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your Crown Charka and filling your body down to the very atoms of your entire ... your body, you are now completely fill
Spiritual awakening experience

Your Spiritual Awakening Experience is waiting to happen now in this lifetime, are you ready? If not now, when? As we move through the dense earth frequencies throughout our lifetime, our experiences, conditioning from authority figures and the media can diminish our capacity to hold light. With our awareness and intention to bring more light it can easily be increased. If you feel heavy, depressed and stuck in life, your natural ability that exists inside you will allow you to take in more light during your spiritual awakening experience which will move you into a higher and more centered lifestyle as you become clear about your life purpose. It is only through the light work that you do during your lifetime, will you be able to move yourself to an easier existence with meaning, self-actualization, wholeness and peace. This spiritual awakening signs meditation process can take as little as a few minutes to as long as you feel you need to meditate

You can modify the language of this meditation to suit your style and use the wording that makes sense to you or just use as is. There is not a right or wrong way to do this spiritual awakening experience meditation, the idea is to bring light into your being in a way that makes sense to you. Find a place where you can sit or lie comfortably for a few minutes as you move into your spiritual awakening experience. When you are ready, close your eyes and take three gentle deep breaths. Just relax into your natural breathing pattern that is comfortable to you. For a few minutes just focus on your breath, in and out through your nose, if your mind drifts to other thoughts, just bring your attention gently back to your breath. In and out, not straining at all, easily and gently in whatever way feels most comfortable to you. Imagine a beautiful white light with a glimmer of infused gold coming down from above through your Crown Charka and filling your body down to the very atoms of your entire body. Just allow yourself to bask in this spiritual awakening experience healing golden white light for a moment. Take a comfortable breath and turn up the dial and increase with even more intensity the light in your body, you are now completely filled with the most radiant white light you have ever seen. Move the white golden light outside your body like a circle or a sphere all around your body. Increase the sphere to whatever size feels right for you, now, increase the light outside your body to cover your surroundings, room or building, the town you live in, cover your state and regional area and extend your light to cover the earth and move out into space and the entire universe. Take a moment to experience your existence as a universal healing light, even beyond the limitless universe, this is your spiritual awakening experience

Now with each breath, feel yourself moving higher, imagining your spirit, your mind and body moving higher and higher into the white golden light. Allow your divine spirit to move up into the higher light energies during your spiritual awakening experience as this is your true essence and the origin of your true-self.

Know that you are a powerful creator of your life experience, you are present in this moment as a highly evolved divine spirit having a human experience in which you’re spiritual awakening experience will evolve even more during this lifetime. This is who you truly are and you can rise above the dense frequencies on earth any time you want. All you have to do is connect with your breath, fill your body with light and move into a higher plane of existence as you learn more and more about your spiritual awakening experience.

You have the ability to move from one dimension to another dimension anytime you want by using your intention to do so. See yourself in your minds eye as the radiant, light filled master creator of your life, the loving embodiment of all creation that exists in you at all times. This is a remembrance of the real you, the genuine divine soul whose existence is to bring light into the world and expand your light to all living things, even the minerals and the animal kingdom. Know and accept this about yourself, know that you can bring this new energy back into your physical life and that your light energy will raise the collective light within yourself, on earth and the universe to a new level each time you do this spiritual awakening experience meditation process.

Now, breathe gently for a moment and take all this in, and when you are ready, bring your awareness gently to where you are now, open your eyes, take a deep breath as you realize the new light filled you and the very important contributions you have made to your life purpose and the world.

It is important to know that in the higher energy plains where your spiritual awakening experience will happen, there is no such thing as time or resistance. When you use this meditation, you can trust in the divine universal power to fill you with ideas and energies effortlessly that will allow you to create the life you want to live. You will notice many things that were once holding you back, fall away and your life will be much more in sync with your true purpose. Just remember that you can return to this place anytime you feel the need to such as when your life feels heavy and out of sync. Take this spiritual awakenings with you through the rest of your day.