Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Individual Household Energy

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Energy consumption in the United States' residential sector has been marked by ... level unless a significant mass of homeowners start to consume energy more ...
Proceedings of the ASME 2011 5th International Conference on Energy Sustainability ES2011 August 7-10, 2011, Washington, DC, USA



Georg Reichard, PhD Myers-Lawson School of Construction Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, U.S.A.

ABSTRACT Energy consumption in the United States’ residential sector has been marked by a steady growth over the past few decades, in spite of the implementation of several energy efficiency policies. To develop effective energy policies for the residential sector, it is of utmost importance to study the various factors affecting residential energy consumption. Earlier studies have identified and classified various individual factors responsible for the increment in household energy consumption, and have also analyzed the effect of socio-economic factors such as standard-of-living and income on overall household energy consumption. This research study identifies the socio-economic factors affecting household energy consumption.

alternative sources of energy that are available in abundance, and are renewable and more environmentally friendly than fossil fuels. The development of the concept of energy efficiency is found in previous research and is described as “maintaining or increasing the level of useful output or outcome delivered, while reducing energy consumption”[2]. Reducing the consumption of individual household energy by using energy-efficient equipment and better insulation strategies for households is obviously an energy efficiency improvement step from the engineering point of view. This improvement at the micro-level will not be visible at the macrolevel unless a significant mass of homeowners start to consume energy more efficiently. Sometimes, for example, due to an extreme increment in fuel prices, consumers decrease their fuel consumption by changing their day to day activities, such as driving less, or by adjusting their thermostat. These changes cannot necessarily be counted as energy efficiency improvements, as they may be reversed at any time once energy prices decrease again. The World Energy Council [3] considers energy efficiency a matter of individual behavior reflecting the rationale of energy consumers, and of using the appropriate technology, such as thermal regulation of room temperatures or automatic standby mode for idle equipment. Thus, in order to achieve energy efficiency it is important to understand all factors that affect residential energy consumption. Potential causes of residential energy consumption have been investigated in previous studies, which only represent viewpoints of respective investigators who are concerned with a specific set of problems. A systematic study of the various factors affecting residential energy consumption has never been performed. This study summarizes more than fifty prominent research articles in this area and delineates a comprehensive list of factors affecting residential energy consumption. The following section describes how the authors analyzed and summarized the conclusions of previous research studies

Potential reasons for the variation in residential energy efficiency consumption have been investigated in previous studies that only represent viewpoints of investigators analyzing specific problems. Additionally, a comprehensive review of literature failed to reveal existing research that had systematically explored the interdependencies among the various factors that could possibly affect residential energy consumption to give an overall perspective of these factors. Widely used academic and scholarly scientific databases were employed by two independent investigators to search for original research investigations. A total of more than 200 research studies were found by the investigators, with almost ninety percent agreement between the two investigators. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria of this research study the authors systematically reviewed 51 prominent research studies to create a comprehensive list of factors affecting residential energy consumption. The results are discussed in this review. 1.


Energy efficiency refers to a reduction in energy usage in order to achieve a given level of output. Since the oil crisis of 1973, people have become increasingly aware of the efficient use of energy. Lovins [1] described in his seminal paper


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Occupational Therapy Evidence-Based Practice Research Group [4]. The broader topics of a published study that were used for creating the data pool were study purpose, literature review, study design and its appropriateness, data collection, procedural rigor, data analysis, theoretical connections, trustworthiness, and conclusions.

and ultimately generated a comprehensive list of factors that affect residential energy consumption. 2.


2.1. Data Sources


The strategy used for this systematic review was an extensive search of databases such as ‘Academic Search Premier’, ‘Google Scholar’, ‘ERIC’, ‘Science Direct’, and ‘Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection’. The key words entered for the search procedure were ‘energy’, ‘efficiency’, ‘residential’, ‘factors’, and ‘consumption’. In this process various social, environmental, and psychological journals (e.g., Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Environmental Psychology, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, Energy Policy, etc.) were consulted. Further, reference lists of all found articles were reviewed to identify additional published material. This process was repeated till saturation.


All the factors identified by the aforementioned literature search procedures are being listed and described hereby. 3.1. Household Size Household size simply refers to the number of people per household. Many researchers argue that occupancy has the strongest influence on variation in energy consumption [5-19]. To be more specific, Lenzen et. al.[11] indicated a negative correlation between household size and energy consumption per capita, which is due to household members simply sharing consumer items.

2.2. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria 3.2. Householders’ Age Structure

The entire search process resulted in more than 200 research studies. In order to be selected for the review, it was decided that individual studies that refer to energy consumption factors associated with specific problems will not be included. Instead, studies that comment on broader perspectives would be included. Additionally, the selection pool was restricted to peer-reviewed articles only. The selection pool was further restricted pertaining to qualitative or quantitative research published since 1973, when the oil crisis drew the attention of researchers. Further exclusion criteria employed were: all articles that were published in languages other than English, articles that were redundant and duplication of published research, and articles that only contained discussion about a single, individual factor associated with residential energy consumption. There were fifty one studies in total that met these criteria.

Householders’ age in this study refers to the age of the head of household. It has a strong influence on the residential energy requirement [11, 13, 14, 18-22]. The results of a statistical analysis performed by Pachauri [14] indicate that where the head of the household is in the age range of 25-29 years, the per capita energy requirement is about 7% higher than where the household head is less than 25 years old. This percentage increases to 13% when the household head is above the age of 50 years. Much of the energy used by older people is based on their health and comfort [23]. Some of the reasons proposed for an increase in per capita energy consumption with age are the lack of information and knowledge about energy conservation and energy usage patterns, inertia to change, and importance of well-being, which is controlled by health and comfort.

2.3. Data Extraction

3.3. Time Spent at Home

After verification of a study’s eligibility for inclusion within this review, study details such as name of the study, authors, journal, research design, data collection and data analysis methods, results, and conclusion were determined informally by the researchers and are discussed in the text. All details related to these studies were extracted by two researchers and reviewed by another researcher before the final analysis.

Energy consumption has a direct correlation with the amount of time the dwelling is occupied. The more time a person spends at home, the more energy he/she will consume for day to day activities. According to Van Raaji & Verhallen [19] young households without children and with both partners working outside the home tend to have a lower level of energy use when compared to families who either stay at home or work from home. After the children grow up and move out, the household energy consumption decreases, but increases again with the age of the parents [7, 19]. This increase in energy use in later years is due to a tendency of elderly people to spend more time at home and an increasing need of higher indoor temperatures to ensure health and comfort [22].

2.4. Data Synthesis Data was synthesized to study qualitative research relevant to residential energy consumption. The template used for this synthesis was based on Guidelines for Critical Review Form Qualitative Studies developed by the McMaster University


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3.4. Level of Urbanization

3.9. Inertia to Change

Urbanization is defined by the United Nations as the movement of people from rural to urban areas with a population growth equating to urban migration. Rapid urbanization causes a rise in energy consumption per capita [5, 12, 14, 24-26]. With an urbanization of lifestyle, the proportion of energy used for cooking decreases, but the proportion of energy used for recreation and comfort increases considerably.

The inherent nature of people to be wary of investing in the energy efficiency of their dwelling in spite of the probability of receiving higher returns on investment reflects inertia to change. Sometimes people fail to recognize the higher return on investment in energy efficiency initiatives over time and give way to investment with immediate gain [2]. 3.10.

3.5. Dwelling Size

Economic Condition

Economic growth has a strong influence on energy consumption of a country [10]. A healthy economy is essential to fulfill people’s needs and also to assure efficient distribution of resources. Due to the increasing involvement of technology in our day to day life, the economic system now decides the consumption of technology and in turn affects the consumption of energy [42].

Mileham and Brandt [23] have found that the size of a dwelling is possibly the best predictor of money spent on energy, since 21% of the variation in energy costs is attributed to the size of the dwelling. According to Morrison and Gladhart [21] the number of rooms in a dwelling contributes towards the total energy consumption of a house. Obviously, the larger the floor spaceof houses,the more energy is required for space heating, cooling, and lighting.


Energy Price

Energy prices have an important influence on short term and long term residential energy use. [9, 10, 15, 16, 43, 44]. Along with reductions in energy use, increased energy prices also cause a shift in the type of energy used [15, 44]. Dzioubinski and Chipman [24] found that it is difficult to estimate the effect of energy prices on residential energy consumption in developing countries. This is because the majority of energy consumed is via traditional fuels gathered informally without any monetary expenditure, but mostly time (e.g., gather fuel wood). Another study performed by Haas et. al.[45] suggests that “small differences in energy prices do not always have an impact on residential energy use. Only if the price exceeds a certain threshold there is a reduction in energy demand observable”.

3.6. Dwelling Type Different types of dwellings include single family house, town house, multi-family house, apartment, or even mobile home. Single family detached homes are the most energy intensive type of dwelling, consuming more BTU per household than any other type [13, 27, 28]. 3.7. Age and Characteristics of Dwelling According to some researchers, an increase of vintage of a dwelling relates to a considerably increased amount of energy consumed for space heating or cooling [16, 20, 23]. Older houses often lack energy efficiency, which would require capital investment for incorporation of conservation measures, such as insulation and storm windows. “Dwelling characteristics” refers to the degree of home insulation, wind exposure, glazing, efficiency of HVAC system, etc., which have a direct influence on energy end use [15, 19, 29].


Energy Efficient Equipment Affordability

Energy consumption in the residential sector can be parsed into five major end uses: space heating, water heating, cooking, lighting and electric appliances. Appliances can be further broken down into refrigerators, clothes washers, dryers, dishwashers and even TV. However, the magnitude of each end use differs from country to country; for instance, in the United States it is important to consider air conditioning as another major end use. Appliance affordability refers to the cost of new and improved appliances in accordance with the wage level of a society. Appliance affordability is one of the leading causes for increases in residential energy demand [8].

3.8. Education and Knowledge A householder’s level of education appears to have an impact on energy conservation beliefs and behaviors [36]. Junk et. al. [20] observed in their research that higher education levels of individuals’ resulted in lower energy consumption. Other studies have also reported formal education as a factor towards energy conservation [37]. Another study conducted in 1984 proved that people with higher levels of education were more likely to engage in conservation measures for energy efficiency [30, 31, 39-41]. This includes knowledge of energy costs, energy usage, energy conservation behavior, and consequence of these behaviors [19].


Weather and Climate Zone

In addition to the large number of human factors affecting residential energy consumption, several studies have illustrated the influence of weather variables on energy consumption and on electricity demand in particular [6, 15, 29, 45, 46]. Weather influences the heating and cooling degree-days, which are


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4.1. Demographics

quantitative indices used by energy analysts when calculating the impact of outdoor temperature on energy use in buildings [47]. Every building has a minimum energy use temperature, i.e. when the building is neither heated nor cooled, which is called “balance point” for that building. Each degree deviation from the balance point results in either heating or cooling of the building. This deviation from the balance point is mainly due to the atmospheric temperature [47]. Other weather related factors that influences energy consumption are humidity, wind flow, and number of sunny days [15]. 3.14.

Existing literature categorizes certain energy consumption factors like household size, dwelling size, time spent at home, level of urbanization, householders’ age, dwelling age and characteristics, and dwelling type as household demographic characteristics [8, 13, 16]. In a study concerning “300 Families’ Home Energy Use” conducted by Morrison and Gladhart [21], the most significant determinants of household energy consumption were: family size, age distribution, the number of wage-earners in the household, and the occupancy time in the house, which also falls into household demographic characteristics.

Dwelling Microclimate

Microclimate refers to the local temperature around a dwelling. An important reason for considering the microclimate in building design is to minimize the building’s energy use [48]. It can be assumed that people living in the same local region typically share a similar socio-economic and regional climatic conditions, and also have access to similar technology. However, differences of energy consumption observed across similar individual dwellings within a region make it obvious that a building’s micro climate has an additional influence on the total amount of energy consumed. Small scale climate patterns resulting from the influence of topography, urban forms, water bodies, vegetation, etc. are known as Microclimates. 3.15.

4.2. Consumer Attitude Consumer attitude has a profound influence on energy end use. Just as energy consumption depends on the determinants such as income, dwelling size, dwelling type, and dwelling characteristics, attitude, knowledge, positive experience, culture and social status are also important determinants of energy use by an individual or a group [18]. The factors like inertia to change, and education and knowledge, placed under this category depend on the nature or characteristics of the particular individual or group. 4.3. Economic Variables

Increased Use of Renewable Energy

Factors like economic condition, energy price, and energy efficient equipment affordability are grouped under this category. According to previous studies the most important economic variables influencing residential energy consumption are total household income [8, 51, 52], energy prices [8, 15], and energy efficiency equipment prices [10].

The challenges of people who are predominantly residing in rural areas with restricted access to modern forms of energy can be ameliorated by the use of renewable energy[49]. Renewable energy technologies can be less expensive in terms of operating cost when compared with the production and transportation of conventional energy sources. Examples for renewable technologies are solar water heating, off-grid electrification with solar photovoltaic (PV), small-scale biomass power and heat generation, biofuels, grid-connected and offgrid wind power, small hydropower, geothermal power, and methane utilization from urban and industrial waste[50]. The main guiding factor for renewable energy in this context is initial equipment and installation cost, mostly driven by technology and market development. 4.

4.4. Climate Day-to-day habits and practices of consumers originate to some extent from the climate they experience in their native places. Several national level and regional level studies have been conducted in the United States to determine how energy use in the residential building stock relates to climate [53-59]. The factors influencing residential energy consumption grouped under climate category are weather, dwelling microclimate, and atmospheric temperature.


The energy consumption factors identified above can be grouped under four broader categories based on their prevalence. Some of the factors fall under one of the categories, while there are considerable numbers that fall under two or even more. In the following section the four broad categories are briefly explained.


This systematic analysis adds a holistic view of the influence of human behavior as well as some non-human causes such as weather, energy price etc on energy consumption to the existing body of knowledge. The research successfully performs an analysis of identifying factors that have contributed to residential energy consumption. Based on the aforementioned discussion, it is clearly implicated that in order to optimize energy efficiency and to effectively control the use of household energy, concrete measures are warranted. These measures


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would assume an interdisciplinary approach by addressing a variety of human and non-human factors that play a vital role in household energy consumption. Future researchers should conduct in depth qualitative analyses to quantify the factors that could possibly affect household energy consumption and could affect energy efficiency. Policymakers should meticulously consider various multiple strategies to improve energy efficiency and alleviate the steady increment in modern household energy consumption. Leadership is needed by organizations like American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy to help reduce household energy consumption and to optimize energy efficiency by assisting in the development of best practices and policies. This can be accomplished by the maneuvering of a variety of political, social, cultural, individual, and economic influences on household energy consumption.

[11] Lenzen, M., Dey, C., and Foran, B., 2004, "Energy Requirements of Sydney Households," Ecological Economics, 49(3), pp. 375-399. [12] Lenzen, M., Wier, M., Cohen, C., Hayami, H., Pachauri, S., and Schaeffer, R., 2006, "A Comparative Multivariate Analysis of Household Energy Requirements in Australia, Brazil, Denmark, India and Japan," Energy, 31(2-3), pp. 181207. [13] O'neill, B. C., and Chen, B. S., 2002, "Demographic Determinants of Household Energy Use in the United States," Population and Development Review, 28(Supplement: Population and Environment: Methods of Analysis), pp. 53-88. [14] Pachauri, S., 2004, "An Analysis of Cross-Sectional Variations in Total Household Energy Requirements in India Using Micro Survey Data," Energy Policy, 32(15), pp. 17231735. [15] Schipper, L., Ketoff, A., and Kahane, A., 1985, "Explaining Residential Energy Use by International Bottom-up Comparisons," Annual Review of Energy, 10(1), pp. 341-405. [16] Tiwari, P., 2000, "Architectural, Demographic, and Economic Causes of Electricity Consumption in Bombay," Journal of Policy Modeling, 22(1), pp. 81-98. [17] Tso, G. K. F., and Yau, K. K. W., 2003, "A Study of Domestic Energy Usage Patterns in Hong Kong," Energy, 28(15), pp. 1671-1682. [18] Uitdenbogerd, D., Egmond, C., Jonkers, R., and Kok, G., 2007, "Energy-Related Intervention Success Factors: A Literature Review," eds., Cote d'Azur, France, pp. [19] Van Raaij, W. F., and Verhallen, T. M. M., 1983, "A Behavioral Model of Residential Energy Use," Journal of Economic Psychology, 3(1), pp. 39-63. [20] Junk, V. W., Junk, W. S., and Jones, J. C., 1987, "Impacts of Energy Audits on Home Energy Consumption," Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics, 11(pp. 21-38. [21] Morrison, B. M., and Gladhart, P. M., 1976, "Energy and Families: The Crisis and the Response," Journal of home economics 68(1), pp. 15. [22] Tonn, B., and Eisenberg, J., 2007, "The Aging Us Population and Residential Energy Demand," Energy Policy, 35(1), pp. 743-745. [23] Mileham, C. K., and Brandt, J. A., 1990, "Influence of Income on Energy Beliefs and Behaviors of Urban Elderly," Journal of Housing For the Elderly, 6(1), pp. 107 - 124. [24] Dzioubinski, O., and Chipman, R., 1999, "Trends in Consumption and Production: Household Energy Consumption," Technical Report No. ST/ESA/1999/DR.6, United Nations Department of Economics and Social Affairs, Washington, DC, US. [25] Mehrzad, E., Masoud, A., and Mansour, E., 2007, "Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Household Energy Consumption in Qom, Iran," Journal of Applied Science, 7(19), pp. 2876-2880. [26] Pachauri, S., and Jiang, L., 2008, "The Household Energy Transition in India and China," Energy Policy, 36(11), pp. 4022-4035.

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Research Title



Study Target Area

Factor Identified Dwelling size, age of dwelling, income, energy price, eco-consciousness, technological improvement Income, householder age, household size, dwelling size, housing type, equipment used, eco consciousness


Factors Affecting Residential Heating Energy Consumption

J. Donovan, W. Fischer


Household energy consumption


Energy and Families: The Crisis and the Response

B. Morrison, P. Gladhart


Household energy consumption


Residential Energy Use and Conservation in Denmark, 19651980

L. Schipper


Residential energy consumption for heating home and water in Denmark

Energy price, income


Home Energy Use in Nine OECD Countries

L. Schipper, A. Ketoff


Comparison of home energy consumption

Income, energy price, dwelling size, weather, dwelling characteristics


A Behavioral Model of Residential Energy Use

W. Van Raaij, T. Verhallen


Household energy consumption

Technological improvement, lifestyle, housing type (S/M), dwelling characteristics, income, household size, age, eco-consciousness, weather, urbanization, energy price


An Update on Econometric Studies of Energy Demand Behavior

D. Bohi, M. Zimmerman


Energy consumption vs. energy price

Energy price


Energy in American Homes: Change and Prospects

S. Meyers, L. Schipper


Household energy consumption

Weather, housing type


Residential Energy Use and Conservation in Sweden

L. Schipper


Household energy consumption in Sweden


Personal and Contextual Influences on Household Energy Adaptations

J. Black, P. Stern, J. Elworth


Household energy consumption


Residential Energy Consumption in Low-Income and Elderly Households: How Nondiscretionary Is It

M. Brown, P. Rollinson


Low income and elderly household energy consumption


Explaining Residential Energy Use by International Bottom-Up Comparisons

L. Schipper, A. Ketoff, A. Kahane


Household energy consumption


Impacts of Energy Audits on Home Energy Consumption

V. Junk, W. Junk, J. Jones


Household energy consumption


Personality Variables and Environmental Attitudes as Predictors of Ecologically Responsible Consumption Patterns

I. Balderjahn


Household energy consumption

Attitude, education, dwelling characteristics, household expenditure


Linking Lifestyle and Energy Use: A Matter of Time?

L. Schipper, S. Bartlett, D. Hawk, E. Vine


Household energy consumption

Income, energy price, dwelling size, dwelling characteristics, dwelling age, household size, equipment ownership

C. Mileham, J. Brandt


Household energy consumption of elderly

Income, dwelling size, household size, age of dwelling

R. Howarth, L. Schipper, B. Andersson


Overall energy consumption

Lifestyle, income, technology available



Influence of Income on Energy Beliefs and Behaviors of Urban Elderly The Structure and Intensity of Energy Use: Trends in Five OECD Nations


Energy price, income, dwelling size, household size, lifestyle (indoor temperature), equipments used, housing type (S/M) Attitudes, culture, indoor temperature setting, dwelling characteristics, energy price Household size, eco-consciousness Lifestyle, dwelling characteristics, equipment availability, indoor temperature, energy price, household size, type of fuels, dwelling size, technology improvement Eco-consciousness, income, dwelling characteristics, type of fuel used, age, dwelling age, housing type (s/m)

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No. 17




Research Title Effect of Thermal Improvements in Housing on Residential Energy Demand Measuring Energy Efficiency in the United States' Economy: A Beginning The Direct and Indirect Energy Requirements of Households in the Netherlands Lifestyle Change and Energy Use in Japan: Household Equipment and Energy Consumption


A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Household Energy Use Behaviour in Japan and Norway


Energy Efficiency Indicators in the Residential Sector: What Do We Know and What Has to be Ensured?



Some Reflections on Barriers to the Efficient Use of Energy Rural Household Energy Consumption: The Effects of Access to Electricity -Evidence from South Africa



Study Target Area

Factor Identified

L. Hsueh, J. Gerner


Energy savings from home improvement

Weather, income, dwelling size



Household energy consumption in US

Housing type (S/M), dwelling size, dwelling characteristics, weather

K. Vringer, K. Blok


Household energy consumption in Netherlands

Income, education, leisure

H. Nakagami


Household energy consumption

Income, lifestyle, dwelling size

H. Wilhite, H. Nakagami, T. Masuda, Y. Yamaga, H. Haneda


Household energy consumption

Dwelling size, eco-consciousness, lifestyle, weather, cultural attitudes, income

R. Haas


Household energy consumption

Household size, householder age, energy price, equipment price, income, ecoconsciousness, equipments used, dwelling size, weather

L. Weber


Household energy consumption


M. Davis


Rural household energy consumption



The Impact of Consumer Behavior on Residential Energy Demand for Space Heating

R. Haas, H. Auer, P. Biermayr


Household energy consumption

Availability of fuel, energy price, indoor temperature, weather


Climatic and Economic Influences on Residential Electricity Consumption

J. Lam


Household electricity consumption

Income, household size, weather, energy price

G. Brandon, A. Lewis


Household energy consumption

Income, socio-demographics, environmental attitudes, information

O. Dzioubinski, R. Chipman


Household energy consumption

Energy price, equipment price, income, availability of fuel, availability of equipment


Household energy consumption

Dwelling characteristics


Energy consumption in Iran

Income, household size, urbanization, energy price

M. Bouchelle, D. Parker, M. Anello


Household water heating energy use

Weather, household size

P. Tiwari


Household energy consumption in Bombay, India

J. Andrade


Household energy consumption



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Reducing Household Energy Consumption: A Qualitative and Quantitative Field Study Trends in Consumption and Production: Household Energy Consumption Estimating the Electricity Savings Effect of Ceiling Insulation Energy Consumption in the Islamic Republic of Iran Factors Influencing Water Heating Energy Use and Peak Demand in a Large Scale Residential Monitoring Study Architectural, Demographic, and Economic Causes of Electricity Consumption in Bombay The Uses of Energy in the Domestic Sector

E. Mathews, M. Kleingeld, P. Taylor A.Bakhtiari, F. Shahbudaghlou


Income, energy price, dwelling size, dwelling characteristics, dwelling age, household size Time spent at home, dwelling characteristics, information and knowledge, household size, householders age

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Research Title



Study Target Area

Factor Identified


Norwegian Residential Electricity Demand -A Microeconomic Assessment of the Growth from 1976 to 1993

B. Halvorsen, B. Larsen


Household electricity consumption in Norway

Household size, equipments used, income, dwelling size, energy price


Behavioral Factors Study of Residential Users Which Influence the Energy Consumption

I. Blasco Lucas, E. Hidalgo, G. Gomez, R. Rosés


Household energy consumption

Household size, householder age, time spend at home

B. O'Neill, B. Chen


Household energy consumption in US

Householder age, household size

A. Reinders, K. Vringer, K. Blok


Household energy consumption in EU countries

Lifestyle, weather, culture, dwelling characteristics


Household energy consumption

Weather, dwelling characteristics, dwelling size, income, household size, equipment used


Household energy consumption

Income, eco-consciousness


Household energy consumption in Sydney

Household size, income, household age and urbanization



Demographic Determinants of Household Energy Use in the United States The Direct and Indirect Energy Requirement of Households in the European Union


A Study of Domestic Energy Usage Patterns in Hong Kong

G. Tso, K. Yau


Household Consumption: Influences of Aspiration Level, Social Comparison, and Money Management


Energy Requirements of Sydney Households

N. Karlsson, P. Dellgran, B. Klingander, T. Gärling M. Lenzen, C. Dey, B. Foran


An Analysis of Cross-Sectional Variation in Total Household Energy Requirement in India Using Micro Survey Data

S. Pachauri


Household energy consumption

Income, weather, urbanization, household size, lifestyle, householder age


Energy Requirements of Households in Brazil

C. Cohen, M. Lenzen, R. Schaeffer


Household energy consumption in Brazil


W. Xiaohua, F. Zhenmin


Rural household energy consumption in China

Income, annual temperature

D. Allen, K. Janda


Household energy consumption

Income, energy monitoring system, ecoconsciousness


Household energy consumption

Income, household size, housing type (S/M), urbanization


Household energy consumption in Iran

Eco-consciousness, urbanization


Household energy consumption



Household energy consumption

Household size, income, householder age, dwelling characteristics, technological improvement, eco-consciousness, lifestyle



Study on Affecting Factors and Standard of Rural Household Energy Consumption in China The Effects of Household Characteristics and Energy Use Consciousness on the Effectiveness of Real-Time Energy Use Feedback: A Pilot Study


A Comparative Multivariate Analysis of Household Energy Requirements in Australia, Brazil, Denmark, India, and Japan


Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Household Energy Consumption in Qom, Iran


Household Energy Requirement and Value Patterns


Energy-Related Intervention Success Factors: A Literature Review

M. Lenzen, M. Wier, C. Cohen, H. Hayami, S. Pachauri, R. Schaeffer E. Mehrzad, A. Masoud, E. Mansour K. Vringer, T. Aalbers, K. Blok D.Uitdenbogerd, C. Egmond, R. Jonkers, G. Kok


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Research Title



Study Target Area

Short-Term Prediction of Household Electricity Consumption: Assessing Weather Sensitivity in a Mediterranean Area Changing of Energy Consumption Pattern from Rural Households to Urban Households in China: An Example from Shaanxi Province, China

M. Beccali, M. Cellura, V. Lo Brano, A. Marvuglia


Household electricity consumption


J. Cai, Z. Jiang


Rural and urban household energy consumption


The Household Energy Transition in India and China

S. Pachauri, L. Jiang


Rural and urban household energy consumption

Income, energy price, urbanization


Factor Identified

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