Aug 7, 1990 - Both ubiquitin conjugation and ubiquitin-dependent degradation of chicken egg white lysozyme in a retic- ulocyte lysate depend on the ...
Vol. 266,No. 5, Issue of February 15, pp. 3260-3267,1991 Printed in U.S.A.
0 1991 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc
Specific Disulfide Cleavage Is Required for Ubiquitin Conjugation and Degradation of Lysozyme* (Received for publication, August 7, 1990)
Rhonda L. Dunten and RobertE. CohenS From the Departmentof Chemistry and Biochemistry and The Molecular Biology Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90024
Luisa Gregori andVincent ChauS From the Departmentof Pharmacology, Wayne State UniversitySchool of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan 48201
Both ubiquitin conjugation and ubiquitin-dependent lular protein turnover. Moreover, the ubiquitin system further degradation of chicken egg white lysozyme in a retic- discriminatesamongpotentialsubstrates in thatnotall ulocyte lysate depend on the presence of a reducing ubiquitin conjugation targets are destined for degradation. agent. We present evidence that the reduction of a Understanding the substrate selection process will require a specificdisulfidebond,namely that at C y s ' - C y ~ ' ~ ~ ,description of thosestructuralfeatures recognized by the facilitates ubiquitination and is a prerequisite to the ubiquitination enzymes. formation of a multiubiquitin chain on one of at least For one pathway of ubiquitin-dependent degradation, sevfour chain initiation sites on lysozyme. T h e C y s ' - C y ~ ' ~eral ~ studieshave pointed to the importance of the N-terminal disulfide bond in lysozyme can bespecifically reduced, region of proteins in the substrate recognition step. Bachmair and themodified protein can be isolated after carboxymethylation of the 2 resulting cysteines. This modi- et al. (3), by the use of Escherichia coli P-galatosidase derivafied lysozyme no longer requires the presence of a tives containing specific N-terminal extensions, showed that reducing agent for ubiquitin conjugation and degra- the N-terminalresidue in these proteinsprovided a signal for dation. Inhibition of ubiquitination by the dipeptide their recognition by the ubiquitin degradation pathway in the Lys-Ala revealedthat this modified lysozyme,like the yeast Saccharomyces cereuisiae. By variation of the N-termiunmodified protein, is recognized via the binding of nal residue, the efficacy of each of the 20 common amino the ubiquitin protein ligase, E3, to the substrate's N- acids as therecognition signal was ranked in yeast and,more terminal lysyl residue. Boththe rate and the extent of recently, in rabbit reticulocytelysate (3, 4). The same Nubiquitin-lysozyme conjugation, however, are signifi- terminal extensions have been shown to confer recognition cantly higher with this modified substrate. Likewise, when fused with the otherwise stable dihydrofolate reductase ubiquitin-dependentdegradation of 6,127-reducedl (5). Involvement of the N-terminus as a recognition signal carboxymethylated lysozyme was 2-4-fold faster thanalso has been established in work by Hershko and his coldegradation of the unmodified counterpart. These re- leagues (6, 7), who demonstrated an N-terminal amino acid sults are consistent with an interpretation that the dependencefor the binding of substrates to the ubiquitin modified lysozyme mimics an intermediate formed at protein ligase (also called E3). E3, together with ubiquitin the rate-limiting step of the degradation of lysozyme carrier proteins (also called E2 or ubiquitin conjugation enin the reticulocyte lysate. Reduction of t h e C y ~ ~ - C y s ' ~ ' disulfide bond is expected to unhinge the N-terminal zymes), was required for ubiquitination in vitro of certain region of lysozyme, and we propose that the recogni- proteins such as a-lactalbumin,P-lactoglobulin, and ribonution of this otherwise stable protein by the ubiquitin clease A derivatives. Notwithstanding the substantial evidence implicating the pathway is due to facilitated binding of E3 that results N-terminal amino acid as a recognition determinant, other from such a conformational transition. features also must beinvolved in substrateselection. Whereas native ribonuclease A is not ubiquitinated despite having a permissive or "destabilizing" N-terminal residue, a variety of Genetic and biochemical studies have shown that, in euchemically modified forms of the protein are excellent subkaryotes, cellular abnormal and damaged proteins are de- strates (8, 9). Recognition of these derivatives is due not to graded by a ubiquitin-mediated pathway. In this pathway, specific interactions with the damaged or modified amino ubiquitin, a 76-amino acid polypeptide, is linked through its acids butis a consequence of the unfolding that accompanies C terminus to form a n amide (formally, an isopeptide) bond the covalentmodifications (9). Similarly,in additionto a with a lysyl t-amino group on the substrate protein(reviewed permissive N-terminal amino acid, ubiquitination of P-galacin Refs. 1 and 2). How proteins are targetedfor this covalent tosidase anddihydrofolate reductase requires a 33-45-residue modification is fundamental to the issue of selective intracel- N-terminal extension that is thought to be unstructured and * This work was supported by United States Public HealthService relatively flexible (5, 10). Hen (chicken)egg white lysozyme has beenused extensively Grants GM37666 (to R. E. C.) and GM35803 (to V. C.). Purchase of the Jasco 5-600 spectropolarimeter a t UCLA was made possible by as a substrate to study the ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic NationalInstitutes of HealthGrant S10 RR04921. The costs of pathway in vitro. The recognition of this substrate protein publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of has been shown require to the bindingof the ubiquitin protein page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate ligase, E3, to the N-terminal lysine residue in lysozyme (6). Thus, lysozyme appears to be ubiquitinated via thesame this fact. pathway as the ribonuclease derivatives and fusion protein 8 To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Ubiquitination of a Three-disulfide Form of Lysozyme
stirred gently a t 50 "C. Progress of the reaction was monitored with the sulfhydryl group assay. In general, the reaction wascomplete within 4 h, and the sample was then dialyzed against water and lyophilized. The products were separated from unreacted protein by cation-exchange chromatography as follows. The proteins were dissolved in 25 mM ammonium acetate, pH 4.5, and loaded onto a 100ml column of carboxymethylcellulose (CM52, from Whatman)equilibrated in the same buffer. After washing with 200 ml of the pH 4.5 buffer, proteins were eluted with a 500-ml gradient of 25 mM ammonium acetate, p H 4.5-7.0. MeUb-C48 eluted at pH 5.2 and MeUbAEtC48 at pH 5.7, andthey were identifiedby theirdistinctive conjugation patterns with a (%galactosidase derivative (10). Each peak was pooled and rechromatographed on an LKB SP-5PW column, using the same pH gradient, to obtain the pure proteins. A yield of 30 mg of Ub-AEtC48 was obtained from 100 mg of Ub-C48. The sample was dialyzedagainst water and stored aaslyophilized powder. MeUb-MeAEtC48 was obtained by reductive methylation of MeUbAEtC48 using the sameprocedure for the derivatizationof Ub-C48. Conjugation and Degradation Assays-The conjugation of ubiquitin or its variants to '2sII-lysozymeor to 12611-6,127-rcm-lysozyme in the ubiquitin-depleted reticulocyte lysate was done a t 37 "C for 30 min in a 25-pl reaction containing 50 mM Tris.HCl, pH 7.5, 2 mM DTT, 5 mM MgC12, 2 mM ATP, and an ATP-regenerating system (10 mM creatinephosphateand 0.1 mg/ml creatinephosphokinase)(16). Either no ubiquitin or 50 PM ubiquitin (or one of its variants) was also added, and reactions were stopped by the addition of SDS-gel sample buffer. Alternatively, assays with "51-ubiquitin (2.5 pM, 5 X EXPERIMENTALPROCEDURES lo5cpm in 20 pl) and in a 50 mM Na+-Hepes buffer, pH 7.2, were Materials-'ZsII-Labeled proteins were prepared by radioiodination doneas described (9) and yielded similar results. Products were analyzed by gel electrophoresis (17) and autoradiography, using an with chloramine T (11)and carrier-free NalZ5I from Amersham RaSDS-polyacrylamide (12%) gel. Assays without DTT supplementadiochemicals. The dipeptide Lys-Ala,bovine ubiquitin,andhen (chicken) egg white lysozyme (3 X crystallized, grade I) were pur- tion generally contained 0.01 mM DTT, which was introduced with chased from Sigma.Ubiquitin was purified further by cation-exchange the lysate.Otherwise, complete DTT depletion was achievedby rapid chromatography using a Pharmacia LKB Biotechnology Inc. Mono gel filtration of the lysate as described (9). The degradation of '"IS column and fast proteinliquid chromatography system. [ l e ~ c y l - ~ H ]lysozyme or '2sI-6,127-rcm-lysozyme was measured under the same a 50-pl aliquot from a 300-p1 reaction Ubiquitin was produced in E. coli harboring a plasmid encoding yeast reaction conditions, except that ubiquitin andgrown with ["Hlleucine' and was provided byJ. Setsuda mixture was withdrawn every 30 min, mixed with 0.5 ml of 10% (UCLA).Ubiquitin-depleted reticulocyte lysate(Fraction 11) was trichloroacetic acid and centrifuged, andtheradioactivityinthe supernatant was measured witha y-counter. The percent degradation prepared as described previously (12, 13) from washed rabbit reticuwas calculated from the fraction of the total counts converted to an locytes purchasedfrom Green Hectares (Oregon, WI) except that lysates contained 0.1 mM DTT.' Comparable activity and stabilityof acid-soluble form. The ubiquitin-dependent component of the degthe lysateswere found whether 0.1 mM or the more usual 1 mM DTT radation was determined by subtraction of values obtained when ubiquitin was omitted. was used for storage. Purified ring-necked pheasant lysozyme was Preparation of 6,127-rcm-lysozyme-Lysozyme was partially regenerouslyprovidedby Drs. E. Pragerand A. C. Wilson of the duced and carboxymethylated by an adaptation of the method of University of California a t Berkeley. Prestained molecular weight Acharya and Taniuchi (18).3Briefly, 0.15 mM lysozyme was treated markers were from Bethesda Research Laboratories. with 2 mM DTT in 0.1 M Tris acetate, pH7.8. After 40 min a t room Synthesis of Ubiquitin Variants-The chemical alterations in the ubiquitin variants are shown in Fig. 1.Ub-C48 differs from wild-type temperature, 0.5 M K+-iodoacetate was added to a concentration of ubiquitin in having a cysteine a t position 48 instead of a lysine. This 12 mM and allowed to react for 30 min in the dark. The protein was then desalted, also in the dark, by elutionwith 0.1 N aceticacid variant protein was obtained by expression of a mutated ubiquitin through a column of Sephadex G-15. After dialysis against 25 mM gene in E. coli AR58 cells and was isolated as described previously (13). Reductive methylation and S-aminoethylation of Ub-C48 were Napi, pH6.4, the product was separated from unreacted lysozyme by done as reported (13)and aredescribed in more detailbelow. Purified cation-exchange HPLC on a PolyCAT ATMcolumn (0.46 X 20 cm, 5 and lyophilized Ub-C48 was dissolved to 1 mg/ml in 8 M urea, 1 mM pm particle size; The Nest Group) elutedwith a linear gradient of 0DTT, and 0.1 M Na+-Hepes, pH 7.0. Sodium cyanoborohydride and 0.5 M NaCl in the phosphate buffer. As detected by absorbance a t formaldehyde were then added sequentially to final concentrations of 280 nm, the product emerged at approximately 0.26 M NaCl and 20 and 12 mM, respectively. After gentle stirring for 18 h a t room unreacted lysozyme a t 0.35 M NaC1. After concentration and desalting temperature, further additions of the two reagents were made to in a Centricon 10 microconcentrator (Amicon Corp.), approximately double their concentrations, and the reaction was continued for an 1.5 mg of the 6,127-rcm derivative was recoveredfrom 40 mg of additional hour. The solution was then dialyzed against six changes lysozyme. The identity of the product was confirmed by amino acid of 20 volumes of 2 mM DTT and lyophilized. The fraction of un- and sequence analyses(see below and under "Results"). blocked amino groups in the MeUb-C48 preparation was less than Iodoacetate Trapping of Free Sulfhydryl Groups-To detect reduced 4%, as judged by its reaction with fluorescamine (14). T o convert species of lysozyme produced by various concentrationsof DTT under MeUb-C48 to MeUb-AEtC48 (13),100 mg of lyophilized MeUb-C48 conjugation assay conditions, lysozyme a t 0.03 mM was incubated for was dissolved in 30 ml of water, and the sulfhydryl content of this 1 h at 37 "C in 50 mM Na+-Hepes, pH 7.2, with 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16 protein solution was determined by its reaction with 5,5'-dithiobis(2- mM DTT. The pH of each reaction was then adjusted to 7.8 by the nitrobenzoic acid) (15). The solution was then adjusted to 100 ml by addition of 1 M Tris, pH 9.0, followed immediately by enough 1.5 M the addition of N-ethylmorpholine acetate, pH 8.5, to a final concen- K+-iodoacetate in 25 mM Tris acetate, pH7.8, to give a final iodoactration of 0.2 M. A 25-fold molar excess of N-(0-iodoethyl) etate concentration of 0.5 M. After 15 min at room temperature in trifluoroacetamide (Amin0ethyl-8~~, Pierce Chemical Co.) in 2 ml of the dark, the reactionwas diluted 10-fold into cold 25 mM Napi, pH methanol was added in two portions, 1 h apart, and the reactionwas 5.0, and analyzed immediately with the PolyCATA cation-exchange HPLC system described above. The percentage of protein emerging ' L.-K. Bruhn,J. Setsuda, andR. E. Cohen, unpublishedprocedure. The abbreviations used are: DTT,dithiothreitol;Hepes,4-(2This reference reports formation of a two-disulfide form of lysohydroxyethy1)-1-piperazineethanesulfonicacid rcm, reducedand car- zyme. However, M. Denton and H. A. Scheraga have found (personal boxymethylated; SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate; HPLC, high perform- communication), and we have confirmed, that a three-disulfide lysoance liquid chromatography; Me, methyl; AEt, aminoethyl. zyme derivative is themajor product.
substrates discussed above. However, whereas some aspectof "unfoldedness" is involved in the selection of these latter proteins for ubiquitination,native lysozyme hasbeenemployed routinelyasan effective substrate.Inthepresent study, we provide evidence that nativelysozyme in fact is not ubiquitinated, but that, under conventional ubiquitin conjugation and degradation assay conditions, a small fraction of the protein isspecifically reduced at one of the four disulfide bonds ( C y ~ ~ - C y s ' ~ ~ ) . isTthe h i s first step in the recognition of lysozyme for degradation by theubiquitinpathwayin reticulocyte extracts in a process that leads to the formation of a multiubiquitin chain.The ubiquitin moieties in this chain are joined to each other via an isopeptide bond that is formed between the C-terminalGly76of one ubiquitin andLys4' of an adjoining ubiquitin. This structure previously was found to target the degradationof ,&galactosidase (lo), presumably by serving asa docking site for the ubiquitin-dependentprotease. Our observations regarding lysozyme ubiquitination and the properties of a three-disulfide lysozyme derivative offer, for one class of E3-dependentsubstrates,theopportunityto explore the reaction pathway of ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis with a structurally defined protein.
Ubiquitination of a Three-disulfide Form of Lysozyme
f i
as a rcm/three-disulfide lysozyme derivative was calculated from the Ub-C48 relative peak areas. K K KK K C K Analytical Methods-Protein concentrations were determined spectrophotometrically with extinction coefficients a t 280 nm of 0.16 ml mg-' cm" for ubiquitin (19) and 2.64 ml mg" cm" for lysozyme (20). The lysozyme extinction coefficient was found to apply as well to 6,127-rcm-lysozyme. This was established by determination of MeUbC48 6,127-rcm-lysozyme stock solution concentrations with the trinitroK K KK K C K 15. 15. deheh A. benzene sulfonate assay (21) using lysozyme as a standard. Amino acid compositions were determined with the o-phthalaldehyde precolumn derivatization method (22) as described (9). Protein sequencing was done at the UCLA Protein Microsequencing Laboratory with anApplied Biosystems model 470A gas-phase sequenator equippedwitha 120A phenylthiohydantoinanalyzerforon-line MeUb-AEtC48 HPLC detection. Prior to sequencing, some samples were fully reduced and S-pyridylethylated with4-vinylpyridine (Aldrich) (23). Circular dichroism spectra were acquired with a Jasco 5-600 spectropolarimeter. The instrumentwas calibrated with (+)-10-camphorsulfonic acid (24), and protein solutions of 0.3-0.5 mg/ml were used in a 0.02-cm path length quartzcell (Hellma Cells, Inc.). Typically, a MeUb-MeAEtC48 10 nm/min scan rate witha 4-s time constantwas used, and 12 scans were averaged for each spectrum. Gel filtration analyses were done with a TosoHaas G2000-SWXL column (0.78 X 30 cm) eluted a t 0.4 ml/min with 0.2 M Napj, pH7.0. An HPLC system equipped with Waters 510 pumps and a Shimadzu FIG. 1. Chemical alterations in ubiquitin variants. Ubiquitin SPD-6AV detectorwas employed. variants were derived by chemical modifications of the site-specific mutant protein, Ub-C48, which differs from wild-type ubiquitin in having a cysteine a t position 48 instead of a lysine. Me-K denotes the RESULTS reductive methylation of the remaining 6 lysine residues at positions Conjugation of Hen (Chicken) Egg White Lysozyme with 6, 11, 27, 29, 33, and 63. C-EtNH, and C-EtNH2-Me denote the SUbiquitin Variants in Reticulocyte Lysate-Previous studies aminoethylcysteine residue and its reductively methylated form, rehave shown that ubiquitin-lysozyme conjugates, containing spectively.
multiple ubiquitin moieties, are formed prior to thedegradation of lysozyme in reticulocyte lysates (16, 25). At least a portion of the ubiquitinmoieties are in the form of ubiquitinubiquitin linkages, given that the number of ubiquitins can far exceed the total of 6 lysine residues in lysozyme (26, 27). Furthermore, the numberof ubiquitin moieties in these conjugates was reduced when ubiquitin was replaced with an Nmethylatedubiquitin derivative (27). We previouslyhave described a set of ubiquitin variants that can be used to test for the presence of specific ubiquitin-ubiquitin linkages in protein conjugates (13). Fig. 1 depicts the alterations that were introduced into ubiquitin t o generate the variants used inthis study. Theproteinsall were formed bychemical modification of the site-specific mutant protein, Ub-C48, in which Lys4' of wild-type ubiquitin has been replaced by a cysteine. Neither MeUb-C48 nor MeUb-MeAEtC48 can form ubiquitin-ubiquitin linkages due to the lack of free amino groups. Ub-C48has the potential of forming wild-type ubiquitin-ubiquitin linkages except at residue position 48, whereas linkage to MeUb-AEtC48 is restricted to the S-aminoethylcysteine at position 48. Native or variant ubiquitinwas added t o a ubiquitin-depleted reticulocyte lysatetotest for the elaboration of specific multiubiquitin chain structures onto lysozyme, and the results are described below. Fig. 2A shows the autoradiograph of an SDS-polyacrylamide gelof the ubiquitin-lysozymeconjugates that were formedbetween '251-lysozyme and ubiquitin or one of the ubiquitin variants. With native ubiquitin, as had been shown previously by others (16), distinct ubiquitin-lysozyme conjugates can beresolved according to their molecular sizes (Fig. 2 A , left panel, lane 2 ) . When the ubiquitin-depletedreticulocyte lysate was supplementedwitheitherMeUb-C48or MeUb-MeAEtC48, neither of which is capable of ubiquitinubiquitin linkage, four conjugates were detected (Fig. 2 A , left panel, lanes 3 and 5 ) . These species migrated with apparent molecular masses of 23, 29, 38, and 41 kDa, consistent with conjugates having one to four ubiquitin moieties, respectively. This result suggested that at least 4 lysines on lysozyme can be linked with ubiquitin. With native ubiquitin, conjugates of
greater molecular weights than were found with the N-methylated variants indicate formation of multiubiquitin chains. That the ubiquitin-ubiquitin linkages in the lysozyme conjugates are formed exclusively through an isopeptide bond between the C-terminalcarboxyl group of one ubiquitin and the c-amino group of Lys4' in another ubiquitin is suggested by two lines of evidence. First, the conjugates obtained with either Ub-C48 or MeUb-C48 were indistinguishable on SDSpolyacrylamide gels (data not shown), indicating that ubiquitin lysines other than Lys4' did not contribute to ubiquitinubiquitin linkages. Second,conjugateswiththeMeUbAEtC48 variant included a number of high molecular weight species foundwith wild-type ubiquitinbutnottheother derivatives. Ubiquitin-dependent degradation of lysozyme is shown in Fig. 2B. Only MeUb-AEtC48 was comparable (within 10%) to native ubiquitin in its ability to stimulate lysozyme degradation in the ubiquitin-depleted reticulocyte lysate, whereas the other three ubiquitin variants stimulated degradation by no more than 30% (data not shown). This resultis in agreement with previous studies (10) that suggested that a specific multiubiquitin chain isresponsible for theproteolytic targeting of a ubiquitin-protein conjugate. The formation of ubiquitin-lysozyme conjugates exhibited a strong dependence on the presence of the reducing reagent, DTT. Conjugate formation decreased greatly when0.01 rather than 2 mM D T T was used (compareleft and right panels,Fig. 2 A ) ; a similar D T T dependence was observed when conjugation assays employed unlabeled lysozyme and either lZ5I-or [le~cyl-~H]ubiquitin (data notshown). Likewise, D T T was essential for ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis of '251-lysozyme (Fig. 2B). Although ubiquitin conjugation enzymes and the protease component in thereticulocyte lysate possess critical cysteines that must bepreserved for their activity, two lines of evidence suggested that the primaryeffect of the reducing agent in these experiments is to convert lysozyme from an inactive to an active substrate. First, DTT-depleted2 mM and DTT-supplemented reticulocyte extracts were equally capable
Ubiguitination of a Three-disulfide Form of Lysozyme A
reduction of one or more of the fourdisulfidebonds in lysozyme (Fig.3A) was assessed by the use of iodoacetic acid to trap any free cysteines generated and by cation-exchange chromatography to resolve rcm species (28) from native lysozyme. Fig. 3B shows the elution profile of lysozyme before and after treatments with DTT and iodoacetic acid. With 2 mM DTT, a minor peak, correspondingto about 1.2% of the total lysozyme, was found to elute at a position consistent with the incorporation of carboxymethyl groups into lysozyme. This species, which doubled when 4 mM DTT was used (Fig. 3B, inset (a)), coeluted with the partially reduced and carboxymethylated lysozyme prepared as describedunder “Experimental Procedures” (not shown). Amino acidanalysis of this protein revealed an average of 1.8 carboxymethylcysteine residues per lysozyme molecule, consistent with reduction of one of the four disulfides. That one disulfide was reducedselectively was apparent from N-terminal protein sequencing, which yielded a carboxymethylcysteineat residue position 6. However, becausethe yield of this compound was not quantitative and cysteine or cystine, even if present at position 6, would have escaped detection, the possibility remained that other three-disulfide lysozymespecieshad formed as well. To test this, theisolated rcm/three-disulfide lysozyme was reduced completely and pyridylethylated (see “Experimental Procedures”).This derivativeand acompletely reduced and pyridylethylated lysozyme control were then
” 1 2 314253 4 5
A 0
Time ( m i d
FIG.2. Ubiquitin conjugation and degradation of hen
(chicken)egg white lysozyme. A, conjugation was performed with 6 p M l”I--lysozyme(2 X lo5cpm/pg) and 50 p M ubiquitin or its variant in aubiquitin-depleted reticulocyte lysate in the presence of ATP for 10 min at 37 “C. The reaction mixtures contained 0.01 (right panel) or 2 mM DTT (left panel). The reactions were terminated by the addition of SDS sample buffer, and the products were separated by electrophoresis on a 12% SDS-polyacrylamide gel and visualized by autoradiography. The migration positions of“‘I-lysozyme and a contaminant are marked at theleft as HEWL and cont., respectively. Arrows on the right indicate the positions (from top to bottom) of the prestained molecular mass markers ovalbumin (43 kDa), carbonic anhydrase (29 kDa), @-lactoglobulin(18.4 kDa), and lysozyme (14.3 kDa). Lune 1 , no addition of ubiquitin; lane 2, ubiquitin; lane 3, MeUb-C48; lane 4, MeUb-AEtC48; lane 5, MeUb-MeAEtC48. B, degradation of ’Z’II-lysozymewas done under the same conditions as in A, except that the reactions were terminated by the addition of 10% trichloroacetic acid at the specified times (see “Experimental Procedures”). The acid-soluble counts a t each time point were determined and are expressed as a percentage of ‘2sI-lysozymedegraded. Solid lines, reactions with 50 p~ MeUb-AEtC48 and 0.01 (m) or 2 mM DTT (0);dashed lines, reactions with 0.01 (0)or 2 mM DTT (0) without added ubiquitin. of ubiquitin conjugation to several ribonucleaseA derivatives as well as numerous endogenous proteins in the lysate (9). Similarly, ubiquitin conjugation and ubiquitin-mediated degradation of calmodulin were equally efficient with either 0.01 or 2 mM DTT (notshown). Second, increasing concentrations of DTT lead to concomitant increases in the formation of ubiquitin-lysozymeconjugates. Experiments that demonstrate thisare described below. Specific Reduction of the C y ~ ~ - C y Disulfide s’~~ Bond in Lysozyme-To examine the effect of DTT on lysozyme, we first treated the protein with 2 mM DTT, a concentration found to be effective forthe ubiquitin-dependent degradation of lysozyme,under conditions of pH andionic strength which mimicked those of conjugation and degradation assays. The
r B
native lysozyme-
3 (s-s)
FIG.3. Partial reduction of lysozyme by 2 m M DTT under conjugation assay conditions. A, disulfide linkages in hen (chicken) egg white lysozyme (29).B, HPLC fractionation of partially reduced lysozyme after trapping with iodoacetic acid. Lysozyme (0.4 mg/ml) was incubated a t 37 “C in 90 mM NaCl plus 50 mM Na+Hepes, pH 7.2, either with no DTT or with 2 (inset ( b ) ) or 4 mM (inset ( a ) )D R . After 1 h, the reactions were quenched with 0.5 M K+-iodoacetateand proteins were processedand separated by cationexchange HPLC as described under “Experimental Procedures.” The elution positions of the carboxymethylated three-disulfide lysozyme ( 3 (S-S)),a contaminant of the commercial lysozyme (cont.),and natioe lysozyme are indicated. The ordinate represents a full scale of 0.05 absorbance units.
Ubiquitination of a Three-disulfide Form of Lysozyme
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
.~ ..,- _
FIG. 4. Ubiquitin conjugation to lysozyme correlates with generation of a three-disulfide derivative. The percentage of lysozyme converted to a three-disulfide form by reduction with various amounts of DTT, determined as in Fig. 3B, is shown by the solid sqwres. The effect of DTT on the yield of tetraubiquitin-lysozyme conjugates (pmol/20 pl) is shown by the solid circles. Reactions contained '*'II-ubiquitin and were for 30 min; the results are corrected for the background of radioactive products obtained when lysozyme was omitted.
sequenced through eight Edman degradation cycles. Whereas S-pyridylethylcysteinewas detected at position 6 of the control lysozyme derivative, carboxymethylcysteine was found exclusively, with no trace of the pyridylethyl compound, at position 6 of the three-disulfide lysozyme sample. Thus, the small amount of reduced lysozyme formedunder conjugation assay conditions iscleavedspecifically at the C y ~ ~ - C y s ' ~if~? disulfide, and thispartially reduced protein could betrapped to yield 6,127-rcm-lysozyme. The iodoacetatetrapping/HPLC method was used to quan0 30 60 90 120 tify the fraction of three-disulfide lysozyme formedat different concentrations of DTT, and theresults are shown inFig. Time ( m i d 4. As expected, the reduced lysozyme increased linearly with FIG. 5. Ubiquitin conjugation and degradation of 6,127up to 8 mM DTT. Beyond 10 mM DTT, however, the yield of rcm-lysozyme.The conditions for conjugation and degradation were the three-disulfide species began to plateau (not shown), a identical with those used in Fig. 2 except that 12sI-6,127-rcm-lysozyme result we attribute to increasing aggregation of proteins in the was used. The arrows on the right indicate the positions of prestained reaction. If the three-disulfide derivative, but not native ly- molecular weight markers as in Fig. 2. A, +DTT and -DTT denote sozyme, is the true ubiquitination substrate, then conjugate final DTT concentrations of 2 and 0.01 mM, respectively. Lane I , no yields should showa similar dependence upon DTT concen- addition of ubiquitin; lane 2, wild-type ubiquitin; lane 3, MeUb-C48; lane 4, MeUb-AEtC48; lane 5, MeUb-MeAEtC48. B, solid lines, retration. Conjugation assays with Iz5I-ubiquitinand lysozyme actions containing 50 p~ MeUb-AEtC48 and 0.01).( or 2 mM (0) were performed with various levels of DTT, and the conju- DTT; dashed lines, reactions containing 0.01 (0)or 2 mM (0)DTT gates were quantified by excision and y-counting of the ap- without added ubiquitin. propriate band from an SDS-polyacrylamide gel. The result, shown for tetraubiquitinated lysozyme, is that conjugation lysozyme also behaved as a kinetically competent intermediparallels generation of the three-disulfide form of lysozyme ate. These results suggest that the rate-limiting step in the (Fig. 4) and supports our conclusion that cleavage of the CysG- degradation of lysozyme in reticulocyte lysate is the reduction CyslZ7 disulfide isthe obligatory step for conversion of lyso- of the C y ~ ~ - C ydisulfide s ' ~ ~ bond.To validate this conclusion, zyme into a ubiquitination substrate. it was necessary to demonstrate that the reduction and the When 6,127-rcm-lysozyme was tested as a substrate instead carboxymethylation ofCys' and CYS''~did not lead to an of native lysozyme,we found that both its ubiquitin conjuga- alternative pathway for ubiquitination of the modified lysotion and itsdegradation in reticulocyte lysate did not require zyme. Experimental support for this point is described below. DTT (Fig. 5): Moreover, the rate and extent of both ubiquitin Previous studies had shown that an early event in the conjugation and degradation of the modified lysozyme were recognition of lysozyme bythe ubiquitin pathway is the speconsiderably higher than those of its native counterpart in cific binding of the ubiquitin-protein ligase, E3, to the Nthe presence of 2 mM DTT (Fig. 6). Thus, prior reduction of terminal lysineonlysozyme (6). The importance of this the C y ~ ~ - C ydisulfide s ' ~ ~ bond not only circumvented the pathway for lysozyme ubiquitination in our experiments was requirement for a reducing agent in the assay, but themodified apparent from comparativestudies with ring-neckedpheasant lysozyme. This lysozyme, whichhas a 93% sequence identity 'It should be noted that ubiquitin conjugation to 6,127-rcm-lyso- with the chicken protein, has Gly (rather thanLys) as itsfirst zyme decreased with time in the lysate, even without added ATP, as amino acid (30).As expected forE3-dependent ubiquitination determined from lowered conjugate yields following preincubation of and aprotein with a nonpermissive N-terminus (4), virtually the substrate in the lysate prior to ubiquitin and ATP addition. This no conjugation to thepheasant lysozyme was observed inthe inactivation was much faster when 2 mM DTT was included. Whether this effect is due to further reduction of disulfide bonds in the 6,127- reticulocyte lysate, with or without DTT (data not shown). rcm-lysozyme, nonspecific proteolysis, or other causes remains to be The conclusion, that lysozyme ubiquitination in these reactions was predominantly E3-dependent, was extended to determined.
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Ubiquitinatwnof a Three-disulfideForm of Lysozyme
Time (min)
0 5 15 3 0 6 0 . ... . ..
Time (min) 2 5 1030 2 5 1030 2 5 1030 2 5 1030
0 5 15 30 60 Y -
HEWL 6,127-rcm-HEWL FIG. 6. Time course for the conjugation of Men-AEtC48 to lysozyme and to 6,127-rcm-lysozyme.Ubiquitin conjugation was performed in the reticulocyte lysate containing 2 mM DTT and 50 PM of either native or modified lysozyme radioiodinated to the same specific radioactivity (1.5 X 10" cpmlpg). The reactions were terminated at the times indicated (min) by the addition of SDS w sample buffer, separated by electrophoresis on a 12% SDS-polyacryl- cf amide gel, and autoradiographed. Arrows on the right indicate the migration positions of molecular weight markers as in Fig. 2. HEWL, a I 25 I-lysozyme.
z z $
6,127-rcm-lysozymeby the use of a Lys-Ala dipeptide to 10 inhibit E 3 binding to the substrate. Fig. 7 shows that this dipeptide inhibits both the conjugation and the degradation of 6,127-rcm-lysozyme, as had been reported previously for 0 30 60 90 120 native lysozyme (6). Thus, reduction of the C y ~ ~ - C y sdisul'~' fide bond and carboxymethylation of the cysteines did not Time ( m i d alter the initial E3 recognition step in the reaction pathway. FIG. 7. Inhibition by a Lys-Ala dipeptide of both ubiquitin We note that, without DTT, even a 20-fold excess of native conjugation and degradation of '261-6,127-rcm-lysozyme.Uplysozyme did not inhibit ubiquitin conjugation to the 6,127- per panel, Lys-Ala inhibited the conjugation of MeUb-AEtC48 and The conjugation reaction was rcm derivative (data not shown). The results presented here, MeUb-C48 to '2sII-6,127-rcm-lysozyme. 2 m M DTT to allow comparison with performed in the presence of therefore, strongly suggest that themodified lysozyme mimics native lysozyme and employed the same conditions as those shown an intermediate that is generated during the degradation of in Fig. 5A, except at different times as indicated. (+) lunes, inclusion lysozyme inreticulocyte lysates. of 2 mM Lys-Ala; (-) lanes, no dipeptide. Lower panel, Lys-Ala The 6,127-rcm-lysozyme Derivative Has a Native-like Struc- inhibited ubiquitin-mediated degradation of '251-6,127-rcm-lysozyme. ture-The conformationof 6,127-rcm-lysozyme was evaluated Degradation assays were as in Fig. 5B and contained 2 mM DTT. The by comparisonof its circular dichroism spectrum with that of solid lines denote the presence of ATP and MeUb-AEtC48 with (0) native lysozyme. As can be seen in Fig. 8, the two proteins or without (0)2 mM Lys-Ala in the reaction mixture. The dashed line denotes assays where MeUb-AEtC48 and Lys-Alawere both appear nearly identical with respect to their overall secondary omitted. The inclusion of 2 mM Lys-Ala did not affect the basal structures. Coelution upon gel filtration on a G2000-SWXL degradative rate (data notshown). HPLC column (0.78 x 30 cm) showed both proteins to have similarly compact structures (data not shown). In these re- in lysozyme converts this protein from an inactiveto anactive spects, lysozyme offersa very different system than was found substrate for ubiquitination and its subsequent degradation with ribonuclease A, where all modified forms that were in a reticulocyte lysate. ubiquitination substrates were virtually devoid of any secondThe use of a crude reticulocyte lysate to study substrate ary structure characteristic of the native protein (9): selection wasconvenient in that itallowed forthe evaluation of proteins with respect to both ubiquitination and degradaDISCUSSION tion in the same reaction mixture. However, a major concern The faithful selection of damaged or aberrantproteins, but regarding the use of such a crude assay system arises from not their normal counterparts, is an essential feature in the inevitable presence of multiple ubiquitin conjugation enubiquitin-mediated proteolysis. The basis of this differentia- zymes, many of which are believed to conjugate ubiquitin in tion can, in principle, be understood by determining those a manner that does not lead to thedegradation of the acceptor structural changes that are responsible for the conversion of proteins (2, 31). The possibility that a degradation substrate a normally stable protein into an active substrate for degra- protein can be ubiquitinated at multiple sites by different dation in this pathway. In the present study, we have shown conjugation enzymesand that not all ubiquitination products that the specific reduction of the C y ~ ~ - C y sdisulfide '~' bond are necessarily relevant to proteolysis must be considered. Because of these concerns, we have first established in this study the relevance of the ubiquitin-lysozyme conjugates that 'R. L. Dunten and R. E. Cohen, unpublished observations.
Ubiquitination Three-disulfide of a Form
of Lysozyme
substrate as compared to native lysozyme. This is expected if the reduction by D T T of the same disulfide bond in native lysozyme is rate-limiting in the assay. The higher yield of ubiquitin conjugates with this modified lysozyme is also expected, as only a small fraction of native lysozyme is in the three-disulfide form at any time during theassay. Given the location of this disulfide bond, it isreasonable t o assume that its reduction, by decreasing the conformational constraints ontheN-terminal region of lysozyme, may facilitate E3 binding to the substrate N-terminus. The observation that native lysozyme, unlike theLys-Ala dipeptide, did not inhibit -4.OI I I I I 260 240 2 2180 0 200 ubiquitin conjugation to the6,127-rcm-lysozyme suggeststhat Wavelength (nrn) thenativeprotein,withthis disulfide bondintact,either FIG.8. Circular dichroism spectra of lysozyme and 6,127- cannot be boundby E3 or is bound withreduced affinity. rcm-lysozyme. Proteins were 0.022 mM in 10 mM potassium phosIt should be noted that the depletion of D T T from 2to 0.01 phate, pH 7.2, and a 0.02-cm path length cell was used. Spectra, plotted as the differential molar circular dichroic extinction coeffi- mM did not abolish completely the formation of ubiquitinlysozyme conjugates, although ubiquitin-dependent degradacient ( A f ) uersus wavelength, are shown for native lysozyme (-) and the 6,127-rcm derivative ( + . . .). tion is virtually undetectable. Several possibilities can account for the residual ubiquitination observed. We cannot rule out that some of the disulfide bonds inlysozyme are either already we obtained in the crude reticulocyte lysate. We have demonstrated here that the proteolytic targeting of lysozyme by broken or that their reduction is catalyzed by residual D T T reticulocyte ubiquitin conjugation, like the previously studied &-galacto- or by thiol groups on proteins present in the sidase proteins(lo),requires the formationof a multiubiquitin lysate. In addition, an E3-independent pathway may be rechain. Our studies indicated that, although a t least fourlysine sponsible for a minor amountof ubiquitin conjugation t o fully sites on lysozyme can be ubiquitinated, the attachment of disulfide-bonded, native lysozyme. Equally difficult to exclude lysozyme but with ubiquitin to anyof these sites is dependent on the binding of is thepossibility that E3 can bind to native the ubiquitin-protein ligase, E3. Because E3-dependent ubi- greatly reduced affinity.None of these uncertainties,however, quitination of proteins thus far is characteristic of ubiquitin- detract from thebasic conclusion that the specific reduction s ’ ~ ~ bond converts lysozyme from a mediated proteolysis (2,31), our resultssuggest that multiple of t h e C y ~ ~ - C ydisulfide lysine sites on lysozyme may be used in the degradation of largely inactive into an active substrate. It is uncertain to what extent reduction of t h e C ~ s ~ - C y s ’ * ~ lysozyme. The role of these conjugation sites in serving as initiation points for multiubiquitin chain synthesis and pro- disulfide bond actually leads t o unfolding and enhanced acteolytic targeting is being evaluated in a separate study. It is cessibility of the N-terminal region of lysozyme. If such limimportant to point out here, however that the reduction and ited unfolding were the case, then the explanation for the carboxymethylation of C y ~ ~ - C ydid s ’ ~not ~ alter the ubiquitin-much higher reactivity of the 6,127-rcm derivative is likely to apply as well to theexamples of 0-galactosidase and dihydroation sites inlysozyme.6 The observation that ubiquitinconjugation t o lysozyme and folate reductase, where addition of a presumably unstructured the ubiquitin-dependent degradation of this substrate protein N-terminal extension was required t o convert these proteins were both greatly decreased in a DTT-depleted reticulocyte from inactive to active substrates (5, 10). An intriguing posof t h e C y ~ ~ - C ydisulfide s’*~ lysate suggested that the reducing agent may act to convert sibility is that, although reduction lysozyme from a largely, if not entirely, inactive substrate (seebond may remove a structural constraint within lysozyme to permit conformational transitions at the N-terminal region discussion below) to an activesubstrate.Thealternative lowest energyfolded structure of the protein explanation, that theenzyme components had been rendered of the protein, the inactive due to the absence of DTT, can be ruled out since need not have been altered. In such a model, the affinity of by the ubiquitin conjugation to several proteins, includingribonucle- E 3 for itssubstrate would be determinedinpart ase A derivatives and calmodulin, was not affected. Because energetics of conformational transitionsbetween “native” and four disulfide bonds are present in native lysozyme, a likely E3-accessible states. Our demonstration that6,127-rcm-lysozyme is aneffective possibility is that the effect of D T T is due to reductionof one or more of these disulfide bonds. The results obtained in this substrate for E3-dependentubiquitination offersa unique study are all consistent with this hypothesis. That thereduc- opportunity to better understand the determinants for rection of the C y ~ ~ - C ydisulfide s * ~ ~ is the relevant intermediate ognition. Whereas the structuresof other proteins known to in the degradation of lysozyme is suggested by our finding be substratesfor this pathway are,at best, poorly defined, the that this disulfide bond is reduced preferentially under the lysozyme derivative used here has a substantially native-like conditions normally employed fordegradation assays in retic- conformation.We have demonstratedthis at the level of ulocyte lysate. Further support isprovided by the demonstra- secondary structure via circular dichroism spectroscopy, and tion that the 6,127-rcm-lysozyme behaves as a kinetically gel filtration chromatography also suggests a folded conforof native lysozyme. Independently, competent intermediatefor both conjugation and degradation. mation similar to that A more rigorous proof of this hypothesis will require direct from detailed physical studies and comparisons of enzyme Scheraga7 alsohave concluded that the demonstration of the specific reduction of this disulfide bond activities, Denton and in the ubiquitin-lysozyme conjugates. Nevertheless, the pres- 6,127-rcm derivative has a structure approximating the native ent results do indicate that reduction the of this most suscep- enzyme. Earlier, Acharya and Taniuchi (32) hadgenerated a tible disulfide bond in lysozyme is sufficient to convert this partially reduced and carboxymethylated lysozyme preparaprotein to a highly active form for ubiquitin-mediated prote- tion (LH1) that was largely, if not entirely, the 6,127-rcm derivative described here. Because of the dramatic difference olysis. By kinetic criteria, the6,127-rcm-lysozyme is a far superior between native and 6,127-rcm-lysozyme with respect to ubiL. Gregori and V. Chau, unpublished results.
M. Denton and and H. A. Scheraga, submitted for publication.
Ubiquitination of
a Three-disulfide Form
quitination, a detailed comparisonof their three-dimensional structures and structural dynamics is of particular interest, and experiments along these lines are in progress. In this context, determination of the sitesof ubiquitin attachment to lysozyme is of obvious importance, and the results of such a study will be described elsewhere. Acknowledgments-We thank MaryDenton for several helpful discussions and Laura Mifflin, who performed a key experiment that implicated disulfide reduction as a necessary step for ubiquitination of lysozyme. We also thank Ellen Prager and Allan Wilson for the gift of ring-necked pheasant lysozyme. REFERENCES 1. Rechsteiner, M. (1987) Arznu. Reu. Cell Biol. 3 , 1-30 2. Hershko, A. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 15237-15240 3. Bachmair, A., Finley, D., and Varshavsky, A. (1986) Science 2 3 4 , 179-186 4. Gonda, D. K., Bachmair, A., Wunning, I., Tobias, J. W., Lane, W. S., and Varshavsky, A. (1989) J . Biol. Chern. 2 6 4 , 1670016712 5. Bachmair, A., and Varshavsky, A. (1989) Cell 5 6 , 1019-1032 6. Reiss. Y.. Kaim.. D.,. and Hershko, A. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 2 6 3 , 2693-2698 7. Reiss. Y.. and Hershko. A. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265.3685-3690 8. Hershko,’ A., Heller, H:, E h a n , E., and Reiss, Y. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 2 6 1 , 11992-11999 9. Dunten, R. L., and Cohen, R. E. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 2 6 4 , 16739-16747 10. Chau, V., Tobias, J. W., Bachmair, A., Marriott, D., Ecker, D. J., Gonda, D. K., and Varshavsky, A. (1989) Science 243, 15761583 11. Ciechanover, A,, Heller, H., Elias, S., Haas, A. L., and Hershko, A. (1980) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. CJ. S. A. 7 7 , 1365-1368
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