Slovak Dictionary for Success Upper Intermediate - Pearson Longman

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SUCCESS Upper Intermediate. Page 1 of 37. Anglicko – slovenský slovník. Slovak .... smer The company is hoping to extend its operations in new directions. ..... interpretovať His refusal to work late was interpreted as a lack of commitment to.
SUCCESS Upper Intermediate

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník

MODULE 1 accessory, n achievement, n additional, adj administration, n agency, n agent, n air traffic control, n

ək'sesəri ə'tʃi:vmənt ə'dʃənəl əd"mnə'streʃən

ambitious, adj analyse, v association, n attendant, n attention, n attitude, n average, v aviation, n award, n backwards, adv biker, n burst, v canvas, n casual, adj chatterbox, n circuit training, n

'edZənsi 'edZənt eə 'tr{fk kəntrəυl {m'bʃəs '{nəlaz ə"səυsi'eʃən ə'tendənt ə'tenʃən '{tətju:d '{vərdZ "evi'eʃən ə'wɔ:d 'b{kwədz 'bakə bÆ:st 'k{nvəs 'k{Zuəl 'tʃ{təbɒks 'sÆ:kt “trenŋ

college, n colony, n combat, n communicator, n

'kɒldZ 'kɒləni 'kɒmb{t kə'mju:nketə

competent, adj confidence, n continuity, n

'kɒmpətənt 'kɒnfədəns "kɒntə'nju:əti

contract, n convenient, adj convict, n coordinate, v county, n covering letter, n creepy-crawly, n criticise, v cross-country, adj curriculum vitae, n

'kɒntr{kt kən'vi:niənt 'kɒnvkt kəυ'ɔ:dənet 'kaυnti "kövərŋ 'letə "kri:pi 'krɔ:li 'krtəsaz "krɒs 'köntri kə"rkjυləm 'vi:ta 'köstəm kju:t "si: 'vi: 'deədevəl 'deməυ d'sendənt d'zaərəbəl d'vas

custom, n cute, adj CV, n daredevil, n demo, n descendant, n desirable, adj device, n

módny doplnok a dress with matching accessories úspech, výkon Winning the championship is quite an achievement. prídavný There's an additional charge for baggage over the weight limit. úradníctvo Have you any experience in administration? agentúra a government intelligence agency agent a secret agent kontrola vzdušného priestoru Air traffic control manages the airspace so that air traffic runs safely.

cieľavedomý, ambiciózny He is young and very ambitious. analyzovať We're trying to analyse what went wrong. asociácia the Association of University Teachers obsluha, vrátnik a parking lot attendant pozornosť Can I have your attention, please. prístup I don't understand your attitude. Why don't you trust her? spriemerovať The train travelled at speeds averaging 125 mph. letectvo an aviation association ocenenie Susan Sarandon won the 'Best Actress' award. vzad, dozadu She took a step backwards in surprise. motocyklista Most of the bikers rode Harley-Davidsons. vypuknúť, vybuchnúť The little girl burst into tears. plachtovina, stanová látka a canvas bag neformálny I feel more comfortable in casual clothes. klebetnica I'm a chatterbox and an easy-going person. séria cvikov vykonávaných rýchlo za sebou circuit training exercises for the upper and lower body

akadémia, univerzita an art college kolónia Algeria was formerly a French colony. boj men with little experience of armed combat komunikátor, človek, ktorý vie dobre komunikovať She's a skilled communicator.

kompetentný Olive's a very competent teacher. dôvera Her problem is that she lacks confidence. súvislosť, nepretržitosť Changing doctors is likely to affect the continuity of your treatment.

zmluva, kontrakt Stacy signed a three-year contract with a small record company. vhodný, príhodný Would 10:30 be a convenient time to meet? obvinený an escaped convict koordinovať The project is being coordinated by Dr Ken Pease. okres, oblasť Fairfax County, Virginia motivačný list Send your CV and a covering letter to the address below. hmyz, ktorého sa bojíte her creepy-crawly phobia kritizovať She always criticises my cooking. cezpoľný / beh ú cross-country running životopis zvyk, zvyklosť the custom of throwing rice at weddings roztomilý, rozkošný What a cute baby! životopis Send your CV and a covering letter to the address below. odvážlivec He loves extreme sports - he is a real daredevil. demo a demo CD potomok a descendant of an African king vytúžený a desirable job with a big law firm prístroj, náradie labour-saving devices such as washing machines and dishwashers

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SUCCESS Upper Intermediate

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník direction, n double agent, n dramatic, adj dresser, n elegant, adj emigrate, v enthusiastic, adj essential, adj establish, v face, v fight, n flatter, v foot, n

də'rekʃən "döbəl 'edZənt drə'm{tk 'dresə 'eləgənt 'eməgret n"θju:zi'{stk 'senʃəl 'st{blʃ fes fat 'fl{tə fυt

forwards, adv free, adj fun, n good-natured, adj hairdryer, n hairstyle, n handle, v hands-on, adj head start, n hectic, adj helicopter, n idol, n image, n immigrant, n injury, n intelligence, n itchy, adj keeper, n laid-back, adj landing, n live, adv loner, n lover, n makeover, n migrate, v

'fɔ:wədz fri: fön "gυd 'netʃυəd 'heə"draə 'heəstal 'h{ndl 'h{nz ɒn "hed 'stɑ:t 'hektk 'heləkɒptə 'adl 'mdZ 'məgrənt 'ndZəri n'telədZəns 'tʃi 'ki:pə "led 'b{k 'l{ndŋ lav 'ləυnə 'lövə 'mekəυvə ma'gret

mission, n motivate, v multinational, n netball, n nutrition, n ordinal number, n outdoor, adj outgoing, adj overcome, v partygoer, n perform, v phobia, n photocopier, n physiology, n

'mʃən 'məυtəvet "mölt'n{ʃənəl 'netbɔ:l nju:'trʃən 'ɔ:dnəl “nömbə 'aυtdɔ: "aυt'gəυŋ "əυvə'köm 'pɑ:ti"gəυə pə'fɔ:m 'fəυbiə 'fəυtəυ"kɒpiə "fzi'ɒlədZi

smer The company is hoping to extend its operations in new directions. dvojitý agent a double agent infiltrating a terrorist organisation divadelný, dramatický Miller's dramatic works fešák, sekáč Stanley is a smart dresser. elegantný, upravený a tall, elegant woman vysťahovať sa, emigrovať The Remington's emigrated to Australia. nadšený An enthusiastic crowd cheered the winners. základný, podstatný It is essential to check the oil level regularly. založiť The school was established in 1922. čeliť niečomu He had to face the awful truth that she no longer loved him. bitka, boj He's always getting into fights at school. zoštíhliť She wore a dress that flattered her plump figure. noha, chodidlo Simon and I started off on the wrong foot but we're good friends now.

vpred, dopredu She took another small step forwards. slobodný, voľný He walked out of the courtroom a free man. zábava It's no fun being alone in a big city. láskavý, priateľský, dobromyseľný You're too good-natured for this game. fén Can I borrow your hairdryer? strih vlasov I like your new hairstyle. zaobchádzať s.. We teach the children to handle the animals gently. vlastnoručný hands-on experience výhoda /prenesene/ His education gave him a head start. hektický It's been a really hectic week. helikoptéra a helicopter flight vzor, idol a pop idol obraz, výjav attempts to improve the public image of the police prisťahovalec immigrant workers zranenie serious head injuries inteligencia foreign intelligence services svrbiaci My eyes sometimes get red and itchy in the summer. ten, kto sa stará Bob is head lion keeper at the zoo. neformálny, bezstarostný She's easy to talk to, and very laid-back. pristávanie take-off and landing procedures naživo I love their music, but I've never seen them perform live. samotár Ken's always been a bit of a loner. milovník a home lover zmena, prerobenie Why don't you give yourself a makeover? migrovať, sťahovať sa Millions of people throughout history have migrated from one country or continent to another. poslanie, misia Our mission was to find out everything about their plans.

motivovať A good teacher has to be able to motivate her students. mnohonárodný a multinational company dievčenská verzia basketbalu a school netball team výživa Good nutrition is vital. radová číslovka vonkajší an outdoor swimming pool spoločenský, otvorený Jon is cheerful and outgoing. prekonať I'm trying to overcome my fear of flying. ten, čo často chodí na oslavy young partygoers vystupovať, hrať She's performing at the National Theatre. fóbia, chorobný strach Holly has a phobia about snakes. kopírka The photocopier is not working again. psychológia human physiology

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SUCCESS Upper Intermediate

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník pistol, n plain, adj pom, n

'pstl plen pɒm

PR (public relations), n

publishing, n reception, n recruit, v referee, n reptile, n reserved, adj rifle, n risk-taking, n rumour, n

"pi: 'ɑ:, "pöblk r'leʃənz 'prnsəpəl 'przənə prə'feʃənəl 'prəυfal 'prɒspekt 'pru:vən "pöblk r'leʃənz, "pi: 'ɑ: 'pöblʃŋ r'sepʃən r'kru:t "refə'ri: 'reptal r'zÆ:vd 'rafəl 'rsk “tekŋ 'ru:mə

sack, n scratch, n

s{k skr{tʃ

scruffy, adj self-assured, adj self-conscious, adj self-defence, n sense, n serious, adj set off, v settle, v shortage, n show business, n sideways, adj slim, adj sloppy, adj smart, adj sociable, adj sound, adj spirit, n sport, v sporty, adj spy, v superlative, n

'skröfi "self ə'ʃυəd "self 'kɒnʃəs "self d'fəns sens 'səriəs set 'setl 'ʃɔ:tdZ 'ʃəυ "bznəs 'sadwez slm 'slɒpi smɑ:t 'səυʃəbəl saυnd 'sprət spɔ:t 'spɔ:ti spa su:'pÆ:lətv, sju:œ 'su:pəvaz sə'veləns tek 'tekɒf tə'r{ntjələ

principle, n prisoner, n professional, adj profile, n prospect, n proven, adj public relations (PR), n

supervise, v surveillance, n take off, v take-off, n tarantula, n

pištoľ She held a pistol in her hand. obyčajný, normálny a plain face hanlivé pomenovanie Angličanov, používané hlavne v Austrálii a na Novom Zélande The Australians called the British supporters 'pommies'. styk s verejnosťou a large PR firm princíp the basic principles of physics väzeň Relationships between the staff and the prisoners are good. odborný, profesionálny You should speak to a lawyer for professional advice. profil a job profile vyhliadka, nádej His job prospects are not very good. dokázaný, a proven method of learning styk s verejnosťou the public relations department

vydávanie, vydavateľstvo Tony wants to get a job in publishing. recepcia Please leave your keys at reception at the end of your stay. získať, verbovať We're having difficulty recruiting enough qualified staff. rozhodca, sudca His headmaster agreed to act as his referee. plaz While they were at the zoo, they visited the snakes in the reptile house. rezervovaný, s odstupom a cool, reserved young man puška He keeps a rifle for home protection. riskovanie Risk-taking is part of my job. zvesť, hláška, šepká sa There are rumours that the President may have to resign.

vyhodenie z práce If you're late again, you'll get the sack. nula, nič /prenesene/ I deleted the file from the computer by mistake so I had to start again from scratch. otrhaný, špinavý a scruffy kid

sebaistý He is a very self-assured man. nesvoj, v rozpakoch She feels self-conscious about wearing glasses. sebaobrana She shot the man in self-defence. zmysel She felt a strong sense of loyalty to him. vážny, seriózny a serious, reserved man vyraziť na cestu We'd better set off now before it gets dark. usadiť sa My family finally settled in Los Angeles. nedostatok food shortages show business She started in show business as a child. šikmo, na stranu Mel's car slid sideways across the icy road. chudý You're looking a lot slimmer - have you lost weight? neforemný, nesediaci Ann was dressed in a sloppy brown sweater. upravený, elegantný You look smart. Are you going anywhere special? spoločenský a pleasant, sociable couple dobrý, skvelý a sound knowledge of English duch I'm 85, but I still feel young in spirit. predvádzať, ukazovať He walked in sporting an orange bow tie. nápadný, okázalý I'm not very sporty. sledovať, špicľovať He confessed to spying for North Korea. mimoriadny, vynikajúci the food was superlative dohliadať na My job is to supervise school children at lunchtime. dohľad, dozor, pozorovanie electronic surveillance equipment vzlietnuť I felt quite excited as the plane took off from Heathrow. vzlet, vzlietnutie We don't allow any night take-offs or landings at this airport. tarantula

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník thrill-seeker, n train, v traumatise, v trendy, adj unarmed, adj undecided, adj unfashionable, adj

'θrl “si:kə tren 'trɔ:mətaz 'trendi "ön'ɑ:md "önd'sadəd ön'f{ʃənəbəl

hľadači vzrušenia a roller coaster that will please thrill-seekers trénovať, učiť sa She trained as a nurse for four years. traumatizovať He was traumatised by his war experiences. moderný, trendový a trendy bar bez zbraní You can try your hand at unarmed combat and escape techniques. nerozhodnutý Many people are still undecided about how they will vote. nemoderný In Blair's new Britain the term 'socialist' has become rather

unsupervised, adj


nebyť pod dohľadom, kontrolou Reliable workers are normally

untidy, adj voluntary, adj well-groomed, adj wimp, n worldwide, adv wrong, adj yacht, n

ön'tadi 'vɒləntəri "wel 'gru:md wmp "wÆ:ld'wad rɒŋ jɒt

neporiadny My son is so untidy. dobrovoľný voluntary work upravený ako zo škatuľky a well-groomed elderly man slaboch Don't be such a wimp! na celom svete, celosvetovo The company employs 2000 people worldwide. nesprávny Simon and I started off on the wrong foot but we're good friends now. jachta the round-the-world yacht race

according to, prep action, n alcoholic, adj angle, n ankle, n antisocial, adj

ə'kɔ:dŋ tə '{kʃən "{lkə'hɒlk '{ŋgəl '{ŋkəl "{nt'səυʃəl

podľa Everything went according to plan and we arrived on time. čin, akcia Her prompt actions probably saved my life. alkoholický an alcoholic drink uhol an angle of 45° členok I broke my ankle skiing. proti spoločenský, nespoločenský Kids as young as eight are turning to

application, n arrangement, n assignment, n assume, v

"{pl'keʃən ə'rendZmənt ə'sanmənt ə'sju:m

authoritative, adj authority, n balance, n

ɔ:'θɒrətətv ɔ:'θɒrəti 'b{ləns

autoritatívny The captain spoke in a calm and authoritative voice. autorita Jack's air of quiet authority rovnováha We need to strike a balance between the needs of the community and

blog, n body language, n

blɒg 'bɒdi "l{ŋgwdZ baυns 'bri:ðŋ bri:f tʃ{t köm 'kɒment kə"mju:nə'keʃ ən kəm'pli:t 'kɒnʃəs 'kɒnsəkwəntli kən'vi:niəns

blog It's very easy to set up your personal blog. reč tela Your body language is telling people a whole range of things that you may

unfashionable. unsupervised.


bounce, v breathing, n brief, adj chat, n come / across /, v comment, n communication, n complete, adj conscious, adj consequently, adv convenience, n conversely, adv convey, v courier, n crucial, adj deceive, v

vandalism, petty crime, and other forms of antisocial behaviour. žiadosť First, close all the applications.

opatrenie, travel arrangements zadanie, úloha a homework assignment predpokladať Assuming the picture is a Van Gogh, how much do you think it is worth?

the rights of the individual.

not be conscious of.

odraziť sa, odskočiť The ball bounced off the post and into the goal. dýchanie His breathing was deep and regular. stručný a brief letter chat room na internete We discussed it in our chat room. mať úspech, presadiť sa He comes across as a nice guy. komentár Does anyone have any questions or comments? spojenie, komunikácia The pilot stayed in constant communication with the control tower.

úplný, kompletný the complete works of Shakespeare vedomý si Jodie was very conscious of the fact that he was watching her. ako dôsledok, We talked all night and consequently overslept the next morning. príležitosť, potreba We should be grateful if you would reply at your earliest convenience.

kən'vÆ:sli, 'kɒnvÆ:sli kən've 'kυriə 'kru:ʃəl d'si:v

naopak, naproti tomu American consumers prefer white eggs; conversely, British buyers like brown eggs.

vysloviť, tlmočiť, Mark's eyes clearly conveyed his disappointment. kuriér I arranged for a courier to pick up the parcel. rozhodujúci, dôležitý crucial decisions involving millions of dollars klamať, podvádzať Holmes tried to deceive the police.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník deception, n deceptive, adj decline, n defence, n defend, v defensive, adj dependent, adj disapprove, v dishonest, adj dissatisfied, adj distance, n distinction, n dominant, adj dominate, v doubt, n drop off, v enemy, n entry, n equality, n expectation, n expression, n eye, n facial, adj fax, n flatten, v

d'sepʃən d'septv d'klan d'fens d'fend d'fensv d'pendənt "dsə'pru:v ds'ɒnəst d's{təsfad 'dstəns d'stŋkʃən 'dɒmənənt 'dɒmənet daυt drɒp 'enəmi 'entri 'kwɒləti "ekspek'teʃən k'spreʃən a 'feʃəl f{ks 'fl{tn

foolish, adj form, n friendly, adj friendship, n furthest, adj, adv gesture, n get at, v give away, v hall of residence, n

'fu:lʃ fɔ:m 'frendli 'frendʃp 'fÆ:ðəst 'dZestʃə get gv "hɔ:l əv 'rezdəns h{nd 'h{ndʃek h{ŋ 'h{pinəs həυld 'ɒnəst "hɒrə'zɒntl 'li:gəl 'lɒdZkəl "mə'tʃυə m'pÆ:fkt "nkəm'pli:t "ndə'pendənt 'ndəket "ndə'keʃən n'dkətv "nsn'sə n'tens

hand in, v handshake, n hang, v happiness, n hold, v honest, adj horizontal, adj illegal, adj illogical, adj immature, adj imperfect, adj incomplete, adj independent, adj indicate, v indication, n indicative, adj insincere, adj intense, adj

klamstvo, podvod They obtained the money by deception. klamlivý She seems very calm, but appearances can be deceptive. pokles, zostup, úpadok the decline of manufacturing obrana, opevnenie the defence of Stalingrad in World War II obrániť, ochrániť He said he used the knife to defend himself. obranný She got really defensive when I asked her why she hadn't finished. závislý Children of that age are still very dependent on their mothers. nesúhlasiť Her family strongly disapproved of her behaviour. nečestný a dishonest politician nespokojný dissatisfied clients vzdialenosť the distance from Chicago to Detroit rozdiel The author draws a distinction between 'crime' and 'sin'. dominantný a dominant personality dominovať For sixty years France had dominated Europe. pochybnosť There was no doubt that the witness was telling the truth. vystúpiť Can you drop me off in town? nepriateľ The judge was assassinated by his political enemies. vstup Britain's entry into the European Union rovnosť, rovnoprávnosť racial equality očakávanie Against all expectations, getting up at five is actually easier in winter. výraz He came back with a cheerful expression on his face. oko In a formal interview, try to maintain good eye contact with the interviewers. tvárový, na tvári Victor's facial expression didn't change. fax Did you get my fax? sploštiť, vyrovnať She flattened the cardboard boxes before throwing them away.

hlúpy It was a very foolish thing to do. formulár, formalita an entry form priateľský a friendly smile priateľstvo Their friendship began in college. najvzdialenejší the furthest corner of the room gesto a rude gesture naznačiť v reči Did you understand what he was getting at? prezradiť He said he hadn't told her, but his face gave him away. študentský domov I want to move out of the hall of residence. podať, poslať Please hand in your application by September 30. stisk ruky a firm handshake visieť The shirt hung down almost to his ankles. šťastie We want our children to have the best possible chance of happiness. držať She held back her tears. čestný He seems a good, honest man. vodorovný a horizontal surface nelegálny It is illegal to park your car here. nelogický illogical behaviour nezrelý, nedospelý Stop being so childish and immature! nedokonalý It's an imperfect world. neúplný, nekompletný an incomplete sentence nezávislý He had always been more independent than his other brothers. naznačovať The study indicates a connection between poverty and crime. náznak Did Rick ever give any indication that he was unhappy? naznačujúci His reaction is indicative of how frightened he is. neúprimný an insincere smile intenzívny, silný The pain was so intense I couldn't sleep.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník zámer His intention is to make the company the most successful in Europe. záujem Ben has shown an interest in learning French. interpretovať His refusal to work late was interpreted as a lack of commitment to

intention, n interest, n interpret, v

n'tenʃən 'ntrəst n'tÆ:prət

inwards, adv irrational, adj irresponsible, adj issue, n kind, adj knee, n lack, n landlady, n lean, v lecture, n leg, n legal, adj light, n limb, n line, n logical, adj master, v mature, adj measurement, n mishear, v misinterpret, v misquote, v

'nwədz 'r{ʃənəl "r'spɒnsəbəl 'ʃu: kand ni: l{k 'l{nd"ledi li:n 'lektʃə leg 'li:gəl lat lm lan 'lɒdZkəl 'mɑ:stə mə'tʃυə 'meZəmənt "ms'hə "msn'tÆ:prət "ms'kwəυt

dovnútra A breeze blew the curtains inwards. nerozumný, neracionálny an irrational fear of spiders nezodpovedný What an irresponsible attitude! záležitosť Abortion was a key issue in the 1989 elections. milý Everyone's been so kind to me. koleno Lift using your knees, not your back. nedostatok new parents suffering from lack of sleep domáca pani Why don't you talk to your landlady about it? nakloniť sa, oprieť sa She leant towards him and listened. lekcia, prednáška Dr. Hill gave a brilliant lecture. noha She broke her leg skiing last year. zákonný, legálny a legal agreement svetlo This incident will put the company in a very bad light. končatina tela His limbs were aching. linka, spojenie calls from a land line logický a logical conclusion zvládnuť, osvojiť si It takes years to master a new language. vyspelý She's very mature for her age. meranie, rozmer First of all, you'll need the exact measurements of the room. prepočuť, nepočuť You must have misheard him. nesprávne vysvetliť I think she misinterpreted my offer of a ride home. nesprávne citovať niekoho They insisted that the Governor had been

miss, n


rozhodnutie niečo neurobiť As the tickets were so expensive, we decided to

misspell, v misunderstand, v mock, n

"ms'spel "msöndə'st{nd mɒk

nepochopiť, nerozumieť I think you misunderstood my question. napodobenina, imitácia, cvičná skúška pred ozajstnou I'm revising

mode, n mouth, n neither, determiner, pron non-alcoholic, adj nonverbal, adj normal, adj normal, n number, n numerous, adj obtain, v outnumber, v outplay, v outrace, v outsell, v outwards, adv overcook, v overdue, adj oversleep, v overstep, v palm, n perceive, v

məυd maυθ 'naðə "nɒn {lkə'hɒlk "nɒn'vÆ:bəl 'nɔ:məl 'nɔ:məl 'nömbə 'nju:mərəs əb'ten aυt'nömbə aυt'ple aυt'res aυt'sel 'aυtwədz "əυvə'kυk "əυvə'dju: "əυvə'sli:p "əυvə'step pɑ:m pə'si:v

prostriedok the most efficient mode of transport ústa He lifted his glass to his mouth. ani jeden, žiaden Would you like tea or coffee?' 'Neither, thanks.' nealkoholický Do you have anything non-alcoholic? neverbálny nonverbal forms of communication bežný, normálny A normal working week is 40 hours. normál, bežná vec The journey took longer than normal. číslo a number of people početný We've discussed this before on numerous occasions. obdržať Maps can be obtained at the tourist office. prevyšovať v počte Women outnumber men in the nursing profession. poraziť niekoho Dynamo outplayed by Auxerre poraziť v pretekoch Gonzalez outraced Hanna and Chatterton. poraziť v predajnosti It may outsell his previous novels. von, na vonkajšiu stranu Stand with your elbows pointing outwards. prevarené overcooked chicken po termíne, Her baby's ten days overdue. zaspať Sorry I'm late. I overslept. prekročiť Wilson has clearly overstepped his authority. dlaň She looked at the coins in her palm. vnímať, chápať It is a difficult situation, but we don't perceive it as a major

the company.

misquoted. give the concert a miss. zle vyhláskovať I misspelled the word 'protruding'.

for my mocks.


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Anglicko – slovenský slovník perfect, adj policy, n posture, n professor, n provide, v purse, v push, n push, v pushy, adj range, n rational, adj rattle, v reaction, n recall, v

'pÆ:fkt 'pɒləsi 'pɒstʃə prə'fesə prə'vad pÆ:s pυʃ pυʃ 'pυʃi rendZ 'r{ʃənəl 'r{tl ri'{kʃən r'kɔ:l

receptive, adj reckon, v registered post, n

r'septv 'rekən "redZstəd 'pəυst "ri:n'stɔ:l r'leʃən "ri:'m{ri 'rezədənt r'zɒlv r'spekt r'spekt r'spektəd r'spektfəl r'spɒnsəbəl "ri:'tek "ri:'rat 's{təsfad 'səriəsli sat 'sgnəl sli:p slaυtʃ sni:z 'sɒftweə spə'sfk strak

reinstall, v relation, n remarry, v resident, n resolve, v respect, n respect, v respected, adj respectful, adj responsible, adj retake, v rewrite, v satisfied, adj seriously, adv sight, n signal, v sleep, v slouch, v sneeze, v software, n specific, adj strike, v take on, v tend, v test, n tilt, v toad-in-the-hole, n tongue, n topic, n towards, prep turn /in turn /, n twist, v underpaid, adj

perfektný a car in perfect condition politika the government's foreign policy držanie tela By maintaining good posture you can avoid back pain. profesor Professor Barclay poskytnúť The project is designed to provide young people with work. našpúliť Mrs Biddell pursed her lips and shook her head. postrčenie, náraz If the door's stuck, just give it a push. potlačiť Can you push harder? tvrdo sa presadzujúci a pushy salesman séria, rozsah a range of services rozumný There must be a rational explanation for their disappearance. rachotiť, drnčať The wind was rattling the windows. reakcia What was his reaction when you told him you were leaving? odvolať, zavolať späť The government recalled its ambassador when war was declared.

vnímavý You might find them in a more receptive mood tomorrow. počítať s, odhadovať I reckon they'll be late. doporučená zásielka The prize will be sent by registered post. preinštalovať You need to reinstall all the software. vzťah The area of land is tiny in relation to the population. znova sa vydať, oženiť Widowed in 1949, Mrs Hayes never remarried. obyvateľ a park for local residents rozriešiť, vyjasniť efforts to resolve the conflict in the Middle East rešpekt, úcta I have the greatest respect for Jane's work. ctiť si, rešpektovať The students like and respect him. rešpektovaný a highly respected political leader úctivý They listened in respectful silence. zodpovedný a responsible young man znova podstúpiť/ vziať / robiť Can I retake the test? prepísať Perhaps you ought to rewrite the first paragraph to make it a little clearer. spokojný a satisfied smile vážne You shouldn't take everything he says so seriously. dohľad, zrak Karen waved until the car was out of sight. naznačiť, signalizovať Carter has signalled his intention to resign. spať She took a couple of sleeping tablets. hrbiť sa, krčiť sa Don't slouch - stand up straight! kýchať The dust is making me sneeze! software word processing software zvláštny, špecifický specific issues to discuss dosiahnuť rovnováhu It's never easy to strike a balance between work and family.

tek tend test tlt "təυd n ðə 'həυl töŋ 'tɒpk tə'wɔ:dz tÆ:n twst "öndə'ped

brať na seba, zamestnať I've taken on far too much work lately. mať tendenciu It tends to be very wet at this time of year. test, skúška I'm taking my driving test tomorrow. nachýliť, nakloniť She tilted her head. párok obaľovaný v cestíčku Toad-in-the-hole is a traditional British dish. jazyk The taste of the chocolate was still on her tongue. téma Jackie's engagement was the main topic of conversation. smerom k He noticed two policemen coming towards him. v dôsledku čoho.... Interest rates were cut and, in turn, share prices rose. skrútiť, prekrútiť He twisted his head slightly, and looked up at her. nedostatočne zaplatený Teachers are overworked and underpaid.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník undervalue, v


podceňovať, nedoceňovať Society undervalues staying home and looking

unfriendly, adj unkind, adj unobtainable, adj

ön'frendli "ön'kand "önəb'tenəbəl

nie priateľský The local people seemed cold and unfriendly. nemilá, nepríjemná an unkind remark nezohnateľné, ťažko dosiahnuteľné Fresh fruit was unobtainable in the

unspoken, adj verbal, adj vital, adj voice, n wallflower, n

ön'spəυkən 'vÆ:bəl 'vatl vɔs 'wɔ:l"flaυə

nevyslovené an unspoken agreement verbálny verbal skills životne dôležitý His evidence was vital to the defence case. hlas I could hear Jo's voice outside my window. dievča, s ktorým nikto netancuje/ stojí pri stene a čaká / shy

after children.



MODULE 3 abolish, v addicted, adj adventurous, adj afternoon, n again, adv age, n angry, adj anxious, adj approachable, adj appropriate, adj around, adv, prep aspect, n

ə'bɒlʃ ə'dktəd əd'ventʃərəs "ɑ:ftə'nu:n ə'gen edZ '{ŋgri '{ŋkʃəs ə'prəυtʃəbəl ə'prəυpriœət ə'raυnd '{spekt

barrier, n behave, v besides, adv bomb, n bore, n bossy, adj break, v bring up, v busybody, n

'b{riə b'hev b'sadz bɒm bɔ: 'bɒsi brek brŋ 'bzi"bɒdi

campaign, n campaign, v cannon/loose cannon /,

k{m'pen k{m'pen 'k{nən

zrušiť unfair laws that should be abolished závislý Jo's addicted to computer games. dobrodružný Andy isn't a very adventurous cook. poobedie We should get there at about three in the afternoon. znova Could you say that again? I can't hear. vek age difference nahnevaný She was angry with him because he had lied to her. znepokojený He was a bit anxious about the safety of the machinery. prístupný, priateľský Dr. Grieg seems very approachable. vhodný That sort of language just isn't appropriate in an interview. okolo We put a fence around the yard. hľadisko, stránka, aspekt The committee discussed several aspects of the traffic problem. bariéra a language barrier

správať sa You behaved bravely in a very difficult situation. okrem toho I wanted to help her out. Besides, I needed the money. bomba Protests began to rise against the bomb. nuda He turned out to be a crashing bore. panovačný Stop being so bossy! zlomiť, rozbiť, prepuknúť Her face broke into a smile. vychovať Rachel had been brought up by her grandmother. niekto, kto sa veľmi zaujíma o súkromie druhých v neg. Zmysle Busybodies do not intend to hurt other people's feelings. kampaň an election campaign

protestovať a group campaigning against the destruction of the rainforests zradca Some people consider him a political loose cannon.


canteen, n caption, n care, v cautious, adj committed, adj competitive, adj complimentary, adj compromise, v conceited, adj Conservative Party, n consider, v constantly, adv control, n

k{n'ti:n 'k{pʃən keə 'kɔ:ʃəs kə'mtəd kəm'petətv "kɒmplə'mentər i 'kɒmprəmaz

jedáleň a school canteen titulka, hlavička, What does the caption say? starať sa I don't care what you do. opatrný a cautious driver oddaný a committed teacher súťaživý He's always so competitive. zdvorilý He wasn't very complimentary about the food.

kən'si:təd kən'sÆ:vətv “pɑ:ti kən'sdə 'kɒnstəntli kən'trəυl

domýšľavý I don't want to seem conceited, but I know I'll win. konzervatívna strana The Conservative Party is one of the main political parties

robiť kompromisy President Chirac has said that he would be ready to compromise.

in Britain

zvážiť You should consider the effect the move will have on your family. neustále Her teenage daughter is constantly on the phone. kontrola Do you need any help?' 'No. It's under control, thanks.'

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník kontrolovať a teacher who can't control the kids presvedčený Madeleine's parents were convinced she was taking drugs. kŕč I've got cramp in my leg! kritický Many parents are strongly critical of the school. usmrkanec, neustále plačúci Don't be such a crybaby! odvážiť sa He wanted to ask her, but he didn't dare. paluba Let's go up on deck. zamietavý, odmietavý Some historians have been dismissive of this argument. neposlúchnuť She would never disobey her parents. rozdielnosť, diverzita a diversity of opinions bubnovať The rain was drumming on the roof. nudný What a dull party. podporiť I want to thank everyone who has encouraged and supported me. obľúbený, Shyness is one of her most endearing qualities. inžinierstvo genetic engineering úplne She had entirely forgotten about Alexander. špeciálne, hlavne The kids really enjoyed the holiday, especially the trip to

control, v convinced, adj cramp, n critical, adj crybaby, n dare, v deck, n dismissive, adj disobey, v diversity, n drum, v dull, adj encourage, v endearing, adj engineering, n entirely, adv especially, adv

kən'trəυl kən'vnst kr{mp 'krtkəl 'kra"bebi deə dek ds'msv "dsə'be da'vÆ:səti, dœ dröm döl n'kördZ n'dərŋ "endZə'nərŋ n'taəli 'speʃəli

even, adv exclude, v expertise, n face value, n

'i:vən k'sklu:d "ekspÆ:'ti:z "fes 'v{lju:

dokonca Even the youngest children enjoyed the concert. vynechať The press had been deliberately excluded from the event. expertíza medical expertise nominálna, bežná hodnota You shouldn't always take his remarks at face

fact, n fiddle, v fine / art /, adj finger, n forever, adv forgetful, adj frustrated, adj

f{kt 'fdl fan 'fŋgə fər'evə fə'getfəl frö'stretəd

skutočnosť I know the president really well. In fact, I had dinner with her last week. švindľovať, podvádzať I wish he'd stop fiddling with his keys. čisté umenie, Can photography be considered fine art? prst The woman had a ring on her finger, so I assumed she was married. navždy I'll remember you forever. zábudlivý Grandpa's getting forgetful in his old age! frustrovaný He gets frustrated when people don't understand what he's trying to

frustrating, adj general / in /, adj generation gap, n get, v glasses, n grant, v habit, n homemaker, n

frö'stretŋ 'dZenərəl "dZenə'reiʃən "g{p get 'glɑ:səz grɑ:nt 'h{bət 'həυm"mekə

hopeless, adj hunter, n ignorant, adj

'həυpləs 'höntə 'gnərənt

beznádejný a hopeless situation lovec Historically men were the hunters and women the homemakers. nevšímavý, neznalý, ignorantský Many people remain ignorant about the

impulsive, adj inappropriate, adj incident, n incompatible, adj infantile, adj inferior, adj initial, adj insensitive, adj intriguing, adj

m'pölsv "nə'prəυpriœət 'nsədənt "nkəm'p{təbəl 'nfəntal n'fəriə 'nʃəl n'sensətv n'tri:gŋ

podnetný, impulzívny It was rather an impulsive decision. nevhodný The clothes he brought were totally inappropriate. nehoda, incident Anyone who saw the incident should contact the police. nezlučiteľný Tony and I have always been incompatible. detský, infantilný his silly infantile jokes podradený Larry always makes me feel inferior. počiatočný the initial stages of the disease necitlivý insensitive questions about her divorce zaujímavý, pútavý The magazine carries an intriguing mixture of high fashion,

ironic, adj


gossip and racing. ironický It's ironic that Bill was the only person to fail the examination.




frustrujúci My job can be very frustrating sometimes. všeobecný, vo všeobecnosti In general women are less well paid than men. generačné rozdiely, nepochopenie sa medzi staršou a mladšou generáciou dostať Do you think they'll get back together? okuliare I can't find my glasses. považovať za samozrejmé Bridget was careful not to take him for granted. zvyk Try to get into the habit of taking regular exercise. ten, kto vytvára domov Historically men were the hunters and women the homemakers.

dangers of too much sun.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník všade bol, všetko vie Know-it-alls see themselves as experts on everything. znalý, majúci prehľad Steve's very knowledgeable about politics. politická strana najnovší, posledný What's the latest news? ľavičiarsky a left-wing newspaper zoznam a shopping list zámok The doors and windows are fitted with safety locks. porazený, ten čo stále prehráva Pam's boyfriend is such a loser! pochod a civil rights march hodiť sa k sebe a well-matched pair skromný, a quiet, modest man náladový a moody teenager a čo viac... The new design is not acceptable. Moreover, it would delay the project

know-it-all, n knowledgeable, adj Labour Party, n latest, adj left-wing, adj list, n lock, n loser, n march, n match, v modest, adj moody, adj moreover, adv

'nəυ t ɔ:l 'nɒldZəbəl 'lebə "pɑ:ti 'letəst "left 'wŋ lst lɒk 'lu:zə mɑ:tʃ m{tʃ 'mɒdəst 'mu:di mɔ:r'əυvə

negative, adj nevertheless, adv option, n own, determiner, pron pay attention, v personality, n personally, adv power, n predictable, adj

'negətv "nevəðə'les 'ɒpʃən əυn pe "pÆ:sə'n{ləti 'pÆ:sənəli 'paυə pr'dktəbəl

záporný, negatívny Raising taxes could have a negative effect on the economy. napriek tomu... I think he's telling the truth. Nevertheless, I don't trust him. možnosť It's the only option we have left. vlastný, sám We have problems of our own. dávať pozor Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. What did you say? osobnosť, charakter Alice has an outgoing personality. osobne Personally, I think it's a bad idea. moc, sila Which party is in power in your country? predvídateľný As the comedian got older his act became repetitive and his jokes

presumably, adv provoke, v rant, v rave, v react, v reasonable, adj reassure, v reassuring, adj relaxed, adj remain, v right, adj right-wing, adj rubbish, n sensitive, adj shield, n since, conjunction slob, n small talk, n soap, n space cadet, n

pr'zju:məbli prə'vəυk r{nt rev ri'{kt 'ri:zənəbəl "ri:ə'ʃυə "ri:ə'ʃυərŋ r'l{kst r'men rat "rat 'wŋ 'röbʃ 'sensətv ʃi:ld sns slɒb 'smɔ:l tɔ:k səυp 'spes kə"det

pravdepodobne Presumably, you've heard the news by now. provokovať She hit him, but he provoked her into it. rečniť, frflať My father, as usual, was ranting on about young people. zúriť, He was still ranting and raving the next morning. reagovať The audience reacted by shouting and booing. rozumný, slušný good furniture at reasonable prices uistiť Teachers reassured anxious parents. ukľudňujúci a reassuring smile uvoľnený Gail was lying in the sun looking very relaxed and happy. zostať The Communist Party remained in power. správny, pravdivý I think he's right. We should have set out earlier. pravičiarsky a right-wing newspaper nezmysel, blbosť, odpadky That's rubbish! citlivý a sensitive and caring person štít, ochrana police carrying riot shields pretože Since you are unable to answer, perhaps we should ask someone else. lenivec a bordelár The guy is a total slob. priateľský, neformálny rozhovor He's not very good at making small talk. seriál TV soaps nepozorný, zábudlivý človek Suzie is a real space cadet - I don't think she

spite/ in spite of /, n spoil, v spot-on, adj stand, v stem, v sticker, n strange, adj sulk, v superior, adj

spat spɔl "spɒt 'ɒn st{nd stem 'stkə strendZ sölk su:'pəriə

even further.


even knows what day it is. napriek tomu She loved him in spite of the fact that he drank too much.

rozmaznať My sister's very spoilt; she always does what she wants. úplne správne, presne Your calculations were spot-on. postaviť sa He became a hero for standing up to the local gangs. prameniť The problem stems from poor management in the company. nálepka Children get stickers for good work. zvláštny, čudný I had a strange dream last night. mať zlú náladu, byť mrzutý Stop sulking - you can go out and play later. nadradený He loves making fun of women. It makes him feel superior.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník suppose, v sympathise, v taboo, n temper/loose temper/, n tense, adj therefore, adv though, conjunction

sə'pəυz 'smpəθaz tə'bu: 'tempə tens 'ðeəfɔ: ðəυ

toothpaste, n totally, adv touch, n

'tu:θpest 'təυtlœi tötʃ

traditional, adj trait, n treatment, n turn up, v unapproachable, adj uncertain, adj unique, adj unpredictable, adj unreliable, adj unwanted, adj valid, adj walk, v wavelength, n wet blanket, n

trə'dʃənəl tre 'tri:tmənt tÆ:n "önə'prəυtʃəbəl ön'sÆ:tn ju:'ni:k "önpr'dktəbəl "önr'laəbəl ön'wɒntəd 'v{ləd wɔ:k 'wevleŋθ "wet 'bl{ŋkt

while, conjunction whole/on the whole /, n worrying, adj

wal həυl 'wöri ŋ

predpokladať, domnievať sa How old is she?' 'She's about 50, I suppose.' sympatizovať I sympathise with her husband. taboo There are taboos against appearing naked in public places. zlosť, nálada /stratiť trpezlivosť/ I lost my temper and slammed the door. napätý Marion spoke, eager to break the tense silence. preto The car is smaller and therefore cheaper to run. hoci, napriek tomu že... She wouldn't go onto the ski slope, even though Tom offered to help her. zubná pasta I don't like the taste of the new toothpaste you bought.

úplne I totally agree with you. spojenie, dotyk, kontakt The government is out of touch with public opinion on this issue.

tradičný traditional Irish music rys, črta Jealousy is one of his worst traits. zaobchádzanie s.. complaints about the treatment of political prisoners objaviť sa, ukázať sa, dostaviť sa Danny turned up late as usual. neprístupný, nie priateľský I find him really unapproachable. neistý I was uncertain about what to do next. jedinečný a unique opportunity nepredvídateľný unpredictable weather nespoľahlivý The old machines were notoriously unreliable and slow. nechcený an unwanted gift oprávnený, valid criticism kráčať, chodiť She lets those kids walk all over her. vlnová dĺžka Dad is just on a different wavelength from me. škodoradostný človek, ktorý chce pokaziť každú zábavu Wet blankets are negative and critical. keďže While there was no conclusive evidence, most people thought he was guilty.

vcelku, celkom On the whole, life was much quieter after John left. znepokojujúci I've just had a rather worrying phone call from Emma.

MODULE 4 amaze, v amazement, n amazing, adj appreciate, v astonish, v athlete, n attribute, v audience, n autobiography, n bizarre, adj boats, n bodily, adj bolt, n boost, v brainless, adj brainstorm, n brainwash, v

ə'mez ə'mezmənt ə'mezŋ ə'pri:ʃiet ə'stɒnʃ '{θli:t ə'trbju:t 'ɔ:diəns "ɔ:təba'ɒgrəfi bə'zɑ: bəυt 'bɒdəli bəυlt bu:st 'brenləs 'brenstɔ:m 'brenwɒʃ

ohromiť, prekvapiť Kay amazed her friends by saying she was getting married. úžas, ohromenie To everyone's amazement, the accused was found guilty. prekvapujúci He's an amazing player to watch. vážiť si All the bad weather here makes me appreciate home. udiviť Martina's speed and agility astonished her opponent. atlét a professional athlete prisudzovať a saying usually attributed to Confucius diváci The audience began clapping and cheering. autobiografia Michael Palin's autobiography veľmi nezvyčajný a čudný a bizarre coincidence čižmy fishing boats súvisiace s ľudským telom bodily changes blesk There's not much left of his house after it was struck by a bolt of lightning. zvýšiť výkon, povzbudiť The win boosted the team's confidence. hlúpy What a brainless thing to do! náhly nápad, zvyčajne dobrý Kirby had a sudden brainstorm. presvedčiť niekoho o niečom nesprávnom People are brainwashed into

brainwave, n


náhly nápad, zvyčajne dobrý Am. I've had a brainwave! Let's go this

brainy, adj brilliance, n brush, n calculator, n

'breni 'brljəns bröʃ 'k{lkjəletə

believing that being fat is some kind of crime. weekend instead.

inteligentný, nápaditý He always was the brainy one. skvelosť, brilantnosť He is also respected for his brilliance as an artist. štetka, štetec There were cans of paint and brushes all over the place. kalkulačka Brad likes to work with calculators and computers.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník call, v categorise, v china, n consistent, adj

kɔ:l 'k{təgəraz 'tʃanə kən'sstənt

coordination, n council, n crossing, n cry, v curious, adj dancer, n deafen, v death, n designer, n desperation, n development, n diagram, n direction, n disguise, n dismay, n edge, n effective, adj empress, n end, v exceptional, adj excited, adj exclaim, v exhausted, adj extraordinary, adj fishing, n fly /open /, v following, adj following, n

kəυ"ɔ:də'neʃən 'kaυnsəl 'krɒsŋ kra 'kjυəriəs 'dɑ:nsə 'defən deθ d'zanə "despə'reʃən d'veləpmənt 'daəgr{m də'rekʃən ds'gaz ds'me edZ 'fektv 'emprəs end k'sepʃənəl k'satəd k'sklem g'zɔ:stəd k'strɔ:dənəri 'fʃŋ fla 'fɒləυŋ 'fɒləυŋ

fourth, adj frequent, adj funfair, n furious, adj

fɔ:θ 'fri:kwənt 'fönfeə 'fjυəriəs

gift, n ground, n half, n head, n horrify, v household, adj hum, v humanitarian, adj

gft graυnd hɑ:f hed 'hɒrəfa 'haυshəυld höm hju:"m{nə'teər iən 'höri 'höri 'lnəs 'mp{kt 'nfluəns n'spekt n'strökʃən

hurry, n hurry, v illness, n impact, n influence, v inspect, v instruction, n

volať, zavolať I'm coming!' Paula called down the stairs. rozdeliť, kategorizovať We've categorised the students by age. čínsky porcelán china teacups neustále pokračujúci, plynúci Joe's work has shown consistent improvement this term.

koordinácia Computer games can help develop hand-to-eye coordination. rada /mestská/ Los Angeles City Council križovatka The crossing was rough. plakať, kričať Stop!' she cried. zvedavý Mandy was curious to know what happened. tanečník Margot Fonteyn, the famous British ballet dancer ohlušiť We were deafened by the noise of the engines. smrť Marioni lived in Miami until his death. návrhár a fashion designer zúfalstvo In desperation, we had to borrow the money. rozvoj Vitamins are necessary for a child's growth and development. diagram to draw a diagram smer Suddenly the conversation changed direction. prestrojenie, maskovanie The glasses were part of his disguise. zdesenie, strach They were filled with dismay by the news. okraj, kraj, hrana Just leave it on the edge of your plate. účinný, efektívny a very effective treatment for headaches cisárovná the Austrian empress končiť I always end up paying the bill. výnimočný an exceptional student vzrušený, napätý I'm so excited - Steve's coming home tomorrow. zvolať Wow!' exclaimed Bobby. 'Look at that car!' vyčerpaný Jill lay in the grass, exhausted after her long run. neobyčajný Ellington had an extraordinary musical talent. rybárčenie Terry's going fishing at Lake Arrowhead next weekend. lietať, /rozletieť sa/ The door flew open and a child rushed out. nasledujúci Neil arrived on Friday, and his wife came the following day. nasledujúci The following have been chosen to play in tomorrow's match: Ferguson, Williams,... štvrtý her fourth birthday

častý Her teacher is worried about her frequent absences from class. zábavný park, kolotoče I enjoy the most thrilling rides at the funfair. zúrivý Her daughter was furious when she found out they'd been reading her private letters.

dar, nadanie a gift for languages zem, podlaha The ground was covered in autumn leaves. polovica The wall is half a mile long. hlava He turned his head to look at her. desiť I was horrified when I found out how much the repairs were going to cost. určené pre domácnosť Coca Cola is a household name around the world. hmkať, mumlať If you don't know the words, just hum. humanitárny Humanitarian aid is being sent to the refugees. náhlenie I can't talk now - I'm in a hurry. náhliť sa, poponáhľať sa You'll catch the train if you hurry. choroba mental illness vplyv the environmental impact of car use ovplyvniť I don't want to influence your decision. skontrolovať Sara inspected her reflection in the mirror. inštrukcia Wait here until I give you further instructions.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník medziľudský interpersonal skills netolerantný people who are intolerant of other people's political beliefs seba pozorujúci a shy and introspective person len, práve Just then Mrs Robovitch appeared at the bedroom door. kinestetický bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence stánok I bought a drink from a kiosk. šarkan a colourful kite ležať Millie lay down on the floor. blesk The tree was struck by lightning. krívať He limped to the chair and sat down. jazykový, lingvistický a child's linguistic development logika There is no logic in releasing criminals just because prisons are crowded. túžiť po I used to long for a baby sister. výrobca healthcare administrators and policy makers majster, učiteľ a master of kung fu matematický a mathematical genius mechanizmus a car's steering mechanism členstvo membership fees milión $350 million viacnásobný He suffered multiple injuries to his legs. krát, vynásobiť Four multiplied by five is 20. hudobný musical instruments navigovať The river is too dangerous to navigate. nervózny Sam's very nervous about his driving test. bez prestávky, nonstop Dan worked nonstop for 12 hours. zvláštny, výstredný Jake's an odd guy. chodník a path through the woods fyzik Albert Einstein, one of the greatest physicists of all time zodvihnúť I've got a problem with my computer - can I pick your brains? uvažovať She pondered her answer for a long time. chváliť, velebiť Jane was praised by her teacher. modliť sa Let us pray for peace. prednosť, priorita She has her own personal preferences and tastes, like

interpersonal, adj intolerant, adj introspective, adj just, adv kinaesthetic, adj kiosk, n kite, n lie, v lightning, n limp, v linguistic, adj logic, n long, v maker, n master, n mathematical, adj mechanism, n membership, n million, number multiple, adj multiply, v musical, adj navigate, v nervous, adj nonstop, adv, adj odd, adj path, n physicist, n pick, v ponder, v praise, v pray, v preference, n

"ntə'pÆ:sənəl n'tɒlərənt "ntrə'spektv dZöst "knəs'θetk 'ki:ɒsk kat la 'latnŋ lmp lŋ'gwstk 'lɒdZk lɒŋ 'mekə 'mɑ:stə "m{θə'm{tkəl 'mekənzəm 'membəʃp 'mljən 'möltəpəl 'möltəpla 'mju:zkəl 'n{vəget 'nÆ:vəs "nɒn 'stɒp ɒd pɑ:θ 'fzəsst pk 'pɒndə prez pre 'prefərəns

prodigy, n profession, n prolific, adj psychoanalyst, n railing, n ranger, n reach, v reference, n

'prɒddZi prə'feʃən prə'lfk sakəυ'{nəlœəst 'relŋ 'rendZə ri:tʃ 'refərəns

zázračné dieťa Mozart was a child prodigy. profesia to pursue a profession plodný, bohatý Agatha Christie was a prolific writer. psychoanalytik zábradlie a little garden with a railing around it lesník, a forest ranger dosiahnuť It took four days for the letter to reach me. odkaz, zmienka, narážka There is no direct reference to her own childhood in

reflect, v relevance, n

r'flekt 'reləvəns

premýšľať, uvažovať He had time to reflect on his successes and failures. závažnosť, relevancia He needs to categorise and group things in order to see

relief, n relieved, adj reluctant, adj restless, adj rhyme, n role, n royalty, n sail, v

r'li:f r'li:vd r'löktənt 'restləs ram rəυl 'rɔəlti sel

úľava a medicine for pain relief uľavený, uvoľnený She'll be very relieved that she won't have to go to court. neochotný She gave a reluctant smile. nepokojný The children are getting restless. riekanka a collection of traditional rhymes with illustrations úloha, rola Parents play an important role in their child's learning. autorský honorár the royalties from his latest book plaviť sa We sailed along the coast of Alaska.

everyone else.

the novel.

their relevance.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník sand, n sandcastle, n seek, v sense, n shoulder, n shut, adj significant, adj similarity, n sixth, adj skilful, adj slam, v slip, v solo, adj span, n

s{nd 's{nd"kɑ:səl si:k sens 'ʃəυldə ʃöt sg'nfkənt "smə'l{rəti sksθ 'sklfəl sl{m slp 'səυləυ sp{n

piesok I have sand in my shoe. hrad z piesku The children built a sandcastle on the beach. vyhľadať, hľadať Our mission is to seek out the enemy and destroy them. zmysel Dogs have a very sensitive sense of smell. rameno, plece Andy put his arm around his wife's shoulder. zatvorený Is the door shut? značný There has been a significant change in people's attitudes since the 1950s. podobnosť English has many similarities with German. šiesty his sixth birthday zručný her skilful handling of the situation tresknúť, buchnúť He slammed the door shut. vykĺznuť, prekĺznuť Ben slipped quietly out of the room. samostatný, sólo his first solo flight rozpätie Mozart lived only a little over half of Beethoven's life span, but he was

spatial, adj spiral, n spout, n spring, v stage, n staircase, n stem, n stick out, v still, adj strike, n strike, v stroll, v stumble, v success, n sunbathe, v sunscreen, n surprised, adj swimming trunks, n swing, v symphony, n teapot, n thrill, v toadstool, n trip, v truck, n trunk, n tune, n turning point, n unconscious, adj uncoordinated, adj

priestorový spatial imagination špirálovitý a spiral staircase hrdlo čajníka a teapot with a chipped spout vyskočiť, preskočiť The door sprang open. scéna, javisko Larry's always wanted to go on the stage. schodisko a spiral staircase stonka the stem of a toadstool vystrčiť He's not very good-looking. His front teeth stick out. pokojný, nehybný We stood still and watched as the deer came closer. útok, úder He survived two lightning strikes. uderiť He was struck on the head by a falling rock. pomaly sa prechádzať We strolled along the beach. potknúť sa She stumbled and grabbed hold of the handrail. úspech Her success is due to hard work. opaľovať sa Her mother was sunbathing in the back garden. krém na opaľovanie Sunscreen reduces sunburn and other skin damage. prekvapený She was surprised at how much it cost. plavky a pair of swimming trunks húpať sa, kývať sa The heavy door swung shut. symfónia Beethoven's Fifth Symphony čajník a china teapot vzrušiť The magic of his music continues to thrill audiences. muchotrávka A toadstool can be poisonous. podkopnúť sa, zakopnúť He tripped and fell downstairs. nákladné auto to drive a truck kmeň He left his bicycle leaning against a tree trunk. tónina Sadie sings out of tune. zvrat The film marks a turning point in Kubrick's career. v bezvedomí The driver was knocked unconscious. nekoordinovaný I'm not a good dancer - I'm completely uncoordinated.

variety, n

'speʃəl 'sparəl spaυt sprŋ stedZ 'steəkes stem stk stl strak strak strəυl 'stömbəl sək'ses 'sönbeð 'sönskri:n sə'prazd swmŋ tröŋkz swŋ 'smfəni 'ti:pɒt θrl 'təυdstu:l trp trök tröŋk tju:n 'tÆ:nŋ pɔnt ön'kɒnʃəs "önkəυ'ɔ:dnet d və'raəti

visual, adj vivid, adj wander, v water skiing, n welcome, n wonder, n

'vZuəl 'vvəd 'wɒndə 'wɔ:tə "ski:ŋ 'welkəm 'wöndə

amazingly prolific.

rozmanitosť, mnohotvárnosť The college offers a wide variety of language courses.

vizuálny The movie has a strong visual impact. živý a vivid description of her childhood in Cornwall túlať sa We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city. vodné lyžovanie I did some water skiing this summer. privítanie His colleagues gave him a very warm welcome when he returned to work. zázrak the wonders of modern technology

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník 'wöndə 'wÆ:k r{p jel

diviť sa, žasnúť I sometimes wonder why I married her. pracovať Have you worked out how much we owe them? zabaliť I haven't wrapped her present yet. jačať He yelled at her to stop.

across, prep addict, n addiction, n addictive, adj allergy, n anaesthetic, n anti-, prefix ashamed, adj attempt, v aware, adj badminton, n bank account, n barefoot, adv bedtime, n bend, v bite, v blind, adj blood, n blood pressure, n bone, n brunette, n bug, n butterfly, n cheer up, v cheesecake, n cheque, n chopstick, n

ə'krɒs '{dkt ə'dkʃən ə'dktv '{lədZi "{nəs'θetk {nt ə'ʃemd ə'tempt ə'weə 'b{dmntən 'b{ŋk e"kaυnt 'beəfυt 'bedtam bend bat bland blöd 'blöd "preʃə bəυn bru:'net bög 'bötəfla tʃə 'tʃi:zkek tʃek 'tʃɒpœstk

cez, po celom The posters appeared across the country. závislý a coffee addict závislosť I'm trying to beat my television addiction. návykový It started as a hobby, but it got so addictive I had to keep on doing it. alergia I have an allergy to cats. anestetikum Eye surgery is often performed using a local anaesthetic. proti anti-allergy drugs zahanbený Mike felt ashamed of his old clothes. pokúsiť sa Marsh was accused of attempting to import the drugs illegally. byť si vedomý The children are aware of the danger of taking drugs. bedminton a badminton match bankový účet to open a bank account naboso walking barefoot in the sand čas ísť do postele It's way past your bedtime! ohnúť Bend your knees slightly. pohrýzť The dog's been badly bitten by fleas. slepý She was born blind. krv blood flowing from an open wound krvný tlak a special diet for people with high blood pressure kosť Sam broke a bone in his foot. brunetka She's a tall brunette. hmyz They've all been bitten by the football bug. motýľ I always get butterflies in my stomach before an exam. povzbudiť, obveseliť She took him out to dinner to cheer him up. druh koláča platobný šek Can I pay by cheque? paličky na jedenie čínskeho jedla It's important to use chopsticks properly

clinic, n colleague, n come, v companion, n compensate, v

'klnk 'kɒli:g köm kəm'p{njən 'kɒmpənset

klinika a dental clinic kolega my colleague at the university prísť They still haven't come up with a name for the baby. spoločník She became his close friend and constant companion. kompenzovať Because my left eye is so weak, my right eye has to work harder to

compulsive, adj couch potato, n counsellor, n credit card, n curb, v cure, n deadline, n debt, n disciplinary, adj

kəm'pölsv 'kaυtʃ pə"tetəυ 'kaυnsələ 'kredət kɑ:d kÆ:b kjυə 'dedlan det 'dsəplnəri, “dsə'plds'röpt d'str{kt du: dəυs n'hɑ:ns

wonder, v work, v wrap, v yell, v


disrupt, v distract, v do, v dose, n enhance, v

when you eat Japanese food.


posadnutý compulsive eating lenivec Experts believe couch potato lifestyle is worse for your health than smoking. advokát a marriage counsellor kreditná karta We accept all major credit cards. krotiť, držať na uzde Max tried hard to curb his temper. liek, liečba There is still no cure for AIDS. termín Friday's deadline is going to be very difficult to meet. dlh He finally has enough money to pay off his debts. disciplinárny The investigation led to disciplinary action against two officers. prerušiť Traffic will be severely disrupted by road works. vyrušiť Don't distract me while I'm driving! robiť The government are planning to do away with this tax altogether. tucet / 12 / One dose of this should get rid of the problem. posilniť, zvýrazniť Adding lemon juice will enhance the flavour.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník entertaining, adj estimate, v existence, n expect, v extreme, adj extreme, n fad, n fix, n force, v fur, n furry, adj gain, v gamble, v gene, n gentle, adj give up, v gory, adj graph, n hay fever, n head, v health farm, n heel, n high heels, n hobby, n homeopathy, n hooked, adj increasingly, adv inevitable, adj informative, adj ingredient, n injection, n insight, n

"entə'tenŋ 'estəmet g'zstəns k'spekt k'stri:m k'stri:m f{d fks fɔ:s fÆ: 'fÆ:ri gen 'g{mbəl dZi:n 'dZentl gv 'gɔ:ri gr{f 'he "f:və hed 'helθ fɑ:m hi:l "ha 'hi:lz 'hɒbi "həυmi'ɒpəθi hυkt n'kri:sŋli 'nevətəbəl n'fɔ:mətv n'gri:diənt n'dZekʃən 'nsat

zábavný an entertaining book odhadnúť The cost of repairs has been estimated at $1500. existencia a terrible existence očakávať We expect the meeting will finish about 5 o'clock. extrémny In one extreme case a child of ten was imprisoned. extrém Problems only occur when this attitude is taken to extremes. bláznivý nápad His interest in photography was just a passing fad. dávka I need my fix of caffeine in the morning or I can't think. prinútiť I had to force myself to get up this morning. kožušina shiny fur kožušinový small furry animals nabrať, obdržať Carrie's gained a lot of weight recently. stávkovať Their religion forbids them to drink or gamble. gén human genes jemný Arthur was a very gentle, caring person. vzdať sa Vlad has given up trying to teach me Russian. krvavý a gory film graf a graph showing population growth over 50 years senná nádcha In spring I always get hay fever. ísť určitým smerom, smerovať I'm heading off now. kúpele She regularly spends her holidays at health farms. podpätok boots with three-inch heels vysoké podpätky foot problems associated with high heels záľuba Tricia's hobby is gardening. homeopatia Not everyone believes in homeopathy. závislý I got hooked on TV when I was sick. vzrastajúci It's becoming increasingly difficult to find employment. neodvratný, nevyhnutný Death is inevitable. informatívny a very informative book zložky, suroviny Flour, water, and eggs are the most important ingredients. injekcia The nurse gave him an injection against typhoid. pohľad dovnútra The article gives us a real insight into the causes of the present

internal, adj kick, v kindness, n lie-in, n listener, n make ends meet, v matter, n matter, v midnight, n myth, n nicotine, n nicotine patch, n

n'tÆ:nl kk 'kandnəs 'la n 'lsənə mek 'm{tə 'm{tə 'mdnat mθ 'nkəti:n 'nkəti:n "p{tʃ

vnútorný internal bleeding odkopnúť The scheme helps smokers to kick the habit. vľúdnosť Sam never forgot her kindness. poležanie si, oddych I usually have a lie-in on Sunday morning. poslucháč Tell me all about it; I'm a good listener. vystačiť si When Mike lost his job, we could barely make ends meet. záležitosť Learning to drive is a matter of using your common sense. záležať na Money is the only thing that matters to him. polnoc We close at midnight. mýt the myth that America is a free and open society nikotín How much nicotine is there in an average pack of cigarettes? nikotínová náplasť A lot of smokers nowadays are using nicotine patches to help

note, n obesity, n obsessed, adj overeat, v overweight, adj overwhelming, adj parsley, n part, v

nəυt əυ'bi:səti əb'ses "əυvər'i:t "əυvə'wet "əυvə'welmŋ 'pɑ:sli pɑ:t

poznámka, záznam We must always take note of our customers' views. obezita to fight obesity posadnutý William is obsessed with making money. prejesť sa Some people can overeat without putting on much weight. s nadváhou I'm ten pounds overweight. ohromujúci Shari felt an overwhelming urge to cry. petržlen I often use parsley as decoration on food. rozdeliť sa, odlúčiť sa I hate to part with these boots, but they're worn out.

economic crisis.

them give up the habit.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník particularly, adv pig, v plastic surgery, n plummet, v pollen, n pollen count, n prevent, v psychiatrist, n put on, v quarter, n question, v reassurance, n redhead, n regime, n remedy, n remove, v response, n retail, n rid/get rid of /, adj run, v sacrifice, v salt, n scribble, v serviette, n severe, adj shopaholic, sleepwalker, slippery, adj slope, n spine, n spree, n squander, v squash, n store, n strategy, n strengthen, v subscriber, n surgery, n sweaty, adj symptom, n target, v therapeutic, adj thought-provoking, adj threatening, adj tip, n toll, n track, n trauma, n trial, n trigger, v

pə'tkjələli pg "pl{stk 'sÆ:dZəri 'plömət 'pɒlən 'pɒlən kaυnt pr'vent sa'kaətrəst pυt 'kwɔ:tə 'kwestʃən "ri:ə'ʃυərəns

konkrétne We're particularly worried about the increase in violent crime. jesť veľa ako prasa We pigged out on ice cream last night. plastická chirurgia to undergo plastic surgery klesnúť House prices have plummeted over the past year. peľ pollen allergy množstvo peľu v ovzduší The pollen count was high yesterday. zabrániť His back injury may prevent him from playing in tomorrow's game. psychiater He's being treated by a psychiatrist. pribrať Jill put on a lot of weight. štvrtina roughly one quarter of the city's population spýtať sa She questioned him about his past. znovu uistenie She's not very confident about her schoolwork - she needs plenty of reassurance.

'redhed re'Zi:m 'remədi r'mu:v r'spɒns 'ri:tel rd rön 's{krfas sɔ:lt 'skrbəl "sÆ:vi'et sə'və "ʃɒpə'hɒlk 'sli:p"wɔ:kə 'slpəri sləυp span spri: 'skwɒndə skwɒʃ stɔ: 'str{tədZi 'streŋθən səb'skrabə 'sÆ:dZəri 'sweti 'smptəm 'tɑ:gt "θerə'pju:tk 'θɔ:t prə"vəυkŋ 'θretnœŋ tp təυl tr{k 'trɔ:mə 'traəl 'trgə

červenovlasý famous redheads like Cleopatra režim a dietary regime liek, liečba herbal remedies odstrániť The police will remove any illegally parked cars. odpoveď There was still no response from him. maloobchod retail industry zbaviť sa Do you want to get rid of these old shirts? bežať, vyhnať do výšky We ran up a huge phone bill. obetovať He sacrificed a promising career to look after his kids. soľ Add a pinch of salt to the mixture. načmárať I scribbled his address on the back of an envelope. servítok a paper serviette vážny severe head injuries človek závislý na nakupovaní Amanda is a shopaholic. námesačný Waking a sleepwalker is difficult, but not dangerous. šmykľavý a slippery mountain path svah a ski slope chrbtica Bob injured his spine in a skiing accident. flám a shopping spree mrhať, utrácať They squandered the profits on expensive cars. squash a squash court obchod a book store stratégia the President's long-term economic strategy posilniť an exercise to strengthen your arms predplatiteľ cable television subscribers chirurgia plastic surgery upotený I was hot and sweaty from working in the sun. symptóm The symptoms are a fever, sore throat and headache. cieliť, zamerať sa welfare programmes targeted at the unemployed terapeutický Long walks can be therapeutic. nútiaci k zamysleniu a thought-provoking article výhražný a threatening gesture tip, rada He gave me some useful tips on how to take good pictures. obeť Years of smoking have taken their toll on his health. kurz We're still on track for 10% growth. trauma Children often have trouble coping with the trauma of divorce. pokus clinical trials of a new drug spustiť, odštartovať Certain forms of mental illness can be triggered by food allergies.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník

ön'wlŋ öp

nevyhnutný an unavoidable delay základná the underlying causes of her depression skromné To say I'm pleased would be an understatement. neochotný He's unwilling to admit he was wrong. mať niečo za lubom He keeps looking behind him. I'm sure he's up to something.

wedZ 'wetŋ ru:m weə wet "wÆ:kə'hɒlk 'wÆ:kaυt

mzda Wages keep going up. čakáreň I sat in the waiting room for two hours. stratiť účinok The drug was starting to wear off. váha Your weight is about right. závislý na práci Jake's become a real workaholic. vypracovanie a daily workout in the gym

absurd, adj alchemy, n animal rights, n announce, v attentive, adj avenue, n average, n beehive, n believable, adj bitterly, adv bond, v bookseller, n bound, adj boundless, adj bridge, n brotherhood, n brutal, adj bureaucrat, n caress, v carve, v cemetery, n centre, v character, n clever, adj code name, n confide, v constant, adj corridor, n courageous, adj criticism, n cruelty, n crusade, n cynic, n dagger, n debate, v detect, v

əb'sÆ:d '{lkəmi "{nməl 'rats ə'naυns ə'tentv '{vənju: '{vərdZ 'bi:hav bə'li:vəbəl 'btəli bɒnd 'bυk"selə baυnd baυndləs brdZ 'bröðəhυd 'bru:tl 'bjυərəkr{t kə'res kɑ:v 'semətri 'sentə 'k{rəktə 'klevə 'kəυd nem kən'fad 'kɒnstənt 'kɒrədɔ: kə'redZəs 'krtəszəm 'kru:əlti kru:'sed 'snk 'd{gə d'bet d'tekt

absurdný an absurd situation alchýmia alchemy as a philosophical and spiritual discipline práva zvierat Bill has been involved in the animal rights movement for years. oznámiť 'I'm not going to their party,' Maggie announced. pozorný an attentive host ulica Fifth Avenue priemer Each person raised an average of £60 to plant an acre of trees. úľ a wooden beehive vierohodný a believable story trpko Winters are often bitterly cold here. spojiť sa, viazať sa Time must be given for the mother to bond with her baby. predajca kníh antiquarian booksellers predurčený Madeleine's such a nice girl - she's bound to make friends. neohraničený, bezmedzný boundless energy most the bridge over the Mississippi bratstvo the Franciscan brotherhood brutálny a brutal attack byrokrat absurd bureaucrats láskať, mazliť Waves caressed the shore. vyrezávať carved wooden chairs cintorín The general is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. koncentrovať sa His whole life centres around his job. postava The book's main character is a young student. múdry a clever lawyer tajné meno What's the code name of the operation? zveriť sa I don't trust her enough to confide in her. neustály The children must be kept under constant supervision. chodba We had to wait outside in the corridor until our names were called. odvážny, udatný a courageous decision kritika She made several criticisms of my argument. krutosť Would you like to sign a petition against cruelty to animals? krížová výprava a crusade against violence cynik Even hardened cynics believe the meeting is a step towards peace. dýka I jumped to one side, and the dagger went deep into my shoulder diskutovať The issue will be debated on Tuesday. objaviť, odhaliť Small quantities of poison were detected in the dead man's

dimension, n discreet, adj diver, n dome, n

da'menʃən d'skri:t 'davə dəυm

unavoidable, adj underlying, adj understatement, n unwilling, adj up /be up to sth. /, adv,

"önə'vɔdəbəl "öndə'laœŋ "öndə'stetmənt


wage, n waiting room, n wear off, v weight, n workaholic, n workout, n



rozmer, dimenzia His coaching has added another dimension to my game. diskrétny It wasn't very discreet of you to call me at the office. potápač a scuba diver chrám a high glass dome

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník prach The truck drove off in a cloud of dust. zvoliť Clinton was elected President in 1992. nakoniec He worked so hard that eventually he made himself ill. rozsiahly Extensive research is being done into the connection between the disease

dust, n elect, v eventually, adv extensive, adj

döst 'lekt 'ventʃuəli k'stensv

fiction, n


figure, n forbid, v fraternity, n funny, adj

'fgə fə'bd frə'tÆ:nəti 'föni

postava an important political figure prepáčiť He was forbidden to leave the house, as a punishment. bratstvo I belonged to a fraternity at Yale. zábavný, vtipný Luckily, when I explained the situation, he saw the funny side

gaze, v geometry, n glance, n gleam, v greed, n greet, v guardian, n guide dog, n happily, adv heartbreaking, adj heartless, adj heroic, adj heroine, n hilarious, adj humorous, adj hundred, number hushed, adj idealistic, adj identify, v immense, adj

gez dZi'ɒmətri glɑ:ns gli:m gri:d gri:t 'gɑ:diən 'gad dɒg 'h{pəli 'hɑ:t"brekŋ 'hɑ:tləs h'rəυk 'herəυn h'leəriəs 'hju:mərəs 'höndrəd höʃt a"də'lstk a'dentəfa 'mens

upriamený pohľad Judith tried to avoid his gaze. geometria rýchly pohľad He gave her a quick glance and smiled. žiariť, lesknúť sa The Rolls Royce gleamed in the moonlight. pažravosť, nenásytnosť Burning the rainforest is motivated by greed. pozdraviť The children came rushing out to greet me. strážca, dozorca The UN is the guardian of peace in the area. vodiaci pes Jess is going to need a guide dog. našťastie Happily, no one was hurt in the fire. srdcervúci heartbreaking pictures of starving children bezcitný This was a heartless and insensitive way to treat an elderly woman. hrdinský a heroic act of bravery hrdinka Myra, the fictional heroine of The Women's Room veselý She thinks his jokes are hilarious. humorný a humorous account of her trip to Egypt sto Hundreds of people joined in the march. stíšený, tichý people speaking in hushed voices idealistický idealistic young doctors identifikovať Can you identify the man who robbed you? nesmierny, obrovský An immense amount of money has been spent on

incredible, adj initiation, n kneel, v labyrinth, n lamp, n landmine, n leaf, v liberate, v likely, adj make, v manage, v marine, adj mark, v messenger, n mine, n mysterious, adj mystery, n navy, n oblige, v

n'kredəbəl "nʃi'eʃən ni:l 'l{bərnθ l{mp 'l{ndman li:f 'lbəret 'lakli mek 'm{ndZ mə'ri:n mɑ:k 'mesndZə man m'stəriəs 'mstəri 'nevi ə'bladZ

neuveriteľný It's incredible how much you remind me of your father. zahájenie, zasvätenie initiation rituals for young boys at puberty kľaknúť si She knelt down and began to pray. labyrint a labyrinth of passageways lampa a desk lamp nášľapná mína a global ban on landmines prelistovať She picked up the magazine and leafed through it. oslobodiť For the first time, she was liberated from her parents' strict rules. pravdepodobný Snow showers are likely tomorrow. urobiť He could just make out a dark shape moving towards him. zvládnuť Do you think we'll manage to finish the work by Friday? námorný marine life vyznačiť, označiť The police had marked out the route for the race. posol Pigeons were extensively used as messengers in the two World Wars. mína The ship struck a mine and sank. záhadný a mysterious smile záhada The location of the stolen money remains a mystery. námorníctvo My dad was 20 when he joined the navy. mať povinnosť, byť zaviazaný The minister was obliged to report at least

occur, v palatial, adj

ə'kÆ: pə'leʃəl

objaviť sa Did it never occur to you to phone? luxusný, honosný a palatial five-star hotel

and poor living conditions.

beletria, románová literatúra A. A. Milne was a popular writer of children's fiction.

(recognised that it was partly funny).


once every six months.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník pass by, v passageway, n passionate, adj permit, v pharmaceutical, adj pierce, v pigeon, n pledge, v

pɑ:s 'p{sdZwe 'p{ʃənət pə'mt "fɑ:mə'sju:tkəl pəs 'pdZən pledZ

plynúť She felt that life was passing her by. chodba He led me down a narrow passageway. vášnivý a passionate speech povoliť The visa permits you to stay for three weeks. farmaceutický large pharmaceutical companies prebodnúť, prevŕtať The lights from the boat pierced the fog. holub London has lots of problems with pigeons. sľúbiť, ručiť, zaviazať sa The chosen students were invited to pledge to the

plot, n point, n port, n potential, n precise, adj preserve, v profound, adj red, n reformer, n reluctant, adj require, v rite, n ritual, n sanctuary, n scratch, v sea lion, n search, n secret, adj secret agent, n

obsah I didn't really understand the plot. význam We're going to lose anyway, so I can't see the point of playing. prístav the port of Dover potenciál She was told she had great potential as a singer. presný She gave a precise description of her attacker. uchovať, zachovať All the old buildings had been very well preserved. hlboký, prenikavý Her death was a profound shock to all of us. červený The thought of Pierre with Nicole had made her see red. reformátor a passionate reformer neochotný I was reluctant to let her go there by herself, but finally I did. požadovať, vyžadovať Pets require a lot of care. obrad funeral rites rituál church rituals azyl, útočisko The rebel leader took sanctuary in the French embassy. škriabať a dog scratching at the door to be let in nosáč-typ veľkého tuleňa the famous sea lions of San Francisco hľadať Mark went in search of water. tajomný a secret admirer tajný agent an MI6 secret agent

shadow, n shake, v sinister, adj smell, n smell, v snowstorm, n soldier, n sorority, n

plɒt pɔnt pɔ:t pə'tenʃəl pr'sas pr'zÆ:v prə'faυnd red r'fɔ:mə r'löktənt r'kwaə rat 'rtʃuəl 's{ŋktʃuəri skr{tʃ 'si: "laən sÆ:tʃ 'si:krət "s:krət 'edZənt 'ʃ{dəυ ʃek 'snəstə smel smel 'snəυstɔ:m 'səυldZə sə'rɒrəti

soul, n specify, v spirit, n street, n stunned, adj subsequently, adv succeed, v summit, n suspense, n tendency, n thousand, number timid, adj undergraduate, n underwater, adj universe, n upset, adj

səυl 'spesəfa 'sprət stri:t stönd 'söbskwəntli sək'si:d 'sömət sə'spens 'tendənsi 'θaυzənd 'tmd "öndə'gr{dZuət "öndə'wɔ:tə 'ju:nəvÆ:s "öp'set

duša She's dead, but her soul's in heaven. špecifikovať, spresniť The plan didn't specify how the money should be spent. duch Although Laurie is dead, I can feel his spirit with me. ulica What street do you live on? ohromený, omráčený He looked completely stunned. následne The book was subsequently translated into 15 languages. uspieť Did you succeed in finding a place to stay? vrchol Many people have now reached the summit of Mount Everest. vzrušujúci a suspense book náklonnosť, tendencia He has a tendency to talk too much. tisíc Steve's had thousands of girlfriends. plachý I was a timid child. vysokoškolák v druhom ročníku second-year undergraduates pod vodou underwater photography vesmír everything in the universe rozčúlený, zmätený When I told him he'd failed, he got very upset.


tieň As the sun set, the shadows became longer. triasť, potriasť When asked if he wanted anything else, he just shook his head. nedbalý, zlý, zlomyseľný There's something sinister about the whole thing. pach/vôňa, smrad What a lovely smell! cítiť nosom I can smell something burning! snežná búrka a terrible snowstorm vojak A British soldier was wounded in the fighting. sesterstvo, klub pre vybraných na univerzite Gamma Phi Beta is a famous university sorority.

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Page 21 of 37

Anglicko – slovenský slovník 'vldZə 'wɔ:tə"kölə wŋk 'wöndəfəl zəυn

dedinčan African villagers vodová farba Margaret began experimenting with watercolour. žmurknúť Don't tell Dad,' he said, winking at her. báječný Congratulations! That's wonderful news! pásmo, oblasť, zóna a no-parking zone abstraktný an exhibition of abstract art privítaný, uvítaný, His work was critically acclaimed. sprevádzať Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. pripustiť He was wrong, but he won't admit it. zábavný a highly amusing story výročný, každoročný the annual conference príťažlivosť, pôvab The traditional rural lifestyle has lost none of its appeal. páčiť sa The new programme should appeal to our younger viewers. schvaľovať, tlieskať I applaud the decision to install more security cameras. umelecky zameraný, vie veľa o umení an arty film student spojiť, spojovať the health problems that are associated with smoking priťahovať, vábiť, lákať I was attracted by the idea of living on a desert island. konkurzná hra, posluch na konkurze to attend an audition v zákulisí There was great excitement backstage.

bear in mind, v benefit, n blow away, v box office, n buff, n capoeira, n

'{bstr{kt ə'klemd ə'kömpəni əd'mt ə'mju:zŋ '{njuəl ə'pi:l ə'pi:l ə'plɔ:d 'ɑ:ti ə'səυʃiet ə'tr{kt ɔ:'dʃən "b{k'stedZ bə'letəυmen "bɔ:lrυm 'dɑ:nsŋ beə 'benəft bləυ 'bɒks "ɒfs böf "k{pəυ'eərə

cast, n choreography, n circulation, n clubbing, n

kɑ:st "kɒri'ɒgrəfi "sÆ:kjə'leʃən 'klöbŋ

obsadenie/ rolí vo filme / an all-star cast choreografia brilliantly inventive choreography náklad, počet výtlačkov a magazine with a circulation of 400,000 navštevovanie klubov, chodenie von She always goes clubbing when

clumsy, adj comic, n composer, n concert, n conductor, n

'klömzi 'kɒmk kəm'pəυzə 'kɒnsət kən'döktə

nemotorný, neohrabaný At 13, she was clumsy and shy. komik, časopis komixový What's your favourite comic? skladateľ a well-known composer koncert I've managed to get tickets for the Oasis concert. dirigent Herbert von Karajan, one of the most prominent conductors of the post-war

confession, n congratulate, v contrast, n

kən'feʃən kən'gr{tʃəlet 'kɒntrɑ:st

priznanie At 3 a.m. Higgins broke down and made a full confession. gratulovať She congratulated me warmly on my exam results. protiklad, kontrast While there are similarities in the two cultures, there are also

courteous, adj craze, n culture, n

'kÆ:tiəs krez 'költʃə

zdvorilý a very courteous young man móda, bláznenie the latest craze to hit New York kultúra, umenie Lilly's a real culture vulture - every weekend out at galleries and

definitive, adj delight, v depressing, adj disturbing, adj drag away, v drama, n

d'fnətv d'lat d'presŋ d'stÆ:bŋ dr{g 'drɑ:mə

villager, n watercolour, n wink, v wonderful, adj zone, n

MODULE 7 abstract, adj acclaimed, adj accompany, v admit, v amusing, adj annual, adj appeal, n appeal, v applaud, v arty, adj associate, v attract, v audition, n backstage, adv balletomane, n ballroom dancing, n

the Balletomane Society

spoločenský tanec graceful ballroom dancers mať na pamäti Bear in mind that some children will need help. výhoda There are obvious benefits for computer users. prekvapiť It just blows me away, the way everyone's so friendly round here. pokladňa Collect your tickets at the box office. fanúšik, niekto, kto sa zaujíma o... I'm not much of an opera buff. afro-brazílska zmes tanca a boja, podobné bojovým umeniam a capoeira school

she's in New York.


great contrasts.


určitý, istý There is no definitive answer to the problem. mať radosť, potešiť sa She delights in shocking people. depresívny, skľučujúci The whole experience was very depressing. znepokojujúci a disturbing increase in violent crime odtrhnúť sa od... Can you drag yourself away from the TV for a minute? dráma a new drama series for Saturday nights

Slovak Ventures, s.r.o. Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190, e-mail:,,

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Page 22 of 37

Anglicko – slovenský slovník drawing, n dress rehearsal, n dressing room, n duet, n embarrassment, n energetic, adj engaging, adj eternal, adj exhibition, n exhilarating, adj far-fetched, adj

'drɔ:ŋ 'dres r"hÆ:səl 'dresŋ ru:m dju'et m'b{rəsmənt "enə'dZetk n'gedZŋ 'tÆ:nəl "eksə'bʃən g'zləretŋ "fɑ: 'fetʃt

kresba She showed us a drawing of the house. generálna skúška Don't be late for the dress rehearsal tomorrow. šatňa Miss Palladino is in her dressing room. duet a piano duet rozpaky Billy looked down and tried to hide his embarrassment. rázny, energický America needs a young, strong, energetic leader. okúzľujúca an engaging personality večný eternal love prehliadka, výstava an impressive exhibition of athletic skill radostný The balloon ride was exhilarating. veľmi nepravdepodobné, prehnané I thought her story was pretty far-

fiery, adj fish finger, n flamenco, n flop, n force, n formality, n fusion, n glorious, adj graceful, adj guidance, n gypsy, n haiku, n harmony, n hit, n hypnotic, adj inhibition, n insist, v instinct, n intoxicating, adj jig, n journal, n landscape, n leading, adj let, v

'faəri "fʃ 'fŋgə flə'meŋkəυ flɒp fɔ:s fɔ:'m{ləti 'fju:Zən 'glɔ:riəs 'gresfəl 'gadəns 'dZpsi 'haku: 'hɑ:məni ht hp'nɒtk "nhə'bʃən n'sst 'nstŋkt n'tɒksketŋ dZg 'dZÆ:nl 'l{ndskep 'li:dŋ let

zanietený a fiery speech rybie prsty frozen fish fingers flamenko to dance flamenco neúspech, prepadák The show's first series was a complete flop. sila The police used force to break up the demonstration. formalita, formálnosť He greeted his guests with great formality. spojenie Her work is a fusion of several different styles. úžasný, prekrásny a glorious achievement pôvabný a graceful dancer doprovod, sprievod Parental guidance is needed for children under 12. cigán, Róm A gypsy caravan was parked in the field. haiku It's easy to write a haiku. súlad, harmónia People of many races live here in harmony. úspech, šláger She had a big hit with her first album. hypnotický hypnotic music zábrana She soon loses her inhibitions when she's had a few glasses of wine. trvať na She always insisted on her innocence. inštinkt Instinct told me that something was wrong. opojný the intoxicating combination of her beauty and wit džig - írsky tanec Irish jig denník, noviny, časopis a scientific journal krajina, krajinka English landscape artists hlavný, vedúci Julia Roberts plays the leading role in the film. nechať, dovoliť For goodness sake, Peter, why don't you just let yourself go for

life, n mambo, n monotonous, adj novel, n novelist, n object, v originate, v passion, n peaceful, adv percussion, n performance, n performance art, n

laf 'm{mbəυ mə'nɒtənəs 'nɒvəl 'nɒvələst əb'dZekt ə'rdZənet 'p{ʃən 'pi:sfəl pə'köʃən pə'fɔ:məns pə'fɔ:məns “ɑ:t

život Our volunteers include people from all walks of life. mambo Afro-Cuban and Latin rhythms, like mambo or rumba jednotvárny, monotónny monotonous work román, novela the novels of Jane Austen románopisec John Fowles, the famous novelist namietať, nesúhlasiť Ron's too tired to drive,' Steve objected. pochádzať z... The custom of having a Christmas tree originated in Germany. vášeň He spoke with great passion about his country. pokojný a peaceful day in the country bubny, bicie nástroje Tonight we have Paul Duke on percussion. vystúpenie The next performance is at 8 o'clock. umenie kombinujúce tanec, hranie, maľovanie,... a performance art

philistine, n philosophy, n playwright, n portrait, n

'fləstan fə'lɒsəfi 'plerat 'pɔ:trət




filister, neznalý umenia When it comes to art, the man's a philistine. filozofia She's studying Philosophy at university. autor divadelných hier Tennessee Williams, the famous playwright portrét a portrait of the queen

Slovak Ventures, s.r.o. Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190, e-mail:,,

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Page 23 of 37

Anglicko – slovenský slovník preview, v pride, n primal, adj production, n rating, n rave, v recommend, v rehearsal, n relaxing, adj remind, v

'pri:vju: prad 'praməl prə'dökʃən 'retŋ rev "rekə'mend r'hÆ:səl r'l{ksŋ r'mand

predpremiérovať The band will preview their new album on 2nd March. pýcha It's a matter of pride for some men that their wives don't have to work. primárny, prvotný the primal instinct for survival prevedenie, dielo a modern production of Romeo and Juliet poradie, odhad Some people think the 12A film rating is not always strict enough. blúzniť o... Everybody raved about the movie, but I hated it. odporúčať Police are recommending that women should avoid the area at night. divadelná skúška She was late for the rehearsal again. odpočinkový, relaxačný a relaxing afternoon in the garden pripomenúť Mrs Welland reminded her son that they still had several people to

retain, v rhythm, n rhythmic, adj ritual, adj rumba, n ruthless, adj salsa, n scary, adj score, n sculpture, n selection, n sensual, adj set, n shy, adj silly, adj smash hit, n snowflake, n soloist, n sonata, n soporific, adj spice, n stall, n

r'ten 'rðəm 'rðmk 'rtʃuəl 'römbə 'ru:θləs 's{lsə 'skeəri skɔ: 'skölptʃə sə'lekʃən 'senʃuəl set ʃa 'sli 'sm{ʃ ht 'snəυflek 'səυləυəst sə'nɑ:tə "sɒpə'rfk spas stɔ:l

uchovať si, podržať The town had retained much of its old charm. rytmus complicated dance rhythms rytmický the rhythmic thud of the bass drum rituálny ritual dancing rumba Afro-Cuban and Latin rhythms, like mambo or rumba neľútostný, nemilosrdný a ruthless dictator salsa a salsa club strašidelný a scary movie partitúra, hudba /napr. k filmu/ Who wrote the score for the movie? socha a bronze sculpture by Peter Helzer výber These drawings represent a selection from a larger exhibition. zmyslový, sensual music scéna OK everybody, quiet on the set! hanblivý a shy smile hlúpy Don't be silly; we can't afford a new car. veľmi úspešný hit, film,.. This song's definitely going to be a smash hit. snehová vločka What are the chances of two snowflakes being exactly alike? sólista cello soloist Yo Yo Ma sonáta, /hudobné dielo/ a piano sonata uspávací a soporific drug korenie Travel adds spice to your life. galéria, najlepšie miesta na sedenie a good seat in the front row of the

stamp, v still life, n stressed out, adj string, n stunt, n suitcase, n supporting role, adj

st{mp "stl 'laf strest strŋ stönt 'su:tkes sə'pɔ:tŋ

potlačiť I find it exhilarating to stamp out passionate rhythms. zátišie/na obraze/ the still life was hung in the gallery vystresovaný You look really stressed out. What's the matter? niť, povraz a ball of string kaskadérsky kúsok Not many actors do their own stunts. kufor to pack a suitcase vedľajšia úloha Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role: Morgan

take on, n tango, n theatregoers, n truth, n ultimate, n

tek 't{ŋgəυ 'θətə"gəυə tru:θ 'öltəmət

understudy, n universal, adj uplifting, adj upsetting, adj uptight, adj vitality, n vulture, n

'öndə"stödi "ju:nə'vÆ:səl öp'lftŋ öp'setŋ 'öptat va't{ləti völtʃə



Freeman for 'Million Dollar Baby' názor, pohľad What's your take on this issue?

tango There are many tango dance styles. návštevníci divadla an actress well-known to all theatregoers pravda I'm sure she's telling the truth. najlepší, najmodernejší, naj naj... The Orient-Express is the ultimate in luxury.

alternant The understudy took Hillary's part. svetový, všeobecný a universal ban on nuclear weapons povzbudzujúci, povznecujúci an uplifting experience rozrušujúci, spôsobujúci rozrušenie an upsetting experience nervózny, naštvaný You shouldn't get so uptight about it. vitalita Even though she's in her 80s, she's still full of vitality. sup, dravec Lilly's a real culture vulture - every weekend out at galleries and

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník theatres.

walk of life, n


postavenie v spoločnosti, hlavne týkajúce sa zamestnania Our

waltz, n warn, v

wɔ:ls wɔ:n

waltz Why don't you learn to dance the waltz? varovať, vystríhať We tried to warn her, but she wouldn't listen.

"{bsənt 'mandəd '{ktəvet 'eəriəl ə'lɑ:m ɔ:l '{nələst "ɔ:tə'm{tk '{vəlɑ:nʃ 'b{təri bi:m bi:t b'gn "bg'hedd 'bɔ:dŋ kɑ:d 'breθ"tekŋ 'bÆ:glə 'bÆ:glə ə"lɑ:m 'kɑ:bənetəd 'ketə ʃef tʃəυk "kɒmpən'seʃən kəm'pölsəri kən'sdərəbəl kən'sju:m kən"sju:mə 'djυərəbəlz kən'testənt kən'tnjuəs kən'vnsŋ kə'rekʃən “flu:d köt d'kri:s "di:p 'ru:td d'ströktv da'lu:t dÆ:t 'dʃ"wɒʃə 'döbəl "lektrk 'ʃɒk "empti 'h{ndəd "empti 'hedəd 'emjəlet n'kləυz n'dendZə 'enədZi

zábudlivý Granddad's been getting rather absent-minded lately.

volunteers include people from all walks of life.

MODULE 8 absent-minded, adj activate, v aerial, adj alarm, n all, adv analyst, n automatic, adj avalanche, n battery, n beam, v beat up, v begin, v big-headed, adj boarding card, n breathtaking, adj burglar, n burglar alarm, n carbonated, adj cater, v chef, n choke, v compensation, n compulsory, adj considerable, adj consume, v consumer durables, n contestant, n continuous, adj convincing, adj correction fluid, n cut off, v decrease, v deep-rooted, adj destructive, adj dilute, v dirt, n dishwasher, n double, v electric shock, n empty-handed, adj empty-headed, adj emulate, v enclose, v endanger, v energy, n

aktivovať This switch activates the alarm. letecký aerial photographs poplašné zariadenie, budík a burglar alarm všetko All in all, I think the festival was a big success. analytik a financial analyst automatický an automatic camera lavína Two skiers were killed in the avalanche. batéria I need some new batteries for my Walkman. vysielať, žiariť The signal is beamed up to a satellite. zmlátiť, zbiť Her husband went crazy and beat her up. začať To begin with, you mustn't take the car without asking. namyslený Trisha is so big-headed! palubný lístok Check in your luggage and get your boarding card. vyrážajúci dych a breathtaking view lupič The police finally caught the burglar. poplašné zariadenie We had a burglar alarm installed. uhličitanový carbonated water starať sa /hlavne o jedlo / a holiday company catering for the elderly šéfkuchár Drew is one of the top chefs in Texas. dusiť sa, škrtiť sa He choked on a piece of bread. náhrada, kompenzácia Dr Hawkins received £15,000 in compensation. povinný compulsory military service značný, dôležitý, významný a considerable amount of money konzumovať Alcohol may not be consumed on the premises. spotrebný materiál, ktorý sa nekupuje často/autá, nábytok,.../ the consumer durables sector

súťažiaci Who is our next contestant? neustály These plants need a continuous supply of fresh water. presvedčivý a convincing argument korektor, tekutina na zatieranie preklepov You can use correction fluid to correct this mistake.

odrezať In winter, the town is often cut off by snow. zmenšovať sa The number of people who smoke has continued to decrease. hlboko zakorenený a deep-rooted suspicion of lawyers ničivý, deštrukčný the destructive power of modern weapons riedený, rozriedený diluted fruit juice špina The walls were black with age and dirt. umývačka riadu Will you help me load the dishwasher? zdvojnásobiť They offered to double my salary if I stayed with the company. elektrický šok The washing machine gave me an electric shock. s prázdnymi rukami The thieves fled the building empty-handed. hlúpy empty-headed cartoons napodobňovať, imitovať Children naturally emulate their heroes. ohradiť, obklopovať A high wall enclosed the garden. ohrozovať Smoking seriously endangers your health. energia energy-saving tips

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník estate agent, n

'stet "edZənt

realitný agent, realitná agentúra Find out what your rights are when you're

external, adj fabric, n fluid, n frozen, adj globalisation, n

k'stÆ:nl 'f{brk 'flu:əd 'frəυzən "gləυbəla'zeʃə n glu: 'gr{dZuəl 'gr{dZuəli 'graυnd"brekŋ "gadd 'tυə hɑ:v h{nd

vonkajší external examiners vlákno heavy woollen fabric tekutina My doctor told me to rest and drink plenty of fluids. mrazený, zamrznutý frozen peas globalizácia the increasing globalisation of world trade

glue, v gradual, adj gradually, adv groundbreaking, adj guided tour, n halve, v hand, n

buying and selling a property through an estate agent.

zlepiť Cut out the pieces and glue the edges together. postupný, pozvoľný a gradual increase in the number of jobs available postupne Gradually, my ankle got better. priekopnícky groundbreaking research in physics prehliadka so sprievodcom You will be taken on a guided tour of the palace. znížiť na polovicu Food production was almost halved during the war. ruka, strana On the one hand, they work slowly, but on the other hand they always finish the job.

veliteľstvo police headquarters vysoko výkonný a high-powered speedboat hostiteľ Which country is hosting the next World Cup? ochudobniť, ožobráčiť families impoverished by debt rast, vzostup Crime in the city is on the increase. rásť, narásť, zväčšiť sa The population of this town has increased dramatically. podstatný, základný I'm afraid the problems you mention are inherent in the

instance /for/, n

'hed"kwɔ:təz "ha 'paυəd həυst m'pɒvərʃ 'ŋkri:s n'kri:s n'hərənt, œ'herœ 'nstəns

ironing board, n irrelevant, adj isolation, n kingdom, n labour-saving, adj latter, n

'aənŋ "bɔ:d 'reləvənt "asə'leʃən 'kŋdəm 'lebə “sevŋ 'l{tə

launch, n launch, v lawn mower, n left-handed, adj length/go to great length/, n level-headed, adj life insurance, n loudspeaker, n majority, n medicinal, adj

lɔ:ntʃ lɔ:ntʃ 'lɔ:n “məυə "left 'h{ndəd leŋθ "levəl 'hedd laf in"ʃυərəns "laυd'spi:kə mə'dZɒrəti mə'dsənəl

duševne vyrovnaný level-headed behaviour životná poistka a life insurance policy reproduktor Where shall we put the loudspeakers? väčšina The majority of adult smokers want to give up the habit. zdravotný, medicínsky Cough syrup should be used for medicinal purposes

mind, n


názor, myseľ The Internet, to my mind, represents information exchange at its

minority, n modernise, v

ma'nɒrəti 'mɒdənaz

mouth-watering, adj

'maυθ "wɔ:trŋ

narrow-minded, adj

"n{rəυ 'mandəd 'nesəl "nevər 'endŋ "əυpən 'mandəd

headquarters, n high-powered, adj host, v impoverish, v increase, n increase, v inherent, adj

nestle, v never-ending, adj open-minded, adj


príklad, napríklad She's totally unreliable - for instance, she often leaves the children alone in the house. žehliaca doska Amir took the ironing board out of the cupboard. nepodstatný His age is irrelevant if he can do the job. izolácia Because of its isolation, the island developed its own culture. kráľovstvo the Kingdom of Nepal šetriaci prácu a labour-saving device ten druhý, druhý z dvoch Where unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former. spustenie, uvedenie na trh the launch of a new women's magazine

spustiť, uviesť na trh Jaguar is planning to launch a new sports car. kosačka an electric lawn mower ľavák, ľavoruký My youngest son is left-handed. dĺžka / vyvinúť maximálne úsilie/ She went to great lengths to help us.

only. best.

menšina Only a minority of students get a first-class degree. modernizovať They need more funds to modernise the country's telephone system.

spôsobujúci zbiehanie sa slín a mouth-watering aroma coming from the kitchen

úzkoprsý, malicherný He's very narrow-minded. usalašiť sa, uhniezdiť sa The little cat nestled in his arms. nikdy nekončiaci Keeping the house neat and clean is a never-ending battle. prístupný, nezaujatý My doctor isn't very open-minded about new treatments.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník nepatriaci tam, outsider Sometimes I feel like an outsider in my own family. prvoradý, základný Security is of overriding importance. výlet so všetkým čo k tomu patrí a cheap package tour to Tenerife bolesť Roy was at pains to point out that English was the only exam he'd ever failed. bolestivý He had a pained expression on his face. platiť Many of the workers are very badly paid. ceruzka The note was written in pencil. lekárnik You should ask your pharmacist about the side effects of this drug. klásť, položiť, predložiť Nuclear waste poses a threat to the environment. napájaný, poháňaný a solar-powered lamp vopred dohodnutý At a prearranged signal, everyone stood up. priestory budovy Schools may earn extra money by renting out their premises. hlboký, prenikavý Her death was a profound shock to all of us. ochrana evidence that vitamin C gives protection from cancer na diaľkové ovládanie, a radio-controlled toy car

rapid, adj remarkable, adj remote, adj restricted, adj right-handed, adj rinse, v robe, n rubber, n running, adj rustic, adj scenery, n scratch, n sewing machine, n slight, adj soak, v spark, v sparse, adj spectre, n spicy, adj split, v spokeswoman, n stream, n synthetic, adj syrup, n terrain, n threat, n time-saving, adj transmitter, n trend, n two-faced, adj

aυt'sadə "əυvə'radŋ 'p{kdZ tυə pen pend pe 'pensəl 'fɑ:məsəst pəυz 'paυəd "pri:ə'rendZd 'preməs prə'faυnd prə'tekʃən "rediəυ kən'trəυld 'r{pəd r'mɑ:kəbəl r'məυt r'strktəd "rat 'h{ndd rns rəυb 'röbə 'rönŋ 'röstk 'si:nəri skr{tʃ 'səυŋ mə"ʃi:n slat səυk spɑ:k spɑ:s 'spektə 'spasi splt 'spəυks"wυmən stri:m sn'θetk 'srəp te'ren θret 'tam “sevŋ tr{nz'mtə trend "tu: 'fest

undeniable, adj victory, n wake, v

"önd'naəbəl 'vktəri wek

nemožný zaprieť, poprieť, nepopriteľný undeniable proof víťazstvo, slávy Napoleon's armies won a great victory. prebudiť People are now waking up to the fact that cars cause more problems than

what's more, determiner,


a čo viac... Gas is a very efficient fuel. And what's more, it's clean.

'reslŋ 'ratŋ “pepə

wrestling a wrestling match papier na písanie There's some writing paper in the lounge.

outsider, n overriding, adj package tour, n pain, n pained, adj pay, v pencil, n pharmacist, n pose, v powered, adj prearranged, adj premise, n profound, adj protection, n radio-controlled, adj

rýchly, prudký rapid political changes pozoruhodný He called Gorbachev 'one of the most remarkable men in history'. vzdialený, odľahlý a remote planet obmedzujúca a restricted diet praváci, pravoruký All of my children are right-handed. vypláchnuť, prepláchnuť Rinse the lettuce in cold water. rúcho, róba a judge's robe guma The tyres were smooth where the rubber had completely worn away. bežecký, určený na behanie running shoes jednoduchý, drsný, a rustic mountain cabin krajina, scenéria You should visit Norway - the scenery is magnificent! škrabanec Where did this scratch on the car come from? mašina na šitie He had just bought a sewing machine. mierny There has been a slight change of plan. nasiaknuť, namočiť, premočiť Leave that dish in the sink to soak. iskriť, podnietiť The speech sparked riots throughout the city. rozptýlený, riedky sparse vegetation strašidlo, duch The spectre of war lingered over the talks. korenistý spicy meatballs rozdeliť sa We'll split up into three work groups. hovorkyňa the company's spokeswoman prúd a stream of traffic syntetický, umelý synthetic fabrics like acrylic sirup a medicinal syrup terén mountainous terrain hrozba, vyhrážka pollution that is a major threat to the environment šetriaci čas a time-saving device vysielač, prenášač trend, módny smer There's a trend toward more part-time employment. majúci dve tváre, prezliekajúci kabát podľa potreby He's a two-faced liar.

they are worth.


wrestling, n writing paper, n

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MODULE 9 prístup Access to the papers is restricted to senior management. účet He couldn't remember his account number. účtovník, a certified accountant letecká linka an airline pilot zábavný an amused grin ospravedlniť sa Apologise to your sister now! osvojiť si, vziať na seba Over five years, he assumed several false identities. štátny žalobca, generálny prokurátor the state attorney general's office

authenticity, n

'{kses ə'kaυnt ə'kaυntənt 'eəlan ə'mju:zd ə'pɒlədZaz ə'sju:m ə"tÆ:ni 'dZenərəl "ɔ:θən'tsəti

bankrupt, adj bar exam, n

'b{ŋkröpt bɑ:

bet, v bill, v

bet bl

staviť, vsadiť She bet all her money on a horse that came last. fakturovať, účtovať Everything, including your food and lodging, will be billed to

blackmail, n blank, adj borrow, v broke, adj catch up with, v claim, v client, n come by, v con, n

'bl{kmel bl{ŋk 'bɒrəυ brəυk k{tʃ klem 'klaənt köm kɒn

vydierač The blackmailer was sent to prison. nepopísaný, čistý Leave the last page blank. požičať si Could I borrow your dictionary for a moment? na mizine, bez peňazí I can't pay you now - I'm broke. dohoniť niekoho I had to run to catch up with her. vyhlasovať, tvrdiť Ask Louie; he claims to be an expert. zákazník, klient I have a meeting with an important client. zohnať niečo, čo je vzácne How did you come by these pictures? balamutenie The advertisement says they're offering free holidays, but it's all a big

confess, v confidence trick, n

kən'fes 'kɒnfdəns “trk

priznať sa It didn't take long for her to confess. podvod s využitím dôvery I realised that the man wasn't a real insurance

consultancy, n convince, v counter, n

kən'söltənsi kən'vns 'kaυntə

odborná rada He started his own consultancy company. presvedčiť Shaw had convinced the jury of his innocence. prepážka, okienko There was a long queue and only two girls working behind the

crash helmet, n

'kr{ʃ "helmət

ochranná prilba, If he hadn't worn a crash helmet, his injuries would have been

credentials, n


poverovacia listina The security guards asked the reporter to show his press

debt, n defraud, v deposit, n deposit, v diploma, n disintegrate, v donate, v dot-com, adj driving licence, n

dlh, dlžoba Nearly half the students said they were in debt. spreneveriť He attempted to defraud the bank of thousands of dollars. vklad I'd like to make a deposit please. vložiť How much would you like to deposit? diplom a high school diploma rozpadnúť sa, rozložiť sa The whole plane just disintegrated in mid-air. venovať Our school donated £500 to the Red Cross. pracujúci hlavne cez internet, internetový a dot-com company vodičský preukaz Do you have a driving licence?

embezzle, v enable, v engagement, n escapade, n even, adj

det d'frɔ:d d'pɒzət d'pɒzt də'pləυmə ds'ntəgret dəυ'net "dɒt 'kɒm 'dravŋ "lasəms m'bezəl 'nebəl n'gedZmənt 'eskəped 'i:vən

financial, adj flip, v

fə'n{nʃəl flp

access, n account, n accountant, n airline, n amused, adj apologise, v assume, v attorney general, n

hodnovernosť, pravosť Archaeological evidence may help to establish the authenticity of the statue. zbankrotovaný The firm went bankrupt before the building work was completed. advokátska skúška He managed to pass the bar exam of Louisiana, which enabled him to get a job in a state attorney general's office.

our company.


expert and that he had played a clever confidence trick on me.

counter. much worse. credentials.

spreneveriť Two managers were charged with embezzling $400,000. umožniť The money from her aunt enabled Jan to buy the house. zasnúbenie They announced their engagement at Christmas. riskantné dobrodružstvo their dangerous escapades in the Great War rovnomerný, rovnaký We're hoping that we'll at least break even, and perhaps make a small profit. finančný a financial adviser

otočiť na druhú stranu He flipped the paper over and started writing on the back.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník falšovať a forged passport falšovanie forgery, embezzlement and other forms of white-collar crime podvod The police arrested him for tax fraud. pravý, rýdzi a genuine diamond vyjsť s peniazmi tak akurát He only earns just enough to get by. plná dlaň The boy picked up a handful of stones and started throwing them at us. uniesť to hijack a plane/bus rukojemník a family taken hostage at gunpoint identita The identity of the killer is still unknown. krádež identity I'm a victim of identity theft. herecky stvárniť Do you know it is a very serious offence to impersonate a police

forge, v forgery, n fraud, n genuine, adj get by, v handful, n hijack, v hostage, n identity, n identity theft, n impersonate, v

fɔ:dZ 'fɔ:dZəri frɔ:d 'dZenjuən get 'h{ndfυl 'hadZ{k 'hɒstdZ a'dentəti a'dentəti “θeft m'pÆ:sənet

impress, v impulse, n ingenious, adj inherit, v ink, n insurance, n insure, v interest rate, n invest, v investment, n issue, v law enforcement, n legitimate, adj loan, n lodging, n logo, n make, v malicious, adj market research, n masquerade, v opportunist, n

m'pres 'mpöls n'dZi:niəs n'herət îk n'ʃυərəns n'ʃυə 'ntrəst “ret n'vest n'vestmənt 'ʃu: 'lɔ: n"fɔ:smənt lə'dZtəmət ləυn 'lɒdZŋ 'ləυgəυ mek mə'lʃəs "mɑ:kət r'sÆ:tʃ "m{skə'red "ɒpə'tju:nəst

outline, v owe, v paediatrician, n

'aυtlan əυ "pi:diə'trʃən

parachuting, v parasailing, n

'p{rəʃu:t 'p{rə"selŋ

skákanie padákom to go parachuting lietanie na padáku ťahaným za člnom I broke my arm when I went

pay, v perpetrate, v pile, n portray, v powered up, v procedure, n profit, n proof, n raffle, n receipt, n

pe 'pÆ:pətret pal pɔ:'tre 'paυə prə'si:dZə 'prɒfət pru:f 'r{fəl r'si:t

platiť Can I borrow $10? I'll pay you back tomorrow. spáchať, dopustiť sa crimes perpetrated by young people kopa, stĺp a pile of books zobraziť a film that portrays the life of Charlie Chaplin zapojený do elektriny Never move a computer while it is powered up. postup, procedúra All schools have disciplinary procedures they must follow. zisk, profit The property company made a huge profit on the deal. dôkaz You've got no real proof that he's having an affair. lotéria a raffle ticket pokladničný blok Remember to keep your receipt in case you want to change the

reckless, adj release, v repay, v

'rekləs r'li:s r'pe


urobiť dojem She dresses like that to impress people. popud, podnet I bought this dress on impulse, and I'm not sure if I like it now. duchaplný, dômyselný What an ingenious gadget! zdediť I inherited the house from my uncle. atrament a cheque printed in magnetic ink poistenie an insurance policy poistiť Many companies won't insure young drivers. úroková sadzba a savings account with a high interest rate investovať She invests a lot of time and energy in her work. investovanie a £500,000 investment vydať, dať do obehu a statement issued by the White House právne vykonanie rozsudku, zákonný, legitímny legitimate business activities pôžička I'll get a bank loan if necessary. nocľah It's £90 a week for board and lodging. logo the Coca-Cola logo robiť They made a profit of £140 million. zlomyseľný malicious gossip prieskum trhu to do market research prezliecť sa na maškarádu He masqueraded as a doctor. oportunista Voters dislike opportunists - politicians who change their policies according to opinion polls. načrtnúť a speech outlining his work in refugee camps

dlhovať Bob owes me $20. pediater, detský lekár The doctor recommended they take their son to a paediatrician.



bezohľadný, bezstarostný reckless driving prepustiť Three hostages were released this morning. splatiť How long will it take to repay the loan?

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník výskum He is doing research for a book on the Middle Ages. zásnubný prsteň an engagement ring riskantný a risky financial investment fandiť, You can do it - I'm rooting for you. útek The criminal has been on the run for nearly two months. ukážka, vzorka Do you have a sample of your work? účet na ktorom si sporíte a savings account with a high interest rate švindeľ, podvod He got involved in a credit card scam. skeptický I'm sceptical about this. plán, projekt, schéma another of his crazy schemes for making money majúci morskú chorobu, nevoľnosť I got seasick immediately after we'd left

research, n ring, n risky, adj root, v run, n sample, n savings account, n scam, n sceptical, adj scheme, n seasick, adj

r'sÆ:tʃ rŋ 'rski ru:t rön 'sɑ:mpəl

sentence, v serve, v signature, n skid, v slam, v slip, n sociology, n spare, adj specialise, v spend, v steal, v stockbroker, n swindle, v takeaway, n tempt, v

'sentəns sÆ:v 'sgnətʃə skd sl{m slp "səυsi'ɒlədZi speə 'speʃəlaz spend sti:l 'stɒk"brəυkə 'swndl 'tekəwe tempt

transfer, n unsatisfying, adj warrant, n well-off, adj white-collar, adj willing, adj

'tr{nsfÆ: ön's{tsfaœŋ 'wɒrənt "wel 'ɒf "wat 'kɒlə 'wlŋ

prenos, transfer electronic data transfer neuspokojujúci an unsatisfying job zatykač, plná moc A warrant has been issued for his arrest. zámožný Her family are quite well-off. úradnícky white-collar jobs ochotný I soon had an army of willing helpers.

abundant, adj airy, adj alluring, adj anarchic, adj annoying, adj anonymous, adj apprehensive, adj architecture, n arrow, n attractive, adj autonomy, adj awkward, adj back, v balcony, n basement, n bed linen, n

ə'böndənt 'eəri ə'ljυərŋ ə'nɑ:kk ə'nɔœŋ ə'nɒnəməs "{pr'hensv 'ɑ:kətektʃə '{rəυ ə'tr{ktv ɔ:'tɒnəmi 'ɔ:kwəd b{k 'b{lkəni 'besmənt 'bed “lnən

hojný, bohatý an abundant supply of fresh fruit vzdušný, Is the room airy? vábivý, kúzelný an alluring smile anarchický an anarchic sense of humour mrzutý, protivný an annoying habit of interrupting people anonymný The person concerned wishes to remain anonymous. obávať sa We'd been a little apprehensive about their visit. architektúra medieval architecture šíp a bow and arrow príťažlivý a political movement that is attractive to young people autonómia Teachers are given considerable individual autonomy. trápny an awkward silence byť otočený zadnou stranou The houses back onto a busy road. balkón a nice flat with a small balcony suterén The house has a loft and a huge basement. posteľná bielizeň All our cabins are fully equipped with bed linen, crockery,

blind, n bliss, n

bland bls

žalúzia, roleta The blinds were drawn to protect the new furniture from the sun. blaho Two weeks lazing on a Greek island - what perfect bliss!

'sevŋz ə"kaυnt

sk{m 'skeptkəl ski:m 'si:"sk

the harbour. odsúdiť He was sentenced to six years in prison.

odsedieť si trest Baxter served a five-year sentence for theft. podpis Someone's forged my signature on this letter. dostať šmyk The car skidded on ice. tresknúť buchnúť Baxter left the room, slamming the door. prúžok papieru He wrote his address down on a slip of paper. sociológia My sister teaches Sociology at Yale. samostatný, oddelený a spare bedroom špecializovať sa What does your company specialise in? minúť /peniaze/ More money should be spent on education. ukradnúť to steal someone's identity maklér A stockbroker buys and sells stocks on behalf of someone else. podviesť a businessman who swindled investors out of millions of pounds jedlo so sebou Let's have a takeaway tonight. pokúšať, zvádzať I was tempted to tell him what his girlfriend had been saying about him.


cooking utensils, etc.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník blok domov, bytov an apartment block znudený He looked bored and kept yawning loudly. luk a bow and arrow nora Rabbits construct complex burrows. rušný, bustling streets chatka a mountain cabin kabinet, študovňa the medicine cabinet klietka a bird in a cage koberec a woollen carpet jaskyňa the entrance to a cave sekať Greta was out chopping wood for the fire. vyhodiť, mrsknúť Chuck that magazine over here, would you? žiadať, nárokovať si The town's claim to fame is that it has the largest car park

block, n bored, adj bow, n burrow, n bustling, adj cabin, n cabinet, n cage, n carpet, n cave, n chop, v chuck, v claim, n

blɒk bɔ:d bəυ 'börəυ 'böslŋ 'k{bən 'k{bənət kedZ 'kɑ:pət kev tʃɒp tʃök klem

clown, n coastline, n communal, adj compel, v condescending, adj

klaυn 'kəυstlan kə'mju:nl kəm'pel "kɒnd'sendŋ

klaun pobrežie a rocky coastline spoločný, verejný a communal bathroom prinútiť, donútiť She felt compelled to resign because of the scandal. blahosklonný, povýšený He was laughing at her in that condescending way he

conservatory, n considerate, adj constraint, n convert, v cosy, adj countless, adj cramped, adj crockery, n crowded, adj curtain, n curve, n cutlery, n damp, adj dangerous, adj daunting, adj dawn on, v dining room, n distinctive, adj do, v draughty, adj dreamlike, adj dressing table, n dune, n dutiful, adj elated, adj enthusiast, n exposed, adj fame, n fantasise, v

kən'sÆ:vətəri kən'sdərət kən'strent kən'vÆ:t 'kəυzi 'kaυntləs kr{mpt 'krɒkəri 'kraυdəd 'kÆ:tn kÆ:v 'kötləri d{mp 'dendZərəs 'dɔ:ntŋ dɔ:n 'danŋ ru:m d'stŋktv du: 'drɑ:fti 'dri:mlak 'dresŋ "tebəl dju:n 'dju:tfəl 'letəd n'θju:zi{st k'spəυzd fem 'f{ntəsaz

skleník What are the costs of building a small conservatory? ohľaduplný It was very considerate of you to let us know earlier. nátlak, donútenie Financial constraints limited our choice of housing. premeniť They converted the spare bedroom into an office. útulný a cosy room nespočítateľné a drug that has saved countless lives úzky, stesnený The kitchen was small and cramped. nádoby z porcelánu Students need to provide their own crockery and cutlery. preplnený a crowded room záves Ella drew the curtains and switched the light on. krivka a curve on a graph príbor Students need to provide their own crockery and cutlery. vlhký The basement was cold and damp. nebezpečný a dangerous criminal strašidelný The trip seemed rather daunting for a young girl. osvietiť, It suddenly dawned on me that he was lying. jedáleň We eat our meals in the dining room. typický, príznačný Chris has a very distinctive laugh. robiť They've done up the old house beautifully. plný prievanu a draughty old house vysnívaný The film had a dreamlike quality. toaletný stolík She sat at the dressing table. duna sand dunes oddaný, úctivý Dutiful applause greeted his speech. hrdý, povznesený I was elated when Mary told me she was pregnant. nadšenec a sailing enthusiast odhalený, odkrytý All exposed skin should be covered with protective cream. sláva The town's claim to fame is that it has the largest car park in the country. fantazírovať Sometimes she fantasised about buying a boat and sailing around the

field, n fling, v floor, n flour, n

fi:ld flŋ flɔ: flaυə

pole fields of wheat hodiť, praštiť He sighed and flung himself down on the chair. podlaha She was sweeping the kitchen floor. múka wheat flour

in the country.



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Anglicko – slovenský slovník náradie, výstroj camping gear zažraná špina The walls were black with grime. mlieť, rozmlieť to grind flour chodba, hala The bathroom's just down the hall on the right. kázať, slávnostne rečniť He stood on the street corner, haranguing passers-by

gear, n grime, n grind, v hall, n harangue, v

gə gram grand hɔ:l hə'r{ŋ

haven, n hive, n huge, adj hut, n iceberg, n

'hevən hav hju:dZ höt 'asbÆ:g

imposing, adj impromptu, adj inconceivable, adj

m'pəυzŋ m'prɒmptju: "nkən'si:vəbəl

veľkolepý, impozantný an imposing building bez prípravy a plánovania an impromptu party nepochopiteľný It is inconceivable that a man in such a powerful position could

incorporate, v


pričleniť, pripojiť, We've incorporated many environmentally friendly features into

indignant, adj


rozhorčený Indignant parents said the school cared more about money than

infinite, adj inverted, adj isolated, adj jump, v justify, v kennel, n kitchen, n landscape, v

'nfnət n'vÆ:td 'asəletəd dZömp 'dZöstəfa 'kenl 'ktʃən 'l{ndskep

lawless, adj


lawn, n learning curve, n

lɔ:n 'lÆ:nŋ kÆ:v

lino, n literally, adv loft, n lonely, adj lush, adj magnificent, adj mansion, n mantelpiece, n marble, n master bedroom, n

'lanəυ 'ltərəli lɒft 'ləυnli löʃ m{g'nfəsənt 'm{nʃən 'm{ntlpi:s 'mɑ:bəl "mɑ:stə 'bedrυm, œru:m "medi'i:vəl məυl mu:d mön'den nest net nəυ'tɔ:riəs 'nɒvəlti "ɒptə'mstk 'ɔ:nəmənt "əυvəkə'p{səti "əυvə'lυk

medieval, adj mole, n mood, n mundane, adj nest, n net, n notorious, adj novelty, n optimistic, adj ornament, n overcapacity, n overlook, v

about the stupidity of the forthcoming war. nebo St Ives, a haven for artists and hippies

úľ a wooden hive obrovský huge sums of money chatrč, búda a wooden hut ľadovec When the Titanic struck the iceberg, six of its 16 watertight compartments were damaged.

act so unwisely. the design of the building. education.

nekonečný an infinite universe obrátený naruby I covered the pot with an inverted plate. izolovaný, odlúčený an isolated farmhouse skočiť Ruth jumped at the chance to study in Paris. ospravedlniť sa How can you justify spending so much money on a coat? psia búda a dog kennel kuchyňa a comfortable kitchen upraviť a zatraktívniť park... vysadením stromov, kríkov The area around the millpond has also been landscaped. bezprávny, nezákonný These border areas are among the most lawless regions in the world. trávnik a carefully tended lawn

rýchlosť učenia sa Everyone in the centre has been through a very steep learning curve (they had to learn very quickly).

linoleum a very poorly made lino floor doslova The Olympic Games were watched by literally billions of people. podkrovie Our neighbours have just done a loft conversion. osamelý a lonely country road bujný lush green fields veľkolepý, impozantný a magnificent painting sídlo a beautiful country mansion rímsa krbu The clock on the mantelpiece struck 10. mramor The columns were of white marble. najväčšia izba v dome How big is the master bedroom? stredoveký medieval poetry moľa Rats, moles and household pets were implicated. nálada Astrology is a hobby of mine that I follow when the mood takes me. svätský a mundane job hniezdo a hornets' nest sieť net curtains dobre známy, smutne známy a judge notorious for his cruelty and corruption novosť, novinka It was fun for a while, but the novelty wore off. optimistický I feel optimistic about the future. ozdoba, ornament china ornaments nadprodukcia We are in an overcapacitated industry. mať výhľad na room overlooking the beach

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník overreact, v painstaking, adj panorama, n patronising, adj peckish, adj pessimistic, adj plough, v pond, n precisely, adv prestigious, adj prop, v reef, n refurbish, v renovate, v residence, n reverse, v

"əυvəri'{kt 'penz"tekŋ "p{nə'rɑ:mə 'p{trənazŋ 'pekʃ "pesə'mstk plaυ pɒnd pr'sasli pre'stdZəs prɒp ri:f "ri:'fÆ:bʃ 'renəvet 'rezədəns r'vÆ:s

prehnane reagovať You always overreact to criticism. horlivý, pilný painstaking research panoráma The tower offers a panorama of the city. blahosklonný He has such a patronising attitude! hladný She was feeling a bit peckish. pesimistický Jonathan is pessimistic about his chances of winning. orať newly ploughed fields jazierko fish swimming in the pond presne That's precisely what I mean. prestížny a prestigious award opierať He propped his bike against the fence. útes a proposal to protect several miles of thousand-year-old coral reef renovovať The Grand Hotel has been completely refurbished. renovovať The hotel has been renovated and redecorated. rezidencia, sídlo a private residence obrátiť na ruby, vymeniť Our roles as child and guardian had now been

roof, n rope, n run-down, adj sand dune, n sarcastic, adj scenic, adj scratchy, adj secluded, adj self-pity, n shed, n short-lived, adj shutter, n sideboard, n spacious, adj spectacular, adj spell, n spontaneous, adj squalor, n steep, adj storey, n struggle, v studio, n study, n stuffy, adj surrealistic, adj suspicious, adj terrace, n thatch, n thrill, n thrilled, adj tile, n tile, v tiresome, adj tolerant, adj tool, n uncomfortable, adj

ru:f rəυp "rön 'daυn 's{nd dju:n sɑ:'k{stk 'si:nk 'skr{tʃi s'klu:dəd "self 'pti ʃed "ʃɔ:t 'lvd 'ʃötə 'sadbɔ:d 'speʃəs spek't{kjələ spel spɒn'teniəs 'skwɒlə sti:p 'stɔ:ri 'strögəl 'stju:diəυ 'stödi 'stöfi sə"rə'lstk sə'spʃəs 'terəs θ{tʃ θrl θrld tal tal 'taəsəm 'tɒlərənt tu:l ön'kömftəbəl

strecha The storm ripped the roof off our house. lano, povraz Miss McGinley will show you the ropes and answer any questions. vyčerpať, opotrebovať He's been feeling run-down lately. piesková duna We sat on the sand dunes and looked out to sea. sarkastický Do you have to be so sarcastic? scénický If you have time, take the scenic coastal route. škriabajúci a scratchy pair of wool socks odlúčený a relaxing vacation on a secluded island sebaľútosť a note of self-pity in her voice prístrešok a tool shed krátkodobý a short-lived fashion okenica The house has got shutters. kredenc the plates on the sideboard priestranný a spacious living area ohromný, okázalý a spectacular view of the Grand Canyon kúzlo, zaklínadlo I fell under the spell of her charm. náhly, spontánny a spontaneous decision bieda, špina people living in squalor prudký a steep hill poschodie a five-storey house bojovať, zápasiť The airline is struggling with high costs. štúdio a tiny studio pracovňa, študovňa Dad's in his study. zatuchnutý, dusný a stuffy room surrealistický Gaudi's surrealistic architecture podozrivý He has a suspicious mind. terasa a sunny terrace škridla a thatched cottage vzrušenie the thrill of driving a fast car vzrušený We were so thrilled to hear about the baby. kachlička, obkladačka bathroom tiles obkladať a tiled floor únavný, unavujúci a tiresome younger sister tolerantný My parents were very tolerant when I was a teenager. nástroj I don't have the right tools to start fiddling around with the engine. nepohodlný There was an uncomfortable silence.


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Anglicko – slovenský slovník "önkən'venʃənə l 'öndjəletŋ ön'θŋkəbəl ju:'tensəl ju:'tləti “ru:m, rυm 'v{kjuəm 'vegli "vedZə'teʃən və'r{ndə 'wɔ:drəυb wi:v 'wndəυ"sl

nekonvenčný unconventional teaching methods

agnostic, n allege, v ancestor, n approach, v argumentative, adj assumption, n astute, adj bloodstain, n

{g'nɒstk ə'ledZ '{nsəstə ə'prəυtʃ "ɑ:gjə'mentətv ə'sömpʃən ə'stju:t 'blödsten

neveriaci v boha tvrdiť, prehlásiť The water is alleged to be polluted with mercury. predok His ancestors came from Italy. približovať sa We watched as their car approached. polemický, He quickly becomes argumentative after a few drinks. predpoklad We're working on the assumption that prices will continue to rise. bystrý, ľstivý an astute politician krvavá škvrna A coat with bloodstains has been found not far from the scene of

body, cell, n cellular, adj challenge, v chance, adj chance / by /, n charismatic, adj charming, adj coincidence, n concede, v

'bɒdi sel 'seljələ 'tʃ{ləndZ tʃɑ:ns tʃɑ:ns "k{rz'm{tk 'tʃɑ:mŋ kəυ'nsədəns kən'si:d

telo the human body bunka brain cells bunkový cellular memory vzniesť námietku She is challenging the decision made by the court. náhodný a chance meeting náhodou I bumped into her quite by chance in Oxford Street. charizmatický Martin Luther King was a very charismatic speaker. pôvabný, okúzľujúci What a charming house! náhoda What a coincidence! I hadn't expected to meet you here. uznať, pripustiť 'That's the only possible solution.' 'Yes, I suppose so,' Charles

concession, n conclude, v conclusion, n conclusive, adj conversationalist, n cross my mind, v curiosity, n curl lips, v custody, n damage, v dead /dead right /, adv donor, n draw in, v

kən'seʃən kən'klu:d kən'klu:Zən kən'klu:sv "kɒnvə'seʃənəl st krɒs "kjυəri'ɒsəti kÆ:l 'köstədi 'd{mdZ ded 'dəυnə drɔ:

encounter, v


ensure, v entertain, v extract, v

n'ʃυə "entə'ten k'str{kt

unconventional, adj undulating, adj unthinkable, adj utensil, n utility room, n vacuum, n vaguely, adv vegetation, n verandah, n wardrobe, n weave, v windowsill, n

vlnitý undulating countryside nemysliteľné It seemed unthinkable that a woman would run for President. náčinie, prístroje kitchen utensils miestnosť v dome na skladovanie storage solutions for in the utility room prázdno, vákuum His death left a vacuum in her life. matne I vaguely remember a woman in a red dress standing outside the door. vegetácia dense vegetation veranda the flowers on the verandah skriňa Can you hang these in the wardrobe, please? pliesť, tkať basket-weaving parapetná doska Place the plant on the windowsill in a sunny room.


the crime.


ústupok The British were not prepared to make any concessions. urobiť záver The report concluded that the school should be closed immediately. záver, úsudok These are the report's main conclusions. konečný, rozhodný The investigation failed to provide any conclusive evidence. konverzant, spoločník na konverzáciu Danielle is a charming conversationalist.

prísť na myseľ It never crossed my mind that she might be right. zvedavosť Just out of curiosity, how old are you? ohrnovať ústami Her lip curled in contempt. súdna väzba A man is being held in police custody in connection with the murder. zničiť The storm damaged the tobacco crop. mŕtvy /mať úplnú pravdu/ It's a crazy idea.' 'You're dead right!' darca a blood/kidney donor zlákať, navnadiť We should use the demonstration as an opportunity to draw more supporters in. stretnúť sa s The engineers encountered more problems when the rainy season began. zaistiť facilities to ensure the safety of cyclists

zabávať A museum should aim to entertain as well as educate. ťažiť, získavať z Oils are extracted from the plants.

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Page 34 of 37

Anglicko – slovenský slovník fake, adj fake, v fate, n forensic, adj genetic, adj hit-and-run, adj hitch, n impostor, n imprint, v inability, n incredulous, adj innovative, adj inquiry, n inscrutable, adj insult, v interrupt, v judge, n judgemental, adj judgment, n kidnap, v knock down, v large, adj lead, n manipulative, adj murder, v obituary, n oblivion, n oblivious, adj open, adj origin, n outspoken, adj

fek fek fet fə'rensk dZə'netk "ht ənd 'rön htʃ m'pɒstə m'prnt "nə'bləti n'kredjələs 'nəvətv n'kwaəri n'skru:təbəl n'sölt "ntə'röpt dZödZ dZödZ'mentl 'dZödZmənt 'kdn{p nɒk lɑ:dZ led mə'npjələtv 'mÆ:də ə'btʃuəri ə'blviən ə'blviəs 'əυpən 'ɒrədZən aυt'spəυkən

nepravý, napodobený fake fur imitovať, predstierať I thought he was really hurt but he was faking it. osud No one knows what the fate of the refugees will be. súdny a career in forensic science genetický genetic engineering nabúrať a ujsť z miesta činu It was a hit and run accident. prekážka a technical hitch podvodník The nurse was soon discovered to be an impostor. vtlačiť, vyraziť The sight of Joe's dead body was imprinted on his mind forever. neschopnosť his inability to make friends nedôverčivý They don't have a TV?' asked one incredulous woman. novátorský, inovatívny an innovative design team vyšetrovanie There will be an official inquiry into the incident. nevyspytateľný an inscrutable smile uraziť How dare you insult my wife like that! prerušiť 'What exactly do you mean?' Barker interrupted. sudca Judge Hart gave Scott an 18-month prison sentence. súdny, odsudzujúci Don't be so judgemental. podľa môjho názoru In my judgment, we should accept his offer. uniesť Police appealed for witnesses after a woman was kidnapped at gunpoint. zraziť autom Tracy was knocked down by a car on her way home from school. veľký When you see him performing, he truly is larger than life. olovo lead poisoning manipulatívna Gina was charming, sly, and manipulative. zabiť He murdered his wife in a jealous rage. nekrológ today's obituaries placed by family members zabudnutie He spent the night drinking himself into oblivion. zábudlivý He seemed oblivious of the fact that he had hurt her. otvorený, prístupný It's important to keep an open mind as you study the topic. pôvod The word is of Latin origin. vyslovený, otvorený, priamy an outspoken critic of the government's

parrot, n pitfall, n poisoning, n possibility, n proximity, n punch, n pursue, v quick-witted, adj radical, adj rationale, n recover, v recovery, n regret, v resist, v retort, v revolve, v riddle, n scepticism, n

'p{rət 'ptfɔ:l 'pɔzənŋ "pɒsə'bləti prɒk'sməti pöntʃ pə'sju: "kwk 'wtd 'r{dkəl "r{ʃə'nɑ:l r'kövə r'kövəri r'gret r'zst r'tɔ:t r'vɒlv 'rdl 'skeptəszəm

papagáj There were brightly coloured parrots in the aviary. pasca, nástraha the pitfalls of buying an old car otrava lead poisoning možnosť We refused to entertain the possibility of letting him go. blízkosť, susedstvo We chose this house because of its proximity to the school. punč a glass of hot punch usilovať o Janet did not dare pursue the matter further. bystrý, pohotový Toby was quick-witted and entertaining. radikálny radical legal reforms dôvod na rozhodnutie What's the rationale behind the President's decision? znova získať The police managed to recover the stolen goods. uzdravenie Doctors expect him to make a full recovery. ľutovať He regrets that he never went to college. odolať I just can't resist chocolate. odseknúť, odvetiť It's easy for you to say that!' he retorted. otáčať sa The wheels began to revolve slowly. hádanka I can't solve this riddle. skepticizmus scepticism about claims that there may be life on one of Saturn's

sheltered, adj short-tempered, adj shrug, v

'ʃeltəd "ʃɔ:t 'tempəd ʃrög

economic policy


prehnaná ochrana od rodičov Gina had a sheltered childhood. popudlivý, prchký She gets short-tempered when she's tired. pokrčiť ramenami Dan shrugged and went back to what he was doing.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník skeleton, n speeding, n spitting image of, v stab, v strangle, v strong-willed, adj suicide, n tired, adj transplant, n transplant, v trap, v tried, adj twinge, n two, number unfamiliar, adj versatile, adj verve, n well-intentioned, adj

'skelətən 'spi:dŋ spt st{b 'str{ŋgəl "strɒŋ 'wld 'su:əsad taəd 'tr{nsplɑ:nt tr{ns'plɑ:nt tr{p trad twndZ tu: "önfə'mliə 'vÆ:sətal vÆ:v "wel n'tenʃənd

kostra the human skeleton prekročenie rýchlosti I got a ticket for speeding. vyzerať rovnako She's become the spitting image of her mother. bodnúť He was stabbed to death in a fight. uškrtiť The victim had been strangled with a belt. majúci pevnú vôľu a strong-willed child samovražda There's been a rise in the number of suicides among young men. unavený You look tired. Do you want to lie down? transplantácia a heart transplant transplantovaný the transplanted heart nalákať, chytiť do pasce Julia felt trapped in her role of wife and mother. vyskúšaný tried and trusted methods bodavá bolesť She felt a slight twinge of fear. dva I saw him leaving her house and I put two and two together. neznámy an unfamiliar face mnohostranný, The potato is an extremely versatile vegetable. zápal, elán Cziffra played the Hungarian dances with great verve. s dobrým zámerom, dobre mieniaci well-intentioned grandparents who

witty, adj


interfere between parents and children vtipný a witty response

MODULE 12 náchylný na nehody an accident-prone child

acoustics, n alternate, v anachronism, n applause, n audience, n barbecue, v belongings, n biblical, adj billiards, n blunder, n capture, v

'{ksədənt "prəυn ə'ku:stks 'ɔ:ltənet ə'n{krənzəm ə'plɔ:z 'ɔ:diəns 'bɑ:bkju: b'lɒŋŋz 'bblkəl 'bljədz 'blöndə 'k{ptʃə

chase, n classified ad, n

tʃes "kl{sfad '{d

close-up, n coal, n cobra, n column, n combination, n command, v confront, v

'kləυs öp kəυl 'kəυbrə 'kɒləm "kɒmbə'neʃən kə'mɑ:nd kən'frönt

congratulations, n costume, n courage, n cover, v crew, n crowd, n curse, n deliberate, adj diamond, n

kən"gr{tʃə'leʃənz gratulácie Give Oscar my congratulations.

accident-prone, adj

akustika The acoustics of the theatre are very good. striedať sa Periods of depression alternate with excited behaviour. anachronizmus The film is full of anachronisms. potlesk, aplauz The thunderous applause continued for over a minute. diváci, hľadisko The audience began clapping and cheering. grilovanie, opekanie v prírode barbecued chicken osobné veci She lost all her belongings in the fire. biblický The disease dates back to biblical times. biliard We played billiards all evening. trapas, veľký omyl a terrible political blunder zachytiť These photographs capture the essence of working-class life at the turn of the century.

naháňačka a car chase kúpim-predám inzerát For more information on placing a classified ad, please contact our helpline.

pohľad z blízka, detail a close-up of an old woman's face uhlie red-hot coals kobra I saw a king cobra over there. stĺpček, stĺp an advice column kombinácia a combination of colours vzbudzovať Philip was a remarkable teacher, able to command instant respect. tvárou v tvár, konfrontovať Opening the door, I was confronted by two men demanding money.

'kɒstjυm 'kördZ 'kövə kru: kraυd kÆ:s d'lbərət 'daəmənd

kostýmy He designed the costumes for 'Swan Lake'. odvaha, guráž She showed great courage throughout her long illness. napísať reportáž She was sent to Harare to cover the crisis in Rwanda. výprava /filmová/ the movie's cast and crew dav, zástup A crowd gathered to watch the parade. kliatba a witch's curse úmyselný, zámerný a deliberate attempt to deceive the public diamantový a diamond ring

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník režisér film director Ken Russell nepohodlie Your injury isn't serious, but it may cause some discomfort. orlí zrak An eagle-eyed customer spotted the mistake. zárobok Average earnings in Europe have risen by 3 zábava the entertainment industry nadšenie, enthusiasmus Gillian and Darren greeted the speakers with great

director, n discomfort, n eagle-eyed, adj earnings, n entertainment, n enthusiasm, n

də'rektə ds'kömfət ":gəl 'ad 'Æ:nŋz "entə'tenmənt n'θju:zi{zəm

escapism, n factual, adj fallible, adj feast, n feature, n

'skepzəm 'f{ktʃuəl 'f{ləbəl fi:st 'fi:tʃə

feature, v ferret, n finding, n footage, n freelance, adj, adv gaffe, n gear stick, n glamour, n glaring, adj goof, n gossip, n grand, adj

'fi:tʃə 'ferət 'fandŋ 'fυtdZ 'fri:lɑ:ns g{f 'gə stk 'gl{mə 'gleərŋ gu:f 'gɒsp gr{nd

horoscope, n human, adj incidentally, adv infallible, adj infinity, n intact, adj jigsaw, n journalism, n lead, n lens, n lifeboat, n limitation, n location, n maid, n mass media, n maverick, n mirror, n mistress, n mythical, adj national, adj news, n newsworthy, adj orchestra, n overview, n page, n pearl, n projection, n

'hɒrəskəυp 'hju:mən "nsə'dentəli n'f{ləbəl n'fnəti n't{kt 'dZgsɔ: 'dZÆ:nəlzəm li:d lenz 'lafbəυt "lmə'teʃən ləυ'keʃən med "m{s 'mi:diə 'm{vərk 'mrə 'mstrəs 'mθkəl 'n{ʃənəl nju:z 'nju:z"wÆ:ði 'ɔ:kəstrə 'əυvəvju: pedZ pÆ:l prə'dZekʃən

ľudský the human voice náhodne, náhodou Incidentally, Jenny's coming over tonight. neomylný Many small children believe their parents are infallible. nekonečnosť the infinity of space nedotknutý, neporušený The package arrived intact. skladačka electronic jigsaws for use on your desktop novinárčina a career in journalism úvodník After the story was written, she went back and wrote the lead. šošovka glasses with thick lenses záchranný čln How many lifeboats are there on the ship? hranice, ohraničenie It's a good little car, but it has its limitations. miesto, exteriér Most of the movie was shot on location in Africa. slúžka, pomocnica a kitchen maid masmédiá The crime received heavy coverage in the mass media. jednanie na vlastnú päsť a political maverick zrkadlo Check your wing mirror before overtaking. pani, domáca The maid looked nervously at her mistress. mýtický mythical creatures such as the Minotaur národný the national news správy national and local news dostatočne zaujímavý na uverejnenie v novinách newsworthy events orchester the school orchestra prehľad an overview of the history of the region stránka He picked up the newspaper and turned to the sports pages. perla a pearl necklace premietanie, projekcia Orson Welles did not have enough money to film on

prone, adj


location, so he had to shoot the scene in the studio, using back projection. náchylný mistake-prone


útek, únik Books were a form of escapism from the real world. faktický factual information omylný We're all fallible, you know. oslava, a wedding feast najdôležitejší článok Have you read the feature on Johnny Depp in today's paper?

prezentovať The exhibition features paintings by Picasso. fretka The ferret was hunting rats. nález Surveys conducted in other countries reported similar findings. finančné krytie, úhrada footage of the 1936 Olympics na voľnej nohe a freelance journalist faux pas The consul's comments were a major diplomatic gaffe. riadiaca páka The gear stick was in 'park'. zvláštne kúzlo, pôvab the glamour of a Caribbean cruise oslňujúci, krikľavý glaring mistakes prešľap, hlúpa chyba The goof could cost the city $5 million. klebetiť People love hearing gossip about film stars. veľký, dôležitý You could add the £15,000 Bonus to the First Prize and win a grand total of £125,000! horoskop Lee thinks horoscopes are silly.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník protagonist, n pterodactyl, n puzzle, n pyramid, n red-hot, adj reflection, n refreshments, n remake, n reputed, adj resilient, adj respondent, n safety, n scabrous, adj scene, n seafaring, adj section, n secure, v shatter, v shoot, v shot, n speedometer, n spiritual, adj spit, n staff, n stick, n stickler, n surroundings, n survey, n thunderous, adj total, n unblemished, adj untie, v warmer, n whim, n

prəυ't{gənəst terə'd{ktl 'pözəl 'prəmd "red 'hɒt r'flekʃən r'freʃmənts 'ri:mek r'pju:təd r'zliənt r'spɒndənt 'sefti 'skebrəs, 'sk{bœ si:n 'si:"feərŋ 'sekʃən s'kjυə 'ʃ{tə ʃu:t ʃɒt sp'dɒmətə 'sprətʃuəl spt stɑ:f stk 'stklə sə'raυndŋz 'sÆ:ve 'θöndərəs 'təυtl ön'blemʃt ön'ta 'wɔ:mə wm

protagonista The protagonist is killed at the end of the story. pterodaktyl skladačka a child's wooden puzzle pyramída Egyptian pyramids veľmi horúci, rozpálený red-hot metal odraz, zrkadlový obraz We looked at our reflections in the pool. občerstvenie Refreshments will be served after the meeting. nové spracovanie a remake of 'The Wizard of Oz' predpokladaný She is reputed to be extremely wealthy. prispôsobivý, pružný Small babies can be remarkably resilient. respondent Only 62 percent of respondents said they were satisfied. bezpečnostný laminated safety glass drsný He kept itching his scabrous skin. scéna She comes on in Act 2, Scene 3. námornícky, moreplavecký a seafaring nation časť, sekcia the entertainment section of the newspaper zaistiť a treaty that will secure peace rozbiť, roztrieštiť An injury shattered his dreams of a baseball career. natáčať Spielberg is shooting on location. záber, šot a beautiful shot of the countryside around Prague rýchlomer The speedometer of my car was showing 100 kph. duchovný spiritual health and well-being výbežok / krajiny do mora/ Spits are formed by the movement of sand. obsluha, zamestnanci The hotel staff were on strike. páčka the gear stick puntičkár a stickler for accuracy okolie It took me a few weeks to get used to my new surroundings. prieskum a survey of people's eating habits burácajúci thunderous applause spolu, dohromady, The city spent a total of two million dollars on the library. nepoškvrnený her smooth unblemished skin rozviazať Mommy, can you untie my shoelaces? ohrievač a plate warmer nápad, rozmar, vrtoch I went to visit her on a whim.

Slovak Ventures, s.r.o. Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190, e-mail:,,