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Maintenance Maturity Model (SMmm) as well as its supporting knowledge ... process assessment models, which emphasize development over maintenance, .... problems related to users of the applications, managerial constraints and the ...
SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE MATURITY MODEL (SMmm): A SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE PROCESS MODEL Alain April, Jean-Marc Desharnais Department of Software Engineering École de technologie supérieure 1100 Notre-Dame West, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H3C 1K3 +1 514 396 8682 +1 514 396 8684 fax [email protected] Abstract This paper summarizes the research work leading to a Phd thesis that addresses the assessment and improvement of the software maintenance function by proposing a maturity model for daily software maintenance activities: Software Maintenance Maturity Model (SMmm) as well as its supporting knowledge based system SMXpert. The software maintenance function suffers from a scarcity of management models to facilitate its evaluation, management, and continuous improvement. The SMmm addresses the unique activities of software maintenance while preserving a structure similar to that of the CMMi©1 maturity model. It is designed to be used as a complement to this model. The SMmm is based on practitioners’ experience, international standards, and the seminal literature on software maintenance. This paper presents the model’s purpose, scope, foundation, and architecture, followed by a knowledgebased system to help software maintainers learn and use the maturity model.

1. Introduction Maintenance still suffers today from a scarcity of best practice proposals that can readily be applied in the industry. Aside from the Kajko-Mattsson [Kaj01e] corrective maintenance evaluation model and Niessik [Nie04] service maturity model, a large number of software maintenance best practices still need to be recognized and better described for technology transfer to the industry at large. It is felt that software maintenance still does not receive an adequate share of management attention and that it is suffering from lack of planning, as illustrated by its typically crisis management style and, within this context, it is still perceived as being expensive and ineffective. For the software development function, there already exist many management models for evaluating the quality of the development process and proposing improvements. However, for the software maintenance function, there is no published comprehensive model that takes into account the specific characteristics of the maintenance process. The absence in the CMMi of some of the specific processes used by the maintainers in everyday situations has been documented as far back as 1996 [Zit96] and this is still valid with the new CMMi version, since it maintains a developer’s view of the software production process. We have also presented [Apr04] that the use of CMMi with small maintenance groups creates specific difficulties as the CMMi has omissions and gaps concerning specific software maintenance processes and activities. Recognizing the importance of software maintenance and the limitations of process assessment models, which emphasize development over maintenance, an initial draft of a comprehensive maintenance evaluation model was published in 1996 [Zit96]. This paper presents the Software Maintenance Capability Maturity Model – SMmm – and its supporting knowledge based system.


CMM and CMMi are trademarks of the SEI in the United States.

Section 2 presents the findings and contributions from an extended literature review. Section 3 presents an overview of the maturity model. Section 4 describes the problems that face software maintainers followed by ontology concepts that are at the base of knowledge based systems in Section 5. Section 6 describes the high level view of the knowledgebased system and a live presentation will show how the system works. Finally, work in progress and conclusions are presented in section 7.

2. Prior Contributions The literature review has not revealed any comprehensive diagnostic techniques for evaluating the quality of the software maintenance processes of an organization, or for identifying improvement paths. Table 1 presents an inventory of the recent software engineering process evaluation and assessment models. Each of these models where analyzed to find specific and detailed contributions that could help maintainers in general. Out of the thirty-four proposed models in this inventory, only a handful (shown in bold in Table 1) offer publicly available maintenance practices, which can be useful to the software maintainers’ specific context. However, none of these models cover the entire set of concepts specific to software maintainers, as documented in the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) [Abr04]. The second version of the SMmm introduces a much larger number of mappings to: a) standards; b) relevant software engineering CMM proposals; and c) recognized software maintenance references. From these mappings, a large number of detailed best maintenance practices have been identifies and included. Table 1: Software Engineering CMM proposals, sorted by year of publication Year Software Engineering CMM proposals 1991 Boo91 1992 Tri92 1993 Sei93 1994 Cam94, Kra94 1996 Bur96, Zit96, Dov96 1997 Som97 1998 Esi98, Top98, Baj98 1999 Wit99, Vet99, Sch99 2000 Cob00, Str00, Bev00, Lud00 2001 Kaj01d & 01e, Ray01, Sch01, Luf01, Tob01, Sri01 2002 Sei02, Nie02, Mul02, Vee02, Pom02, Raf02, Sch02, Ker02, Cra02

The key mappings and references used are: • Software maintenance standards ISO12207 [Iso95], ISO14764 [Iso98] and IEEE1219 [Iee98]; • The most widely recognized quality models ISO9001: 2000 [Iso00] and the CMMi [Sei02]; • The process evaluation model standard ISO/IEC TR 15504 (SPICE) [Iso98a]. The revised SMmm also includes inputs from, and references to, other maturity models and best practices publications, which tackle a variety of software maintenance-related topics. The intention is to have a unique source, which will reference other references when needed: • Cm3-Corrective Maintenance Maturity Model [Kaj01d]; • Cm3-Maintainer’s Education and Training Maturity Model [Kaj01e]; • ITIL Service Support and Service Delivery best practices [Iti01]; • IT Service CMM [Nie04]; • CobIT [Cob00]; • Malcolm-Baldrige [Mal03]; • CAMELIA Maturity Model [Cam94];

• SMmm version 1 [Zit96]. Some of the SMmm improvements have been documented in [Apr02], and had been implemented in the Camélia model initially developed by Bell Canada and Nortel. Another refinement is derived from the CMMi [Sei02] adoption of the continuous representation, which in turn can be traced back to its successful use in the past by other models, such as: Bootstrap [Boo91], Camélia [Cam94] and ISO/IEC TR 15504 (Spice) [Iso98a]. These improvements to the SMmm have provided the following benefits: a) conformity to SPICE recommendations; b) a more granular rating for each roadmap and domain; and c) identification of specific practices across maturity levels, together with a path from level zero (absent) to a higher level of maturity. Furthermore, the SMmm has been aligned to the CMMi model and to many of the best practices documented in the software maintenance literature.

3. The resulting model processes and KPAs The proposed content of the SMmm is presented in figure 1. It includes 4 Process Domains and 18 KPAs. There are currently 443 Practices across the 18 KPAs. While some KPAs are unique to maintenance, others were derived from the CMMi© and other models, and have been modified to map more closely to daily maintenance characteristics. 2.1 Event and Service Request Management 2.2 Maintenance Planning 2.3 Monitoring and Control of Service Requests and Events 2.4 SLAs and Supplier Agreements 3.1 Pre-Delivery and Transition 3.2 Operational Support 3.3 Evolution and Correction 3.4 Verification and Validation

2. Request Management

3. Evolution Engineering 1. Process Management

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

4. Support To Evolution Engineering

4.1 Configuration Management 4.2 Process and Product Quality Assurance 4.3 Measure and Analysis of Maintenance 4.4 Causal Analysis and Problem Resolution 4.5 Rejuvenation, Migration and Retirement

Mainenance Process Focus Maintenance Process/Service definition Maintenance Training Maintenance Process Performance Maintenance Innovation and Deployment

Figure 1. SMmm Process Areas and KPAs In summary, this section has presented how the reference documents were mapped successively to an architecture with maturity levels similar to the CMMi©. We presented also the purpose and scope of the proposed maturity model its architecture and key process areas. In the next section we present a knowledge based system which is developed to help maintainers navigate through the knowledge contained in the maturity model.

4. SMmm and knowledge statements

Software maintainers experience a number of problems which have been documented and also tentative to rank them by importance. One of the first reported investigation was conducted by Lientz and Swanson [Lie81]. They identified six problems related to users of the applications, managerial constraints and the quality of software documentation. Other surveys identified that a large percentage of the software maintenance reported problems related to the software product itself. This survey identified complex and old source code, badly documented and having a complex structure. More recent surveys done on successive software maintenance conferences attendees [Dek92] ranked the perceived problems by importance (see Table 2): Table 2: Top maintenance problems (Dekleva, 1992) Rank

Maintenance problem


Managing fast changing priorities


Inadequate testing techniques


Difficulty in measuring performance


Missing or incomplete software documentation


Adapting to rapid changes in user organisations


A large number of users requests in waiting


Difficulty in measuring/demonstrating the maintenance team’s contribution


Low morale due to lack of recognition


Not many professionals in the field, especially experienced ones


Little methodology, few standards, procedures and tools specific to maintenance


Source code is complex and unstructured


Integration, overlap and incompatibility of systems


Little training is available to maintenance personnel


No strategic plans for maintenance


Difficulty in understanding/meeting user expectations


Lack of understanding and support from IT managers


Maintenance software runs on obsolete systems and technologies


Little will and support for reengineering existing applications


Loss of expertise when employees leave

Those are also examples of knowledge statements about the domain of software maintenance. Key to helping software maintainers would be to provide them with ways of resolving their problems by leading them to documented best practice. There are a growing number of sources where software maintenance can look for best practice and many challenges in making these sources use the same terminology, process model and international standards. The practices used by maintainers need to help them to describe the way (how) to meet their daily service goals. These practices are described within their operational and support processes and numerous procedures. There are many problem-solving practices that could be presented in a knowledge-based system answering their many questions about those problems.

5. Ontology of software maintenance We have chosen to implement a subset of the ontology developed by Kitchenham and al. [Kit99] for the initial trial of this research project. Figure 2 describes the different maintenance concepts considered surrounding a maintenance request. Software maintenance is highly event driven. It means that some maintenance activities are unscheduled and can interrupt ongoing work. This subset of the ontology represents many, but not all, the concepts involved in answering the questions related to the first problem identified by Dekleva: ‘Managing fast changing priorities’. Maintainers express that it is the most important problem facing them. How can they handle fast changing priorities of the customer? Solutions to this problem are likely to be found by using many paths through the maintenance concepts of the ontology. Navigation through the maintenance concepts of the ontology should lead to surrounding concepts that are conceptually linked and that are likely to contribute to a solution, like the need for better: priority, accept request and so forth. We know that many more concepts must be involved to contribute to all aspects of the solution but for the sake of demonstrating a knowledge-based system we had to constrain the number of concepts that could be implemented within a six-month graduate student project. We knew that the maturity models also include the detailed best practices that could also help in solving that type of problem. The main issue is that the best practice locations and their interrelationships are hidden in the layered architecture of the maturity model. More precisely in the Process Domains, Key Process Areas and Roadmaps of the model. It is therefore necessary to find a way to link this layered architecture with the maintenance concepts of the ontology and proceed to analyse the tasks required to build a knowledge base system to support the maintainers in their quest for solutions. The next section describes how the navigation has been implemented into a sequence of tasks in the SMxpert.






Rp ServiceRequest




Accepted Request

Category Evolutive Operational Support Corrective

Envionment Maintenance



Figure 2. Service Request Ontology

6. Expert system (Smxpert) to support the maturity model To help the maintainers we have developed a knowledge based system to support the maturity model. At a high level we defined an index of terms which are commonly used in software maintenance (see figure 3). This index leads to a more

restrictive set of keywords that are recognized in the field and can be found in the software maintenance domain. Each keyword is connected to one or more of the maintenance concepts of software maintenance. A maintenance concept of software maintenance is found in the software maintenance ontology. Using the ontology of the domain each of the top software maintenance problems have been linked to questions (themes) which helps the user of the knowledge base system to navigate to the part of the maturity model which will propose recommendations in the form of a best practice.


Keyword Maintenance Concepts

Ontology Bes t s pra ctice

Theme SMmm recommendation

Figure3: High level view of SMxpert

7. Work in progress and Conclusion Six participating companies of the telecommunications industry have used the model. During 2003 more than 50 software maintenance practitioners have helped improve and review this new version. While the initial version (1) of the model included only two references ([Swa89]; [Ball90]), the new SMmm (version 2) benefits from a much larger number of references, each of which reviewed to ensure a wider and more representative coverage of the software maintenance literature. We have also used this inventory to supplement the current software maintenance body of knowledge proposed by the new version of SWEBOK [Apr03]. Identifying the best practice in a maturity model is a difficult task considering their number and the multiple appropriate answers associate to each of them. Our hypothesis is that a KBS could help to find an appropriate recommendation. The next step in this research project is to populate the KBS, validate the results with the expert of the domain and find if the KBS is a useful support toll for training on the content of the maturity model. This article has presented a software maintenance model developed to evaluate and improve the quality of the maintenance process as well as an overview of a knowledge based system to support it. This model is based on the model developed by the SEI of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh to evaluate and improve the process of software development.

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