Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute Pondicherry
onal Day o i t a June 20 f
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YOGA FOR HARMONY & PEACE Organized by Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (CYTER) in collaboration with Pondicherry Yogasana Association and Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, Pondicherry
onal Day o i t a June 20 f 21
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YOGA FOR HARMONY & PEACE Organized by Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (CYTER) in collaboration with Pondicherry Yogasana Association and Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, Pondicherry
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Chief Patron Shri MK Rajagopalan
Chairman, Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Patrons Prof. KR Sethuraman Vice Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth
Prof. Rajaram Pagadala Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth
Advisory Panel Prof. N Ananthakrishnan Prof. Nirmal Coumare
Prof. M Ravishankar
Prof. S Ravichandran Prof. AR Srinivasan
Organizing Chairman Prof. Madanmohan
Organizing Secretary
Prof. K Jaiganesh
Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani
Core Team Prof. K Henri Balraj Dr. Meena Ramanathan
Prof. Sudha Rao
Prof. Ramesh Mrs. AN Uma
Members Dr. Nikhilesh Singh Dr. Richa Gupta Mr. S Vasanthan Mr. Dhanushapnadeesh
Dr. T Jeneth Berlin Raj Dr. R Sobana Dr. Selvakumar Mrs M Latha
Dr. Suchitra Dr. K Ramya Mr. Uthiravelu Miss.R.Kavitha
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From the desk of the Organizing Chairman
From the desk of the Organizing Secretary
Programme schedule
Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani - Know How… To Grow!
Mahamandaleshwar Swami Veda Bharati - What Does Yoga Grant?
Prof. M Venkata Reddy - Bio-Chemical and Bio-Medical Effects of Yoga
Prof. Ramesh Bijlani - Sri Aurobindo’s Philosophy: A Few Highlights
Prof T. M. Srinivasan - Meditative Dhyana
Yogacharya S. Sridharan - Yoga Therapy: Insight Into the Tradition of KYM
Dr. Kausthub Desikachar - The Heart of Yoga Therapy
Dr. Manoj Naik - Therapeutic Potential of Yoga
Smt Hansaji Jayadeva Yogendra - Yoga for Transformation 50 Shri Subodh Tiwari - Kaivalyadhama
Yoga Ratna Eric Doornekamp - Choices in Life
Yantra Shironmani Dr. Jonn Mumford - Magical Meditative Mantras
Yogacharini Sangeeta Laura Biagi - Aum Japa: Sonic Awareness for a Healthy Life
Joseph and Lilian Le Page - Yoga Therapy in India Video Project
Yogacharini Bharathidevi Giri - Blessed Universal Yoga Wisdoms
Shri J Mohanakrishnan - Yoga in Musculo-Skeletal Disorders
Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani - Potential of Yoga as a Therapy
Dr. Madanmohan - Yoga the Best Lifestyle for Health
Dr B N Gangadhar - Toward Building Evidence for Yoga
Yogachemmal Dr.Meena Ramanathan & Yogacharya Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Yoga Practices for Prevention and Management of Psychosomatic Stress Disorders
A Brief Introduction to our Esteemed CME Faculty
The Innovative Aspects of CYTER
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MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN It gives me immense pleasure to note that the Centre for Yoga Therapy Education and Research (CYTER) of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth is organizing a week long informative programme in commemoration of International Day of Yoga. It is more significant that these celebrations are held in the light of our Honorable Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi urging the World Community to adopt on International Day of Yoga, which marks the holistic approach to health and well being. I wish the organizing committee, a grand success and I am confident that the week long programme will help the participants and the public to discover the sense of oneness with ourselves, the world and nature.
Shri M.K. Rajagopalan, Chairman SBECT
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MESSAGE FROM THE CHANCELLOR Practicing Yoga for Attaining “Quality of Life” Yoga, once thought to be a Hindu Philosophy, has become a Universal way of life Philosophy for millions. Practicing Yoga not only binds the “physical and mental wellbeing” but today it is known to promote health and happiness and also nurtures self-discipline and helps attain ‘Quality of Life”. One of the greatest scholars and philosophers of India belonging to the 2nd century BCE, Patanjali, gave us the “Yoga Sutras” which now being embraced by people from all over the world. The art of Yoga is also considered as a modern science that is being combined with medicine. Yoga stimulated the scientific world to conduct research to extract its benefits that might help humanity to remain in sound health. Healthcare Practitioners claim that Yoga can cure ‘Anxiety to Alcoholism’ and benefit ‘menopausal to menstrual’ problems. In some countries Yoga Practice is promoted for health and wealth. Yet some sponsor Yoga Centers as picnic spots for relaxation and rejuvenating. However, the fact remains that Yoga creates harmony between mind and body and thus is beneficial to live healthy spiritually, socially, and emotionally.
I wish the ‘International Yoga Day’ that is being celebrated as an academic bonanza.
Prof PAGADALA RAJARAM. Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth.
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“Yoga Goes Global – Let us think globally and act locally”
Yoga was accorded the status of global importance on December 11, 2014 when the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared June 21 (the Summer Solstice) as the International Day of Yoga. The resolution, which was moved in response to a call by the Prime Minister of India on 27th Sept, 2014, saw a record number of 175 countries co-sponsoring it. This makes the Yoga-day resolution the best supported UNGA Resolution. The whole exercise undertaken by UNGA confirms that Yoga is of great relevance to the post-Modern society in the 21st Century. How and when yoga originated is debatable. There is definite proof that yoga developed in ancient India. Possible origins are in the Indus Valley Civilisation (3300-1900 BCE) and pre-Vedic north-eastern India (Bihar), the Vedic civilisation (1500-500 BCE), and the sramana-movement (starting ca. 500 BCE). Jacobsen has said that Yoga is not just a set of stretching exercises; it has five principal meanings: • a disciplined method for attaining a goal; • techniques of controlling the body and the mind; • one of the schools or systems of philosophy (darśana); • along with other words, such as “hatha-, mantra-, and laya-,” referring to particular techniques of yoga; • Yoga as the goal of Yoga practice.” At Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth(SBV), the Centre for Yoga Therapy and Research (CYTER) combines rigorous scientific approach with faithful adherence to the traditions of Yogic practice to create an effective therapy that is complementary to modern medicine. It is lead by senior academicians who are equally well qualified in modern Medicine and Yoga to achieve this with credibility. The management of SBV whole-heartedly supports Yoga therapy as an effective complementary therapy and these services are totally free to the patients attending CYTER. We, at SBV are proud of the achievements of CYTER till date and of the week long events planned by CYTER to mark the “International Yoga Day – 2015”. We wish them success in all their endeavours. Prof K.R. SETHURAMAN. Vice-Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. INTERNATIONAL DAY OF YOGA CELEBRATIONS 2015
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MESSAGE FROM THE REGISTRAR The twenty seventh of September in the year 2014 is written in golden words- the day on which the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi addressed a packed house at the 69th session of the UN General Assembly. He made a passionate plea to the world community to adopt International day of the Yoga. This has now become a reality. Indians, in general should be proud of this and the fraternity at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, in particular, for our Deemed University is one among the very few institutes of higher education that boasts of a vibrant CENTRE FOR YOGA THERAPY EDUCATION AND RESEARCH ( CYTER). Propelled by the dynamic and hardworking Director, Prof. Madanmohan and Deputy Director Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, CYTER has emerged as a unique centre in our country that offers yoga based therapy, education, besides fostering objective research, as evidenced by high impact publications in peer reviewed journals. It is in the fitness of things that CYTER has embarked on the International Day of Yoga Celebration 2015 by hosting a weeklong programme ( 21-26 June 2015) that includes public awareness initiatives culminating in a National seminar/ CME on the therapeutic potential of Yoga at MGMCRI, on the 26th of June 2015. The CME is a joint endeavour of CYTER and the Department of Physiology,
I take immense pleasure in wishing this national, nay-- Global endeavour great success.
Prof. A.R. SRINIVASAN (Registrar, SBV)
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MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN ( PG ) I am very happy to know that THE CENTER FOR YOGA THERAPY, EDUCATION AND RESEARCH, SBV is arranging a week long programme in connection with the International Day of Yoga. CYTER has been doing tremendous work in the field of Yoga Education, Research and Therapy in our University. The importance of Yoga as an intervention in health has now come to be universally recognized. I am sure this programme would go a long way in drawing the attention to this fact and will benefit the community and the University.
I wish the programme all success. Prof. N ANANTHANKRISHNAN Dean (Research and PG Studies ) MGMC&RI, Puducherry
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MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN It gives me great pleasure that an International Day of Yoga Celebrations 2015 is being organized by Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education & Research (CYTER) at MGMCRI under auspices of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry from 21st to 26th June 2015. Our Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has urged the world community to adopt an International Day of Yoga during United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on September 27, 2014. He had said that Yoga is an invaluable gift of ancient Indian tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature and a holistic approach to health and well-being. I am happy that many awareness programmes for public as well as Medical & Paramedical students are being held during the above programmes.
I wish the function every success. Prof. M. Ravishankar, MD, DA., FRCP Dean MGMC&RI, Puducherry
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MESSAGE FROM THE MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT Its pleasure and pride to witness the CYTER grow in all length and breadth by exploring its strength to contribute towards patient care, academics and research. The week-long celebrations planned from 21 to 26 June for the International Day of Yoga is commendable and their National Seminar and CME on “Therapeutic potential of Yoga” is very timely. I wish the programme a great success and appreciate the team CYTER for their restless efforts in conducting this event.
Prof.NirmalCoumare.V Medical Superintendent MGMC&RI, Puducherry
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MESSAGE FROM ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR The ancient wisdom of Yoga is being gradually accepted more and more by the medical community worldwide and it is thus fitting that June 21st is being observed as the International Day of Yoga thanks to the much acclaimed proclamation by the United Nations. Our team at CYTER is doing excellent work in taking Yoga therapy to the patients of our hospital and I am happy to note that they are celebrating the International Day of Yoga this year with a week-long programme of multifaceted activities from 21 to 26 June 2015. The general public too need to be enlightened about the preventive and health promoting benefits of Yoga and it is thus commendable that they have organized a Public Awareness Programme with free Yoga therapy consultations, as well as invited talks and lecture-demonstrations at our MGMCRI City Centre from 7am to 1.30pm on June 21st.
I congratulate the CYTER team on their efforts and wish the event all success. Thanking You, Dr. S RAVICHANDRAN Additional Director, MGMCRI
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It is the worst of times… it is the best of times! The news headlines often make one hang one’s heads in shame for being a member of the human race. Yet, in the midst of all the gloom and doom, sometimes a ray of light illumines the darkness. On Dec 11, 2014 a great announcement lit up the global sky, and hope sprung once more eternal in the human breast. The United Nations has declared June 21st as “International Day of Yoga!” An appropriate choice, this, the summer solstice, the longest day in the year! India’s pride is that the idea was first mooted when the Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi spoke at the General Assembly of The United Nations in New York. The resolution on International Day of Yoga was introduced by India’s ambassador to the UN Asoke Mukerji on Dec 11 and had a record 175 nations joining as co-sponsors, the highest number ever for any General Assembly resolution. It is also for the first time that such an initiative has been proposed and implemented by any country in the UN body in less than 90 days. Through the resolution, adopted under the agenda of “Global Health and Foreign Policy’, the General Assembly decided to proclaim June 21 every year as the “International Day of Yoga.’ Shri Narendra Modi, set a wider stage in introducing this ancient science to the blasé diplomats of the UN General Assembly (who probably were impatient to end their long and tedious day with a cocktail or two at one of the thousands of fashionable bars in New York). They paused long enough to hear him say: (Yoga can be a vital factor in) “Changing the lifestyle and creating consciousness with climate change” Well! At least Shri Modi, who is a fervent practitioner of Yoga himself as well as a devout Hindu, could include the idea of “changing life style and creating consciousness” which are the core values of Yoga. Shri Modi seems to be “walking his talk” and “taking his walk” … all marks of a true Yogic spirit. The flag of Yoga and all it symbolizes now flies over the community of nations! May those of us who adore this ancient wisdom keep it flying high! I wish the CYTER team all the very best in their efforts to propagate this ancient art and science of India within a modern framework for the benefit of society worldwide.
Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani Director ICYER at Ananda Ashram and Yoganjali Natyalayam Pondicherry.
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It is a matter of great joy to know that Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Pondicherry is organising a Mega Event to celebrate International Day of Yoga 2015. As Swami Kuvalayananda said in 1924, said that “Yoga has a complete message for humanity. It has a message for the human body. It has a message for the human mind. Also, it has a message for the human soul.” Today we see Yoga flourishing throughout the world and 179 countries have accepted the importance of Yoga discipline and are celebrating this event. Yoga has a deep holistic approach to integrate human personalities and carries a valuable message of peace and unity for the world. It does not divide humanity on the basis of caste, creed, rank or geographical boundaries. It believes” Vasudhaiva kutumbakam” the whole world is one family. Will young people come forward to carry this message, not only in India, but in every corner of the world?” I feel that his dream is realized today.
I wish that this celebration will have a unique success.
I wish you all the best for the success in your effort. Kaivalyadhama stands with you.
Sri Om Prakash Tiwari
Secretary, Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla, Maharashtra. President, Indian Yoga Association and Chairman Council for Yoga Accreditation International.
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MESSAGE OF BLESSINGS I am glad that Sri Balaji University has planned to celebrate the International Yoga Day of 2015 from June 21-26, 2015. I heartily congratulate and appreciate your efforts. As you are aware that earlier days the Yoga was considered as an exercise required for keeping fit the body. When it was popularised in the western countries the people started studying the basic texts from India. Patanjali Yoga Sutraas and Hatha Yoga Pradipika were the original basic texts for Yoga. But they were neglected as nowhere the great Rishi Patanjali had written that it is good for seeking God. Finally, the scholars realised that once the man starts practicing Yoga he is approaching renunciation because of the practice of Ashthanga Yoga. All the practices should start from control of mind. Now-a-days more and more people and institutions are popularising the Yoga throughout the world. Our beloved Prime Minister NarendraModiji could convince the members of UNO that the effect of Yoga can be helpful not only in improving the physical and mental health but also harmony in the society because of the holistic approach by the practitioners. It was recommended by the leading Yoga practitioners of the world gathered at Bengaluru on 21.06.2012 to celebrate 21st of June as World Yoga Day. Yoga is performed following Sun’s movement and 21st June is the longest day, hence it was recommended to be the World Yoga day. Now it is the duty of every yoga practitioners to see that the World Yoga Day is celebrated meaningfully throughout the world to spread the message of benefits of Yoga for holistic living. In this endeavour I once again wish the function every success. Please arrange for spread of the Yoga benefits not only for the body and mind but also for curing the dreaded diseases like Diabetes, Obesity, Cancer, Heart diseases etc. If a proper basic things are taught to the present generation, they will definitely follow and develop further. That is why the celebration is required.
Dr H R Nagendra, ME, PhD, Chancellor, S-VYASA Yoga University, Bengaluru. Vice President, Indian Yoga Association and Vice Chairman Council for Yoga Accreditation International Chairman, IDY Experts Committee, Govt of India, Ministry of AYUSH
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MESSAGE OF BLESSINGS It is wonderful that the World Yoga Day is being celebrated. Since Yoga is a way of life, every day and every, moment is a yoga day! We appreciate the efforts of CYTER to spread the message of Yoga to the medical community. We appreciate the splendid work of Ananda Ashram in Pondicherry that has been done for all these years by Yogacharini Meenakshi Deviji and Dr. Ananda Balayogiji who have dedicated their lives in teaching Yoga, art and culture and making thousands of people’s lives beautiful. Let us be true to the tenets of Yoga as we strive to live a yogic life leading to higher levels of consciousness. We have to do our duties to our self, our families. our work, society, nation and the world and yoga has provided very explicit guidelines about our sense of duty. Dharma, is a loaded word and here we use it as duty. This duty if done with concentration, acceptance a sense of joy detachment and dedicating the fruits of the efforts to the Highest,will lead to transformation of humanity. We have to recognize that each technique in Yoga should lead to a higher level of consciousness. We, at The Yoga Institute, Santa Cruz, Mumbai, being the oldest organized centre of Yoga in the world, have been promoting Yoga by providing a free exposure to the Yogic concepts at different times of life to different segments of society with appropriate technical backing. School teachers are told to teach in their regular classes with few minutes of “conditioning” of the child before beginning of the lesson, or physicians are taught how they may help their patients to get relaxed in their clinic or the worker does a little work with the attitude of dedication.All this can help in gaining desired attitude so useful in integrating later on the appropriate yogic practices with the right attitude. This has done more good than enforcing Asanas or meditation in a fixed pattern to unsuspecting unprepared students. Traditionaga stood for a “deep urge at change” in values, attitudes, habits and way of life” We send our message of strength and dedication to fulfil this noble aim of Yoga, leading to peace, harmony and happiness in the world. Smt Hansaji Jayadeva Yogendra Director, The Yoga Institute, Santacruz, Mumbai India
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MESSAGE OF BLESSINGS All 133 centres of AHYMSIN and meditation groups in 30 countries will be observing the Yoga Day by inviting spiritually minded yoga teachers of their region to participate in one-day or half-day programs starting with recitation of Rg-veda mantra 5.81.1 (the earliest reference to yoga in history) and including meditation, silence, Yoga practice and audio-visual presentations. We are dedicated to re-establishing the connection of yoga with ancient rishis to whom the knowledge was revealed in the state of samadhi. We follow the definition(s) of yoga as in the classical yoga texts such as yogah samadhih- Yoga is samadhi (Vyasa on Yoga-sutra 1.1). yogo moksha-pravarttakah- Yoga is that which effects spiritual liberation (moksha)(definition of yoga in Ayurveda, Charakasamhita, Sharira-sthana 2.137). tattva-darshanopaayo yogah- yoga is the means and method for realizing the transcendental reality. (in Vedanta, Shankaracharya on Brahmasutra 2.1.[2].3 quoting a now unknown ancient text). Therefore we teach yoga in its spiritual context and content, Hatha yoga is taught as steps in the ladder to samadhi. This is how the Masters of the Himalayas have passed on the tradition for thousands of years. The earliest reference to yoga in history : Yuñjate mana uta yuñjate dhiyo viprā viprasya bṛhato vipaścitaḥ Vi hotrā dadhe vayunāvideka inmahī devasya savituḥ pariṣṭutiḥ yunjate mana uta yunjate dhiyo viprA viprasya bRRihato vipashcitaH vi hotrA dadhe vayunAvideka inmahI devasya savituH pariSTutiH -Rgveda 5.81.1 They yoke the mind (manas) in yoga. They yoke the meditative intelligence (dhih) in yoga; They the great wise ones who belong To the expansive wisest One. There is but one Master of Wisdom Who upholds all our sacred endeavours. Indeed great is the all round praise to that celestial divine sun-like Brilliant One. I wish all sadhakas and participants of the yoga events organized by CYTER success in such a yoga. Yogo vah sa-phalee-bhooyaat. Shri-gurudeva-sevayam
Mahamandaleshwar Swami Veda Bharati,D. Litt. Association of Himalayan Yoga Meditation Societies International (of AHYMSIN) Swami Rama Sadhaka grama, Virbhadra Road, Rishikesh (Uttarakhand) 249203.
[email protected],
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MESSAGE OF BLESSINGS It is indeed a pleasure and a privilege to hail one and all at the time of international recognition of Yoga by celebrating Yoga Day. Yogic spirit should be reflected in every aspect of our life; not simply carrying out some asanas and pranayama in the morning. The yogic spirit should permeate every thought, word and deed; the four attitudes that Sage Patanjali describes [1:33] should be followed. They are maitree, karuna, mudita and upeksha - namely friendliness (and not jealousy, in case of someone being happy), compassion (towards someone in distress), happiness (when someone is virtuous) and indifference (in case of vice). These are very potent methods for generating peace within oneself and in spreading serenity without. If everyone follows this mantra, there would be no hostility; only love for all beings. Let yoga spirit prevail.
Prof T. M. Srinivasan, Ph. D. Dean, Division of Yoga & Physical Sciences S-VYASA Yoga University, Bengaluru
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MESSAGE OF BLESSINGS I am extremely happy to know that CYTER in the Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Pondicherry are planning to organise a mega event on June 21-26, 2015 to celebrate the International Day of Yoga 2015. CYTER has been very successful in disseminating the knowledge of Yoga in a very useful way to the medical fraternity at the Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University and also by rendering yeomen service through yoga therapy. The team under the able leadership of Prof Madanmohan, with Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani as Deputy Director and Dr Meena Ramanathan as Co-ordinator is bringing together the ancient Indian art and science of Yoga and the modern medical science. Their research work is also bringing out a lot of valuable information to the world of Yoga and Medicine. I congratulate them and wish them success in their endeavours. The work of CYTER needs special commendation in that it is just not helping the affluent living in the metros but those who are economically weaker sections of the society living in and around Pondicherry.
I wish the function of International Day of Yoga 2015 all success. Sri S. Sridharan Trustee, Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Chennai Member, Governing Body, MDNIY, New Delhi
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MESSAGE OF BLESSINGS Yoga is a practice and a “Method of Knowing” that which is worthy of understanding and experiencing. The Various practices which are body, breath and mind oriented serves this purpose. Having a skewed view that yoga is confined to intensive practices of postures and focusing on this dimension alone can limit our knowledge and experiences. Refining the mind to achieve clarity about life situations and enhancing the quality of existence is central to Yoga practices. On this “International Day of Yoga” the efforts to promote health and well being across the world is a worthy self-empowerment initiative. A true spirit of caring and sharing is best achieved with application of yoga in a holistic sense. Even a little bit of practice can be protective, and for those who live the life of a yogi.....there is no limit.
Lets us pray for divine grace and blessings
Dr. Latha Satish Trustee, Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram Psychologist and Yoga Therapist, Chennai
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MESSAGE OF BLESSINGS I am glad to hear that a mega event is being organized on the occasion of the International Day of Yoga by the Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (CYTER) at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Puducherry from 21-26th June, 2015. In this era of globalization, when we are exploring new heights of advancement, our ancient wisdom and cultural practices face a new kind of challenge. Amidst materialistic developments and ambitions, the hassles of life continue to increase and people find themselves confronted with many lifestyle disorders. The void between peace and progress raises a question on the sustainability of mankind itself and Yoga is the only path that can only emerge as the bridge between the two. Yoga in itself signifies awareness, integrity, harmony and equipoise. I believe Yoga should be equally accessible to the masses, regardless of their socio-cultural or socio-economic background, and that universality of the Yoga shall be the central message of the International Day of Yoga. I am sure that this event and its souvenir will spread awareness about yoga and through the efforts of the CYTER team, would accomplish all its desired objectives. Dr. Chinmay Pandya Pro Vice-Chancellor, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar
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MESSAGE OF BLESSINGS As a student of the Raja Yoga lineage of Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj, it is an honour and joy for me to write a message of blessings in support of the celebrations of the International Day of Yoga 2015, organized by CYTER in the Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Pondicherry. It is time that the world recognizes yoga not only as a valuable tool for health and happiness but, most importantly, as a way of life. It is indeed a day to celebrate when people from different traditions come together to unite in harmony, to support each other’s spiritual growth, to share philosophical, cultural and political sattvic choices. My heartfelt blessings to CYTER for the most valuable work you do in sharing the pearls of wisdom extracted from the science and art of yoga, for researching, for never giving up, for disseminating the seeds, for welcoming people who, like me, come to yoga from a different culture and language, but always with a pure heart and immense gratitude. May this be the first of many days of celebration! May we come together to foster peace, union, and the sharing of high spiritual goals and ideas.
May we work together in peace, may we get along, may we support each other. Aum Shanti Shanti ShantiAum. Yogacharini Sangeeta Laura Biagi, Ph.D. Senior Yoga Teacher, ICYER at Ananda Ashram, Pondicherry Visiting Assistant Professor, Vassar College, New York
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It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to this week-long programme planned by us to celebrate the International Day of Yoga which is being celebrated not only in India but all over the world on 21 June. CYTER is organizing a public awareness programme at MGMCRI City Centre on 21 June with mass performance of the Common Yoga Protocol being performed all over the country as directed by the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India. We are also giving yoga awareness programmes for staff and students of the four constituent colleges of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University from 22 to 25 June. I am pleased to welcome you especially for the National Seminar and CME on “Therapeutic Potential of Yoga” being conducted in collaboration with the Dept of Physiology, MGMCRI on 26 June 2015. At the outset, I wish to express my heart-felt gratitude to our hon’ble Chairman, Shri MK Rajagoplan for his encouragement and support for organizing this programme. I am grateful to our hon’ble Chancellor, Prof. Pagadala Rajaram for his inspiring encouragement. Guidance and support of our respected Vice-Chancellor, Prof. KR Sethuraman made planning of the programme a smooth affair. Dean, Research and PG studies, Professor N Anathakrishnan has been a source of inspiration and motivation. I am grateful for the support of our Dean (Administration) Prof. M Ravishankar, Medical Superintendent, Dr Nirmal Coumare and Additional Director, Dr S Ravichandran for their support. Logistic support by the management of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University is gratefully acknowledged. I am grateful for the support extended by the Department of Biochemistry. I thank my colleagues from the Department of Physiology and CYTER for their unconditional support. I am sure that the academic programme will be enlightening and enjoyable experience for you and wish you all the best for the week-long celebration.
Dr. Madanmohan
Organizing Chairman MGMCRI
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FROM THE DESK OF THE ORGANIZING SECRETARY It is a great pride for every Indian that the efforts of our honorable Prime Minster Shri Narendra Modiji bore fruit and the United Nations declared June 21 as the International Day of Yoga. We at CYTER in the Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University have planned a weeklong celebration with various multifaceted activities from 21 to 26 June 2015. In collaboration with Pondicherry Yogasana Association we have organised a Public Awareness Programme with free Yoga therapy consultations, talks and lecture-demonstrations at MGMC&RI City Centre from 7am to 1.30pm on 21 June. There will be a Mass Yoga Practice of the Yoga Day Protocol from 7 am as per guidelines issued by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India. From 22 to 25 June, the CYTER team will conduct Yoga Awareness Programmes for students and staff of the constituent colleges of the SBVU. We will give presentations, lecture-demonstrations and practical instructions to staff and students of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Satya Sai Medical College and Research Institute and Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute. It is imperative that medical and paramedical students receive a positive introduction to Yoga and its therapeutic potential during their formative years and latest guidelines of Medical Council of India recommended introduction of Yoga for medical students. Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth is one of the first to comply with these guidelines and through CYTER is giving regular training to medical and paramedical students in its Pillayarkuppam campus. The crest jewel of the celebration is surely the National Seminar and CME on “Therapeutic Potential of Yoga” that we are organising in collaboration with Dept of Physiology at MGMCRI on 26 June 2015. The day-long event will have lectures, lecture-demonstrations and panel discussion featuring eminent medical and Yoga experts from all over the country. We are especially pleased to welcome to our MGMC&RI campus for the first time the world renowned Ammaji Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani of ICYER at Ananda Ashram, Pondicherry; Prof BN Gangadhar of NIMHANS Bengaluru; Dr Manoj Naik from Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute Pune and Dr Kausthub Desikachar, son and successor of Yogacharya TKV Desikachar from the Sannidhi of Krishnamacharya Yoga Chennai. We welcome all of you to enjoy the entire week of events and join us in paying tribute to the rich and varied cultural heritage of our country from which the art and science of Yoga has sprung for the benefit of humanity.
Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani
Deputy Director, CYTER, MGMC&RI
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Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani
Director ICYER at Ananda Ashram and Yoganjali Natyalayam Pondicherry-13. There is an art in knowing how to grow! There is a method in every madness, even divine madness. Of course, this should not be so surprising! Gardens don’t suddenly appear! There is a method, an art in cultivating a garden: one must know many things. What type of soil, how much sun is needed, how much water, the quality of the seeds, at what depth they should be placed, how far apart! Quite a bit of information must be in hand if the garden is to grow successfully. How long it takes for the seed to sprout for the plant to mature, when the first flower, fruit or vegetable can be expected…..For all things there is a season, and a time for all things under the sun. A wise man does not interfere in the growing process, but rather bides his time and flows with it! When we are aware of all this in our mundane existence, why on earth do we expect spiritual growth to occur “just like that”! We must know when and where and how the unfolding occurs. Well! Of course, as we all know, humans are mostly foolish creatures! That is one explanation as to why we want to eat fruits out of season, why we want to obtain things without working for them or earning them! When we wake up and realize that there is an art to spiritual growth, we will be able to develop the skill to make that growth more certain and conscious. Growth implies that one becomes better at some time in the future than they are in the present moment. Better what? The answer depends on the goals one has chosen! Richer? More beautiful? More skillful? More powerful? More loving? The list is endless. Those interested in the spirit will want to grow in spirit, evolving and expanding consciousness and cultivating virtue. But often we feel we are just hitting our heads against a stone wall! What has happened? Why are we unable to progress? Why do we suffer so many failures, so many setbacks? Perhaps it is time to contemplate the whole concept of growth and progress. First we must first divest ourselves of a deeply entrenched notion! That growth and progress is linear. This is a gigantic error in human thinking! The idea that we move between point A and point B on a straight line is a totally wrong idea! Only rockets go straight up, not people! Spiritual evolution does not occur exponentially along that straight line. Evolution or spiritual unfolding can be understood more as a spiral, which goes round and round, but nevertheless, lifts slightly when each circle is complete. This is why many who undertake spiritual pursuits feel “they are not making progress,” that they are going in circles! Well! In fact they are! But, and here is the point! Those circles are gradually lifting and getting smaller as they lift, until at the height of it all, the circle becomes a Bindu, a powerful point of convergent forces. This implies that one does the same thing, over and over (Repetition, Rhythm, Regularity) but each time the cycle is complete, it is done with a slightly higher level of awareness, consciousness and vision.
32 | Yoga for Harmony & Peace There are many other concepts implied in understanding the subtle, invisible structures of growth. Usually, in the beginning there will be a great spurt of enthusiasm and growth will be rapid. This explains enthusiastic testimonials by novitiates in any art or skill! There is great exhilaration in this, an adrenalin fix that produces an endomorphic high –The thrill of achievement! This explains why newcomers to difficult disciplines like Bharat Natyam, Yoga, Carnatic music, various types of western classical music or difficult dance forms like ballet or various kinds of intense sports, often experience great “changes” in the first few months of practice. They think that this progress is linear and they will continue to go straight up. The aspirant enjoys a true “high”! Soon, the dust of every day sets in, and more often than not, the feeling emerges that one is running on a treadmill and getting nowhere. This creates a peculiar enervating despair. One feels at this stage as though one is hitting one’s head against the proverbial “Zen wall.” As one gets better and better at the skills required in the art, it becomes more and more difficult to “improve,” One feels “stuck in the mud,” locked in the daily grind, going nowhere! This is a crucial stage in growth. Many stop here, never to proceed further. They give up! They cannot tolerate making a big effort and yet not receiving any tangible reward. A teacher of any art that requires life – long practice such as Bharat Natyam, Carnatic music or Yoga is well aware of this point. The majority of those who begin the journey, drop out here, unable to endure the monotony of the non-ruminative, often boring pattern of Regularity, Repetition and Rhythm. Sometimes, in disappointment, they change teachers, feeling their stagnation is due to poor instruction, or faulty techniques. If one sticks with the discipline and persists beyond this point and puts in the 10,000 hours of effort (The amount of practice time estimated by researchers to achieve mastery in any endeavour), their skill becomes second nature, a natural function of their being. It is only then that creativity can enter the field and express itself using the “10,000 hours of disciplined, hard effort” as a basis from which to make a gigantic leap. One must be stubborn to persist, when one is not experiencing any sense of accomplishment or feeling of progress. Certain qualities of character like persistence, endurance, stoicism and cheerfulness are absolutely necessary for spiritual advancement. Progress in spiritual unfolding, growth, can also be understood as climbing a stairway. One step up and then there is a period of stagnation. Then, another upward step, then stagnation. A climb, then a plateau, a climb, a plateau. Or making effort, relaxing effort. Making effort, relaxing effort. This is called Spanda (effort) in Yoga, or push and then, Nishpanda, letting go. Push , let go. This is like waves rhythmically lapping the shore. One practices, acquires skill and insight. The wave of effort breaks on the shore, then goes back, leaving a residue. The wave recedes, then, crests again, more knowledge is gathered in the forward momentum to add to that residue. Little by little, the sand bank of realization and insight builds up. Another paradigm can be constructed to understand the pattern of growth. Sometimes it is like a valley-shaped curve. One has to go down before one can go up. One has to start at the bottom, before one can make the climb. Progress towards
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virtue, towards the Yamas and Niyamas, the cultivation of morality is like that. One must go down to see one’s flaws, one’s faults and failings down to the dirty cellar of Samskara stored for lifetimes in sub consciousness, before one can go up. One must experience the humiliation of knowing just how low one can go, just how undeveloped one is, before excellence in virtue can be achieved. Rock bottom is the solid place to start the upward climb. Another useful pattern to contemplate is this: in the beginning one must be rigid, disciplined, unbending in one’s practice, in one’s efforts, until a certain level is attained. After that, the discipline can be more flexible. Playfulness and creativity can then be enjoyed on that solid scaffolding. All real excellence in spirituality, virtue, or for that matter, almost any authentic human endeavour (not fame or glory which is created by media manipulation and mass hypnosis and hysteria, but real genuine mastery, artistry and excellence), is a deeply moral activity in which the aspirant must defeat his/ her own natural desires and egotistical motivations. One has to fight the urge not only to self-celebrate but also the need to self-deprecate. Here is where the ancient Yogic values of Vairagya (detachment) and Viveka (discernment) must be joined to Abhyasa (disciplined effort towards a goal). One must literally see oneself from a distance as though looking at the earth from the moon. The pinnacle of spiritual growth is at the top of the spiral. There stands Ahamkara, the sense of individual self, the ego. This is the last point, the last frontier which must be crossed to transcend from humanity to Divinity. It is the peak of the material mountain, the summit of all experience, where the sense of “I am” is experienced. It is there that the Sadhak, the seeker after truth, must make that leap of faith into the abyss, into the unknown, into the far reaches of outer (inner) space. Then a miracle occurs … The flight of the Alone to the Alone. On the wings of Vairagya and Viveka, having faithfully practiced long periods of time with Abhyasa, disciplined focused effort, one may make that final glorious journey to Freedom, Mastery, Moksha!
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Mahamandaleshwar Swami Veda Bharati, D.Litt.
Swami Rama Sadhakagrama, Virbhadra Road, Rishikesh (Uttarakhand) 249203.
[email protected], On the very first sutra of the Yoga-sutras of Patanjali, Vyasa defines : ‘Yogahsamadhih’. Yoga [means] samadhi. The most authentic ancient text of Ayurveda, Charka-Samhita, states: ‘Yogo moksha-pravartakah’; Yoga is that which impels and grants spiritual liberation (Sharira-sthana - 1.137) In the classical Kannada text Shunya-sampadane we read: Allama Prabhu enters Animishadeva’s meditation chamber and witnesses His corporal sense decorporalised; His will stilled in will-lessness; His eye held in fixity; His sight blotted; His lashes unblinking; His consciousness steady; The tremor of his sense of himself abolished; His sense of the other stopped; The gap between ‘two’ vanished; Himself become all himself; Bearing all his impulses on a point where mind dwindles to nought; Having fulfilled to himself the meaning of the doctrine “Void (shunya) at the top; Void at the base; Void at the centre”; Free from defect; All empty of mental appearances --These are the characteristics of one who is in [samadhi] trance[having] become an image absorbed in the trance of Reality. Shunya-sampadane, First Upadesha, vachana 19; (translated by S.C. Nandimath, L.M.A.Menezes, R.C. Hieremath) How far are we from this definition and this goal of yoga in our day to day practices and the interpretation of yoga? In the dialogue between the Greek king Menander (Milinda in Pali) and Bhikshu Nagasena, in Milindapanha (a Pali text), ( partially paraphrased here) we are advised : One who practices the sadhana of yoga has five qualities of the ocean.
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• The ocean does not keep a dead body as such for long. So, the practitioner of yoga does not let abide in himself the defects like attraction, aversion, confusion, pride, self-adoration, boasting, jealousy, envy, malice, deceit, crookedness, roughness, bad moral conduct, and affliction. • Even though the ocean holds in itself pearls and many kinds of jewels, but keeps them concealed, so should a sadhaka of yoga attain in himself the jewels like right path, fruits [of sadhana], meditation, samadhi, coalescence, insight, wisdom and so forth. These one should keep concealed and not put on display. • The Ocean keeps an association with the largest of creatures. So should a sadhaka of yoga keep company with a great monk who has these qualities: one who desires very little, is contented, speaks with a steadiness, has pure conduct, is modest, soft-natured, deep, venerable, eloquent, zealous, rejecting vice, listener of the precepts of others, granting precepts to others, an expounder, guide to the right path, generating a sentiment of dedication in others by his homilies of dharma, and a benefactor. • As the ocean receives the waters of all thousands of rivers as well as streams from clouds, yet it does not break its boundaries, so a sadhaka of yoga receiving benefit, respect, prostrations, honours, yet should not break the boundaries of the precepts. • As the ocean receives the waters of all thousands of rivers as well as streams from the clouds, yet it does not become all full [unable to receive more], so a sadhaka of yoga must never be satiated in learning, conversing about dharma, listening to the precepts of others, contemplating these, examining these, studying the depths of philosophy and sacred texts… Milinda-panha-pali. 6 Opamma-katha-panhe, 2 samudda-vaggo, 10 samuddanga-panho
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Prof. M Venkata Reddy
Ex-Director, Govt. Vemana Yoga Institute, Secunderabad. Email:
[email protected] Introduction: Yoga practices will influence the physical, physiological and bio-chemical changes. It had been reported that there was an improvement in pulmonary functions, cardio respiratory efficiency, biochemical parameters and anthropometry in normal healthy volunteers and athletes on regular practice of Yoga. It was also observed that yoga did help to strengthen the spine musculature resulting in a better quality of non-specific back pain relief as well as an improvement in asthmatic and diabetic conditions. Roots of yoga as a science: The Bhagavad-Gita refers to the yoga tradition as Puratana (meaning ‘ancient1 or age old) in the oftquoted third verse of Chapter IV. Even during the period of the early Upanishads, our forefathers started making clear distinctions between three sciences viz., Apara Vidya (Science). Para Vidya(Spirituality) and Adhyatma Vidya (Yoga Mundaka Upanishad- 1.4 to l.1.5). ln Vibhuti Yoga of Gita dealing with Special divine manifestations like Himalya among mountains, Ganga among rivers, Sum among syllable? etc. Lord Krishna says” ADHYATMA -VIDYA VIDYANAM (AHAM). Among sciences in particular Adhyatma Vidya - (Yoga) (X.32). The theoretical and practical aspects of Yoga viz., Adhyatma Vidya (Science of Yoga) and Yoga Vidhi (rules of Yoga Practice) respectively are dealt in the Katha Upanishad (11.3.18). For thousands of years individuals and small groups of Sadhakas have systematically explored their own nature and that of the universe with the methods and patterns of yoga. The excavation of seals portraying deities in time-honoured meditative postures in the cities at Mohenjo-daro, Harappa and Cambe-Sindh gulf (7000 BC) and Thungabhadra Valley civilization in Andhra Pradesh strongly indicate that the foundations of classical yoga tradition is as old as Indian civilization and culture, On account of its systematic, experimental approach to personal growth, yoga has sometimes been referred as a science in. “Gita as YOGA SHASTRA” i.e., science of yoga mentioned at the end of every chapter of the colophon. In the 1920’s the first laboratory devoted to the study of yoga was established in Kaivalyadhama near Pune, India. Along with the continuing fundamental studies on yoga since the 1950’s, there have been studies on yoga by various research laboratories and universities throughout the world. There were some scientific investigations reported by Late Sri Ramananda Yogi, the founder Director, Vemana Yoga Research institute. With the growing interest of the common people, the Government of A.P established this Institute as Government Vemana Yoga Research Institute in Secunderabad on 1.11.1978. The research work started during early 1980’s. We feel very happy to present this paper of “Scientific Studies on Yoga” conducted at Vemana Yoga Research Institute.
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These studies are devoted to three aspects of Yoga, namely case studies, scientific and therapeutic aspects and comparison with physical exercises in athletes. Specialty of our studies: We are conducting a number of experiments in our most sophisticated laboratory for the past two and half decades. yy Morgan Transfer Test was used for the first time for Lung Testing in the Indian Yoga field. yy Longest follow up studies on diabetes. yy At the Institute, research in the effect of yoga on diseases planned to establish a “cause - and effect relationship” in the first instance, and if possible, to understand the mechanisms involved in order to bring out changes in diseases through yogic practices. yy In the studies done by others, the combined effect of several yogic practices was observed, while this Institute carried out the studies with selected the yogic practices individually or in small groups keeping in view common man. yy This is to identify yogic practices, which have a greater effect on the control of diseases, so that patients may benefit by concentrating on them. yy Extensive work and the largest follow up studies had been done on diseases like asthma, diabetes, and obesity etc. yy Selection of Yogic practices is based on authentic yoga/Hatha Yoga treatises only. In this contest it is worthwhile to mention that the author of this article have been long association with Dr. Swami Gitanandaji, Founder of Anandashram, Pondicherry. The author / editor book reviewed 3½ pages by Swamiji (Yoga life Vol. 16, No.9, September 1985) commented as follows “Such works are timely when research into the literary aspects of Yoga as well as the Scientific aspects of yoga are becoming popular”. As per the blessings of Swamiji, the Hatharatnavali Text selected for TKDL Project, CSIR, Govt. of India for Patent Rights for Yoga and this text referred in textual references of common yoga protocol day of yoga celebrations 2015. yy Simple yogic practices were recommended to the common people. yy This Institute has given India and especially Andhra Pradesh a place in the world map of Yoga. It is one of the unique Yoga Institutions in the World having sophisticated modern laboratories and conducting scientific, philosophical and literary research in yoga. yy This Institute has cleared the misconceptions of people regarding physical exercise, Surya Namaskar, and Yoga irrespective of caste creed, colour and aid the path to scientific research in Yoga and increased awareness of the benefits of yoga. We have created a Yogic Materia Medica by prescribing appropriate Yogasanas for the specific health disorders. yy Research conducted in VYRI has conclusively established beneficial efforts of Paranayama for patients suffering from respiratory disorders. yy We have proved that there is a reduction in blood glucose and consequent dependence on insulin and oral hypoglycaemia drugs in diabetic patients after practising Dhanurasana, Ardha-matsyendraasamas & Pranmayama. yy It has also been reported in our research that regular practice of Yoga Mudra and Shalabhasana harmful and advised not to practice by the diabetic patients. Conversely, irregular practice will lead to aggravation. yy Back-ache and neck pains were relieved within one month of practice of Niralambasana, Bhujangasana, Ushatrasana etc.
38 | Yoga for Harmony & Peace Conclusion & Acknowledgements: All the scientific studies were carried at Govt. Vemana Yoga Research Institute, Secunderabad (Health and Medical Department). Some of the contributors of our researches were Prof. Dr. Late K. J. R. Murthy, (Chest Physician), Prof. Dr. B.K. Sahay (Diabetologist), Prof. Dr. B.N. Prasad, (Orthopedic Surgeon), Prof. Dr. D. Girija Kumari (Research Professor of this institute), Dr. Madhavi Sunitha, (Senior Medical Officer), Dr. P.S. Raju (Senior Medical Officer) and Sri. K.V.V. Prasad (Bio Chemist) of this institute. We are grateful to the contributors for their co-operation in bringing out this study. Vemana Yoga Research Institute is considered a unique Institution in the field of yoga by many. It was thought desirable to include outlines of the scientific work, particularly Bio¬chemical and Bio-medical effects of yoga. This study is designed as an aid for further scientific study. Researchers will find a thorough overview of experimental results, which, it is hoped, will stimulate more extensive investigations. Medical doctors, yoga therapists, P.G Diploma students, graduates of B.N.Y.S., Post-graduates and Ph.D. level students in Yoga will find data suggesting therapeutic applications and clinical application of yoga. References: 1. Scientific Studies on Yoga, conducted at Vemana Yoga Research Institute, during 27 years (19782005), Pub. By: Prof. M. Venkata Reddy, Secretary, Andhra Pradesh Yogadhyayana Parishad, Begumpet, Hyderabad, 2008 2. TKDL Project, CSIR, HRD Dept., Govt. of India, 2005. 3. Common Yoga Protocol Booklet, International Day of Yoga, June 21, 2015, Dept. of AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi (Textbook References), 2015.
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Prof. Ramesh Bijlani, MD, DSc (Yoga)
Sri Aurobindo Ashram – Delhi Branch New Delhi 110 016.
[email protected] Thus shall the earth open to divinity And common natures feel the wide uplift, Illumine common acts with the Spirit’s ray And meet the deity in common things. Nature shall live to manifest secret God, The Spirit shall take up the human play, This earthly life become the life divine. Sri Aurobindo (Savitri, Book 11, Canto 1, pp. 710-711) Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy is rooted in Vedanta, but has a distinct tilt, a unique emphasis, and a significant extension. Vedanta is a spiritual philosophy, the three pillars of which are the Upanishads, the Gita, and the Brahma Sutras. A key feature of Vedanta is that the creation of the material universe was the result of a non-material Supreme Consciousness itself becoming the universe. In other words, the Creator did not create the creation; It became the creation. Thus, through the process of creation, the Creator became visible in a material form, or manifested itself. Hence all creation is the Creator (called God or the Divine) itself in a material form. As a corollary, it follows that the Divine is present in every bit of the creation. For example, if a child takes a square piece of paper, folds it, and makes a boat out of it, we do not need any evidence to prove that the paper is present in every bit of the boat. Since the boat is nothing but the paper in another form, the paper has an all-pervasive presence throughout the boat. Similarly, the universe is nothing but the Divine in another form. Therefore, the Divine has an all-pervasive presence throughout the universe. The universal presence of the Divine is what is called the Spirit, and the presence of the Divine in an individual is what is called the Soul. With this basic background, let us examine three highlights of Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy. A life-affirming tilt The basic philosophy remaining the same, its implications for life can be diametrically opposite depending on the way we interpret it. One interpretation is that since the fundamental imperishable and constant Reality of all creation is the One Divine, the multiplicity, plurality and differentiation that characterize creation are an illusion. Although our ordinary life revolves around that illusion, the aim of life is to overcome that illusion. Therefore, we should treat this illusion with the contempt that it deserves, treat the illusion as an obstacle to the Realization of the One Reality that is truly real, and at best tolerate the illusion as a necessary evil till we shed the body and, hopefully, attain the bliss of liberation in heaven. This makes everlasting moksha (liberation) and escape from the cycle of birth and death the highest goal of life. This is a life-negating tilt, and its logical consequence is a dichotomy between worldly life and spiritual life. A select few go to the Himalayas or a cave and pursue the One that really matters; but the vast majority cannot afford such a luxury, and are therefore condemned to a worldly life full of suffering and injustice till death provides some respite.
40 | Yoga for Harmony & Peace Another interpretation of Vedanta is that the world is not an illusion but a manifestation of the Divine. If the Divine is Real, its manifestation cannot be unreal. We cannot accept the invisible form of the Divine as Real, and reject its visible form as unreal. That would be rejecting one aspect of the very Reality that we consider to be Imperishable. Although the visible form of the Divine is perishable, it is only the form that is perishable; the essence is Imperishable. Although the visible form is temporary, it is eternal in its recurrence. To give an analogy, the deeper reality of pots is clay, but while the pots exist, the pots are not unreal. They may break, and the clay we get from them may be recycled to give us new pots of a different shape, but that does not mean that the pots are an illusion. Thus the world may be a temporary reality, not the Absolute Reality, but it is not unreal. Further, if the universe is real, and to take it as the entire reality is the result of ignorance, the aim of life should be to get rid of the ignorance so that we can see the world and worldly life as imperfect manifestations of the perfect Divine. That is possible only by engaging with the world with love and a feeling of oneness. As we overcome the ignorance, the world becomes a better place to live in. Thus the goal of life is to use worldly life as a vehicle for overcoming ignorance. Hence, the world and worldly life should not be rejected, but transformed to be worthy of the One that they manifest. This is an interpretation that affirms life, accepts life, and embraces life wholeheartedly. Through this interpretation, worldly life is enriched and moves towards its highest possibilities. It is this life-affirming tilt that Sri Aurobindo gave to Vedanta. The emphasis on evolution When the Supreme Consciousness chose to manifest as the material universe, it became matter, which seemed to know nothing and could apparently do nothing. What a great fall! The all-knowing, allpowerful assumed a form that was highly ignorant and powerless. Thus, creation was an act of gross self-limitation, which may be called involution. However, the Supreme Consciousness did not disappear by becoming matter; it only hid itself. Then began the process of expressing the Supreme Consciousness, bit by bit, through the process of evolution. First came life, which expressed the Consciousness of the Supreme a little better than matter. Then came the mind, which expressed it still better. Man is the latest product of the process of evolution. Man has, by far, the best developed mind. But even man expresses only a small fraction of the Supreme Consciousness. However, man is unique in being able to evolve in consciousness during life through its ‘own efforts’. Self-realized seers and mystics express the Supreme Consciousness almost completely, but what enables them to express It is not a better developed mind but an element that is qualitatively different from the mind. These seers and mystics give a glimpse of what the next stage in evolution will be like. The evolutionary perspective finds a very prominent place in Sri Aurobindo’s spiritual philosophy. A futuristic extension Sri Aurobindo has given the assurance that the next leap in evolution, which will introduce a principle higher than the mind (the super-mind or the supra-mental) on a significant scale in the world, is round the corner. As a result, a consciousness significantly higher than the mental, which has been so far confined to a rare few, will become the norm. Further, since man can evolve during its lifetime, if a sufficiently large number of human beings engage consciously in living a life that would lead to accelerated growth of consciousness, the average level of consciousness in the world would register a significant rise. Thus, man can collaborate with nature and thereby accelerate the process of evolution. A collective rise in
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consciousness of our planet is the goal of Sri Aurobindo’s yoga. The practical implication of a rise in the average level of earth consciousness is that the affairs of the world would then be conducted from that higher plane of awareness. At that plane, the ego-driven ignorant consciousness that works on the basis of superficial differences and divisions is replaced by a knowledgeable consciousness that acts on the basis of the underlying oneness. That will be the ultimate solution to the problems of human existence such as evil, injustice and suffering. The highly optimistic futuristic extension of spiritual philosophy is Sri Aurobindo’s unique contribution to Vedanta. Closing thoughts Sri Aurobindo was a seer who was also a philosopher. Philosophy can be based on rational analysis. Truth based on rational analysis can be erroneous, and is always subject to doubts and questions. But a seer has experienced the Truth. Experience has a certainty that leaves no room for doubts and questions. Therefore, the one who has experienced the Truth is called a Realized Soul, which means that the Truth has become real to him. Sri Aurobindo’s magnum opus on spiritual philosophy, The Life Divine, is based on his Realization, but for the sake of intellectuals, he has also analyzed and rationalized his experiences. Since he was not only a great seer but also an intellectual genius, The Life Divine is extremely thorough, thoroughly rational, and leaves no question untouched or unresolved. A more complete and poetic description of Sri Aurobindo’s experiences, and a summary of his spiritual philosophy, are also available in his epic, Savitri. Savitri is truly an Upanishad in the English language. Sri Aurobindo wrote about a hundred years ago but gave a roadmap that can serve mankind well for at least a few thousand years.
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Prof T. M. Srinivasan, Ph. D.
Professor, Sri Vivekananda Yoga Anusandana Samastan, Bengaluru Meditation It is important to understand the term meditation. In Yoga Aphorisms of Sage Patanjali, many words are used precisely to indicate various stages of dhyana and those associated with kaivalya or transcendence. In English, words such as meditation, freedom, consciousness, self, awareness etc, are used in very general terms. Meditation (as used in English) is a generic term, having many connotations. It may mean sitting quietly observing a scene, repeating a few words or phrases, closing eyes and listening to music, breathing in a patterned way, and many more. Even closing one’s eyes and repeating a word or a phrase such as say, ‘three’ goes by the name meditation! Thus, it becomes important to define what meditation is and use the right terms (using Sanskrit ones if English words are not adequate) in a consistent manner. Requirements for Meditation: Dhyana Yoga What normally passes as meditation in English language is really concentration or focused awareness. Dhyana – usually translated as meditation in English – has very specific meaning in Sanskrit. The term that should be used for focused awareness is dharana and for meditation is dhyana. Dhyana is a word used to define a method to reach an internal state of the mind wherein the mind is made to seek its origin within us. In contrast, focused awareness is applying the mind to a task that could be in our external environment. For example, in focused awareness, a person might be solving a mathematical task or reading a book intently or listening to music deeply. In dhyana, on the other hand, the mind seeks its source within the body or actually within the ‘heart’ (i.e., center of being). In terms of Raja Yoga, this state can be approached only after intense practice of the stages earlier to this step. Those who desire liberation have already practiced the initial stages of yama, niyama, asana, pranayama and pratyahara and have achieved proficiency in these areas (as overseen by a competent guru). Yama are adherences (such as non-killing, also, avoid eating meat), niyama are observances (such as austerity and study of scriptures), asanas are postures that promote ability to overcome the constraints of the body (sitting immobile for a while which is necessary for dharana and dhyana), pranayama (controlling the prana as a means to control the mind) and pratyahara (restraining the senses that normally lead the mind in different directions). Several points should be noted at this stage. First, the practitioner should ideally go through all the above stages to start an inward journey. Proficiency at each stage is a prerequisite for progress to the next stage. We should note that at every stage, there is an allusion to the eternal principle, namely Purusha; the overall model of Prakruti and Purusha is kept in our mind with a focus on the goal to be achieved. If we want to control samskaras (results of our previous karmas), we should know the states or levels that it could take. Purification of the mind in the real sense is indeed purifying the samskaras alone. There are
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many methods suggested for this purification. Tapas is one method. Another method for this purification is to perform good deeds such as giving alms or supporting people who are on the path to realization, students and others. Another way recommended in the Yoga Sutras is the attitude of pratipaksabhava. This is an attitude to be cultivated which oppose our attraction to material things and desire to possess them. This is a difficult method for most of us; often we know we need to curb the feelings that are inappropriate but cultivating an opposing attitude at that time is not easy. The commentators of the Yoga Sutras have explained the methods presented above for restraining and ultimately transcending all desires. When we rise above our desires, we have reached purity of thought and action, known assmruti parisuddhi. In dhyana, we require a strong resolve to maintain the state of dhyana. When we get up from dhyana, we say I was in dhyana. In samadhi however, resolve is not involved; it is a natural state to which a trained mind precipitates. In samadhi, the meditator, meditation and the object of meditation all merge into one single entity. All relative concepts disappear and only one activity of the mind persists. This is called samprajnata samadhi, a state in which the mind is still immersed in an object of meditation. The next higher state of samadhi is asamprajnata samadhi wherein the mind is totally still and purusha is established in its own pure and unsullied state.
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Yogächarya S. Sridharan
Trustee, Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram , Chennai Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (KYM) is a non-profit public charitable trust, established by Shri T K V Desikachar, son and student of the legendary Yogächarya T Krishnamacharya. The work done at KYM is based on the teachings of T Krishnamacharya, handed down by T K V Desikachar. Given below are some of the principles used in the approach to Yoga Therapy at KYM. In this quotes from some of the texts are given. These texts which contain the teachings of T. Krishnamacharya have been published by KYM. (1) No two individuals are alike and hence everyone has to be treated separately. Therefore Yoga practice for every individual will be ‘unique’ and ‘tailor-made’. SwUl>k«zStwazu:k> v³> p¼‚>zrIirt> AtSte;a< n svaRi[ ivihtaNyasnainvE sthülaùkåçastathäçuñkaùvakraùpaìguùçaréritaù atasteñäànasarväëivihitänyäsanänivai (Yoga Rahasya I.31) Owing to differences in the body structure all the äsanas are not meant for everybody. For in reality people are stout, lean, crooked or lame. (2) Also on account of differences in the place of stay, life styles, work, seasons, etc. the yoga practice will differ. dehÉedat! dezÉedat! v&iÄÉeda½ nEkxa \tuÉeda½ jayNte raegaSs¼en svRda dehabhedätdeçabhedätvåttibhedäccanaikadhä åtubhedäccajäyanterogässaìgenasarvadä (Yoga Rahasya I.24) On account of the differences in the individual bodies, places, occupations and seasons, human beings are stricken with many kinds of diseases. (3) A yoga course devised for therapy purposes will consist of äsana, präëäyäma, Dhyäna and often prescriptions relating to diet and lifestyle as well.
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Aasna_yast>keict! àa[ayamenkecn AaharXyaninymE>keicCDaôIykmR[a invayRNte=iolaraega>àÉlaÊbRlaAip äsanäbhyäsataùkecitpräëäyämenakecana ähäradhyänaniyamaiùkecicchästréyakarmaëä niväryante’khilärogäùprabhalädurbaläapi (Yoga Rahasya I.28) All illnesses irrespective of whether they are simple or complicated can be cured through Yoga. Some are cured by äsana, some by präëäyäma, some by diet, some by disciplines and some by Vedic rituals. (4) In deciding on a yoga course for an individual particularly for therapy purposes, factors relating to age, work done by the individual, place of stay, surroundings, energy and strength of the person is taken. kaldezvyaev&iÄzi®tvIRúyivcar[at!, yaegàyaeg< k…vIRt }ain maEinijtaTmvan!. käladeçavayovåttiçakttirvékñyavicäraëät | yogaprayogaàkurvétajïänimaunijitätmavän || (Yoga Rahasya I.30) Before Yoga is taught the teacher should consider the time, surroundings, age, nature of employment, energy and strength of the person and his power of comprehension. The teacher must be learned and with self control. The most important emphasize is the personal practice for the Yoga Teacher (Therapist). Only when the teacher has achieved certain proficiency in Yoga through practice, which is depicted through the knowledge and the stature of the mind, he/she becomes fit to teach Yoga and that too as a Yoga Consultant for Therapy.
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Dr. Kausthub Desikachar, PhD
Sannidhi of Krishnamacharya Yoga, Chennai. Yoga Therapy is gaining significant attention in the modern world, and is fast becoming a very well recognized complementary system of healing and health care. Though an ancient discipline that had its origins in India, it has been embraced by the world rapidly over the last few decades. Yogacharya Sri T Krishnamacharya was a pioneer among the contemporary yogis to have revived this ancient system as applicable to our modern times. It is a discipline that offers a broad range of tools that can be useful in promoting health, supporting healing and personal transformation. Though Yoga is often associated with the practice of physical postures in contemporary times, there are many other invaluable tools of yoga that are very vital in the process of self empowered healing. Yoga therapy is a self-empowering process, where the care-seeker, with the help of the yoga therapist, implements a personalized and evolving yoga practice, that not only addresses the illness in a multidimensional manner, but also aims to alleviate his/her suffering in a progressive, non-invasive and complementary manner. One of the key advantages of a system like yoga is that it views the human system as a holistic entity and hence approaches health and well being from this perspective. This is why it offers so many tools in the healing process that address the holistic human system. Some of the most profound tools in yoga include postures, conscious breathing, meditation, lifestyle changes, visualizations, use of vocal sounds and food specifications. This makes the healing process very comprehensive and extremely specific to the individual.
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Dr. Manoj Naik, MD, DNB
Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute, Pune The ultimate purpose of Yoga is union of individual consciousness with cosmic consciousness. When this is achieved, all human suffering and miseries come to an end. To reach this zenith, yogic journey has to be followed intensely, under the guidance of a guru. Various obstacles come in this journey, which are to be overcome. One of the obstacles in the yogic path to emancipation is “ vyadhi ” or diseases. Thus a yogi has to overcome diseases if he has to reach kaivalya. Patanjali recommends eradication of diseases by “Ek tattva abhyasa”. Thus yoga sadhana is therapeutic for the Yogi. Can yoga help an ordinary individual in eradicating diseases ? or can it act as a therapeutics branch ? Yes, a realized yogi can offer guidance or help a sufferer or a fellows sadhaka to overcome these obstacles. Thus a realized guru can help average or ordinary fellows to tread this path by helping them overcome these obstacles and to realise yoga’s therapeutic potential. Yogic science is terse, based on principles and is subjective. There is no reference to which diseases can be cured. There is no mention of the treatment, diagnosis and management. Contrast this with modern medical science which has elaborate systems of training its students. Elaborate treatises on diagnosis, management of various diseases and various hospitals treatment, investigation and research centers for the same. Also modern medical terminologies are different. Can a link or bridge be formed between ancient yogic science and modern medical science, so that basis of yogic therapeutics be understood ? Yes !! certainly. Yoga has eight limbs – Yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. The Yamas are five viz ahimsa, satya, asteya, bramhacarya and aparigraha, How difficult to practice these vows will be made obvious by examples of leaders associated with these with Ahimsa and Satya, mahatma Gandhi, won our freedom struggle. Bramhacarya is exemplified by legendary figures such as Hanumana and Bhismacharya. These persons are akin to super specialists in yoga. In recent times the Yoga Guru BKS Iyengar has mastered the yogic limbs of Asana and Pranayama. By 80 years of glorious practices, he has brought about various hidden facts about asanas and pranayama, which throw light on various aspects of health and disease in a comprehensive way. World over millions of students have benefited by his method, which is now called Iyengar method. There are several research papers in scientific and peer reviewed medical literature which also testify the same. There are two aspects of Yogic practices for a yogi. 1. Sadhana for self realization. Once a Yogi reaches such a goal he does’t remain content in “ Samadhi ” He comes out and strives out and burns for others to reach his state, by guiding them.
48 | Yoga for Harmony & Peace 2. The second stage in where the Yogi remains connected with the self but his embodiment ( body) becomes a tool to help others. Asana : The knowledge based on tradition of BKS Iyengar Asana is a combination of Jnana, karma and bhakti marga. 84 Lakhs of a sanas are given by sages to study the body ( i.e. nature and its principles), understand it and conquer it to reach the Soul within. This is the aim of asanas ( Prakriti Jaya ) Asanas are not gymnastics, but asanas are meditation done with intense involvement, absorption and attention, to understand the changes and transformations which occur within. Without these observations they remain mere exercises. Role of Asanas in understanding and maintaining health. Asanas work on all organs and even at cellular level, therefore give holistic health. Asanas are therefore called sarvanga sadhana. Various body parts are placed in different postures, based on the principles of alignment, symmetry and geometry. This requires intense focus and intense involvement of the highest human faculty. Thus asanas are an art ( karmasu kausalam) . Mere placement is not enough. Adjustment and readjustment till an sensation of sooth and comfort is felt on both sides of body and an equilibrium is felt ( samatvam Yoga ucchyate “ ) This results in anga laghavam ( Lightness in the body ). In correctness of asanas this sensation and feeling is important. Guruji has defined health based on his 80 years of experiential sadhana. This definition is subjective, comprehensive and far better than the WHO definition of health. Guruji states that health is a dynamic state. This state is like a flowing river water. Whenever you take a dip, you always touch fresh water. That is how the energy or prana should flow all over the body. Diseases result when the energy flow stagnates ( akin to water in a pond). He has given the subjective definition and also shown the way for humanity by his sadhana. Guruji states that health has various components and these can and should be realized by asana practice. They are: 1. Physical or musculo skeletal health. 2. Organic health - health of all abdominal organ. 3. Physiological health of the cardiovascular and respiratory system. 4. Endocrine health. 5. Neurological health. 6. Mental health. 7. Intellectual health. 8. Emotional health. 9. Social health. 10. Spiritual health.
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Asana practice is to realize all this goals. Yoga and Diseases Placement in asanas is easy on one side and difficult on the other side. The side or the body part which doesn’t go into asana is the earliest sign of disease. This occurs years before abnormality is seen in investigations or can be detected clinically. In fact this is apparent years before appearance of symptoms. In practice this asymmetry is to be realized. The next step for a guru is to analyse the reasons for this asymmetry and then finally work up on a methodology to improve and restore the part to its original ( svarup avastha ) state. This treatment is not mechanical but emotional. The guru has to become one with the patient, understand his mind and body try to reproduce the symptoms on our self and then find out a solution which gives relief and stability ( sthirasukham asanam ) The hall mark of Iyengar innovativeness is the use of props or supports, which give correct positioning and effects to even debilitated and diseased patients. Asanas are extremely difficult, but props focus on the affected part and give correct relief to the parts for even suffering, diseased and debilitated patients.. Yogic science says ‘ Heyam dukham anagatam “ futures sorrows can and should be avoided. Yoga adds, what can be avoided should be avoided, what cannot be avoided should be endured. The principles of practice, the props and their use in health and common disease states will be explained in the lecture and demonstration. Props help noninvasively to correct internal derangements. The secret of correctness is not the props, but the correctness of their use.
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Smt Hansaji Jayadeva Yogendra, Director, The Yoga institute, Santa Cruz, Mumbai India
The water of the waterfall overflowed to all through the Life School -The Yoga Institute, Santa Cruz, Mumbai, India which Shri Yogendraji founded in 1918, making it the world’s oldest organized centre of Yoga. His dedicated family of his wife Mother Sita Devi, son Dr.Jayadeva Yogendra and his wife Hansaji have continued to spread the message of vibrant living throughout the world. Yoga has become a household word today thanks greatly in part due to these householder yogis. Historically, The Yoga Institute has judiciously combined techniques of modern research methodology, which uses a utilitarian approach, with the pure, traditional approach of a yogi. Research has been conducted on disease conditions like asthma, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, orthopaedic conditions including osteo and rheumatic arthritis, psychological problems. These have been published in national and international journals, and our books and the series of Yoga Cyclopaedias edited by Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra. There might be billions of researches done in Yoga all over the world. The Yoga Institute, Santacruz is different in that it has always emphasized on Yoga for transformation. It is a holistic approach, a way of life. Yoga is a way of life involving moral discipline, mental hygiene, correct routines, habits, etc. Thus treatment of disease condition in yoga is a secondary aspect of the larger process of healthy integration of one’s personality on the basis of accepted norms. It is after keeping in view this true purpose of yoga system –its theory and practice - that treatment of disease is carried out at The Yoga Institute since 1918, nearing the 100 years milestone. Yoga is just an effort to constantly remove such impediments that come in the way of the highest spiritual experience. Continuing in the tradition of the Founder Shri Yogendra, his son, Dr.Jayadeva Yogendra writes, “The interest in Yoga is growing but remains limited to the immediate; the physical and psychophysical Treatment of disease and body building seems to be the object.A new approach however is needed to provide a deeper meaning to Yoga- a comprehensive view understanding of the overall good of mankind has to be discovered. It will not be only curing of disease or strengthening the biceps and triceps muscles of the body. Nor will it be for maintenance of good relationship with the outside world. It will be rather an all comprehensive spiritual dimension. One will experience the highest good for mankind and would continuously live that experience.” Shri Yogendraji, learnt deeper secrets of yoga techniques that he was convinced was of great significance to the well-being of humanity. His Guru Paramahamsa Madhavadasaji asked him to spread the message of yoga to the common people, i.e. the householders. He set out with a firm determination to serve humanity through yoga, and after moving across 14 different locations, he finally established The Yoga Institute in Santacruz, Mumbai, India
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In one of his earliest writings Shri Yogendraji clarifies: “The cures affected by yoga have been variously ascribed to both healing and therapy. Healing is generally associated with the art of curing a disease with spiritual or faith cure achieved in some inexplicable form. Yoga healing in this sense - often passing as miracles - is a form of the therapy which has recently been fully recognized as a permissible method of treatment. Yoga healing through an obscure instrumentality undertakes the restoration to a normal condition – the medical term being homeostasis. The Yoga Institute set the framework and codified the principles of yoga as a way of life with therapy as an offshoot. The Yoga Institute’s unique approach to yoga with the Bhavas (attitude training) and emphasis on Yamas (restraints), Niyamas (observances). It introduces yoga lifestyle through a balance of Ahar (food) Vihar (recreation and relaxation) Aachar (routines and behaviour) Vichaar (thought forms), keeping in mind the human goals of Dharma (duty), Artha (earning), Kama (pleasure) and Moksha (selfless service). Shri Yogendraji systematized the Asanas, which are nowhere clearly and unequivocally described in all their details in the old literature. Knowing that the static execution of Asanas as practiced by Yoga adepts of old was not feasible or even advisable for yoga beginners, he introduced the dynamic execution. Most important he formulated a certain breathing pattern to be practiced in coordination with bodily movements when doing the asanas. He further formulated a safe course of nine pranayamas of an ascending order of difficulty. He devised a relaxation practice, Yogendra Nispandabhava, which is a great gift to today’s many un-relaxed people. Of the kriyas the hygienic practices of Hatha Yoga he selected safe ones and standardised them. For the theoretical and intellectual basis of this great knowledge he chose the ‘Yoga Sutra’ of Patanjali which was compiled some 2000 years ago but is now valid as it ever was and will ever be. Yoga, as a process of education of the total personality, helps in steadying the mind. An unsteady mind being a source of disease, the practice of Yoga influences the mind and helps in management of certain diseases. The therapeutic aspect of Yoga is merely a by-product of its hygienic and preventive education of the physical, the mental, the emotional, the moral, the intellectual and the spiritual. Controlling of the ever-changeful mind is not so easy, because our mind is already programmed to carry through the various antics till death. Our past heredity and ecology are responsible for our lifestyle, life-span, our lifeexperience and also our diseases. We develop as a consequence characteristic weaknesses or susceptibilities, especially of the nervous cells and system as a whole, and we inherit such impure bio-energies (Pranas) and as a result lack in capacities of absorption, elimination, maintenance or repair and growth. Yoga took a meta-scientific attitude towards the problem of disease and its constitutional removal. The Yogi is not satisfied just by understanding the gross body by itself in management of the disease. He is instead more concerned with subtler factors involved in the pathogenesis of disease. These subtle factors according to Yoga stem from the psyche. In the management of diseases, Yoga remains nonspecific. It helps in generating greater Sattva (calmness) bringing about Prajna - (consciousness) as opposed to Prajna-Aparadha (error of intellect). With the right approach and a balanced state of mind, it is easier to set up healthier routines and right habits. This is, of course, the Yoga way of life which reduces Tamasika (inert) and Rajasika (excitable) excesses in our personality make-up. Mind itself is the cause of diseases and also of its cure.
52 | Yoga for Harmony & Peace Beneficial effects of Yoga Life Style on Reversibility of Ischemic Heart disease: ‘Caring Heart Project’ International Board of Yoga (The Yoga Institute, Santa Cruz). Journal of The Physicians of India (April 2004 - Vol. 52) Objectives: Yoga based lifestyle modifications have been earlier shown to be beneficial in coronary artery disease in a small number of patients. We evaluated the role of lifestyle modification based on Yoga techniques, stress management and dietary modifications in retardation of coronary artery disease. Methods: This prospective, controlled, open trial included angiographically proven coronary artery disease patients (71 patients in study group and 42 patients in control group). They were assessed clinically, by biochemical parameters, stress myocardial perfusion and function studies and coronary angiography and on psychological parameters. The study group patients were given a family based Yoga Programme which included, control of risk factors, dietary modifications and stress management for a period of one year. The patients were assessed at baseline, at frequent intervals and at the end of one year. Results: At the end of one year of yoga training, statistical significant changes (P