Twitter account @BarackObama in the top ten worldwide (for followers and followed). â Facebook campaign: target swing-state ... exogenous sequence of agents i = 1,... arrive and make purchase decision. â prior belief Ï0 = P(Q = 1) = 1/2.
Social learning, social networks, & revenue optimization Costis Maglaras Columbia Business School
Acknowledgments (chrono order): Bar Ifrach (Airbnb, Inc.), Marco Scarsini (SUTD) Davide Crapis (Columbia), Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi (Columbia)
2014 Mostly OM Conference Beijing, China
Ex.1: Book reviews
Bestsellers receive high number of reviews on amazon: in the order of 10,000
Average Score tends to be high in the first months after publication (few 1’s and 2’s)
For many books average score stabilizes after some time (∼ 1yr)
Reviews provide valuable information on book characteristics: unobservable otherwise
Ex.2: Advertising campaign on Twitter
Targeting superstars: pushing a message through key nodes that can make it viral – eg.: sponsorship of US athletes in 2012 Olympics
Array of Twitter promotional products: – – – –
Promoted Accounts Promoted Tweets Promoted Trends Analytics
Pricing: – Pay per Engagement – # impressions; # retweets
Ex.3: “Social engineering" and election campaigns
In 2012 US Presidential Elections, Obama invested a lot in social media: – Twitter account @BarackObama in the top ten worldwide (for followers and followed) – Facebook campaign: target swing-state voters; under age 29 ; had no listed phone number – Microtargeting: Analytics Team selects targets that are most likely to vote for Obama and asks supporters to target these specific friends
2014 India Elections: – Narendra Modi becomes the second most “liked” politician after Obama – ∼ 20 millions likes; a single picture liked and shared by > 2.2 million people
Outline I
Broad research overview – – – –
interdisciplinary field of study (Econ / Socio / CS / Eng / OR/OM) typical questions some classic results modeling/analysis tools Bayesian learning; Naive learning; Information structures (signals vs. reviews);
Price optimization in the presence of social learning – Bayesian learning models – naive learning models – revenue optimization
Some interesting, unresolved questions (very partial list)
References (brief list)
Interdisciplinary area of study I
Economics: – How do agents behave? Information structure? Do they learn? Empirical analysis. . . .
Sociology: – Who to befriend? What network topologies emerge? Small world; Influencers (measures of centrality; connection to network models and (I − P)−1 . Experiments. . . . (not reviewed in this talk)
Computer science: – Which nodes to target to achieve strongest word-of-mouth effect? How to detect cascades? Algorithmic considerations on social networks, . . .
Engineering: – How to design networks and communication protocols to achieve fast and robust information propagation? Collaborative filtering, . . . , (questions and methodological tools are closely related to social network field of study – not reviewed in this talk)
Operations research / Operations management – How to tactically influence consumers’ social learning with firm’s controls (pricing, service level) to optimize performance? . . .
Outline (2) I
Broad research overview (not exhaustive) – – – –
interdisciplinary field of study (Econ / Socio / CS / Eng / OR/OM) typical questions some classic results modeling/analysis tools
Plan: review a handful of papers that highlight some important considerations (modeling, style of analysis, results, applicability)
Underlying themes: – Information: signals; heterogeneity; observable actions / reviews – Agent behavior: Bayesian (rational?) vs. “naive” learning mechanisms (tractable / plausible?) – Dynamics: t → ∞ analysis vs. characterization of transient path – Timing of decisions: exogenous or strategic (endogenous)
Economics literature on social learning (intro)
Typical questions: – Do agents learn/herd asymptotically? – Agent behavior: how to aggregate observed information? Interaction? – When to purchase or adopt a new product/technology? (endogenous/strategic vs. exogenous timing) – What is the effect of the social network structure on learning outcomes and speed of learning? – What is the effect of pricing on the dynamics of social learning? – Empirical analysis of the effect of social learning and social network on market outcomes; Lab experiments on learning behavior.
Informational cascades (Bikhchandani, Hirshleifer, and Welch (BHW), 1992; Banerjee, 1992) I
product of unknown quality Q ∈ {0, 1}
utility = V + Q − P
agents are homogeneous wrt base valuation V ; static price $P
Information structure: – – – – – –
exogenous sequence of agents i = 1, . . . arrive and make purchase decision prior belief π0 = P(Q = 1) = 1/2 agents receive iid private signals si = Q w.p. p > 1/2 agent i receives si , observes actions Aj of all predecessors j = 1, . . . , i − 1 forms a posterior for Q, πi i purchases (Ai = 1) iff V + Eπi (Q) − P = V + πi − P ≥ 0
– assume V − P = −1/2 so Ai = 1 iff Pπi (Q = 1) = πi > 1/2
Q: do agents learn the true quality of the product?
Informational cascades (Bikhchandani, Hirshleifer, and Welch (BHW), 1992; Banerjee, 1992) I
product of unknown quality Q ∈ {0, 1}
utility = V + Q − P
agents are homogeneous wrt base valuation V ; static price $P
Information structure: – – – – – –
exogenous sequence of agents i = 1, . . . arrive and make purchase decision prior belief π0 = P(Q = 1) = 1/2 agents receive iid private signals si = Q w.p. p > 1/2 agent i receives si , observes actions Aj of all predecessors j = 1, . . . , i − 1 forms a posterior for Q, πi myopic Bayes i purchases (Ai = 1) iff V + Eπi (Q) − P = V + πi − P ≥ 0
– assume V − P = −1/2 so Ai = 1 iff Pπi (Q = 1) = πi > 1/2
Q: do agents learn the true quality of the product?
BHW (2): Bayesian updates & information cascades I
Posterior: π1,1 =
P0 (Q = 1, s1 = 1) π0 p = =p P0 (s1 = 1) π0 p + (1 − π0 )(1 − p)
i = 1 (action): A1 = s1
(i.e., purchase if s1 = 1)
BHW (2): Bayesian updates & information cascades I
Posterior: π1,1 =
P0 (Q = 1, s1 = 1) π0 p = =p P0 (s1 = 1) π0 p + (1 − π0 )(1 − p)
i = 1 (action): A1 = s1
i = 2: – if s2 = s1 , then A2 = A1
(i.e., purchase if s1 = 1)
(agent 2 knows that A1 = s1 )
– if s2 6= s1 , then “signals cancel out" and π2 = · · · = π0 ; A2 randomizes
BHW (2): Bayesian updates & information cascades I
Posterior: π1,1 =
P0 (Q = 1, s1 = 1) π0 p = =p P0 (s1 = 1) π0 p + (1 − π0 )(1 − p)
i = 1 (action): A1 = s1
i = 2: – if s2 = s1 , then A2 = A1
(i.e., purchase if s1 = 1)
(agent 2 knows that A1 = s1 )
– if s2 6= s1 , then “signals cancel out" and π2 = · · · = π0 ; A2 randomizes
i = 3: – if A2 = A1 , A3 = A2 irrespective of s3 – if A2 6= A1 , then i = 3 acts as i = 1
(informational cascade)
BHW (3): Bayesian updates – key insight I
Posterior: π1,1 =
P0 (Q = 1, s1 = 1) π0 p = P0 (s1 = 1) π0 p + (1 − π0 )(1 − p)
Q: do agents learn the true quality of the product if they observe past sequence of actions?
BHW (3): Bayesian updates – key insight I
Posterior: π1,1 =
P0 (Q = 1, s1 = 1) π0 p = P0 (s1 = 1) π0 p + (1 − π0 )(1 − p)
Q: do agents learn the true quality of the product if they observe past sequence of actions?
A: “Cascade (or herding sample path)” w.p. > 0 to the wrong outcome
BHW (3): Bayesian updates – key insight I
Posterior: π1,1 =
P0 (Q = 1, s1 = 1) π0 p = P0 (s1 = 1) π0 p + (1 − π0 )(1 − p)
Q: do agents learn the true quality of the product if they observe past sequence of actions?
A: “Cascade (or herding sample path)” w.p. > 0 to the wrong outcome
BHW (3): Bayesian updates – key insight I
Posterior: π1,1 =
P0 (Q = 1, s1 = 1) π0 p = P0 (s1 = 1) π0 p + (1 − π0 )(1 − p)
Q: do agents learn the true quality of the product if they observe past sequence of actions?
A: “Cascade (or herding sample path)” w.p. > 0 to the wrong outcome
Why? – new information is not “sufficiently strong” to reverse a trend e.g., if π0 ≈ 1 and wrong – correct information was available but it was not used
Smith & Sørensen 2000: sufficient conditions for Bayesian social learning I
Bounded Private Beliefs (aka. Bounded Likelihood Ratio BLR): recall π1,1 =
P0 (Q = 1, s1 = 1) π0 p = P0 (s1 = 1) π0 p + (1 − π0 )(1 − p)
– cascade of k similar actions ⇒ πi ≈ 1 (or πi ≈ 0 if Aj = 0) – p has to approach 1 so as to “reverse" prior and “stop" cascade . . . so, bounded p, will allow incorrect cascades to occur – general signal structure: s ∼ F0 (when Q = 0) and s ∼ F1 (when Q = 1) BLR: