Agnus Dei-Worthy-KeyOfA: Page 1 of 2. Song Sheet. Agnus Dei/ Worthy. MIchael
W. ... are You Lord God Almighty,. D. Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the Lamb,.
Agnus Dei/ Worthy MIchael W. Smith/ Don Moen Key of: A
Agnus Dei A D A Al - le - lu - ia, A D al - le - lu - ia, A for our Lord God Almighty reigns! A D A Al - le - lu - ia, A D al - le - lu - ia, A for our Lord God Almighty reigns! A Al -
le -
D lu - ia,
A ho - ly, ho - ly, E are You Lord God Almighty, D Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the Lamb, A You are ho - ly, ho - ly, E are You Lord God Almighty, D Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the Lamb, A You are ho - ly! **Repeat Agnus Dei
Interlude F G
A You are holy! F G A You are holy! F G F G F G A
Agnus Dei-Worthy-KeyOfA: Page 1 of 2
Song Sheet
Worthy A E Ho - ly, You are ho - ly, D E King of Kings, Lord of Lords, D A You are Ho - ly. A E Ho - ly, You are ho - ly, D E King of Kings, Lord of Lords, A I worship You.
Repeat Worthy 1990 Sony ATV Milene Music/ 1986 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI Song #: 626713/ 17384
Agnus Dei-Worthy-KeyOfA: Page 2 of 2
Song Sheet