Jun 22, 2015 - Fabio Le Preti. Federica Maria Marcucci ... Francesca Zuccarello. B. Heilig. J Reda ... Maria Federica Marcucci. 6 ... Francesca Zuccarello. 7.
Solar Physics Comprehensive Sun-to-Earth analysis of the Geoeffective Solar event of June 21, 2015: Effects on the Magnetosphere - Plasmasphere - Ionosphere system. --Manuscript Draft-Manuscript Number: Full Title:
Comprehensive Sun-to-Earth analysis of the Geoeffective Solar event of June 21, 2015: Effects on the Magnetosphere - Plasmasphere - Ionosphere system.
Article Type:
T.I. : Earth-affecting Solar Transients
"Solar Trigger"; "Flare Forecasting"; "Halo CME"; "SEP Forecasting"; "Cosmic Ray"; "Magnetospheric response to CME"; "Ground response to a CME"; "Ionospheric Response to a CME"; "Ionospheric Polar Convection"
Corresponding Author:
Mirko Piersanti, Ph.D. University of L'Aquila L'Aquila, ITALY
Corresponding Author Secondary Information: Corresponding Author's Institution:
University of L'Aquila
Corresponding Author's Secondary Institution: First Author:
Mirko Piersanti, Ph.D.
First Author Secondary Information: Order of Authors:
Mirko Piersanti, Ph.D. Tommaso Alberti Alessandro Bemporad Francesco Berrilli Roberto Bruno Vincenzo Capparelli Vincenzo Carbone Giuseppe Consolini Alice Cristaldi Alfredo Del Corpo Dario Del Moro Simone Di Matteo Ilaria Ermolli Silvano Fineschi Fabio Giannattasio Fabrizio Giorgi Luca Giovannelli Salvatore Luigi Guglielmino Monica Laurenza Fabio Le Preti Federica Maria Marcucci
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Matteo Martucci Matteo Merge' Ermanno Pietropaolo Paolo Romano Roberta Sparvoli Marco Stangalini Antonio Vecchio Massimo Vellante Umberto Villante Francesca Zuccarello B. Heilig J Reda J. Lichtenberger Order of Authors Secondary Information: Funding Information: Abstract:
A full-halo coronal mass ejection left the sun on June 21, 2015 from the active region NOAA 12371 encountering Earth on June 22, 2015, generating a G3 strong geomagnetic storm. The CME was associated with an M2 class flare observed at 01:42 UT, located near the center disk (N12E16). Using satellite data from solar, heliospheric, magnetospheric missions and ground-based instruments, we performed a comprehensive Sun-to-Earth analysis. In particular, we analyzed the active region evolution using ground-based and satellite instruments (BBSO, IRIS, HINODE, SDO/AIA, RHESSI -- Halpha, EUV, UV, X), the AR magnetograms, using data from SDO HMI, the relative particle data, using PAMELA instruments and the effects of interplanetary perturbation on cosmic ray intensity. We also evaluated the 1-8 $\AA$ soft X-ray and low-frequenct ($\sim$ 1 MHz) Type III radio burst time-integrated intensity (or fluence) of the flare in order to make a prediction of the associated Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) event by using the model developed by \cite{Laurenza09}. In addition, using ground based observations from lower to higher latitudes (INTERMAGNET - EMMA, etc.), we reconstructed the ionospheric current system associated to the geomagnetic Sudden Commencement. Furthermore, SuperDARN measurements are used to image the global ionospheric polar convection during the SSC and during the principal phases of the geomagnetic storm. Moreover, we investigated the dynamics of the plasmasphere during the different phases of the geomagnetic storm by examining the time evolution of the radial profiles of the equatorial plasma mass density derived from field line resonances detected at the EMMA network (1.5 $