Social Support

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3. Social Support. “Social support is a feedback provided via contact with similar and valued peers” —Gottlieb, 1985 ... and Social Network Theory. Health belief ...
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Social Support William R. Brieger, MPH, CHES, DrPH Johns Hopkins University


Section A Definitions and Theories


Social Support Ù “Social support is a feedback provided via contact with similar and valued peers” —Gottlieb, 1985 Ù Emotional: Affect, esteem, concern Ù Instrumental: Aid in labor, money, time Ù Informational: Suggestions, advice, information Ù Appraisal: Feedback, affirmation Continued


Social Support Ù Support systems “help the individual mobilize his psychological resources and master his psychological, emotional burdens; they share his tasks; and they supply him with extra supplies of money, materials, tools, skills, and cognitive guidance to improve his handling of his situation.” — Caplan, 1974 Continued


Social Support Ù Social support: “Feedback from a primary group that is health protective, during times of stress” — Cassel, 1976


Links Between Behavior Models and Social Network Theory Ù Health belief model – Cues to action: Other people provide information, encouragement to undertake, or refrain from recommended actions – Modifying factors: Membership in social groups provides context for beliefs and perceptions Continued


Links Between Behavior Models and Social Network Theory Ù Social learning theory – The (social) environment: The social environment is the context in which people observe new behavior and evaluate the implications directly or vicariously of new behavior



Links Between Behavior Models and Social Network Theory Ù Ecological model – Interpersonal level: Group membership provides a context in which behavior can be encouraged or discouraged and a means for interpreting acceptable behavior


More Links Ù PRECEDE – Reinforcing factors: Attitudes/behaviors of significant others that encourage or dissuade action



More Links Ù Theory of reasoned action – External factors: Attitudes toward reference groups – Subjective perceptions of norms: This component is especially relevant to appraisal and feedback types of social support



More Links Ù Diffusion theory – Characteristics of change agent: Homophilous communication within primary groups and channels of communication—that is, better communication and information flow within groups that share common characteristics 11

Social Support Mediates Between Individual and Environment

Support Score

Social Support and ANC Registration in Moniya, Nigeria 25 20 15








10 5 0 Not Reg



A Social Network Ù “A specific set of linkages among a defined set of persons, with the additional property that the characteristics of these linkages as a whole can be used to interpret the social behavior of the persons involved” — Mitchell, 1980


Section B Relationships and Structures


Relationships and Structures John Scott

Ù Relational data are central to the principle concerns of the sociological tradition, with its emphasis on the structure of social action Ù Structures are built through relationships, and the structural concerns of sociology can be pursued through the collection and analysis of relational data Continued


Relationships and Structures John Scott

Ù Social network concepts originally derived from textile metaphors of social fabric, web, interweaving, and interlocking


Social networks are units of identity (Wearing Egbe with stripes) 17

Wearing the same cloth at a Yoruba ceremony is a means of establishing social identity 18

Groups provide support: Emotional, material, informational, and feedback


Networks are often informal, built from daily interactions— such as working together,



Selling goods



Cooking for ceremonies Continued


Relaxing after a day’s work 23

Providing instrumental support, like helping roof a house, is a key social network function Continued


And while the men put on the roof, women prepare a meal for all


Members of a social network provide emotional support during difficult times



The household, in its various forms, is a basic social network 27

Married Couples Need Social Support Ù Marriages may be arranged or negotiated so that there is a commitment between families Ù Both families try to make the marriage work and solve problems/conflicts Ù In arranged marriages, partners know the importance of compromise Ù The marriage is seen as a productive unit 28

A married couple


The Household Economy Ù Ù Ù Ù

Income, accessing external resources Allocation and expenditure Decision making and bargaining Productive activities inside the household Ù Individual member health status as a result of the above processes


Formal networks often form around economic interests: A beauticians’ society at a town celebration


Traders from neighboring villages form an association that sets prices and oversees sales; if one member is sick, another can take his or her crops to market for sale


The yam sellers meet together to set prices and review quality; these groups also get together for social occasions, such as celebrating when one of their members has a naming ceremony or has a child who gets his “freedom” from apprenticeship


In the sixth century, Mayan astronomers held conferences to decide about leap year and other professional matters 34