Solvent effect on the properties of sulfur passivated GaAs

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Photoluminescence and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy have been used to study the solvent effect on surface properties of GaAs passivated in different ...
Solvent effect on the properties of sulfur passivated GaAs Vasily N. Bessolov, Elena V. Konenkova, and Mikhail V. Lebedeva) A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Politekhnicheskaya 26, St. Petersburg 194021, Russia

~Received 22 March 1996; accepted 19 April 1996! Photoluminescence and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy have been used to study the solvent effect on surface properties of GaAs passivated in different sulfide solutions. It has been found that sulfur passivation could be made more efficient by decreasing the solution dielectric constant through the use of various alcohols as solvents. Specifically, the band edge photoluminescence intensity is much higher, the total amount of oxides is lower, and sulfur coverage is higher compared with a GaAs surface treated in an aqueous sulfide solution. The role of the solvent in sulfur passivation is discussed. © 1996 American Vacuum Society.

I. INTRODUCTION It is known that the surface treatment of III–V semiconductors in sulfide-containing solutions or gases results in a dramatic decrease of the surface state density in the middle of the band gap. Attendant reduction of the surface recombination velocity allows one to improve the performance and reliability of many devices.1–5 However, this improved surface electronic quality is not long lived, so the problems of an increase of passivation efficiency and stability remain unsolved. In order to improve properties of passivating coats, different approaches to sulfur passivation were developed. Among these are passivation from a gas phase,6 – 8 electrochemical passivation,9–11 and photochemical passivation.12–14 Besides, different sulfide-containing substances such as sodium sulfide,1 ammonium sulfide,2 sulfur chloride,15 thiols,16,17 and other complex organic compounds18 were used for passivation. In recent years, investigations focused on studies of the interaction of sulfur atoms or ions with the surface of III–V semiconductors and, in particular, on chemical processes which lead to changes of surface atomic and electronic structures in the course of sulfidizing. It was shown19 that to perform a photoelectrochemical reaction of sulfidizing in solutions, the presence of protons is necessary. Therefore, any liquid which contains protons after self-dissociation can be used as a solvent in passivating sulfide solution. Being a protic liquid, water is often used to prepare solutions of inorganic sulfides. Other protic liquids including different alcohols also could be considered as a solvent in passivating solutions. For instance, in electrochemical passivation, the sodium sulfide solution in ethylenglycol was used.11 The solvent should have a great effect on both the kinetics and the pathway of any chemical reaction involving ions.20 We have shown that the sulfide treatment in isopropanolbased solutions results in more effective passivation of GaAs compared with aqueous solutions.21 Besides, the photoluminescence properties of GaAs treated in isopropanol-based sulfide solutions remain constant even after intensive laser a!

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J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 14(4), Jul/Aug 1996

irradiation. Additionally, the sulfur passivation of InGaAs/ AlGaAs lasers in isopropanol-based solutions markedly increases their catastrophic optical damage level.22 In this article we investigated the role of the solvent in the course of sulfur passivation of III–V semiconductors. Using photoluminescence and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy we studied the properties of GaAs surfaces treated in solutions of sodium sulfide in different protic solvents.

II. EXPERIMENT The investigations were performed on n-GaAs~100! ~n5431015 cm23! 10 mm thick epilayers grown on semiinsulating substrates by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition ~MOCVD!. Immediately before sulfidizing, some specimens were etched in a 1:8:500 solution of H2SO4 :H2O2 :H2O at room temperature for 30 s. The sulfide treatment was carried out by immersing the samples in different sulfide solutions under illumination with a 200 W incandescent lamp. The solutions used were saturated solutions of sodium sulfide ~Na2S:9H2O! in water or in different alcohols such as ethylenglycol, ethanol, isopropanol, butanol, and tert-butanol. The immersion time was about 1 min as a rule. In aqueous solutions, the samples were treated at different temperatures ~from 0 to 100 °C!. In alcohol-based solutions, the treatment was carried out at room temperature. The intensity of band-edge photoluminescence of GaAs at room temperature ~h n 51.412 eV! was measured. Photoluminescence was excited by a Xe laser ~I53.0 kW/cm2!. To investigate the GaAs surface composition x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was used. Photoelectron spectra were recorded with a Perkin–Elmer PHI 5400 spectrometer using the Mg K a ~h n 51253.6 eV! x-ray source operated at 300 W. Angles of incidence of x-ray radiation on the crystal surface were 45° and 5°. The samples were put into the vacuum chamber not later than 10 min after completing the sulfidizing process. Data analysis were carried out using Perkin– Elmer software. The identification of the chemical bonds corresponding to different peaks in spectra was accomplished according to Ref. 23.


©1996 American Vacuum Society



Bessolov, Konenkova, and Lebedev: Solvent effect on the properties of sulfur

FIG. 1. Dependence on the treatment temperature of the photoluminescence intensity of GaAs~100! ~n5431015 cm23! treated in saturated aqueous sodium sulfide solution for 1 min. The intensity of the untreated sample was used as a reference.

III. RESULTS A. Photoluminescence measurements

Following the sulfide treatment in any of the solutions, the photoluminescence properties of GaAs improved considerably. The band-edge photoluminescence intensity of GaAs treated in aqueous sulfide solutions became higher when the treatment temperature was increased for the same immersion time ~Fig. 1!. The photoluminescence intensity of GaAs sulfidized in any alcohol-based solution is always considerably higher then that of GaAs sulfidized in an aqueous solution ~Fig. 2!.

FIG. 2. Variation of the photoluminescence intensity of GaAs~100! ~n5431015 cm23! treated in different saturated sulfide solutions. The intensity of the untreated sample was used as a reference. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 14, No. 4, Jul/Aug 1996


The greatest increase of the intensity of sulfide treated GaAs relative to that of the untreated one has been achieved after treatment in tert-butanol-based solution. It should be noted that the pretreatment of the semiconductor in H2SO4 :8H2O2 :500H2O etch solution before sulfidizing did not lead to any increase of the photoluminescence intensity of solution-treated GaAs. The degradation of the properties of the sulfide-treated GaAs surface also depended on the solvent used ~Fig. 2!. The photoluminescence intensity of GaAs, treated in aqueous solutions at any temperature, rapidly ~in 15–20 min! dropped down to typical intensity values of untreated GaAs. The photoluminescence intensity of the GaAs surface treated in ethylenglycol and ethanol-based solutions also decreased with time of the laser irradiation but to a lesser extent. On the other hand, the Xe-laser irradiation did not affect the photoluminescence properties of GaAs treated in isopropanol, butanol, or tert-butanol-based solutions. B. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

The survey photoelectron spectra contained Ga, As, C, and O peaks regardless of the angle of incidence. After sulfidizing, the S peaks appeared in spectra. In structures treated in alcohol-based solutions, the Na peak was also seen in the spectrum. Figures 3 and 4 show high resolution spectra of Ga 3d and As 3d peaks for untreated structures and structures treated in different sulfide solutions ~namely, aqueous, at two temperatures, ethylenglycol-, ethanol-, and isopropanol-based solutions!. Deconvolution of the Ga 3d spectra showed the following ~Fig. 3!: In the spectrum of untreated GaAs two components are clearly seen, namely, a Ga–As bond ~binding energy 19.9 eV! and a Ga–O bond ~binding energy 21.2 eV! @Fig. 3~a!#. In the spectra of sulfide treated GaAs, the Ga–O bond component has a smaller chemical shift ~binding energy 21.0 eV!; moreover, its intensity in spectra of GaAs treated in aqueous and ethylenglycol-based solutions was practically the same as in untreated GaAs @Figs. 3~a!–3~d!#. In the spectra of GaAs treated in ethanol- and isopropanol-based solutions, the intensity of the Ga–O bond component was considerably reduced but simultaneously one more component was clearly seen ~binding energy 20.55 eV!, presumably associated with the formation of the Ga–S bonds on the surface @Figs. 3~e! and 3~f!#. Deconvolution of the As 3d spectra showed the following ~Fig. 4!: The spectrum of untreated GaAs can be resolved into three components, i.e., an As–Ga bond ~binding energy 40.8 eV!, elemental As0 ~binding energy 41.55 eV!, and an As–O bond ~binding energy 43.7 eV! @Fig. 4~a!#. After treatment in any solution an additional peak with binding energy 42.5 eV appeared. This peak could be associated with the formation on the surface of As–S bonds @Figs. 4~b!– 4~f!#. According to our analysis of the spectra, the content of As–O decreases after the sulfide treatment and depends on the solution used. Among sulfide treated structures, it was highest in GaAs treated in the aqueous solution at room temperature and lowest in GaAs treated in the isopropanol-


Bessolov, Konenkova, and Lebedev: Solvent effect on the properties of sulfur


FIG. 3. Ga 3d x-ray photoelectron spectra of GaAs~100! preliminary etched in a 1:8:500 solution of H2SO4 :H2O2 :H2O at room temperature for 30 s after various surface treatments taken at an electron take-off angle of 45 deg. ~a! Untreated surface, ~b! treated in saturated aqueous sodium sulfide solution at room temperature, ~c! treated in saturated aqueous sodium sulfide solution at 100 °C, ~d! treated in saturated sodium sulfide solution in ethylenglycol, ~e! treated in saturated sodium sulfide solution in ethanol, and ~f! treated in saturated sodium sulfide solution in isopropanol.

based solution ~Table I!. The intensity of the peak relating to the As–S bonds also depended on the solution used: it was highest in GaAs treated in the isopropanol-based solution and lowest in the GaAs treated in the aqueous solution at room temperature ~Table I!. The elemental As0 content on the surface slightly decreased after the treatment in the aqueous solutions. On the contrary, treatment in the alcohol-based solutions did not lead to any reduction of As0 content ~Table I!. It should be stressed that the total amount of Ga and As oxides decreased after the treatment in any solution. This reduction was greatest after the treatment in the isopropanolbased solution. Spectra obtained at angle of x-ray incidence of 5° showed that elemental As0 and sulfides were concentrated in nearsurface 10 Å thick region ~their content increased by a factor of 2 compared with the spectra at a take-off angle of 45°!. The estimates carried out according to Ref. 2 showed that the sulfur coverage of the GaAs surface depended on the solvent used ~Table I!. IV. DISCUSSION The experimental data testify that the treatment of the GaAs surface in solutions of sodium sulfide in different alcohols allows one to obtain more effective passivation than JVST B - Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures

the usual treatment in aqueous sulfide solutions. Indeed, the passivation in alcohol-based solutions leads to the greatest enhancement of the photoluminescence intensity. On the other hand, the treatment in alcohol-based solutions leads to more effective removal of oxides from the semiconductor surface and to the formation of sulfides there ~Figs. 3 and 4 and Table I!. In order to explain these facts, it is necessary to consider the role of the solvent in electronic and chemical processes at the interface between the semiconductor and the solution in the course of sulfidizing. First, let us consider the role of the solvent in the process of modification of the surface states spectrum. The enhancement of the GaAs photoluminescence in the course of sulfur passivation can be attributed to the decrease of the surface recombination velocity, i.e., to the lowering of the activity of the surface states. From the chemical point of view such states represent so-called soft acid Lewis centers,16 since they can easily capture electrons from the conduction band of a semiconductor. To passivate these surface states, it is necessary at least to weaken their ability to capture electrons of the semiconductor. It could be achieved, for instance, by covalent bonding of the acid Lewis centers of the surface with appropriate bases. According to the principle of hard and soft acids and bases,24 the soft acid can


Bessolov, Konenkova, and Lebedev: Solvent effect on the properties of sulfur


FIG. 4. As 3d x-ray photoelectron spectra of GaAs~100! preliminarily etched in a 1:8:500 solution of H2SO4 :H2O2 :H2O at room temperature for 30 s after various surface treatments taken at an electron take-off angle of 45 deg. ~a! Untreated surface, ~b! treated in a saturated aqueous sodium sulfide solution at room temperature, ~c! treated in saturated aqueous sodium sulfide solution at 100 °C, ~d! treated in saturated sodium sulfide solution in ethylenglycol, ~e! treated in saturated sodium sulfide solution in ethanol, and ~f! treated in saturated sodium sulfide solution in isopropanol.

form the covalent bond with a soft base. The sulfide ions are exactly such soft bases16 and therefore quite suitable for III–V surface passivation. When a covalent bond is formed, the hardness of the cloud of electrons shared by the sulfideion and the surface state, according to Ref. 25, will be higher than the hardness of the separate entities, resulting in a less active recombination center. If the covalent bond formation occurs in a liquid polar medium, a solvate shell consisting of oriented dipole molecules of the solvent would be formed around the ion and near semiconductor surface. The solvate shell should greatly affect both the properties of the electron cloud of the sulfur ion and the electronic distribution in near-surface region of the semiconductor and the parameters of the resulting cova-

lent bonds. Indeed, it has been shown by computations26 that the hardness of the covalent bond formed in a liquid medium depends on the solvation strength in such a way that the bond hardness increases with the decrease of the solvent dielectric constant. That is, more hard surface states are formed after passivation in solutions with a lower dielectric constant value ~i.e., in alcohols! than is the case with the usual passivation from aqueous sulfide solutions. Therefore, the efficiency of nonradiative surface recombination of GaAs treated in alcohol-based solutions with low dielectric constant value should be lower. Indeed, with the decrease of the dielectric constant value of the solvent being used, the photoluminescence intensity of the sulfidized GaAs, which can be considered as a measure

TABLE I. Relative intensities of different peaks and sulfur coverage for GaAs treated in different solutions.

Treatment Untreated Na2S1H2O 20 °C Na2S1H2O 100 °C Na2S1C2H4~OH!2 20 °C Na2S1C2H5OH 20 °C Na2S1C3H7OH 20 °C

S 2s






Ga 3d1As 3d

Ga 3d1As 3d

Ga 3d1As 3d

Ga 3d1As 3d

Ga 3d1As 3d

Ga 3d1As 3d

Sulfur coverage ~MLs!

0 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.10 0.12

0.12 0.07 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.02

0 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.09

0.19 0.14 0.13 0.16 0.19 0.19

0.07 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.02 0.02

0 0 0 0 0.04 0.03

0 0.4 0.7 1.1 0.8 1.3

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Bessolov, Konenkova, and Lebedev: Solvent effect on the properties of sulfur


FIG. 6. The estimated value of the equilibrium constant of the reaction of sulfur coat formation on GaAs surface treated in different sulfide solutions vs the reciprocal dielectric constant of the solvent used. FIG. 5. Dependence of the photoluminescence intensity of sulfide treated GaAs~100! ~n5431015 cm23! on the reciprocal dielectric constant of the solvent used. The intensity of the untreated sample was used as a reference.

of the passivation efficiency, increases ~Fig. 5!. Consider now the role of the solvent in chemical reactions in the course of sulfidizing of the semiconductor surface. The photoelectrochemical reaction of the sulfur coat formation on a III–V surface during sulfidizing in solution19 proceeds with participation of different ions ~protons, sulfide ions, etc.!. In the course of this reaction, the electrostatic interaction of ion reagents with the semiconductor surface should play an important role. Indeed, on a semiconductor surface there is a constant dipole moment due to band bending and adsorbed foreign atoms. Moreover, because of the partly ionic character of semiconductor chemical bonds, Ga and As atoms in a crystal lattice are in fact ions and give a contribution to this electrostatic interaction.27 In particular, the choice of the solvent affects the dielectric constant of the medium in which photoelectrochemical reaction of sulfidizing takes place. The replacement of the aqueous solution with an alcohol-based one leads to a significant decrease of the dielectric constant and hence to the increase of the electrostatic interaction. On the one hand, this should lead to more effective association of the sulfide ions with the surface atoms of the semiconductor20 and, on the other, to the increase of the charge transfer rate between the semiconductor and the passivating solution.28 Hence the decrease of the solvent dielectric constant should lead to the increase of the equilibrium constant of the photoelectrochemical reaction of sulfidizing. It should be noted that the increase of the temperature of the aqueous solution also leads to the decrease of its dielectric constant. Based on the x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy data, the equilibrium constant of this reaction was estimated as the ratio of the relative intensity of the S 2s peak ~Table I, column 1! to the concentration of sulfur ions in the solution. It is seen that with the decrease of the solvent dielectric constant, the equilibrium constant of the reaction increases ~Fig. JVST B - Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures

6!. Moreover, the equilibrium constant is an exponential function of the reciprocal dielectric constant of the solvent, and exactly such dependence should be observed in any reaction of ion association in a solution.20 On the other hand, the decrease of the solvent dielectric constant leads to the reduction of the total amount of oxides on the sulfur-treated surface of GaAs ~Fig. 7!. This fact suggests that the removal of oxides from the surface in the solution occurs as a result of dissociation. During the dissociation, complex oxide ions from the surface get into the solution and on the surface some charge is formed. This charge enforces the electrostatic interaction of sulfide ions with the surface atoms of the semiconductor. Consequently, the decrease of the dielectric constant value of sulfide solution by appropriate choice of the solvent leads to a more effective passivation of the surface as evidenced by

FIG. 7. The dependence of the total amount of oxides remaining after GaAs surface passivation in solutions on the reciprocal dielectric constant of the solvent used. The 1/e50 correspond to the untreated sample.


Bessolov, Konenkova, and Lebedev: Solvent effect on the properties of sulfur

the photoluminescence enhancement of the semiconductor after sulfur treatment and by the increase of efficiency of both oxide removal and sulfide formation. Thus the sulfur passivation of the GaAs surface in alcohol-based solutions with low dielectric constants is more effective than traditionally used passivation from aqueous sulfide solutions. V. CONCLUSION Properties of GaAs treated in solutions of sodium sulfide in different protic solvents were studied by photoluminescence and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. It has been observed that the decrease of the dielectric constant value of the solution through the use of alcohols as solvents allows one to obtain a more effective surface passivation. It has been found that with the decrease of the solution dielectric constant, the band-edge photoluminescence intensity of the semiconductor is enhanced, the total amount of oxides on the surface is reduced, and the amount of sulfides is increased as well. These results testify that the sulfur coverage formation during solution passivation occurs by association of sulfide ions with surface atoms of the semiconductor. The formation of covalent bonds between sulfur and surface atoms in solutions having a low dielectric constant leads to the formation of harder surface states, which are less active in nonradiative recombination. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank Professor B. V. Tsarenkov for helpful discussions. They are deeply indebted to A. F. Ivankov and V. S. Strykanov for their help with the measurements. The research described in this article was made possible in part by Grant No. R1V300 from the International Science Foundation and by Grant No. 95-03-09330 from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. 1

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