than ever before and the young in India are certainly ... the number of social media users will top 66. Cartoon in ... t
Social Media & Lok Sabha Elections A study finds that Facebook users may be the new votebank Indian politicians have to now worry about.
ndian democracy is on the cusp of a revolution led by social media users. At a very conservative estimate, the fortunes of
contestants seeking election to the next Lok 1
Sabha from not less than 150 constituencies will be determined by Facebook users making them the newest Vote Bank with the power to shape Indian politics. The inevitability of a three way split of the popular vote between the ruling UPA, the principal opposition NDA and the emerging third front formations increases the relevance of social media users as a community, rendering unto them an opportunity like never before to register their presence. A study carried out by the independent IRIS Knowledge Foundation suggests that social media usage is now sufficiently widespread to have the power to influence the outcome of the next elections to the Lok Sabha and consequently government formation. The research was conducted with data available in March 2013. With Facebook emerging as the gorilla in the social media space, the clout that Facebook users enjoy is immense. The study has serious implications, all of it positive, for Indian democracy, for the way it empowers the citizens. The study underscores the need for candidates to chalk out a well thought out social media strategy for their campaigns to be effective. The success of social media in general and Facebook in particular in catalysing change will be predicated on marrying the community which social media is able to create with relevant content to enhance 3
accountability. The relevance of XBRL in achieving this end cannot be emphasised enough as it allows things to be mixed and matched in a manner hitherto unexplored. This explains the excitement in the USA about the DATA Act which seeks to mandate the use of data standards such as XBRL. This promises to usher in what we call c-governance or citizen led governance, the next logical step in the e governance roadmap of countries worldwide. 1
Elections to the Lok Sabha can be called any time anytime between now and the end of the Parliament's 5 year term on May 31, 2014 by when elections must be completed and a new Lok Sabha constituted. 2
Out of a total of 543 constituencies to which elections will be held
XBRL or eXtensible business reporting language is an XML based information standard which is becoming ubiquitous around the world. For more info visit
Why the study The inspiration for the study is three fold.
rape incident in Delhi. Citizen activism is higher than ever before and the young in India are
Firstly, given the proximity of elections which
certainly showing a fair amount of restlessness
cannot be more than a year away, we felt it would
and unhappiness at the state of affairs. It is
be the right time to identify broad trends and
unlikely that the voice that the citizenry found
recent events that may impact the elections.
would stay suppressed for long and it would be
There clear factors emerge in this context.
interesting to see if it finds expression through
1. The Indian electorate has never been younger. Between 2004 and 2009, the voting population went up from 670 million to 720 million. The number is expected to increase to 800 million by the time the country goes to the polls, a greater number of voters than ever before will be 25 years or younger.
their vote at the hustings. It is significant to note that online media generally and social media in general have played a huge role in mobilizing people for protests. The highest tribute that could have been paid by way of recognizing this is the setting up of a social media lab by Mumbai police to track social media activity to anticipate possible trouble spots and identify those they see as trouble makers. 3. India is also rapidly urbanizing which is seen as a sign of upward mobility. This has serious consequences for the aspirations of the residents and the extent to which they would go to realize their objectives. Anecdotal evidence suggests that an urbanized population is also an assertive population, and prepared to take an aggressive posture, and easily swayed given their access to not just state controlled media but also alternate points of view not available to them until now. Secondly, a report entitled “Social Media in India – 2012” released by the Internet and Mobile 4
Association of India (IAMAI) in February 2013 throws up interesting findings. Cartoon in the Romanian political newspaper Aurora, during the 1926 parliamentary election. The People's' Party and its shadow partner, the National Liberal Party are represented as two rats with the caption : “The elector's seal -- death to all sorts of political rats”
2. The last 5 years has also seen a greater expression of disaffection in the government and the political class by the citizenry who have taken to the streets to protest. This was seen during the fast by Anna Hazare, even if the protests did not last for long. This happened during the infamous
1. The IAMAI report places the number of social media users in Urban India at 62 Million (Mn) by December 2012. The same report estimates that the number of social media users will top 66 4
The Internet and Mobile Association of India [IAMAI] established in 2004 represents the online and mobile VAS industry in India. With a membership of 125 Indian and global companies, IAMAI is working to chart the growth path for the digital industry in India. Website:
million by June 2013. It is logical therefore that
outstripped Romney's by a mile though a greater
by the time elections to the 16th Lok Sabha are
percentage of Romney followers were “talking”.
held in mid 2014, the numbers would be even
Obama ran away with the election because he
higher, possibly closer to 80 million if the trend
used analytics to do peer to peer targeting. Which
holds. It is also likely that the 25 million strong
is another source of inspiration for this research.
Indian NRI community who now have voting
For peer to peer targeting to be effective, there
rights would follow elections more closely even if
has to be a critical mass of social media users, the
they are not able to be physically present in India
numbers have to be there. But it is not the number
to be able to cast their vote, they can be a big
of fans or the number of likes and tweets that are
influencer too. After all, they are considerably
going to determine the probability of winning of a
active on social media.
certain candidate but the ability of the candidate to engage with the electorate, by rising above the
2. What the IAMAI report also highlights is that
media clutter and by trying to get his or her
Facebook is the leading website accessed by all
message across to the voter directly. In today's
social media users, with as many as 97% of them
India, the number of social media users to achieve
registering a presence on Facebook. The study
this end has reached a tipping point. May be not in
also finds that next to e mail, social media usage is
every one of the 543 constituencies but certainly
the biggest reason for people to connect to the
in a significant number of them to warrant the
internet. It is also significant to note that people
conclusion that they have the power to influence
use social media 7 days a week.
elections and therefore government formation.
3. A third factor of significant relevance from the point of view of this study is the revelation in the IAMAI report that social media usage is spreading fast in areas other than the top eight Indian metros. One third of the social media users, as the study reveals, are residents of smaller towns with population of under 500000. Even more significant is the fact that a quarter of social media users are residents of towns with a population less than 200000. The third factor which prompted the study was the impact of social media on the US Presidential elections. In a piece in the MIT Technology Review5 entitled Facebook: The Real Presidential swing State, writer David Talbot had predicted that “the outcome of the 2012 campaign could have less to do with grand vision than online data analytics and peer to peer voter targeting.” As it turned out, the Obama victory is credited to just that. Obama's followers on Facebook and Twitter 5
August 15, 2012
Barack Obama
The Methodology The approach to the study is quite
3. When viewed against the backdrop of 419000
straightforward. We kept it simple.
Facebook users in this constituency, it is self evident that Facebook users wield a tremendous
1. We went by the data published by Facebook on
influence over the fortunes of the candidates in
their website to help advertisers target their audience better. We culled the data from this
this constituency especially in a tight race. 4. We went through this exercise for each and
page, constituency by constituency, one
every constituency in the country and classified
constituency at a time. For instance, in the case of
them in four ways – High Impact, Moderate
the Thane Parliamentary constituency, we found
Impact, Low Impact and No Impact. The data has
that there were over 400000 Facebook users who
been presented in the sheets that follow.
were eligible to vote on the day the data was pulled out. (On the day we wrote this report, we
5. In our classification, High Impact
found that the number has gone up to over
constituencies are those where the number of
419580.) According to Facebook, these people
Facebook users are more than the margin of
have disclosed that they live in Thane or in Navi
victory of the winner in the last Lok Sabha
Mumbai which is part of the Thane Parliamentary
election, or where Facebook users account for
over 10% of the voting population. Our analysis throws up 160 High Impact Constituencies out of
(Writers note: We are stunned to see that within a space of just three weeks when the data was first culled to now when the report is being written up, as many as 20000 new potential voters would clamber on to Facebook, this can only accelerate as elections approach and the noise level on Facebook attracts new converts)
the total of 543 which will go to the polls.
2. Parallelly, we downloaded data from the
6. The Medium Impact constituencies are those
election commission to find out the number of
where we have assumed that a Facebook user can
registered voters and the actual voter turnout in
influence one other voter who may not be on
the constituency during the last Lok Sabha
Facebook. Constituencies where the total number
elections. We also looked at the margin of victory
of Facebook users is in excess of 5% of the voting
of the winning candidate from the constituency.
population. A total of 67 out of the 543
(In the interest of maintaining consistency, we
constituencies have been identified as being in
ignored data that may have been thrown up in the
this category.
course of any by elections.) 7. The rest of the constituencies have been Thus, in Thane Parliamentary constituency in
identified as Low Impact Constituencies or No
Maharashtra which we are using as an example
impact constituencies. The corresponding
for this write up, we found that of the 1.8 million
numbers are 60 out of 543 in the Low Impact
registered voters, 750000 showed up to actually
category and the remaining 256 out of 543 as
vote. The winning candidate won by a relatively
being in the No Impact Category.
narrow margin of 49000 votes. 8. The detailed list is provided in the Appendices.
Limitations and caveats 1. Our approach can be dismissed for being
analysis, we have culled data only by the name of
simple to the point of being simplistic. We have
the constituency and deliberately neglected to
used the number of Facebook users as an
include other places in the vicinity which too may
indication of the clout of social media instead of
have some number of Facebook users. Thus it
analyzing their behaviour to see if they are really
would be fair to say that the number of Facebook
active and showing signs of wanting to make an
users in each constituency is understated. We
impact. However, we feel that this criticism may
will produce an updated version of the study in
not hold as the mere presence on Facebook
late 2013 with more refined data which includes
allows users access to alternate sources of
as many places in a constituency as we can
information and divergent points of view. Also
possibly identify.
Facebook users, even when passive, turn out to be listeners and there is enough evidence to suggest
4. Another reason for the understatement is what
that when the time for action arrives, they may act
we call the contiguous effect. For example,
in ways that could surprise everyone by the
Jadavpur and Diamond Harbour are both Lok
unexpected nature of their reaction. Hence the
Sabha constituencies in the vicinity of Kolkata.
numbers are certainly a reasonable basis to form
While data for each of these places throws up a
conclusion. Without a doubt, a critical mass
small number of Facebook users, the fact that
Jadavpur borders the Kolkata Dakshin constituency and is part of Greater Kolkata means
2. We acknowledge that we may have understated
that the right number to take into consideration
the impact of social media by not considering
would be the aggregate number for Kolkata. Ditto
other social media networks such as Twitter to
in the case of Diamond Harbor. Now, both of these
cite just one. If we had considered data from other
constituencies, are classified as Low or no Impact
social media and added that too, the sphere of
constituencies which cannot be correct but in the
influence of social media would be that much
absence of more detailed data, we will stick to this
greater. The IAMAI finding that over 97% social
classification for now.
media users are on Facebook gave us the justification to confine this research to Facebook
5. The simple arithmetic approach to identifying
the constituencies as high, medium and low impact does not factor in voter behaviour on
3. Even so, the impact of Facebook is understated
account of any possible anti incumbency effect or
in this study. A simple example will drive home
political realignments. In any event, since the
this point. Consider a constituency called Durg in
purpose of the study is limited to assessing
the state of Chattisgarh. According to the latest
whether Facebook users will at all have an impact
Facebook data, the number of social media users
if they so choose, we feel that the answer to this
in Durg who are potential voters by virtue of
question is obvious.
being residents of Durg and on account of being more than 18 years old is 24780. (At the time we culled the data, the number was 24320). Now consider this. The industrial town of Bhilai is part of the Durg constituency and boasts of 104220 people who make the electoral cut. In all of our
Implications of the study for Contestants 1. No contestant can afford to ignore social media in the next Lok Sabha election. Just as they have budgets for traditional media spend and on the ground activity, it is important that they have a specific budget for social media activity. 2. When one sees the wins of the Congress and the BJP in the last Lok Sabha elections, we find that 75 of the 206 seats won (36%) by the Congress and 43 of the 144 seats (30%) where they finished second are counted among the High Impact constituencies. In the case of the BJP, we find that 44 of the 116 seats (37%) they won and 50 of the 110 seats (46%) they lost fall in the high Impact category. A well thought out social media campaign will not only be about retaining previously won seats but also about wresting new seats. While there can be no two views on the fact that social media usage is a largely urban phenomenon, a rapidly urbanising India with even small towns reporting a fairly active social media usage offers pointers to how campaign focus may need to be in order to gain new wins while retaining the existing seats.
aggregate data about those that they seek to elect but making such data available in a granular form could well trigger a different response from the voter than ever before. For instance, we wonder how a voter would react when faced with the choice of electing an MP whose attendance record in parliament is dismal or whose election affidavit shows that his personal fortune has increased manifold over the last 5 years or whose comments display a huge level of insensitivity towards women.
3. Unlike traditional campaigning which is mandatorily required to come to a close 48 hours before the polls, it is unlikely that the Election Commission will be able to legislate and enforce silence on social media networks as it would be tantamount to stifling the voice of the people. Which means that any development even in the hours of polling can potentially influence voter behaviour as the information will spread like wild fire. What this also means is that savvy candidates can harness the power of social media to unleash a guerilla campaign on their opponents without giving them the time to respond. We may see some candidates take a hit and run strategy. 4. We believe that by mashing up this data with social indicators of a constituency and personal attributes of contestants, democracy will win. It is one thing to share with a voting population,
Long run impact The impact of social media on elections
This possibility is already reflected in legislative
worldwide will be enhanced even further as
proposals in the United States. Last April, the U.S.
governments adopt “open data” policies – that is,
House of Representatives passed the Digital
requirements for important government
Accountability and Transparency Act, or DATA
information to be published online, in non-
Act, which would have required all U.S.
proprietary formats such as XBRL that open it up
government spending information to be
to search and analysis tools. Open data principles
published in an open format like XBRL at
also dictate that when governments publish a
permanent web addresses, with an explicit
particular piece of information – be it a spending
requirement for the information to be made
detail, a regulatory filing, proposed legislation, a
available to be “freely shared by the public, such
judicial opinion, or almost anything else – they
as by social media.” Further action on the DATA
use stable Web addresses, known as Persistent
Act is expected in the U.S. Congress in the spring
Uniform Resource Locators (PURLs), as much as
of 2013. The Data Transparency Coalition, a U.S.
possible. PURLs allow the information to be
trade association of technology firms, has
shared easily via Facebook and other social
become the primary private-sector advocate for
networks. Facebook users can instantly share a
the DATA Act and similar legislation. One of the
PURL with all their friends, and those users can
Coalition's policy goals is to make all government
share it in turn with their own friends, because a
information shareable via Facebook and other
PURL functions as a permanent link to the
social networks. Here in India, IRIS Knowledge
information. The combination of stable
Foundation, the publishers of this study are
publication via PURLs, easy analysis thanks to
seeking to do the same.
XBRL and other formats, and wide dispersion via Facebook sharing promises to make the online democratic conversation more sophisticated and more relevant than ever before.
APPENDIX Appendix 1: High Impact Constituencies
Winner in 2009
Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Assam Assam Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Chandigarh Chattisgarh Chattisgarh Chattisgarh Chattisgarh Dadra & Nagar Haveli Goa Goa Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat
Hyderabad Visakhapatnam Vijayawada Guntur Rajahmundry Kakinada Tirupati Nellore Karimnagar Narasaraopet Chittoor Arunachal West Dibrugarh Silchar Tezpur Pataliputra Patna Sahib Muzaffarpur Buxar Chandigarh Raipur Bilaspur Korba Durg Dadar & Nagar Haveli North Goa South Goa Surat Rajkot Bhavnagar Jamnagar Kheda Valsad Panchmahal Junagadh Bharuch Banaskantha Anand Mahesana Sabarkantha Patan Surendranagar Ahmedabad East Ahmedabad West
Asaduddin Owaisi Daggubati Purandeswari Lagadapati Raja Gopal Rayapati Sambasiva Rao Aruna Kumar Vundavalli M.M.Pallamraju Chinta Mohan Mekapati Rajamohan Reddy Ponnam Prabhakar Modugula Venugopala Reddy Naramalli Sivaprasad Takam Sanjoy Paban Singh Ghatowar Kabindra Purkayastha Joseph Toppo Ranjan Prasad Yadav Shatrughan Sinha Captain Jai Narayan Prasad Nishad Jagada Nand Singh Pawan Kumar Bansal Ramesh Bais Dilip Singh Judev Charan Das Mahant Saroj Pandey Patel Natubhai Gomanbhai Shripad Yesso Naik Cosme Francisco Caitano Sardinha Shrimati Darshana Vikram Jardosh Kuvarjibhai Mohanbhai Bavalia Rajendrasinh Ghanshyamsinh Rana (Rajubhai Rana) Ahir Vikrambhai Arjanbhai Madam Dinsha Patel Kishanbhai Vestabhai Patel Chauhan Prabhatsinh Pratapsinh Solanki Dinubhai Boghabhai Mansukhbhai Dhanjibhai Vasava Gadhvi Mukeshkumar Bheiravdanji Solanki Bharatbhai Madhavsinh Patel Jayshreeben Kanubhai Chauhan Mahendrasinh Jagdish Thakor Koli Patel Somabhai Gandalal Harin Pathak Dr. Solanki Kiritbhai Premajibhai
Appendix 1: High Impact Constituencies
Winner in 2009
Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Jharkhand Jharkhand Jharkhand Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Maharashtra
Gurgaon Faridabad Ambala Sirsa Hisar Mandi Kangra Srinagar Jammu Anantnag Udhampur Ranchi Jamshedpur Dhanbad Singhbhum Mysore Dakshina Kannada Gulbarga Bellary Davanagere Udupi Chikmagalur Tumkur Uttara Kannada Bangalore Rural Bangalore North Bangalore Central Bangalore South Thiruvananthapuram Ernakulam Palakkad Kottayam Thrissur Alappuzha Kollam Malappuram Kozhikode Kannur Indore Bhopal Gwalior Jabalpur Ujjain Rewa Satna Dewas Dhar Pune Nagpur
Inderjit Singh Avtar Singh Bhadana Selja Ashok Tanwar Bhajan Lal S/O Kheraj Virbhadra Singh Dr. Rajan Sushant Farooq Abdullah Madan Lal Sharma Mirza Mehboob Beg Ch. Lal Singh Subodh Kant Sahay Arjun Munda Pashupati Nath Singh Madhu Kora Adagur H Vishwanath Nalin Kumar Kateel Mallikarjun Kharge J. Shantha G.M. Siddeswara D.V.Sadananda Gowda G.S. Basavaraj Anantkumar Hegde H.D.Kumaraswamy D. B. Chandre Gowda P. C. Mohan Ananth Kumar Shashi Tharoor Prof. K V Thomas M.B. Rajesh Jose K.Mani (Karingozheckal) P C Chacko K.C Venugopal N.Peethambarakurup E. Ahamed M.K. Raghavan K. Sudhakaran Sumitra Mahajan (Tai) Kailash Joshi Yashodhara Raje Scindia Rakesh Singh Guddu Premchand Deoraj Singh Patel Ganesh Singh Sajjan Singh Verma Gajendra Singh Rajukhedi Kalmadi Suresh Muttemwar Vilasrao Baburaoji
Appendix 1: High Impact Constituencies
Winner in 2009
Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra NCT OF Delhi NCT OF Delhi NCT OF Delhi NCT OF Delhi NCT OF Delhi NCT OF Delhi NCT OF Delhi Orissa Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu
Aurangabad Nashik Thane Kolhapur Kalyan Latur Dhule Sangli Amravati Jalna Ahmadnagar Osmanabad Chandrapur Mumbai North Mumbai North West Mumbai North East Mumbai North Central Mumbai South Central Mumbai South Chandni Chowk North East Delhi East Delhi New Delhi North West Delhi West Delhi South Delhi Sambalpur Ludhiana Amritsar Hoshiarpur Patiala Gurdaspur Jaipur Jodhpur Kota Bikaner Tonk-Sawai Madhopur Coimbatore Salem Tirunelveli Erode Madurai Viluppuram Virudhunagar Kancheepuram Sivaganga Chennai North Chennai South
Chandrakant Khaire Sameer Bhujbal Dr.Sanjeev Ganesh Naik Sadashivrao Dadoba Mandlik Anand Prakash Paranjape Awale Jaywant Gangaram Sonawane Pratap Narayanrao Pratik Prakashbapu Patil Adsul Anandrao Vithoba Danve Raosaheb Dadarao Gandhi Dilipkumar Mansukhlal Patil Padamsinha Bajirao Ahir Hansaraj Gangaram Sanjay Brijkishorlal Nirupam Ad.Kamat Gurudas Vasant Sanjay Dina Patil Dutt Priya Sunil Eknath M. Gaikwad Deora Milind Murli Kapil Sibal Jai Prakash Agarwal Sandeep Dikshit Ajay Makan Krishna Tirath Mahabal Mishra Ramesh Kumar Amarnath Pradhan Manish Tewari Navjot Singh Sidhu Santosh Chowdhary Preneet Kaur Partap Singh Bajwa Mahesh Joshi Chandresh Kumari Ijyaraj Singh Arjun Ram Meghwal Namo Narain Natarajan.P.R. Semmalai S Ramasubbu S Ganeshamurthi.A. Alagiri M.K Anandan M Manicka Tagore Viswanathan.P Chidambaram P Elangovan T.K.S Rajendran C
Appendix 1: High Impact Constituencies
Winner in 2009
Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal
Chennai Central Lucknow Kanpur Gautam Buddh Nagar Allahabad Varanasi Agra Ghaziabad Meerut Bareilly Aligarh Moradabad Muzaffarnagar Chandauli Kheri Almora Howrah Balurghat Kolkata Dakshin Kolkata Uttar
Dayanidhi Maran Lal Ji Tandon Sri Prakash Jaiswal Surendra Singh Nagar Kunwar Rewati Raman Singh Alias Mani Ji Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi Dr. Ramshankar Rajnath Singh Rajendra Agarwal Praveen Singh Aron Raj Kumari Chauhan Mohammed Azharuddin Kadir Rana Ramkishun Zafar Ali Naqvi Pradeep Tamta Ambica Banerjee Prasanta Kumar Majumdar Mamata Banerjee Sudip Bandyopadhyay
Appendix 2: Moderate Impact Constituencies
Sitting MP
Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Assam Assam Assam Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Daman & Diu Gujarat Gujarat Haryana Haryana Haryana Himachal Pradesh Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Meghalaya Meghalaya Mizoram Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Puducherry Punjab Punjab Rajasthan Rajasthan
Warangal Kurnool Eluru Anantapur Srikakulam Machilipatnam Gauhati Jorhat Karimganj Bhagalpur Katihar Darbhanga Madhubani Daman & Diu Vadodara Gandhinagar Karnal Bhiwani-Mahendragarh Rohtak Shimla Belgaum Bijapur Shimoga Raichur Mandya Kasaragod Ratlam Shahdol Mandsour Solapur Nanded Akola Jalgaon Ratnagiri - Sindhudurg Bhiwandi Palghar Shillong Tura Mizoram Bhubaneswar Berhampur Balasore Sundargarh Puducherry Sangrur Ferozpur Udaipur Ajmer
Rajaiah Siricilla Kotla Jaya Surya Prakash Reddy Kavuri Sambasiva Rao Anantha Venkata Rami Reddy Killi Krupa Rani Konakalla Narayana Rao Bijoya Chakravarty Bijoy Krishna Handique Lalit Mohan Suklabaidya Syed Shahnawaz Hussain Nikhil Kumar Choudhary Kirti Azad Hukmadeo Narayan Yadav Lalubhai Patel Balkrishna Khanderao Shukla (Balu Shukla) L.K.Advani Arvind Kumar Sharma Shruti Choudhry Deepender Singh Virender Kashyap Angadi Suresh Channabasappa Ramesh Chandappa Jigajinagi B.Y. Raghavendra Pakkirappa.S. N Cheluvaraya Swamy @ Swamygowda P Karunakaran Kantilal Bhuria Rajesh Nandini Singh Meenakshi Natrajan Shinde Sushilkumar Sambhajirao Khatgaonkar Patil Bhaskarrao Bapurao Dhotre Sanjay Shamrao A.T. Nana Patil Dr.Nilesh Narayan Rane Taware Suresh Kashinath Jadhav Baliram Sukur Vincent H Pala Agatha K. Sangma C.L.Ruala Prasanna Kumar Patasani Sidhant Mohapatra Srikant Kumar Jena Hemanand Biswal Narayanasamy Vijay Inder Singla Sher Singh Ghubaya Raghuvir Singh Meena Sachin Pilot
Appendix 2: Moderate Impact Constituencies
Winner in 2009
Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal
Churu Vellore Kanniyakumari Cuddalore Tiruchirappalli Karur Gorakhpur Jhansi Saharanpur Rampur Azamgarh Sitapur Faizabad Bijnor Fatehpur Sikri Mirzapur Burdwan - Durgapur Asansol Purulia
Ram Singh Kaswan Abdul Rahman Helen Davidson J Alagiri S Kumar.P Thambidurai.M Adityanath Pradeep Kumar Jain (Aditya) Jagdish Singh Rana Jaya Prada Nahata Ramakant Yadav Kaisar Jahan Nirmal Khatri Sanjay Singh Chauhan Seema Upadhyay Bal Kumar Patel Sk. Saidul Haque Bansa Gopal Chowdhury Narahari Mahato
Appendix 3: Low / No Impact Constituencies
Winner in 2009
Andaman & Nicobar Islands Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar
Andaman & Nicobar Islands Nizamabad Vizianagaram Ongole Mahbubnagar Medak Malkajgiri Chelvella Aruku Adilabad Peddapalle Zahirabad Secundrabad Nagarkurnool Nalgonda Bhongir Mahabubabad Khammam Anakapalli Amalapuram Narsapuram Bapatla Nandyal Hindupur Kadapa Rajampet Arunachal East Lakhimpur Barpeta Autonomous District Kaliabor Dhubri Kokrajhar Mangaldoi Nowgong Gaya Siwan Valmiki Nagar Ujiarpur Karakat Paschim Champaran Purvi Champaran Sheohar Sitamarhi Jhanjharpur Supaul
Shri. Bishnu Pada Ray Madhu Yaskhi Goud Jhansi Lakshmi Botcha Magunta Srinivasulu Reddy K. Chandrasekhar Rao Vijaya Shanthi .M Sarvey Sathyanarayana Jaipal Reddy Sudini Kishore Chandra Suryanarayana Deo Vyricherla Rathod Ramesh Dr.G.Vivekanand Suresh Kumar Shetkar Anjan Kumar Yadav M Dr. Manda Jagannath Gutha Sukender Reddy Komatireddy Raj Gopal Reddy P. Balram Nama Nageswara Rao Sabbam Hari G.V.Harsha Kumar Bapiraju Kanumuru Panabaka Lakshmi S.P.Y.Reddy Kristappa Nimmala Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy Annayyagari Sai Prathap Ninong Ering Ranee Narah Ismail Hussain Biren Singh Engti Dip Gogoi Badruddin Ajmal Sansuma Khunggur Bwiswmuthiary Ramen Deka Rajen Gohain Hari Manjhi Om Prakash Yadav Baidyanath Prasad Mahto Aswamedh Devi Mahabali Singh Dr. Sanjay Jaiswal Radha Mohan Singh Rama Devi Arjun Roy Mangani Lal Mandal Vishwa Mohan Kumar
Appendix 3: Low / No Impact Constituencies
Winner in 2009
Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Chattisgarh Chattisgarh Chattisgarh Chattisgarh Chattisgarh Chattisgarh Chattisgarh Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Haryana Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Jharkhand Jharkhand Jharkhand Jharkhand Jharkhand Jharkhand Jharkhand
Araria Kishanganj Purnia Madhepura Vaishali Gopalganj Maharajganj Saran Hajipur Samastipur Begusarai Khagaria Banka Munger Nalanda Arrah Sasaram Jahanabad Aurangabad Nawada Jamui Raigarh Sarguja Janjgir-Champa Rajnandgaon Mahasamund Bastar Kanker Amreli Porbandar Bardoli Kachchh Dahod Chhota Udaipur Navsari Kurukshetra Sonipat Hamirpur Ladakh Baramulla Hazaribagh Godda Dumka Rajmahal Chatra Kodarma Giridih Khunti
Pradeep Kumar Singh Mohammad Asrarul Haque Uday Singh Alias Pappu Singh Sharad Yadav Raghuvansh Prasad Singh Purnmasi Ram Uma Shanaker Singh Lalu Prasad Ram Sundar Das Maheshwar Hazari Dr. Monazir Hassan Dinesh Chandra Yadav Digvijay Singh Rajiv Ranjan Singh Alias Lalan Singh Kaushalendra Kumar Meena Singh Meira Kumar Jagdish Sharma Sushil Kumar Singh Bhola Singh Bhudeo Choudhary Vishnu Deo Sai Murarilal Singh Shrimati Kamla Devi Patle Madhusudan Yadav Chandulal Sahu (Chandu Bhaiya) Baliram Kashyap Sohan Potai Kachhadia Naranbhai Radadiya Vitthalbhai Hansrajbhai Chaudhari Tusharbhai Amrasinhbhai Jat Poonamben Veljibhai Dr. Prabha Kishor Taviad Rathwa Ramsingbhai Patalbhai C. R. Patil Naveen Jindal Jitender Singh Anurag Singh Thakur Hassan Khan Sharief Ud Din Shariq Yashwant Sinha Nishikant Dubey Shibu Soren Devidhan Besra Inder Singh Namdhari Babulal Marandi Ravindra Kumar Pandey Karia Munda
Appendix 3: Low / No Impact Constituencies
Winner in 2009
Jharkhand Jharkhand Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Lakshadweep Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra
Lohardaga Palamau Bidar Bagalkot Dharwad Chamarajanagar Chikkodi Koppal Haveri Hassan Chitradurga Chikkballapur Kolar Mavelikkara Vadakara Alathur Chalakudy Pathanamthitta Attingal Wayanad Ponnani Idukki Lakshadweep Sagar Hoshangabad Khandwa Balaghat Khargone Morena Bhind Guna Tikamgarh Damoh Khajuraho Sidhi Mandla Chhindwara Vidisha Rajgarh Betul Yavatmal-Washim Parbhani Wardha Maval Nandurbar Raver Buldhana Ramtek
Sudarshan Bhagat Kameshwar Baitha N.Dharam Singh Gaddigoudar P.C. Pralhad Joshi R.Dhruvanarayana Katti Ramesh Vishwanath Shivaramagouda Shivanagouda Udasi Shivkumar Chanabasappa H. D. Devegowda Janardhana Swamy M.Veerappa Moily K.H.Muniyappa Kodikkunnil Suresh Mullappally Ramachandran P.K Biju K.P. Dhanapalan Anto Antony Punnathaniyil Adv. A Sampath M.I. Shanavas E.T. Muhammed Basheer Adv. P.T Thomas Hamdullah Sayeed Bhupendra Singh Uday Pratap Singh Arun Subhashchandra Yadav K. D. Deshmukh Makansingh Solanki (Babuji) Narendra Singh Tomar Ashok Argal Jyotiraditya Madhavrao Scindia Virendra Kumar Shivraj Bhaiya Jeetendra Singh Bundela Govind Prasad Mishra Basori Singh Masram Kamal Nath Sushma Swaraj Narayansingh Amlabe Jyoti Dhurve Bhavana Gawali (Patil) Adv. Dudhgaonkar Ganeshrao Nagorao Datta Meghe Babar Gajanan Dharmshi Gavit Manikrao Hodlya Haribhau Madhav Jawale Jadhav Prataprao Ganpatrao Wasnik Mukul Balkrishna
Appendix 3: Low / No Impact Constituencies
Winner in 2009
Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Manipur Manipur Nagaland Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan
Bhandara - Gondiya Gadchiroli-Chimur Hingoli Dindori Raigad Baramati Shirur Shirdi Beed Madha Satara Hatkanangle Inner Manipur Outer Manipur Nagaland Cuttack Bargarh Keonjhar Mayurbhanj Bhadrak Jajpur Dhenkanal Bolangir Kalahandi Nabarangpur Kandhamal Kendrapara Jagatsinghpur Puri Aska Koraput Faridkot Fatehgarh Sahib Khadoor Sahib Anandpur Sahib Jalandhar Bathinda Bhilwara Ganganagar Sikar Jhunjhunu Chittorgarh Jaipur Rural Alwar Bharatpur Karauli-Dholpur Dausa Nagaur
Patel Praful Manoharbhai Kowase Marotrao Sainuji Subhash Bapurao Wankhede Chavan Harishchandra Deoram Anant Geete Supriya Sule Adhalrao Shivaji Dattatray Wakchaure Bhausaheb Rajaram Munde Gopinathrao Pandurang Pawar Sharadchandra Govindrao Bhonsle Shrimant Chh. Udyanraje Pratapsinhmaharaj Shetti Raju Alias Devappa Anna Dr. Thokchom Meinya Thangso Baite C.M. Chang Bhartruhari Mahtab Sanjay Bhoi Yashbant Narayan Singh Laguri Laxman Tudu Arjun Charan Sethi Mohan Jena Tathagata Satpathy Kalikesh Narayan Singh Deo Bhakta Charan Das Pradeep Kumar Majhi Rudramadhab Ray Baijayant Panda Bibhu Prasad Tarai Pinaki Misra Nityananda Pradhan Jayaram Pangi Paramjit Kaur Gulshan Sukhdev Singh Dr. Rattan Singh Ajnala Ravneet Singh Mohinder Singh Kaypee Harsimrat Kaur Badal Dr. C. P. Joshi Bharat Ram Meghwal Mahadev Singh Sheesh Ram Ola (Dr.)Girija Vyas Lal Chand Kataria Jitendra Singh Ratan Singh Khiladi Lal Bairwa Kirodi Lal Dr. Jyoti Mirdha
Appendix 3: Low / No Impact Constituencies
Winner in 2009
Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tripura Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh
Pali Barmer Jalore Banswara Rajsamand Jhalawar-Baran Sikkim Thanjavur Dindigul Thoothukkudi Namakkal Theni Arani Kallakurichi Tiruppur Thiruvallur Sriperumbudur Arakkonam Krishnagiri Dharmapuri Tiruvannamalai Nilgiris Pollachi Perambalur Chidambaram Mayiladuthurai Nagapattinam Ramanathapuram Tenkasi Tripura West Tripura East Mathura Jaunpur Deoria Shahjahanpur Etawah Pratapgarh Kushi Nagar Farrukhabad Gonda Bahraich Sambhal Ballia Badaun Nagina Dhaurahra Bhadohi Kairana
Badri Ram Jakhar Harish Choudhary Devji Patel Tarachand Bhagora Gopal Singh Dushyant Singh Prem Das Rai Palanimanickam.S.S Chitthan N S V Jeyadurai.S.R Gandhiselvan.S Aaron Rashid.J.M Krishnasswamy M Sankar Adhi Sivasami C Venugopal.P Baalu T R Jagathrakshakan Sugavanam. E.G. Thamaraiselvan. R Venugopal.D Raja A Sugumar.K Napoleon,D. Thirumaavalavan, Thol Maniyan O.S. Vijayan A K S Sivakumar @ J.K. Ritheesh. K Lingam P Khagen Das Baju Ban Riyan Jayant Chaudhary Dhananjay Singh Gorakh Prasad Jaiswal Mithlesh Premdas Rajkumari Ratna Singh Ku. Ratanjeet Pratap Narayan Singh Salman Khursheed Beni Prasad Verma Kamal Kishor Dr. Shafiqur Rahman Barq Neeraj Shekhar Dharmendra Yadav Yashvir Singh Kunwar Jitin Prasad Gorakhnath Tabassum Begum
Appendix 3: Low / No Impact Constituencies
Winner in 2009
Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand Uttarakhand Uttarakhand Uttarakhand West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal
Amroha Baghpat Bulandshahr Hathras Firozabad Mainpuri Etah Aonla Pilibhit Hardoi Misrikh Unnao Mohanlalganj Rae Bareli Amethi Sultanpur Kannauj Akbarpur Jalaun Hamirpur Banda Fatehpur Kaushambi Phulpur Barabanki Ambedkar Nagar Kaiserganj Shrawasti Domariyaganj Basti Sant Kabir Nagar Maharajganj Bansgaon Lalganj Ghosi Salempur Machhlishahr Ghazipur Robertsganj Tehri Garhwal Garhwal Nainital-Udhamsingh Nagar Hardwar Cooch Behar Ranaghat Bangaon Joynagar Ghatal
Devendra Nagpal Ajit Singh Kamlesh Sarika Singh Akhilesh Yadav Mulayam Singh Yadav Kalyan Singh R O Madholi Menka Gandhi Feroze Varun Gandhi Usha Verma Ashok Kumar Rawat Annutandon Sushila Saroj Sonia Gandhi Rahul Gandhi Dr.Sanjay Singh Akhilesh Yadav Rajaram Pal Ghansyam Anuragi Vijay Bahadur Singh R. K. Singh Patel Rakesh Sachan Shailendra Kumar Kapil Muni Karwariya P.L.Punia Rakesh Pandey Brijbhushan Sharan Singh Vinay Kumar Alias Vinnu Jagdambika Pal Arvind Kumar Chaudhary Bhisma Shankar Alias Kushal Tiwari Harsh Vardhan Kamlesh Paswan Dr. Baliram Dara Singh Chauhan Ramashankar Rajbhar Tufani Saroj Radhey Mohan Singh Pakauri Lal Vijay Bahuguna Satpal Maharaj K.C. Singh Baba Harish Rawat Nripendra Nath Roy Sucharu Ranjan Haldar Gobinda Chandra Naskar Dr. Tarun Mondal Gurudas Dasgupta
Appendix 3: Low / No Impact Constituencies
Winner in 2009
West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal
Alipurduars Jalpaiguri Darjeeling Raiganj Maldaha Uttar Maldaha Dakshin Jangipur Baharampur Murshidabad Krishnanagar Barrackpore Dum Dum Barasat Basirhat Mathurapur Diamond Harbour Jadavpur Uluberia Srerampur Hooghly Arambagh Tamluk Kanthi Jhargram Medinipur Bankura Bishnupur Bardhaman Purba Bolpur Birbhum
Manohar Tirkey Mahendra Kumar Roy Jaswant Singh Deepa Dasmunsi Mausam Noor Abu Hasem Khan Choudhury Pranab Mukherjee Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury Abdul Mannan Hossain Tapas Paul Dinesh Trivedi Sougata Ray Kakali Ghosh Dastidar Sk. Nurul Islam Choudhury Mohan Jatua Somendra Nath Mitra Kabir Suman Sultan Ahmed Kalyan Banerjee Dr. Ratna De (Nag) Malik Sakti Mohan Adhikari Suvendu Adhikari Sisir Kumar Pulin Bihari Baske Prabodh Panda Acharia Basudeb Susmita Bauri Anup Kumar Saha Doctor Ram Chandra Dome Satabdi Roy
Appendix 4: State wise data
Winner in 2009
Andaman & Nicobar Islands Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Shri. Bishnu Pada Ray
No Impact
Asaduddin Owaisi Daggubati Purandeswari Lagadapati Raja Gopal Rayapati Sambasiva Rao Aruna Kumar Vundavalli M.M.Pallamraju Chinta Mohan Mekapati Rajamohan Reddy Ponnam Prabhakar Modugula Venugopala Reddy Naramalli Sivaprasad Madhu Yaskhi Goud Jhansi Lakshmi Botcha Magunta Srinivasulu Reddy K. Chandrasekhar Rao Vijaya Shanthi .M Rajaiah Siricilla Kotla Jaya Surya Prakash Reddy Kavuri Sambasiva Rao Anantha Venkata Rami Reddy Killi Krupa Rani Konakalla Narayana Rao Sarvey Sathyanarayana Jaipal Reddy Sudini Kishore Chandra Suryanarayana Deo Vyricherla Rathod Ramesh Dr.G.Vivekanand Suresh Kumar Shetkar Anjan Kumar Yadav M Dr. Manda Jagannath Gutha Sukender Reddy Komatireddy Raj Gopal Reddy P. Balram Nama Nageswara Rao Sabbam Hari G.V.Harsha Kumar Bapiraju Kanumuru Panabaka Lakshmi S.P.Y.Reddy Kristappa Nimmala Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy Annayyagari Sai Prathap
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad Visakhapatnam Vijayawada Guntur Rajahmundry Kakinada Tirupati Nellore Karimnagar Narasaraopet Chittoor Nizamabad Vizianagaram Ongole Mahbubnagar Medak Warangal Kurnool Eluru Anantapur Srikakulam Machilipatnam Malkajgiri Chelvella Aruku Adilabad Peddapalle Zahirabad Secundrabad Nagarkurnool Nalgonda Bhongir Mahabubabad Khammam Anakapalli Amalapuram Narsapuram Bapatla Nandyal Hindupur Kadapa Rajampet
Appendix 4: State wise data
Winner in 2009
Takam Sanjoy Ninong Ering
High Impact Low Impact
Paban Singh Ghatowar Kabindra Purkayastha Joseph Toppo Ranee Narah Ismail Hussain Bijoya Chakravarty Bijoy Krishna Handique Lalit Mohan Suklabaidya Biren Singh Engti Dip Gogoi Badruddin Ajmal Sansuma Khunggur Bwiswmuthiary Ramen Deka Rajen Gohain
High Impact High Impact High Impact Low Impact Low Impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Ranjan Prasad Yadav Shatrughan Sinha Captain Jai Narayan Prasad Nishad Jagada Nand Singh Hari Manjhi Om Prakash Yadav Syed Shahnawaz Hussain Nikhil Kumar Choudhary Kirti Azad Hukmadeo Narayan Yadav Baidyanath Prasad Mahto Aswamedh Devi Mahabali Singh Dr. Sanjay Jaiswal Radha Mohan Singh Rama Devi Arjun Roy Mangani Lal Mandal Vishwa Mohan Kumar Pradeep Kumar Singh Mohammad Asrarul Haque Uday Singh Alias Pappu Singh Sharad Yadav Raghuvansh Prasad Singh Purnmasi Ram Uma Shanaker Singh Lalu Prasad
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact Low Impact Low Impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Arunachal Pradesh Arunachal West Arunachal East
Assam Dibrugarh Silchar Tezpur Lakhimpur Barpeta Gauhati Jorhat Karimganj Autonomous District Kaliabor Dhubri Kokrajhar Mangaldoi Nowgong
Bihar Pataliputra Patna Sahib Muzaffarpur Buxar Gaya Siwan Bhagalpur Katihar Darbhanga Madhubani Valmiki Nagar Ujiarpur Karakat Paschim Champaran Purvi Champaran Sheohar Sitamarhi Jhanjharpur Supaul Araria Kishanganj Purnia Madhepura Vaishali Gopalganj Maharajganj Saran
Appendix 4: State wise data
Winner in 2009
Hajipur Samastipur Begusarai Khagaria Banka Munger Nalanda Arrah Sasaram Jahanabad Aurangabad Nawada Jamui
Ram Sundar Das Maheshwar Hazari Dr. Monazir Hassan Dinesh Chandra Yadav Digvijay Singh Rajiv Ranjan Singh Alias Lalan Singh Kaushalendra Kumar Meena Singh Meira Kumar Jagdish Sharma Sushil Kumar Singh Bhola Singh Bhudeo Choudhary
No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Pawan Kumar Bansal
High Impact
Ramesh Bais Dilip Singh Judev Charan Das Mahant Saroj Pandey Vishnu Deo Sai Murarilal Singh Shrimati Kamla Devi Patle Madhusudan Yadav Chandulal Sahu (Chandu Bhaiya) Baliram Kashyap Sohan Potai
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact Low Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Patel Natubhai Gomanbhai
High Impact
Lalubhai Patel
Medium impact
Shripad Yesso Naik Cosme Francisco Caitano Sardinha
High Impact High Impact
Shrimati Darshana Vikram Jardosh Kuvarjibhai Mohanbhai Bavalia Rajendrasinh Ghanshyamsinh Rana (Rajubhai Rana) Ahir Vikrambhai Arjanbhai Madam Dinsha Patel Kishanbhai Vestabhai Patel Chauhan Prabhatsinh Pratapsinh Solanki Dinubhai Boghabhai
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact
Chandigarh Chandigarh
Chattisgarh Raipur Bilaspur Korba Durg Raigarh Sarguja Janjgir-Champa Rajnandgaon Mahasamund Bastar Kanker
Dadra & Nagar Haveli Dadar & Nagar Haveli
Daman & Diu Daman & Diu
Goa North Goa South Goa
Gujarat Surat Rajkot Bhavnagar Jamnagar Kheda Valsad Panchmahal Junagadh
Appendix 4: State wise data
Winner in 2009
Bharuch Banaskantha Anand Mahesana Sabarkantha Patan Surendranagar Ahmedabad East Ahmedabad West Amreli Porbandar Vadodara Gandhinagar Bardoli Kachchh Dahod Chhota Udaipur Navsari
Mansukhbhai Dhanjibhai Vasava Gadhvi Mukeshkumar Bheiravdanji Solanki Bharatbhai Madhavsinh Patel Jayshreeben Kanubhai Chauhan Mahendrasinh Jagdish Thakor Koli Patel Somabhai Gandalal Harin Pathak Dr. Solanki Kiritbhai Premajibhai Kachhadia Naranbhai Radadiya Vitthalbhai Hansrajbhai Balkrishna Khanderao Shukla (Balu Shukla) L.K.Advani Chaudhari Tusharbhai Amrasinhbhai Jat Poonamben Veljibhai Dr. Prabha Kishor Taviad Rathwa Ramsingbhai Patalbhai C. R. Patil
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact Low Impact Low Impact Medium impact Medium impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Inderjit Singh Avtar Singh Bhadana Selja Ashok Tanwar Bhajan Lal S/O Kheraj Naveen Jindal Arvind Kumar Sharma Shruti Choudhry Deepender Singh Jitender Singh
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact Low Impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium Impact No Impact
Virbhadra Singh Dr. Rajan Sushant Anurag Singh Thakur Virender Kashyap
High Impact High Impact Low Impact Medium impact
Farooq Abdullah Madan Lal Sharma Mirza Mehboob Beg Ch. Lal Singh Hassan Khan Sharief Ud Din Shariq
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact Low Impact No Impact
Subodh Kant Sahay Arjun Munda
High Impact High Impact
Haryana Gurgaon Faridabad Ambala Sirsa Hisar Kurukshetra Karnal Bhiwani-Mahendragarh Rohtak Sonipat
Himachal Pradesh Mandi Kangra Hamirpur Shimla
Jammu & Kashmir Srinagar Jammu Anantnag Udhampur Ladakh Baramulla
Jharkhand Ranchi Jamshedpur
Appendix 4: State wise data
Winner in 2009
Dhanbad Hazaribagh Godda Dumka Singhbhum Rajmahal Chatra Kodarma Giridih Khunti Lohardaga Palamau
Pashupati Nath Singh Yashwant Sinha Nishikant Dubey Shibu Soren Madhu Kora Devidhan Besra Inder Singh Namdhari Babulal Marandi Ravindra Kumar Pandey Karia Munda Sudarshan Bhagat Kameshwar Baitha
High Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact High impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Adagur H Vishwanath Nalin Kumar Kateel Mallikarjun Kharge J. Shantha G.M. Siddeswara D.V.Sadananda Gowda G.S. Basavaraj Anantkumar Hegde H.D.Kumaraswamy D. B. Chandre Gowda P. C. Mohan Ananth Kumar N.Dharam Singh Gaddigoudar P.C. Pralhad Joshi R.Dhruvanarayana Angadi Suresh Channabasappa Ramesh Chandappa Jigajinagi B.Y. Raghavendra Pakkirappa.S. N Cheluvaraya Swamy @ Swamygowda Katti Ramesh Vishwanath Shivaramagouda Shivanagouda Udasi Shivkumar Chanabasappa H. D. Devegowda Janardhana Swamy M.Veerappa Moily K.H.Muniyappa
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Shashi Tharoor Prof. K V Thomas M.B. Rajesh Jose K.Mani (Karingozheckal) P C Chacko
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact
Karnataka Mysore Dakshina Kannada Gulbarga Bellary Davanagere Udupi Chikmagalur Tumkur Uttara Kannada Bangalore Rural Bangalore North Bangalore Central Bangalore South Bidar Bagalkot Dharwad Chamarajanagar Belgaum Bijapur Shimoga Raichur Mandya Chikkodi Koppal Haveri Hassan Chitradurga Chikkballapur Kolar
Kerala Thiruvananthapuram Ernakulam Palakkad Kottayam Thrissur
Appendix 4: State wise data
Winner in 2009
Alappuzha Kollam Malappuram Kozhikode Kannur Mavelikkara Kasaragod Vadakara Alathur Chalakudy Pathanamthitta Attingal Wayanad Ponnani Idukki
K.C Venugopal N.Peethambarakurup E. Ahamed M.K. Raghavan K. Sudhakaran Kodikkunnil Suresh P Karunakaran Mullappally Ramachandran P.K Biju K.P. Dhanapalan Anto Antony Punnathaniyil Adv. A Sampath M.I. Shanavas E.T. Muhammed Basheer Adv. P.T Thomas
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact Low Impact Medium impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Hamdullah Sayeed
No Impact
Sumitra Mahajan (Tai) Kailash Joshi Yashodhara Raje Scindia Rakesh Singh Guddu Premchand Deoraj Singh Patel Ganesh Singh Sajjan Singh Verma Gajendra Singh Rajukhedi Bhupendra Singh Uday Pratap Singh Arun Subhashchandra Yadav K. D. Deshmukh Makansingh Solanki (Babuji) Kantilal Bhuria Rajesh Nandini Singh Meenakshi Natrajan Narendra Singh Tomar Ashok Argal Jyotiraditya Madhavrao Scindia Virendra Kumar Shivraj Bhaiya Jeetendra Singh Bundela Govind Prasad Mishra Basori Singh Masram Kamal Nath Sushma Swaraj Narayansingh Amlabe
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Lakshadweep Lakshadweep
Madhya Pradesh Indore Bhopal Gwalior Jabalpur Ujjain Rewa Satna Dewas Dhar Sagar Hoshangabad Khandwa Balaghat Khargone Ratlam Shahdol Mandsour Morena Bhind Guna Tikamgarh Damoh Khajuraho Sidhi Mandla Chhindwara Vidisha Rajgarh
Appendix 4: State wise data
Winner in 2009
Jyoti Dhurve
No Impact
Kalmadi Suresh Muttemwar Vilasrao Baburaoji Chandrakant Khaire Sameer Bhujbal Dr.Sanjeev Ganesh Naik Sadashivrao Dadoba Mandlik Anand Prakash Paranjape Awale Jaywant Gangaram Sonawane Pratap Narayanrao Pratik Prakashbapu Patil Adsul Anandrao Vithoba Danve Raosaheb Dadarao Gandhi Dilipkumar Mansukhlal Patil Padamsinha Bajirao Ahir Hansaraj Gangaram Sanjay Brijkishorlal Nirupam Ad.Kamat Gurudas Vasant Sanjay Dina Patil Dutt Priya Sunil Eknath M. Gaikwad Deora Milind Murli Bhavana Gawali (Patil) Adv. Dudhgaonkar Ganeshrao Nagorao Datta Meghe Shinde Sushilkumar Sambhajirao Khatgaonkar Patil Bhaskarrao Bapurao Dhotre Sanjay Shamrao A.T. Nana Patil Dr.Nilesh Narayan Rane Taware Suresh Kashinath Jadhav Baliram Sukur Babar Gajanan Dharmshi Gavit Manikrao Hodlya Haribhau Madhav Jawale Jadhav Prataprao Ganpatrao Wasnik Mukul Balkrishna Patel Praful Manoharbhai Kowase Marotrao Sainuji Subhash Bapurao Wankhede Chavan Harishchandra Deoram Anant Geete Supriya Sule Adhalrao Shivaji Dattatray Wakchaure Bhausaheb Rajaram Munde Gopinathrao Pandurang
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Maharashtra Pune Nagpur Aurangabad Nashik Thane Kolhapur Kalyan Latur Dhule Sangli Amravati Jalna Ahmadnagar Osmanabad Chandrapur Mumbai North Mumbai North West Mumbai North East Mumbai North Central Mumbai South Central Mumbai South Yavatmal-Washim Parbhani Wardha Solapur Nanded Akola Jalgaon Ratnagiri - Sindhudurg Bhiwandi Palghar Maval Nandurbar Raver Buldhana Ramtek Bhandara - Gondiya Gadchiroli-Chimur Hingoli Dindori Raigad Baramati Shirur Shirdi Beed
Appendix 4: State wise data
Winner in 2009
Madha Satara Hatkanangle
Pawar Sharadchandra Govindrao Bhonsle Shrimant Chh. Udyanraje Pratapsinhmaharaj Shetti Raju Alias Devappa Anna
No Impact No Impact No Impact
Dr. Thokchom Meinya Thangso Baite
No Impact No Impact
Vincent H Pala Agatha K. Sangma
Medium impact Medium impact
Medium impact
C.M. Chang
No Impact
Kapil Sibal Jai Prakash Agarwal Sandeep Dikshit Ajay Makan Krishna Tirath Mahabal Mishra Ramesh Kumar
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact
Amarnath Pradhan Bhartruhari Mahtab Prasanna Kumar Patasani Sidhant Mohapatra Srikant Kumar Jena Hemanand Biswal Sanjay Bhoi Yashbant Narayan Singh Laguri Laxman Tudu Arjun Charan Sethi Mohan Jena Tathagata Satpathy Kalikesh Narayan Singh Deo Bhakta Charan Das Pradeep Kumar Majhi Rudramadhab Ray Baijayant Panda Bibhu Prasad Tarai Pinaki Misra
High Impact Low Impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Manipur Inner Manipur Outer Manipur
Meghalaya Shillong Tura
Mizoram Mizoram
Nagaland Nagaland
NCT OF Delhi Chandni Chowk North East Delhi East Delhi New Delhi North West Delhi West Delhi South Delhi
Orissa Sambalpur Cuttack Bhubaneswar Berhampur Balasore Sundargarh Bargarh Keonjhar Mayurbhanj Bhadrak Jajpur Dhenkanal Bolangir Kalahandi Nabarangpur Kandhamal Kendrapara Jagatsinghpur Puri
Appendix 4: State wise data
Winner in 2009
Aska Koraput
Nityananda Pradhan Jayaram Pangi
No Impact No Impact
Medium impact
Manish Tewari Navjot Singh Sidhu Santosh Chowdhary Preneet Kaur Partap Singh Bajwa Paramjit Kaur Gulshan Sukhdev Singh Vijay Inder Singla Sher Singh Ghubaya Dr. Rattan Singh Ajnala Ravneet Singh Mohinder Singh Kaypee Harsimrat Kaur Badal
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact Low Impact Low Impact Medium impact Medium impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Mahesh Joshi Chandresh Kumari Ijyaraj Singh Arjun Ram Meghwal Namo Narain Dr. C. P. Joshi Bharat Ram Meghwal Mahadev Singh Sheesh Ram Ola (Dr.)Girija Vyas Raghuvir Singh Meena Sachin Pilot Ram Singh Kaswan Lal Chand Kataria Jitendra Singh Ratan Singh Khiladi Lal Bairwa Kirodi Lal Dr. Jyoti Mirdha Badri Ram Jakhar Harish Choudhary Devji Patel Tarachand Bhagora Gopal Singh Dushyant Singh
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Puducherry Puducherry
Punjab Ludhiana Amritsar Hoshiarpur Patiala Gurdaspur Faridkot Fatehgarh Sahib Sangrur Ferozpur Khadoor Sahib Anandpur Sahib Jalandhar Bathinda
Rajasthan Jaipur Jodhpur Kota Bikaner Tonk-Sawai Madhopur Bhilwara Ganganagar Sikar Jhunjhunu Chittorgarh Udaipur Ajmer Churu Jaipur Rural Alwar Bharatpur Karauli-Dholpur Dausa Nagaur Pali Barmer Jalore Banswara Rajsamand Jhalawar-Baran
Appendix 4: State wise data
Winner in 2009
Prem Das Rai
No Impact
Natarajan.P.R. Semmalai S Ramasubbu S Ganeshamurthi.A. Alagiri M.K Anandan M Manicka Tagore Viswanathan.P Chidambaram P Elangovan T.K.S Rajendran C Dayanidhi Maran Palanimanickam.S.S Chitthan N S V Jeyadurai.S.R Gandhiselvan.S Aaron Rashid.J.M Abdul Rahman Helen Davidson J Alagiri S Kumar.P Thambidurai.M Krishnasswamy M Sankar Adhi Sivasami C Venugopal.P Baalu T R Jagathrakshakan Sugavanam. E.G. Thamaraiselvan. R Venugopal.D Raja A Sugumar.K Napoleon,D. Thirumaavalavan, Thol Maniyan O.S. Vijayan A K S Sivakumar @ J.K. Ritheesh. K Lingam P
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Khagen Das Baju Ban Riyan
Low Impact No Impact
Sikkim Sikkim
Tamil Nadu Coimbatore Salem Tirunelveli Erode Madurai Viluppuram Virudhunagar Kancheepuram Sivaganga Chennai North Chennai South Chennai Central Thanjavur Dindigul Thoothukkudi Namakkal Theni Vellore Kanniyakumari Cuddalore Tiruchirappalli Karur Arani Kallakurichi Tiruppur Thiruvallur Sriperumbudur Arakkonam Krishnagiri Dharmapuri Tiruvannamalai Nilgiris Pollachi Perambalur Chidambaram Mayiladuthurai Nagapattinam Ramanathapuram Tenkasi
Tripura Tripura West Tripura East
Appendix 4: State wise data
Winner in 2009
Lal Ji Tandon Sri Prakash Jaiswal Surendra Singh Nagar Kunwar Rewati Raman Singh Alias Mani Ji Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi Dr. Ramshankar Rajnath Singh Rajendra Agarwal Praveen Singh Aron Raj Kumari Chauhan Mohammed Azharuddin Kadir Rana Ramkishun Zafar Ali Naqvi Jayant Chaudhary Dhananjay Singh Gorakh Prasad Jaiswal Mithlesh Premdas Rajkumari Ratna Singh Ku. Ratanjeet Pratap Narayan Singh Salman Khursheed Beni Prasad Verma Kamal Kishor Dr. Shafiqur Rahman Barq Neeraj Shekhar Dharmendra Yadav Adityanath Pradeep Kumar Jain (Aditya) Jagdish Singh Rana Jaya Prada Nahata Ramakant Yadav Kaisar Jahan Nirmal Khatri Sanjay Singh Chauhan Seema Upadhyay Bal Kumar Patel Yashvir Singh Kunwar Jitin Prasad Gorakhnath Tabassum Begum Devendra Nagpal Ajit Singh Kamlesh Sarika Singh Akhilesh Yadav Mulayam Singh Yadav
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Low Impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact Medium impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Uttar Pradesh Lucknow Kanpur Gautam Buddh Nagar Allahabad Varanasi Agra Ghaziabad Meerut Bareilly Aligarh Moradabad Muzaffarnagar Chandauli Kheri Mathura Jaunpur Deoria Shahjahanpur Etawah Pratapgarh Kushi Nagar Farrukhabad Gonda Bahraich Sambhal Ballia Badaun Gorakhpur Jhansi Saharanpur Rampur Azamgarh Sitapur Faizabad Bijnor Fatehpur Sikri Mirzapur Nagina Dhaurahra Bhadohi Kairana Amroha Baghpat Bulandshahr Hathras Firozabad Mainpuri
Appendix 4: State wise data
Winner in 2009
Etah Aonla Pilibhit Hardoi Misrikh Unnao Mohanlalganj Rae Bareli Amethi Sultanpur Kannauj Akbarpur Jalaun Hamirpur Banda Fatehpur Kaushambi Phulpur Barabanki Ambedkar Nagar Kaiserganj Shrawasti Domariyaganj Basti Sant Kabir Nagar Maharajganj Bansgaon Lalganj Ghosi Salempur Machhlishahr Ghazipur Robertsganj
Kalyan Singh R O Madholi Menka Gandhi Feroze Varun Gandhi Usha Verma Ashok Kumar Rawat Annutandon Sushila Saroj Sonia Gandhi Rahul Gandhi Dr.Sanjay Singh Akhilesh Yadav Rajaram Pal Ghansyam Anuragi Vijay Bahadur Singh R. K. Singh Patel Rakesh Sachan Shailendra Kumar Kapil Muni Karwariya P.L.Punia Rakesh Pandey Brijbhushan Sharan Singh Vinay Kumar Alias Vinnu Jagdambika Pal Arvind Kumar Chaudhary Bhisma Shankar Alias Kushal Tiwari Harsh Vardhan Kamlesh Paswan Dr. Baliram Dara Singh Chauhan Ramashankar Rajbhar Tufani Saroj Radhey Mohan Singh Pakauri Lal
No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Pradeep Tamta Vijay Bahuguna Satpal Maharaj K.C. Singh Baba Harish Rawat
High Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
Ambica Banerjee Prasanta Kumar Majumdar Mamata Banerjee Sudip Bandyopadhyay Nripendra Nath Roy Sk. Saidul Haque Bansa Gopal Chowdhury
High Impact High Impact High Impact High Impact Low Impact Medium impact Medium impact
Uttarakhand Almora Tehri Garhwal Garhwal Nainital-Udhamsingh Nagar Hardwar
West Bengal Howrah Balurghat Kolkata Dakshin Kolkata Uttar Cooch Behar Burdwan - Durgapur Asansol
Appendix 4: State wise data
Winner in 2009
Purulia Ranaghat Bangaon Joynagar Ghatal Alipurduars Jalpaiguri Darjeeling Raiganj Maldaha Uttar Maldaha Dakshin Jangipur Baharampur Murshidabad Krishnanagar Barrackpore Dum Dum Barasat Basirhat Mathurapur Diamond Harbour Jadavpur Uluberia Srerampur Hooghly Arambagh Tamluk Kanthi Jhargram Medinipur Bankura Bishnupur Bardhaman Purba Bolpur Birbhum
Narahari Mahato Sucharu Ranjan Haldar Gobinda Chandra Naskar Dr. Tarun Mondal Gurudas Dasgupta Manohar Tirkey Mahendra Kumar Roy Jaswant Singh Deepa Dasmunsi Mausam Noor Abu Hasem Khan Choudhury Pranab Mukherjee Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury Abdul Mannan Hossain Tapas Paul Dinesh Trivedi Sougata Ray Kakali Ghosh Dastidar Sk. Nurul Islam Choudhury Mohan Jatua Somendra Nath Mitra Kabir Suman Sultan Ahmed Kalyan Banerjee Dr. Ratna De (Nag) Malik Sakti Mohan Adhikari Suvendu Adhikari Sisir Kumar Pulin Bihari Baske Prabodh Panda Acharia Basudeb Susmita Bauri Anup Kumar Saha Doctor Ram Chandra Dome Satabdi Roy
Medium impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact
HIGH 75 44 2 4 2 3 3 2 3 3 4 2
27 11 4 3
2 3 2
3 1 1 2
2 1 1 1
1 1 2
1 1
1 1
1 1
NO 76 43 15 11 18 16 10 10 11 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
TOTAL 206 116 23 21 20 19 18 16 14 11 9 9 6 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
About IRIS Knowledge Foundation IRIS Knowledge Foundation is a public service initiative of IRIS Business Services Limited. The Foundation best known for its social sciences research portal, seeks to encourage research in the social sciences. We are committed to promoting younger researchers and new research ideas. We seek to encourage policy discussion through a section that provides information, commentary and resources and encourages discourse even as we keep scholars posted on current developments in the field.
About IAMAI The Internet and Mobile Association of India [IAMAI] is the industry association representing the entire gamut of digital businesses in India. Established in 2004 by leading online publishers, it has come to address effectively the challenges facing the digital and online industry including mobile content and services, online publishing, mobile advertising, online advertising, ecommerce and mobile and digital payments among others. IAMAI is the only professional industry body representing the online and mobile VAS industry in India.
Disclaimer All rights to this study remain with the Foundation. All logos and trademarks used herein are owned by the respective entities and used in this study only for reference representation. This study has been carried out by the IRIS Knowledge Foundation based on data available publicly on the Facebook website by following the link: Ads manager. The study has been financed entirely by IRIS Knowledge Foundation. No external support in any form has been obtained from any other group, corporate, political or otherwise. The data on Facebook keeps changing from time to time and hence the inferences may also vary. No efforts have been spared to ensure the integrity of data and analysis. No part of this study may be cited or reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Foundation. Media may cite the study under conventionally accepted fair use policy but may not seek to sell the study for any consideration, in cash or kind. An updated version of the study will be produced closer to the date of the elections. The team that carried out this study includes Parag Pilankar, Nitasha Rana, Mayur Narvekar, under the guidance of S Swaminathan. The Foundation is grateful to Dr. S. Chandrasekhar, Associate Professor, IGIDR and Dr. Subho Ray, President, IAMAI for their comments on an earlier version of this report. Any error though is entirely attributable to the team which worked on the study. Such errors, if any, are regretted. Please feel free to write to the Foundation with your comments about the study. All comments may be forwarded to
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Media Contact: Parag Pilankar (Phone: +91 9920593555, email:
[email protected]) A copy of the study may be downloaded from