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Fundam. Appl. Limnol. Vol. 180/2, 101–110Article Stuttgart, March 2012
Spatial variance of profundal and sublittoral invertebrate benthic communities in response to eutrophication and morphological pressures Papers collated based on and as part of the EU funded project WISER (funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme, contract No. 226273)
Francesca Pilotto 1, *, Gary Free 2, Ana Cristina Cardoso 3, Georg Wolfram 4 and Angelo G. Solimini 1 With 3 figures and 3 tables Abstract: Invertebrate communities inhabiting different lake zones are expected to respond differently to natural
environmental variation and anthropogenic stressors. We used multivariate statistical methods in order to quantify the effects of eutrophication and morphological pressures on the spatial structure of the invertebrate benthic communities at two depth zones (profundal and sublittoral) in subalpine lakes in Italy, Germany and Austria . In both lake zones, environmental variables related to eutrophication pressures (mid-lake total phosphorus and chlorophylla) were significant in structuring the invertebrate community (permutation test: p