There is also a post-matric scholarship scheme for SC/ST students of .... West
Bengal Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (WBMDFC), West.
CHAPTER 12 Social Services 12.1 In a developing country like ours, development measures are not effective unless they are targeted to specific areas and specific groups of people according to their particular needs. Accordingly, several schemes have been taken up by the Central as well as the State Government from time to time to redress the social problems arising out of discrimination of gender, caste, religion and social minorities. Besides these, there are also special schemes taken up for development of children, aged persons, disabled persons, destitute persons and people rendered homeless by natural calamities or political reasons. An account of such schemes is given in the following pages. Development and welfare of women, children and other vulnerable people 12.2 The Department of Women & Child Development & Social Welfare is entrusted with various welfare activities for the weaker and vulnerable section of the society specially for children, women, persons with disabilities, old and infirm persons, vagrants, ex-servicemen and their families. Directorate of Social Welfare, Controller of Vagrancy, West Bengal, Social Welfare Board, Women Development Undertaking, West Bengal Commission for Women, Rajya Sainik Board, Office of the Commissioner for persons with Disabilities are the implementing agencies of various schemes of this Department. 12.3 ICDS : The Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) is the most important scheme in the field of welfare of children and their mothers. It is a centrally sponsored scheme and is implemented by the Department of Women and Child Development and Social Welfare in West Bengal since 1975. The major objectives of this scheme are (i) to improve the nutritional and health status of children in the age group of 0-6 years (ii) to lay the foundation for proper psychological, physical and social development of children (iii) to reduce the incidence of mortality, malnutrition and school drop out and (iv) to bring about effective co-ordination in the works of various agencies involved in Child Welfare Programmes. 12.4 There is a vast network of Anganwadi Centres in both rural and urban areas of the state. 355 ICDS projects have so far been made operationalised through the 54250 Anganwadi Centres, among them 340 projects are run by the Government and 15 by the NGO’s. Government of India has recently sanctioned 58 additional ICDS 270
projects and 11977 additional Anganwadi Centres in the existing projects. Budget provision for the programme for the year 2005-06 is Rs. 126.50 crore. 12.5 Additional honorarium at the rate of Rs. 400 per month to the Anganwadi workers/helpers are borne by the State Government. An amount of Rs. 2500 lakh has been provided in the budget in 2005-06 against the budget provision of Rs. 500 lakh during 2004-05. 12.6 Supplementary Nutrition Programme : SNP is meant for the children and expectant and nursing mothers under ICDS Scheme. The scheme makes provision for the cost of food and other materials for the children up to 6 years of age of ICDS projects and for pregnant and lactating mothers. They receive packaged services through the Anganwadi Centres. An amount of Rs. 7042 lakh has been provided during 2005-06 against provision of Rs. 2900 lakh during 2004-05. 12.7 Pilot Project to provide foodgrain to under nourished pregnant & lactating mothers and adolescent girls of B.P.L.families in the districts of Jalpaiguri and Purulia (NPAG) : Government of India has recently accorded sanction towards implementation of pilot project to provide foodgrains free of cost to the captioned target group of women through ICDS set up. Planning Commission has identified two districts in West Bengal viz. Jalpaiguri and Purulia. The project is in operation since 2002-03. The Additional Central Assistance (ACA) will be utilized for (a) supply of food grains @ 6 Kg/month to the beneficiary (pregnant and nursing mother who are below 40 Kg. and adolescent girls who are below 35 Kg.), (b) procurement of Adult weighing machines for Anganwadi Centres of those two districts, (c) IEC and training. A provision of Rs. 1541 lakh is made in the state budget 2005-06 against the budget provision of RS. 1459 lakh during 2004-05. In the last year this programme got interrupted due to non-supply of rice from FCI. This year this programme is under progress. 12.8 Kishori Shakti Yojana : This is a Government of India funded programme implemented in 56 ICDS projects at present. But Government of India has recently accorded sanction for launching this scheme in all the existing and new ICDS projects. The major purpose of this scheme is upliftment of the adolescent girls by (i) supplying IFA tablet to reduce anaemia, (ii) imparting vocational training and (iii) launching awareness campaign. There is a provision of Rs. 1.10 lakh per project per annum. 12.9 Swayamsiddha : This is a centrally sponsored integrated Women Empowerment Programme and is being implemented in 39 blocks of 4 districts, 271
namely Bankura (22), Purulia (7), Dakshin Dinajpur (8), and Darjeeling (2). More than 5000 Self Help Groups (SHGs) have been formed under this programme. About 60,000 women have been covered under this programme. The ICDS set up is the implementing agency at the block level and the Anganwadi Workers are playing the crucial role of facilitators. The women Development Undertaking acts as the Nodal Agency which supervises/monitors the entire programme in this State. Budget provision for the year 2005-06 is Rs. 50.00 lakh. 12.10 Udisha : This is world bank assisted project for training of CDPOs, Supervisors, Anganwadi Workers & Anganwadi Helpers. The fund is received from Government of India. The scheme is likely to be completed during March, 2006. Budget provision for the year 2005-06 has been increased to Rs. 450.00 lakh. 12.11 Pradhan Mantri Gramodoya Yojana : The object of this scheme is to provide increased nutritional coverage under supplementary feeding to the children below 3 years of age. The scheme is now being implemented though ICDS set up excluding CARE Project in rural areas. Under the scheme Rice and Pulses are supplied twice a month as take-home ration to eradicate malnutrition among children below 3 years of age. An amount of Rs. 2774 lakh has been provided in the current year state budget. The provision was same in the last year. But the scheme has been discontinued with merger to ICDS from May 2005. 12.12 Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) : The State Government is sponsoring scheme for construction of Anganwadi Training Centre by availing assistance from NABARD under RIDF–VIII. It is in full progress and expected to be completed within the first quarter of 2005-06. An amount of Rs. 800 lakh has been provided for 2005-06 against the Budget provision of Rs 800 lakh in the last year’s Budget also. In the last year 669 Centres have been constructed. 12.13 Strengthening and remodeling of Government Homes for Women : An amount of Rs.10.00 lakh has been provided during 2005-06 against Rs. 1.00 lakh during 2004-05 for the scheme for maintenance of 8 homes specially for women. 12.14 Widow Pension : This scheme is for providing the destitute widows with financial assistance at the revised rate of Rs. 500/- per head per month from March 2003. Total number of beneficiaries under this scheme is 5810, out of which additional quota sanctioned in this year is 2810. 8546 more beneficiaries are provided from non plan budget provision. An amount of Rs. 190 lakh has been provided under state plan budget against the budget provision of Rs. 81 lakh during 2004-05. 272
12.15 Vocational Training of Girl inmates of Government Homes : An amount of Rs. 2.00 lakh has been provided during 2005-06 against Rs. 1.00 lakh during 2004 -05 for training of girl inmates of Government Homes. 12.16 Women Development Undertaking(WDU) : An amount of Rs. 15.00 lakh has been provided during 2005-06 against Rs. 11.00 lakh during 2004-05 for empowerment of women through WDU. As part of activity this undertaking supports vocational training for women under the project ‘Swablamban’ under Sayamsiddha. 12.17 Assistance to W.B. Commission for Women : The State Commission for Women is a statutory body constituted under the W. B. Commission for women Act,1992. The Commission is mandated to primarily look after the socio-legal aspect of different problems faced by women in the state. Commission can recommend to the State Government for enactment of new laws. An amount of Rs. 1.50 lakh has been allotted under the state plan head and Rs. 19.78 lakh under nonplan head during 2005-06, upto December 2005, for the Commission. 12.18 Scheme for prevention and control of Juvenile Social Maladjustment : This is a centrally sponsored scheme for care, protection, education, treatment, development and rehabilitation of juveniles in conflict with law and children in need of care and protection. Fund is utilized for construction and upgradation of services in the Homes and for maintenance of juveniles in different Homes under J. J. Act. An amount of Rs. 100 lakh has been provided during this year as against the last year’s Budget provision of Rs. 80 lakh. The number of beneficiaries under this scheme is 3500. The inmates are maintained in 17 Government homes and 22 NGOmanaged homes. 12.19
A Social Defence Planning unit has been set up at the Directorate office of
Social Welfare to look after the works of the Centrally sponsored (50:50) programme of Juvenile Social Maladjustment. An amount of Rs. 2.50 lakh has been provided as establishment cost during 2005-06 against the budget provision of Rs. 2.00 lakh during 2004-05. 12.20
Assistance to Voluntary Organisation : The scheme aims at giving
financial assistance to the Voluntary Organisations for promotion of Social Welfare Services. NGOs are conducting various programmes for the welfare of destitute women and children. An amount of Rs. 20.00 lakh has been provided during 200506 against the provision of 9.20 lakh during 2004-05. 273
12.21 Mid-day Meal Scheme : The National Programme of nutritional support to primary education popularly known as the “Mid day Meal Scheme” was launched in the state on the 15th August, 1995. Supply of cooked food under the scheme has been introduced in the State since January, 2003. At present, barring a few urban pockets and part of the schools run by Kolkata KMC and DPSC , the whole of West Bengal is under coverage of this programme. In Kolkata the street and working children are being provided with cooked food through a network of NGOs in their teaching centres. The immediate spurt in attendance has established and this scheme has helped to pull the most deprived sections of the children into the area of formal schooling. Up to mid December 2005, the cooked food was supplied to 91 lakh children of 68996 institutions and till date Rs. 220.40 crore has been spent for the purpose. 12.22 National Family Benefit Scheme : Under the scheme, in case of death of the primary bread earner of a family living below the poverty line, in the age group 18 to 65 years, an one time grant of Rs. 10000 is provided within 4 weeks of the death. In 2004-05, 9954 beneficiaries were covered under the scheme. In 2005-06, up to November, 2005, 8758 beneficiaries were covered under the scheme. 12.23 Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) : Indira Awas Yojana is a programme for providing low cost housing to the poor. The cost of IAY is shared by the Centre and the State at a 75:25 ratio. 80% of the fund under IAY is for construction of new houses and 20% is for upgradation of existing kuccha houses. Under the scheme, 99565 new houses were constructed in 2004-05, out of which the share of SC/ST beneficiaries was 63.53%, and 50950 houses were upgraded in 2004-05, out of which the share of SC/ST beneficiaries was 61.66%. In 2005-06, up to November, 2005, 44066 new houses were constructed and 22522 kuccha houses were upgraded. 12.24 The State Government is also implementing a sanitary programme in the rural areas of the state. The State Government provides subsidy to below the poverty line households wanting to set up sanitary latrines. Under the programme, Sanitary Marts are to be set up in each block by NGOs for the purpose of producing low cost sanitary latrines and creating awareness among the poor for the need for sanitary latrines. Till the end of March 2005, 332 Sanitary Marts have been established. Welfare of Disabled Persons 12.25 Prosthetic aid to the handicapped persons :The scheme aims at the welfare of the handicapped persons by providing aides and appliances to the economically 274
weaker section of the handicapped persons. A provision of Rs. 15.00 lakh has been made for 2005-06 against the last year’s provision of Rs. 13 lakh. 12.26 Scholarship to the handicapped students studying below class IX : The scheme is intended to extend financial assistance to needy physically handicapped students studying below Class-IX in recognised educational institutions of the State. The basic object is to help them to acquire such academic skill at secondary stage as will enable them to take up higher study with the intention of becoming useful citizens of the country. An amount of Rs. 50 lakh has been provided during the 2005-06 against the last year’s provision of Rs. 12 lakh. The proposal for enhancement is due to enhancement of quota as well as enhancement of the rate of scholarship to Rs. 100/- p.m. 12.27 Expansion of Capacity and modernization of composite home for deaf and dumb : A small amount of Rs. 1.00 lakh has been provided for 2005-06 against Rs. 0.10 lakh during 2004-05 for this purpose. The major portion of this expenditure has been borne from Border Area Development Fund. This provision has been kept for minor repairing of a deaf and dumb school at Raiganj. 12.28 Assistance to physically handicapped in all districts (Disability Pension) : The scheme is meant for providing financial assistance to the economically weaker section of the physically handicapped and mentally retarded persons at the rate of Rs. 500/- p.m. The number of beneficiaries at present including additional quota is 3127. An amount of Rs.111 lakh has been provided against the last year’s provision of Rs. 66 lakh. 12.29 Award to outstanding employer of handicapped employee : A lump sum amount of Rs. 3.00 lakh has been provided during 2005-06 against Rs. 0.10 lakh during 2004-05 to encourage the employers for absorbing handicapped employees in their establishments. 12.30 Printing of Identity Cards for the disabled : The Scheme is for printing of Identity Cards and to issue these to the disabled persons. It is the basic requirement to identify a person for awarding various benefits for the disabled persons. During the last one year 65000 identity cards have been distributed. An amount of Rs. 4.00 lakh has been provided during 2005–06 against the last year’s provision of Rs. 2.60 lakh. The expenditure for printing for 2005-06 is however being met from Government of India’s NPRPD FUND. 12.31 Implementation of PWD Act, 1995 : An amount of Rs. 2.00 lakh has been provided during 2005-06 against the same amount of Rs. 2.00 lakh during 2004-05 for organizing seminar etc. in the district/sub-division level to generate awareness 275
among Government officials and public about the benefit which may be given to the handicapped by effective implementation of PWD Act, 1995. Welfare for the old, the destitute and others 12.32 Old Age Pension Scheme : A person above the age of 60 having no income or having income less than Rs. 100/- per month and if he/she is resident of West Bengal for not less than10 years on the date of making application, then he/she is eligible for consideration of Old Age Pensions. The number of beneficiaries under this scheme is 9115 including additional quota sanctioned in this year. There are also 31461 beneficiaries receiving fund from non-plan budget provisions. A provision of Rs. 149 lakh has been made during 2005-06 against the budget provision of Rs. 62.50 lakh during 2004-05. 12.33 National Old Age Pension Scheme : This is a Central Government scheme for providing pension to persons over 65 years of age belonging to families below the poverty line. In 2004-05, 2.92 lakh persons were provided pension under the scheme. Out of these, 84.2 thousand were scheduled caste and 21.1 thousand were scheduled tribe beneficiaries. Total number of women beneficiaries was 1.16 lakh. 12.34 Promotion & Establishment of Homes for Old Destitute : Under this scheme old political sufferers and other destitute old persons who have none to look after them are provided with food, shelter, medicine etc. in Government Home known as Old Age Home at Kalikapur, South Garia. An amount of Rs. 1.00 lakh has been provided in the state plan budget, 2005-06 against Rs. 0.10 lakh in 2004-05. 12.35 Expansion and Renovation of Vagrants Home :An amount of Rs. 1.00 lakh only has been kept for this purpose during 2005-06 against the same amount of Rs. 1.00 lakh during 2004-05 for minor maintenance work of 10 vagrant’s homes including one TCPC. 12.36 Grant-in-aid to Voluntary Organisation for Welfare of Children in need of Care and Protection (Cottage Scheme) :The scheme was erstwhile a centrally sponsored scheme but now it has become a state sector scheme since 1992. The scheme is meant for maintenance of destitute children in different homes run by Non Government Organisation with maintenance grant from the State. The revised rate of maintenance grant is Rs. 600/- per head per month w.e.f. October 2004. The present number of beneficiaries is around 925. A provision of Rs. 60.00 lakh is made for 2005-06 under plan head. There is provision in Non-Plan Budget also for maintenance of another 5375 beneficiaries. 276
12.37 Introduction of Coaching System for destitute boys and girls in Govt. Home in Primary and Secondary Level : The inmates of Government homes are given coaching by tutors who are paid by this department under this scheme. An amount of Rs. 10 lakh has been provided for 2005-06 on realistic assessment against the provision of Rs. 2.40 lakh during last year. 12.38 Introduction of vocational training centre for destitute boys : The scheme is for imparting vocational training to the destitute children brought up in Government or Non-Government homes. A provision of Rs. 3 lakh is made in the current year against the provision of Rs. 1 lakh during last year. 12.39 Welfare of street children :This scheme aims at imparting education and providing nutrition to street children living in cities. The scheme is implemented through Non Government Organisations. Government of India provides fund directly to the Non Government Organisations whose cases are recommended by the State Government. A lump sum provision of Rs.1.00 lakh has been kept in State Plan Budget. 12.40 Renovation and remodeling of Cottages at Digha :The purpose of this scheme is renovation and remodeling and maintenance of cottages at Digha for use as holiday homes for the inmates of different homes and members of lower income groups. The Budget Provision under the scheme is Rs. 2.50 lakh for 2005-06. 12.41 Creation of Public awareness against drug abuse : Government of India is providing assistance to the NGOs directly for this centrally sponsored scheme. A minimum provision of Rs. 1.00 lakh has been provided during 2005-06 to help promising NGOs for this scheme. Public Distribution System 12.42 The state of West Bengal has a broad network of Public Distribution System to ensure equitable distribution of food and other essential commodities to Ration Card holders through retail outlets all over the state. The new scheme of Targeted Public Distribution System, which is focused on the poor, has been introduced in the state in June 1997. Under this scheme separate ration cards are issued to families living below poverty line (BPL, annual income of Rs. 15000 or below) and above poverty line (APL, annual income above Rs. 15000). So far about 5.57 crore of APL ration cards and 2.60 crore of BPL ration cards have been issued. 12.43 The Government of India has introduced two other schemes namely “Annapurna” and “Antyodaya Anna Yojana” for the poor and indigent. These are 277
implemented in the state since October 2001. Under “Annapurna” scheme, senior citizens of age 65 years and above, having little or no income, if selected for the benefit, are entitled to get 10 Kg. of foodgrains free of cost per month. Against a target of 80020 persons, 78605 such persons are benefited under this scheme up to November, 2005. 12.44 Under the ‘Antyodaya Anna Yojana’ scheme the poorest of BPL families are provided with 35 Kg. of foodgrains per family per month at the subsidised rates of Rs. 3 per Kg. of rice and Rs. 2 per Kg. of wheat . Against a target of 1985700 families, 1492841 families have been benefited up to November, 2005.
Welfare and Development of Backward classes 12.45 The Backward Classes Welfare (BCW) department aims at educational, cultural, social and economic development of the Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Other Backward Classes (OBC) communities of the state. The major activities of this department include running of educational schemes, community development schemes, family oriented schemes, programmes for cultural and social development, supervision of issue of caste certificates and enforcement of reservation rules in services and educational institutions. A brief account of such schemes is given in the following paragraphs. 12.46 Education : The government is taking special care to provide educational facilities to the children of backward classes in the form of awarding book grants, merit scholarships, paying hostel charges and establishing special schools. 12.47 Book Grant : The State Government pays annual book grant to all pre-matric SC and ST students and examination fees to Madhyamik students for which Rs. 1875 lakh has been sanctioned in the current year benefiting 17 lakh SC and 3 lakhs ST students. Out of this total amount of Rs.215.00 lakh is from plan budget. In 2003-04, total expenditure on this account was Rs. 1250.78 out of which Rs. 24.02 lakh was from plan budget. Besides, a special assistance scheme for providing book grant to SC/ST students of BPL families is going to be implemented from 2006-07 for which Rs. 2600 lakh will be spent in the academic year. 12.48 Hostels : In 2005-06, 36000 SC and 32000 ST pre-matric students will be benefited under the scheme for paying hostel charges to such students. For this, the total fund involvement is around Rs. 1440 lakh for SC and Rs. 1280 lakh for ST. Also 1 lakh SC students and 20000 ST students of classes XI & XII were paid hostel 278
charges by the State Government for which expenditure during 2004-05 were Rs.4284.46 lakh for SC and Rs. 546.11 lakh for ST. There is a Central Government Scheme to provide accommodation for poor SC/ST students who are willing to pursue higher education in towns/cities. About 3800 students are now benefited by the scheme which runs 53 such hostels in the state, 6 more are to be opened shortly and 10 more are under construction. Besides, 2 central hostels have been set up in the state for OBC students. Several Ashram hostels are run by the BCW department for SC/ST students of classes I to VIII. Rs. 600 lakh would be spent in 2005-06 for maintenance of 283 existing Ashram hostels and construction of some new ones. A girls’ school at Belpahari and an Chhatranibas at Jhargram are also run by this department. 12.49 Merit Scholarships : To encourage meritorious SC/ST students scholarships are being paid by the Government. Annual expenditure for the scheme for providing scholarships to SC/ST students of Class IX to XII is Rs 57.60 lakhs and that for providing scholarships to SC/ST girl students of class V to X is Rs. 45 lakh. Number of beneficiaries for the first scheme is 1200 and for the second scheme is 3000 in a year. There is also a post-matric scholarship scheme for SC/ST students of classes XI & XII funded jointly by the State and Central Governments. The State Government is providing Rs. 2330 lakh for 2.03 lakh SC students and Rs. 247 lakh for 10,500 ST students in 2005-06. There is one pre-matric and one post-matric centrally sponsored scholarship scheme for OBC students, started from 2003-04, under which 50000 and 20000 students have been benefited respectively. 12.50 Schools : To provide quality education to selected tribal children, 5 Ekalabya Model residential schools for class VI to XII have been set up in districts of Bankura, Purulia, Barddhaman, Medinipur and Jalpaiguri by the Government of India. 2 more schools will be set up during the year. The fund released for running the existing schools is Rs. 125 lakh for 2005-06. The State Government started a scheme to run feeder schools to Ekalabya Model Schools for students of class I to V from 2004-05. For 2005-06, the estimated expenditure is Rs. 85 lakh. Under a Central Government sponsored Scheme, 7 schools in the state have been selected to sponsor 248 SC and 120 ST students of classes IX-XII. Fixed annual expenditure on SC and ST students are respectively Rs. 37.20 lakh and Rs. 18.00 lakh. 12.51 Pre-examination Training Centre : The BCW department runs 2 such training centres to coach SC/ST students to prepare them for the various competitive examinations run by W.B.P.S.C. 279
12.52 The State Government pays maintenance charges at the rate of Rs. 40 per month to 1.5 lakh SC and 1.5 lakh ST pre-matric day-scholars throughout the year. Again, under a centrally sponsored scheme of pre-matric scholarship for the children of those engaged in unclean occupation, a sum of Rs. 35.05 lakh has been proposed to be sanctioned in 2005-06 for the benefit of 3201 such students. 12.53 Cultural & Social Development : Several cultural activities are being taken up by the BCW department for social and cultural development of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes every year. There is a tribal research institute under this department known as the Cultural Research Institute which is engaged in research on socio-economic and educational condition of the various tribal groups in this state. 12.54 Old age pension : A new scheme for old ST persons over 60 years of age and belonging to BPL families was implemented in 2004-05 benefiting 51820 persons. Under the scheme, a sum of Rs. 500 per month is paid to such persons to protect them from starvation. For 2005-06, the estimated expenditure on this account is Rs. 30 crore and the estimated number of beneficiaries is 53000. 12.55 Economic upliftment : Three corporations – (i) West Bengal Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Development and Finance Corporation (WBSCSTDFC), (ii) West Bengal Tribal Development Co-operative Corporation Ltd. (WBTDCC) and (iii) West Bengal Backward Classes Development and Finance Corporation (WBBCDFC) under this department are working for the economic upliftment for SC, ST and OBC people of the state. 12.56 (i) The WBSCSTDFC was set up in 1976 with a view to uplifting the economic condition of the poor and deprived SC and ST people of the state. The corporation executes several economic development schemes, two major schemes being the Special Component Plan (SCP) and Tribal Sub Plan (TSP). Under these schemes special assistance is provided to target group of people on individual or on cluster basis for undertaking income generating schemes under 6 broad sectors, viz. i) agriculture and small irrigation, ii) animal husbandry, iii) fisheries, iv) village industries, v) business and vi) small transport. For these schemes, the financial assistance has 3 components viz. subsidy, margin money and bank loan. During 2005-06, upto November 2005, 33250 cases have been disbursed under SCP and 11038 cases under TSP. Only 1591 cases have been approved under SCP and no cases were approved under TSP this year. The cases disbursed relate to previous years. During 2004-05, 85736 cases were approved under SCP involving financial 280
assistance of Rs. 140.16 crore and 34735 cases were approved under TSP involving financial assistance of Rs. 58.32 crore. 12.57 In the current year 2005-06, upto November 2005, 106 cases have been implemented under National Scheduled Caste Finance Development Corporation (NSFDC) involving financial assistance of Rs. 120.56 lakh and 24 cases have been implemented by National Scheduled Tribe Finance Development Corporation (NSTFDC) involving financial assistance of Rs. 28.93 lakh. NSFDC/NSTFDC has recently introduced a new scheme –Mahila Samriddhi Yojana under which NSFDC provides financial assistance to eligible SC women beneficiaries for units costing upto Rs. 25,000. During 2005-06, up to November, 5700 cases have been sanctioned involving Rs. 1140 lakh. 12.58 Another scheme in operation under WBSCSTDFC since 2002-03 is the Adibasi Mahila Swashaktikaran Yojana (AMSY), which is a micro-credit finance scheme for self-employment of tribal women. During 2005-06, up to the month of November, Rs. 958.86 lakh was released for 5372 sanctioned cases. 12.59 Manual scavenging has been abandoned in the state and 3354 erstwhile scavengers have already been rehabilitated by the WBSCSTDFC. Also Rs. 10.96 lakhs has been spent in training 533 scavengers and their family members and a fund of Rs. 206.5 lakh has been approved for Housing Schemes covering 400 scavengers. 12.60 (ii) The WBTDCC Ltd. was set up in 1976 as an apex body of the Large Scale Multipurpose Co-operative Societies (LAMPS) for looking into all non-credit and development oriented functions of LAMPS and also for extending credit for tribal members to meet their consumption and social requirements. There are 129 LAMP Societies and 3 other societies under the management of WBTDCC Ltd. Out of these 4 are new LAMPS set up in 2005-06. 12.61 The most important economic activity encouraged by these societies is collection and marketing of Kendu leaves and Sal seeds to provide employment to tribal living in close proximity to forests. In 2005 crop year, 10658 qtl. Kendu leaves and 11399 qtl. Sal seeds were collected involving mandays of 204319 and 59519 respectively and sold for Rs. 162. 95 lakh and Rs. 30.64 lakh respectively. 12.62 The WBTDCC sets up grain banks to ensure that foodgrains can be provided to tribal families in distress or in lean seasons as loans to be recovered in harvesting times. 101 grain banks are already set up at the cost of Rs. 68.72 lakh. 170 new grain 281
banks had been sponsored , fund requirement for which is Rs. 122.70 lakh but the fund has not yet been received. 12.63 WBTDCC has sanctioned Rs. 28.26 lakh in favour of LAMPS covering activities like Sal leaf plate making, piggery, goatery, broiler etc. 1235 self-help groups have been formed by various LAMPS under WBTDCC Ltd. which are carrying on mini banking activities for generating employment to tribal people. 12.64 Several LAMPS have started mini banking operations through the Adivasi Sanchao-O-Dadan Ara Scheme to protect the tribal people from the clutches of private money lenders. Also some LAMPS are engaged in labour contract jobs or supplying materials to other offices or Ashram hostels, thus generating some gainful employment to poor tribes. WBTDCC also organized 15 training programmes for members and employees of LAMPS involving 575 trainees, and also 18 training programmes for AMSY with groups of 40 beneficiaries in each programme. 12.65 (iii) The WBBCDFC, a statutory body of the Government of West Bengal under the BCW department renders financial assistance in the form of schematic loans to persons belonging to OBC and living below double the poverty line. Starting from August 1999, this corporation has assisted 7932 beneficiaries upto March 2005, with a total amount of Rs. 30.79 crore. This includes a special scheme for women – Swarnima and a Micro Finance Scheme for small borrowers. Under Swarnima, Rs. 2.06 crore has been disbursed to 400 women beneficiaries and under Micro Finance Scheme, Rs. 1.83 crore has been disbursed to 2905 beneficiaries, mostly women. Besides, Rs. 16 lakh has been disbursed to 11 OBC students for pursuing Engineering and Medical studies. Under Training Grant Schemes, several training programmes are also being conducted by the BCW Department. Minorities’ Development & Welfare 12.66 Minorities’ Development & Welfare Department has been created in May, 1996 to evolve and implement different projects for Development and Welfare of Minorities - both religious and linguistic, of this State. There are six statutory and non-statutory bodies under the administrative control of this Department, namely, West Bengal Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (WBMDFC), West Bengal Urdu Academy (WBUA), Wakf Tribunal, West Bengal Minorities’ Commission (WBMC), West Bengal State Haj Committee and Board of Wakfs, West Bengal. The Department undertakes implementation of two schemes: 12.67 i) Construction of Muslim Girls’ Hostel: Considering the fact that illiteracy, particularly illiteracy of women, among the Muslims is one of the main reasons for 282
their social and economic backwardness, the State Government undertakes a scheme aimed at providing hostel facility to the Muslim Girls in the remote areas of different districts. During the financial year 2004-05, a sum of Rs. 60 lakh has been released for construction of 3 such hostels. Till the end of 2004-05, 9 Girls’ hostels were completed. During the current financial year. Rs. 15 lakh has been released up to December 2005. Construction of 4 more new hostels is expected to be taken up in the current year. 12.68 ii)Construction of Boundary wall surrounding Cemeteries: The State Government also constructs boundary walls surrounding Muslim/Christian and Buddhist graveyards/cemeteries to keep the nature of the graveyards/cemeteries intact and to prevent encroachment. During the financial year 2004-05 a sum of Rs. 8.47 lakh was released for the purpose. Till the end of 2004-05, 35 boundary walls were completed. In 2005-06, a sum of Rs. 13.43 lakh has been released up to December 2005. Also construction of another 6 boundary walls are going on. 12.69 West Bengal Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (WBMDFC) : This Corporation was set up to undertake economic welfare of minorities through industrial, commercial and cultural activities. The WBMDFC acts as State Channelising Agency (SCA) for the National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC). The main activity of WBMDFC is to give loan at a very low rate of interest for establishment of self-employment as well as for promotion of existing self-employment entrepreneurships. 12.70 During the financial year 2004-05, the WBMDFC has distributed about Rs. 23.06 crore among 4915 persons. During the last 3 years, up to 2004-05, the WBMDFC has disbursed a total sum of Rs. 60.52 crore amongst 14,082 persons. During the current financial year 2005-06, the said corporation has disbursed about Rs. 14.19 crore among 5,294 persons up to September, 2005. 12.71 Educational Loan: To facilitate prosecution of higher studies in professional areas, the WBMDFC gives interest-free loan since 2003-04. In 2005-06, up to December, 2005, Rs 75.17 lakh has already been sanctioned to 109 beneficiaries. 12.72 Vocational Training Programme: The Corporation also organized vocational training programmes for upgradation of skill of unemployed youths from minority communities. During the financial year 2004-05, 820 students completed such skill forming 35 courses. 12.73 The Rokeya Sakhaut gas oven scheme: This scheme was launched by the government in both rural and urban areas to remove health hazards of women. 283
12.74 Stipend to meritorious Muslim students: The meritorious Muslim students are offered stipend to enable them to prosecute studies from higher secondary level onwards. During the financial year 2004-05, 1656 such students have been selected for receiving this stipend and a sum of Rs. 22 lakh has been spent for the purpose. In the current financial year 2005-06 budget provision is Rs. 25.30 lakh for this purpose and this amount will be distributed among around 1900 such students. 12.75 West Bengal Urdu Academy : To promote, advance, develop and encourage the study of Urdu Language and Literature in West Bengal the Urdu Academy was created. During the financial year 2004-05, Rs. 3.79 lakh only has been spent for different types of books and courses. Rs. 20.77 lakh has been released so far up to December, 2005 to this academy for conducting different courses. 12.76 Wakf Tribunal: To solve the disputes related to Wakf and Wakf Properties, the Wakf Tribunal, West Bengal has been established as per the Wakf Act, 1995. During the financial year 2004-05, Rs. 7.99 lakhs was expended. In the current financial year, a sum of Rs. 13.21 lakh has been released so far up to December, 2005. 12.77 West Bengal Minorities’ Commission (WBMC) : The Commission has been set up in 1996 to make recommendations for effective implementation and enforcement of safe guards provided for the religious and linguistic minorities in the constitution and in Central and State laws, to review the implementation of Government Policies and Programmes with respect to minorities and to study and suggest additional measures for social, economic, educational and cultural development of the minorities. 12.78 West Bengal State Haj Committee : The West Bengal State Haj Committee makes arrangements for the pilgrims of West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Assam, Manipur and Tripura. Financial support are being given by the State Government for meeting different expenses in connection with Haj. 12.79 Board of Wakfs : The main function of the Board of Wakfs is to exercise supervision upon individual Wakf Estate and to ensure that the Wakf under it are properly maintained, controlled and administered and the income thereof is duly applied to the objects for which such Wakfs were created. Relief and Rehabilitation 12.80 Construction of flood / cyclone shelters: This plan scheme was taken up by the Department of Relief for construction of flood/cyclone shelters in the flood/cyclone prone areas of the state for temporary accommodation of the persons rendered 284
homeless due to flood/cyclone and other natural calamities. The approved outlay for the 10th five year plan (2002-07) was fixed at Rs. 325.00 lakh. The allocation of fund for the annual plan 2004-05 was Rs.46.00 lakhs but the expenditure incurred during the plan period was 46.23 lakhs. Construction of 9 flood/cyclone shelters was completed during the period and 7 shelters were constructed in part in the districts of Jalpaiguri, Cooch- Behar and Hooghly. During the financial year 200506, the Department of Relief has sanctioned a total sum of Rs. 20.66 lakh out of Rs. 50.00 lakh earmarked in the Budget up to December, 2005. 12.81 Construction of Relief Godown/Store: Under the scheme, Relief Godowns/Stores are constructed at the district and block levels for storing relief materials in the districts and blocks so that these articles may be dispatched to the victims of natural calamities without any delay. The projected outlay for the 10th five year plan under this scheme is Rs. 155.00 lakh out of the budget provision of Rs. 20.00 lakh for the year 2004-05, a sum of Rs. 19.68 lakh has been utilized in construction of 11 Relief godowns and 3 in part in different districts. During the financial year 2005-06 there is a budget provision of Rs. 20.00 lakh. 12.82 Scheme for Economic rehabilitation of the families rendered destitute due to socioeconomic causes: Under the scheme, Economic Rehabilitation Grant is sanctioned by the State Government to the families who are economically challenged, due to socioeconomic reasons, by providing fund for purchase of sewing machine or for settingup of small trade to earn their livelihood. The approved outlay for the 10th five-year plan under the scheme was fixed at Rs. 155.00 lakh of which a sum of Rs. 27.00 lakh was earmarked for the annual plan 2004-05. The actual expenditure incurred on this account is Rs. 23.99 lakhs benefiting 2054 families of which 345 families were provided sewing machine and the remaining 1709 families were provided fund for small trade. All the beneficiaries belonged to either scheduled caste or scheduled tribe. Budget provision under the scheme for the year 2005-06 is Rs. 36.00 lakh. 12.83 Disaster Warning System: Fund under the Plan scheme ‘Disaster Warning System’ is utilized by the Government for construction of rooms for installation of Disaster Warning Sets in the flood/cyclone prone districts of West Bengal for the purpose of early warning about the impending danger of a calamity. The projected outlay for the entire 10th five year plan under the scheme is fixed at Rs. 40.00 lakhs and a sum of Rs. 1.00 lakh is earmarked for the Annual Plan 2004-05. The actual expenditure on this account during 2004-05 has been Rs. 0.24 lakh. During the Annual Plan 2005-06, a sum of Rs. 1.00 lakh has been earmarked in the budget. 12.84 Computerisation of Disaster Management System in Relief Department: This plan scheme was introduced by the Department during the 10th five year plan and the approved outlay for the five year plan is fixed at 36.00 lakh. Rs. 3.00 lakh were earmarked in the budget for 2004-05 and no fund was utilized during the year 2004285
05 on this account. During the 2005-06, a sum of Rs. 2.00 lakh is the budget provision under the scheme. 12.85 Refugee rehabilitation: The Refugee, Relief and Rehabilitation department continues its efforts to improve the living conditions of displaced persons residing in different refugee colonies in both urban and rural areas of the state. The Government of India is bearing the cost of infrastructure development of these colonies in urban areas. First two phases of the work is completed. For phase III, Rs. 74.68 crore has already been released out of an approved outlay of Rs. 78.27 crore. 313 urban refugee colonies have been benefited upto 2004-05. During 200506, Rs. 1.08 crore has been released for 3 new schemes. The State Government, on its part, has provided Rs. 39.06 crore for development of 350 rural refugee colonies, of which 131 colonies have so far been developed. 12.86 There are eight camps and homes running under the Refugee, Relief and Rehabilitation department of the State Government. A total expenditure of Rs. 52.88 lakh has been incurred towards payment of cash doles, marriage grants, cremation charges, purchase of food grains, blankets etc. during 2004-05 for the 773 inmates of these camps and homes. Youth Development 12.87 Bangla Swanirbhar Karmasansthan Prakalpa (BSKP): BSKP is the most important scheme undertaken by the State Government in respect of development of youth. It is a subsidy-linked loan scheme to ensure significant generation of employment in the urban areas of the State through the promotion of tiny or micro scale units of production, manufacturing, processing, trade, services or any sector other than agriculture. Government provides 20% of the project cost as subsidy, the contribution of the entrepreneur is 10% only and the remaining part of the project cost is bank loan. This scheme has become popular among the urban un-employed youth and almost 30,000 cases have so far been sanctioned under this scheme. An amount of 22.75 crore has been released by this Department during 2004-05 for smooth and successful implementation of this scheme. The current year’s proposed allocation is Rs. 22.75 crore. The entire fund is likely to be spent through ‘Society for Self-employment of Urban Youth, West Bengal’ formed by this Department for better monitoring and implementation of this scheme. 12.88 Youth Computer Training Centres: During this year 4 new Youth Computer Training Centres have been set up in selected places of West Bengal apart from 89 existing centres conducting computer courses for the students and youth at various places in the State. The proposal for 3 new computer training centres are under process. The newly formed society for self-employment of urban youth will monitor and supervise the youth computer training centres. 286
12.89 Vocational Training Centres: There are 12 vocational training centres being run by the un-employed youth in collaboration with this department. During this year one more vocational training centre has been established proposed for another is under process. The society formed under this department will also supervise the vocational training centres throughout the state for better monitoring and coordination. 12.90 Coaching Centres: One IAS study centre at Kolkata and one career coaching centre at Baruipur are conducting coaching for the students and youth who are preparing for competitive examinations. An amount of Rs. 44,560/- has been sanctioned as grant-in-aid for Baruipur Coaching Centre. An amount of 3.00 lakh has been kept in the budget for the year. 12.91 Distribution of Sports Goods & Multigyms: Various sports goods and multigyms were distributed amongst clubs/organisations/institutions all over the state for promotion of sports activities. During this financial year 2005-06, Rs.32.32 lakh has been released for this purpose. Another proposal for Rs. 70 lakh is under process for purchasing of sports goods. The fund of Rs. 15 lakh will be spent for the development of play fields all over the state. 12.92 Ex-Olympian’s pension: This scheme has been started in April, 2001. At present, 13 Ex-Olympians from the state are being provided a life -long pension of Rs. 2000 per month. 12.93 Other Grants: Grants of Rs. 79,764/- only has already been provided to 9 mountaineering clubs who had undertaken expeditions for climbing different Himalayan Peaks. Scholarships for 71 boys and girls have been granted for various mountaineering courses this year. Total grants around Rs. 77.74 lakh has been released during this year to the organizations like HMI, Darjeeling, SEI, Kolkata and Bharat Scouts & Guides etc. A grant of Rs. 3.02 lakh has been sanctioned and released to 26 educational institutions of different districts for this purpose. An amount of Rs. 50,000/- only has been sanctioned in favour of BITM, Kolkata. An amount of Rs. 5.00 lakh has been proposed in the budget for 2005-06 in respect of promotion of science club activities. A total amount of Rs. 10.00 lakh was released in 2004-05 towards construction of Mini Indoor Games/ Recreation Complex. 12.94 Youth Hostels: 20 Youth Hostels are being run by this department inside and outside the State of West Bengal. Rs. 50 lakh has been kept in this year’s budget for maintenance and repair of these hostels.