Special issue articles Theme: Advanced Technologies for Life-Long ...

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specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from the editors at kinshuk@ieee.org. Journal of Educational Technology & Society. Volume 10 Number 3 ...
Journal of Educational Technology & Society Volume 10 Number 3 2007

Table of contents Special issue articles Theme: Advanced Technologies for Life-Long Learning Guest Editors: Demetrios G Sampson and Rob Koper An Ontology and a Software Framework for Competency Modeling and Management Gilbert Paquette


Using a Single Authoring Environment across the Lifespan of Learning Shaaron Ainsworth


An Operational Approach for Building Learning Environments Supporting Cognitive Flexibility Vu Minh Chieu


Ontologies for Effective Use of Context in e-Learning Settings Jelena Jovanović, Dragan Gašević, Colin Knight, and Griff Richards


Designing the Undesignable: Social Software and Control Jon Dron


Social Software for Life-long Learning Ralf Klamma*, Mohamed Amine Chatti, Erik Duval, Hans Hummel, Ebba Thora Hvannberg, Milos Kravcik, Effie Law, Ambjörn Naeve and Peter Scott


Personalized Learning Objects Recommendation based on the Semantic-Aware Discovery and the Learner Preference Pattern Tzone I Wang, Kun Hua Tsai, Ming Che Lee and Ti Kai Chiu


Tracking Actual Usage: the Attention Metadata Approach Martin Wolpers, Jehad Najjar, Katrien Verbert and Erik Duval


PERKAM: Personalized Knowledge Awareness Map for Computer Supported Ubiquitous Learning Moushir M. El-Bishouty, Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano


Full length articles Multimedia Authoring Tools: The Quest for an Educational Package Theodore H. Kaskalis, Theodore D. Tzidamis and Konstantinos Margaritis


An Instrument Development: Interactivity Survey (IS) Murat Kahveci


Information Technology Literacy: Implications on Teaching and Learning Zoheir Ezziane


Narrative-based Interactive Learning Environments from Modelling Reasoning John Yearwood and Andrew Stranieri


E-xams: harnessing the power of ICTs to enhance authenticity Wing Lam, Jeremy B. Williams and Alton Y.K. Chua


Systems Limitations Hamper Integration of Accessible Information Technology in Northwest U.S. K-12 Schools Jennifer P. Wisdom, Nathan White, Kimberley Goldsmith, Sarann Bielavitz, Amy Rees and Charles Davis


Examining Teachers' CBT Use in the Classroom: A Study in Secondary schools in Taiwan Yi-Wen Hung and Ying-Shao Hsu


ISSN 1436-4522 1436-4522.(online) © International and 1176-3647 Forum (print). of Educational © International Technology Forum&ofSociety Educational (IFETS). Technology The authors & Society and the (IFETS). forum The jointly authors retainand thethecopyright forum jointly of theretain articles. the Permissionoftothe copyright make articles. digital Permission or hard copies to make of part digital or all orof hard thiscopies work for of part personal or allorofclassroom this work use for is personal grantedorwithout classroom fee provided use is granted that copies without arefee notprovided made or that distributed copies are profit for not made or commercial or distributed advantage for profitand or that commercial copies bear advantage the fulland citation that copies on the bear first page. the full Copyrights citation onfor thecomponents first page. Copyrights of this workfor owned components by others of than this work IFETS owned must by be honoured. others thanAbstracting IFETS mustwith be honoured. credit is permitted. Abstracting To with copy credit otherwise, is permitted. to republish, To copy to post otherwise, on servers, to republish, or to redistribute to post on to lists, servers, requires or to prior redistribute specifictopermission lists, requires and/or priora specific fee. Request permission permissions and/orfrom a fee. theRequest editors permissions at kinshuk@massey.ac.nz. from the editors at kinshuk@ieee.org.


Distinguishing between games and simulations: A systematic review Louise Sauvé, Lise Renaud, David Kaufman and Jean-Simon Marquis


Evaluating Collaborative Learning Processes using System-based Measurement César A. Collazos, Luis A. Guerrero, José A. Pino, Stefano Renzi, Jane Klobas, Manuel Ortega, Miguel A. Redondo and Crescencio Bravo


Developing Domain Ontologies for Course Content Sinéad Boyce and Claus Pahl


A Desktop Virtual Reality Earth Motion System in Astronomy Education Chih Hung Chen, Jie Chi Yang, Sarah Shen and Ming Chang Jeng


A Method of Cross-level Frequent Pattern Mining for Web-based Instruction Yueh-Min Huang, Juei-Nan Chen and Shu-Chen Cheng


Book review(s) How to teach English with Technology Reviewer: Jesús García Laborda and Teresa Magal Royo


Efficiency in Learning: Evidence-Based Guidelines to Manage Cognitive Load Reviewer: Andreas Holzinger


The Research Student's Guide to Success Reviewer: Richard Malinski


ISSN ISSN1436-4522 1436-4522. (online) © International and 1176-3647 Forum (print). of Educational © International Technology Forum of & Educational Society (IFETS). Technology The authors & Society and (IFETS). the forumThe jointly authors retain andthe the copyright forum jointly of the retain articles. the copyright Permission of the to make articles. digital Permission or hard copies to make of digital part or or allhard of this copies workoffor part personal or all of or this classroom work for usepersonal is granted or without classroom feeuse provided is granted that without copies are feenot provided made orthat distributed copies are fornot profit made or or commercial distributedadvantage for profit and or commercial that copies advantage bear the full andcitation that copies on thebear firstthe page. full Copyrights citation on the for components first page. Copyrights of this work for owned components by others of this than work IFETS owned mustbybe others honoured. than IFETS Abstracting must with be honoured. credit is permitted. AbstractingTowith copy credit otherwise, is permitted. to republish, To copy to otherwise, post on servers, to republish, or to redistribute to post ontoservers, lists, requires or to redistribute prior specific to lists, permission requiresand/or prior a specific fee. Request permission permissions and/or afrom fee. the Request editors permissions at kinshuk@massey.ac.nz. from the editors at kinshuk@ieee.org.
