lal, from December 2002 10 August 2003, were recruiled into the study. ... The scrum was scparated after ccntrifugation at 3000rpm for ten minutes, and stored.
Serum Lipids Biophysical Profiles Among Malc Spouses of Infertile Women at llorin
iai~u-Toli~lciout ii'scrum lipid lcvols nnd biopllysicnl ~m-:inictcrslilw ovcnvciglit 01-ohcsityarc associntcd with ninlc iii fertility i l l our cuvironnlent. hlctl~ods--Forty-seven Husbands orwomen, who attcntlcd our infertility clinic at IhcTcnching I-Tospi121, Srnr~) Dcccinbcr 2003 lo Air~usl2003,wcrc rccrrtitccl it110 tllc study. F;lsli~~g blood s;~lnl)lcs wcrc collcctctl and annlyzcci for scrum lipids and Body Inass Ilitlcx (I)) was calculated Ii.o~iill~cirbody wight. Sl:~listicalaliolysis was done us'i'ng EIU' i;ifo vcssion 6.03. '
Rcsul(s-?'lie mean BI was 24.01 kg/lli2(SD 34.03) whilc ~nenntotal cholesterol and triglyccridcs nrcrc..3.7Sn1mol (SlIk0.S 1,)AND 0.93n~mol/L(SD 3:O.G 1) respcctively. Ninetecn subjccts (40.4%) ol'tllc st~lclygroup \v'crc ovc~wcight\vliilc 3(G.4%) wcsc obcse. Thc agc bracket (30-39) years had ~lichig,hc&DI. ~ l i compiuis6n c of meall cholcstcrol Ibr various I31 valucs was Concl~~sion-h Ianngcmcnt ofniiilc infertility sl.iouldinvol\lc~,nticnl.'snsscssmclit . . Sor Biol)liysicnl Slatus.
INTRODUCTION I~ifcrlilityis nworlcl widc problcm('~?) that is said to affect at lcnst one couplc in six.C3)It is a subject of contin~~ing interest with ~1ltir11atchol)c of improving available trcatn~ent~nodalitics"')unliljects,'l7(36.2%) \Cerc. in tlic agc bracket 30-39 ycars, followed by 14 ( 2 9 . W ) pnti1;nIs in 20-29 year;; agc group. Fivc sul~jccts(1 O.G?/o) paticnts'in the 20-29 yca1.s :tgc group. I'ivc subjects (10.b(%)werc ovcr 50 rears and I I (23,4'%)wclecbetwcen thc agcs of40-43 ycnrs. (Scc Tnblc 1) Eightccn subjects (35.3%) had no~malBMI (20-24 kS/ln2),ninetccn (40.4%). wcze ovcnveigl~t(2529kdni'), while 3 (6.4%) wcre obesc (MBI 301crccntofoilr s-ubjcct was bclow 40 yciirs, with most of
ll~cm (39.2%) \,ctwcc~~ Lhc i ~ s c oS s
30-39 ycars. Various rcasuns arc tllotight to a-ccoiintsfor this sceming late visit to the clinician for help. These incl~~de thc poor cconomic si tuntion in thc couut~y,tllc desire for n~onto aclucve a good Ic\lcl of li~nncialsolvcncy bcforc marriagc and shync'ss is sceking rncdical hell3 whcn iufcrtilityshowsup.' ,
17romcspcrienc.ewith infertile males herc, most of those above 40 years ofage arc those who marry another wi fc iatcr in Iifc and dcsire.cllildrcnto consumn~atcsuch rclationsl.lipin our subjects, 4..4% (10) wcrc ovcnveight and 6.1% (3) were obese. The age bracket 30-39 years) had subjects wit11 the llighest man BMI. Tl~erewas no conco~llitanthyl~crlipidacmiain this group, as is expected with ovcrw~ight/obesity("*'~). T11e inlprcssion is'that hyperlipidaemiasmith not be related directly to infertility, cxccpt its effect on erccti:le filnction (8)
Thc high prcvalc~lcccSovc~wcighlamong thcse subjects is sign cant, especially as obesity indepkn-p dcntly causcs pronoiinced.lipid per&idation ,Tnd pncration ofROS (') Mnlc infc~~iiity is associated with hig11levels of ROS Men with high levels of ROS are said to havc low spenn C O I ~ I I rcduccd ~, spenn life's span, defective spernl stsucturc ahd up to scvcn-fold lower li kclihood of induci~lgprcgniulcy (I4) . ("b").
: #-
' Our subjecls' level of serum lipids didn't seem to ]laveany r~nlarlcablcbearing on fertilitymales have .a low serum contcnt of long cllaill polyunsaturated fatty acids (I5). This low level ofpplyunsaturatcd
faltyacids in infertile males is thought not to be due to dietary factors, but rather-areflection of fhcir being subject to increased oxidative stress and depletion of such un~aturatedfatty acid. ('a
CONCLUSION In tlic m;u~agclnci~t oSinfcs~iIity,'parliciila~~ly in mnlcs, paticnts sllould bc cvnluatcd and ~nnnagcdfor ovenvcigl~l/obcsity,among other ircatn~entmcasurcs, uscd in our environment. Excel)[in situation oS
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