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hohId. 1- should. I. shouldhohId reflect reflect student shrdent opinion opinion-. Admonish opi opinion-. Admonish on. Admonish Manager. Manager-. The.
ContinueRegents Reg nts Continue Responsibility Responsihility sponsi6iliiy Fight Over Freedom R Daily Texan

BURKABURKA IiURKA were the problem wereBy PAUL IiURKAcom ¬ ICreating a student comThreeO o Creating SPL Three sPL5 AUSTIN editorsJJare editor Dailyto Daily with share the mittee mittee to li t the proposals limit formulatingulatingformulating ulating re9Pons b lity for fo edi ¬ responsibility Texan editors editor control off edipolicy in editorial policytori f policy are the latest intorial edi- ¬ aJ1other edi upon O s ries of encroachments upona series 0 Appointing another with w rk withstudent press fre the torial manager to work student freedom dom at theand edito1 for planning andthe editor University Tex Texasssniver itr of Texaseditorial preparation of the editorialyearThe Texan which wh ch last year Colle ¬ page rec ived the American Collereceived pageO pay paYO Allocating funds fund to paygi awardgiate Press Pess Pacemaker award editQrial writwrit ¬ additional Texas editorial nations Universitynnatioh UniversityUniversity top p 5 as the he inde- ¬ w uld function inde ers who would newspaper firebe n under fire hits been neW eW p per has editor of pendently of the editorfrom the Universitys Board ofSpirit Likes Spiritfis ¬ Regents Reg nts for editorial and fisiHtyThe proposal emerged from aaa-irresponsi iHty irresponsibilityc31 irresponsibility c31 cal aacot sid r a3tthreat ilie latest thr 3t meeting called to consider The source of the threatThtfsource st denden proposed resolution by studentn student t came resolu editoriaUreeiom editorialfreedom cameto Texan Jean editorialreedom Le Leclere Leanember Jims board member Jim Lederer not from the regents howeverhowever Texanexan nx n Texan T appy unhappy because un d derer rer m Board DirectorsDirectors Directorfr of the but from hut ¬ redrefr edit h re Kaye had Northcott editor Kay dre InInc aaaP bliCatio s In T xas Publications off Texas sf Schooihis r request f ischool ischooequest his schooschool for s a fused used fUed Ued corporationicorporatione corporation m SI iindependent m independent i semi xaslspirit editorlat Texaseditorial after Texas a ftterr the theTexasLT xas theTexas pub1ish s the Texan seijiji-i7 iVbc1z Vbc1z ybjc publishes whjchpublishes Texansei i7-7 spirit +ootball st tffire ghorn Iasi j= L onghorns ee fii onghorns ootball-l f otlialli r LonghornsnosT onghornsnosT fotliall r f PubPub ¬ stud The studentcontrolled ntcontrolled editonalgames asked that an editorialeditonal editorial vot- ¬ VoVot lications Board whose nine votg1ve give the thetheboard to be created ing members presi ¬ ting memb rs include the presiing SIOIDe deter ¬ Some voice in deterstud mts students assemblydent of the student assembly ditOT al policypolicy mining editorial journal- ¬ assem1lymen two journal four assemblymen requestrequest Lederers tabled TSP other1othertherother1 ther ism professors and two other ism debatedebate lengthy Monday after artthreepartthreepartpe art threepart professors passed a th suggestion forpasl3ed passed the for but iiproposal in prop > sai Tuesday afternoon roposal tern90n inMissMiss Tuesday the editors an ¬ probin attempt to solve the prob Northcott bothNortheott strongly opposed both policy lem off Texan editorial policyactionsactions Appoint C CommitteeCommittee mmitteecontended The Texan Editor contendedmmittee form The proposal took the formdid that TSP student forI1 that stud nt politicians didcommittee- notunderstand underntandthe of a suggestion to a committee not understand the nature of a-aaeditedi ¬ newspaperandshould twelve lve Texas newspaper edi0of Itwe newspaper and should not nft be al-al ¬ ne spaperand RegentsRegents t0115 pol- ¬ 0115 appointed by1 by the Regentsttors pol llowed w d tt to determine editorial editoriat polot Ommi- ¬ ry commitadvisory commit to serve Ommit serv as an advi LedererSLederersicy She alsd disputed Lederers Sh also publications ttee tee on student tudent publicationsTexan contention that the TexanPossible means of handlingx handling DAILY on Page 3 See DAItY >


< 7-


Q ily T Texann Continues Fight Daily I


Continued from Page 1-11Continu hohId reflect student shrdent opi opinionshould opinion on Manager Admonish ManagerThe Board also admonishedadmonished-ddraClmonish admonished Ec tor1al Manager Editorial Man ger Sidney NoNo ¬ llan againstinstinst n to enforce TSP rules against r les ag editorialsIspersonal attacks in ec editorials tori Is whichparticularly anything whichwhich might be construedaSan construed as an attack attackConstruedas upon pon regents ISucil IDflimmaIDflimma inflammai inflammapon Such inflamma inflammaitory fory action would be fory extremeextreme ¬= b eXtremeidsaidly dangerous said i ng ro at this ti s timeIs id timeil timesaidtimesaid Norris N orris rlis Davis director of thethe D p iimen of Journalism Department J ourn 1ism andand author uth ihr epa propro off the th threepart fposal posal posal which posa w 1i h passed TuesdaTuesdayTuesday r tt I dt edritorialized ni1+ fsO nntf nf m edritorializeT yThe editorIalizede T a n editorializededitorialized he TeXan The dagainst the actions of its pubagainst pub ¬ usher by lisher byreflecting sher reflecting the edLtorsedLtors editorseditors right to control policy and byby





suggesting that TSP was momo ¬ rtivated by fear of the Regentstivated Regents not concern over any editorialeditorial tyirresponsibilityirresponsibility nsibJl ty irresP irresponsiMade lIadebilityt lIade Threats Madet The current eurrent confrontationconfrontation with began with the regents actually beganwith ith a guest editorial attackabtack with attack ¬ iingg United States actions ining in Viet Nam The editorial editofialappeareditofialappear appear- ¬ appear Re- ¬ ed October 24 and provoked Re

gents vicechalrman vicechairman Frank ErEr win Ito to immediate He mmediate action Herthreatened threatened to make the Texan a-aalaboratory for laboratory Departmentor the Department of Journalism or else to removeremove financialJthe paper from the financialfinancial suppIortof ppor of the blanket taxSsupport tax Tohe The unquestion- ¬ newsmen neSmen areunquestionare unquestion areunquestion alC Thenewsmen ably on Ithe thisthe Texanis Texans side thisthis wasev eVideyt afterawaseven was evenr more evident after aaa-aftera cight visit by Wednesday Wedn sd y night 1y thethe e committee to observe the staff mmittee j jIn in operation The editors metIn met Wednesday1 Wednesday dayloiigclosed W ll Sdly in a dayloiigclosedloseday ripclosed daylong closedlosed sessionon session University sity camonr Ithe the Unive cam ¬ pus but did Texan 4id not discuss Texaneditorial policy at lengthlength t Question PayPay InSlteadthey Insteadthey they questioned low5 Instead low TeJ n workerspay scales scal s 101 ersor ers workers Ply for Texan and th number of nonof nonnon small number umber the 8maU j rn 1ism majors writing Journalism journalism ltini fforfor for-rrT xan Committee rthe theTexan Chairmanthe Texan rComm1tt Chairman ChairmaBob Jackson of the ji CorpusCorpuCorpus nBobJackson BobJackson sChrjstijCallerTdmes ChrjstijCallerTdmes O said CallerTimess saidristi JCaller71dme Christi Christi Norjjournalism NOlljournalism had Notljournalism majors hadon ofalIghtth a1s att also caught the attention offfa1s Regent HeatH fears the Heat who fearsi fe s thepossibility infiltraHoJ f ofpossibilityof offfpossibilityof infiltration groops groups groupthe lfex Texan n by outside groopssOe lang r lies pri prj ¬ stThe current

Leery of Freedom Freedomfreedom-

Other members of the TSPqther TSP board aTe are likewise com ¬ likewis leery of comedit rial freedom for theeditorial plete edit6rial the Texan Exo ficio member JackExofficio Jack HoUand Dean of sug¬ rfolland Holland ofStudents Students suggested that TSP re yaluate itsrdevaluate reevaluate its iaiaI handbook to give 1he editorial editorialthe editor manager bigJJiter tighter control overImanager over perper appears7n app what appears ppaperiperars 5nn the paper piper The The editorial manager curcur ¬ rentIy is empowered to withholdrently withhold withhoaanews or ed torilli copy whichwhicheditorial which conflicts with good taste propro handbook visions jn ook orin the hand Oror whiclh which vhich violates state 1ib l lawvhich law t t libel Even the students on thethe board are not wholly behind thethe ed-i ¬ lits Texan in eedi foredistrugglee foredi its strugg for inits ntitorial rtorial studentnt torial freedom freedon One stud student an asoff theboard member ofthe as ¬ rthebboard ard is art piring op ¬ piringpoHtician politician and cannot eanriot opoamiot < i-