . . ., T + 1}, A ¼ A1 [ AZ , A1 ¼ fðk; tÞ : 1  k \ t  T þ 1g and AZ ¼ fðt; t þ 1Þ : t ¼ 1; . . .; Tg. Figure 1 gives an example of the graph G = (V, A) when T = 3. Note that there are two paralleled arcs between nodes k and k + 1 with different arc costs for any k = 1, . . ., T. We associate binary variables xk;t and zt with arcs ðk; tÞ 2 A1 and ðt; t þ 1Þ 2 AZ , respectively. The binary variable xk;t ¼ 1 indicates that the last period, in which the demand is satisfied by the production made in period k, is t, and zt ¼ 1 indicates that dt is lost. Note that when xk;t ¼ 1, it is possible that demand in a certain period s is also lost where k ≤ s ≤ t  1. For any y 2 f0; 1gT and d 2 RTþ , we have ! T t X Tþ1 X X dt hk;t xk;s þ pt zt fLS ðy; dÞ ¼ min




t¼1 Tþ1 X

k¼1 s¼tþ1

x1;t þ z1 ¼ 1;

t¼2 T X

xk;Tþ1 þ zT ¼ 1;

k¼1 t1 X

xk;t þ zt1 ¼


Tþ1 X

xt;s þ zt ; 2  t  T;


xk;t ; zk 2 f0; 1g;

1  k\t  T þ 1;

xk;t  yk ;

1  k\t  T þ 1; ð5Þ

where hk;t ¼ minfpk þ hk;t1 ; pt g for 1 ≤ k ≤ t ≤ T. Furthermore, for a given y 2 f0; 1gT , there exists an

wk;t ¼ 1; wk;t  yk ; 1  k  t  T;


w0;t ; wk;t 2 f0; 1g;

1  k  t  T: ð4Þ

Furthermore, there exists an optimal w , such that if wk;t ¼ 1 for some 1 ≤ k ≤ t ≤ T, then for any s 2 {k, k+1, ⋯, t  1}, we have either wk;s ¼ 1 or w0;s ¼ 1. PROOF. Since both the objective function and constraint sets PT of (4) are separate in t, we have fðy; dÞ ¼ where at ¼ minfpt ; min1  k  t t¼1 at dt ,

Figure 1 An Example of the Graph G = (V, A) when T = 3. There are two paralleled arcs between each pair of consecutive nodes

Zhang, Shen, and Song: Robust Optimization of Two-Stage LS Problems


Production and Operations Management 25(12), pp. 2116–2131, © 2016 Production and Operations Management Society

  optimal solution P PT PTþ1 ðx ; z Þ, such  that fLS ðy; dÞT ¼ t t¼1 dt k¼1 s¼tþ1 hk;t xk;s þ pt zt , for any d 2 Rþ .

PROOF. From the separability of Equation (4) in t, we have ( ) T t X X fLS ðy; dÞ ¼ min dt pt w0;t þ hk;t wk;t w

t¼1 t X



wk;t ¼ 1; wk;t  yk ;

1  k  t  T;


w0;t ; wk;t 2 f0; 1g;

1  k  t  T; ð6Þ

where hk;t ¼ minfpk þ hk;t1 ; pt g for 1 ≤ k ≤ t ≤ T, and there exists an optimal solution w of Equation (6), such that if wk;t ¼ 1 for some 1 ≤ k ≤ t ≤ T, then for s 2 {k, k + 1, . . ., t  1}, we have wk;s ¼ 1. From the definitions of zt and xk;t , we have w0;t ¼ zt and PTþ1 wk;t ¼ s¼tþ1 xk;s where 1 ≤ k ≤ t ≤ T. Therefore, we have the shortest path formulation (5). The desired optimal solution ðx ; z Þ is given as follows: for any 1 ≤ k < t ≤ T + 1, zk ¼ w0;k and xk;t ¼ wk;t1  wk;t , where wk;Tþ1 ¼ 0. h Pochet and Wolsey (1988) have provided facility location and shortest path formulations for LS-B. Using a similar analysis and Theorem 5 in Pochet and Wolsey (1988), we have the following theorem. The first four constraints are flow conservation constraints, and an illustration of the corresponding graph can be found in Pochet and Wolsey (1988). For any y 2 f0; 1gT and d 2 RTþ , we have

THEOREM 2. fB ðy;dÞ ¼ min





t1 X





T X s¼t

wk;s þ pt zt;t þ

T X k¼tþ1


t X

! vs;k


v1;s ¼ 1;

s¼1 T X

vk;s ¼

ws;k1 ;

2 k T;


s¼k k X

k1 X

vs;k ¼ zk;k ;

1 k T;


zk;k ¼


wk;s ;

1 k T;


vk;t ;wk;t ;zk;k 2 f0;1g;

1  k  t T;

zk;k  yk ; 1  k T; ð7Þ

P where alphak;t ¼ pk þ t1 l¼k hl for 1 ≤ k < t ≤ T and Pk1 bt;k ¼ pk þ l¼t pl for 1 ≤ t < k ≤ T. Furthermore, for a given y 2 f0; 1gT , there exists an optimal solution P P ðw ; z ; v Þ, such that fB ðy; dÞ ¼ Tt¼1 dt ð t1 k¼1 ak;t PT Pt PT    þ k¼tþ1 bt;k s¼1 vs;k Þ, for any s¼t wk;s þ pt zt;t d 2 RTþ . Since LS-NB is a special case of LS-LS, its shortest path formulation can be obtained from Equation (5) with zt ¼ 0 ð1  t  TÞ. Although replacing the binary constraints by nonnegative constraints in both (5) and (7) does not change optimal objective values due to the totally unimodularity of constraint matrices, our experiments show that formulations with binary constraints are more favourable for CPLEX. 2.3. Mixed 0-1 CQPs Theorems 1 and 2 show that when the setup decision y is fixed, optimal solutions of the second stage problems LS-LS, LS-B and LS-NB are only determined by the cost parameters and independent of the realization of the random demand. Since the second-stage functions, fLS ðy; dÞ, fB ðy; dÞ and fNB ðy; dÞ, are linear in d, the expectations of these second-stage cost functions only depend on the expected demand. Therefore, to deal with the demand uncertainty, it is sufficient to consider the distributional set with uncertain first moment. In this study, we suppose the first moment EF ½D of D belongs to an ellipsoid centered at an estimated mean l 2 RT . Therefore, the distribution function F of D belongs to the following distributional set: n o D ¼ F : ðEF ½D  lÞT R1 ðEF ½D  lÞ  2 ; ð8Þ where Σ is an estimation of the covariance matrix of D and e > 0 controls the size of D. In the following, we assume that l > 0, Σ is positive definite and K ¼ fx 2 RT : ðx  lÞT R1 ðx  lÞ  2 g  RTþ . In the distributional set D, l and Σ can be chosen as the sample mean and covariance. The selection of e relies on the estimation accuracy of the first moment. We will test the effect of the estimation accuracy on the performance of our models by numerical experiments in section 4. A data-driven method has been proposed by Delage and Ye (2010) to determine the value of e based on a set of M independent samples fdi gM i¼1 of D. In particular, suppose E½D ¼ l0 and CovðDÞ ¼ R0 . The Corollary 2 in Delage and Ye (2010) shows that for any d > 0, if ProbððD  l0 ÞT R1 0 ðD  l0 Þ 2  R Þ ¼ 1, then with probability greater than 1  d ^ÞT R1 over the choice of fdi gM 0 ðl0  i¼1 , we have ðl0  l P M 1 ^Þ  ðdÞ ^ ¼ M i¼1 ni l where l and ðdÞ ¼

Zhang, Shen, and Song: Robust Optimization of Two-Stage LS Problems


Production and Operations Management 25(12), pp. 2116–2131, © 2016 Production and Operations Management Society

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð2 þ 2 lnð1=dÞÞ2 . Corollary 4 in Delage and Ye (2010) further shows how to choose e when R and R0 are also unknown. With this distributional set, our original min-maxmin problems can be simplified into mixed 0-1 CQPs. Unlike results obtained by Delage and Ye (2010) for general min-max problems with moment uncertainty, our shortest path formulations enable us to further eliminate the first stage variable y. R2 M

THEOREM 3. If the distributional set D is given by Equation (8), then DRMs of two-stage LS-LS, LS-B and LSNB can be equivalently reformulated as the following mixed 0-1 CQPs: ðPLS Þ min r þ l q þ T

T X T þ1 X



t X Tþ1 X

hk;t xk;s þ pt zt ;


1  t  T;

qk  r; q 2 RT ; ðx; zÞ 2 DLS ;

ðPB Þ min r þ lT q þ



t1 X








wk;s þ pt zt;t

¼ max


qT EF ½D qT EF ½D:


t X


max ðq ÞT EF ½D 


where the path set DB of LS-B is defined by the first five constraints of problem (7), and

s.t. qt ¼

T X T þ1 X

ck xk;t

hk;t xk;s ;

kR1=2 qk  r; q 2 RT ;

x 2 DNB ;

ðxk;t 2 f0; 1g : 1  k\t  T þ 1Þ :


r;q;x;z;y T þ1 X t¼2



xk;t ¼

Tþ1 X s¼tþ1

xt;s ;

max qT EF ½D:


ðx;zÞ2XLS ðyÞ E½D2K


qT EF ½D 


max qT EF ½D ð12Þ

ðx;zÞ2XLS ðyÞ E½D2K

The other direction is straightforward from the minimax weak duality. pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Because of maxx2K qT x ¼  qT Rq þ lT q, the DRM of the two-stage LS-LS can be reformulated as

1  t  T;

where the path set DNB of LS-NB is defined by (

xk;Tþ1 ¼ 1;



k¼1 s¼tþ1

t1 X


From Equations (10) and (11), we have E½D2K ðx;zÞ2XLS ðyÞ

k¼1 t¼kþ1 t X T þ1 X

qT EF ½D ¼ max ðq ÞT EF ½D:


qk  r; q 2 R ; ðw; z; vÞ 2 DB ;



Since ðx ; z Þ 2 XLS ðyÞ, we have

vs;k ; 1  t  T;


ðPNB Þ min r þ lT q þ

Next, we interchange the order of the min-max operation in the last term of Equation (9) where XLS ðyÞ is a discrete (non-convex) set. Theorem 1 in Fan (1953) provides a sufficient and necessary condition for the equivalence between min-max problems and max-min problems. However, rather than checking the condition (2) in Fan (1953), we show the equivalence by using the existence of the optimal solution ðx ; z Þ, which is independent of d. In fact, since minðx;zÞ2XLS ðyÞ qT EF ½D ¼ ðq ÞT EF ½D, taking the maximum over E½D 2 K on both sides, we have E½D2K ðx;zÞ2XLS ðyÞ




ck zk;k


s.t. qt ¼



ck xk;t

where the path set DLS of LS-LS is defined by the first four constraints of problem (5),



F2D ðx;zÞ2XLS ðyÞ

E½D2K ðx;zÞ2XLS ðyÞ

k¼1 s¼tþ1


sup EF ½fLS ðy; DÞ ¼ sup

k¼1 t¼kþ1

s.t. qt ¼


PROOF. We first consider the DRM of two-stage the LS-LS. For a given y 2 f0; 1gT , let ðx ; z Þ be the optimal solution of problem (5), which is independent of d, and let XLS ðyÞ ¼ DLS \ fðx; zÞ : xk;t  yk ; 8 P 1  k \ t  T þ 1g. For any 1 ≤ t ≤ T, let qt ¼ tk¼1 PTþ1 P P t Tþ1  and qt ¼ s¼tþ1 hk;t xk;s þ pt zt k¼1 s¼tþ1 hk;t xk;s þ pt zt . From Theorem 1, it is easy to see EF ½fLS ðy; DÞ ¼ ðq ÞT EF ½D ¼ minðx;zÞ2XLS ðyÞ qT EF ½D since ðx ; z Þ is also an optimal solution of problem (5) with d ¼ EF ½D 2 RTþ . Thus, we have

qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi T X qT Rq þ lT q þ c k yk

s.t. qt ¼

x1;t )

82  t  T :

k¼1 t X Tþ1 X

hk;t xk;s þ pt zt ; 1  t  T;

k¼1 s¼tþ1

xk;t  yk ;

1  k\t  T þ 1 T

q 2 R ; ðx; zÞ 2 DLS ; y 2 f0; 1g : T



Zhang, Shen, and Song: Robust Optimization of Two-Stage LS Problems Production and Operations Management 25(12), pp. 2116–2131, © 2016 Production and Operations Management Society

Finally, we show there exists an optimal solution P of problem (13), such that yk ¼ Tþ1 t¼kþ1 xk;t for all 1 ≤ k ≤ T. Indeed, it is easy to show that for any feasible solution (r, q, x, z, y) of problem (13), due to PTþ1 the path constraints, we have t¼kþ1 xk;t 2 f0; 1g. If PTþ1 x ¼ 0, it is optimal to set yk ¼ 0; othert¼kþ1 k;t wise, we must have yk ¼ 1. Replacing yk with PTþ1 t¼kþ1 xk;t in problem (13) gives ðPLS Þ. Using a similar analysis, we have equivalent ðPB Þ and ðPNB Þ for DRMs of the two-stage LS-B and LSNB, respectively. h The equivalent mixed 0-1 CQPs show how the mean-covariance information affects optimal decisions. Objective functions of the mixed 0-1 CQPs have mean-risk structures, where the risk is measured by the standard deviation of the random system cost. The parameter e plays a role of the weight on the risk. The mixed 0-1 CQPs can be solved by the branchand-bound method based on conic quadratic relaxation and valid inequalities as suggested in Atamt€ urk et al. (2012). However, by exploiting the properties of two-stage LS models with special demand distributions, we can design more efficient algorithms. Specifically, section 3 provides an exact optimization method for DRMs with the uncorrelated demand distribution (UDD) or partially correlated demand distribution (PCDD). In the first model, the demand distributions over different periods are assumed to be uncorrelated, that is, R ¼ Diagðr1;1 ; . . .; rT;T Þ. In the second model, we allow demand correlations between adjacent periods, that is, Σ is a tri-diagonal matrix (Ri;j ¼ 0 for all |i  j| 2) or a five-diagonal matrix (Ri;j ¼ 0 for all |i  j| 3).

3. Parametric Optimization Method This section proposes a parametric optimization method (POM) to solve the mixed 0-1 CQPs. In order to find a parametric subproblem, such that its optimal solutions are also optimal for the original problem, POM searches in the parameter space and solves a series of relatively easy parametric subproblems. POM has been used to solve many optimization problems. For example, Shu et al. (2005) and Shen and Qi (2007) use this method to solve the stochastic inventory-transportation network design problem and the strategic location problem, respectively. For these problems, the number of potential parameter values is polynomial in the problem size, and the corresponding parametric subproblems are easy to solve. Thus, they propose polynomial time algorithms by systematically enumerating all the potential parameter values. However, as we see later, in our problems, there may be super-polynomial number of potential

parameter vales, and the difficulty in solving the parametric subproblems depends on the structure of Σ. In section 3.1, we formulate equivalent POPs for the mixed 0-1 CQPs. In section 3.2, an effective interval search method is proposed to avoid the enumeration of all potential parameter values. Although the proposed method is applicable to the mixed 0-1 CQPs with any positive definite matrix Σ, in general the resulted parametric subproblems may be difficult to solve. Thus, in sections 3.3 and 3.4, we provide polynomial time algorithms for parameter subproblems of UDD and PCDD models. 3.1. Parametric Optimization Problem We show how to reformulate ðPLS Þ as a POP. A similar analysis applies to ðPB Þ and ðPNB Þ. For any ðx; zÞ 2 DLS , let ax;z ¼ 2 qT Rq and bx;z ¼ P P Pt PTþ1 T where qt ¼ l q þ Tk¼1 Tþ1 t¼kþ1 ck xk;t , k¼1 s¼tþ1 hk;t xk;s þ pt zt for t = 1, . . ., T. Define a discrete set H ¼ fðax;z ; bx;z Þ : ðx; zÞ 2 DLS g and a bivariate conpffiffiffi cave function hða; bÞ ¼ a þ b. Thus, ðPLS Þ can be reformulated as: min hðax;z ; bx;z Þ ¼ min hða; bÞ ¼





hða; bÞ;

where the last equation uses the concavity of h. To solve this concave minimization problem, we need to enumerate all the extreme points of conv(H). These extreme points can be obtained by solving the following parametric subproblems: ðP;c Þ


ða;bÞ2convðHÞ 2

a þ cb ¼ min ax;z þ cbx;z ; ðx;zÞ2DLS

8ð; cÞ 2 R :

Thus, to solve ðPLS Þ, it is equivalent to select a proper parameter ð ; c Þ. In fact, if we know an optimal solution ðx ; z Þ of ðPLS Þ, the desired parameter ð ; c Þ can be selected as ðrhðax ; z ; bx ; z ÞÞT 1 ¼ ð2pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ax ;z ; 1Þ. This property has been used in the parametric optimization method, such as Shu et al. (2005) and Shen and Qi (2007). The following lemma gives this property formally. LEMMA 2. Suppose x 2 arg minffðxÞ : x 2 X  Rn g. If f : Rn ! R is a concave function, then x 2 arg minx2X frfðx ÞT xg; if f(x) is strictly concave, then fx g ¼ arg minx2X frfðx ÞT xg. PROOF. Define an affine function gðxÞ ¼ fðx Þ þ rfðx ÞT ðx  x Þ. Due to the concavity of f, for any x 2 X, we have gðxÞ  fðxÞ  fðx Þ ¼ gðx Þ. Therefore, x 2 arg minx2X gðxÞ ¼ arg minx2X frfðx ÞT xg. If

Zhang, Shen, and Song: Robust Optimization of Two-Stage LS Problems


Production and Operations Management 25(12), pp. 2116–2131, © 2016 Production and Operations Management Society

f is strictly concave, for any x 2 X and x 6¼ x , we have gðxÞ [ fðxÞ  fðx Þ ¼ gðx Þ. h Based on Lemma 2, we only need to consider the extreme points of conv(H) corresponding to the following parametric subproblems with k > 0: ðP Þ



a þ b ¼ min ax;z þ bx;z : ðx;zÞ2DLS

We may expect that the number of such extreme points of conv(H) is polynomial in T. Unfortunately, even for the UDD Model, we will see that ðP Þ is a parametric shortest path problem with T + 1 vertices, and Carstensen (1983) and Mulmuley and Shah (2000) prove that for such problems, the number may be THðlog TÞ . Thus, methods based on the enumeration of extreme points may not work efficiently for our problems. To address this issue, we consider the following problem: min min hða ; b Þ;  [ 0 ða ;b Þ2U

wherepUffiffiffi is the set of optimal solutions of ðP Þ. Since x is strictly concave over (0, +∞), it is easy to see that there exists a desired  , such that ða ; b Þ is the unique optimal solution of (P ), i.e., U ¼ fða ; b Þg. Thus, with a little abuse of notation, it is sufficient to consider the following POP: (POP)

min hða ; b Þ; [0

where ða ; b Þ is any optimal solution of (P ). In next subsection, we will exploit the concavity of our problems and propose an effective parameter search method to avoid the enumeration of all extreme points of conv(H). 3.2. Interval Search Method The proposed interval search method is based on the branch and bound. Specifically, for a given interval ½1 ; 2 , where 0 \ 1 \ 2 , it calculates a lower bound of hða ; b Þ over this interval, and partitions this interval into two subintervals ½1 ; 3  and ½3 ; 2 . The following Lemma 3 shows how to obtain the lower bound and 3 . LEMMA 3.

For any 0 \ 1 \ 2 , we have that

(1) a1  a2 and b1  b2 . If a1 ¼ a2 , then b1 ¼ b2 , and vice versa. b b (2) If a1 6¼ a2 , let 3 ¼ a2  a1 , then 1  3  2 . 1 2 If there is an extreme point ða0 ; b0 Þ of conv(H) between ða1 ; b1 Þ and ða2 ; b2 Þ, such that 1 \ 0 \ 2 , then neither ða1 ; b1 Þ nor ða2 ; b2 Þ is an optimal solution of ðP3 Þ. (3) min hða ; b Þ  min hðai ; bi Þ, where 1    2


a 0 ¼ b0 ¼

2 a2 þ b2  1 a1  b1 2  1 1 2 ða1  a2 Þ þ 2 b1  1 b2 . 2  1


PROOF. From the definition of ða ; b Þ, we have 1 a2 þ b2  1 a1 þ b1 and 2 a1 þ b1  2 a2 þ b2 . Therefore, we have 1 ða2  a1 Þ  b1  b2  2 ða2  a1 Þ, which gives property (1). If a1 6¼ a2 , from a1  a2 [ 0, we have 1 

b2  b1 a1  a2

 2 . Since ða0 ; b0 Þ is an extreme point

of conv(H) between ða1 ; b1 Þ and ða2 ; b2 Þ, it locates strictly below the line A1 A2 ¼ fðx; yÞ : 3 x þ y ¼ 3 a1 þ b1 g. Therefore, 3 a0 þ b0 \ 3 a1 þ b1 ¼ 3 a2 þ b2 , which indicates that neither ða1 ; b1 Þ nor ða2 ; b2 Þ is an optimal solution of ðP3 Þ. For any 1    2 , from its definition, ða ; b Þ is a point on the boundary of conv(H). Thus the minimum value of hða ; b Þ over ½1 ; 2  is obtained at some points on the boundary of conv(H) between ða1 ; b1 Þ and ða2 ; b2 Þ (see Figure 2). Note that for any (x, y) 2 conv(H), we have 1 x þ y  1 a1 þ b1 and 2 x þ y  2 a2 þ b2 . Therefore, a lower bound of hða ; b Þ over ½1 ; 2  can be obtained by minimizing h(x, y) over the triangle A0 A1 A2 , where A (i = 0, 1, 2) and i ¼ ðai ; bi Þ ða0 ; b0 Þ ¼ 2 a2 þ b2  1 a1  b1 2  1


1 2 ða1  a2 Þ þ 2 b1  1 b2 2  1



intersection point of 1 x þ y ¼ 1 a1 þ b1 and 2 x þ y ¼ 2 a2 þ b2 . Due to the concavity of h, we have property (3). h To improve the efficiency of the proposed method, the initial interval (0, +∞) can be further reduced to a smaller interval. Specifically, since 0 \   1, we have a0  a  a1 , where ða0 ; b0 Þ and ða1 ; b1 Þ are optimal solutions of ðP0 Þ and ðP1 Þ, respectively. From Figure 2 Lower and Upper Bounds of hðak ; bk Þ over ½k1 ; k2 

Zhang, Shen, and Song: Robust Optimization of Two-Stage LS Problems


Production and Operations Management 25(12), pp. 2116–2131, © 2016 Production and Operations Management Society

Lemma 1, it is sufficient to search over ½min ; max , ffi p1ffiffiffi where min ¼ 2p1ffiffiffiffi a1 and max ¼ 2 a0 . Algorithm 1 outlines the proposed interval search method.

where j3k;t ðÞ ¼

3. Interval selection: Select and delete an active interval ½1 ; 2  from I. b  b 4. Pruning: If a1 ¼ a2 , goto Step 2. Let 3 ¼ a2  a 1 . If 3 ¼ 1 or 1 2  goto Step 2, where a ¼ 2 a2 þ b2  1 a1  b1 2 , or hða0 ; b0 Þ  h, 0 2  1

2 rs;s b2s;k Þ and

Suppose there are N extreme points between ðamin ; bmin Þ and ðamax ; bmax Þ. The property (2) in Lemma 3 shows that in the worst case the proposed interval search method at most tests 2N  1 points before finding an optimal  . Therefore, we have the following theorem. THEOREM 4. If for any k ≥ 0, the parametric subproblem ðP Þ can be solved, then the interval search method finds an optimal  after solving finite parametric subproblems. 3.3. Parametric Subproblems of the UDD Models In this subsection, we show that for a given k > 0, the parametric subproblems of the UDD models are equivalent to single source single destination shortest path problems in directed acyclic graphs with OðTÞ vertices. In particular, the graphs corresponding to the parametric subproblems of ðPLS Þ, ðPB Þ and ðPNB Þ have T + 1, 3T and T + 1 vertices, respectively. Thus, all these parametric problems can be solved in OðT 2 Þ time by dynamic programming. PROPOSITION 1. When R ¼ Diagðr1;1 ; . . .; rT;T Þ, parametric subproblems of ðPLS Þ, ðPB Þ and ðPNB Þ are equivalent to the following shortest path problems: ðPLS; Þ( min

T X Tþ1 X

j1k;t ðÞxk;t þ


) j2t ðÞzt : ðx; zÞ 2 DLS ;


k¼1 t¼kþ1


Pt1 2

where j1k;t ðÞ ¼ ck þ s¼k ls hk;s þ  and j2t ðÞ ¼ lt pt þ 2 rt;t p2t , ( T1 T T P P P j3k;t ðÞwk;t þ j4t ðÞzt;t ðPB; Þ min k¼1 t¼kþ1


T X k1 X k¼1 t¼1

j5k;t ðÞvt;k

2 s¼k rs;s hk;s



: ðw; z; vÞ 2 DB ;


ðPNB; Þ min

  ls ak;s þ 2 rs;s a2k;s , j4t ðÞ ¼ Pk1  and j5k;t ðÞ ¼ s¼t ls bs;k þ

T X T þ1 X

) j1k;t ðÞxk;t

: x 2 DNB :

k¼1 t¼kþ1

PROOF. We first transform the parametric subproblem of ðPLS Þ into a shortest path problem. For any 1 ≤ t ≤ T, we have ! ! t X Tþ1 t X Tþ1 X X 2 qt ¼ hk;t xk;s þ pt zt hl;t xl;s þ pt zt l¼1 s¼tþ1

k¼1 s¼tþ1

  ða  a Þ þ  b   b

and b0 ¼ 1 2 1 22  12 1 1 2 . 5. Branching: Solve ðP3 Þ to obtain ða3 ; b3 Þ. If points ðai ; bi Þ,  update i = 1, 2, 3, are co-linear, goto Step 2. If hða3 ; b3 Þ \ h, h ¼ hða3 ; b3 Þ,  ¼ 3 and I ¼ I [ f½1 ; 3 ; ½3 ; 2 g, goto Step 2.


ct þ lt pt þ 2 rt;t p2t

Algorithm 1 Interval search method for (POP) 1. Initialization: Initialize the set of active intervals as I ¼ f½min ; max g. Solve ðPmin Þ and ðPmax Þ to obtain ðamin ; bmin Þ and ðamax ; bmax Þ. Set the incumbent solution  ¼ arg min fhða ; b Þ :  ¼ min or max g and the upper bound h ¼ hða; bÞ.  2. Termination: If I = ∅, then return the incumbent solution .



t X Tþ1 X

h2k;t xk;s þ p2t zt ;

k¼1 s¼tþ1

where we use the fact that for any 1 ≤ k,l ≤ t and t + 1 ≤ s,s ≤ T + 1, we have zt xk;s ¼ 0, and xk;s xl;s ¼ 0 if either k 6¼ l or s 6¼ s. Thus, we have qT Rq ¼


rt;t q2t ¼


T X Tþ1 X t1 X

rs;s h2k;s xk;t þ


rt;t p2t zt :


k¼1 t¼kþ1 s¼k

Therefore, the objective function of the parametric subproblem of ðPLS Þ can be simplified as 2 qT Rq þ lT q þ ¼

T X T þ1 X

T X T þ1 X k¼1 t¼kþ1

j1k;t ðÞxk;t þ

k¼1 t¼kþ1

ck xk;t T X

j2t ðÞzt ;


P Pt1 2 2 where ¼ ck þ t1 s¼k ls hk;s þ  s¼k rs;s hk;s 2 2 2 and jt ðÞ ¼ lt pt þ  rt;t pt . Using a similar analysis, for the parametric subproblem of ðPB Þ, we have j1k;t ðÞ

qT Rq ¼


rt;t q2t



T 1 X T t X X k¼1 t¼kþ1 s¼kþ1 T X k1 X k1 X


rs;s a2k;s wk;t þ


rt;t p2t zt;t


rs;s b2s;k vt;k :

k¼1 t¼1 s¼t

Therefore, the parametric subproblem of ðPB Þ can also be reformulated as a shortest path problem. The shortest path reformulation of the parametric subproblem of ðPNB Þ can be obtained by removing z from ðPLS;  Þ. h Proposition 1 shows that for a given k > 0, ðPLS;  Þ, ðPB;  Þ and ðPNB;  Þ can be solved as shortest path problems in directed acyclic graphs, where the cost on each arc is a piecewise affine function of k.

Zhang, Shen, and Song: Robust Optimization of Two-Stage LS Problems


Production and Operations Management 25(12), pp. 2116–2131, © 2016 Production and Operations Management Society

It is known that there exists a parametric shortest path problem with n vertices and its arc costs being linear functions in a parameter, such that it has nHðlog nÞ different shortest paths when the parameter varies over R (see Carstensen 1983, Mulmuley and Shah 2000). Therefore, even for the UDD models, the enumeration method may need to test super-polynomial number of parameter values before finding an optimal  . 3.4. Parametric Subproblems of the PCDD Models Note that the parametric subproblem with a general covariance matrix Σ is a quadratic shortest path problems, which is strongly NP-hard (Rostami et al. 2015). Thus, in this subsection, we focus on developing polynomial time algorithms for parametric subproblems of the PCDD models where Σ is tri-diagonal or five-diagonal. The PCDD models are useful when the random demand between adjacent periods shows a strong correlation. An OðT 3 Þ time algorithm has been developed by Rostami et al. (2015) to solve quadratic shortest path problem only considering correlation between adjacent arcs. Rostami et al. (2015)’s algorithm uses the idea of constructing an equivalent shortest path problem on an extended graph. Rostami et al. (2015) introduce an auxiliary vertex for each pair of adjacent arcs in the original graph, and thus construct an extended graph with OðT3 Þ arcs. However, by exploiting the special cost structure of the parametric subproblems of ðPLS Þ and ðPNB Þ, the number of adjacent arcs are substantially reduced in the following Lemmas 4 and 5. Furthermore, we construct extended graphs with only OðT 2 Þ arcs by only introducing an auxiliary vertex for each vertex in the original graph. Therefore, we can design OðT 2 Þ time algorithms for our parametric subproblems of ðPLS Þ with a tri-diagonal Σ and ðPNB Þ with a five-diagonal Σ. We first consider the parametric subproblem of ðPLS Þ with a tri-diagonal Σ. LEMMA 4. When Σ is a tri-diagonal matrix, the parametric subproblem of ðPLS Þ is equivalent to the following quadratic shortest path problem: ( T T Tþ1 P 7 P P j6k ðÞzk þ jk;t ðÞxk;t min k¼1


T1 X k¼1

ek zk zkþ1 þ

k¼1 t¼kþ1

T 1 X T X


mk;t xk;t zt : ðx; zÞ 2 DLS ;

k¼1 t¼kþ1

where j6k ðÞ ¼ lk pk þ uk for 1 ≤ k ≤ T, j7k;t ðÞ ¼ ck P þ t1 s¼k ls hk;s þ bk;t for 1 ≤ k < t ≤ T + 1 and parameters b, u, e, m are defined in the proof.


We first simplify the following cross term: ! t X T þ1 X hk;t xk;s þ pt zt qt qtþ1 ¼ k¼1 s¼tþ1 tþ1 X T þ1 X


hl;tþ1 xl;s þ ptþ1 ztþ1 :

l¼1 s¼tþ2

For any 1 ≤ t ≤ T  1, we have ! ! t X T þ1 tþ1 X Tþ1 X X hk;t xk;s hl;tþ1 xl;s l¼1 s¼tþ2

k¼1 s¼tþ1


t X

hk;t htþ1;tþ1 xk;tþ1

T þ1 X

t X Tþ1 X

xtþ1;s þ



hk;t hk;tþ1 xk;s

k¼1 s¼tþ2

ð14Þ ¼ htþ1;tþ1 þ

t X

t X

k¼1 Tþ1 X

hk;t xk;tþ1  htþ1;tþ1 ztþ1

t X

hk;t xk;tþ1


hk;t hk;tþ1 xk;s ;


k¼1 s¼tþ2

where Equation (14) uses the fact that for any 1 ≤ l ≤ t and t + 2 ≤ s ≤ T + 1, xk;tþ1 xl;s ¼ 0 and for any 1 ≤ k ≤ t, 1 ≤ l ≤ t + 1 and t + 2 ≤ s,s ≤ T + 1, xk;s xl;s ¼ 0 if either k 6¼ l or s 6¼ s, Pand Equation (15) uses the fact that xk;tþ1 Tþ1 s¼tþ2 xtþ1;s; ¼ xk;tþ1 ð1  ztþ1 Þ: Similarly, we have pt zt

tþ1 X Tþ1 X

! hl;tþ1 xl;s

l¼1 s¼tþ2

Tþ1 X

¼ htþ1;tþ1 pt zt



¼ htþ1;tþ1 pt zt  htþ1;tþ1 pt zt ztþ1 ;

and t X Tþ1 X

! hk;t xk;s ptþ1 ztþ1 ¼ ptþ1 ztþ1

k¼1 s¼tþ1

t X

hk;t xk;tþ1 :


Therefore, we have T1 X

rt;tþ1 qt qtþ1 ¼

t¼1 T 1 X Tþ1 X t2 X


þ þ

k¼1 t¼kþ2 s¼k T 1 X

T1 X T X

rt1;t ht;t hk;t1 xk;t

k¼1 t¼kþ1

rs;sþ1 hk;s hk;sþ1 xk;t þ

rt;tþ1 pt ðptþ1 t¼1 T1 X T1 X

T1 X

rt;tþ1 htþ1;tþ1 pt zt


 htþ1;tþ1 Þzt ztþ1

rt;tþ1 hk;t ðptþ1  htþ1;tþ1 Þxk;tþ1 ztþ1 :

k¼1 t¼k

After introducing auxiliary parameters b, u, e and m, we have

Zhang, Shen, and Song: Robust Optimization of Two-Stage LS Problems


Production and Operations Management 25(12), pp. 2116–2131, © 2016 Production and Operations Management Society

 q Rq ¼ 2 T



rtt qt qt þ 2




T1 X

~ when T = 3. The costs Figure 3 An Example of the Extended Graph G on dashed arcs are modified to incorporate quadratic cost terms

rt;tþ1 qt qtþ1


T X Tþ1 X

bk;t xk;t þ

k¼1 t¼kþ1 T1 X T X



uk zk þ


T 1 X


ek zk zkþ1




mk;t xk;t zt ;

k¼1 t¼kþ1

bk;kþ1 ¼ 2 rk;k h2k;k þ 22 rk;kþ1 hk;k hkþ1;kþ1 for P 1 ≤ k ≤ T  1, bT;Tþ1 ¼ 2 rT;T h2T;T , bk;t ¼ 2 t1 s¼k rs;s Pt2 2 2 2 hk;s þ 2 for s¼k rs;sþ1 hk;s hk;sþ1 ; þ 2 rt1;t hk;t1 ht;t PT 2 1 ≤ k ≤ T  1 and k + 2 ≤ t ≤ T, bk;Tþ1 ¼  s¼k P rs;s h2k;s þ 22 T1 for 1 ≤ k ≤ T  1; s¼k rs;sþ1 hk;s hk;sþ1 uT ¼ 2 rT;T p2T , uk ¼ 2 rkk p2k þ 22 rk;kþ1 pk hkþ1;kþ1 for 1 ≤ k ≤ T  1; ek ¼ 22 rk;kþ1 pk ðpkþ1  hkþ1;kþ1 Þ for 1 ≤ k ≤ T  1, eT ¼ 0; mk;t ¼ 22 rt1;t hk;t1 ðpt  ht;t Þ and 1 ≤ k < t ≤ T, and mk;Tþ1 ¼ 0 for 1 ≤ k ≤ T. Therefore, the objective function of the parametric subproblem of ðPLS Þ can be simplified as follows ! T T X Tþ1 t1 X X X ðlk pk þ uk Þzk þ ck þ ls hk;s þ bk;t xk;t where



T 1 X k¼1

k¼1 t¼kþ1

ek zk zkþ1 þ

T1 X T X



1’ 2’


by dashed lines to emphasize that their costs are modified to incorporate quadratic cost terms. PROPOSITION 2. When Σ is a tri-diagonal matrix, an optimal solution of the parametric subproblem of ðPLS Þ can be obtained in OðT2 Þ time by solving the shortest ~ path problem from vertex 0 to vertex T + 1 in G.


vk;t xk;t zt :


k¼1 t¼kþ1

Note that the parametric subproblem of ðPLS Þ is a quadratic shortest path problem from vertex 1 to vertex T + 1 in graph G = (V, A); see Figure 1. Based on Lemma 4, we will construct an extended directed acyc~ ¼ ðV; ~ with 2(T + 1) vertices and ~ AÞ lic graph G 2 T þ 2T þ 1 arcs, and show that the parametric subproblem of ðPLS Þ is equivalent to a shortest path prob~ The vertex set of G ~ is V ~ ¼ f0g [ V [ V 0 , lem in G. 0 0 0 ~ is where V ¼ f1 ; . . .; T g. The arc set of G ~ A ¼ A0 [ A1 [ A2 [ A3 [ A4 , where A0 ¼ fð0; 1Þ; ð0; 10 Þg, A2 ¼ fð1; 20 Þ; ð1; 30 Þ; . . .; ð1; T 0 Þ; ð2; 30 Þ; ð2; 40 Þ; . . .; ð2; T 0 Þ; . . .; ðT  1; T0 Þg and A3 ¼ ð10 ; 2Þ; ð20 ; 3Þ; . . .; ðT 0 ; T þ 1Þg and A4 ¼ fð10 ; 20 Þ; ð20 ; 30 Þ; ~ is . . .; ððT  1Þ0 ; T0 Þg. The cost on the arc ðk; tÞ 2 A defined as 8 0; > > Pt1 > > < ck þ s¼k ls hk;s þ bk;t ; P dk;t ¼ ck þ t1 s¼k ls hk;s þðbk;t þ mk;t Þ; > > > l p þ uk ; k > k : lk pk þ ðuk þ ek Þ;

if ðk;tÞ 2 A0 ; if ðk;tÞ 2 A1 ; if ðk;t0 Þ 2 A2 ; if ðk0 ;k þ 1Þ 2 A3 ; if ðk0 ;ðk þ 1Þ0 Þ 2 A4 :

~ Figure 3 gives an example of the extended graph G when T = 3, where the arcs in A2 and A4 are denoted

PROOF. We first show that for any path P from 1 to ~ T + 1 in G, there exists a path Q from 0 to T+1 in G with the same path cost. Let P ¼ fðk1 ; k2 Þ; ðk2 ; k3 Þ; ; ðkm ; T þ 1Þg be a path in G where k1 ¼ 1. ~ is defined as Q ¼ fð0; l1 Þ; ðl1 ; l2 Þ; The path Q in G ; ðlm ; T þ 1Þg where for each i = 1,⋯,m, if ðki ; kiþ1 Þ 2 A1 , we have li ¼ ki ; otherwise, li ¼ ðki Þ0 . It is easy to check that both P and Q have the same path cost. Using a similar construction, we can also show ~ there that for any path Q from 0 to T + 1 in G, exists a path P from 1 to T + 1 in G with the same path cost. Thus, an optimal solution of the parametric subproblem of ðPLS Þ corresponds to a shortest path problem from vertex 0 to vertex T + 1 in ~ G. Note that the order 0; 1; 10 ; . . .; T; T 0 ; T þ 1 is a topological order of this extended graph. Therefore, the shortest path problem from vertex 0 to vertex ~ can be solved in OðT2 Þ time by dynamic T + 1 in G ~ programming in G. h Next we consider the parametric subproblem of ðPNB Þ with Σ being a tri-diagonal or five-diagonal matrix. Since LS-NB is a special case of LS-LS, the parametric subproblem of ðPNB Þ with a tri-diagonal Σ can also been solved in OðT2 Þ. In fact, the special structure of LS-NB enables us to solve the parametric subproblem of ðPNB Þ with a five-diagonal matrix Σ

Zhang, Shen, and Song: Robust Optimization of Two-Stage LS Problems


Production and Operations Management 25(12), pp. 2116–2131, © 2016 Production and Operations Management Society

(that is, for any |i  j| 3, Ri;j ¼ 0) in OðT2 Þ. The following lemma shows that the parametric subproblem of ðPNB Þ with a five-diagonal Σ corresponds to a special quadratic shortest path problem. LEMMA 5. When Σ is a five-diagonal matrix, the parametric subproblem of ðPNB Þ is equivalent to the following quadratic shortest path problem: (   T Tþ1 tP 1 P P ck þ ls hk;s þ qk;t xk;t min k¼1 t¼kþ1


T 2 X T1 X



xk;t xk;t xt;tþ1 : x 2 DNB ;

k¼1 t¼kþ1

where parameters q and x are defined in the proof. P P  t Tþ1 P ROOF. Note that q q ¼ h x t tþ1 k;t k;s k¼1 s¼tþ1 P P  tþ1 Tþ1 l¼1 s¼tþ2 hl;tþ1 xl;s . From Equation (14) and P using the fact that xk;tþ1 Tþ1 s¼tþ2 xtþ1;s ¼ xk;tþ1 , we have that t t X T þ1 X X qt qtþ1 ¼ hk;t htþ1;tþ1 xk;tþ1 þ hk;t hk;tþ1 xk;s : k¼1 s¼tþ2


ð16Þ Furthermore, for any 1 ≤ t ≤ T  2, we have ! ! t X Tþ1 tþ2 X Tþ1 X X hk;t xk;s hl;tþ2 xl;s qt qtþ2 ¼ ¼

hk;t xk;tþ1 htþ1;tþ2




T þ1 X

xtþ2;s þ


þ ¼

t X

Tþ1 X

hk;t xk;tþ2 htþ2;tþ2

! xtþ2;s



t X Tþ1 X

Tþ1 X


hk;t hk;tþ2 xk;s

k¼1 s¼tþ3

  hk;t xk;tþ1 htþ1;tþ2 ð1  xtþ1;tþ2 Þ þ htþ2;tþ2 xtþ1;tþ2



t X

hk;t htþ2;tþ2 xk;tþ2 þ

t X Tþ1 X

hk;t hk;tþ2 xk;s ;


k¼1 s¼tþ3


where Equation (17) is obtained using a similar analysis to Equation P (14), and Equation (18) uses the fact that xk;tþ1 Tþ1 s¼tþ3 xtþ1;s ¼ xk;tþ1 ð1  xtþ1;tþ2 Þ, xk;tþ1

T þ1 X s¼tþ3

T þ1 X

xtþ2;s ¼ xk;tþ1 xtþ1;tþ2



¼ xk;tþ1 xtþ1;tþ2 ;

P and xk;tþ2 Tþ1 . Based s¼tþ3 xtþ2;s ¼ xk;tþ2P P on 2Equations (16) and (18) and qt qt ¼ tk¼1 Tþ1 s¼tþ1 hk;t xk;s , we have

rtt qt qt þ 22

T1 X

rt;tþ1 qt qtþ1


þ 22

T 2 X

rt;tþ2 qt qtþ2



T X Tþ1 X k¼1 t¼kþ1

qk;t xk;t þ

T 2 X T1 X

xk;t xk;t xt;tþ1 ;

k¼1 t¼kþ1

P t1 2 2 ¼  where q hk;t1 ht;t þ k;t s¼k rs;s hk;s þ 2rt1;t Pt2 2 s¼k rs;sþ1 hP h þ2r h h þ 2rt2;t t1;tþ1 t;tþ1 k;s k;sþ1 k;t1 hk;t2 ht;t þ 2 t3 r h h Þ for 1 ≤ k < t ≤T+1 s;sþ2 k;s k;sþ2 s¼k and xk;t ¼ 22 rt1;tþ1 hk;t1 ðhtþ1;tþ1  ht;tþ1 Þ for 1 ≤ k < t ≤ T  1. Note that hk;t ¼ 0 for any k > t. Reformulating the objective function finishes the proof. h Based on Lemma 5, we can construct an extended  ¼ ðV;  with 2T  1 vertices  AÞ directed acyclic graph G 2 and T  T þ 1 arcs, such that the parametric subproblem of ðPNB Þ is equivalent to a shortest path problem in  The vertex set of G  is V  ¼ V [ f20 ; . . .; ðT  1Þ0 g. G.   The arc set of G is A ¼ A5 [ A6 [ A7 [ A8 , where A5 ¼ fð1; 2Þ; ð1; 3Þ; . . .; ð1; T þ 1Þ; . . .; ðk; k þ 2Þ; . . .; ðk; T þ 1Þ; . . .; ðT; T þ 1Þg, A6 ¼ fð1; 20 Þ; 0 0 . . .; ð1; ðT  1Þ Þ; . . .; ðk; ðk þ 2Þ Þ; . . .; ðT  3; ðT  1Þ0 Þg, A7 ¼ fð20 ; 3Þ; . . .; ðk0 ; k þ 1Þ; . . .; ððT  1Þ0 ; TÞg and A8 ¼ fð20 ; 30 Þ; . . .; ðk0 ; ðk þ 1Þ0 Þ; . . .; ððT  2Þ0 ;  is defined as ðT  1Þ0 Þg. The cost on the arc ðk; tÞ 2 A


s¼tþ3 t X

T X t¼1

l¼1 s¼tþ3

k¼1 s¼tþ1 t X

2 qT Rq ¼2

dk;t ¼

8 > > > > > >
> > > > > :


s¼k ls hk;s þ qk;t ;

if ðk; tÞ 2 A5 or ðk0 ;tÞ 2 A7 ;


s¼k ls hk;s þ ðqk;t þ xk;t Þ;

if ðk;t0 Þ 2 A6 or ðk0 ;t0 Þ 2 A8 :

 Figure 4 gives an example of the extended graph G when T = 4, where the arcs in A6 and A8 are also denoted by dashed lines. Using a similar analysis ~ we have the following to the extended graph G, result. PROPOSITION 3. When Σ is a five-diagonal matrix, an optimal solution of the parametric subproblem of ðPNB Þ can be obtained in OðT2 Þ time by solving the shortest  path problem from vertex 1 to vertex T + 1 in G. However, the parametric subproblem of ðPB Þ is harder than that of ðPLS Þ and ðPNB Þ in the sense that an OðT2 Þ time algorithm may not be possible even when Σ is tri-diagonal. In particular, although an analysis of its cross terms enables us to construct an extended graph with less arcs than that given by Rostami et al. (2015), the constructed extended graph still

Zhang, Shen, and Song: Robust Optimization of Two-Stage LS Problems


Production and Operations Management 25(12), pp. 2116–2131, © 2016 Production and Operations Management Society

 when T = 4. The costs Figure 4 An Example of the Extended Graph G on dashed arcs are modified to incorporate quadratic cost terms

Table 1 Model Parameters for Test Instances Parameter a

3 2








has OðT3 Þ arcs, which can only be solved in OðT 3 Þ time.

4. Experiments In sections 2 and 3, we proposed DRMs of two-stage lot-sizing problems and a parametric optimization method to solve the problems with both uncorrelated and partially correlated demand distributions. In this section, we report experimental results that validate the effectiveness of the proposed solution method and models. In section 4.1, we test the performance of the proposed POM by comparison with the CPLEX solver (CPX) 12.6, and compare the proposed OðT 2 Þ time algorithm for the subproblem of the PCCD models with the algorithm proposed by Rostami et al. (2015). In section 4.2, we compare the proposed DRMs with a stochastic model (SM). Since all two-stage LSLS, LS-B and LS-NB share similar structures, we only test the model and method for the two-stage LS-LS. All the instances are solved on an Intel Core i5-4570 CPU at 3.2 GHz. In the experiments, we suppose that the true demand distribution in each period follows an uniform distribution over [0, a], where a is uniformly drawn from [5, 15]. For the PCCD models with a tridiagonal Σ, the correlation coefficient qt;tþ1 of demand in period t and t + 1 is generated as follows: q1;2 is generated from an uniform distribution over [1, 1] and for 2 ≤ t ≤ T  1, qt;tþ1 is generated from an uniform distribution over ½jqt1;t j  1; 1  jqt1;t j, such that Σ is positive definite. Parameters pt , ht , ct and pt are also generated from the uniform distribution. We use the data-driven method proposed by Delage and Ye (2010) to construct the distributional set D; see




Uniformly drawn from [5, 15]; Uniformly drawn from [0, 1]; Uniformly drawn from [0, 5];


From 200 to 10,000;


Uniformly drawn from [0, 1]; Uniformly drawn from [0, 10];


section 2.3. Specifically, we first generate M indepen dent samples fdi gM i¼1 of D and calculate the sampled l  Then we choose d = 5% and R ¼ maxi¼1;...;M and R.  1 ðdi  l ffi ð2 þ  ÞT R Þ ðdi  l and set  ¼ pRffiffiffi M pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 lnð1=dÞÞ. Experimental parameters are summarized in Table 1. 4.1. Computational Results of the Proposed Solution Method Tables 2 and 3 report the averaged computational results of POM and CPX over 20 randomly generated instances of the UDD and PCDD models, respectively. For each instance, we randomly generate model parameters as described in Table 1. The second column gives the number of binary variables of test instances. The third and fourth columns give the average and maximum number of parametric subproblems solved by POM. The fifth and sixth columns give Table 2 Comparison of POM and CPX for UDD Models POM

T 50 100 200 400 600 800 1,000


Average #

Max #

1,326 5,151 20,301 80,601 180,901 321,201 501,501

2.1 2.4 2.8 3.5 4.5 4.8 4.9

3 3 4 5 6 7 6

CPX CPU time (ms)

Gap (%)

224.5 847.4 7,039.0 102,434.0 574,903.0 643,167.8 699,050.1

0 0 0 0 0 0.14 0.11

CPU time (ms) 0.4 1.6 2.0 33.2 694.4 5,219.4 6,306.0

Table 3 Comparison of POM and CPX for PCCD Models POM

T 50 100 200 400 600 800 1,000



Average #

Max #

CPU time (ms)

CPU time (ms)

1,326 5,151 20,301 80,601 180,901 321,201 501,501

2.1 2.2 2.7 3.6 3.6 4.8 5.4

3 3 4 5 5 6 6

1.9 5.7 93.5 115.1 1,684.4 5,547.0 7,297.2

166.7 848.3 9,107.1 171,592.2 486,364.4 605,757.6 638,406.4

Gap (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0.14 0.12

Zhang, Shen, and Song: Robust Optimization of Two-Stage LS Problems


Production and Operations Management 25(12), pp. 2116–2131, © 2016 Production and Operations Management Society

the CPU time of POM and CPX, where the time limit of CPX is 600 seconds. The final column gives the optimality gap of the solutions given by CPX. From Tables 2 and 3, we see that the proposed POM finds optimal solutions of both the UDD and PCDD models in very short time, and outperforms CPX for all the test instances. Note that when T is greater than 800, CPX fails to find an optimal solution for both the UDD and PCDD models in 600 seconds. To solve the parametric optimization problems, POM only needs to test no more than 10 parameter values in all the test instances. Therefore, the proposed interval search method is very efficient. We report the performance of the proposed algorithm (labelled “Alg-1”) and the algorithm (labelled “Alg-2”) proposed by Rostami et al. (2015) for subproblems of the PCDD models in Table 4. The third and fourth columns of Table 4 give the average run time of both algorithms over 10 randomly generated subproblems. The computational results show that the proposed algorithm, which exploits the special cost structure of subproblems, is more efficient, and validate the computation complexity analysis of both algorithms. 4.2. Robustness of DRM In this subsection, we compare the proposed DRM with SM for two-stage LS-LS. SM uses the sampled mean as the true first moment of the random demand. Thus, SM is a special case of DRM in the sense that the distributional set contains probability distributions with exact first moment. The procedure of the computational experiments includes the following steps: (i) calculate the sampled mean and covariance matrix based on sampling, and construct the distributional set using the data-driven method; (ii) obtain the robust and stochastic solutions by solving corresponding DRM and SM; (iii) randomly generate a set of 10,000 samples and evaluate the performance of DRM and SM solutions. Specifically, in the first step, we vary the sample size M from 200 to 10,000. In the last step, we calculate the mean and variance of the system cost, and the robust objective cost (the summation of the mean cost and weighted square root term) of both solutions. Further

Table 4 Comparison of Algorithms for Subproblems of PCCD Models T 50 100 200 400 800 1,600 3,200

Binary 1,326 5,151 20,301 80,601 321,201 1,282,401 5,124,801

Alg-1 (ms)

Alg-2 (ms)

0.7 2.2 10.0 28.6 435.9 1,829.2 8,749.5

1.2 5.1 34.1 220.4 2,038.9 17,355.7 178,126.2

Table 5 Comparison of Distributionally Robust Model and Stochastic Model 200






T = 50

j ¼

M pffiffiffi T







T = 200

Mean Variance Robust j ¼ pffiffiffi

1.081 0.655 0.925 4.654

1.053 0.665 0.943 3.118

1.033 0.724 0.964 2.093

1.021 0.758 0.978 1.534

1.011 0.828 0.988 0.995

1.007 0.864 0.994 0.702

T = 400

Mean Variance Robust j ¼ pffiffiTffi

1.108 0.623 0.887 6.296

1.085 0.651 0.919 4.041

1.057 0.677 0.937 2.971

1.045 0.712 0.959 2.057

1.020 0.790 0.977 1.329

1.014 0.811 0.985 0.930

Mean Variance Robust

1.132 0.600 0.866

1.101 0.628 0.896

1.079 0.655 0.921

1.054 0.680 0.940

1.037 0.717 0.962

1.021 0.788 0.979


we repeat this procedure 20 times and calculate the average values of these indices. To highlight the comparison, the final results are translated into the ratio form, that is, DRM/SM. Table 5 reports the performance of DRM and SM on problems with uncorrelated demand distributions when T = 50, 200 and 400. We introduce an index j ¼ pffiffiTffi to measure the estimation accuracy of the expectation of demand. For a fixed problem size T, as the sample size M increases, both e and j become smaller. From Table 5, we have the following observations. First, for all test instances, compared with stochastic solutions, robust solutions greatly decrease the variance of the system cost at the cost of a relatively smaller increase in expected system cost, and also have smaller robust objective cost. For example, when j 0.95, robust solutions decrease the variance of the system cost by about 20% while only increase the expected system cost by about 2%, and robust solutions also decrease the robust objective cost by about 2%. Second, when the distribution information can be well estimated, that is, M is large and j is small, robust solutions have comparable performance to stochastic solutions in terms of expected system cost and also provides substantial robustness. For example, when T = 50 and M = 10,000, the robust solution only increases the expected system cost by 0.7% while decreases the variance by 13.6%. From the experimental results, we conclude that DRMs can greatly reduce the system cost variation at the cost of a relative smaller increase in expected system cost, especially when the distribution information of the random demand can be well estimated. Experimental results also show that it is critical to select a proper vale of e. Note that e also plays a role of the ffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi weight on the risk term qT Rq, which is the standard deviation of the random system cost. Therefore, the value of e mainly depends on how much historical information is available to estimate the first moment


Zhang, Shen, and Song: Robust Optimization of Two-Stage LS Problems Production and Operations Management 25(12), pp. 2116–2131, © 2016 Production and Operations Management Society

of the random demand, and the attitude of decision makers towards the risk. If the size of the historical data is small, it is better to choose a large e, and vice versa. To balances the expected cost and risk, a trialand-error procedure can be used to determine the best value of e for decision makers.

5. Conclusion This study employs the distributionally robust optimization method to handle the ambiguity in the probability distribution of the uncertain demand for two-stage LS problems, where lost sales, backlogging and no backlogging are all considered. Although the resulted min-max-min problems are hard to solve directly, we derive equivalent mixed 0-1 CQPs by exploiting shortest path reformulations of LS problems. Experimental results show that the system cost variance of the robust solution is much smaller than that of the stochastic solution, and the proposed models also provide decision makers with more flexibility to balance the expected system cost and risk. A parametric optimization method is proposed to solve the mixed 0-1 CQPs. The effectiveness of the parametric optimization method depends on its parameter search method and efficient algorithms for parametric subproblems. We propose an effective branch-and-bound-based interval search method to avoid the enumeration of all potential parameter values, and polynomial time algorithms for the UDD and PCDD models. The proposed parametric optimization method can be further used to solve special concave network minimization problems with the form: minx2X fgðxT AxÞ þ xT Bxg, where g : R ! R is an increasing concave function and X  f0; 1gn represents network flow constraints, such as the constraints in the shortest path problem, assignment problem and matching problem. By exploiting properties of certain parametric subproblems, efficient algorithms may be designed. Even if the parametric subproblems cannot be solved exactly, the parametric optimization method still provides an approximate solution for the original problem. Properties of such approximate parametric optimization method will be studied in the future.

Acknowledgments The authors thank the senior editor and three anonymous referees for their constructive suggestions which have helped us improve the study significantly. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant CMMI 1265671, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61503211, 61273233, 71210002 and 71332005, and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation 2015T80102.

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